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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170927 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170927

on "cbs this morning." his new plan to keep passengers happy and what the airline is doing to help hurricane victims. >> but we begin with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> the governor of puerto rico is so thankful for the great job that we're doing. and it's the most difficult job because it's on the island, it's on an island in the middle of the ocean. >> the president defends his response to hurricane maria. >> the president has called, has pledged his support. >> steve bannon's candidate emerges victorious over president trump's choice in the republican senate runoff election in alabama. >> north korea is readying for war, coming as president trump ups the rhetorical ante. >> it will be devastating, i can tell you that, devastating for north korea. that's called the military action. >> a scandal rocks college basketball. four coaches among ten people charged in a bribery case. >> there's jail time people could be facing here and this is now big. >> california fire crews are making progress on a major brush fire. >> the winds are calm, but if that changes, the fire has the potential to take off. >> saudi arabia has issued a decree allowing women to drive for the first time. >> this is a historic day for saudis. >> all that -- >> a brawl erupted in uganda's parliament with lawmakers throwing chairs at each other, scuffling for 20 minutes. >> -- and all that matters -- >> mitch mcconnell announced that the latest obamacare repeal effort is dead. >> this isn't the first time we've been told that it's dead. like it might be really sick, but it keeps surviving. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> with all that's happening, people are still talking about football. >> president trump ratings for nfl football are way down except before game starts to see if our country will be disrespected. >> according to donald trump, fans are tuning out right after the game starts, which is the way jets fans have been watching for years. >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." the desperation in puerto rico is growing by the day. washington is boosting its efforts to help the victims of hurricane maria, but the island's electrical grid is still down one week after the storm. >> thousands of stranded at airports and roads are clogged with debris. food, water and fuel are all in short supply. at least 16 deaths are blamed on maria and its aftermath. officials worry the death toll will rise drastically if emergency supplies aren't distributed soon. >> fema has more than 2100 federal officials on the ground in puerto rico. 16 navy and coast guard ships are there to deliver supplies. ten more are on the way. david beg nnaud is at a hospita in san juan. >> reporter: even the hospitals need help. this is in san juan. there's only one operating room that's functioning right now. surgeries are being prioritized. only icu has air conditioning. the rest of the floors are dark. patients have been moved together, children and adults being treated in the same area. there is a generator that is powering whatever lights they do have here, and the mayor of san juan says if they run out of fuel at this hospital, they're going to run out of life. >> we have been married 20 years. we are best friends. >> reporter: jesus garces soto is battling stage 4 cancer. his wife, a breast cancer survivor herself, brought him to the hospital the night hurricane maria hit. >> being here is very difficult. there's no air conditioning in the rooms. >> reporter: just one generator keeps two floors operational, but fuel is low and frustrations are high. >> i think that we have been like abandoned. >> reporter: that's medical director veronica rodriguez, who says only one of the hospital's five operating rooms is useable. >> what i fear most is that a patient can die because of this. >> reporter: only 21 of the 69 hospitals in puerto rico have power or fuel. >> this is the time for action. >> reporter: san juan's mayor is frustrated with what she says is a slow response from fema. >> they're waiting for their marching orders now. you are in an emergency. if you don't do, then hundreds of lives will be lost. hundreds of lives will be lost. >> reporter: temperatures have reached 90 degrees. nearly half of the island has no water. alex de la campa is the fema coordinator here on the ground in puerto rico. >> people are receiving food and water. a lot of things are being done by fema. >> i believe you. i have no reason not to believe you, but why don't we see it? where are the photos? where are the videos? >> this is the worst catastrophic disaster in puerto rico and we have been engaged in the response operations. now we're going to make sure that we publish everything that we're doing. >> reporter: mr. de la campa told us he would set us up with one of the fema cruise aews and us to go out and document what they're doing. the u.s. is sending a floating hospital called the comfort. it's coming to puerto rico. it might take three to five days to get here. norah, the rapper pitbull did something very nice. he sent his private jet down here to puerto rico to take cancer patients back to the mainland, people who so desperately needed treatment. >> david begnaud there, thank you so much. the white house is scrambling to put its hurricane response on high display after complaints that it wasn't moving fast enough. as of last night, the president had tweeted 23 times about the nfl national anthem protests. he has tweeted six times about hurricane maria and puerto rico. the governor of puerto rico briefed the president via a video conference. fema administrator brock long also appeared at the white house yesterday. vice president mike pence met with florida senator marco rubio who had criticized the relief effort. mr. trump repeatedly defended the response to the crisis. >> the massive effort is under way, and we have been really treated very, very nicely by the governor and by everybody else. they know how hard we're working and what a good job we're doing. >> the president says he will visit puerto rico tuesday and may go to the hard-hit u.s. virgin islands as well. in our next hour, we're going to talk with puerto rico governor rossello about the president's response and what the people on the island need right now. president trump is warning north korea that any u.s. military action would be devastating. the president said the u.s. armed forces are totally prepared to respond one day after north korea threatened to shoot down american warplanes. he also vowed to fix the mess in north korea, and said that kim jong-un is acting very badly. major garrett is at the white house with the latest on this story. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president trump spoke of new economic sanctions leveled against north korea and the need for still more diplomatic pressure, but the president sounded as if military action, possibly preemptive action is not just an option but an increasingly viable option. >> if we take that option, it will be devastating, i can tell you that. >> reporter: in the rose garden, president trump spoke aggressively about potential military action against north korea. >> the north korean government has threatened to shoot down or aim at american planes in international airspace. i'd like your reaction. >> devastating for north korea. that's called the military option. if we have to take it, we will. >> reporter: american b-1 bombers flew in international airspace but nearer than usual to north korea's east coast over the weekend. u.s. intelligence detected signs tuesday the north was preparing an attempted intercept of the next u.s. bomber flight. on the east coast, mig-23 jets were fitted with external fuel tanks and mig-29 jets were armed with air-to-air missiles. because the north has spent so much on its nuclear and ballistic missile program, its air force is weak, its pilots poorly trained, flying as little as ten hours a year. still, the north might mount an intercept. >> he's