The question is what changed your mind . Well, nobody was pressing it. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured youd ask the question tonight, of course. But nobody was caring much about it. But i was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate and i think i did a good job. Secretary clinton also fought it, you know, everybody in the mainstream is going to say thats not true. Sydney blumenthal sent the reporter the interview with your former Campaign Manager and she was involved. But just like she cant bring back jobs, she cant produce. Im sorry, im going to i will let you respond to that. Theres a lot there. Were talking about racial healing in this segment. What do you say to americans well, i was very i say nothing. I say nothing because i was able to get him to produce it. He should have produced it a long time before. I say nothing. But let me just tell you, when you talk about healing, i think that i developed very, very good the africanamerican community. I think you can see that. And i feel that they really wanted me to come to that conclusion and i think i did a great job and a Great Service not only for the country, but even for the president in getting him to produce his birth certificate. Secretary clinton. Well, just listen to what you heard. And clearly as donald just admitted, he knew he on this debate stage and lester holt was going to be asking us questions, so he tried to put the whole racist birther lie to bed. It cant be dismissed that easily. He has really started his political activity based on this racist lie that our first black president was not an american citizen. There was absolutely no evidence for it, he persisted year after year because some of his supporters, people that he was trying to bring into his fold, apparently believed it or wanted to believe it. But remember, donald started his career back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for Racial Discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to africanamericans and people who worked for him understood that was the policy. He actually was sued twice by the Justice Department. So he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. And the birther lie was a very hurtful one. You know, barack obama is a man of great dignity and i could tell how much it bothered him and was being touted and used against him, but i like to remember what Michelle Obama said in her amazing speech at our Democratic National convention. When they go low, we go high. And barack obama went high despite Donald Trumps best efforts to bring him down. Mr. Trump, you can respond then were going to move to the next segment. I would love to respond. First of all i got to this some of your debate against barack obama. You treated him with terrible disrespect and i watched the way you talk now about how lovely everything is and how wonderful you are. Doesnt work that way. You were after him. You were trying to you even sent out, your campaign sent out pictures of him in a certain garb. Very famous pictures. I dont think you can deny that. But just last week your Campaign Manager said it was true. So when you try to act holier than thou, it really doesnt work. It really doesnt. Now, as far as the was very young, i went into my fathers company, Real Estate Company in brooklyn and queens and we along with many, many other companies throughout the country, a federal lawsuit, were sued. We settled the suit with zero, with no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do, but they sued many people. I notice you bring that up a lot, and, you know, i also notice the very nasty commercials that you do on me and so many different ways which i dont do on you. Maybe im trying to save the money. But frankly, i look l amazing, because i settled that lawsuit with no admission of guilt. But that was a lawsuit brought against many real estate firms and its just one of those things. Ill go one step further. In palm beach, florida, tough community, a brilliant community, a wealthy community, probably the wealthiest community there is in the world, i opened a club and really got great credit for it. Against africanamericans, against muslims, against anybody. And its a tremendously Successful Club and im so glad i did it and i have been given great credit for what i did and im very, very proud of it. And thats the way i feel. That is the true way i feel. Our next segment is called securing america. We want to start with a 21st century war happening every day in this country. Our institutions and our secrets are being stolen. So my question is, whos behind it and how do we fight it . Secretary clinton, this answer goes to you. Well, i think cyber security, cyber warfare, will be one of the Biggest Challenges facing the next president because clearly were facing at this point two different kinds of adversaries. There are the independent hacking groups that do it mostly for commercial make money. But increasingly, we are seeing Cyber Attacks coming from states. Organs of states. The most recent and troubling of these has been russia. Theres no doubt now that russia has used Cyber Attacks against all kinds of organizations in our country and i am deeply concerned about this. I know donalds very praise worthy of vladimir b wong. Playing a really tough long game here. One of the things hes done is to let loose cyber attackers to hack in to government files, to hack into personal files. Hack into the Democratic National committee. And weve recently have learned that this is one of their preferred methods of trying to wreak havoc and collect information. Its russia, china, iran or anybody else, the United States has much greater capacity and we are not going to sit idly by and permit state actors to go after our information. Our private sector information, or our Public Sector information. And were going to have to make it clear that we dont want to use the kinds of