Transcripts For KPNX 12 News At 5pm 20161008 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KPNX 12 News At 5pm 20161008

plane took as we look through -- loop through the past six hours. this all feeds back to the computer models, and that allows them to forecast the track of this particular storm that is right now sitting right off the coast of the northern portion of florida, a category two hurricane. but rook at the winds that we're -- look at the winds we're talking about. that's where you're going the see hurricane force winds. 74 miles per hour or greater. savannah all the way up to charleston, you're going to feel the hurricane. it moves straight up the coast to wilmington and off the coast later on and next week, and then it will weaken as it moves out to sea. one thing a lot of people are talking about, are these two hurricanes going to move together. unfortunately it looks like they're actually moving in opposite directions and then they will both move apart from each other. an interesting pattern setting up and guys we'll obviously keep a very close eye on this the next few days. >> thank you. just finished talking to a couple from glendale. >> reporter: we understand they were able to weather the storm in orlando and we are joined from the hurricane alert center with their story. nicole? >> reporter: we are watching the latest images coming into the news room. these are live satellite feeds coming in from the east coast. this one here is showing us a live look at myrtle beach, south carolina. as far as the local couple who we spoke to, well, they told us this is definitely not the >> maybe 20-mile-per-hour winds right now. >> reporter: from her hotel window, julie can see the remnants of hurricane matthew. she and her husband touched down in orlando tuesday night ready for a week of theme park hopping. >> wednesday we went to universal studios. >> reporter: mother nature had other plans. >> towards the end of the day at universal, they started shutting some of their roller coasters down for the hurricane. >> reporter: by wednesday >> it felt like we were in a war zone. water pallets were completely empty, and the freezer and refrigerator sections were bare. >> reporter: by thursday they were stuck in their hotel room, but she says they weren't really scared. >> kind of more should we be more nervous or are we going to get bit by not being more nervous? >> reporter: while some say the hurricane ruined their vacation, julie is more optimistic alter it. >> reporter: and julie tells us that they plan on visiting sea world tomorrow before heading back here to the valley on sunday. live in the hurricane alert center, 12 news. nicole. thank you. glad they are safe. we'll continue our team coverage on hurricane matthew as lester holt anchors "nbc nightly news" live from florida. dozens of people helping out a horse in distress in the southwest valley this an irrigation or somehow it ended up in an irrigation canal near 129th avenue and southern. that's where we are live with the very latest information. trisha? >> reporter: for a couple hours everyone in this community as well as the department of agriculture work to try to get the horse named mister out of that canal. it actually became a whole community effort to get them out. when the neighbors saw the horse stuck in the canal, they rush immediate to try to they called authorities. they used the toe straps to guide and pull the horse and then they used another neighbor's forklift to rig up the straps and lifted him out. he initially got struck after another horse opened the gate and he jumped in. >> what he tried to do was jump back out, and because of the water and the slime, his back feet slipped and went underneath. he struggled, the more he would go into the tube. so he was starting to really give up hope. but the rescue team was determined and event oh lily -- ventally got mister out. they hooked him up to an i.v. they gave him a painkiller as well as medicine for the cuts on his leg. it is really amazing he didn't break think bones. now mister is back in his stall and doing well. he is a very special horse. the 23-year-old arab worked wi for six years and he was also a police horse in california for six years. we're glad he is doing well right now. 12 news. >> that is incredible. >> a nice ending to that story. now to decision 2016. two days to go before the second presidential debate and donald trump is facing yet another controversy, the time over his treatment of women. and this after the release of a graphic 11-year-old audiotape. >> hillary clinton is also dealing with another server. here is team 12's jennifer johnson. >> a month before the election, a bombshell of an audiotape from 2005. >> reporter: donald trump caught talking to billy busch from access hollywood about his attraction to beautiful women. >> and when you're a star, they let you do it. they let you do anything. >> reporter: trump already under fire for his insulting language towards women and also talking about trying to have sex on a married woman. >> i moved on her, and i failed. statement, trump said this was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course. i apologize if anyone was offended. the clinton campaign is now dealing with more controversy around the secretary of state's use of a private e-mail server. it shows the senior white house officials were in close contact with clinton's