acting very badly. >> reporter: mr. trump blamed kim jong-un for the war-like rhetoric, though his own advisers have warned against provoking the dictator. >> he's saying things that should never, ever be said. and we're replying to those things, but it's a reply. >> reporter: general joseph dunford told lawmakers there was no evidence the north was preparing for a conventional military strike. >> while the political space is clearly very charged right now, we haven't seen a change in the posture of north korean forces. we watched that very carefully. >> reporter: on the matter of an attempted bomber intercept, the u.s. believes there's only one north korean pilot that's ever flown that far out over the ocean. even show, military analysts tell us increased tensions between the two countries have vastly lowered u.s. tolerance of any military engagement of this kind, thus increasing the risks of miscalculation or conflict. charlie. >> major garrett at the white house. thanks, major. rockets exploded at kabul airport this morning after defense secretary jim matt is landed for an unannounced visit. the retired marine general arrived with nato's secretary general. the visit follows president trump's decision to put more military pressure on the taliban. isis claims responsibility for the attack, for the rocket attacks, which happened after mattis left the airport. the u.s. military says up to 40 munitions hit the area. at least five civilians were hurt. the latest republican effort to replace obamacare is dead. senate gop leaders decided yesterday not to bring it up for a vote. republicans hoping for a legislative win are now turning to taxes. president trump will outline a tax code overhaul today in indiana. cbs news has learned the proposal will slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20%. tax rates for the wealthiest americans would likely drop from nearly 40% to 35%. the bottom tax rate will increase from 10% to 12%. if implemented, the revamp would be the first in three decades. of course they're going to double the deductions, so that would mean people in the lower rate would pay less in taxes as well. >> a lot of moving parts on that. the president and gop establishment suffered a severe setback in the u.s. senate primary runoff in alabama. yesterday's winner, roy moore, is a religious right-wing favorite who was thrown off alabama's supreme court twice. moore defeated luther strange, who was appointed to replace jeff sessions. president trump campaigned for luther strange, but now he's backing moore. he tweeted this morning, spoke to roy moore last night for the first time. he sounds like a really great guy who ran a fantastic race. chip reid is in montgomery, alabama, with more reaction to the results. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this race is not over yet. roy moore will face off against democrat doug jones in december. but of course alabama is one of the most conservative states in the nation, so even with his extreme views, roy moore is favored to win. >> this is a time for victory. >> reporter: last night roy moore said it was god's will that he beat senator luther strange to win the republican nomination. >> we can support the president. >> reporter: tuesday morning, moore arrived by horseback to cast his vote and waved his gun at a campaign rally monday, but it's his extreme views that really set him apart. >> crime, corruption, immorality, abortion, sodomy, sexual perversion, sweep our land. >> reporter: the judge has been removed from the bench twice, once just last year for rejecting federal orders on same-sex marriage. moore even suggested that the 9/11 attacks were a punishment from god. >> there are consequences when we turn away from the source of our strength. >> reporter: while campaigning for luther strange, president trump said he might have made a mistake, but that he would back either candidate to beat democrat doug jones. >> roy has a very good chance of not winning in the general election. i will be backing him if he wins. >> reporter: the president spoke with moore last night in a phone call and deleted at least three tweets sent in the last two days supporting strange. >> i can't explain why he was willing to take that risk except that he's a friend and a loyal friend. >> reporter: the race also pitted president trump against former white house chief strategist steve bannon, who sniffed there's more to come. >> and you're going to see in state after state after state, people that follow the model of judge moore. >> reporter: president trump said he will come here to alabama to campaign for moore, but he also suggested that because moore is so controversial, it's going to be a tough race. even in this heavily republican state. >> chip, thanks. allegations of widespread bribery involving high-profile coaches and one of the world's largest athletic companies are rocking men's college basketball. coaches from auburn, arizona, usc, oklahoma state and an adidas executive are among ten people charged in connection with two schemes. dana jacobson shows us the scandal shining a harsh light on the ncaa. nan dana, good morning. >> good morning. i think a lot of people weren't surprised to hear this news but the fbi has been investigating the influence of money on pleasure and coaches. yesterday federal officials announced they discovered a number of schemes involving hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bribes. >> today's arrests should serve as a warning to others choosing to conduct business this way in the world of college athletics. we have your playbook. >> four assistant coaches in all were arrested. chuck person of auburn, emanuel richardson, lamont evans and tony bland were all accused of taking cash bribes to direct players to financial advisers and agents. the charges extend beyond the coaching ranks. >> managers and financial advisers circling blue chip prospects like coyotes, and employees of one of the world's largest sportswear companies secretly funneling cash to the families of high school recruits. >> reporter: james gatto, a top adidas executive, was also named in the kplangt. he's accused along with a number of other associates of conspiring to funnel six-figure payments to families of three high school recruits to attend universities sponsored by adidas. upon turning pro, players would sign sponsorships with adidas. one of the schools under investigation is louisville. louisville signed a ten-year, $160 million apparel deal with adidas this past summer. head basketball coach and hall of famer rick pitino says the allegations come as a complete shock to me. the university says any violations will not be tolerated. >> this is the way stuff has been getting done for a while. >> gary parrish is a college basketball analyst for cbs network. >> when that adidas executive facing serious jail time, so he's going to talk. it's scary stuff for a school that's ever benefited from that. i promise you they're nervous right now. >> president mark emmerich said the nature of the charges brought by the federal government are deeply disturbing. >> how do they think they're going to get away with it? it seems like there would be a paper trail on this kind of transaction. >> i think that's the question. the interesting thing here was this was the fbi. this wasn't the ncaa, and maybe that knowledge is out there that the ncaa just doesn't have the manpower or the resources to investigate like they have done now at this point. women in saudi arabia finally have the right to drive after decades of protest. saudi arabia was the last country in the world to prohibit females from driving. women still need a male guardian's consent for some activities in the ultra conservative nation. holly williams spoke to people protesting the driving ban during her last visit to saudi arabia and she joins us from istanbul, turkey. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a group of very brave, very determined saudi arabian women have been fighting for the right to drive for over two decades and they have finally won. but change has been painfully slow and they're still denied many other freedoms. this is how the women protested inside their ultra conservative islamic kingdom, illegally taking the wheel and posting the scandalous videos online, risking arrest in doing so. ♪ others made this viral video. ♪ mocking a system that reduced them to children. in saudi arabia in 2014, we met some of the women who dared to criticize the authorities. >> the car for the saudi women have become the symbol of wanting our voices to be heard and our needs to be heard. >> it's like you live life in books. you can't live life in books. >> reporter: but now saudi arabia's government seems to be modernizing. just last week women were allowed into the national sports stadium for the first time. a saudi spokeswoman explained the changes to the rules on driving. >> i think this is a victory for us, but i think it's a victory that we were already kind of winning in a lot of other areas, if you will. and so this is just another step in the march towards progress. >> reporter: inside saudi arabia, there's still opposition. one muslim cleric recently claimed that women shouldn't drive because many of them only have a quarter of a brain. the king's decree is the latest in a series of gradual reforms, including permitting women to vote in local elections and allowing girls to play sport at school. gayle. >> sign of the times. thank you very much, holly williams reporting from is stan bull. lawmakers plan to investigate a program that sooesz suspect's property even if they're not charged with a crime. ahead, one kentucky man that believes he's a victim of government overreach shares how a silicon valley company is helping victims of the massive e equifax hack go to court. >> they want to make consumers easier to find justice and shake up the entire legal profession. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." shaking up the entire legal profession. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." ink your allergy pills. flonase sensimist allergy relief helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. most allergy pills only block one. and 6 is greater than one. flonase sensimist. ♪ ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move. the more you move, the more it works. degree, it won't let you down. 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karen. we're neutralizing. maybe i want to neutralize. you ever think of that? feel the power of thenew power...smax. ...to fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. of dressing up like a clown to commit murder. 20 years later, the case is crews are watching for hot- spots after these flames forced 100 people from their homes y. good morning, it's 7:26. i'm michelle griego. right now, in the oakland hills, fire crews are watching for hot spots after these flames forced 100 people from their homes yesterday. air tankers dropped water and flame retardant as the fire spread quickly to 22 acres. in san francisco, authorities are trying to figure out the cause of the car fire in the bayview. the flames broke out around 4 a.m. on rankin street near evans a mile from an earlier fire in the bayview. the bayview. ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. good morning. a traffic alert in effect for drivers on the eastshore freeway with an overturned big rig eastbound 80 approaching ashby. two lanes blocked. you can see track backed up along eastbound 80 and 580 approach. about 20 minutes for drivers heading eastbound 80 from the maze on over towards 580. westbound slow, as well. 48 minutes from 4 to the maze and the bay bridge toll plaza 27 minutes from the maze into san francisco. >> what a view this morning. sutro tower looking at the golden gate bridge. and look at the glassy bay waters. wow! you can see all the way to tiburon this morning. temperatures 56 in santa rosa and livermore. otherwise in the 60s. offshore flow continues with the red flag warning and "spare the air" day. we'll see cooler conditions along the coast. marine layer returns tomorrow afternoon. i'm not planning to stop at health care. there's another threat on the horizon that's maybe more disturbing than anything we've seen in congress this week. that's pumpkin spice pizza. that's a real item. imagine a child born in indiana or someplace where they don't know anything about pizza. innocently she goes to the mall with her family and she tries pizza for the first time and it's that pizza. it's pumpkin spice and she hates it. she wastes years of her life thinking pizza tastes like nutmeg and she never tries it again. what about that child? so i'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to pick up your phones and call your senators again. >> all right. the villa italian kitchen is thanking him. i'm with you on that. >> everybody's ready for the fall. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." we've got some news to report right now and it's about congressman steve scalise. he is doing great in his recovery. maybe you remember it was just about 3 1/2 months ago that the republican majority whip was shot during the congressional heavy internal bleeding. we also talked to his wife and the doctors that helped save his life. it's an incredible story as he's been in the hospital ever since p you can see the story on sunday here on "cbs this morning." >> i look forward to that. he was in a lot worse shape than any of us reize, norah. >> he was barely alive, had lot lots of infections. >> he's doing much better. >> he's doing better and he talks about the many miracles that saves his life. the cuban leader spoke with them. cbs radio broke the story lat month. at least 20 americans were affected. secretary till eerson met with cuba's foreign officials yesterday. they said they have not found the cause of the illness. t"the tennessean" reports that bob corker will not run again next year. earlier this year he questioned whether president trump had shown the stability and competence to succeed in office. one name being mentioned is someone who might run for corker's seat, this could be a surprise, former nfl quarterback wellington, florida, home. the suspect is now married to the victim's husband. he has not said whether he was involved in his former wife's death. 20% of teens say they have been diagnosed with a concuss n concussion. 5.5% say they had suffered a concussion. most were males in older grades who said they took part in competitive sports. "usa today" says almost half of americans who have a checking account have been charged an overdraft fee at some point. each time they pay a $35 fee for that. frequent overdrafters pay over 440 dollars in fees. the city of san francisco is suing the credit reporting agency over the hack that exposed the personal information of 143 million americans. that news following the sudden retimer yesterday of the company's ceo. anna werner is at the company who's offered to help those fire their own laws in small claims court. >> if you're a victim, how do you get justice? you may be eligible to joan a class action lawsuit but a startup says they have a better idea. they'll help you file your own claim. equifax devin ma guy hi is a legal assistant but even so, he found the idea of going to small claims court against equifax a little intimidating until he found this company. he filed papers which also 35id his $90 filing fee. >> thought it was unique, bold. >> you're one of the hacking victims. >> i was. >> these co-founders usually finance lawsuits on behalf of small businesses and individuals, providing capital until a case pays off. >> it's incredible to me that a company the size of equifax could be so incompetent. >> they say equifax presented a chance to make a statement. >> the message is that big corporations do not have a free panhandle over our personal data. >> do you want to see equifax fighting literally thousands of these lawsuits around the country in. >> that is the goal. >> so legal list pays the court fees. if you lose, you don't have to pay them back. the catch, if you win, legal lists get 30s% of anyone one, but do consumers pay for the help? >> if people want to make the case, they can go ahead and do that. they don't need any assistance. >> he said better