Transcripts For KPNX Arizona Nightly News 20161011 : compare

Transcripts For KPNX Arizona Nightly News 20161011

republican leaders. at this end, he and a handful of others vowed to stay with trump. >> now, we have a binary choice wheen between hilary clinton and donald trump. >> paul running for congress in district 1 issued a statement saying, "obama has released hundreds of dangerous criminals into my county, even convicted illegal murderers. i will vote for trump over hilary clin tennessee any day." >> democratic opponent tom gave babau referring to donald trump as a strong leader is an insult to every combroup of americans trump has insult and had demeaned during his campaign. it comes as no surprise, though, that a man who praised child abuse and denied he had a responsibility to stop it misunderstands what leadership in." meanwhile, paul gave 12 news this statement, "my concerns and efforts remain steadfast and solely focussed on the law enforcement needs of maricopa county residents. our community deserves nothing less." every republican supporting trump was very clear, they didn't support what he said in 2005. so what kind of an effect does trump have on our local races here? let's talk about it with stan barnes, former member of the arizona legislature and founder president of the copper state consulting. good to see you again. >> good to be here. >> so if you were asked if you got that midnight call from trump's campaign and they said, stan, save us, how would you even begin campaign? >> first, i'd prepare an invoice for an awful lot of money because it would take that much. i would tell him something that might surprise you, and that is i would tell him to get sincere about an apology, but then hit the gas on the very thing he appears to be doing, and that is making this a race between himself, as some self-nominated representative of the people, versus the governing class. the only way donald trump can pull this out, given all the baggage he's now carrying of overtly populus thing. he needs to drape himself in that flag. >> he's the maverick candidate. >> exactly. >> which is why he stoem steam rolled his way through the primaries and became the last man standing. >> that's right. i think he underpolls because people were and certain lu are afraid to say they're for trump because they don't want to take the rash. they don't want to explain themselves to their neighbors. but in the privacy of their voting booth, they're going to make a statement, and the statement right now, the statement is washington's broken, and we need someone to fix it. trump is the only of the two that can make that claim. >> because he's nonstatus quo. >> yes. >> nbc news wall street journal poll of likely voters shows hilary clinton with a 52-38% lead in a head-to-head matchup. is that too big a number to overcome this close to the election. >> that same poll two weeks ago was almost tied. i think everything is very, very fluid, and as i said a moment ago, it's hard to poll. things, and a lot of people are afraid to give the answer that is in their heart about this. >> all right. we see big movers and shakers in the gop distancing themselves from trump. how much does supporting trump hurt politicians on the local level? >> i think it -- it depends on what office you sit in. if you are in a district that is split and could go either way, if you are in a tight congressional race, for instance, i think it could have a lot of impact. if you're, for instance, andy biggs, who's on par to bee valley, doesn't have any impact. >> and how much of your answer is based on the fact that traditionally, we are a conservative bleeding red state? >> a lot of it is based on that. we -- we are a center right state. i say what is the center right candidate to do with these two choices? horribly flawed candidates. neither -- one of which is going to be president. i think people will get to that level in the voting booth and say one of them is going to be as flawed as they are, that is most like me. >> and if you pull your support like john mccain has done, how much do you worry about backlash from trump's base. >> i think john mcc ain should worry about that backlash because ut's -- it's personal to a lot of people. john mccain needs a lot of republicans to win that general. >> i'll tell you this. i've never in my voting life seen an election like this. have you? >> no, no. we are living in history. this is going to be written about for decades because so unorthodox and crazy. >> it's not over yet. we get the go back to the buffet line of the next debate. good to see you. speaking of john mccain, one of the leading republicans who's pulled his support for donald trump takes the debate stage himself tonight in a head-to-head meeting with democratic challenger ann kirkpatrick. closely for us tonight just across the street at the downtown campus. >> caribe, about 50 ann kirkpatrick supporters behind me. this is the first and only scheduled