Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170615 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170615

coast guard says all is clear now. all that -- >> pittsburgh penguins hold the stanley cup over the city. >> -- and all that matters -- joe biden might be out of office but he's still slaying. >> and all that matters -- >> members of this house have decided not to give in to fear. the annual congressional baseball games will be scheduled. >> i'll be the one coaching third on crutches. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> honestly for me was heart warming for me to see members of congress united at human beings. >> i want to say thank you to the congressional leadership and to the president for responding to this act of terror in a way that gives us hope that whatever our differences, we will always be the united states of america. thank you for that. welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off. we're pleased to have jeff glor with us. the number three in the house of representatives, steve scalise is in critical condition shot by a man with a rifle during baseball practice. cell phone video captured the scene yesterday in alexandria, virginia. a group of gop lawmakers were practicing for tonight's charity game against democrats. >> four people were shot including scalise who was medevaced by helicopter for emergency surgery. doctors say a bullet tore through his abdomen, breaking bones and damaging internal organs. president trump and first lady melania visited him last night. mr. trump also met capitol police officers crystal greiner. she was hit in the ankle when she returned fire. lobbyist mike mika and zachary barth were also shot. capitol police officer david bailey and congressman roger williams were injured. the gunman, james hodgkinson died after police shot him several times. >> the shooting happened at a public baseball field about five miles from the u.s. capitol. the gunman approached at the third base line where more than 30 people were practicing. jeff pegues is at the crime scene with new details on the investigation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we're about 50 yards away from you can really see what the gunman was seeing, except 24 hours ago that baseball field was filled with republican congressmen with the gunman who was heavily armed open fire. gunfire pierced the air for ten agonizing minutes as james hodgkinson opened fire. >> there's also a victim down in the baseball field. >> reporter: u.s. capitol police officers, part of house majority whip congressman steve scalise's security detail and alexandria police fired back. witnesses say hodgkinson was armed with a handgun and rifle when he approached the fence along the third base line and started firing. he never got on the field. representative scalise standing on second base was shot first in the hip. other lawmakers took cover in the first base dougout. >> i could see steve scalise out in the field. >> reporter: arizona senator jeff flake waited for an opportunity to help his injured colleague. >> i ran low out to steve and started putting pressure on the wound. >> reporter: investigators believe the 66-year-old hodgknson originally from illinois was out of work and had been living in his van in the alexandria area since march. the nearby q was struck by bullets. locals saw him there frequently. >> he always had his laptop. he was always with his laptop, laptop bag, always getting set up. >> reporter: his facebook page shows that he supported vermont senator bernie sanders and did not like president trump. he was a member of the group called terminate the republican party. >> we're looking to glean what we can from the contents regarding his electrical devices that he owned. we're exploring all angles and we'll let the facts take it where it goes. >> reporter: so did the gunman target someone specifically on the baseball field or was this just a target of opportunity for him? that's what investigators are looking into among other things. congressman jeff duncan of south carolina says before the gunman opened fire, he asked him if there were republicans on the field. jeff. >> jeff, thank you very much. the fbi is seeking more information on james hodgkinson and his motive. agents searched his belleville, illinois, home for evidence yesterday. authorities believe hodgkinson had not lived there since march when he arrived in virginia. dean reynolds is outside his house in belleville about 700 miles from where he opened fire on the baseball field. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. those who knew the man who lived in this house behind me say he was unhappy with the political direction of the country, but they never expected him to turn violent. known to many as tom, james hodgkinson grew up in belleville, graduating from a local high school in 1968. he lived in this house with his wife and ran a home inspection business until his license expired last november. >> i'm very surprised. >> reporter: ray page knew him for 30 years. >> i never have seen the man violent since i've known him. >> reporter: deeply engaged in politics, hodgkinson did not keep his views secret. >> 99% are getting pushed around and the 1% are just not giving a damn. >> reporter: in a 2015 facebook post, hodgkinson shared a political cartoon about yesterday's victim, congressman steve scalise, saying, here's a republican that should lose his job but they gave him a raise. in recent months he began showing disdain for the current administration. in a march 22nd post, he wrote, it's time to destroy trump and company. just two days later a neighbor complained after hearing 50 shots fired from hodgkinson's property. >> he was very nice. he said i'll take it to a range where it's somewhat safer and that was the end of it. >> reporter: republican mike bost said he had called and phoned ten times. >> there was never one that crossed the line. he wasn't happy with my position, if i voted this way, he'd vote this way, i'll work against it next time. but no threat beyond that. >> reporter: now, hodgkinson did have an arrest record dating back to the 1970s, but they were mostly minor offenses that were later dismissed. gayle? >> dean, thank you very much. congressional leaders confirm tonight's baseball game will go ahead. it's a well known washington tradition that brings republicans and democrats together. president trump called for greater unity after the shooting. >> we may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nation's capitol is here because above all they love our country. >> house speaker paul ryan repeated that theme when he spoke to members yesterday. nancy cordes is at nationals park in washington. that's the site of tonight's big game. nancy, good morning. >> good morning, gayle. there was really no serious talk about canceling this game. in fact, when congressional leaders announced that it would take place as scheduled, members of congress erupted in applause, and no one wanted to go forward more than the members who came under fire. >> we're not going to let incidents like this change our way of life or daily routines. >> the republican and democratic team managers said the game will go on even though a couple of players are now on the injured reserved list. >> if you're not sure which one i'll be, i'll be the one coaching third on crutches. >> he injured his leg while diving for cover. >> this has been going on for years, and we need to play this baseball game. >> reporter: house speaker paul ryan summoned his colleagues to the floor yesterday for a message of unity. >> we're united in our shock, we're united in our anguish. an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. [ applause ] >> democratic leader nancy pelosi did the same. >> i pray. my prayer is that we can resolve our differences in a way that furthers the preamble to the constitution and takes us closer to eplor bus unum, an injury in the family, for the staff, our colleague and for his leadership. >> even with a visible increase in security, lawmakers are on edge, particularly those who were at the scene. >> i was up to bat when this shooting started. i heard a loud noise. >> i was about ten feet from that mike. he was really shot bad. >> reporter: most house members have no protective detail once they leave capitol grounds. new york republican claudia tenney received this disturbing e-mail, one down, 215 to go. >> republican chuck fleischman said the privilege to serve is worth the risk. >> we represent people every day in this country on both sides of the aisle. >> in a show of solidarity the democratic players invited the republican players out to dinner last night, but come tonight on this field, it will be all business. both sides say this is a long-standing rivalry and no one's going easy on anyone. >> nancy, thanks. alabama congressman gary palmer was only about 20 feet away from the shooter. he joins us this morning. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> set the scene of what you heard, what was going on. >> we were taking batting practice. i was at shortstop. steve scalise was at second and p trent kelly was at third. when i heard the gunshot i knew immediately what it was. i turned to trent and said that was a gunshot. trent said, yeah, and then he turned and yelled, he's got a gun. the guy was coming up to the fence i think when he fired the first shot. frankly it's a miracle that he missed trent. trent's a big guy. we moved across the baseball diamond toward the first base side where the only open space in the fence was. i heard two more shots and i saw scalise go down. i knew he had been hit. i knew he had been hit low, but i didn't know whether it was in the hip or the leg. >> congressman, we're all trying to process what happened yesterday. i think many people are still reeling from it. and now reports say it might have been politically motivated. this man apparently was unhappy with the republican party and said many disparaging things. what do you think when you hear about that? what needs to happen based on the conversation that is happening in the country right now? >> i think our republic's in danger, gayle. i think we're furring at the edges. i think there's extremes on both sides. i'm hearing some reports of what this gentleman had posted on his facebook page, and it's not that different from some of the things we're hearing from other people. so we have got to tone down the rhetoric. i think it has to begin with us, both parties. but it's got to come from media. it's got to come from other people who are speaking to the country. and particularly in the social media. >> congressman, that's a pretty serious thing to say, the republic is in danger and the country is fraying at the edges. do you think it starts in washington? does it start with social media? what concrete steps need to be taken in your estimation? >> i think we've got to lead by example. obviously republicans and democrats differ on issues, but i think we can have a civil discussion. >> you said that the democrats at that playing field were actually praying when they heard about the shooting on the republican side. teddy roosevelt used to call the white house the bully pulpit. do we begin with leadership from the white house in terms of trying to cool down things and trying to create more stability and trying to create a more common ground? >> i think it begins with me, it begins with my colleagues. i think all of us have a stake in this and every one of us need to take responsibility for what we say and how we say it. >> do you think this will take on a different view about guns and gun control in this country? terry mcauliffe said now is the time to have this conversation. i think people thought after sandy hook things would change and unfortunately very little seems to have changed. >> all i know is first of all, governor mcauliffe got his stats rong. he again used a stat for the 93 gun violence a day, that that's inaccurate in the context that he was using it. as a gun owner, i wish i had had one yesterday. >> you wish you'd had a gun yesterday so you could have fired back? >> yes, charlie. i would have liked to have a fire arm. i think trent kelly would have. there are a number of others that wish we would have been able to defend ourselves and come to the aid of the capitol police who were extraordinary. >> congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, charlie. in