than small claims are class action lawsuits against equifax which can be brought on behalf of all vilk tims and force companies to change. >> making equifax liable so they don't get subject to these kind os things in the future. there are things that small claims court and individual cases don't. >> but legalist continues to sign people up. >> well, legalist says it's had about a thousand amply indications so far. they say they can't comment but are trying to help consumers who have been harmed, gayle. >> thank you very much, anna. the government seize billions of dollars in proeshts bus they were fighting with a lawsuit that could go all the to the supreme court. >> here's an indication for you. you'll get the news of the day and podcast yoerj nalls. you're wapg 2478. we thank you for that. we'll be right back. plus, when you get a flu shot at walgreens, you help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need through the un foundation. it's that easy to get your flu shot and make a difference. so swing by your local walgreens today. walgreens. at the corner of happy & healthy. only new tena intimates has ♪ it'pro-skin technologyiend designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skin's natural balance. for a free sample, call 1-877-get-tena. eight hundred dollars when wet switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey. oh. that's my robe. is it? you could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk.ia-grown and we're proud of that. but the whole "care-and-nurturing" part? that idea... ...we borrowed from the experts. blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. are you totally ready? to catch an eye for sparks to fly for mr. right colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for a healthier mouth. so you're totally ready! colgate total. be totally ready for life. and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (child giggles) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. get symbicort free for up to one year. visit saveonsymbicort.com today to learn more. a kentucky man is suing the government over a program that seize property belonging to criminal suspects. the federal government took nearly $29 billion of property between 2001 and 2014 and most of it was seized without charging anyone with a crime. jan crawford is on capitol hill where lawmakers plan to investigate this program. jan, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. civil forfeiture was meant to help law enforcement go after drug cartels where tyinging up money could be difficult. they're going to look into cases where property is being seized from innocent people and some of those property owners aric taing their cases to court. in 2015, rancho girardeau cerano. he snapped a picture, drawing the attention of agents who pulled him out of his truck and started searching his vehicle. >> the next thing i know, one of the agents says, we got him. he shows me a magazine with five bullets in it. i have a conceal seizing his new ford pickup acushion him of transports munitions of war across the u.s. border. the seizure was authorize thad empowers them to take money or property suspected of being linked the a crime even without a conviction. agencies use the money or auction off the item and keep the proceeds. their proceeds increased. in 26 states where records are public, more than $2 million was seized. after taking office trump promised to roll bat obama era restrictions on the program. in july attorney jern real sessions allowed more. since then sessions has aknokno jed it. they argue the pramt shouldn't be eliminated because of a few bad actors. >> we cannot just allow people who have earned hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars through criminal activity to keep that money. so let's find a way to do this right. >> 25 states have practiced to pry vent abuse but it still grades most protejzs as below average giving the federal government a d-minus. robert johnson is a lawyer with the inhe said the current federal policy provide as big loophole. >> you can still be pulled over by a state plivg and instead of transporting it, i ooh going to transfer it to the government. >> while many individuals admit guilt to get their property back, cerrano has paid for his day in court. >> i want the judge to see this and i want them at some point to stop this policy. >> do you ever think i'm an american, e i'm an machinery citizen. >> look. if they change my government, i want to know. i need the bill of rights. if we don't have my rights, what to we got. they said the agency won't comment on pending litigation but its agents are trained to follow the law. but critics hope his case or some like it one day makes it to court where some have signaled its seriousness. dramatic video shows police officers pulling a woman out of her plane on a seat last night and forcing her off a southwest airline. why a pet allergy led to her removal. and the nfl sideline protests are not the first time people have used >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by jcpenney. that's getting your penny's worth. i just finished months of chemo. but i don't want to talk about months. i want to talk about years. treatments have gotten better, so... i'm hoping for good years ahead. that's thanks to research funded by the american cancer society. the same folks giving me free rides to treatments, insurance advice, and a place to stay during chemo. i need that stuff like you don't know. and now that you do, please give at cancer.org. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the all new 2018 camry. toyota. let's go places. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. what are you doing? >> move, lady. let's go. >> what are you doing? >> very disturbing video to be sure. police officers forcibly removing a woman from a southwest flight from baltimore to l.a. they grabbed her arms as you see and held her by the chest as they literally pushed her down the aisle. this happened last night. a woman had a life-threatening pet allergy, but she did not have the paperwork needed to fly. airline policy said it may deny boarding for that reason. there were two animals o p the plane. southwest as apologized and they will reach out to this woman. it's very tough to look at that. puerto rico calls the situation on the island a humanitarian crisis. ahead, riccardo rossello talks about what they need most and why it will take so long for everyone to recover. the bottom line is, for your goals, this is a strategy i'd recommend. huh. this actually makes sense. now on the next page you'll see a breakdown of costs. what? it's just.... we were going to ask about it but we weren't sure when. so thanks. yeah, that's great. being clear and upfront. multiplied by 14,000 financial advisors, it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. when we love someone, we want to do right by them. what is this? 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[ engine stalls ] you get out of the way. 0-to-60 in 3.3 seconds. the mercedes-amg e63 s sedan. so i trust nature made vitamins. health and life. because they were the first to be verified by usp for quality and purity standards. and because i recommend them as a pharmacist. nature made, the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. a must for vinyl. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". child care for residents .. they're expected to ana good morning, it's 7:56. i'm kenny choi. san francisco supervisors are taking another stab at improving child care for residents. they are expected to analyze the cost and benefits of providing universal affordable child care in the city. officials say that 60% of households with children do not have a stay-at-home parent. eight people are recovering after this pickup careened off highway 1 and plowed into cars in mill valley. it happened near the in-n-out yesterday afternoon. chp says that the driver might have suffered a medical emergency. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. at stanford health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. and if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. if we can use patients' genes to predict heart disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. good morning. 