Transcripts For KPNX 12 News At 5pm 20161011 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KPNX 12 News At 5pm 20161011

for sentencing november 4 . think so much trolley . now to decision 2016 coverage . presidential nominees at the campaign trail today after last night second debate . >> donald trump took his campaign to pennsylvania, the republican nominee promising more attacks against the clintons if more tapes are leaked . such as the one last friday . >> if they want to release more tapes, saying things, we will continue to talk about bill and hillary clinton doing inappropriate things . there are so many . >> tomorrow trump is scheduled to hold a rally in florida .>> hillary clinton, meanwhile the held a value to troy, michigan . she says trump should have spent more time apologizing during last night's debate . fenton also blasted him for what he called locker room talk . saying his explanation was a really weak excuse . something to vote for, not just looking to vote against . >> clinton also encouraged the crowd to register to vote if they had not already . michigan's registration deadline is coming up soon . we want to remind you that today is the last day to register for the november election here in arizona . if you have not done it yet, you can register online we want to remind you that today is the last day to register for the november election here in arizona . if you have not done [email protected] . you have to do it fast . you must do it before midnight turkey to find more election information on our website, work >> donald trump's comments about women seem to be costing him vote . the wall street journal poll shows clinton leading >> reporter: 46 to 35 percent among likely voters . that is up from clinton six point lead in last month's ball. the survey was taken after tom's comments one public on friday . before last night's debate . of course america was waiting with bated breath to see how the candidates would handle the topic of trumps contrite and apologetic last night, we had another panel of republicans, democrats and undecided voters to watch the debate . here is what they have to say . >> show of hands, how many sitting at this table, or hillary supporters ? and did anything you saw tonight change your mind ? >> how many are donald trump that you saw tonight change her mind ? no ? it has been a tough week for donald trump, we would all agree on not . let's start with elephant in the room, which is the leaked audio of donald trump talking about women . donald trump labeled it as locker room talk tonight . did he do a good enough job this week with at least audio ? >> him talking about it, it was on excusable . hillary, the same thing with how she attacked women that accused her husband of things . they are both still not stuff . they are both guilty of it . let's mop it and move on to what they will do with the country . that is how i see it and feel . i'm tid >> is that petty stuff our president ? >> for me, now . this is not a one-time thing . we came in from attacking the former miss universe . we came in from calling other one in fact . we came in from the moderators . from attacking the moderators . this is not a one-time thing . if this was one time, we could say it was an offhand thing . is sorry . he is 59 years old . second time ? shiism is the same thing . >> she has moved from insulting women to assaulting women . i think he lost his moral authority . as president, it is important to have moral authority in order to lead this country . >> throughout this debate, he was attacking and interrupting hillary . he was interrupting and attacking martha . very litter -- little did he interact anderson cooper . he he said he was on tape . to me that is appalling .>> the way he responded tonight shows me he still does not respect women .>> i thought it was interesting that clinton said trump owes america an apology . to be fair he does . she continues to say having unencrypted email server was a mistake . i feel that is a have said something 11 years ago . everyone in america is talking about this locker room talk . what does it mean ? it has been a heated topic . trump used it to explain away his actions . a lot of athletes have been waiting and to share their thoughts on the matter . koop, we have spent a lot of time around athletes in locker rooms over the years . what do you think about explaining this away by same locker room talk this . locker room talk like that does exist . i played in locker rooms . there is a code in the locker room that comes with it . what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room . is the top got out it was explained away as boys being boys 18, 19, 25 years old donald trump is 58 and 59 years old when he said that . he no arena of dirty old man . we do not want a dirty old man running the country .>> it is not just that . if that have been the only incident, donald trump disparaging women he could explain it away .>> his age has a lot to do with it .>> i agree with you . what i am saying, is that it speaks to how he really feels . there is a pattern . this is not the only incident where he has disparaged women . should that there are a lot of negatives on hillary clinton as well . if women do not trust him, that will hurt him at the polls .