debate in this u.s. senate race. it starts about one hour from now. you are going to be hearing a lot about, surprise, donald trump. here are three things to watch for. >> the first thing to watch tonight, democratic congresswoman anne kirkpatrick to republican nominee donald trump. >> but it's locker room talk, and it's one of those things. >> mccain formally unendorsed trump the day after the celebrity billionaire's lewd comments were reported. kirkpatrick wants arizona voters to remember all the months when mccain stuck with trump. the second thing to watch, mccain making kirkpatrick face. obama care. the affordable care act now appears broken in arizona. the third thing to watch for, always the unexpected moment. kirkpatrick is down more than ten points in the polls. she needs something big to happen tonight. john mccain's rejection of trump isn't going over well with some republicans. he needs to handle that very very carefully. >> the debate starts at 7 p.m. on channel 8 and comes just two days before arizona voters get their caribe, some decisions are going to be made based on this debate. >> yes, indeed. thank you very much. frms remember today is the last day to register in vote in november's election. online registration can be done at, but you have to get it done by midnight. we've put a link with election nfths -- information on there's one thing 100% of the people who watched last night's debate can agree on, and it's still making everyone smile. hurricane matthew may not be over yet. and police say this couple took a gamble that didn't pay off. 12 news at 6:00 is back in just two minutes. tonight only on 12 news at 10:00. ? i've been loving you for such a long time ? ? >> a local musician sings his way onto team blake on the voice. >> blind audition is very long. -- hard. one surprise after another. that's tonight only on 12 news time new the check out today's hot headlines. two people are behind bars accused of leaving a child in a car while they went into a porter and jessica lopez were arrested sunday inside casino arizona. 12 news spoke with an emotional porter during a jailhouse interview this afternoon where he told us the family had just been kicked out of a shelter and were homeless. >> i shuf made better decisions for our family, you know. so my son would be okay right now, and she would be okay right now, but they're not. >> police found marijuana inside the car, along with that child. brian bibbits for his alleged involvement in shooting a family dog. police believe tibbits also used the victim's stolen credit card. frms three people are dead after a violent street crash near central and dunlap. you can see two cars in this video. witnesses say the drivers each struck a tree and were ejected along with one passenger. frms -- checking the headlines allegedly shot and killed his pregnant wife this weekend. kenneth blair was arrested saturday after calling police to say he accidentally shot his wife. delisa blair was reportedly four months pregnant at the time of the shooting. it appears to be a result of domestic violence. >> he was brought back her to the prescott office and interviewed extensively, and eventually indicated he, in fact, had shot her upset with an argument or conversation they had had. >> blare's two other children, ages 5 and 11, were also home, though neither were injured. blair was booked for second-degree murder for his wife and also for the death of their unborn baby. frms take -- frms take a look at this. 6 inches of hail fell in safford. its schools for the next two weeks as they fixed property that was damaged. frms still ahead on 12 news at 6:00, matthew is no longer a hurricane and has moved on, but the worst may still be yet to come. and it's monday night so you know what that means. yeah, yeah. it's time to hand out some coopies, and wait until you see the entrance of gcu basketball coach dan marley. midnight madness. welcome back, everybody. hurricane matthew has moved on, but the worst of the flooding may not be over yet. take a look at the water surrounding homes in the eastern part of north carolina. the state's combovrner -- governor pat mcrory warned today record floods could still come from r trapped by those waters. the u.s. coast guard has been busy all day rescuing people. the storm has been blamed for the death of 11 people in north carolina. frms and matthew is pretty much on its last leg. you can see now just off the eastern coast there of canada between halifax and st. john chl we still see some rain fall there, but, again, not anything like what the storm was here the past few days. however, we're on hurricane watch still for another one. that's bermuda right there. it is moving to the north, and it's possible that by wednesday or thursday, it could be a category 1 hurricane as it moves right over bermuda. so lots of eyes still out there with -- as far as hurricanes go. back on the western part of the country, things are much quieter. we do have