7:57. we're just a little under and hour from tracking this accident with a "sig alert" in place chopper 5 over the scene on eastbound 80 as you approach ashby. two lanes blocked and that has destroyed the morning commute along interstate 80 in both directions. right now, we are seeing a backup continuing to stretch in that eastbound direction. it's backed up beyond the maze. we are starting to see slowdowns along the 580 approach and 880 approaching the maze there. that's as you look towards the berkeley curve near powell street and you can see traffic at a standstill. give yourself some extra time in that direction. let's check in with roberta. what a nightmare there. hopefully everybody has their sunglasses. no clouds in the skies. looking out from the golden gate bridge under the bridge with the keystone state container ship on its way out of oakland towards portland and look at the glassy, glassy waters! not barely a breeze this morning but the winds will be offshore later today. currently in the 50s and 60s. with these offshore winds, we have a red flag warning in effect. a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, september 27th, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." ahead, the federal government steps up efforts to help hurricane maria's victims. plus, history of athletes protesting during the national anthem. why it touches so many nerves. first here's today's eye opener at 8. the desperation in puerto rico is growing. >> washington is boosting its efforts to help the victims of hurricane maria. >> even the hospital needs help. the u.s. military is sending a floating hospital called the comfort. it might take three to four days to get here. president trump is warning north korea any u.s. military action would be devastating. >> president trump spoke for the need of still diplomatic pressure but sounded as if preemptive action is not just an option but increasingly viable option. let's make america great. >> moore will face off jones in december. the fbi has investigating the influence of money on players and coaches. they discovered a number of schemes. very brave, very determined saudi arabian women have been fighting for the right to drive for over two decades. and they have finally won. nominations for the latin grammys were announced. yeah. yeah. very nice. the two contenders for song of the year are despecito and the song that will lose to decpecito. glad we got that worked out. thank you. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. one week after hurricane maria devastated puerto rico, the federal government said more supplies and work crews are on the way. food, water, and fuel are still hard to find. power outages make it difficult to contact those in need. at least 16 people have died there and that number could rise. >> we're going to hear from the governor in just a moment. the president planned to visit puerto rico next week. tuesday, he defended his actions after facing criticism by some lawmakers for a slow response. david begnaud joins us. good morning. >> reporter: some information starting to clear up the confusion about why it may be taking so long to get food and water to people on this island who haven't had it four or five days. the governor just told us they're desperate for drivers. i've got food and water sitting at the port but i don't have people to drive it to the stores. i said to the governor, what are you doing? he said we're literally asking anyone, bus drivers, commercial truck drivers, anyone who can drive a truck legally, who can help us, please, come. we need you to drive food and water to parts of the island that are so desperate. you can't get to all parts of the island. the governor told us yesterday he flew over an area where people still had signs on their roof, or what was left of their home, begging for help. rescues continue seven days after hurricane maria made landfall. the man running the operation here told us they have 10,000 personnel and have delivered aid to almost every part of the island. people have come to us. people in the u.s. have come to us and said i want proof. show me it's being done. we've asked fema, will you take us there and let us get video? they said yes. they promised us a trip today. we just got a note it won't be today. it will be tomorrow. only 30% of the hospitals on the island are functioning. take, for example, the one here in san juan. here is what's happening in that hospital. only one floor, the icu, that has air conditioning. only two other floors have lights and adults and children have been grouped together. if you need surgery there, people are being prioritized by who is critically ill. who sort of tops that list. the mayor of san juan said hospitals, at least here in this area, are being run by generator power. according to mayor, if they run out of power -- diesel, there's a shortage of diesel. if they run out of power they're going to run out of life. >> david begnaud, thank you. praising his administration's response to the crisis in puerto rico, saying the governor has complimented his work. >> he is so grateful for the work we're doing. it's the most difficult job. it's on an island in the middle of the ocean. you can't just drive your trucks there from other states. and the governor said we are doing a great job. he thanked me specifically for fema and all the first responders in puerto rico. >> puerto rico governor ricardo rossello is with us from san juan. governor, good morning. it's been one week since the hurricane hit. your island is still 97% without power, 50% without water. are you in the midst of a humanitarian disaster? >> it could go that way, but we're making every effort to combat that. we're in communication with the president, the administration and fema. this has been quite a challenge it's a disaster of unprecedented nature. you have to consider there's two category 5 hurricanes that passed the island in two weeks. keep the help coming. we recognize that everything is being done and we are here to execute so people can get food, water. >> when do you think everything will be back? >> it's hard to say. after irma, none of the transmission towers was broken. and it took us about a week and a half to start getting up to 95%, 97% power. now just flying over, i saw several dozen towers completely destroye destroyed. >> governor, the pictures are heartbreaking. so many people want to help. what specifically do you need? and what do you want people to do? >> we need resources such as generators, human resource on the security front, brigades. we need truck drivers, believe it or not, and equipment those are the immediate needs that we're going to have. if you want to give food, supplies and all of those components or even donations, you can call our hotline, 202-800-3133. >> governor, we also have heard an urgent plea for help from elected officials. our own david begnaud spoke to the mayor of san juan yesterday about her frustrations. >> here is what i will say. and you can believe it. we need to get our [ bleep ] together and help needs to get into people's hands now. not tomorrow, not later. no now. >> you heard what she said. she said now. people are dying. >> we're working on every front. it is clear we're getting resources here in puerto rico. the level of the devastation, as i'm sure she understands, is unprecedented. as soon as i finish this interview i'm going to one of the isolated areas in puerto rico to take food. about 40 of our teams are all around the island, making sure we get water, food, fuel. the actions are being taken. we need more help. of course, we need more help. i am convinced that seeing the response from the federal government, seeing the response from the administration and reply from congress. senator schumer, rubio, on a bipartisan effort as well as others commit their support to puerto rico so we could have immediate aid right now and, really, a mid to long-term aid so that we don't collapse into a humanitarian crisis in the united states. >> governor rossello, thank