>> they are giving us a wrap . i will say this, i defend donald trump supporters . [laughter] headlines . senator john mccain and his democratic rival kirkpatrick are meeting on the debate stage tonight . over the weekend, mccain withdrew his support of trump kirkpatrick called this a political calculation . will have a recap on 12 news at 10 pm . two people are dead after a bad crash early this morning . phoenix police say to vehicles for both drivers lost control . one of the cars hit a tree and caught fire and the two people inside were killed . the driver of the other vehicle is in critical condition . the reverend jarret marmon back in court today facing charges over protest last month that blocked the bridge . often said today that he and his attorney plan to fight the charges . he is due back in court next month . schools are closed because of damage caused by powerful storms over the weekend . look at all of the hale left in the administrators say all schools in the safford unified district will be closed until october 24 . the city of phoenix is working to clean up a big mess created by a water main break . it happened this morning the 21st street and roosevelt city officials the people who live in that area do have water again, but drivers should avoid the area until road crews can patch up the street . still to come, hurricane matthew steam . still causing problems up and down the east coast . the latest on the damage left behind by the massive storm . who is taking snaps for the cardinals ? the latest on the quarterback troubles for both hurricane matthew has finally pushed away from the southeast coast . take a look at the devastating damage caused across north carolina . matthew is being played from 120 death in the nine states . as we report, millions of people are now trying to recover from the storm . >> reporter: swiftwater rescues continue .>> we do have people on roofs as we speak . we've a lot of helicopters that have been deployed . >> reporter: many of those . after a levee breach left 1500 stranded today .>> i have never seen anything like this . >> reporter: in other areas, rivers and creeks well past their banks are still rising .>> the water came in so fast . everything tumbled all over the place . i do not know what more i can salvage . >> reporter: moving around in the strike zone is like being in a maze . ridges have been washed away . dozens of roadways and highways are shut down . stretches across five states, battered by matthew for nearly 3 full days . the storm dropping more than 13 five states, battered by matthew for nearly 3 full days . the storm dropping more than 13 trillion gallons of water along the southeast coast . and delivering wins dusting over 100 miles per hour -- winds dusting over 100 miles per hour . >> is devastating . >> reporter: even now, as the storm is out to sea, evacuation orders remain in effect and >> we are going to be out here for another two weeks . >> reporter: waiting and wondering what, if anything, matthew a have left behind . this area somewhere the a foot of rain in the water could climb higher . rivers across the strike zone not expected to depress until sometime late this week . jay gray, nbc news, smithville, north carolina . those poor people down there . people impacted by hurricane matthew are thankfully getting some help arizona . 25 local red cross volunteers are now in the southeast providing on the ground support . that includes two workers who drove all the way to florida in an emergency response vehicle . they are now on the ground providing hot meals and other supplies to storm victims . meanwhile here, it is october 10 . suck yes october 10 . >> it was how hot ? when it comes to our weather .>> you expected to be . speculative the calendar and everyone wants their pumpkin . it is not safe . we could easily hit 100 . it is not typical . we did not hit that today . first, we will talk about what is left of matthew . not much . there's still some rain on the eastern coastline of canada . that system is weakening . let's take a look at what is happening off to the st you can see some clouds moving into the northern states up around montana . idaho, wyoming and down into arizona, it looks pretty good . here in the valley, we are clear . a little bit being picked up on the radar . the northwestern tip of our state, it looks like a few sprinkles . it is about the warmth we have out there today . not quite hot, but warm . 94 in mesa . 95 in tempe . 92 in average by 5 degrees . with tech data ninety six . yesterday was 97 . getting closer to 100 and we would like to be . 91 is where we should be . 105 was a record in 1991 . 94 at 6 pm . getting down to 85 as we head into 9 pm . we should be sitting nice and comfortable at 80 degrees and will see clear sky conditions . couple of days . would have one area of low pressure to the north passing us . nothing to worry about . as we head toward the end of the week we have another system to the pacific northwest . in the meantime, it will be about a westerly flow across arizona . maybe high clouds rolling in from time to time . bottom line, it will stay pretty warm out there for the next few days . 