a weather system that is up to the north of us right now. you can see some cloud cover and a little bit of rain fall associated with that, but as far as arizona goes, we are going to stay in a pretty warm and dry pattern here for the next right now, we are seeing temperatures still into the 90s at this 6:00 hour. 90 to be exact there in peoria. it is 91 in mesa. 92 in apache junction. a few will cool down to the 80s. cave creek is at 87, and, surprise, you are at 88. but it was a warm 96 for us today so we were several degrees above today's average, and we're still at a point where we could see temperatures in the 100s. 105 degrees. so it's not very typical to see those 100s still go into october, but, again, it can certainly happen. this evening, though, we are going to stay in the 90s for a couple more hours then we'll dip into the mid 80s there by 9:00. 80 degrees at 11:00, and we are expecting to see generally light winds and overall very nice conditions. so there goes that area of low pressure into the northern plains there. we stay dry. we maw see high clouds moving in from time to time across the state. another system will begin moving but we don't have to worry about that. so far, it looks like our weekend is going to be dry. 674 -- 64 to 70 tonight 6789 very pleasant. tomorrow, another warm day. 90 to 95. southwesterly winds at 5 to 15 miles per hour. lit cooling down to 92 on thursday then back up into the mid 90s with plenty of sunshine. that's your weather. here is coop with sports. 12 sports is sponsored by we're -- we have at that position are all guys that are very, very well respected on this team because of their work ethic and their character and not just what they do on the field but what they do off the field. >> just a couple months ago back in august, asu had a quarter back battle on his hands. all in a spirited fight fr the starting quarterback job. just before the season got underway, perkins suffered a season-ending neck injury. then white making his first career start in place of injured starter wilkins suffered a season-ending foot injury leaving asu in a desperate and precarous situation at quarter brak. freshman is the next man up. they had to play him after white went down. >> getting a freshman ready or whatever is -- you know, it's just reps, you know. he got reps. it was good that he did get reps in fall camp. are trying to do, the good thing is very, very talented. you know, we just got to make sure we adapt to what he does. all right. asu faces colorado in boulder saturday at 5 p.m. hey, crucial game 3 in the nlds between the dodgers and nationals. jason werth breaks open a tight game. they lead the series 2 games to one and go for the series clencher tomorrow afternoon i play in his first tournament in 14 months this weekend, but so much for that. tiger has pulled out of the safeway open saying his game just is not ready. the former no. 1 ranked player in the world is now ranked 786th in the world. tiger claims his health is fine and adds that he hopes to play some time now in december. all right. you know what time it is. yeah. we do this every monday. time to hand out coopies acknowledging the best from the coopy for -- check it out. this female high school football player from pennsylvania. she's a team's place kicker, but after a kickoff, ains nail -- absolutely nails this returner on the sideline. she didn't even blink when putting the guy on his backside. she's the fourth-rated kicker in the state, and she can pack a wallop. >> has the shotgun snap. looking towards the end zone. launches it towards the end zone. right er it is gone! touch down! >> oh, but hold the phone. yeah, hold the phone here. after a replay review, it was determined that the receiver did not catch the ball, take the touchdown off the bard, give fau is loss instead, and i'm taking back my coopy for late-game heroics. frms finally, a coopy for dan for stepping outside of the box. he goes full hulk hogan on us, ripping off his shirt, which brought down the house. thunder dan, that will get you a coopy every time, my man. good job, thunder dan. >> i love the way he coaches. >> oh, yeah. >> i mean, he coaches the way he played. >> exactly. i was just going to say that. >> all right. thanks. make a difference day is quickly approaching. 