you very much. >> thank you. god bless. federal contractors are working on version of the southern border wall. one of president trump's main campaign promises. the eight prototypes are being built in a remote area of san diego, california. in effect, builders are auditioning for the full government contract. it has not been funded yet. mireya vichlt llarreal is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. still with our cameras rolling yesterday as border patrol was getting ready to talk to the media, a man jumped the fence and ran right behind them into the united states. this man entered the u.s. illegally tuesday and was arrested by border patrol agents. i sat with a young father from mexico. [ speaking foreign language ] gomez told me he came here for work and a better future. he says their agents need more help. >> having worked for 29 years along the border, it has been a constant evolution, arresting over half a million people, illegal entrants a year. >> by the way, the wall is happening, folks, okay? >> in alabama, president trump said the new wall will be done in six to seven months. few people agree with that. what he wants aesthetically. >> you need to have a great wall but it has to be see through. and we're looking at different samples already of see-through walls. and i think also, to be honest with you, a see-through wall would look better. >> eight prototypes will be built, each between 18 and 30 feet high and stretching 30 feet long. four of them using concrete and four built with alternate materials. contractors can work 24 hours a day for 30 days to build their version of the wall. acting chief told reporters in the end the government's choice may be a combination of designs. >> these prototypes will only serve -- and won't do a single thing to protect our security along the border. >> reporter: representing 60 degrees that oppose the wall. >> nothing else than political theater at the expense of taxpayers. >> reporter: the prototype will cost about $500,000 a piece. right now, the president is asking for $1.6 billion to fund the new border wall project. so far, congress has not approved that amount, much less the tens of billions of dollars it will take to put his full version along the border in place. >> thank you very much. hurricane maria victims trying to leave puerto rico criticized delta airlines how they handled the crisis. ahead, the ceo of delta will respond >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by liberty mutual insurance. liberty stands with you. villareal. president trump frmp wants no more protests to the star-spangled barn. many nfl players say he's wrong. why protocol is a suggestion, not a law. you're watching "cbs this morning." discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at discover.com/creditscorecard, even if you're not a customer. when food is good and clean and real, it's ok to crave. and with panera catering, there's more to go around. panera. food as it should be. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. the opioid my doctor prescribed backed me up... big time.ain before movantik, i tried to treat it myself. no go. but i didn't back down. i talked to my doctor. she said: one, movantik was specifically designed for opioid-induced constipation... oic. number two? my movantik savings card can save me big time over the other things i tried. don't take movantik if you have or had a bowel blockage. serious side effects include opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain, severe diarrhea, and stomach or intestinal tears. tell your doctor about side effects and medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. don't back down from oic. talk to your doctor about mo-van-tik. and how you can have a $0 co-pay. ♪ hey grandpa. hey, kid. really good to see you. you too. you tell grandma you were going fishing again? maybe. (vo) the best things in life keep going. that's why i got a subaru, too. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. president trump is calling for an nfl boycott over its ongoing sideline protests. more than 200 players kneeled, locked arms, or sat out during the playing of the "national anthem." the president tweeted this. the nfl has all sorts of rules and regulations. the only out for them is you cannot kneel for the "national anthem." there's never been any hard and fast rules for the "national anthem" ceremony that's been played for generations. vladimir duthiers with more. there's a long history. >> there is, indeed. the first time it was played at an american sporting event was at a brooklyn, new york, baseball game at the height of the civilian war. there are no penalties for those who choose not to follow them. when the "national anthem" play at this weekend's football game, many players and team owners were seen kneeling or linking arms in defiance of president trump after he told them not to protest. othering like former army range er ville nuevo stoot. this is the u.n. likely story of the "national anthem." >> standing and the protocol are all outline and that's when they suggested that we cover our hearts with our hands. >> reporter: the practice o playing the "national anthem" at sporting events was sporadic at first and surged in popularity mainly during baseball games. ♪ by the dawn's early light r other sports leaguing haes ha adopted the "national anthem." at the 1991 super bowl whitney houston rallied at the start of the first gulf war and in 2013 boston bruins fans joined voices in solidarity with a city still reeling from the boston marathon bombing. but acts of protests surrounding the anthem are moore likely to be remember. this from the iconic 1981 olympics show them raising their fists for black power at the heart of the civil rights movement, an act of defiance that inspired athletes to take a stand against police brutality. >> football players are savvy, they know when the camera scans across and you drift away. it is a powerful message. >> they issues a new set of rules. players were reportedly required to stand upright with their helmets tucked into their arms and refrain from any talking, gum chewing, footwork, and shoulder slamming. he said, what he did was a representation for those who didn't have a platform. it recommended those who didn't have a word. it represented stories to be told. we all get tears in our eyes when we hear whitney houston in 1991. >> what tommy smith said back then what many people are saying in 2017. with whitney houston singing the "national anthem" always gives me goosebumps. >> tears in my eyes. >> thank you, vlade. also, harlan's books were on the top of the book series and now on netflix his approach to cliffhangers. you're watching "cbs this morning." to help maintain your skin's natural balance. for a free sample, call 1-877-get-tena. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the all new 2018 camry. toyota. let's go places. listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. supreme court justice today, derick almena and max harris are expected to plead not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges... connected to oakland good morning, it's 8:25. i'm michelle griego. today's derick almena and max harris are expected to plead not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges in the ghost ship warehouse fire. the fire killed 36 people last year. fire investigators are looking into a blaze at a tiny house for the homeless in san francisco. the fire began about 2 a.m. on hudson avenue. the flames spread to a nearby business. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a mom ent. y and i'm an arborist with pg&e in the sierras. the drought in california has killed trees on a massive scale. any of those trees that fail into power lines could cause a wildfire or a power outage. public safety is the main goal of our program. that's why we're out removing these hundreds of thousands of hazard trees. having tools and technology gives us a huge edge to identify hazard trees. my hope is that the work we're performing allows that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. together, we're building a better california. [ no audio ] along eastbound 850. just as you approach ashby, "sig alert" remains in effect after a big rig overturned over a construction wall there. two lanes blocked. traffic backed up well beyond the maze. it's spilling on to 580. the 880 approach. and we are now tracking an accident along northbound 880 right near fifth. so that's backing things up all the way into hayward along northbound 880. your travel times continue to climb. 