64 degrees to 70 degrees . 90 degrees to 95 degrees tomorrow . lots of it into the 90s through wednesday . we do see a dip on thursday . we're back up to 94 degrees on friday . for the weekend, it looks toasty with a high of 96 . we will see plenty of sunshine . koop, over to you . the sports weekend is behind us . as it relates to three big football teams, every monday night at this time, we step into the coaches corner . we are here with bruce, tom and rich cardinals . where they engineered the must win over the 49ers the cardinals do not play again until a week from today when they host the new york jets in the prime time monday night game . palmer still has not passed his concussion making him eligible to sit up and play . he is getting better . coach, what is the last step for palmer and his concussion protocol ? great . practicing . he has had a bunch of activity . >> across the way in tempe, todd graham has major issues with the quarterback position . brady white became the same quarterback since august to have his season come to an end because of an injury keep in mind, of an eagle injury . the possibility of a freshman making his first career start in the key conference game in colorado . however, they are holding out hope that wilkins will be healthy enough to return . >> i fully intend on making it back . being honest about that . our plan is for him to practice by thursday . and then, we will you have to have him ready . >> down in tucson, rodriguez and the arizona continue to be plagued . unlike last year, they are getting hit on both sides of the ball . their 4 - 3 record is reflective of the rash of injuries hitting . they are not into excuses . >> we will h battle . there are a lot of question marks about injuries and who will be available . we will not know for a couple of days . we will have to react accordingly with our game plan . >> coming up, a 12 news at six, the future of tiger woods . >> tiger is supposed to play in change . >> there has been a change . chris was in the qb's last week . i wonder if she is in this week ? >> i have not had any more baseball since then . [laughter] you have lots of surprises . still ahead on 12 news, the holidays are right around the corner . how can you make sure you take care of everyone on your list and still have cash left over ? we will have money- i know you thought this was just an ordinary monday . it is actually money-saving monday . we do it every monday . there are 75 days left until christmas .>> we have a couple tips from america . you can actually have money in your pocket after the holidays . first, planned gift giving well in advance . it will give you time to decide on the not the most expensive ones . if you do need to buy something, it gives you more time to look for sales . >> also, discuss spending limits with your family . these limits not only reduce expenditures, but they are appreciated by the people in your family who cannot afford it . you can find money-saving we want to say a big thanks to those who participated in the susan g coleman race for the cure . more than 7500 people took part in yesterday's event . we raised $750,000 for the fight against breast cancer here in the valley . you can still make a donation to the into the [email protected] . are omg video of the day . what is this big ball of fur ? why is it in a bowl of ice . -- 6 pm, did they dish the donald a rally the troops for trump ? >> they clash over decade old comments . live in studio expert analysis from stan barnes coming up on 12 news at 6 pm . right after nightly news . are omg video of the day, coming to us from portland, oregon . few things are cuter than playful polar bears . this is nora . she had the time of her life . she was recently transferred to the portland zoo from ohio . she is expected to make her public debut later this month . >> that will do it back -- for us . will see you back here at >> because you'd be in jail. developing news this evening, shock waves from that explosive confrontation. >> because you'd be in jail. >> secretary clinton -- >> donald trump, wounded by the bombshell tape revelation, brings bill clinton's accusers to the debate. tot clinton surging to a double-digit lead. also, his own words, what we found in the archives, what trump has said about himself and women. did he predict the trouble to come? drowning in a deluge. frantic high water rescues as towns become swallowed in the hurricane's deadly aftermath. a race to save so many trapped with no way out. and off the shelves -- the major moves from the nation's biggest

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Canada , Montana , Portland , Oregon , North Carolina , Turkey , Florida , Michigan , Smithville , Arizona , Tempe , Idaho , Wyoming , Colorado , Phoenix , Safford , Pennsylvania , Ohio , America , Todd Graham , Clinton Donald , Tiger Woods , Maricopa Pima , Stan Barnes , Anderson Cooper , Hillary Clinton , John Mccain ,