our next hour, we will talk with one of the people who was shot. that's legislative aide zack barth and his boss, congressman roger williams who was injured. it's reached a potential turning report. counsel robert mueller is trying to determine if the president obstructed justice. >> this morning the president tweeted, quote, you are witnessing the single greatest witch hunt in political history led by some very bad and conflicted people. major garrett is at the white house. good morning. >> good morning. cbs news has learned dan coats director of national el intelligence has agreed to be interviewed by robert mueller. one of the topics about the russian investigation. the counsel's probe will now look into whether or not president trump attempted to obstruct justice. looking into that question doesn't necessarily mean evidence will be found or a charge will be brought. a spokesman for trump's personal attorney, marc kasowitz, said the fbi leak of information regarding the president is outrageous, inexcusable, and illegal. there's no proof that the fbi is the source of this leak. national security agency director mike rogers is also cooperating. cbs news has reported the president asked rogers and coats to push back against the narrative of cooperation between his campaign and russian operatives in the 2016 election. the two men refused to answer questions about those conversations during senate testimony last week. former fbi director james comey did testify the president asked him to try to lift the cloud of the russia investigation and when he did not, jeff, the president fired him. >> major garrett at the white house, thanks very much. the driver who killed three co-workers at a ups warehouse in san francisco made a former complaint about working too much overtime. a union representative said jimmy lam filed his grievance in march. he killed himself after he shot five employees during a meeting yesterday. the men who died were 56-year-old wayne chan, 50-year-old benson louis who loved to play basketball, and 46-year-old michael lefiti, a father of three known to many as big mike. he'd been with ups for 15 years. customers say he went out of his way to help others. jurors are back in court for the fourth day of deliberations in bill cosby's sexual assault trial. the 79-year-old entered the courthouse this morning with two of his publicists. jurors asked to review two more pieces of equipment yesterday. the first was the testimony that andrea constand gave last week detailing the alleged assault back in 2004. the other was testimony of a detective who interviewed bill cosby about that alleged encounter. so far the jury has asked the judge six questions and deliberated for more than 26 hours. >> the death toll in the london apartment fire has risen to at least 17. the burned out apartment complex could take weeks now to search. ahead, we're going to take you to the scene for the search of missing people and have new accounts for what happened inside that tower. many say the three capitol police officers who were at the baseball field when the gunman opened fire prevented a massacre. >> ahead, why those who know them were not surprised they risked their lives to save others. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ahead, what a new fed interest rate hike means for your credit card bills an your mortgage. an undocumented teenaged immigrant is be with the world champion warriors... a look at the victor good morning, it's7:26. i'm allen martin. this morning, counting down the hours until we get to celebrate with the world champion warriors. a look at the victory route. the big parade going to start in old oakland at 10 a.m. this morning. it's going to be traveling downtown in the big rally event at lake merritt. security is out overnight setting things up. fans are allowed to bring in only certain things. sunscreen, water, hats, backpacks, they will search those. signs and banners allowed. catch the action at today's celebration here on kpix 5 at 9:30 this morning. raffic and weather in just a moment. time now 7:27. we're tracking your ride into oakland with the victory parade going on this morning, 880 slow. northbound side on the right side of your screen there, 26 minutes from 238 to the maze. and folks are encouraged to use mass transit. we just jumped not red. let's check the forecast. >> all right. a look at the parade forecast going to be sunny, basically a high of 76 along the parade route. don't forget, you can catch the action of today's celebration right here on kpix 5 begins at 9:30 a.m. handballer 1: you know what i could go for? scrambled eggs and pancakes. crave van! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. you crave it. we serve it. crave van! handballer 1: you know what i scrambled eggs and pancakes. crave van! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. you crave it. we serve it. crave van! there was another horrific shooting in america, this time targeting apparently gop members of congress. you do have any thoughts on what happened today? >> it was great to see people from both sides seeing this and united under the banner of human and american before anything else. that's something that's lacking in american politics is politicians showing from both sides of the aisle that they are friends. it's almost become like wrestling where the fans don't realize that those people get along. those people fight every single day, but like paul ryan said today, like nancy pelosi said today, we fight like tooth and nail but we don't for get we're friends, families, colleagues. it's like hey, we fight, you fight, but don't forget, at your at a congressional baseball practice. doctors say the bullet broke bone bones and caused damage. gabby giffords was shot outside a supermarket in 2011 in arizona. she said parties need to put aside partisan differences an talk with one another. scott kelly spoke last night on the cs evening news about the capitol police. >> we had a lot of friends who were capitol police. we became very close with them. >> the three capitol police officers who immediately returned fire when the gunman attacked at the republican baseball practice are being called heroes. speshlg agents crystal greiner, david bailey, and henry cabrera. chip reid is outside the capitol with new details on their bravery. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. congressman steve scalise travels with a detail of police officers. it's a very good thing he was there because his security team kept that baseball field from becoming a killing field. >> i know sure as u i'm standing here right now there's no way we would have lived through that. >> reporter: representative mike bishop said two of the agents rushed on field as the staffers fled. >> the problem is he's got a rifle and they've got handguns. it wasn't a fair fight. they knew they weren't going to hit him but they were trying to give us cover. >> i yelled out, is this friendly, is this friendly, are you friendly to the person who was fire behind our dugout and greatly it was a member of the capitol police. >> agent crystal greiner was hospitalized with a gunshot wound to her ankle. she graduated in 2006 from maryland's hood college where she played on fwabl team. retired police chief kim dine. >> she's amazing and epitomized a hero. >> reporter: agent david bailey is recovering. he's from brazil. his friend rachel brooks wasn't surprised by bailey's heroics. >> he always talked about becoming a police officer and i remember when he first shared that he was working in washington, d.c., and that he was a police officer, he was so proud. >> reporter: representative joe barton was there with his two sons. his gratitude to the two officers who saved him was clear. >> capitol police immediately began to return fire. >> reporter: that sentiment echoed throughout the capitol. >> we are as ever awed by the tremendous bravely of the capitol police. >> survivors say that if the capitol police officers had not been there, hay would have been sitting ducks, and i tell you, gayle, i know from long experience here on capitol hill that the capitol police often feel like furniture, wallpaper. they feel unappreciated. but today they're being thanked profusely for being the first line of defense. >> they really do have to hear the applause for them across the board and the unique fact that they were there because congressman scalise was there. >> as congressman bishop said it wasn't fair. they had baseball bats and handguns compared to a rifle. thank you very much, chip. london's police chief say this morning death toll will rise in the devastating london apartment fire. firefighters put out the last of the flames this morning more than a day after the massive fire broke out. 17 people are confirmed dead at this time. dozens of others are believed to be missing. 74 people are hurt. prime minister theresa may went to the billing this morning and promised an investigation. during an emotional ave been killed. >> jonathan vigliotti in london. thank you so much. here's look at some of the other headlines this morning. u.s. news & world reports approves sanctions. the vote yesterday was 97-2. the sanctions target key sectors of russia's economy and individuals who carried out cyber attacks. the bill also require injuries. and the "usa today" says your credit debt is about to get costlier. that's because of the federal hike of a quarter percentage point. it will affect credit card users as well as homeowners with adjustable home mortgages. rates change according on the benchmark rate. just hours before his senior prom a teenager was detained and faces deportation. ahead, how members of congress are raising the case about immigrants. plus the great white shark is changing how thousands spend their summers. you're watching "cbs this morning." father daughter dance. na welcome everyone toe walk, move and earn money... ...for out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok! unitedhealthcare you brush your teeth 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humira at work. undocumented immigrant arrested just before his high school prom has failed to win extra time in the u.s. lawyers for him say they denied the request for a stay of removal. his mother and he face deportation back to ecuador. tony dokoupil shows us what led to his arrest. >> good morning. diego puma macancela was set to go to his prom. he found himself cowering in a closet in his cousin's home while agents prepared to arrest him. >> we felt leak they were going to break the doors. >> reporter: federal agents came to gaby macancela's home looking for diego. >> it's scary. it's your own house. you're supposed to be safe there. >> reporter: he spent the night there after his mother was detained by authorities the previous day. he and his mother left their native ecuador in 2014. they were told by a judge last november to leave the u.s. >> the i.c.e. agents were wearing vests with police on the back. >> reporter: victoria gearity witnessed it. >> in this case, it feels very different. diego and his mother don't seem dangerous to us. >> if you're violating the law, you should be uncomfortable. he should be looking over his shoulder. >> reporter: on capitol hill this week congresswoman ossining asked -- >> you're going after a student who's graduating and is law abiding into he's not law abiding. he was told to leave and he failed to do so. >> reporter: according to gaby, they threatened the rest of the family. >> so the agents said give us de'go or we take everybody. >> yes. >> did he say anything. >> he said, by, gaby, take my wallet. give it to my dad. i'm going to be fine. >> has what happened to diego and your aunt changed the way you feel about america? >> it's a great country for all immigrants. >> gaby was brought to the u.s. as a child as is protected by the obama d.r.e.a.m. act. legal counsel report that diego and his mother are now in the same facility in new york after officials kept them in separate facilities. >> thank you very much. tomorrow 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at that and you go, what conversation preceded that that made either one think i'm going to jump out and grab the car. >> you go from a little bit of yelling to nuts. >> nuts. out of control. don't do that. more than dranking rights will be on the lean. the congressional baseball game ahead. a look at the bipartisan tradition that stretches back more than