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Were very excited to get a visit from the five young people on bus 52 who have been on the bus for a year collecting Inspiring Stories. Their trip wraps up this afternoon. The chef who taught americans to cook tellian style. Shes here to reveal her own mamas favorite family dishes. She has this incredible life story. Her family escaped communism. Shes making a chocolate Bread Pudding and theres rum in it. But first our top story this morning. Jobs. The economy and the rocky negotiations to avoid that fiscal cliff. Lets start with the good news the slowly improving unemployment numbers. In november the nation added 146,000 jobs and the Unemployment Rate dipped to 7. 7 , the lowest in nearly four years. So whats behind this improvement and what impact could it have on the overall economy and the fiscal cliff talks . We have some answers with the chief Investment Analyst at charles swhaub. Were you surprised by these numbers . The Payroll Survey which is where we get the jobs created is generally a Large Company survey. So it may not pick up where the jobs were lost from the hurricane. The problem too is although the headline was positive the prior couple of months were revised down by a similar amount. I would say the report in general was about a neutral. Also the fact the one employment rate dropped to 7. 4 had a lot to do with fact people gave up looking for work. Thats the rub. The headline is good. A big part of that reason is that over 300,000 people dropped out of the workforce. The biggest growth in jobs seem to doinl retail sector. Is that significant . Were having a pretty decent Holiday Season and its seasonally normal to see the kind of boost in retail and hospitality, things at the Holiday Season. I wouldnt necessarily make anything of that other than thats typically what you see. What do you make of the Consumer Confidence numbers that came out after the jobs report yesterday and show things are at least in the consumers point of view not improving as much. Theres a variety of Consumer Confidence measures. The one that came out yesterday were weaker. Several others were stronger. Ive been surprised theres a decent amount of resiliency. It has to do with the fact that gasoline prices are down and home prices are up and those two things track Consumer Confidence. The job numbers, though we pretty much have been stuck in a rut with 150,000 job growth foreclose to two years now. Whats it going to take us to actually accelerate past that . I think we have to get past some of the uncertainty. Im tired of talking about the fiscal cliff. I think some of that uncertainty has held back hiring and we have to get past that. Because if youre a business an you dont know what the rules of the game are, most businesses will tell you i dont even care what the level of regulation is or what the tax rate is i just need to know what the Playing Field is. Its that uncertainty thats Holding Things back. We have to take that probably into early next year before you lift that uncertainty. Thanks so much. Now to the president and the congress and the fiscal cliff. The combination of automatic tax hikes and deep federal spending cuts due to kick in january 1st. Thats 24 days away. Just over three weeks from now but so far negotiations to find a way around it well theyve gone nowhere. Well talk about that with a former chief of staff to president bill clinton and adviser to president obama and a founder and chairman of the center for American Progress which is a washington think tank and he joins us now from our washington bureau. John great to have you this morning. Good morning. Are we going over this cliff, john . I think i certainly hope not and i think that people there are low level talks again and i think that the president and the speaker need to engage with each other to try to avoid that. But what we need to do for the long run is really to get on a path towards greater fiscal discipline but do it in a way that keeps momentum behind the economy right now, keeps jobs growing. After today or yesterdays job report the worst thing we can do is to go over the fiscal cliff and put the economy back into a recession. So im optimistic but its going to take some hard bargaining and some work and i think the most important thing the president has put on the table is that there needs to be a balanced plan and there needs to be more revenue coming from the people at the top of the economy. John, were hearing a lot of the same kind of tone that we heard before of course. It sounds very familiar. Do you think they are actually making any progress here and if this comes down to a one on one, essentially, between the president and the speaker, is that a good thing . Well, you know i think if theres progress being made its hard to find which room its being made in because basically both sides are still kind of reiterating their points. I think if the republicans agree with the American People which is that lets extend the middle class tax cuts on 98 of americans i think things can fall quickly into place. The president is willing to make some further reductions particularly in the socalled mandatory programs including health care and i think that we can see a rapid progression and that will take some bargaining i think between leadership on democratic and republican side but particularly between the president and the speaker. John a lot of the public debate has focused on this tax issue. Spend is part of the ultimate package. You call for 1. 8 trillion in spending cuts and your plan is not subtracting from Social Security or medicare to get there so i wonder what are you subtracting from outside of defense . Well, let me correct you. We put forward an overall plan that meets the simpsonbowles revenue targets but also has serious spending constraints including 385 billion in Health Care Savings primarily medicare thats through more competition and better delivery of services under medicare but we do call for substantial savings in medicare as part of an overall 4. 1 trillion deal as put forward by simpsonbowles. John podesta, thank you. On the list much issues the u. S. Supreme court has taken on in recent years few are as contentious as the one the justices agreed on friday to consider same sex marriage. In a cbs news poll last month just over half of americans, 51 said same sex marriage should be legal. 41 said it should not. Joining us is Susan Goldberg a professor at the Columbia University law school. Good morning. How important is what the Supreme Court has decided to do . This is enormously important. As the country is moving more and more to embracing the question, same sex couples right to marry the question is what does the law say about it and this is what the Supreme Court will tell us by the end of june. They are looking at two cases here. What are the specifics of those cases and what do you think they are going to be looking for within each . There are two cases, one involves a widow in new york who was faced with more than 300,000 tax bill because the government refused to recognize her marriage to her same sex partner. And the question there is whether the federal defensive marriage act which blocks the United States government from recognizing marriages of same sex couples will stand, will it continue or will marriage discrimination by the government federal government come to an end . The other case involves a california law, which bans marriage recognition for same sex couples. It took away marriage rights from same sex couples and the question in that case is what will happen in california and perhaps what will happen in other states throughout the United States. What does it mean if that ban is upheld . If its upheld in california same sex couples will not be getting married in california and it means that theres a question then about what will happen with marriage rights for same sex couples in the rest of the country. Of course any state can allow same sex couples to marry and many do but the question is whether the law will require that. If the law makes it into the Supreme Court, which you say theres actually some question of whether this is actually going to follow through, what will the outcome mean for the country . Well this is an enormous american question, where are we headed with marriage for same sex couples and really more broadly where are we head with civil rights and equality. If the Supreme Court strikes down the defensive marriage act and strikes down the ban in california on same sex couples marriages it will mean we move to a more equal place. If it reaches a different conclusion well see what happens. What are the arguments. The argument against marriage rights for same sex couples is generally that marriage historically traditionally has been Something Limited to different sex couples. The Supreme Court has found in a long time held tradition alone is not enough to justify discrimination. On the other side the real point is marriage when were talking about marriage recognized by the state as opposed toby a church or synagogue or religious