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Transcripts For KPNX 12 News At 5pm 20161011 :

Transcripts For KPNX 12 News At 5pm 20161011

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for sentencing november 4 . think so much trolley . now to decision 2016 coverage . presidential nominees at the campaign trail today after last night second debate . >> donald trump took his campaign to pennsylvania, the republican nominee promising more attacks against the clintons if more tapes are leaked . such as the one last friday . >> if they want to release more tapes, saying things, we will continue to talk about bill and hillary clinton doing inappropriate things . there are so many . >> tomorrow trump is scheduled to hold a rally in florida .>> hillary clinton, meanwhile the held a value to troy, michigan . she says trump should have spent more time apologizing during last night's debate . fenton also blasted him for what he called locker room talk . saying his explanation was a really weak excuse . something to vote for, not just looking to vote against . >> clinton also encouraged the crowd to register to vote if they had not already . michigan's registration deadline is coming up soon . we want to remind you that today is the last day to register for the november election here in arizona . if you have not done it yet, you can register online we want to remind you that today is the last day to register for the november election here in arizona . if you have not done . you have to do it fast . you must do it before midnight turkey to find more election information on our website, work >> donald trump's comments about women seem to be costing him vote . the wall street journal poll shows clinton leading >> reporter: 46 to 35 percent among likely voters . that is up from clinton six point lead in last month's ball. the survey was taken after tom's comments one public on friday . before last night's debate . of course america was waiting with bated breath to see how the candidates would handle the topic of trumps contrite and apologetic last night, we had another panel of republicans, democrats and undecided voters to watch the debate . here is what they have to say . >> show of hands, how many sitting at this table, or hillary supporters ? and did anything you saw tonight change your mind ? >> how many are donald trump that you saw tonight change her mind ? no ? it has been a tough week for donald trump, we would all agree on not . let's start with elephant in the room, which is the leaked audio of donald trump talking about women . donald trump labeled it as locker room talk tonight . did he do a good enough job this week with at least audio ? >> him talking about it, it was on excusable . hillary, the same thing with how she attacked women that accused her husband of things . they are both still not stuff . they are both guilty of it . let's mop it and move on to what they will do with the country . that is how i see it and feel . i'm tid >> is that petty stuff our president ? >> for me, now . this is not a one-time thing . we came in from attacking the former miss universe . we came in from calling other one in fact . we came in from the moderators . from attacking the moderators . this is not a one-time thing . if this was one time, we could say it was an offhand thing . is sorry . he is 59 years old . second time ? shiism is the same thing . >> she has moved from insulting women to assaulting women . i think he lost his moral authority . as president, it is important to have moral authority in order to lead this country . >> throughout this debate, he was attacking and interrupting hillary . he was interrupting and attacking martha . very litter -- little did he interact anderson cooper . he he said he was on tape . to me that is appalling .>> the way he responded tonight shows me he still does not respect women .>> i thought it was interesting that clinton said trump owes america an apology . to be fair he does . she continues to say having unencrypted email server was a mistake . i feel that is a have said something 11 years ago . everyone in america is talking about this locker room talk . what does it mean ? it has been a heated topic . trump used it to explain away his actions . a lot of athletes have been waiting and to share their thoughts on the matter . koop, we have spent a lot of time around athletes in locker rooms over the years . what do you think about explaining this away by same locker room talk this . locker room talk like that does exist . i played in locker rooms . there is a code in the locker room that comes with it . what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room . is the top got out it was explained away as boys being boys 18, 19, 25 years old donald trump is 58 and 59 years old when he said that . he no arena of dirty old man . we do not want a dirty old man running the country .>> it is not just that . if that have been the only incident, donald trump disparaging women he could explain it away .>> his age has a lot to do with it .>> i agree with you . what i am saying, is that it speaks to how he really feels . there is a pattern . this is not the only incident where he has disparaged women . should that there are a lot of negatives on hillary clinton as well . if women do not trust him, that will hurt him at the polls .