12 news would love for you to be a part of it. >> join us october 23rd ativ from 8 a.m. to noon to help students take the necessary steps toward college, including learning about scholarships and meeting with 200 universities. for more information on our make a difference day project, go to and that's where you can sign up. but first, we have to talk about the man. look at this. great red sweater. he stole everyone's attention at the debate last night. how he is now the king of wrub more question about energy policy. ken. >> what steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while timent reminding environment tally friendly and minimizing job loss for fossil power plant workers. >> and with that, ken bone became an absolute star. he's everyone's part of last night's debate. the uncommitted voter with the thousands overnight. and he's inspired some great tweets today, including a parody account that posted this. "i am the most interesting man in the world. i am ken bone." frms another popular one is this picture of bill clinton with the caption you versus the man she told you not to worry about. [ laughter ] and someone went so far as to create a fake 30 for 30 trailer on ken bone. >> in fact, he appeared on cnn this morning in the he told them he had an olive suit to wear, but he split the pants before the debate, and the sweater was plan b. >> i just like him because he's every man. >> he is. how much you want to bet halloween costumes, ken bone. >> how easy would that be? >> yeah. >> i could pull it off pretty easily, i think. >> you could. >> yeah. >> all right. that'll do it for us. thanks for watching. we'll see you right back here at the donald in the doghouse with melania. new fallout as the stars sound off on the debate. billy bush gets benched on the "today" show. >> now on "extra" from new york. ? extra extra ? ? extra extra ? is billy bush cooked on the "today" show? >> nbc news suspended billy bush. >> any comments about the leak the audio and video of you and donald trump? >> as trump brushes off crude comments a -- >> locker room talk. >> is he in hot water with melania? >> the hidden message in her pink blouse. who's threatening to unleash more explosive audiotapes? >> robert de niro's gone viral rant. >> he's a dog. he's a pig. plus, he's back. >> i can do a whole lot more than just grab it. why kim kardashian's social media blackout is costing her unless. >> the new report she's become a virtual recluse. ryan lochte engaged, how he popped the question to his model girlfriend. , i'm in florence with tom hanks for "inferno." now on "extra" -- >> "extra," hello. >> from universal studios hollywood, the entertainment capital of l.a. hey, everyone, welcome to "extra," i'm mario lopez at our h&m studio in times square. it's great to be back in new york city as always. coming up how "empire" star

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Canada , Arizona , Maricopa County , Tennessee , North Carolina , Bee Valley , California , Washington , Colorado , Hollywood , Pennsylvania , Safford , Bermuda , Americans , Hilary Clinton , Jason Werth , Billy Bush , Tom Hanks , Dan Marley , Joe Arpaio , John Chl , Ryan Lochte , Robert De Niro , Ann Kirkpatrick , Stan Barnes , Jessica Lopez , Andy Biggs , Kenneth Blair , Kim Kardashian , John Mccain ,

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Transcripts For KPNX Arizona Nightly News 20161011 :

Transcripts For KPNX Arizona Nightly News 20161011

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republican leaders. at this end, he and a handful of others vowed to stay with trump. >> now, we have a binary choice wheen between hilary clinton and donald trump. >> paul running for congress in district 1 issued a statement saying, "obama has released hundreds of dangerous criminals into my county, even convicted illegal murderers. i will vote for trump over hilary clin tennessee any day." >> democratic opponent tom gave babau referring to donald trump as a strong leader is an insult to every combroup of americans trump has insult and had demeaned during his campaign. it comes as no surprise, though, that a man who praised child abuse and denied he had a responsibility to stop it misunderstands what leadership in." meanwhile, paul gave 12 news this statement, "my concerns and efforts remain steadfast and solely focussed on the law enforcement needs of maricopa county residents. our community deserves nothing less." every republican supporting trump was very clear, they didn't support what he said in 2005. so what kind of an effect does trump have on our local races here? let's talk about it with stan barnes, former member of the arizona legislature and founder president of the copper state consulting. good to see you again. >> good to be here. >> so if you were asked if you got that midnight call from trump's campaign and they said, stan, save us, how would you even begin campaign? >> first, i'd prepare an invoice for an awful lot of money because it would take that much. i would tell him something that might surprise you, and that is i would tell him to get sincere about an apology, but then hit the gas on the very thing he appears to be doing, and that is making this a race between himself, as some self-nominated representative of the people, versus the governing class. the only way donald trump can pull this out, given all the baggage he's now carrying of overtly populus thing. he needs to drape himself in that flag. >> he's the maverick candidate. >> exactly. >> which is why he stoem steam rolled his way through the primaries and became the last man standing. >> that's right. i think he