a century. we'll be right back. human papillomavirus. who knew hpv could lead to certain cancers and diseases? who knew my risk for hpv would increase as i got older? who knew that there was a vaccine that could have helped protect me from hpv when i was 11 or 12, way before i would even be exposed to it? did you know, mom? dad? what will you say? don't wait. talk to your child's doctor today. learn more at the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new 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parents didn't know how widespread hpv is. while hpv clears up for most, that wasn't the case for me. maybe they didn't know i would end up with cancer because of hpv. maybe if they had known there was a vaccine to help protect me when i was 11 or 12. maybe my parents just didn't know. right, mom? dad? what will you say? don't wait. talk to your child's doctor today. learn more at with the n-b-a champion warriors... here's a look at the parade route -- the big event starts at 11th and broadway in o i'm allen martin. this morning, we're counting down the hours until we celebrate with the nba champion warriors. the event starts at 11th and broadway in old oakland at 10 a.m. traveling downtown ending with the rally in lake merritt. you can see more people are staking out some great views along the route. some people we spoke to had their outfits down pat. >> we forgot to bring chairs. and we have as you said a couple of hours to go. trying not to think about that. >> sometimes i have gold shoes with, um, blue laces and vice versa. and, you know, my whole closet is basically blue and gold. >> oakland expects 1.5 million people at the parade. about a half million more than the 2015 celebration. and your traffic and weather in just a moment. time now 7:57. the nasty nimitz living up to its name on 880. take a look at traffic backed up in the northbound direction. over an hour for drivers making their way from 238 to the maze. that's all due to an accident eastbound 80 and all lanes blocked so traffic backed up along 80 and 880. if you are heading to the victory parade, use mass transit. that's going to be your best bet. we do have some tips for you and you can follow that on our website as my twitter. let's check the forecast with allen. >> high of 76 if you are going to the parade and don't forget catch all the action right here on kpix 5. it begins at 9:30 a.m. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it thursday, june 15, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." congress gets back to work after a shooting left the number three house republican steve scalise in critical condition. then we'll talk to another congressman and staffer hurt in the attack. plus, how more than a century of baseball tradition brings people together at capitol hill. but first the "eye opener." >> 24 hours after the shooting filled with congressmen when the gunman opened fire. >> those who knew the man who lived in the house behind me never expected him to turn violent. >> it might have been politically motivated. what do you think when you hear about that? what needs to happen based on the conversation that is happening in the country right now? >> i think our republic is in danger, gayle. i think we're fraying at the edges. >> the capitol hill police officers feel like furniture, but today they're being thanked profusely for being the first line of defense. >> they have to hear the applause across the board. >> there was no serious talk about canceling this game. in fact, when congressional leaders announced it would take place as scheduled members erupted in applause. >> they win if we give in. america doesn't give out or give in. and we must play this baseball game. if we don't play this baseball game we go home, then they win. so that's the reason. this is america. the greatest country in the world. if you punch us, we will punch back. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king. steve scalise will need more surgery for the gunshot wound. representative scalise is in critical condition after a gunman attacked republicans practicing for tonight's congressional baseball game. the president and mrs. trump visited scalise and capitol police officer crystal griner who was also wounded. >> steve scalise was shot in the hip and he suffered broken bones and injuries to internal organs. crystal griner was hit in the ankle. lobbyist matt mika was shot in the chest. a close friend say hoe gave his -- he gave his family a thumbs up. congressional staffer zach barth was wounded but he's out of the hospital. he'll join us shortly. another capitol police officer david bailey and texas congressman roger williams were both hurt. and we are learning more about the gunman james hodgkinson who was killed in the shoot-out. the fbi believes that he had lived in his van in the alexandria area since march. witnesses say hodgkinson was often seen at the ymca near the shooting scene. police came to his illinois home in march to investigate complaints that he was shooting in the woods. he did have a valid firearms license. he was not charged. hodgkinson former democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders and lashed out against republicans and president trump on social media. in march he wrote on facebook -- it's time to destroy trump and company. >> as we mentioned congressman roger williams and his legislative aide zach barth are recovering this morning. barth was shot in the leg while retrieving baseballs. the two men are joining us from the u.s. capitol. good morning to you both. there they are. congressman and zach barth. >> good morning. >> i can't tell you how thrilled we are to see you alive and able to communicate with us today. we are so glad you here. zach, i want to start with you. because during this horrible situation, you managed to tweet that you were okay. you managed to call your mom. can you tell me what your thought process was at that time? >> sure. you know, i was out there shagging fly balls in center field when i heard a loud pop. then everybody stopped. we wondered what was going. we heard more pops, more cracks of the rifle. saw somebody with a long gun. somebody said shooters. they said run. i high tailed it to right field. there's nowhere for me to go. so i got on all fours and at that point i saw them train his gun at me. everything around me started to pop. i got hit in the leg and decided i was full of adrenaline, my flight or fight kicked in and if i wanted to live i need toed what act run for it. i made a run to the dugout. my single focus was to stay alive and keep everybody around me safe. i kept my head down, we didn't know what was going on. but thank the lord for, you know, special agents griner and bailey. without them, i don't know that i'd be talking to you right now. >> congressman williams, what happened to you. >> well, i was hitting ground balls to trent kelly the third baseman and probably didn't realize the shooter was 20 yards behind me. so i finished and went over to the other side of the batting cage hitting ground balls to steve scalise. i hit a ground ball to him. we heard a pop like my thought it was possibly a car backfiring. then we heard pop, pop, pop. everybody yelled, he's got a gun. i ran for the dugout and it's about six foot in the ground. i literally dove into the dugout on the concrete. when i was in there a lot of my other colleagues were there. and i was -- i found myself with senator flake and congressman mo brooks. we were there and then all of a sudden out of nowhere comes zach, my partner sitting here on the left. he was bleeding. mo brooks took his belt off and gave it to senator flake and i. we helped to make a tourniquet to cut his bleeding off. we kept our heads down. in this dugout was generation -- several generations. you had some -- late 06s like myself and we had jack barton, joe barton's son with us, 10 years old. it was crazy. we didn't know where the gunfire was coming from. so we're blessed but i want to tell you that as you have heard so many times these capitol police saved every one of our lives. we would not be here if it was not for the thin blue line that the capitol hill police and we owe it all to them. >> one of the questions that remains and the investigators are looking into, you think these were targeted shootings with someone in particular. a target. >> well, i'm not so sure a target. i think the congress people were the targets. i'm not so sure any one person was a target. i think that we were the targets as congress people. and that's what he woke up to do was to kill congress people. >> congressman, our reporting is that a number of your colleagues have asked about diverting some potential campaign funds to provide protection or hire security. as you know, steve scalise was the only one who had protection there and if he wasn't there, we don't know what would have happened. is that something you're interested in doing? >> well, i want to look at it. but i thought newt gingrich put it pretty good the other night when he said you know we in congress, one thing about it, we represent about 800,000 people. not all of them vote for us, but they can talk to their representative about what their issues are. so i think that's important. but also i think when you have a group of congressmen, 25 or 35 congressmen in one group we ought to study that as far as security. that is -- that doesn't make for a good situation if somebody has us in their harm's way. i do think it needs to be looked at and studied. >> will you be going to the game tonight? >> i know zach is going to go. i'm going to be -- i'm the coach of the team along with joe barton. i'm coaching third base on my crutches. so i'm going to guess i'm the only third base coach tonight on crutches. >> i think that was a yes. >> just to make sure nobody makes wide turns around the third base. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for joining. >> thank you. >> president trump is leading calls for unity following the shooting. >> we can all agree that we are blessed to be americans. that our children deserve to grow up in the nation of safety and peace. and that we are strongest when we are unified. and when we work together for the common good. >> republicans and democrats will have a chance to show that tonight at the annual congressional baseball game. the contest draws thousands of fans each year. it's been a tradition for more than a century. proceeds goes to charity. jan crawford is overlooking the park where the game will be played. jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. you know, there aren't many bipartisan traditions left in washington anymore, but for 108 years the congressional baseball game has been one of them. and that show of unity is why despite yesterday's shooting the game is on. the skills on the field, well, not major league might surprise you. when republicans and democrats square off on the diamond -- >> the level of competition is intense. >> reporter: nathaniel rakish has been covering it for five years. >> they take it seriously with a lot of smack talk. >> reporter: and one of the biggest players is steve scalise. he was shot in the hip while practicing for the showdown. >> he is one of the toughest competitors out there. one of the hardest workers. >> i did tell joe that i love him before the game. and i love him after the game. but during the game, we we're going play to win. >> reporter: wednesday afternoon, the managers of the two teams joe barton and democrat mike doyle announced that despite the shooting the game was on. >> it will be play ball. >> eporter: the congressional baseball game was created in 1909 by pennsylvania congressman john tenor, a former pitcher for the chicago white stockings. war, the business of congress, sometimes cancelled the games. when the teams did play, they played hard and for keeps. women started playing in 1993. representative linda sanchez has played for 15 years. she says the game is a chance to shed partisanship. >> it's a chance to kind of take a break from the polarized atmosphere of legislate lating and just have a little bit of fun with our colleagues and it's a national pastime. >> tonight's game will be a tiebreaker for the two teams. republicans and democrats each have won 39 game, lost 39 games and tied once. and then after yesterday's shooting they've added a new charity to their recipients who will be getting the proceeds from tonight's game -- the capitol police memorial fund. >> this will be the biggest audience they ever had. >> i hope so. it holds 50,000. it will be great if all the seats are filled. >> does the score really matter? i mean, it's about the -- getting together tonight and watching. >> but people want to win. >> tied at 39. our 24 hour streaming network will have live coverage beginning at 4:00 pacific. you can catch that on the cbs news app or at cbs former navy s.e.a.l. is using his battlefield experience to help transform civilian organizations. ahead, he joins us with the retired general. that's stanley mcchrystal. how they say lessons from the military resumes can still ahead, we see how sharks are creating new issues along the california coast. >> on a typical summer day on this southern california beach, you could see as many as 10,000 people here. but because of an increase in great white shark sightings right off the shoreline, well, it looks empty. we'll take a look at how it's impacting beach business coming up on "cbs this morning." i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. i'm karen, i'm a teacher. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, fda approved for 18 years. he's got a condo. he's got a car. he's got a career. but that still doesn't mean he gets you. time to shine. orbit. fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure. smart sightinheetings along california coast have been occurring. many of them happen along the 40-mile stretch of the beaches in orange sharks spotted just offshore, businesses report numbers are down even when the surf's up. sun shining, waves ready to ride, and this year sharks lurking offshore. after dozens of sightings, businessing are feeling what's known as the shark effect. this is his lowest business in 15 years that i normally have 20 classes and we have to weightlift. >> his business has been down 50%. fewer are willing to get in the water. >> the mom will say, i'm so sorry, i talked to my husband, and it's just that one chance. they're just nervous. >> candice lazar is one of those moms. since maher family witnessed shark sightings and beach closings. that's why at the last minute she decided daughter sloane would sit it out. >> it's hard to know how to react. you don't want to overact. >> there's that chance. >> yes, there is. >> that does weigh on your mind. >> yes. >> you'd never forgive yourself. >> oh, my gosh, never. you would never for given yourself. that's why i took the step that i did. there was so many reports, one right after the other. and it was just getting out of hand. it was crazy. >> within the last year alone, two shark attacks took place within a 20-mile stretch on the southern california beaches. a 36-year-old mom lost part of her right leg. she remains hospitalized. lifeguards begin each morning scanning for sharks. san clemente lifeguard chief bill humphrey says the predators impact crowds. >> the biggest picture is there's far more sharks than there's ever been. >> 11-year-old had to convince her mom to let her train as a lifeguard in her group. even she doesn't want to hang in the ocean alone. >> i'm a little scared surrounded by ice cream parlors, surf board stores and others have fewer customers. >> thank you. ahead, best-selling author malcolm gladwell is here. why glaring golf courses are a glaring example of privilege. we'll be right back. reduces wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena® mmmm. mmmm. mmmm... ugh. nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. try new alka-seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. it's fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. 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>> jaclyn, thanks. you can expect a high of about 76 if you are heading to the big parade in oakland. of course, much warmer inland. the big heat is coming tomorrow. cooler along the coast in san francisco. and don't forget, you can catch all the action of today's celebration right here on kpix 5 starting at 9:30. i love this picture. you know why? it shows you are never too old to rock on. rock on, dude. this gentleman of a certain age proves that he's showing no signs of stopping as he head bangs his way to a hard rock metallica song in his car. even his air drumming is to the point. >> wraparound glasses and banging on the steering wheel. >> we don't know his name or anything about him. you can tell by looking at this guy, he's a fun guy. i like that. welcome back to our "cbs this morning" -- >> party. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm trying to say we're going to go to the green room. sorry about that. hec let's go to the green room. you've about got a general, a navy s.e.a.l. and a best-selling author. who's who, charlie? >> malcolm gladwell is t and stanley mcchrystal is the best-selling author -- >> there you go. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. the "washington post" reports that dennis rodman had a gift for the president there. it was president trump's book called "the art of deal." he gave it to the sports miniter stored but it was intended for king jong-un. rodman says his trip to north korea has nothing to do with the white house. billboard reports on the grammy announcing sweeping changing for the first time. members of the recording academy will be able to cast their awards online. songwriters will be recognized in the album of the year category. they'll be established for wrap, contemporary instrumental, and new age genres around the definition of an album will be expanded. the "los angeles times" reports on a much anticipated fight that will happen in las vegas. the august bout will bring may weather jr. out of retirement and he'll face connor mcgregor. the irishman faces long odds. he's considered to be a 25-1 favorite. >> there's a lot of trash talking already. one of classic rock's anthems could be getting a revised song writing credit. they want to credit yoko ohno as a co-writer. ohno is the widow of the late beatle. he said ohno deserved credit due to her inspiration on the song. this week defense secretary james mattis was granted authority to set those levels to increase troops. retired four-star stanley mcchrystal commanded american and international forces in afghanistan. he also served as commander of the joint special operations command. mcchrystal was tasked with re-imagining the battlefield of the middle east. he outlined how he did that in his 2015 bestseller "team of teams." >> fussell has followed that up with a book of his own. the book is called "one mission: how leaders build a team of teams." the bookses abo is about applyio anyone in the field. >> there's concern around the world. give me a sense because you think of national security, yo think about this country and the timely conversation. what was your reaction when you watched that yesterday and what we need to be thinking about. >> well, i think like everybody else. it's horror at what happened but it's the hope that it starts a national conversation about a number of issues. one is about partisanship, conversation, and another is about why so many people are being killed by guns in our people. i think we need thoughtful people to come together and take on a tough issue. >> that's what struck me yesterday. we've been reporting on it all morning. 50 toe 100 shots. when you hear the gunshots and how long it took. as a navy s.e.a.l., you know the sound. what were you thinking when you looked at that and what it all means? >> obviously sympathy for the folks and the families. >> of course. >> and broader problem here, which i think stan just identified. this is increasing and we have to get our hands around this issue. and for people who haven't been exposed to that before, that's a life-changing moment they'll wrestle with for years. >> what sort of leadership do you need and lessons can be taken from the book? >> the first is it's not just about a single leader. it's about a communitiet when we come together, we get more brains involved, wisdom involved, different perspectives, and we can have some kind of consensus and support. so if we always look for a single iconic person, we'll look for a mistake. >> you write about a leadership mikt. what is that in. >> we want to look for one person who will lead us through tough times. we saw that before. we've got the right general in place. >> we always heard in business you can only have one leader. >> what they've always dunld and what's more important than ever is they create teams that can connect. they did that for us in the military. it's being done in industry and politics. >> leadership leadership is leadership, whether it's in the military, whether it's in business, whether it's in politic sthoos that's right. that's right. >> what are the core principle os thereafter kind of leadership? >> well, in today's world i think it's more important thanner that leaders that are close to these very different problems, they're being driven by interconnected problems. leaders have to empower those. that's what worked for us in the service and that's what we see working well in the industry as folks start to apply that sort of mod >> what did you take that you learned on the battlefield because most of us don't have your skills or your skills in general. we're not navy s.e.a.l.s and we're not equipped to do the things that we do. there are things on the battlefield that can really translate into business. >> i've been out of service for five years and i've been constantly impressed. there's great leaders, great people in those organizations that want to do great things. they want to be part of something that has teamer meaning. that was critical to us in terms of how special operations worked and i think there are several indications. >> admiral mccraven was here. he talked about his book, lessons he learn and it starts with making your bed. one thing about navy s.e.a.l.s is you're often surprised by those who make the cut. are you surprised? >> it really is interesting. you'll have someone who finished an iron man triathlon who can't make it to second training and a kid from iowa who's never seen the ocean who made it as a top graduate. so it's about inner character. >> what did you see in him, general? one of your favorite words, charlie, intellectually curious. there was something that stood out you do of all the people. >> when i was first commanding, chris was asking different questions. he was asking big questions. he was asking how the pieces fit together, not about the focused narrow think things and that makes an immediate impression. >> one thing about the secretary of defense, mattis. the president has seemed to have given him lots of thofrmt is that a good thing or do we need to be reminded that the heart of the american system is civilian control? >> i think it's a good thing to empower is up back cousubordina. the american people ultimately still have ownership of those decisions. so it has to be a melded system in which civilians and military leaders together arrive at right decisions but also prosecute policies that everybody supports, that everybody understands ultimately. the men agree going in, but when policy is set, we all have the idea to carry on. >> where should troop levels be many. >> it's hard to say. i would defer what jim matusz and mcnichols on ground are recommending. but i think we need to ask ourselves, if we sent more troops and that doesn't solve the problem or make the change we hope, what will we do then? that's the question nation needs to ask itself about its long-term things in afghanistan and what we hope to achieve. >> thank you so much. good to see you do. >> food goode to see the two of you. thank you so much. the name of the book is "one mission." it's on sale now, wherever you like to buy your book. bestseller malcolm gladwell says he's made his podcast even weirder. his thoughts on forgotten events including the recipe change at mcdonald's that he said for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ malcolm gladwell has been named as an inflew yen chal writer. so has charlie rose. >> he's more deserving. >> i don't know about that. >> he's the bestseller of five. now he's back with the second season of his pod raft. it's called revisionist history. series looks at events and ideas from the past that have been overlook or misunderstood. he joins us once again at the table. congratulations on season two. >> thank you, gayle. >> i