campaign last year about the potential fall- out. >> now the news is breaking today that back in 2015 the with the clinton camp to do damage control ton whole e-mail issue. >> reporter: clinton is off the campaign trail prepping for sunday night's second debate hoping for another knock-out against trump. jennifer johnson, nbc news, washington. remember, the presidential debate is this sunday at 6:00 p.m. you can watch it live on digital 1.2 or stream it on and join us at 10: two men are charged with pimping in california about their ownership of a web site billed as the world's largest brothel. the experts in sex trafficking say this site is filled with teenagers being sold for sex. >> this was a 17-year-old. this is another 17-year-old. this is another 17-year-old. >> asu social work professor thick binder. >> this whole book is full of those ads. >> reporter: the faces of children, she says, are being sold for sex on the web site is the single largest advertiser of escort services. >> it is a very difficult thing for us to figure out how to stop it from happening. >> reporter: now authorities are trying. michael lacy and james larkin, the former owners of phoenix newtimes and the founders of backpage vbeen charged in li -- conspiracy to commit pimping. >> it is in plain sight. >> reporter: friday the chief executive of back pig appeared in a houston courtroom on charges of sex trafficking. lacy and larkin were last in the news two years ago with a $2 million donation to asu's cronkite's school of journalism. >> it is not about uncovering something. >> reporter: a spokesperson said on friday the gift was returned last year. >> such a tragic issue, number >> reporter: and a crusader against sex trafficking hailed the criminal charges against back page executives as a huge game changer. in phoenix, 1 news. and miking lacy and james larkin could not be reached for comment. they created their charity on the proceeds of nearly $4 million in a settlement from maricopa county for their wrongful arrest by sheriff joe arpaio some nine years ago. cards' fans are still celebrating a much different game last night in sa francisco, but coop is flagging michael floyd. we'll show you why. before you head out to the state fair, we're going to hop on some of the rides to try them out. which valley city make as list of top ten downtowns from all around the country? we'll reveal the answer ahead just a complete outrage! >> how would you assess his night? >> very, very pressing. he might just need to relax. >> what do you do as a coach? >> keep throwing it at him. smoky went through it. he has always had big games against the niners and i was really anticipating him to have a big one and was disappointed that we did drop the easy third decreased? >> yeah. if mike was having the type of year i was hoping he'd have, he'd be out there a bunch more. >> to say that i am stunned by his performance or lack thereof it, through the first five games of the season, it would be an under statement. this is his contract year. he is set to become a free agent at the end of the season. the man can set himself up to make millions and millions of dollars next season. he just simply needs to make this the best season of his fi worst season of his career and that includes his rookie year, bringing his number of dropped balls on the season to 10. wow. that is an alarming number threw five days. heck, through an entire season and many felt this was floyd's big stage and opportunity to establish himself as an elite or number one receiveer in the league. instead, he has cost himself millions ensuring that this will be his final season in >> clearly floyd is a player now who has lost his confidence. it has gotten so bad that he has dropped the number one receiver on the team to the number four receiver on the team. >> and that is surprising and an outrage. >> that is a complete outrage! and we continue to track the very strong hurricane off the coast of florida and georgia right now. you're looking at live pictures coming i the strongest portion of the storm is hitting. the radar now showing you we have bands of rain beginning to move in and the storm surge all along the coast. it could be upwards of 10 feet of storm surge. for us here in the valley, you are going to notice the clouds beginning to increase. you're going to see them on satellite slowly making their way in from the southwest and, yes, convenient thunderstorms down in the southern portion of the state. lot more moisture and a disturbianance is going -- disturbance is going to move in that is going to mean a slight chance of thunderstorms moving in later on tonight. for tomorrow, actually a 30% chance of storms moving into your forecast. 78 degrees out there. 88 degrees by noon. 91 by the afternoon hour and, yes, about a 40% chance of thunderstorms moving into our forecast. some of those, especially down towards our south, could be strong to severe. here is the future cast. beginning to increase. you can see a slight chance of storms all the way up towards flagstaff. by tomorrow morning, they're going to increase in coverage. and these storms down by tucson, they could push wind into phoenix resulting in a little bit of dust as well so certainly something we're going to keep a close eye on. by monday, tuesday and wednesday, high pressure is going to slowly move up in towards phoenix that will mean clear skies and temperatures right at about average for this 58 in sedona. 