Transcripts For KPIX The Late News 20221004 :

Transcripts For KPIX The Late News 20221004

>> and police releasing a new clue in the search for the shooters who wounded six at an oakland school tonight. they want you to take a very close look at this video. > >> that is going to do it as ths win it 24-9. >> a huge win at home for the 49ers against their rival the rams. our vern glenn was there.d why the tackle that is geting the most attention tonight wasn't actually part of the gam. part of the game.> >> 17-year-old jay z. and angel were students at berkeley high.e are learning more about the sudden burst of violence that took their lives. >> there's a lot of pain in my family. my friends. >> reporter: an emotional night as people packed the middle school for a vigil. they are overwhelmed with grief. >> it is really surprising and it hurts a lot more knowing you don't get to see them anymore. >> reporter: mothers were holding their children a little tighter as they tried to hold back their tears. >> i'm upset. but not surprised because of all the gun violence going around. >> reporter: it was standing room only as they mourned a 14-year-old and 17-year-old. thy were gunned down in an oakland home on saturday night. a parent parent had rented the house on airbnb for a birthday party. >> when i was a kid growing up, we get into a fistfight. 30 minutes later, we are out there playing again. now, you get into into a fight, you lose your life. >> reporter: they got into a conflict at berkeley high school. the shooters came to the the party armed with a handgun and a rifle. and targeted the two brothers. >> we have to get guns out of the hands of young people. and that is not just a police issuet is an issue for families. >> reporter: as crime continues to escalate, police chief lauran lauran armstrong says the system system is failing the city and alameda county. he is pleading with the district attorney's office and judges to have criminals held accountable for their crimes. >> don't let them back out into our community to continue to drive gun violence. young people people that are taken into custody with firearms. there has has to be some level of oversight when they do come back come back into our community. >> about 20 minutes after the chief spoke, oakland had its 100th homicide of the year in te oak center neighborhood. >> we have some video surveillance of the scene. so we we are following leads we have gotten so far and statements people have given us. we have ld to go on. >> this is the third year in the the row the city has had at least 100 homicides. police union cited chronic understaffing noting these bitter numbers paint the tragic story of oakland. too few cops lead to too many homicides. we learned the king estates campus in oakland will remain closed tomorrow in the wake of wednesday's school shooting tonight. at least two gunmen are are still at large and police hope you can recognize them. ths shows two suspects enter the campus just before noons with guns in their hands. these still still frames give you a better look at the suspect's hands. a total of 30 rounds fired off wounding four school staffers and two adult students. police say none of them appears to havn the intended target. > >> public safety was a hot topic topic at an oakland mayoral forum. the two front runners in the race talked about cleaning up the streets. >> we have to ensure we are enforceing the laws that keep our environment clean. >> i do believe that people are coming out from outside of oakland to dump in oakland. if we can put up some sting operations we will send a strong strong message saying you can nr dump in oakland. >> the winner in november will replace out going mayor libby schaaf who has hit her term limit. > >> a wild moment during monday night football at levi stadium as rams linebacker bobby wagner tackled a trespasser on the field. he was carrying some sort sort of device that clouded him in pink smoke. but if he was hoping to disappear, it didn't quite work. and vern glenn was there to see that tackle and another dominant performance bye 49ers defense. >> reporter: i tell you what, it it was something to see at levi stadium. i did not see it coming coming but, besides last season championship game, this 49ers rams rivalry has been one sidedn francisco has beaten its southern california rivals seven seven straight times in the regular season. no love lost when these two get together. 7-, san francisco. jimmy garapalo nearly intercept samuels able to to get the catch. got to the open field. ran through all pro jalen ramsey at the 20. took it in for a 57-yard touchdown and e niners beat the super bowl champion rams 24-9 improving to2 for the season. >> all you see from them, they don't like us. it is more of hey, it is football. we will go out and do our jobs every single single time. it is a great rivalry. they are a fantastic football team. stars all over the field. and we have to play our best if we want to beat them. >> reporter: hey, more post game game reaction coming out of the locker room. know how i know? i was in there with jim flannigan tonight. see you in sports in a few minutes. > >> coming up, a brutal carjacking caught on camera. the camera. the questions over whether the suspect should have been free to commit the crime in crime firsplace. > >> plus, we are entering our fourth drought year, but tonight, the bay area is standing out when it comes to rainfall and not in the way you might expect. > >> plus, a ship could be a lifeline during a major earthquake. how fleet week is giving san francisco emergency s a rare opportunity. > >> and, stay tuned right after this newscast for the late show as stephen colbert welcomes houe speaker nancy pelosi. as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at >> tonight, santa rosa police are searching for the suspect in in a violent carjacking who was just released from prison in a similar case. a warning, this video is hard to watch. surveile video shows the suspect walking up to a truck at first and a street yesterday morning and attacking a 67-year-old driver.e victim was bleeding and unconscious when police arrived and was taken