institution, marriage by the state is about a civil right. In those cases government discrimination shouldnt be coming into play. Do we know at this point do we have any sense how the Supreme Court might line up on this . Its hard to say. My view is despite what a lot of people seem to say this is increasingly a nonpartisan issue. Now what exactly the Supreme Court will do we cant know but i have to think given the Supreme Courts history both on gay rights cases and on some civil rights cases generally were moving towards equality and an end towards discrimination. Thank you. Next we turn to london where it seems a joke phone call this week to the hospital of where the duchess of cambridge was conva lessing has gone wrong. Charlie dagata is outside of the hospital. Reporter good morning. Much different feeling here at the hospital. A couple of days ago when catherine left looking happy and relieved now the hospital staff is reeling from this shocked death of one of the nurses who was on duty while catherine was here. She had the bad fortune of picking up the phone and wleefg it was the queen in the early hours of tuesday morning. Hello there. Could i please speak to kate my granddaughter. Yes. Reporter thats all jacintha saldanha did. She answered the phone and transferred the call to another nurse. Three days later the 46yearold mother of two apparently took her own life. It will take an autopsy to confirm how and an investigation to figure out why. The australian dee jays responsible for the prank call had built a reputation for pushing the boundaries of tastes and and decency. Now they have been silenced pulled off the air indefinitely. They reportedly gone into hiding and they vanished from their twitter. Their boss said they were shattered by news of the nurses death and they have been offered counselling. They are deeply shocked at this time. Weve agreed that they not comment about the circumstances. Hospital officials said there was never any pressure put on jacintha saldanha for putting that phone call through. She was not reprimanded, disciplined or suspended. The hospital had been supporting her through this very difficult time. She was a first class nurse who cared diligently for hundreds of patients during her time with us happen everyone is shocked by the loss of a much loved and valued colleague. Reporter the palace never complained to the hospital about the prank phone call. After learning about the nurses death Prince William and catherine said they were deeply saddened. One newspaper reported catherine broke down in tears when she found out. Thanks charlie. Lets get more on the understandably shocked reaction. Robert jobson has covered the royals 30 years. He joins us now from our london bureau. Good morning. Good morning. To start with have you ever seen a royal story like this . No never in 20 years ive never come across anything as tragic as this. That such an incident could happen after what was a joke that went too far. Even Prince Charles only a couple of days ago was johannesburging it himself. Nobody was taking it that seriously. The impact upon this lady was too much for her to cope. We dont know the full circumstances surrounding what actually happened to her. So sad to read this headline yesterday morning. This nurse, i mean you have been in the british media for some time now. To what degree do you think she felt pressure from the British Press . I didnt think there was an awful lot of blame or pressure on this nurse whatsoever. A lot of people felt particularly she just put the call through it was a prank. Nobody was thinking about that. They were thinking more about Catherine Daytona have an impact upon her. So in that respect i dont think anyone understood how this happened or this extreme course of action that fold and well have to wait until the inquest is over to find out exactly what was going on and whether there were other things going on in her life that may have had something to do with this. We still dont know. This isnt the first time that australian Radio Station had a prank backfire on them is it . No. One of their other dee jays was involved in a phone call an interview to a 14yearold girl that was seen as unacceptable. This must be said all of this was prererecord and passed through the boss at the Radio Station and the lawyers too. A lot of people are vilifying these two dee jays nobody could foreseen this. A lot of people found it quite funny at the time and then the shock has come afterwards because its such an extreme action. Absolutely. Now to what degree is the royal family going to probably try to keep catherine more in secrecy with her pregnancy. It was quite significant she left very quickly from the hospital. Shes at Kensington Palace where theres all the medical treatment she requires. Being at Kensington Palace you cant have banks of provers outside. They cant have the same degree of pressure. I think she will be kept away from the public spotlight. She must be devastated by what happened. It cast as shadow of what essentially is a wonderful news about the royal baby. Thank you. Now to egypt where theres been no let up in the furious administrate demonstrations against president Mohamed Morsi and his push to consolidate power. Allen pizzey is in cairo this morning with the latest on the confrontation. Good morning alan. Reporter good morning. As you can see behind me the streets are relatively quiet. The modus operandi is to protest all night and then rest during the day. President morsi issued an appeal for his opposition to come together with him to engaging dialogue and try to resolve this issue but that didnt happen. The opposition refused to come. Meanwhile the army actually called for the protesters to sit down and have a little bit of dialogue. That was welcomed by the Muslim Brotherhood. The army last night did not intervene significantly when protesters, opposition protesters breached the barricades behind me in front of the president ial palace. They sat back and let the proifrts shout and holler and spray paint and pulled back again. The Muslim Brotherhood has kept its protesters away from the opposition thats in the wake of at least seven dead and more than 700 injured. Nobody wants to see any more of that. This is turning into a confrontation twins lammists who support the government and the secular opposition. Now there have been some other attempts to try to cool the situation. President morsi did suggest he might actually postpone the referendum which is due from a week from today on a new constitution but that hasnt done much to satisfy the opposition and a sign that nobody thinks this is over the army right now erecting more barricades to keep the protesters back from the president ial palace just in case they try to storm it again tonight. Anthony. Allen pizzey in cairo. Thanks. The south korean rapper is apologizing to americans. The internet sensation whose gangnam style videos are the most watched ever on video. In 2004 he took part in concerts protesting the u. S. Invasion of iraq. And he rapped about killing yankees who tortured iraqis. He now says he regrets any pain he caused. Hes scheduled to perform at a Charity Event later this month. It will be attended by the first family. Its about 20 minutes after the hour. Heres our first check of the weather. Hi there. Thank you so much. Its been pretty active across the northeast and more so across the west. We had some record snowfall and rainfall across the higher elevations. Lets take a closer look. As you see highlighted in white from duluth to helena were looking at snowfall totals anywhere from six to 12 inches. You add on top of that the arctic blast were talking blizzard like conditions not driving conditions. So stay off the roads. Thats at that look at your national forecast. Heres a closer look at your weather for your weekend. Thank you so much. Well send it back over to you. It is the piano at the center of the most romantic scene in arguably the most romantic movie of all time. Its going up for auction on friday. Its sams piano, one of them at least from casablanca. As jim axelrod reports there is no ordinary movie prop. Reporter no matter how much time goes by the song from the 1942 american classic casablanca still endures. And even though Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman are gone the piano that sam played is still here. This is actually the surviving movie star from the film. Reporter david has been an auction year at sothebys for nearly 40 years. He sold the piano once before for 140,000 back in 1988. This week hell handle the auction again and this time hes anticipating much more. What do you expect this to fetch . The estimate is 800,000 to 1. 2 million. The but now its up to around 5 million. Reporter the dress Marilyn Monroe wore in the seven year itch sold for 5 million but casablanca is in a class by itself. He says the piano and as time goes by are essential characters in casablanca accounts. The piano is a sacred object. It sanctityg sanctifies their love. Reporter on friday somebody will walk away with a piano and a piece of american film history. Heres looking at you kid. Reporter for cbs this Morning Saturday im jim axelrod. And for the casablancacasablanca buffs, the one used at ricks cafe is on loan to warner studio brothers. Coming up sentenced to embarrassment. More and more judges and parents are handing out embarrassing punishments. But do they work . Later the healing power of music. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Next well take a look at a Secretive Group here in new york thats been forced to open up like never before because a member of the sect on trial for molesting a student in his care for years. John miller will bring us this revealing so we were talking about this story, what do you think were the most looked up words on Merriam Webster in a dictionary of 2012 . This is not google or yahoo this is the dictionary. People who are going specifically to the dictionary to look up the meaning of a specific word. This year its socialism and communism. With the election its pretty much understandable i guess. Socialism now and capitalism. Capitalism i get. Does make you wonder. Im trying to remember the last word i looked up. I cant remember. I can remember the last word i looked up. We look up words every day. We do. I guess its an after thought. You dont know every word in the dictionary yet . Its funny in this job you use fewer and fewer of them. Keep it simple stupid. I think at least we know that people were looking those words up. I think thats a great sign because if you dont know the meaning of a word rather than just glossing over it especially in this day and age where everybody is on the internet all day long sending shorter and shorter Text Messages i feel happy to know that people are looking up words that they dont know the meaning to. We could use a few more of them. Our Attention Span i had to rewrite a letter from my local library, a fundraising letter. You got to take about 70 of this out because nobody will read it. Sometimes we get so spoiled with our computers because we assume it will just know you know, the words for us. Fill it in for us. But, you know stay with us. Well be right back. Next friday december 14th will be the 40th anniversary of the last time a human being stood on the moon. It was the apollo 17 mission and retired astronaut has held a long time secret. He left his camera behind on the moon and wishes he can use it one time. Hes now 78 years old he told Bloomberg News he thought some other astronaut would have visited the site by now, retrieve the black camera and returned it to the earth for study. Well he now wishes he had taken a picture of his own boot print 40 years later still the last left by a man on the moon. A little sad. Welcome back to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im jar junior. Im anthony mason. Our top story this half hour a trial here in new york is breaking a great deal attention to a deeply insue lar religious sect. A fundamentalist group of hasidic jews. Cbs this morning Senior Correspondent john miller has been following the trial. Hes here with a revealing look at the satmar sect. Fascinating case pap case thats being watched closely anthony not because of the allegations that a trusted Community Leader sexually abused a young girl he was assigned to help but also because the trial has pulled back a veil concealing the inner workings of a community. The trial is opening a window into one of the insue lar and secretive sects in the country. Weberman is accused of sexually abusing a girl from his community when she was 12 years old. Hes a member of the satmar sect of hasidic jews. It sits next to one of new yorks trendiest neighborhoods but the satmars live in a world apart shunning many aspects of modern life and following strict biblical laws. For an investigator what are the challenges investigating crimes within the Hasidic Community . Its hard. They have their own code of ethics. They dont trust anybody. Retired nypd detective spent his career working in neighborhoods like williamsburg even once going undercover in a bribery investigation. Everything that takes place within the community has to be done with the head rabbi. To sit down with the people involved in that crime, sometimes they are bought with money. Sometimes they are told that you know we will handle it. Sometimes they are told that just let it be. Reporter webermans accuser is now 18. She says because of her teenage interest in my vikdios and clothes her family was threatened with expulsion. She was ordered to attend counselling sessions with weberman who is unlicensed. The sessions cost her family 12,000. Weberman is charged with sexually abusing her for three years. She eventually reported the crime to a social worker who alerted police. Earlier this year four members of the Hasidic Community were arrested for offering her family 500,000 to keep quiet. He should have been locked up for practicing medicine without a license and hes allowed to do it. This is done by the community. They are accepting his say no matter what it might be. I would say its a cult. Reporter Debra Feldman grew up in the hasidic life. Theres a lot of rules. Theres a lot of people watching you. Theres only one right way to live. If you cant make it work youre stuck. You have no other option. Reporter this year feldman released a memoir unorthodox. Feldman today lives far from williamsburg but reading about the weberman case in the newspapers brought back some not so fond memories. When i saw the article trying to help members with the satmar community. Teach them theres one magic number and its stronger than the magic number in the lottery and that is 911. Reporter some members of satmar sect have come to webermans defense and calling his accuser a heretic. Whats shocking to me this case has gone trial in the first place. Jurors began deliberating yesterday. The trial will resume monday. Whats webermans defense . Weberman took the unusual step of taking the stand in his own trial and he testified and what came out in that testimony and other testimony is pretty much the alternative theory in this case is as he was counselling her he learned when she was 15 was dating an 18yearold boy. He reported that to her father. That caused the relationship to break up and that she vowed to get back at him for ruining that relationship. So, they have kind of framed in the defense a motive for her to allegedly make this story up. What made the victim come forward . Well this is a community where victims dont come forward and when they do theres tremendous pressure and there are other hasidic communities in brooklyn that have similar rules about you handle problems internally through the grand rabbi and others. The brooklyn District Attorney to address this started special program where victims could come forward, be guaranteed anonymity and the controversial part of the program said so the community who be more amenable to it on the level of the Community Elders that the accused would be grant ad level of anonymity. They wouldnt announce the investigation or arrest or trial or conviction, the press would have to find their way to it themselves when outside of that community of course they announce all of those cases. So that generated a lot of discussion about whether, whether the suspect should be granted anonymity on some level too. John miller thanks. Now heres stacey from news 12 Network New York with another check of the weather. Thank you. We are looking at pretty active weather across much of the northern section of the u. S. Stretching back from seattle all the way over to the upper midwest, wisconsin, getting some snow. Were talking about six to 12 inches now. Now calling your attention to this cold front thats coming through, moving across the northeast thats providing some instability. In terms of rainfall not a whole lot but isolated areas could see anywhere from one to two inches this weekend fog advisories across the southeast, well talk more coming up. Thats a look at your national weather. Now heres a closer look at the weather for your area. Make it a good weekend, everybody. Back to you. You make it a good weekend for us. Coming up next when has punishment gone too far. More and more parents and judges are using embarrassment to punishment misbehavior. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. This is george. He is a good Little Monkey and always very curious. One day george got an important letter. Hes built a rocket ship to travel into space. Google, how far is earth to the moon . The moon is 238,900 miles. The great moment had come. 3, 2, 1. 