>> they are giving us a wrap . i will say this, i defend donald trump supporters . [laughter] headlines . senator john mccain and his democratic rival kirkpatrick are meeting on the debate stage tonight . over the weekend, mccain withdrew his support of trump kirkpatrick called this a political calculation . will have a recap on 12 news at 10 pm . two people are dead after a bad crash early this morning . phoenix police say to vehicles for both drivers lost control . one of the cars hit a tree and caught fire and the two people inside were killed . the driver of the other vehicle is in critical condition . the reverend jarret marmon back in court today facing charges over protest last month that blocked the bridge . often said today that he and his attorney plan to fight the charges . he is due back in court next month . schools are closed because of damage caused by powerful storms over the weekend . look at all of the hale left in the administrators say all schools in the safford unified district will be closed until october 24 . the city of phoenix is working to clean up a big mess created by a water main break . it happened this morning the 21st street and roosevelt city officials the people who live in that area do have water again, but drivers should avoid the area until road crews can patch up the street . still to come, hurricane matthew steam . still causing problems up and down the east coast . the latest on the damage left behind by the massive storm . who is taking snaps for the cardinals ? the latest on the quarterback troubles for both hurricane matthew has finally pushed away from the southeast coast . take a look at the devastating damage caused across north carolina . matthew is being played from 120 death in the nine states . as we report, millions of people are now trying to recover from the storm . >> reporter: swiftwater rescues continue .>> we do have people on roofs as we speak . we've a lot of helicopters that have been deployed . >> reporter: many of those . after a levee breach left 1500 stranded today .>> i have never seen anything like this . >> reporter: in other areas, rivers and creeks well past their banks are still rising .>> the water came in so fast . everything tumbled all over the place . i do not know what more i can salvage . >> reporter: moving around in the strike zone is like being in a maze . ridges have been washed away . dozens of roadways and highways are shut down . stretches across five states, battered by matthew for nearly 3 full days . the storm dropping more than 13 five states, battered by matthew for nearly 3 full days . the storm dropping more than 13 trillion gallons of water along the southeast coast . and delivering wins dusting over 100 miles per hour -- winds dusting over 100 miles per hour . >> is devastating . >> reporter: even now, as the storm is out to sea, evacuation orders remain in effect and >> we are going to be out here for another two weeks . >> reporter: waiting and wondering what, if anything, matthew a have left behind . this area somewhere the a foot of rain in the water could climb higher . rivers across the strike zone not expected to depress until sometime late this week . jay gray, nbc news, smithville, north carolina . those poor people down there . people impacted by hurricane matthew are thankfully getting some help arizona . 25 local red cross volunteers are now in the southeast providing on the ground support . that includes two workers who drove all the way to florida in an emergency response vehicle . they are now on the ground providing hot meals and other supplies to storm victims . meanwhile here, it is october 10 . suck yes october 10 . >> it was how hot ? when it comes to our weather .>> you expected to be . speculative the calendar and everyone wants their pumpkin . it is not safe . we could easily hit 100 . it is not typical . we did not hit that today . first, we will talk about what is left of matthew . not much . there's still some rain on the eastern coastline of canada . that system is weakening . let's take a look at what is happening off to the st you can see some clouds moving into the northern states up around montana . idaho, wyoming and down into arizona, it looks pretty good . here in the valley, we are clear . a little bit being picked up on the radar . the northwestern tip of our state, it looks like a few sprinkles . it is about the warmth we have out there today . not quite hot, but warm . 94 in mesa . 95 in tempe . 92 in average by 5 degrees . with tech data ninety six . yesterday was 97 . getting closer to 100 and we would like to be . 91 is where we should be . 105 was a record in 1991 . 94 at 6 pm . getting down to 85 as we head into 9 pm . we should be sitting nice and comfortable at 80 degrees and will see clear sky conditions . couple of days . would have one area of low pressure to the north passing us . nothing to worry about . as we head toward the end of the week we have another system to the pacific northwest . in the meantime, it will be about a westerly flow across arizona . maybe high clouds rolling in from time to time . bottom line, it will stay pretty warm out there for the next few days . 