31 minutes from the maze to 580. and it's about 15 minutes from highway 4 to the maze. this is live look at the scene of the crash. you can see emergency crews there and traffic at a standstill about 50 minutes from 4 to the maze. avoid 880 the eastshore freeway if possible until they get the lanes reopened. here's roberta with the forecast. ever wondered what an offshore flow looks like? the coast is clear! it's our live weather camera looking towards ocean beach. no clouds. visibility unlimited. how about that view? and look at the glassy waters of the bay. temperature-wise we are in the 50s and 60s, already 65 going up to 91 in san jose today. what you need to know is the offshore flow will continue with higher temperatures and low relative humidity which means red flag warnings in effect for today. ocean breeze kicks in beginning tomorrow and then we transition back to normal weather on friday. meanwhile, mid-80s today along the seashore. nearly 90 san francisco and oakland. 80s and 90s peninsula. 90 inland. marine layer returns tomorrow afternoon. welcome back to "cbs this morning." before we do anything, we have to go to the "cbs this morning" green room. there are two in there. one is described as a folk poet of the suburbs. >> the one on the left or right? >> i don't know, charlie. the other is describing a new airlines perk that we're going to like because it's free. hello, gentlemen. introduce yourself. hello. we look forward to having you at the table. "time" report os an new study on how much of autism is genetic. they analyzed children born in sweden. they find 8 3% have autism. directv is allowing refunds after the "national anthem" controversy. they'll let some customers cancel tickets to its sunday games. they do not allow refunds once the season is under way. at&t, the parent company, declined to comment. twitter is looking at doubling the characters limit to 280. twitter wants to see if it's easier for people to express themselves without worrying about hitting a virtual wall. isn't it funny how 140 characters seeks like way too many than not enough. i always think it's better to have too many words, don't you, charlie? >> yes. less is more. >> that's what i've about been told. turning to one of my favorite people ruth bader ginsburg is speaking out about o her at the 92nd street "y." what do you think about a woman as president? >> what do i think? >> yes. >> i think we came pretty close. >> do you think sexism played a part in the campaign? >> do i think so in. >> yes. >> i have no doubt that it did. >> do you think that it was decisive? >> that it was? >> decisive. in other words, if hillary clinton had been a man, she would have bon the election going away. >> there's so many things that might have been decisive, but that was a major, major factor. >> ginsburg also said she's worrying the country's putting basic values like liberty at risk as a concern and pointed to diversity as a strength. she now has a great trainer who's writing a book, brian johnson. so he's into her training regime as she's 84 and going strong. >> this is working out. >> yes. >> i love that her husband making all her meals for her and packs them up. >> he was great. he cooked for her. he died in 2010. she hadn't cooked a meal in 18 years. airlines are focus on what they can do as flying becomes increasingly difficult. they're ranking second. the atlanta based airline travels to 334 destinations in 62 countries. tell ta aurs more than 15,000 flights every day. it carry ms.er than is 80 million passengers a year. ceo bastian joined delta in 1998. he took over as chief executive officer in may of last year. his chief philosophy is this. taking care of our people. bastian will tell us about delta's new in-flight messaging service. it will allow passengers to use im, whatsapp, and wi-fi on major flights. welcome. >> welcome. >> great to have you. >> great to have you at this table. we want to talk about a new service. puerto rico, everyone is concern. how can you help more because you know something about transportation, to get supplies there to help the people of puerto rico. >> >> well, first of all, our prayers and thoughts go out to the people of puerto rico. it's a devastates situation. do fly to puerto rico. the problem is in term os the infrastructure of getting in. the airports don't have power. we're still restricted. i think today we're going to get three flights in. that's the max come. we'll take everything we can fly in. we'd fly 747s. the problem is the infrastructure when you land, it's not sustainable sfloo some suggested it would be helpful if the u.s. military could go in there pause they have hospital ships and things that are sell containing. >> i agree with that. the other issue is some need to get out and some need to get in. the only people we're taking right now are humanitarian people, so customers are trying to find ways to get to the i land. unfortunately it's not possible. it's tough. >> you're doing everything you can. >> we're doing everything we can and we wish we could do more. >> they have a lot of unhappy people at the ain't. a lot of people have something to say. >> we'd all love to fly more. we just can't. we capped our fierce. there's no pricing to be made out of this. >> you're not trying to gouge the customer. >> never, never, never. >> let's talk about your new service that you're offering. >> yeah. >> it's texting in the air. >> right. >> we like this. >> yeah. >> how did this come about? >> while they're flying we want them to stay connected. we developed a program with our partners at go-go a free messaging app, free text messaging. so starting this weekend any flight you're on on delta, you'll have the opportunity to text for free. >> really. >> really. >> around the world. >> you don't have to pay? >> you'll just access the app that's on the plane itself. you don't have to pay to get on with speck ta wi-fi and message j will be for freer. >> does that mean you'll allow cell phone use too? >> never. >> never? >> never in me lifetime. >> i assume people who want wi-fi, does that hold true in terms of surveys you take? >> yeah. people want wi-fi. the problem we have is the bandwidth still isn't strong enough. we're still working on upgrading the bandwidth. we've got the latest that allows for free usage. the cost in my perspective should come down to what it is on the ground if it's nominal or a small uptick. today we have to charge too much because the quality is not there yet. we'll get to the point where there's free service in the air and you eechlg have ubiquitous serviced on the plane. >> some people who are tall like myself, 6'3", are worried about putting more people in the space and shortening the speeds. >> i would like to speak to that too. butts in this country are getting bigger, i'll speak for myself. i hope you have no plans to shrink the seats. >> butts and legs that i'm 6'3", charlie. wear not changing leg room. we haven't changed it in years. what we're doing is getting bigger planes and better planes. 