underpolls because people were and certain lu are afraid to say they're for trump because they don't want to take the rash. they don't want to explain themselves to their neighbors. but in the privacy of their voting booth, they're going to make a statement, and the statement right now, the statement is washington's broken, and we need someone to fix it. trump is the only of the two that can make that claim. >> because he's nonstatus quo. >> yes. >> nbc news wall street journal poll of likely voters shows hilary clinton with a 52-38% lead in a head-to-head matchup. is that too big a number to overcome this close to the election. >> that same poll two weeks ago was almost tied. i think everything is very, very fluid, and as i said a moment ago, it's hard to poll. things, and a lot of people are afraid to give the answer that is in their heart about this. >> all right. we see big movers and shakers in the gop distancing themselves from trump. how much does supporting trump hurt politicians on the local level? >> i think it -- it depends on what office you sit in. if you are in a district that is split and could go either way, if you are in a tight congressional race, for instance, i think it could have a lot of impact. if you're, for instance, andy biggs, who's on par to bee valley, doesn't have any impact. >> and how much of your answer is based on the fact that traditionally, we are a conservative bleeding red state? >> a lot of it is based on that. we -- we are a center right state. i say what is the center right candidate to do with these two choices? horribly flawed candidates. neither -- one of which is going to be president. i think people will get to that level in the voting booth and say one of them is going to be as flawed as they are, that is most like me. >> and if you pull your support like john mccain has done, how much do you worry about backlash from trump's base. >> i think john mcc ain should worry about that backlash because ut's -- it's personal to a lot of people. john mccain needs a lot of republicans to win that general. >> i'll tell you this. i've never in my voting life seen an election like this. have you? >> no, no. we are living in history. this is going to be written about for decades because so unorthodox and crazy. >> it's not over yet. we get the go back to the buffet line of the next debate. good to see you. speaking of john mccain, one of the leading republicans who's pulled his support for donald trump takes the debate stage himself tonight in a head-to-head meeting with democratic challenger ann kirkpatrick. closely for us tonight just across the street at the downtown campus. >> caribe, about 50 ann kirkpatrick supporters behind me. this is the first and only scheduled debate in this u.s. senate race. it starts about one hour from now. you are going to be hearing a lot about, surprise, donald trump. here are three things to watch for. >> the first thing to watch tonight, democratic congresswoman anne kirkpatrick to republican nominee donald trump. >> but it's locker room talk, and it's one of those things. >> mccain formally unendorsed trump the day after the celebrity billionaire's lewd comments were reported. kirkpatrick wants arizona voters to remember all the months when mccain stuck with trump. the second thing to watch, mccain making kirkpatrick face. obama care. the affordable care act now appears broken in arizona. the third thing to watch for, always the unexpected moment. kirkpatrick is down more than ten points in the polls. she needs something big to happen tonight. john mccain's rejection of trump isn't going over well with some republicans. he needs to handle that very very carefully. >> the debate starts at 7 p.m. on channel 8 and comes just two days before arizona voters get their caribe, some decisions are going to be made based on this debate. >> yes, indeed. thank you very much. frms remember today is the last day to register in vote in november's election. online registration can be done at, but you have to get it done by midnight. we've put a link with election nfths -- information on there's one thing 100% of the people who watched last night's debate can agree on, and it's still making everyone smile. hurricane matthew may not be over yet. and police say this couple took a gamble that didn't pay off. 12 news at 6:00 is back in just two minutes. tonight only on 12 news at 10:00. ? i've been loving you for such a long time ? ? >> a local musician sings his way onto team blake on the voice. >> blind audition is very long. -- hard. one surprise after another. that's tonight only on 12 news time new the check out today's hot headlines. two people are behind bars accused of leaving a child in a car while they went into a porter and jessica lopez were arrested sunday inside casino arizona. 