tools that we have. We dont want to engage in a different kind of warfare. But we will citizens of this country and the russians need to understand that. I think theyve been treating it as almost a probing. How far will we go, how much will we do . Thats why i was so shocked when donald publicly invited putin to hack into americans. That is just unacceptable. Its one of the reasons why 50 National Security officials who served in republican information in have said donald is unfit to be the commander in chief. Its comments like that that really worry people who understand the threats that we face. Mr. Trump, you have two minutes on the same question. Whos behind it and how do we fight it. Yeah, i do want to say i was just endorsed, more are coming next week. It will be over 200 admirals, many of them are here, admirals and generals endorsed me to lead this country. That just happened and many more are coming. And im very proud of it. In addition, i was i. C. E. They never endorsed anybody before on immigration. I was just endorsed by i. C. E. I was just recently endorsed, 16,500 Border Patrol agents. So when secretary clinton talks about this, i mean, ill take the admirals and ill take the generals any day over the political hacks that i see that have led our country so brilliantly over the last ten years with their knowledge. Okay . Because look at the mess that were in. Look at the mess that were in. As far as the cyber, i secretary clinton said. We should be better than anybody else and perhaps were not. I dont think anybody knows it was russia that broke into the dnc. Shes saying russia, russia, russia, but i dont maybe it was. It could be russia. Could also be china. Could also be lots of other people. Also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. Okay . You dont know who broke into dnc, but what did we learn with dnc . We learned that Bernie Sanders was taken ag by debbie wassermanschultz. Look what happened to her. But Bernie Sanders was taken advantage of. Now, whether that was russia, whether that was china, whether it was another country, we dont know because the truth is, under president obama, we lost control of things that we used to have control of. We came in with an internet, we came up with the internet. And i think secretary clinton and myself would agree very much when you look at what isis is doing with the beating us at our own game. Isis. So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a huge problem. I have a son, hes 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers. Its unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough and maybe its hardly doable, but i will say we are not doing the job we should be in our whole governmental society. We have so many things we have to do better, lester, and certainly cyber is one of them. Secretary clinton . Well, i think there are a number of issues that we should be addressing. I have put forth a plan to defeat isis. It does involve going after them online. I think we need to do much more with our Tech Companies to prevent isis and their internet to radicalize, even direct people in our country and europe and elsewhere, but we also have to intensify our air strikes against isis and eventually support our arab and kurdish partners to be able to actually take out isis in raqqah, in their claim of being a caliphate. Were making progress. Our military is assisting in iraq and were hoping that be able to push isis out of iraq and then, you know, really squeeze them in syria. But we have to be cognizant of the fact that theyve had foreign fighters coming to volunteer for them, foreign money, foreign weapons. So we have to make this the top priority and i would also do Everything Possible to take out their leadership. I was involved in a number of efforts to take out al qaeda leadership when i was taking out bin laden. I think we need to go after baghdadi as well. Make that one of our organiing principles because weve got to defeat isis and got to do everything we can to disrupt their propaganda efforts online. You mentioned isis and we think of isis certainly as over there, but there are american citizens who have been inspired to commit acts of terror on american soil. The latest incident, of course, the bombings we just saw in new york and new jersey. The and the last year, deadly attacks in San Bernardino and orlando. Ill ask this to both of you. Tell us specifically how you would prevent homegrown attacks by american citizens . Mr. Trump . First, i have to say one thing. Very important. Secretary clinton is talking about taking out isis. We will take out isis. Well, president obama and secretary clinton created a vacuum the way they got out of iraq because they got out wrong. Once they got in, the way they got out was a disaster and isis was formed. She talks about taking them out. Shes been doing it a long time. Shes been trying to take them out for a long time. They wouldnt have even been formed if they left some troops behind like 10,000 or maybe something more than that. And then you wouldnt have had them. Or as ive been saying for a long time, and i think youll agree because i said it to you once, had we taken the oil, and we should have taken the oil, isis would not have either because the oil was their primary source of income and now they have the oil all over the place including the oil, a lot of the oil in libya which was another one of her disasters. Secretary clinton. Well, i hope the Fact Checkers are turning up the volume and really working hard. Donald supported the invasion of iraq. Wrong. That is absolutely wrong. Proved over and over again. Wrong. He actually advocated for the and urged that gadhafi be taken out after actually doing some business with him one time. But the larger point, he says this constantly, is george w. Bush made the agreement about when american troops would leave iraq. Not barack obama. And the only way that american troops