to the hospital with facial injuries. police say say they are looking for this man. 28-year-old rico gomez. he is on community supervision for prior assault and carjacking case. he was released from prisn just in june. > >> the woman known as a los gatos party mom has pleaded not guilty to all 39 felony and misdemeanor charges she is facing. shannon o'connor is accused of organizing alcohol fueled sex parties for her son and his friends. charges include include child endangerment and sexual assault. she is scheduled scheduled to return to court on december 12th. > >> a high school football team near sacramento won't play this season after several players were arrestedover a racist plant. it happened at river valley high school in yuba cityt officials say they obtained a video last week described as a simulated slave auction. >> you need have to get kicked off the game. that's messed up. >> the superintendent released a a statement saying they may have have thought this skit was funny funny but it is not. it requires requires us to look at issues of of systemic racism. > >> now to the aftermath of hurricane ian. the storm has claimed at least 105 lives and that number is expect today go up. partsof florida's south western coast are unrecognizable. buildings have collapsed. boatshave washed ashore, more than 50 of those deaths are in lee county alone were some are now questioning whether evacuation orders were given too late. tonight, officials there are defending their decisions. >> i am confident in our county manager, our leaders, our governor, all of us in law enforcement that we got that message out at the right time. , whether people listen to it, we can't force people out of their homes. but we can continuously y look, mandatory evacuation. >> many major roadways are still still flooded and thousands are still without power and cell service making the rescue effors even more difficult. > >> while they are dealing with the aftermath of extreme flooding, california is entering entering its fourth year of extreme doubt. the current drought is the driest on recordn for the 2022 water year was 77% of average. the bay area had close to normal precipitation over the last year especially compared to the rest of the state. this is video from last year's atmospheric river which boosted our numbers. the department of water resources says the bay area received 82% of its average annual rainfall that ended on friday. now let's bring in our first alert meteorologist paul heggen. just a few rainy days seem to make a huge difference. > >> there's lies, there's big lies and statistics. and there are lies hidden in it that we had a close to average water year. let's take a look at the numbers. again, if you look at the percentages, it looks like okay, we are pretty close to where we should be. but take the the san francisco number. 16 inches of that. almost all of it it fell in october. november, and december of last year. they went through that very long stretch of dry weather in january, february, march, and most of april. so, if we get close to average rainfall, that is fine. but it has to be spaced spaced out enough throughout the the rainy season to really make a difference in terms of our drought conditions. getting it all at once, we lose the beneficial aspect of getting close to normal rainfall. we hope the upcoming rainy season gives us what we need. but zero precipitation in the forecast for the next several days. high pressure building overhead. not only does that mean a continuation of the dry weather pattern. it also means a steadily warmer weather patternd heat beginning to build thursday, friday, and saturday.t now, a little fog on the horizon. more along the coast begining to redevelop. temperats it's a mix of mid to upper 50s and low 60s on the map at the . anywhere from 55 in santa rosa to 62 in san jose and concord. e fog will spread inland with high high cloud cover floating in the the upper levels of the atmosphere. the fog that makes s way in will not last long. pleny of sunshine with high clouds to filter the sunshine. not going to block it entirely. temperatus dropping down to what is pretty close to normal for early october. all of us end up in the the 50s by early tomorrow morning and high temperatures are also going to be very close to normal for early october. 60s along the coast. mostly 70s around the bay. mostly 80s further inland or close to 80 degrees in san jose. all of these numbers within a degree or or two on either side of what's normal for the fourth day of october. but once temperatures start to warm up on wednesday, the warmest days settle in thursday, friday, and saturday.d warm air will make itself at home even once we coast down the the other side of the temperature roller coaster. we are still going to be above average. we see a significant change above average temperatures will continue for most of the western u.s. in the short term, here is the temperature trend the next several days. just kind of a hill of temperatures with the peak, thursday, friday, and saturday. those warmest days, only push temperatures up to thd 70s in san francisco. the upper upper 70s in oakland. and the d 80s in san jose. also, mid 80s for most inland parts of the north bay. the hottest spots. no spots. no surprise, inland and the east bay where you are likely to get above 90 degrees thursday, friday, and saturday.t the fog should not be a problem for fleet week festivities around the bay. > >> straight ahead in sports from from levi stadium, niners empire empire strikes back. defense. ad debo prove mornings are our time, and i couldn't let stiff joints slow me down. so i started taking osteo bi-flex every day because it has joint shield... ...clinically shown to improve joint comfort within 7 days. osteo bi-flex - available at your local retailer and club. >> it seems kyle shanahan and te 49ers turn it up when they face the rams. vern? >> reporter: here's the question. dre, was last season's season's nfc championship game an anomaly? the last seven times times of the regular season, these two teams have gotten together, it is gone down something like what we saw on this football field