41 in flagstaff. enjoy this weather. 63. 96. the warm spot, 99 in yuma. here in the valley of the sun, 91 degrees out there. the next seven days, it is going to be pretty nice around here. if you don't like the rain, 40% chance of rain in your forecast. for the race for the cure on sunday, a gorgeous morning. of course, guys, this is perfect weather to go to the fair. >> no doubt. >> except for that rain chan it is all right. >> as matt mentioned, the arizona state fair is underway. >> from the midway to the petting zoo, there is something for everyone. this year and every year. and we went out early this afternoon to explore. >> reporter: whether you want to be scared or you're looking for something low key, when you go to the state fair, the one thing you've got to check out are the rides. we love it. just riding become and forth. >> and just pretty much everything. my husband is on this one right now. he won't go. >> well, they want to go on all of the kid rides. >> i like rides that go up and down sideways. >> reporter: if nothing else, impress your girlfriend with some game skills. >> oh! >> reporter: in phoenix, 1 news. >> she impresses with enthusiasm! maybe not the basketball skills. >> i believe we call this a brick shot. i just hope that she went on the rides before she had all of that food. >> oh, oh! the state fairgrounds are at 19th avenue and mcdowell road. why did you convenient have to bring that up. >> it is just fair fact. it is what you have to do. you go ton rides and then you indulge on the food. arizona state fair, go on it is friday nights around here that means a little fever, right? we just have the cure for you. my top five plays for you. welcome back to 12 news at 5:00! time now for your top 5:00. and since it is friday night fever night with two our best high school football action around, yeah, here are the top five plays from the fever season through the first six weeks. at number five, and he goes this direction to the right and then cuts it back to the left. he makes everyone on the west view defense miss. what a run. play number four. and runningback t.j. green. he hurdle as defender. check it out. it reminding him of in the olympics. play number three. and stone matthews, boy, he is packing a punch. watch him back off one tackler to deliver one punishment there. oh, man. he refuses to go down. on the play number two. williams wide receiver, check him out. he not right away. about five or six times before finally coming down with it. nicely done. and on to our number one play of the year, so far peoria neil's, oh, and check out the concentration there. the ball is tipped. and going the the other direction, tipped again. he has the presence of mind to catch the billion and keep his feet inbounds. i like it. that is just one of the plays that we had to show you. on tonight, you will be able to check out our winner from last week because i'll announce that on our friday night fever show tonight. we also have commander as our game of the week and the desert ridge jaguars, and tempe won our fan vote game of the week. plus, lots and lots of other action from the best high school football show in the state of arizona. and you know how we do it. how do we do isn't it? >> so it my turn to say isn't it? >> be a believer, catch the fever! >> that's what i'm talking ab receivers could teach michael floyd a thing or two. >> you said that. >> i love it, but he has to get his head in the game. >> wow. >> that's what i'm saying. >> and it is the front end of this that you're about to see that is making it the omg video of the day. we're going to show you when 12 coming up at 6:00 lphoenix one day take over most of the world? >> if you belief the web site the onion, yes. it turns out there is some truth behind their fake study. >> there is a huge market for wanting to live the the central city and downtown in particular. >> all you at 6:00, we're going to take a closer look at just how much our area has gren and how much bigger it could get. okay. our omg individual yes of the day is something like a "harry potter" movie. brad buyers says he found this two-headed garter snake in the parking lot on the university of idaho campus. look at it closely. it is just a baby, but it has two heads, and it is eating with both of its heads. >> wow. >> who cares it is just a baby! >> and he says he plans to raise the snake until it becomes an adult. that is just gross. >> and i guess samuel l. jackson has some choice words about that snake there. >> i think >> the omg video of the day that's why we call it that. >> get the very latest news. the app and your favorite social media channels. >> we'll see you back here at tonight, breaking news on several fronts as we come on the air. storm surge, slamming the florida coast. cities under water and tonight forecasters are warning the worst may be yet to come as hurricane matthew takes aim at georgia and the carolinas. trump tape bombshell. a hot mike months after marrying melania, making vulgar comments about groping women. saying, when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. we have the tape. more breaking news, the u.s. publicly accuses russia of trying to interfere with the election, blaming putin's government for political hacks and e-mails exposed. and cries for help from a little girl

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