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I think that we think its going to work because were creating humiliation and embarrassment for these kids teenagers, adults. But the fact is were not having them reflect on their behavior were not having them think about what they could do instead. Instead were putting them out there and humiliating which will have long term emotional consequences down the road. Thats more problematic to me than figure out what the punishment should be. Its a negative effect . It can be a negative effect. This is also such a brittle time in their psyches. So to be humiliated. There needs to be consequence and positive reinforcements. What point do you think parents have to be at to go down this path in the first place . I think you probably have to be at your wits end at some point. We were talking earlier in some ways its what we teach them about facebook. Dont put everything out there. Dont make this public. To do this is like dont do what i say do what i do. I know i appeal to my kids by saying you know what you put me in an embarrassing position and i find that effective with them because they understand embarrassment and dont library it. If youre doing this to them youre embarrassing them i can see how it reinfor the negative. It promotes the sense of guilt and shame. Im doing something to impact you i feel guilty about that because i dont want to disappoint people that matter to me. If i do something that only impacts me i will feel shame. Were humiliating these kids. Were putting them out there for everybody to point and laugh at them. Were putting them down. We put all these placards and things online for people to see. Now the world is humiliating them. One of the women was shamed and made to wear a dunce cap after failing a french test. She wanted to act and sing would never get on stage after that. Thats damaging. Taking someone and truncating their goals. What do parents do . Lets say your child does Something Like steal from a store. Youre with them in the stores they happen to walk out with something. What does a parent do in response to that . Some simple things. Little kids do this all time. Its important then to go take them back in they have to return it they have to apologize and say im going to pay for this. Parents have to think about how the punishment fits the crime. I want has to be a meaningful punishment. It has to be effective. It has to be time limited. The meaningful part of it has to be to the kid and not to you and you have to make your expectations very clear. How do you want them to act and what will happen . Anthony you and i are in the same town. There was a hazing incident in our town. Everybody knew who these kids were. Their names werent published but that shame in itself was punishment. You dont need to go another step forward. Natural consequences are powerful. You try 20 things and its not working and you reach a point where you feel like you got to do something. The psychology here is if you shame them they will remember this. Sometimes they remember it for weeks alone. There needs to be punishment. Punishment has to happen. It doesnt teach something new. The double edged sword how do you punish and teach at the same time. You have to figure out how to do both. Sometimes its saying you have to do Community Service for x amount of time. Make it positive. I would like to end on that note. Make it positive on saturday. Thanks ladies. Up next sometimes pills wont cure what ails you but your Favorite Music might just do the trick. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Even though our mom tries, she doesnt really get us. And shell never know who we are, or what. No way, madden girls . . Nike theyre so awesome nike wow yeahhhh thank you whos your mommy now . Its a christmas miracle. Give victoriously. Famous brands. Famously easy. 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Today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. And bps also committed to america. We support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. Were working to fuel america for generations to come. Our commitment has never been stronger. I feel better already. We know music can change our moods but theres new evidence it can cure what ails you too. Lets get more about that from a neuroscientist and author of this is your brain on music. Good morning. Just how powerful is music when it comes to your health . Weve seen that music can increase immune system function and one of the things about music is it activates every region of the brain, the left and right hemispheres, the core texas as well as the interior. And weve seen the power of music in cases such as Gabrielle Giffords whose recovery was facilitated by melodic therapy, a form of music to help her speak again. Tough Classical Music because people will say Classical Music listen youll become smarter. Is that true . Not exactly true. This is based on an old study thats been debunked many times. Classical music can make you feel power. All music has some power. But its not just Classical Music or mozart that can show these benefits. If you play it for babies will they develop faster . Thats another theory. That is true. The fetus has a fully functioning auditory system by 20 weeks. Inside the womb the infant is hearing the sounds of its environment and then after birth infants show a preference for the music they heard in the womb. The best thing to the is play your developing baby all the musics of the world so their brain can become wired to the sounds of the different cultures. Speaking of that type of music, rock rap, heavy rock and roll what will that do for somebodys brain . Its not so much that the genres have particular effects if you like the music it will have effects, and in our own lab seen cortisol levels can be decreased. It has to be music you like. Help metal wont have one effect and jazz has another. But music you like or resonate to. President obama listens to jazz before speeches to relax him. That works for him. The mechanism of that is interesting. We have neurons in our brain that floss with the beat of the music. If it is slower it will calm you down. If its rapid just ahead of the pace that you would be running at it can help you to increase your running time. Athletes use music to help give them that boost. Seems retailers use music to boost sales. Theres a whole literature on this. Theres a subfield of retail and music and it turns out around christmas time we hear music and that makes people want to buy more because it reminds them of christmases past with their families. But, you know, it reaches a point of diminishing return. After a couple of weeks youre sick of those songs. Make it stop. Youre not thinking about fun christmases, youre thinking about that horrible time in the mall last week. Thank you. In the mall parking lot last week. Coming up next theres a place in france where courtesy and politeness are the order of the day. No, its behind the headlines. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. [ female announcer ] with depression Simple Pleasures can simply hurt. The sadness, anxiety the loss of interest. The aches and pains and fatigue. Depression hurts. Cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. Tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. People taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. Taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. Severe liver problems some fatal, were reported. Signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. Tell your doctor about all your medicines including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible lifethreatening conditions. Talk about your alcohol use Liver Disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. Dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. Simple pleasures shouldnt hurt. Talk to your doctor about cymbalta. Depression hurts. Cymbalta can help. Been shopping so smart, cash back with your freedom card getting cash back on what . Close shave and haircut fan for the ceiling. Youre gonna cool off that hoooounddd tonight you gotta get your cash back, on new slacks. Use freedom on lunch with jack. Everybody get everybody get get your cash back. Chase freedom. Begin. Tomato, obviously. Haha. Theres more than that though, theres a kick to it. Wahlalalalallala smooth, but crisp. Its kind of like drinking a food thats a drink, or a drink thats a food woooooh [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. Couldve had a v8. Now its time for a look behind the headlines. Like this story you mighted have missed. Say bonjour or au revoir. The mayor of a small town north of paris issued an order making it requirement for residents to be polite to local officials. Visitors to the town they are told that they must say good morning bonjoure. Thank you, merce to staffers. How about the iphone case you can eat. Thats right. The uks daily mail newspaper reports on a japanese iphone case that doubles as an emergency snack. Its a traditional cracker made of brown rice and salt. Not much to look at and not much protection for your phone either. Tastes like chicken. Swedish cop goes above and beyond the call of duty to give a guy a parking ticket. This picture says it all. You think cops in snowy sweden have ticket quotas to fill. The man wanted to give a ticket real bad. The new push to free an american imprisoned for year in cuba. For some of you your local news is next. For the rest stick around, youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. You have some exciting things to do this weekend . Come on everybody is mad at me because im going to the stones tonight. They are green with envy. Lets talk you have music that makes you feel better . You get pumped up with music in the morning absolutely. Right now ingrained in my brain right now is kanye. Cant get it out of my head. Does it affect your mood . It makes me happy and relaxed. Especially when im sleep deprived. Get that. I like to get really pumped up on music. Music can change for me like before a show for example i can listen to some rap, some pop music in my office and get excited and im reading through all the material getting excited about the material and getting amped up. Also i like to look at a picture of you in my office. What do you do . Actually i want to tell this story. I did a story on a musician who had a brain injury and shes a singer and a phenomenal singer now. She was a College Student then when she got hit by a car. What happened was her brain she wasnt healing and then she discovered she played piano and she started playing music and her brain started to heal. It was remarkable. Nothing else was working. That backs up everything that amazeing power of the brain. Which music pumps you up . Listen to Something Different every week. I love everything. What song are you most excited to hear tonight that one. That song pumps up pretty much everyone. Absolutely everyone. Well be right back. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Stay with us. For over 60,000 california foster children the holidays can be an especially difficult time. Everythings different now. Sometimes i feel all alone. Christmas used to be my favorite. I just dont expect anything. What if santa cant find me . To help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. Bring your gift to any sleep train and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. This music pumps things up a bit. Welcome back to cbs this Morning Saturday im swrar jar. Im anthony mason. Coming up alan gross is an american who has been imprisoned in cuba for three years theres a growing effort to win his release. Well talking to his wife and usa senator leading the fight. Then the man who saved his boss and business from a gunman and was fired for it. Youll meet him and hear why that was. And the adventures of bus 52. Five young people who spent a year exploring the best of their fellow americans. But first our top story this half hour. The civil war in syria. Fierce fighting is reported within a few miles of damascus the capital and rebel forces are said to be trying to capture the citys international airport. Margaret brennan has just returned from covering secretary of state Hillary Clintons trip to ireland where she discussed syria with her russian counter part. Margaret, good morning to you. Tell us about the fighting to seize the airport. Reporter well, its really heating up rebecca. Its raging inside the capital as rebels terrorize to seize the airport and cut off the regimes supplies. The russians, one of bashir al assads remaining allieses and u. N. Officials dont believe the syrian president can survive this war. That is why theres this new diplomatic push to prepare a new syrian government. Secretary clinton and the Russian Foreign minister agreed to revive a road map for a political transition. It calls for elections that include candidates from the syrian opposition. Yesterday secretary clinton acknowledged its going to be hard to do that while the violence is still raging. Margaret whats the next step in the diplomatic efforts to resolve this hart . . This weekend the u. N. Envoy to syria will meet with russia and u. S. To push negotiations. Secretary clinton will have a summit morrow could. So that will allow the u. S. To funnel money and aid through the new political structure in order to help the rebels create a new government. Margaret is the u. S. Prepared to provide weapons . Not likely. U. S. Diplomats are advising them on,000 create a military command but not likely to give them arms. Officials are concerned that they could fall into the hands of extremists including an al qaeda affiliate that is active within syria. So the u. S. Is most likely to increase aid. Theyve give end 125 million in humanitarian support and dlufrd delivered it inside syria. Margaret brennan, thanks so much for joining us. President obama is asking congress to provide 60 billion in disaster aid for new York New Jersey and connecticut. That storm devastated coastal communities in the northeast. Governors of those three states estimate that combined damage from the sandy topped 80 billion. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton will testify before congress about septembers deadly attack on the u. S. Consulate in benghazi libya. Four americans including u. S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens were killed. The attack raised questions about the security of the consulate and clintons testimony will coincide next week with the release of a report by an independent panel. The winner of the other half 587 million Powerball Jackpot is a man from a wealthy phoenix suburb. He wants to remain anonymous and wants his money now. The jackpot was the second largest in the nations history. The winner bought 10 in tickets. He and his wife will take the cash option. Because of the uncertain tax situation posed by the impasse of the fiscal cliff. Good call. Clarendon, pennsylvania has a throat cheer about. Its powerhouse High School Football team was featured on the cbs evening news on thursday night and on friday night they beat port allegheny 4412 for its 62nd consecutive win. Thats the longest winning streak in the nation for a High School Football team and if clarendon wins the state championship it will be their fourth consecutive title. And its about four after the hour. Time for another check of the weather. Is. Thank you so much. Now things are really heating up. Were looking at a closer look at the northeast and the midwest. Its been crazy all throughout. As you can see highlighted in blue snow across the great lakes. Were more concerned with rain the wet stuff across much of the area from maine down in towards little rock. You can see highlighted in green thats what we expect this weekend. In term of rainfall totals about a quarter of an inch to half an inch. Isolated areas one to two inches. Thats a look at your national forecast. Heres a look at the weather closer to your area for this weekend. This weather segment sponsored by macys. All right. Well send things back to you. In 2009 cubas government arrest ad maryland man who was working there for the u. S. State department. His wife is now putting renewed pressure on washington to get him out and this week she got a boost from three senators. Judy gross is here in our studio and maryland senator ben cardin joins us from baltimore. Good morning. Nice to have both of you with us. Thank you. Thank you. Judy i want to begin with you because its been three years since your husband was in prison. Did you ever expect it to last this long . No. Absolutely not. What did you think when this first started . Actually when it first started i went to one of the men who he worked with at the Consulting Company and he joked with me and said i thought if anything ever happened to alan we told him you would only be there three days. Its been a long three days. How often do you actually get to be in touch with him . Luckily were able to speak weekly. You are. How long are those conversations . Theyve been fairly long. Theyve never cut us off. What do you talk about in those conversations . Is there a sense that there are things that are off limit . Well we know were being recorded so yes there are things that are off limits. If we know were doing or holding some activities i dont talk about that. But we mostly speak about what were doing to get him out. Because you have to give him hope. You have to give him something to feel good about. So thats what most of the conversations are. Giving him hope that yes, were working as hard as we can. And telling him what senators or whoever has been involved. He asks about our children. Do you think hes being held as a pawn because cuba has come out and said yes well release him if the United States releases five cubans that it has in custody. You know i hate to hear the term in one sentence because alan is not a spy. The cuban side is totally different. What were hoping is for the two governments to get together and negotiate. If one government says only the five, that doesnt mean that they cant still sit down and try and talk again and again and try until they reach something. Senator cardin what sort of progress do you see being made here and do you think hes being held as a pawn . Well its clear he should not be held. What he was doing was helping a small Jewish Community gain access to the internet. He did it very openly. It took over a year for cuba to have a trial. He should be released. Period. The end. He should be released because he should never have been detained. He should be released on humanitarian basis. Cuba is hurting its relationship with the United States. Those of us in the past who have been trying to get a closer relationship with can