could have stayed in iraq is to get an agreement from the have protected our troops and the Iraqi Government would not give that. But lets talk about the question you asked, lester. The question you asked is what do we do here in the United States . Thats the most important part of this. How do we prevent attacks . How do we protect our people . And i think weve got to have an intelligence surge where we are looking for every scrap of information. I was so proud of Law Enforcement in new responded so quickly, so professionally, to the attacks that occurred by rahami and they brought him down and we may find out more information because he is still alive, which may prove to be an intelligence benefit. So weve got to do everything we can to vacuum up intelligence from europe, from the middle east. That means weve got to work more closely with our allies. And thats something that donald has been very dismiss were working with nato, the Longest Military Alliance in the history of the world, to really turn our attention to terrorism. Were working with our friends in the middle east. Many of which, as you know, are muslim majority nations. Donald has consistently insulted muslims abroad. Muslims at home. When we need to be cooperating with muslim nations and with the american muslim community. Theyre on the front lines. They can provide anywhere else. They need to have close working cooperation with Law Enforcement in these communities. Not be alienated and pushed away as some of donalds rhetoric, unfortunately, has led to. Mr. Well, i have to respond. Please respond. The secretary said, very strongly, about working with weve been working with them for many years and we have the greatest mess anyones ever seen. You look at the middle east. Its a total mess. R you look at the middle east. You started the iran deal. Thats another beauty where you have a country that was ready to fall, i mean, it was doing so badly, they were choking on the sanctions and now theyre going to be actually probably a major power at some point pretty soon the way theyre going. But when you look at nato, i was asked on a major show, what do you think of nato . You have to understand, im a businessperson. I did really well, but i have common sense. And i said, well, ill tell you, i havent given lots of thought things. Number one, the 28 countries of nato, many of them arent paying their fair share. Number two, and that bothers me because we should be were defending them. They should at least be paying us what theyre supposed to be paying by treaty and contract. And number two, i said, and very strongly, nato could be obsolete because and i was very strong on this. It was actually covered very accurately in the New York Times which is unusual for the New York Times to be honest. But i said, they do nos and i was very strong. And i said it numerous times and about four months ago, i read on the front page of the wall street journal that nato is opening up a major Terror Division and i think thats great. And i think we should get, because we pay approximately 73 of the cost of nato, its a lot of money to protect other people. But im all for nato, but i said they have to focus on terror also. And theyre going to do that. That was largely because of what i was saying and my criticism of nato. I think we have to get nato to go into the middle east with us in addition to surrounding nations and we have to knock the hell out of isis and we have to do it fast. When isis formed in this vacuum created by barack obama and secretary clinton, and believe me, you were the ones that took out the troops. Not only that, you named the day. They they sat back probably and said lester, we covered this wait a minute. They said wait a minute, when they formed, this is something that never should have happened. It never should have happened. Now youre talking about taking out isis. But you were there and you were secretary of state when it was a little infant. Now its in over 30 countries and youre going to stop them . I dont think so. Mr. Trump, with a lot of these are judgment questions. You had supported the war in iraq before the invasion. What makes your i did not support Mainstream Media nonsense put out by her because she frankly i think the best person in her campaign is Mainstream Media. My question would you like to hear . I was against wait a minute. I was against the war in iraq. Just so you put it out. The record shows otherwise. Why the record does not show why is your judgment any the record shows that im right. When i did an interview with howard stern, very likely first time anyones asked me that, i very like li asked me that, i said, veryghtly, i dont know, maybe, who knows, essentially. I then did an interview with neil cavuto, talked about the economy is more important. I spoke to sean hannity, everybody refuses to call sean hannity. I had numerous conversations with sean hannity at fox and sean hannity said, and he called me the other day, and i spoke to him about it. He said, you were totally against the war. He was for the war. Why is your judgment better that was before the and other people, hes willing to say, but nobody wants to call him. I was against the war. He said, you used to have fights with me because sean was in favor of the war. I understand that side also. Not very much, because we should have never been there. But nobody calls sean hannity. Then they did an article in a major magazine shortly after the war started i think in 04, but they did an article which had me totally against the war in iraq. And one of your co before or right after, trump was definite because if you read this article, theres no doubt. But if somebody, and ill ask the press, if somebody would call up sean hannity, this was before the war started, he and i used to have arguments about the war. I said its a terrible and a stupid thing. Its going to destabilize the middle east and thats exactly what