64 degrees to 70 degrees . 90 degrees to 95 degrees tomorrow . lots of it into the 90s through wednesday . we do see a dip on thursday . we're back up to 94 degrees on friday . for the weekend, it looks toasty with a high of 96 . we will see plenty of sunshine . koop, over to you . the sports weekend is behind us . as it relates to three big football teams, every monday night at this time, we step into the coaches corner . we are here with bruce, tom and rich cardinals . where they engineered the must win over the 49ers the cardinals do not play again until a week from today when they host the new york jets in the prime time monday night game . palmer still has not passed his concussion making him eligible to sit up and play . he is getting better . coach, what is the last step for palmer and his concussion protocol ? great . practicing . he has had a bunch of activity . >> across the way in tempe, todd graham has major issues with the quarterback position . brady white became the same quarterback since august to have his season come to an end because of an injury keep in mind, of an eagle injury . the possibility of a freshman making his first career start in the key conference game in colorado . however, they are holding out hope that wilkins will be healthy enough to return . >> i fully intend on making it back . being honest about that . our plan is for him to practice by thursday . and then, we will you have to have him ready . >> down in tucson, rodriguez and the arizona continue to be plagued . unlike last year, they are getting hit on both sides of the ball . their 4 - 3 record is reflective of the rash of injuries hitting . they are not into excuses . >> we will h battle . there are a lot of question marks about injuries and who will be available . we will not know for a couple of days . we will have to react accordingly with our game plan . >> coming up, a 12 news at six, the future of tiger woods . >> tiger is supposed to play in change . >> there has been a change . chris was in the qb's last week . i wonder if she is in this week ? >> i have not had any more baseball since then . [laughter] you have lots of surprises . still ahead on 12 news, the holidays are right around the corner . how can you make sure you take care of everyone on your list and still have cash left over ? we will have money- i know you thought this was just an ordinary monday . it is actually money-saving monday . we do it every monday . there are 75 days left until christmas .>> we have a couple tips from america . you can actually have money in your pocket after the holidays . first, planned gift giving well in advance . it will give you time to decide on the not the most expensive ones . if you do need to buy something, it gives you more time to look for sales . >> also, discuss spending limits with your family . these limits not only reduce expenditures, but they are appreciated by the people in your family who cannot afford it . you can find money-saving we want to say a big thanks to those who participated in the susan g coleman race for the cure . more than 7500 people took part in yesterday's event . we raised $750,000 for the fight against breast cancer here in the valley . you can still make a donation to the into the . are omg video of the day . what is this big ball of fur ? why is it in a bowl of ice . -- 6 pm, did they dish the donald a rally the troops for trump ? >> they clash over decade old comments . live in studio expert analysis from stan barnes coming up on 12 news at 6 pm . right after nightly news . are omg video of the day, coming to us from portland, oregon . few things are cuter than playful polar bears . this is nora . she had the time of her life . she was recently transferred to the portland zoo from ohio . she is expected to make her public debut later this month . >> that will do it back -- for us . will see you back here at >> because you'd be in jail. developing news this evening, shock waves from that explosive confrontation. >> because you'd be in jail. >> secretary clinton -- >> donald trump, wounded by the bombshell tape revelation, brings bill clinton's accusers to the debate. tot clinton surging to a double-digit lead. also, his own words, what we found in the archives, what trump has said about himself and women. did he predict the trouble to come? drowning in a deluge. frantic high water rescues as towns become swallowed in the hurricane's deadly aftermath. a race to save so many trapped with no way out. and off the shelves -- the major moves from the nation's biggest

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Canada , Montana , Portland , Oregon , North Carolina , Turkey , Florida , Michigan , Smithville , Arizona , Tempe , Idaho , Wyoming , Colorado , Phoenix , Safford , Pennsylvania , Ohio , America , Todd Graham , Clinton Donald , Tiger Woods , Maricopa Pima , Stan Barnes , Anderson Cooper , Hillary Clinton , John Mccain ,

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