you barks release alan gross. You got to do it. Do you think the United States will come to a point where they would be willing to release the five cubans in custody here in exchange for him . Well i dont think thats as judy said these are totally different case. What cuba has to do is release alan gross. By releasing alan gross those of us that worked to improve the relationship between cuba and the United States we can do that. With alan gross in prison thats difficult. Why is this so difficult with cuba . Weve negotiated release of people from north korea, from iran where the perception is it would be a lot more difficult. You know im at a loss. I dont understand why cuba is still detaining him. Our delegation has engaged everyone from the pope to other countries to make it clear to cuba theres no reason to keep alan gross. What more senator can the u. S. Do here and what more is it actually doing. Are there contacts with the cubans at this point . Is there even a conversation . Well we do have conversations with the can you dance. They do have representatives thats in this country. We do communicate. We talk about it. The administration has been visited by us to make it clear that this needs to be high priority. We got to get alan gross back. Judy gross and senator ben cardin, thank you. Up next meet the man who was fired from his job for preventing a robbery where he worked. His story coming up. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. [ female announcer ] there are lots of different ways to say get well to your loved ones. This came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, americas softest tissue to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack. Full of soothing essentials at kleenex. Com. Kleenex®. Americas softest tissue. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup from the u. S. Postal service the holidays are easy. Visit usps. Com. Pay, print, and have it picked up for free before december 20th for delivery in time for the holidays. You can even give us special instructions on where to find it. Free package pickup. From the u. S. Postal service. Because its nice to have an extra pair of hands around for the holidays. Maybe you can be there; maybe you cant. When you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. You may have chronic migraine. Go to mychronicmigraine. Com to find a headache specialist. And dont live a maybe life. Lots of prepaid cards come prefilled with problems. Enough is enough. Introducing the chase liquid reloadable card. With chase liquid, theres no waiting and no fee to activate you can load cash and checks at any chase depositfriendly atm and there are no withdrawal fees at over 17,500 chase atms all for one flat fee of 4. 95 per month. Get rid of prepaid problems. Get chase liquid. Imagine saving the place where you work and your boss from an armed robber and getting fired for it. Thats what happened to Devon Mcclain who worked at a virginia autozone store until shortly before thanksgiving when a gunman confronted mcclain and the stores manager, mcclain got his own gun. Hes an air force veteran from his car and the robber ran way. Two days ago he was fired for violating auto stones policy on guns in the workplace. Good morning devon. Thanks for coming in. No problem. You were getting ready to close the store when the robber came in. Yes, sir. What was your reaction at that point . Well initial reaction just shock. Like, wow someone is coming in here attempting to rob us. So he told us to go into the office where the safe is and from there he made me put my cell phone on the counter and escorted me back to Nuclear Weapons restroom. When i was in the restroom i watched him go back to the front and as soon as i seen a window of opportunity for me to run out of the restroom i ran from the restroom to the back door of the store to my vehicle to grab my personal weapon and reentered the store and confronted the robber. Once i confronted him he pretty much surrendered, threw his hands up and did you say anything when you confronted him . Told him to freeze. Werent you worried coming back in the store you would end up in a gunfight . To a certain extent. But i knew upon reentering the store i would have the upper hand because it would catching him by surprise like we caught him by surprise. It was kind of like the moment that the tables were turned. He robbed 30 other stores. There were wanted posters for him. Did you recognize him . Recognized him because we had been previously robbed by the same suspect. And as soon as he came in i recognized the fake beard and pretty much his whole image. So, as soon as he came in okay i know who this is. How does the shock then of being fired compare to that initial shock in the situation itself . Being fired was just a breeze. Its nothing by comparison to being confronted with a gun. Nothing at all. Being robbed is something thats going to stay with you throughout your life. Did you know the storys policy. Did you think this would happen . I did know the stores policy but like i said in the previous interview, i put another persons life above store policy. We have to make sure we do read the statement from autozone. They say the outcome in this incident didnt result in harm to either autozone or customers. Unfortunately theres been similar situations where employees have introduced weapons in the workplace and somebody was injured. Well, that wasnt the case in this story. I feel like if you know if any shots were fired it could have gone a whole other way. I cant really tell what would have happened. I could just say what happened you know. Meanwhile youve had new job offers. Yes. Ive had quite a few. A couple in the Construction Business and a couple in the heating and air conditioning. Its going to turn out okay. Yeah it will turn out okay. Im still looking for that one to jump out at me and say hey thats the one i want. Youre contemplating your options. Yeah. For now i have to have some type of work. I have a growing family so i have to provide in any type of way i can. Thank you so much for being with us. Coming up next the crew of bus 52. There you see them. And their inspiring american stories that they collected in a year on the road. Well have all of them for you. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Delivering gifts for this years rent. If you dont understand ill tell you my friend santa is the u. P. S. Man leave me a note maam so i can leave your package at your door you can best believe its my plan to ring your doorbell drop your stuff and go were coming through last may we brought you the inspiring story of bus 52 five recent College Grads who were on a quest, a mission to travel to all of the lower 48 states in 52 weeks in search of 100 inspiring american stories. The team members of bus 52 will wrap up their adventure this afternoon and hear to tell bus their story is the group. Great to have all of you with us. Rob, youve dedicated three years of your life to this two to plan one to do it. Why was it so important to you . Well when i was first thinking about what to do it seemed like the financial crisis had just hit and theres a lot of negative news and negative news is important but there was definitely this lack of positive news out there as well so i wanted to do something that was able to highlight the positives and highlight how important that is to show doesnt matter where you are in the country theres always someone who is doing something great, something inspiring and so thats really the motivating force that i think we were able to do that. Youre up to 99 stories at this point. Yes. One more to go . Amy whats your favorite story so far . Probably canopyies for kids. This is about skydiving. They took us skydiving. They jump out of planes with bears and give them to children at the hospital. People taking their passion and turning it into something great. Steve you filmed this whole thing. With stories like skydiving involved was it easy or difficult to take yourself out it and be the photographer here . As a filmmaker you want to separate yourself from the subject but these stories are so powerful. One of the pictures we shot was banyan tree project. Its great for them to release that and tell their powerful story. New signed up for six months. You ended up going for the whole ride. Absolutely. I thought i would just take one semester off from grad school but once i got on the bus and saw these Inspiring Stories i knew i would just be kicking myself if i didnt keep going with it. Too good of a ride to leave. Amy you were born in belgium yet you wanted to do this across the u. S. Why . Well ive been here on holiday before but why say no to the opportunity to visit 48 of the 50 states and visit in such a way on the road meeting these amazing people who are doing great things. Like one of our recent stories i got to film was girls at work and one woman in New Hampshire and she empowers young girls by teaching them how to build things with power tools. You have these young girls that are building things. They have sauce and drills and they come in and are timid and they come out and are beaming and can build things. Rob, 27,000 miles you put on the bus . Yep. Thats a pretty good number. The journey is it going to be tough to leave this behind. Its become so much a part of you. Its going to be tough especially the fact in order to produce what we have irmean it took an awesome team amazing friends and really incredible family members. All of our families have been so supportive of us. And to just see the success weve been able to have on the heels of that definitely hard to walk away from. Will you do it again or pass the torch to another crew . Were always happy we would love it if some other group of people would come up and say hey we want to go around the country and find Inspiring Stories or meet people or try and get the word out about great people. Does everybody agree maybe its better if another crew does this . It was fun but i dont think we can live in a bus for another year. One of the most exciting things youll do in your life. Great experience. Thanks so much to all of you. Great work. Bus 52. Coming up how to have fun at your office party and still have your job the next day. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. So, rob, tell us about healing horses. Healing for horses is personally one of my favorite pieces. It takes its in minnesota and it takes Women Veterans and brings them into contact with horses in different ways. Its a Therapeutic Riding Center and allows them to able to work through some of the issues that they are going through, having served. Its such a great story, suzy is the woman who founded it. And to see the amount of good that this does these Women Veterans who dont usually have as many dedicated resources to them coming home. It was just a really inspiring and emotional kind of story and, you know they were amazing people. Amy, what inside of you has changed as a result of all this . Its a big question. It has been a transformative experience. Weve learned a lot about ourselves and the world and the opportunity to share good news and how it can make an impact and how are you passions can shape the way that you can affect the world. Whenever possible. In a lot of ways you dont fully know how its affect ud. Theres a lot of stuff is still coming at you. Best part of the drive. I think it would just be getting to have friends that are going to last a lifetime. But, yeah we got to know each other really well and i didnt know anyone before we started this. Taking these people with me is awesome. We have to run. Thanks. Stay with us. Well be right back. Thank you all for being here. What duet . I thought that she might some day i really wont we got to break up thats the only way watchy actually. Thats jonathan and ivory on jonathans song a day on youtube page with song 1435, we got break up. He wants kids and she doesnt. Thats a dale break. They told their online followers in song we have champagne popping here in studio 57. Thats one reason why you should stick around. Welcome back to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im anthony mason. Im rebecca jarvis. Coming up if youre going to pop champagne do it here. Surviving your Holiday Office party. And retrotoys. One of americas favorite chefs, popping champagne cork Lidia Bastianich brings her mamas favorite recipe. Shes an an incredible story and amazing food. Its all coming up. First to stacey ann for our final check of the weather. Thank you. I can smell the aroma. All right. So we are dealing with some really unsettled conditions across the northeast as you can see a cold front right there. Course across the Northern Plains on into the upper midwest. As a matter of fact were expecting lots in terms of snowfall amounts. Six to 12 inches across much of the rockies. Earlier this week we had record snowfall. Even rainfall across portions of the northwest. So you top six to 12 along with that its not a good time. Gusty breezes will provide a blizzard like conditions on top of all of that very cold conditions for this weekend. Below zero. Feel colder. Thats your national forecast. Heres a closer look at the weather for your weekend. Its time now for your saturday shout out. This week goes to baton rogue, Louisiana Holding their Christmas Day parade and the santa run. Hundreds of santas running to raise money for charity. Thanks for watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Back over to you anthony, rebecca. Toys are like fashionable clothing. They can be in one year and out the next and in again a few years later. This Holiday Season is a perfect example. Roam the toy store aisles youll see some favorites. Good morning amy. Lets start with furbie was a phenomenon back in 1988. Its back which is even more inexplicable. Back then it was advanced technologically speaking. But theres more enhancement. When you have a classic toy like this. But what . It has now lcd eyes which are very expressive. As a child interacts and plays with this toy its personality changes. Thats ideal for a child to have a toy that you speak to change its personality to you. So thats one of the reasons. But having the Technological Advancements thats whats taking a classic toy and making it very relevant to tech satisfy via kids. What did they do to twister . They have twister dance. What hasbro has done is teamed up with pop culture icons or Television Shows to make toys very relevant. They teamed up with Britney Spears for this launch what looks like twister dots. I want teaches kids how to dance. And both boys and girls. And she was involved in the first commercial release. So thats a perfect marriage of pop culture bringing a classic toy back to life. Teenage mutant ninja turtles. They are back because they have a new show on nickolodeon. They had a makeover. I want to sign up for everything they have in their contract essentially. They are adorable. Toys r us is saying this tie in to a show kids are clamoring for this and selling so hot off the aisles. Big wheel came around a little after my time. The big wheel is back. Its back. From the 1960s and the thing is it has not changed one bit. And so this will show you the same colors the same low gravitational seat and the kids are clamoring and fighting about who will sit in that seat. The company that makes it say its back to basics. I had tech on one side back to basics on the other and this is encouraging activity and getting out there and being physical and having a great blast from the past in current types. You have cabbage kids. I had a cabbage doll named diana back in the day. You have more . This was born cabbage kids was born when i was a kid, so it was 1983. Now they have Cabbage Patch babies with a birth certificate. You still get the same kind of joy of the cabbage kid. Mine was emilina. Had the sweet idea of going back to playing with dolls. Ive named all of them diana. These still have hair. I cut mine. Thanks so much for being with us. Up next office parties probably not the time to dance like no one is watching. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. We got more on that next. This segment sponsored by big lots. If you want big savings then you want big lots. W. Its the bes it was like a red rash. Very sore looking kinda blistery. Like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. I was a firefighter for 24 years. But, i have never encountered such a Burning Sensation until i had the shingles. I remember it well. I was in the back yard doing yard work. I had this irritation going on in my lower neck. I changed shirts because i thought there was something in the collar of the shirt irritating my neck. And i couldnt figure out what was going on. I had no idea it came from chickenpox. I always thought shingles was associated with people. A lot older than myself. I can tell you from experience it is bad. Its something you never want to encounter. For more of the inside story visit shinglesinfo. Com even though our mom tries, she doesnt really get us. And shell never know who we are, or what. No way, madden girls . . Nike theyre so awesome nike wow yeahhhh thank you whos your mommy now . Its a christmas miracle. Give victoriously. Famous brands. Famously easy. Famous footwear. Victory is yours. Happy holidays its that most wonderful time of year again when you and your coworkers raise a glass to celebrate the season at the office party. Hi guys. Does everyone know my boyfriend . Kevin malone. Bob vance. Vance refrigeration. Bob vance, vance refrigeration. What line of work your in bob . A recent survey found more than 91 of u. S. Companies plan holiday parties this year. And thats a big jump over 2011 and the most since 2006. Joining us now with some advice on how to make sure the office party doesnt turn into a career killer is workplace expert bob rosner. Great to have you with us. So theres a lot of land mines in the way. Why go in the first place . Well opportunity seen as a team player. Let me break down the office party. You got your boss alcohol, mistletoe, your career and paycheck riding on it. What could possibly go wrong. The bottom line is if you dont go, you dont want to take a holiday from