12 news spoke with an emotional porter during a jailhouse interview this afternoon where he told us the family had just been kicked out of a shelter and were homeless. >> i shuf made better decisions for our family, you know. so my son would be okay right now, and she would be okay right now, but they're not. >> police found marijuana inside the car, along with that child. brian bibbits for his alleged involvement in shooting a family dog. police believe tibbits also used the victim's stolen credit card. frms three people are dead after a violent street crash near central and dunlap. you can see two cars in this video. witnesses say the drivers each struck a tree and were ejected along with one passenger. frms -- checking the headlines allegedly shot and killed his pregnant wife this weekend. kenneth blair was arrested saturday after calling police to say he accidentally shot his wife. delisa blair was reportedly four months pregnant at the time of the shooting. it appears to be a result of domestic violence. >> he was brought back her to the prescott office and interviewed extensively, and eventually indicated he, in fact, had shot her upset with an argument or conversation they had had. >> blare's two other children, ages 5 and 11, were also home, though neither were injured. blair was booked for second-degree murder for his wife and also for the death of their unborn baby. frms take -- frms take a look at this. 6 inches of hail fell in safford. its schools for the next two weeks as they fixed property that was damaged. frms still ahead on 12 news at 6:00, matthew is no longer a hurricane and has moved on, but the worst may still be yet to come. and it's monday night so you know what that means. yeah, yeah. it's time to hand out some coopies, and wait until you see the entrance of gcu basketball coach dan marley. midnight madness. welcome back, everybody. hurricane matthew has moved on, but the worst of the flooding may not be over yet. take a look at the water surrounding homes in the eastern part of north carolina. the state's combovrner -- governor pat mcrory warned today record floods could still come from r trapped by those waters. the u.s. coast guard has been busy all day rescuing people. the storm has been blamed for the death of 11 people in north carolina. frms and matthew is pretty much on its last leg. you can see now just off the eastern coast there of canada between halifax and st. john chl we still see some rain fall there, but, again, not anything like what the storm was here the past few days. however, we're on hurricane watch still for another one. that's bermuda right there. it is moving to the north, and it's possible that by wednesday or thursday, it could be a category 1 hurricane as it moves right over bermuda. so lots of eyes still out there with -- as far as hurricanes go. back on the western part of the country, things are much quieter. we do have a weather system that is up to the north of us right now. you can see some cloud cover and a little bit of rain fall associated with that, but as far as arizona goes, we are going to stay in a pretty warm and dry pattern here for the next right now, we are seeing temperatures still into the 90s at this 6:00 hour. 90 to be exact there in peoria. it is 91 in mesa. 92 in apache junction. a few will cool down to the 80s. cave creek is at 87, and, surprise, you are at 88. but it was a warm 96 for us today so we were several degrees above today's average, and we're still at a point where we could see temperatures in the 100s. 105 degrees. so it's not very typical to see those 100s still go into october, but, again, it can certainly happen. this evening, though, we are going to stay in the 90s for a couple more hours then we'll dip into the mid 80s there by 9:00. 80 degrees at 11:00, and we are expecting to see generally light winds and overall very nice conditions. so there goes that area of low pressure into the northern plains there. we stay dry. we maw see high clouds moving in from time to time across the state. another system will begin moving but we don't have to worry about that. so far, it looks like our weekend is going to be dry. 674 -- 64 to 70 tonight 6789 very pleasant. tomorrow, another warm day. 90 to 95. southwesterly winds at 5 to 15 miles per hour. lit cooling down to 92 on thursday then back up into the mid 90s with plenty of sunshine. that's your weather. here is coop with sports. 