321s. the newest is the air 350. seat sizes are standard. the new sers are smaller but have bigger seats. >> when you travel you sit in the back why? >> i want our customers to have the higher value tickets to be able to sit up front or more loyal tickets up front and i want to see how the product is. >> do they know it's you? >> absolutely. when you're on the video, it's kind of hard to avoid. >> did i read that you're getting rid of 747s? >> yeah. we're retiring them at the end of the year. >> what happened. where does it go? >> it goes to the desert and gettings chopped up. it's a plane that's too expensive to fly, four engines. it was a great plane. business cabin with a sliding door. it's a great product and we're excited about bringing this to market. >> a heartfelt thank you. they flew the last flight that got my mom and 180 people and their dogs and pets out before irma struck. delta was the only one flying. i appreciate that. >> thank you, norah. our people took people out the last day. we wish we could have gotten more. >> doing good is good business. >> it's the rieng thing to do. >> thank you, ed. >> nice to be here. in his new jersey hometown, the best selling novelist is in our toyota green room. it looks like you have a best don't ju ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. towhen you drop a 603-horsepower experv8 biturbo engine. into one of mercedes-benz's finest luxury sedans, what do you get? [ engine stalls ] you get out of the way. 0-to-60 in 3.3 seconds. the mercedes-amg e63 s sedan. harlan coben joining us at the table. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you know you're a best-selling author when you're so much bigger than the title of your book. >> that's a very good observation. he's very astute, that charlie rose. i want to start with the first line of this book. you'll like this, too, charlie. listen, too, norah. daisy wore a clingy black dress with a neckline so deep it could tutor philosophy. i was thinking where is he going with that. >> i thought i'd have fun with the first line. we're about to get dark. >> it takes a turn very quickly. >> the idea came up from your childhood. >> i grew up in new jersey and there was a rumor that right behind riker elementary school, behind the barbed wire fence there was a hidden base with missiles. as a kid i thought it was nonsense. when i grew up, i found out it was true. we have 14 that protect philadelphia and new york from the '50s to '74. >> can you go back? >> yes. it's an art park, but the rusted remains are still there. you can see old radar towers. they built over where they had missiles. it's called nike drive. >> if you're a novelist, what does it tell you? >> it stirs your imagination. it's a lot of what being a writer is about. i imagine these kids going in the woods trying to skplar. kids would goughgo out there drinking, being chased away. >> there's a makeout corner back there. >> of course. >> so the lead guy is detective napole napoleon duma. they call him map. he's different, darker than most people you write about. >> he lost his twin brother. this book is the first person i've done this, first person telling the story, talking to his dead brother. he's trying to find out what happened to him in high school. i'm trying to break your heart and stir you. >> you do that. >> this is your 30th novel. >> yeah. >> what's your technique? >> it's my job. a plumber can't say, oh, today i can't do pipes, i'm too important. i treat it like a job. i try to write -- and if i don't write, i hate myself. there's a lot of self-loathing. so if i don't write, i beat-up until i get back to work. >> and you and dan brown are friends. this is what he says about you. harlan coben is the modern master of hook and twist luring you in on the first page to shock you on the last. that's very true with this. i wonder when two writer gs it together, are you see corrective, what are you doing, nothing. what do you share? >> we never talk about the books. we never talk about our process. politics, religion, everything else, but normally we don't talk about it. i think it's bad karma to talk about the book. i'm dying to tell you about the story. the only way i'm going to get the satisfaction. >> the blank page doesn't terrify you. >> it terrifies me. that's what you have to face each day and fight it each day. the idea is you can't find an excuse not to. you don't say, oh, i can't fight the blank page, eat going to watch tv or go to the mall. >> you have a netflix show called dangerously bridgeab lly >> it's called "the five." we filmed it in britain. >> if you look closely, you'll see harlan coben on the screen. >> episode 9. >> always great to have you. >> thank you. great to see you. >> thank you so much. "don't let go" is available now. you can hear more on ow apples ipod and podcasts. we break down hurricanes and the big storms and how they get their names. you're watching "cbs this morning." fety." we're the generation that had it all. we're the generation that had the music and the moves. we're the generation that had the style. well, sometimes. we're the generation that walked where no one had walked before, like no one had walked before, and, boy, did we know how to fly. we're the generation that had a dream and broke down walls. we came together to feed the world's children. we came together to protect them. and in this dangerous world, we have to keep on saving them, protecting them, caring for them even when we're gone. if we remember unicef in our will, we'll remember the children who desperately need our help, and we'll be the generation who left a better world for children. visit uniceflegacy.org. oh, you yeah!ht butch. (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. you wonder how one person can sell so many books. >> more to come. >> that does it for us. be sure to tune in to the spots after these flames forced 100 people from their homes yesterday. air tankers dropped good morning i'm michelle griego. in the oakland hills fire crews are watching for hot spots after these flforced 100 people from their homes yesterday. air tankers dropped water and flame retardant as the fire spread quickly to 22 acres. investigators are trying to determine the cause of a car fire in san francisco. it began about 4 a.m. on randkin street near an earlier fire. a man suspected of a hit- and-run that killed a uc- berkeley attorney is scheduled to enter a plea today. christopher patti was fatally struck last month while riding a bike on the shoulder of a highway near guerneville. stay with us; weather and traffic in just a moment. good morning. 8:57. we continue to have massive delays on the eastshore freeway all due to a rollover crash we have been tracking since a little after 7 a.m. two lanes remain closed along eastbound 80 as you approach ashby. a "sig alert" remains in effect and right now your travel times to go from the maze to 580 is 22 minutes. you can see this is our live look at the backup along the eastshore freeway right near powell street. and that traffic is at a slow roll heading eastbound as they are trying to clean up that mess. here's a live look at oakland, 880 this slowdown spills on to 880 as well as the approaches on 580 and 24. definitely want to avoid the east bay if you can at this time. roberta? >> have a great day. the coast is clear at the beach. we have an offshore flow again today. it comes at a price with the red flag warning in effect in addition to a "spare the air" day. right now air quality looks decent this morning. visibility is unlimited. look at that view. i think i can see people out enjoying breakfast atmosphere sam's in tiburon this morning. that's how great the visibility is. temperature-wise, we are in the 60s and 70s. san francisco up to nearly 90 today. almost 20 degrees above average. 60s beaches, 80s, 90s peninsula. 90s inland. we begin to cool gently tomorrow along the seashore with the return of a west wind that's onshore. typical weather friday through the weekend. wayne (high-pitched): oh, oh, oh! jonathan: a trip to australia! tiffany: it's a diamond ring! wayne (in french accent): you said that before. say it again. - going for the big deal, baby. wayne: you got the big deal! jonathan: ha, ha. tiffany: hello? open the box! wayne: you won a car! you did it! - (screaming) jonathan: i'm vanilla pudding. wayne: dreams do come true! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal". i'm wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. who wants to make a deal, let's go. (cheers and applause) michelle, come on, michelle. hey. hey, michelle, nice to meet you. - nice to meet you! wayne: where are you from? - la verne, california. wayne: la verne. (cheers and applause) so what's la verne known for? - oranges? (laughter) michelle! wayne: sure, sure it is now.

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