the holiday party. You got to go. You got to make connections. Its a good idea. So rebecca violated one rule last night. We had a holiday party. Im a team player but i couldnt go. You get up early. She flunked out already. You mentioned alcohol. We want to show a little clip from mad men which is a Typical Office party. Whats your advice about alcohol . A friend was excited about his office party because of free alcohol. That might be the most expensive alcohol you ever drink if you Say Something inappropriate. Ive heard of office parties of nudity, fist fights. You dont want to reduce your ini had businesses. What if we do this . It doesnt help your career. If youll be remembered from an office party its probably bad. How many drinks are we drinking at an office party. None. The owners wife came over to me drunk. I wanted to be on top of my game. Youre saying forget the fun. Its a business meeting. In the guise of a party. You want to play it straight. What happens, though if its your boss that comes up and says lets do shots oh, youre not doing them youre a wimp. Your boss can exhibit bad behavior but on tuesday hes your boss again. You have to pay the consequences. Continue to follow down your boss. Again, look like youre having a drink and fun but be on top of your game because you can lose too much. Something else that happens at office parties, flirting. What happens if your office crush is there. Think about ted from marketing hitting on mary from kgt marketing. You dont want to be ted or mary. Theres too many eyes to be in a romantic relationship. Stay away from that. Its a bad idea. You do want to be the people standing on the sidelines watching ted and mary. Yes. Its very entertaining. Again, your boss doesnt have an off switch. Your boss is looking for lapses in judgment. You want to ride above the fray and be classy. You want to get out of that without damaging your career. What if you do have a lapse in judgment. What if you make a mistake . Good oldfashioned sincere apology. If its a bad one bring a peace offering the next day to the office. But a sincere i screwed up i wont do it again helps. Right. What should people wear . You should probably men to tend to under dress, women over dress. Opportunity careful. Again, when you remember from an office party its usually bad things. You want to go low key. Get in and out without damage. Thats the best way. People are talking about your outfit they are not talking about the quality of your work. I want to avoid that. Very good point. Thank you so much. Up next well raise your glasses for a little party of our own, italian style with chef Lidia Bastianich and her ultimate family dish. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Capella university understands businesses are trying to come back from rough economic times. Employees are being forced to do more with less. And the need for capable leaders is greater than ever. 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Shes one of the most successful restauranteurss. Lidia, were so pleased and excited to welcome you. What have you brought for us . I brought family favorites and this chicken, grandmas chicken, my mother who is 93 you know in the skillet with roasted potatoes caramelized onions. Simple and delicious. Stuffed tomato a nice vegetable and some rolled zucchini. Great memories attached to this . Yes. Thats what food is about. Family. Memories. Kind of pulling everybody together. Speaking of family and memories you came over here to the United States from italy fleeing communism right as a young kid . Die. I came here in 1958 and i was 12. You can count the years. I was 12. And we lived we come from italy from the boot in Northeast Corner under austria, now slovnia. Thats where i was born. That whole area was given the newly formed communism area. We got caught behind. I was just born. We got caught behind the iran curtain. We were italians so we couldnt speak italian or practice our religion or anything. So when i was about 9, 10 my parents decided, i had a brother who was older that they really needed to go back to freedom back to italy where we belonged. But we couldnt. They wouldnt let you out. My brother, my mother and i went to the store. My father had to escape. He escaped, we were reunited where i had relatives and cousins and we lived with them for a while. And so there was an option we went to refugee political refugee camp. Now its a museum. We stayed there for two years waiting. And Dwight Eisenhower was the president then. And even the United States were not taking any immigrants. But he made a special provisions for people fleeing communism. We were one of the first immigrants and much so grateful. How proud of it then for you to not too many years later found your first restaurant in queens . Well, you know i always say im the perfect american success story. You know i came here. We came here we didnt have any relatives. There was a home found for us and a job and slowly we made our life. Its such an opportunity. What america really offers somebody. We love we came with enthusiasm and the opportunity then much later in 71 opened my first restaurant. How much of that life story do you think feeds into your cooking . All of it. Its about, you know first of all the culture. I must say, i think my passion for food came out of i left my grandmother behind in yugoslavia. I didnt say goodbye because kids werent told what parents decided to do. I always felt that longing, like unfinished business. And food carried me back and forth to my grandmother because thats the food she cooked her flavors. But thats what food is all about, its about our history, who we are, the flavor of our roots, and until this day i am when i cook i bring my grandmother, i bring my culture, i bring italy to my new home and culture, america. How did you feel when you opened your first restaurant here. It must have felt like a huge achievement achievement. Felt great. I was scared. I got married. My husband was in the business. I loved cooking. We opened in forest hills a nine table restaurant. So you know we could seat 26 people, i think. We were very afraid. But we were small. All the things we had made brothered from my mother we opened. Then we opened the door and the first night, i remember it was raining but a line formed. That sounds like the most perfect thing. We can pay the mortgage and slowly think about paying off. Look what happened. We would love for you to sign our dish. Thank you, lidia. An honor to have you sincerely. For more on Lidia Bastianich and the dish head to our website at cbsnews. Com cbsthismorning. Gracia. Dont go away. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. The dish sponsored by the easy delicious recipes you can make with campbells condensed southern plains. An cas hat soup can do you. 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Usaa brings advice. Call or visit us online. Were ready to help. Panish now heres Nora Odonnell with a look at whats happening monday on cbs this morning. Good morning. Drug smugglers are getting bolder these days and operating farther north along the u. S. Coastline. On monday well go out on the ocean to show you what the coast guard is doing to stop them. Tomorrow on cbs sunday morning i sit down with actor andy circus who is in the lord of the rings trilogy. Next week on cbs this Morning Saturday the multitalented mandy joins us just one day before the much anticipated Season Finale of the emmy winning showtime series homeland. A lot of people addicted to homeland. Cant wait. Sound great. Stacey ann thank you for being here with us. It was so much fun. Did you a fabulous job. It was a real pleasure. Thank you all for being with us. Have a great weekend, everybody. See you next weekend. Enjoy. Be safe. Lidia bastianich is back with us. You brought yourself a cocktail. Smart move. We didnt actually get to talk in the segment whats in this spritz spritzer. Theres channel bain and a bittersweet apertif, orange and club soda. If you want to lighten it. You didnt lighten it too much. No. This is big in italy. It is. You take club soda and has that its about different herbs and spices and complex mixture thats good for digestion, actually. So its healthy for me. Absolutely. So part of your story when people think of you, and im one of them its like you can say im cooking lidia tonight and people know what im talking about. Were cooking your dishes. Youre so synonymous with italianamerican cooking. I wonder if that feels like a tall responsibility . You know it does. It does in a sense because i want to be true. Now theres two cuisines that run, italian cuisines in america and they run the us Supreme Court. Were looking ahead to an historic case californias ban on same sex marriage. Prop 8 is on hold and in the hands of the u. S. Supreme court. We are looking ahead to a historic case on california ban of samesex marriage. We have a Beautiful Day to start your saturday with little patchy fog around the area. Other than that, things like high and dry and mostly okay but changes coming

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