12 sports is sponsored by we're -- we have at that position are all guys that are very, very well respected on this team because of their work ethic and their character and not just what they do on the field but what they do off the field. >> just a couple months ago back in august, asu had a quarter back battle on his hands. all in a spirited fight fr the starting quarterback job. just before the season got underway, perkins suffered a season-ending neck injury. then white making his first career start in place of injured starter wilkins suffered a season-ending foot injury leaving asu in a desperate and precarous situation at quarter brak. freshman is the next man up. they had to play him after white went down. >> getting a freshman ready or whatever is -- you know, it's just reps, you know. he got reps. it was good that he did get reps in fall camp. are trying to do, the good thing is very, very talented. you know, we just got to make sure we adapt to what he does. all right. asu faces colorado in boulder saturday at 5 p.m. hey, crucial game 3 in the nlds between the dodgers and nationals. jason werth breaks open a tight game. they lead the series 2 games to one and go for the series clencher tomorrow afternoon i play in his first tournament in 14 months this weekend, but so much for that. tiger has pulled out of the safeway open saying his game just is not ready. the former no. 1 ranked player in the world is now ranked 786th in the world. tiger claims his health is fine and adds that he hopes to play some time now in december. all right. you know what time it is. yeah. we do this every monday. time to hand out coopies acknowledging the best from the coopy for -- check it out. this female high school football player from pennsylvania. she's a team's place kicker, but after a kickoff, ains nail -- absolutely nails this returner on the sideline. she didn't even blink when putting the guy on his backside. she's the fourth-rated kicker in the state, and she can pack a wallop. >> has the shotgun snap. looking towards the end zone. launches it towards the end zone. right er it is gone! touch down! >> oh, but hold the phone. yeah, hold the phone here. after a replay review, it was determined that the receiver did not catch the ball, take the touchdown off the bard, give fau is loss instead, and i'm taking back my coopy for late-game heroics. frms finally, a coopy for dan for stepping outside of the box. he goes full hulk hogan on us, ripping off his shirt, which brought down the house. thunder dan, that will get you a coopy every time, my man. good job, thunder dan. >> i love the way he coaches. >> oh, yeah. >> i mean, he coaches the way he played. >> exactly. i was just going to say that. >> all right. thanks. make a difference day is quickly approaching. 12 news would love for you to be a part of it. >> join us october 23rd ativ from 8 a.m. to noon to help students take the necessary steps toward college, including learning about scholarships and meeting with 200 universities. for more information on our make a difference day project, go to and that's where you can sign up. but first, we have to talk about the man. look at this. great red sweater. he stole everyone's attention at the debate last night. how he is now the king of wrub more question about energy policy. ken. >> what steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while timent reminding environment tally friendly and minimizing job loss for fossil power plant workers. >> and with that, ken bone became an absolute star. he's everyone's part of last night's debate. the uncommitted voter with the thousands overnight. and he's inspired some great tweets today, including a parody account that posted this. "i am the most interesting man in the world. i am ken bone." frms another popular one is this picture of bill clinton with the caption you versus the man she told you not to worry about. [ laughter ] and someone went so far as to create a fake 30 for 30 trailer on ken bone. >> in fact, he appeared on cnn this morning in the he told them he had an olive suit to wear, but he split the pants before the debate, and the sweater was plan b. >> i just like him because he's every man. >> he is. how much you want to bet halloween costumes, ken bone. >> how easy would that be? >> yeah. >> i could pull it off pretty easily, i think. >> you could. >> yeah. >> all right. that'll do it for us. thanks for watching. we'll see you right back here at the donald in the doghouse with melania. new fallout as the stars sound off on the debate. billy bush gets benched on the "today" show. >> now on "extra" from new york. ? extra extra ? ? extra extra ? is billy bush cooked on the "today" show? >> nbc news suspended billy bush. >> any comments about the leak the audio and video of you and donald trump? >> as trump brushes off crude comments a -- >> locker room talk. >> is he in hot water with melania? >> the hidden message in her pink blouse. who's threatening to unleash more explosive audiotapes? >> robert de niro's gone viral rant. >> he's a dog. he's a pig. plus, he's back. >> i can do a whole lot more than just grab it. why kim kardashian's social media blackout is costing her unless. >> the new report she's become a virtual recluse. ryan lochte engaged, how he popped the question to his model girlfriend. , i'm in florence with tom hanks for "inferno." now on "extra" -- >> "extra," hello. >> from universal studios hollywood, the entertainment capital of l.a. hey, everyone, welcome to "extra," i'm mario lopez at our h&m studio in times square. it's great to be back in new york city as always. coming up how "empire" star

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