behind me tonight. jimmy garapalo and the 49ers looking to bounce back from last sunday's loss in denver. opening possession of the game. la's matthew stafford third down. seven of seven on the drive. first san francisco possession. jeff wilson jr. up the middle. and, he is gone. 32d touchdown run. put the niners up up 7-3. late in the second quarter. on third and short. das pass. samuel made the catch. bre the jalen ramsey tackle at the 20. scored on a 57-yard touchdown catch that made it 14-6. six catches, 116-yards and and jerry rice will drink to that. all over stafford on second down. charles dropped him him for a nine yard loss. next play, lenore got stanford. san francisco defense finished the game with seven sacks. still a one possession game. stafford looked for cup. but, he jumped around. and, he puts the game away with a 52-yard pick six. te 49ers defeat the defending champs evening their record at 2-2. san francisco's seventh straight regular season win over over the rival rams. >> we all know how last week went. that makes eight tough games. each game is different. t was a big one obviously. coming off how we were last week. we need today play good. i thought we did. >> samuel. touchdown. >> every time i got a chance to get the ball in my hands, it is my mentality. >> takable special. that's what is so fun about him. he doesn't get tackled. he runs through everything. all he want to do is is score. >> stafford is hit again and down he goes. >> you feel like you have the best defense in the league right right now? >> yeah i do. we have stuff we have to work on. just being here here every day, i feel like we e the good defense. > >> pivot to baseball. as players sported the steven vogt tee shirts before the final series of his career. oakland trailed the angels 4-2. two outs. seth brown single to left with the bases loaded. sent into into extras. in the tenth, tony kemp shot one into right field.e as walked it off, 5-4, their second win in a row. > >> give me this pooch checking out the giants and the padres in in san diego. aw. game was scoreless in the bottom of the eighth. down 4-0. wil meyers capped off the inning with a homer. padres win. giants fell back to 500 with just two games left in the regular season. > >> but the top story tonight, levi stadium with the 48ers imposed their will over the rams. a lopsided win yet again in the regular season over their their neighbors to the south. d? >> yep. all the teams in the nfc nfc west are now 2-2. so it should be a good year coming ups vern. > >> up next, a unique perspective perspective of fleet week from on board and incoming navy shipw san francisco is using this week week to hone its own defenses. >> tensions running high. north korea launched intermediate range ballistic missiles over japan. the move comes amid a diplomatic standstill in the u.s. as north korea pushes up its weapons program. the prime minister says at least one missile landed in the pacific o. the u.s. condemned the launch calling it dangerous and reckless. > >> it's fleet week in san francisco. and, you can feel the the excitement on the waterfront waterfront and in the air. expet to hear a lot of that later this this week. the blue angels landed last night at oakland international. they'll headline the big weekend air shows. and chopper 5 overhead today as two more ships sailed into the bay for the festivities. the uss fitzgerald and the uss harpers ferry. our lauren thomas was on the ferry and helicoptered out o a ship with san francisco's department of emergency services. the ship carries medical supplies, tools, anything that could be helpful in a disaster. and fleet week is is a rare opportunity for city workers to get on board and coordinate response plans. >> we think about the potential impacts of an earthquake. we may may only be able to receive things by air or by maritime vessels. and so, during fleet week, we test that capability. >> our special coverage continues through the week on air and online. we also have posted a link to the fleet week's event schedule on > >> well, up next, these treats look great, but they aren't for you. san francisco restaurant serving up fine dining for thei. >> speaker of the house nancy pelosi is here. while she is jim mansfield: my job was more important to me than my family, and i started drinking a lot, staying out of town. it took a toll on me. dr. charles stanley: you may be as low as the prodigal, but you are not hopelessly, helplessly lost if you will listen to what i'm about to say. jim: sitting on that couch, watching that sermon, something had happened to us. i'm talking about the joy and love in our hearts. i want more of that. when you humble yourself under the mighty hand of god, in due time he will exalt you. hi, i'm joel osteen. i'm excited about being with you every week. i hope you'll tune in. you'll be inspired, you'll be encouraged. i'm looking forward to seeing you right here. you are fully loaded and completely equipped for the race that's been designed for you. >> the winchester mystery house is going big this october. the haunted house tour is back for the first time in years. this year's theme is unhinged. a night shades curse. guests can take a spooky self-guided tour with multiple routes. > >> in san francisco, you can now now treat your dog to a fancy dinner. on mission street is the the ultimate fine dining experience for fido. the new trendy restaurant opened on valencia street last week. dogs can snack on deliciously decorated pastries. this pulled pork spirulina ball topped with a gold leaf. maybe dogs will enjoy that. doesn't sound very appetizing to me. >> nor i. that experience would be wasted on my dogs. >> you think so? >> i wonder how much this dining dining experience is for the dogs. >> i don't think it is free. >> definitely not. all right, thanks (upbeat music) - hi everyone, and welcome to legal help center. this is where we have professionals standing by to answer your questions regarding personal injury. so if you've been injured in an accident that was not your fault, like a car accident or a slip and fall, we can help.

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