love your start at season two. it as about private golf courses in los angeles. you said -- you describe the golf courses as crack cocaine for rich guys. you have a reich guy at the table. what are you talk about? >> i have a little fun game of golf. >> yes, you do. >> i point out how it's played by rich white guys that and women as well. >> yes, yes. i'm more interested many the question using the private golf courses of l.a. as an example. how is privilege protected and enshrined as a society. et's a fascinating example of a small group of very wealthy people have managed to essentially not pay any property taxes for generations on these huge golf courses in the middle of city. >> and no one else gets to play on it. >> and l.a. is a city that has one of the fewest amount of parkland of any major american city. it is under parked. and so i would go to l.a. and i would be confronted by this weird fact which is i'm a runner. there's nowhere to run in l.a., and yet there are these 100-aker dub there are subscription or seven with chain link fences that and you report that nobody was on the course. why can't you go and walk around shoo that's how i got thinking how privilege gets embedded in the structure of our society. et's one of those -- what i'm trying to do with the podcast is use these kind of a very seemingly lighthearted questions to examine much more important questions. >> because of the bizarre case. it becomes a jumping off point to talk to landscape architects, to go anywhere you want to go. >> there was a moment when e was making this episode where i thought, i need to talk a philosoph philosopher. h is getting so complicated. i called a guy at the university of washington, mark cohen, who's so much fun. it was one of those things you can do in a podcast. you know, there's no rules. if you want to talk to a philosopher, you can talk to a y that's what i love about the forum. >> talk about what you learned about the ceos who play golf and what their companies are doing. >> there's an economist named lee bickerstaff who did this lovely work. if you're a serious golfer, you post your scores on the usga's website so you can calculate your handy cape. what he did is looked at all the people who posted their scores and matched it to a list of ceos of public companies and was able to figure out how much ceos play golf and then he was abe to figure out what effect does playing golf have on the performance of your company. and first of all he showed that ceos play an astonishing amount of golf and the more you play, the worst your company does. at a shareholders ming they should stand up. >> do you think, therefore, the country did badly because president obama loved to play golf? >> no. i would say this. i would be happy if presidents as a group played less golf and spent more time mastering the details of their presidency. but i have nothing against people doing sports for recreation. my problem is when an addiction to a certain sport affects the rest of us and affects the citizens of los angeles. they don't have any place to go. the there's no park space for them to go. >> i agree with what you're saying. the yofd people to get outside and run or play golf and just do something in the complex world today, that's a very good thing. >> i'm not going disagree about that. >> you also did something about mcdonald's. it broke your heart. first i was stunned you eat mcdonald's. >> after his run. >> after your run. there was something that broke your heart in 1990. >> they changed the recipe for the french fries. those of us who remember, they used to be amazing, right? that's why you went to mcdonald's. they were the most incredible fries you've ever eaten. and they're not anymore for a reason. that is mcdonald's changed formula on july 23rd, 1990. and i think that formula change was catastrophic. >> and you brought in millennials to do a blind test and they picked old fries. >> i went to america's r & d house to make me fries the old way and new way and we did a blind test. >> the old way was 100%. >> ipodcast. you're watching "cbs this morning." we thank malcolm gladwell ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. the explosion and fire killed eight people. pg&e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u.s. pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. pg&e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. we are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno. while an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg&e safer. and that's why we've replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new leak detection technology that is one-thousand times more sensitive, and built a state-of-the-art gas operations center. we can never forget what happened in san bruno, that's why we're working every day to make pg&e the safest energy company in the nation. are counting down until the big celebration with the n-b-a champs--- the warriors! here's a look at the parade route -- kicking off at 11th and this morning we're counting down to the parade of champions. the warriors, this is the parade route. it kicks off at 11th and broadway at 10 a.m. and winds through downtown ending with the rally at lake merritt. kpix 5's michelle griego live at the end of the parade route for us this morning. michelle. >> reporter: hey, allen. right behind me the stage is set. all of those chairs on the stage are lined with the warriors towels and in just a couple of hours, maybe even longer, the warriors players will be on that stage addressing all of the fans who supported them this season and many other seasons. and then take a look right in front of the stage, you see the sea of blue and gold. some of these people have been out here since 3 a.m. there was a couple who spent the night in their lawn chairs because they wanted a good spot. and a good look at their favorite warriors players. at the front of the parade, people are just waiting for it. the countdown is on. we have about an hour to go before the parade starts. and a live look from chopper 5. you can see so many people lined up along the parade route. you know, in 2015, allen, the parade, there were about a million people here cheering on the warriors. about 500,000 more are expected today. >> that is what a championship will do for you. 2 and 3 years. thanks, michelle. all right. you don't have to be there. you can catch all the action today's celebration beginning here on kpix 5 at 9:30 this morning in about half-hour. got your traffic and parade forecast coming up next. good morning. 8:58. bart is expecting to reach record numbers for their ridership today all due to the warriors parade. we do have some tips for you if you are planning on using mass transit. definitely plan ahead. and move and remove. move to the center of the train when you board and remove those backpacks allowing extra room. free parking at the oakland coliseum. lots a and b at 8 a.m. expect a high of 76 degrees for the parade in oakland. warmer inland of course. cooler along the coast. catch all the action today's celebration at 9:30. wayne: yeah! jonathan: it's a new bedroom! tiffany: $15,000! wayne: we're gonna play 0 to 80. - (screaming) wayne: you ready to make a deal? - absolutely! jonathan: it's a new hot tub! faster, wow! - give me that box! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america. welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady. thanks for tuning in. let's make a deal. i need a personal assistant. i need you. come here, amber. i need you. everybody else have a seat. come on, amber. how are you doing, sweetheart? - i love you. i love you so much. wayne: oh, well, i love you, too. it's moving so fast and so sudden, but when you're in the mood... - oh, my god. wayne: so where are you from? - i'm from louisville, kentucky. wayne: you are not from louisville, kentucky. - i'm from louisville, kentucky. wayne: you've got that southern twang. i love that.

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170615 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170615

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coast guard says all is clear now. all that -- >> pittsburgh penguins hold the stanley cup over the city. >> -- and all that matters -- joe biden might be out of office but he's still slaying. >> and all that matters -- >> members of this house have decided not to give in to fear. the annual congressional baseball games will be scheduled. >> i'll be the one coaching third on crutches. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> honestly for me was heart warming for me to see members of congress united at human beings. >> i want to say thank you to the congressional leadership and to the president for responding to this act of terror in a way that gives us hope that whatever our differences, we will always be the united states of america. thank you for that. welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off. we're pleased to have jeff glor with us. the number three in the house of representatives, steve scalise is in critical condition shot by a man with a rifle during baseball practice. cell phone video captured the scene yesterday in alexandria, virginia. a group of gop lawmakers were practicing for tonight's charity game against democrats. >> four people were shot including scalise who was medevaced by helicopter for emergency surgery. doctors say a bullet tore through his abdomen, breaking bones and damaging internal organs. president trump and first lady melania visited him last night. mr. trump also met capitol police officers crystal greiner. she was hit in the ankle when she returned fire. lobbyist mike mika and zachary barth were also shot. capitol police officer david bailey and congressman roger williams were injured. the gunman, james hodgkinson died after police shot him several times. >> the shooting happened at a public baseball field about five miles from the u.s. capitol. the gunman approached at the third base line where more than 30 people were practicing. jeff pegues is at the crime scene with new details on the investigation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we're about 50 yards away from you can really see what the gunman was seeing, except 24 hours ago that baseball field was filled with republican congressmen with the gunman who was heavily armed open fire. gunfire pierced the air for ten agonizing minutes as james hodgkinson opened fire. >> there's also a victim down in the baseball field. >> reporter: u.s. capitol police officers, part of house majority whip congressman steve scalise's security detail and alexandria police fired back. witnesses say hodgkinson was armed with a handgun and rifle when he approached the fence along the third base line and started firing. he never got on the field. representative scalise standing on second base was shot first in the hip. other lawmakers took cover in the first base dougout. >> i could see steve scalise out in the field. >> reporter: arizona senator jeff flake waited for an opportunity to help his injured colleague. >> i ran low out to steve and started putting pressure on the wound. >> reporter: investigators believe the 66-year-old hodgknson originally from illinois was out of work and had been living in his van in the alexandria area since march. the nearby q was struck by bullets. locals saw him there frequently. >> he always had his laptop. he was always with his laptop, laptop bag, always getting set up. >> reporter: his facebook page shows that he supported vermont senator bernie sanders and did not like president trump. he was a member of the group called terminate the republican party. >> we're looking to glean what we can from the contents regarding his electrical devices that he owned. we're exploring all angles and we'll let the facts take it where it goes. >> reporter: so did the gunman target someone specifically on the baseball field or was this just a target of opportunity for him? that's what investigators are looking into among other things. congressman jeff duncan of south carolina says before the gunman opened fire, he asked him if there were republicans on the field. jeff. >> jeff, thank you very much. the fbi is seeking more information on james hodgkinson and his motive. agents searched his belleville, illinois, home for evidence yesterday. authorities believe hodgkinson had not lived there since march when he arrived in virginia. dean reynolds is outside his house in belleville about 700 miles from where he opened fire on the baseball field. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. those who knew the man who lived in this house behind me say he was unhappy with the political direction of the country, but they never expected him to turn violent. known to many as tom, james hodgkinson grew up in belleville, graduating from a local high school in 1968. he lived in this house with his wife and ran a home inspection business until his license expired last november. >> i'm very surprised. >> reporter: ray page knew him for 30 years. >> i never have seen the man violent since i've known him. >> reporter: deeply engaged in politics, hodgkinson did not keep his views secret. >> 99% are getting pushed around and the 1% are just not giving a damn. >> reporter: in a 2015 facebook post, hodgkinson shared a political cartoon about yesterday's victim, congressman steve scalise, saying, here's a republican that should lose his job but they gave him a raise. in recent months he began showing disdain for the current administration. in a march 22nd post, he wrote, it's time to destroy trump and company. just two days later a neighbor complained after hearing 50 shots fired from hodgkinson's property. >> he was very nice. he said i'll take it to a range where it's somewhat safer and that was the end of it. >> reporter: republican mike bost said he had called and phoned ten times. >> there was never one that crossed the line. he wasn't happy with my position, if i voted this way, he'd vote this way, i'll work against it next time. but no threat beyond that. >> reporter: now, hodgkinson did have an arrest record dating back to the 1970s, but they were mostly minor offenses that were later dismissed. gayle? >> dean, thank you very much. congressional leaders confirm tonight's baseball game will go ahead. it's a well known washington tradition that brings republicans and democrats together. president trump called for greater unity after the shooting. >> we may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nation's capitol is here because above all they love our country. >> house speaker paul ryan repeated that theme when he spoke to members yesterday. nancy cordes is at nationals park in washington. that's the site of tonight's big game. nancy, good morning. >> good morning, gayle. there was really no serious talk about canceling this game. in fact, when congressional leaders announced that it would take place as scheduled, members of congress erupted in applause, and no one wanted to go forward more than the members who came under fire. >> we're not going to let incidents like this change our way of life or daily routines. >> the republican and democratic team managers said the game will go on even though a couple of players are now on the injured reserved list. >> if you're not sure which one i'll be, i'll be the one coaching third on crutches. >> he injured his leg while diving for cover. >> this has been going on for years, and we need to play this baseball game. >> reporter: house speaker paul ryan summoned his colleagues to the floor yesterday for a message of unity. >> we're united in our shock, we're united in our anguish. an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. [ applause ] >> democratic leader nancy pelosi did the same. >> i pray. my prayer is that we can resolve our differences in a way that furthers the preamble to the constitution and takes us closer to eplor bus unum, an injury in the family, for the staff, our colleague and for his leadership. >> even with a visible increase in security, lawmakers are on edge, particularly those who were at the scene. >> i was up to bat when this shooting started. i heard a loud noise. >> i was about ten feet from that mike. he was really shot bad. >> reporter: most house members have no protective detail once they leave capitol grounds. new york republican claudia tenney received this disturbing e-mail, one down, 215 to go. >> republican chuck fleischman said the privilege to serve is worth the risk. >> we represent people every day in this country on both sides of the aisle. >> in a show of solidarity the democratic players invited the republican players out to dinner last night, but come tonight on this field, it will be all business. both sides say this is a long-standing rivalry and no one's going easy on anyone. >> nancy, thanks. alabama congressman gary palmer was only about 20 feet away from the shooter. he joins us this morning. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> set the scene of what you heard, what was going on. >> we were taking batting practice. i was at shortstop. steve scalise was at second and p trent kelly was at third. when i heard the gunshot i knew immediately what it was. i turned to trent and said that was a gunshot. trent said, yeah, and then he turned and yelled, he's got a gun. the guy was coming up to the fence i think when he fired the first shot. frankly it's a miracle that he missed trent. trent's a big guy. we moved across the baseball diamond toward the first base side where the only open space in the fence was. i heard two more shots and i saw scalise go down. i knew he had been hit. i knew he had been hit low, but i didn't know whether it was in the hip or the leg. >> congressman, we're all trying to process what happened yesterday. i think many people are still reeling from it. and now reports say it might have been politically motivated. this man apparently was unhappy with the republican party and said many disparaging things. what do you think when you hear about that? what needs to happen based on the conversation that is happening in the country right now? >> i think our republic's in danger, gayle. i think we're furring at the edges. i think there's extremes on both sides. i'm hearing some reports of what this gentleman had posted on his facebook page, and it's not that different from some of the things we're hearing from other people. so we have got to tone down the rhetoric. i think it has to begin with us, both parties. but it's got to come from media. it's got to come from other people who are speaking to the country. and particularly in the social media. >> congressman, that's a pretty serious thing to say, the republic is in danger and the country is fraying at the edges. do you think it starts in washington? does it start with social media? what concrete steps need to be taken in your estimation? >> i think we've got to lead by example. obviously republicans and democrats differ on issues, but i think we can have a civil discussion. >> you said that the democrats at that playing field were actually praying when they heard about the shooting on the republican side. teddy roosevelt used to call the white house the bully pulpit. do we begin with leadership from the white house in terms of trying to cool down things and trying to create more stability and trying to create a more common ground? >> i think it begins with me, it begins with my colleagues. i think all of us have a stake in this and every one of us need to take responsibility for what we say and how we say it. >> do you think this will take on a different view about guns and gun control in this country? terry mcauliffe said now is the time to have this conversation. i think people thought after sandy hook things would change and unfortunately very little seems to have changed. >> all i know is first of all, governor mcauliffe got his stats rong. he again used a stat for the 93 gun violence a day, that that's inaccurate in the context that he was using it. as a gun owner, i wish i had had one yesterday. >> you wish you'd had a gun yesterday so you could have fired back? >> yes, charlie. i would have liked to have a fire arm. i think trent kelly would have. there are a number of others that wish we would have been able to defend ourselves and come to the aid of the capitol police who were extraordinary. >> congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, charlie. in our next hour, we will talk with one of the people who was shot. that's legislative aide zack barth and his boss, congressman roger williams who was injured. it's reached a potential turning report. counsel robert mueller is trying to determine if the president obstructed justice. >> this morning the president tweeted, quote, you are witnessing the single greatest witch hunt in political history led by some very bad and conflicted people. major garrett is at the white house. good morning. >> good morning. cbs news has learned dan coats director of national el intelligence has agreed to be interviewed by robert mueller. one of the topics about the russian investigation. the counsel's probe will now look into whether or not president trump attempted to obstruct justice. looking into that question doesn't necessarily mean evidence will be found or a charge will be brought. a spokesman for trump's personal attorney, marc kasowitz, said the fbi leak of information regarding the president is outrageous, inexcusable, and illegal. there's no proof that the fbi is the source of this leak. national security agency director mike rogers is also cooperating. cbs news has reported the president asked rogers and coats to push back against the narrative of cooperation between his campaign and russian operatives in the 2016 election. the two men refused to answer questions about those conversations during senate testimony last week. former fbi director james comey did testify the president asked him to try to lift the cloud of the russia investigation and when he did not, jeff, the president fired him. >> major garrett at the white house, thanks very much. the driver who killed three co-workers at a ups warehouse in san francisco made a former complaint about working too much overtime. a union representative said jimmy lam filed his grievance in march. he killed himself after he shot five employees during a meeting yesterday. the men who died were 56-year-old wayne chan, 50-year-old benson louis who loved to play basketball, and 46-year-old michael lefiti, a father of three known to many as big mike. he'd been with ups for 15 years. customers say he went out of his way to help others. jurors are back in court for the fourth day of deliberations in bill cosby's sexual assault trial. the 79-year-old entered the courthouse this morning with two of his publicists. jurors asked to review two more pieces of equipment yesterday. the first was the testimony that andrea constand gave last week detailing the alleged assault back in 2004. the other was testimony of a detective who interviewed bill cosby about that alleged encounter. so far the jury has asked the judge six questions and deliberated for more than 26 hours. >> the death toll in the london apartment fire has risen to at least 17. the burned out apartment complex could take weeks now to search. ahead, we're going to take you to the scene for the search of missing people and have new accounts for what happened inside that tower. many say the three capitol police officers who were at the baseball field when the gunman opened fire prevented a massacre. >> ahead, why those who know them were not surprised they risked their lives to save others. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ahead, what a new fed interest rate hike means for your credit card bills an your mortgage. an undocumented teenaged immigrant is be with the world champion warriors... a look at the victor good morning, it's7:26. i'm allen martin. this morning, counting down the hours until we get to celebrate with the world champion warriors. a look at the victory route. the big parade going to start in old oakland at 10 a.m. this morning. it's going to be traveling downtown in the big rally event at lake merritt. security is out overnight setting things up. fans are allowed to bring in only certain things. sunscreen, water, hats, backpacks, they will search those. signs and banners allowed. catch the action at today's celebration here on kpix 5 at 9:30 this morning. raffic and weather in just a moment. time now 7:27. we're tracking your ride into oakland with the victory parade going on this morning, 880 slow. northbound side on the right side of your screen there, 26 minutes from 238 to the maze. and folks are encouraged to use mass transit. we just jumped not red. let's check the forecast. >> all right. a look at the parade forecast going to be sunny, basically a high of 76 along the parade route. don't forget, you can catch the action of today's celebration right here on kpix 5 begins at 9:30 a.m. handballer 1: you know what i could go for? scrambled eggs and pancakes. crave van! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. you crave it. we serve it. crave van! handballer 1: you know what i scrambled eggs and pancakes. crave van! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. you crave it. we serve it. crave van! there was another horrific shooting in america, this time targeting apparently gop members of congress. you do have any thoughts on what happened today? >> it was great to see people from both sides seeing this and united under the banner of human and american before anything else. that's something that's lacking in american politics is politicians showing from both sides of the aisle that they are friends. it's almost become like wrestling where the fans don't realize that those people get along. those people fight every single day, but like paul ryan said today, like nancy pelosi said today, we fight like tooth and nail but we don't for get we're friends, families, colleagues. it's like hey, we fight, you fight, but don't forget, at your at a congressional baseball practice. doctors say the bullet broke bone bones and caused damage. gabby giffords was shot outside a supermarket in 2011 in arizona. she said parties need to put aside partisan differences an talk with one another. scott kelly spoke last night on the cs evening news about the capitol police. >> we had a lot of friends who were capitol police. we became very close with them. >> the three capitol police officers who immediately returned fire when the gunman attacked at the republican baseball practice are being called heroes. speshlg agents crystal greiner, david bailey, and henry cabrera. chip reid is outside the capitol with new details on their bravery. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. congressman steve scalise travels with a detail of police officers. it's a very good thing he was there because his security team kept that baseball field from becoming a killing field. >> i know sure as u i'm standing here right now there's no way we would have lived through that. >> reporter: representative mike bishop said two of the agents rushed on field as the staffers fled. >> the problem is he's got a rifle and they've got handguns. it wasn't a fair fight. they knew they weren't going to hit him but they were trying to give us cover. >> i yelled out, is this friendly, is this friendly, are you friendly to the person who was fire behind our dugout and greatly it was a member of the capitol police. >> agent crystal greiner was hospitalized with a gunshot wound to her ankle. she graduated in 2006 from maryland's hood college where she played on fwabl team. retired police chief kim dine. >> she's amazing and epitomized a hero. >> reporter: agent david bailey is recovering. he's from brazil. his friend rachel brooks wasn't surprised by bailey's heroics. >> he always talked about becoming a police officer and i remember when he first shared that he was working in washington, d.c., and that he was a police officer, he was so proud. >> reporter: representative joe barton was there with his two sons. his gratitude to the two officers who saved him was clear. >> capitol police immediately began to return fire. >> reporter: that sentiment echoed throughout the capitol. >> we are as ever awed by the tremendous bravely of the capitol police. >> survivors say that if the capitol police officers had not been there, hay would have been sitting ducks, and i tell you, gayle, i know from long experience here on capitol hill that the capitol police often feel like furniture, wallpaper. they feel unappreciated. but today they're being thanked profusely for being the first line of defense. >> they really do have to hear the applause for them across the board and the unique fact that they were there because congressman scalise was there. >> as congressman bishop said it wasn't fair. they had baseball bats and handguns compared to a rifle. thank you very much, chip. london's police chief say this morning death toll will rise in the devastating london apartment fire. firefighters put out the last of the flames this morning more than a day after the massive fire broke out. 17 people are confirmed dead at this time. dozens of others are believed to be missing. 74 people are hurt. prime minister theresa may went to the billing this morning and promised an investigation. during an emotional ave been killed. >> jonathan vigliotti in london. thank you so much. here's look at some of the other headlines this morning. u.s. news & world reports approves sanctions. the vote yesterday was 97-2. the sanctions target key sectors of russia's economy and individuals who carried out cyber attacks. the bill also require injuries. and the "usa today" says your credit debt is about to get costlier. that's because of the federal hike of a quarter percentage point. it will affect credit card users as well as homeowners with adjustable home mortgages. rates change according on the benchmark rate. just hours before his senior prom a teenager was detained and faces deportation. ahead, how members of congress are raising the case about immigrants. plus the great white shark is changing how thousands spend their summers. you're watching "cbs this morning." father daughter dance. na welcome everyone toe walk, move and earn money... ...for out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok! unitedhealthcare you brush your teeth 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humira at work. undocumented immigrant arrested just before his high school prom has failed to win extra time in the u.s. lawyers for him say they denied the request for a stay of removal. his mother and he face deportation back to ecuador. tony dokoupil shows us what led to his arrest. >> good morning. diego puma macancela was set to go to his prom. he found himself cowering in a closet in his cousin's home while agents prepared to arrest him. >> we felt leak they were going to break the doors. >> reporter: federal agents came to gaby macancela's home looking for diego. >> it's scary. it's your own house. you're supposed to be safe there. >> reporter: he spent the night there after his mother was detained by authorities the previous day. he and his mother left their native ecuador in 2014. they were told by a judge last november to leave the u.s. >> the i.c.e. agents were wearing vests with police on the back. >> reporter: victoria gearity witnessed it. >> in this case, it feels very different. diego and his mother don't seem dangerous to us. >> if you're violating the law, you should be uncomfortable. he should be looking over his shoulder. >> reporter: on capitol hill this week congresswoman ossining asked -- >> you're going after a student who's graduating and is law abiding into he's not law abiding. he was told to leave and he failed to do so. >> reporter: according to gaby, they threatened the rest of the family. >> so the agents said give us de'go or we take everybody. >> yes. >> did he say anything. >> he said, by, gaby, take my wallet. give it to my dad. i'm going to be fine. >> has what happened to diego and your aunt changed the way you feel about america? >> it's a great country for all immigrants. >> gaby was brought to the u.s. as a child as is protected by the obama d.r.e.a.m. act. legal counsel report that diego and his mother are now in the same facility in new york after officials kept them in separate facilities. >> thank you very much. tomorrow 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at that and you go, what conversation preceded that that made either one think i'm going to jump out and grab the car. >> you go from a little bit of yelling to nuts. >> nuts. out of control. don't do that. more than dranking rights will be on the lean. the congressional baseball game ahead. a look at the bipartisan tradition that stretches back more than a century. we'll be right back. human papillomavirus. who knew hpv could lead to certain cancers and diseases? who knew my risk for hpv would increase as i got older? who knew that there was a vaccine that could have helped protect me from hpv when i was 11 or 12, way before i would even be exposed to it? did you know, mom? dad? what will you say? don't wait. talk to your child's doctor today. learn more at the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new 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parents didn't know how widespread hpv is. while hpv clears up for most, that wasn't the case for me. maybe they didn't know i would end up with cancer because of hpv. maybe if they had known there was a vaccine to help protect me when i was 11 or 12. maybe my parents just didn't know. right, mom? dad? what will you say? don't wait. talk to your child's doctor today. learn more at with the n-b-a champion warriors... here's a look at the parade route -- the big event starts at 11th and broadway in o i'm allen martin. this morning, we're counting down the hours until we celebrate with the nba champion warriors. the event starts at 11th and broadway in old oakland at 10 a.m. traveling downtown ending with the rally in lake merritt. you can see more people are staking out some great views along the route. some people we spoke to had their outfits down pat. >> we forgot to bring chairs. and we have as you said a couple of hours to go. trying not to think about that. >> sometimes i have gold shoes with, um, blue laces and vice versa. and, you know, my whole closet is basically blue and gold. >> oakland expects 1.5 million people at the parade. about a half million more than the 2015 celebration. and your traffic and weather in just a moment. time now 7:57. the nasty nimitz living up to its name on 880. take a look at traffic backed up in the northbound direction. over an hour for drivers making their way from 238 to the maze. that's all due to an accident eastbound 80 and all lanes blocked so traffic backed up along 80 and 880. if you are heading to the victory parade, use mass transit. that's going to be your best bet. we do have some tips for you and you can follow that on our website as my twitter. let's check the forecast with allen. >> high of 76 if you are going to the parade and don't forget catch all the action right here on kpix 5. it begins at 9:30 a.m. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come 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(vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it thursday, june 15, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." congress gets back to work after a shooting left the number three house republican steve scalise in critical condition. then we'll talk to another congressman and staffer hurt in the attack. plus, how more than a century of baseball tradition brings people together at capitol hill. but first the "eye opener." >> 24 hours after the shooting filled with congressmen when the gunman opened fire. >> those who knew the man who lived in the house behind me never expected him to turn violent. >> it might have been politically motivated. what do you think when you hear about that? what needs to happen based on the conversation that is happening in the country right now? >> i think our republic is in danger, gayle. i think we're fraying at the edges. >> the capitol hill police officers feel like furniture, but today they're being thanked profusely for being the first line of defense. >> they have to hear the applause across the board. >> there was no serious talk about canceling this game. in fact, when congressional leaders announced it would take place as scheduled members erupted in applause. >> they win if we give in. america doesn't give out or give in. and we must play this baseball game. if we don't play this baseball game we go home, then they win. so that's the reason. this is america. the greatest country in the world. if you punch us, we will punch back. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king. steve scalise will need more surgery for the gunshot wound. representative scalise is in critical condition after a gunman attacked republicans practicing for tonight's congressional baseball game. the president and mrs. trump visited scalise and capitol police officer crystal griner who was also wounded. >> steve scalise was shot in the hip and he suffered broken bones and injuries to internal organs. crystal griner was hit in the ankle. lobbyist matt mika was shot in the chest. a close friend say hoe gave his -- he gave his family a thumbs up. congressional staffer zach barth was wounded but he's out of the hospital. he'll join us shortly. another capitol police officer david bailey and texas congressman roger williams were both hurt. and we are learning more about the gunman james hodgkinson who was killed in the shoot-out. the fbi believes that he had lived in his van in the alexandria area since march. witnesses say hodgkinson was often seen at the ymca near the shooting scene. police came to his illinois home in march to investigate complaints that he was shooting in the woods. he did have a valid firearms license. he was not charged. hodgkinson former democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders and lashed out against republicans and president trump on social media. in march he wrote on facebook -- it's time to destroy trump and company. >> as we mentioned congressman roger williams and his legislative aide zach barth are recovering this morning. barth was shot in the leg while retrieving baseballs. the two men are joining us from the u.s. capitol. good morning to you both. there they are. congressman and zach barth. >> good morning. >> i can't tell you how thrilled we are to see you alive and able to communicate with us today. we are so glad you here. zach, i want to start with you. because during this horrible situation, you managed to tweet that you were okay. you managed to call your mom. can you tell me what your thought process was at that time? >> sure. you know, i was out there shagging fly balls in center field when i heard a loud pop. then everybody stopped. we wondered what was going. we heard more pops, more cracks of the rifle. saw somebody with a long gun. somebody said shooters. they said run. i high tailed it to right field. there's nowhere for me to go. so i got on all fours and at that point i saw them train his gun at me. everything around me started to pop. i got hit in the leg and decided i was full of adrenaline, my flight or fight kicked in and if i wanted to live i need toed what act run for it. i made a run to the dugout. my single focus was to stay alive and keep everybody around me safe. i kept my head down, we didn't know what was going on. but thank the lord for, you know, special agents griner and bailey. without them, i don't know that i'd be talking to you right now. >> congressman williams, what happened to you. >> well, i was hitting ground balls to trent kelly the third baseman and probably didn't realize the shooter was 20 yards behind me. so i finished and went over to the other side of the batting cage hitting ground balls to steve scalise. i hit a ground ball to him. we heard a pop like my thought it was possibly a car backfiring. then we heard pop, pop, pop. everybody yelled, he's got a gun. i ran for the dugout and it's about six foot in the ground. i literally dove into the dugout on the concrete. when i was in there a lot of my other colleagues were there. and i was -- i found myself with senator flake and congressman mo brooks. we were there and then all of a sudden out of nowhere comes zach, my partner sitting here on the left. he was bleeding. mo brooks took his belt off and gave it to senator flake and i. we helped to make a tourniquet to cut his bleeding off. we kept our heads down. in this dugout was generation -- several generations. you had some -- late 06s like myself and we had jack barton, joe barton's son with us, 10 years old. it was crazy. we didn't know where the gunfire was coming from. so we're blessed but i want to tell you that as you have heard so many times these capitol police saved every one of our lives. we would not be here if it was not for the thin blue line that the capitol hill police and we owe it all to them. >> one of the questions that remains and the investigators are looking into, you think these were targeted shootings with someone in particular. a target. >> well, i'm not so sure a target. i think the congress people were the targets. i'm not so sure any one person was a target. i think that we were the targets as congress people. and that's what he woke up to do was to kill congress people. >> congressman, our reporting is that a number of your colleagues have asked about diverting some potential campaign funds to provide protection or hire security. as you know, steve scalise was the only one who had protection there and if he wasn't there, we don't know what would have happened. is that something you're interested in doing? >> well, i want to look at it. but i thought newt gingrich put it pretty good the other night when he said you know we in congress, one thing about it, we represent about 800,000 people. not all of them vote for us, but they can talk to their representative about what their issues are. so i think that's important. but also i think when you have a group of congressmen, 25 or 35 congressmen in one group we ought to study that as far as security. that is -- that doesn't make for a good situation if somebody has us in their harm's way. i do think it needs to be looked at and studied. >> will you be going to the game tonight? >> i know zach is going to go. i'm going to be -- i'm the coach of the team along with joe barton. i'm coaching third base on my crutches. so i'm going to guess i'm the only third base coach tonight on crutches. >> i think that was a yes. >> just to make sure nobody makes wide turns around the third base. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for joining. >> thank you. >> president trump is leading calls for unity following the shooting. >> we can all agree that we are blessed to be americans. that our children deserve to grow up in the nation of safety and peace. and that we are strongest when we are unified. and when we work together for the common good. >> republicans and democrats will have a chance to show that tonight at the annual congressional baseball game. the contest draws thousands of fans each year. it's been a tradition for more than a century. proceeds goes to charity. jan crawford is overlooking the park where the game will be played. jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. you know, there aren't many bipartisan traditions left in washington anymore, but for 108 years the congressional baseball game has been one of them. and that show of unity is why despite yesterday's shooting the game is on. the skills on the field, well, not major league might surprise you. when republicans and democrats square off on the diamond -- >> the level of competition is intense. >> reporter: nathaniel rakish has been covering it for five years. >> they take it seriously with a lot of smack talk. >> reporter: and one of the biggest players is steve scalise. he was shot in the hip while practicing for the showdown. >> he is one of the toughest competitors out there. one of the hardest workers. >> i did tell joe that i love him before the game. and i love him after the game. but during the game, we we're going play to win. >> reporter: wednesday afternoon, the managers of the two teams joe barton and democrat mike doyle announced that despite the shooting the game was on. >> it will be play ball. >> eporter: the congressional baseball game was created in 1909 by pennsylvania congressman john tenor, a former pitcher for the chicago white stockings. war, the business of congress, sometimes cancelled the games. when the teams did play, they played hard and for keeps. women started playing in 1993. representative linda sanchez has played for 15 years. she says the game is a chance to shed partisanship. >> it's a chance to kind of take a break from the polarized atmosphere of legislate lating and just have a little bit of fun with our colleagues and it's a national pastime. >> tonight's game will be a tiebreaker for the two teams. republicans and democrats each have won 39 game, lost 39 games and tied once. and then after yesterday's shooting they've added a new charity to their recipients who will be getting the proceeds from tonight's game -- the capitol police memorial fund. >> this will be the biggest audience they ever had. >> i hope so. it holds 50,000. it will be great if all the seats are filled. >> does the score really matter? i mean, it's about the -- getting together tonight and watching. >> but people want to win. >> tied at 39. our 24 hour streaming network will have live coverage beginning at 4:00 pacific. you can catch that on the cbs news app or at cbs former navy s.e.a.l. is using his battlefield experience to help transform civilian organizations. ahead, he joins us with the retired general. that's stanley mcchrystal. how they say lessons from the military resumes can still ahead, we see how sharks are creating new issues along the california coast. >> on a typical summer day on this southern california beach, you could see as many as 10,000 people here. but because of an increase in great white shark sightings right off the shoreline, well, it looks empty. we'll take a look at how it's impacting beach business coming up on "cbs this morning." i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. i'm karen, i'm a teacher. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, fda approved for 18 years. he's got a condo. he's got a car. he's got a career. but that still doesn't mean he gets you. time to shine. orbit. fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure. smart sightinheetings along california coast have been occurring. many of them happen along the 40-mile stretch of the beaches in orange sharks spotted just offshore, businesses report numbers are down even when the surf's up. sun shining, waves ready to ride, and this year sharks lurking offshore. after dozens of sightings, businessing are feeling what's known as the shark effect. this is his lowest business in 15 years that i normally have 20 classes and we have to weightlift. >> his business has been down 50%. fewer are willing to get in the water. >> the mom will say, i'm so sorry, i talked to my husband, and it's just that one chance. they're just nervous. >> candice lazar is one of those moms. since maher family witnessed shark sightings and beach closings. that's why at the last minute she decided daughter sloane would sit it out. >> it's hard to know how to react. you don't want to overact. >> there's that chance. >> yes, there is. >> that does weigh on your mind. >> yes. >> you'd never forgive yourself. >> oh, my gosh, never. you would never for given yourself. that's why i took the step that i did. there was so many reports, one right after the other. and it was just getting out of hand. it was crazy. >> within the last year alone, two shark attacks took place within a 20-mile stretch on the southern california beaches. a 36-year-old mom lost part of her right leg. she remains hospitalized. lifeguards begin each morning scanning for sharks. san clemente lifeguard chief bill humphrey says the predators impact crowds. >> the biggest picture is there's far more sharks than there's ever been. >> 11-year-old had to convince her mom to let her train as a lifeguard in her group. even she doesn't want to hang in the ocean alone. >> i'm a little scared surrounded by ice cream parlors, surf board stores and others have fewer customers. >> thank you. ahead, best-selling author malcolm gladwell is here. why glaring golf courses are a glaring example of privilege. we'll be right back. reduces wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena® mmmm. mmmm. mmmm... ugh. nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. try new alka-seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. it's fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. 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>> jaclyn, thanks. you can expect a high of about 76 if you are heading to the big parade in oakland. of course, much warmer inland. the big heat is coming tomorrow. cooler along the coast in san francisco. and don't forget, you can catch all the action of today's celebration right here on kpix 5 starting at 9:30. i love this picture. you know why? it shows you are never too old to rock on. rock on, dude. this gentleman of a certain age proves that he's showing no signs of stopping as he head bangs his way to a hard rock metallica song in his car. even his air drumming is to the point. >> wraparound glasses and banging on the steering wheel. >> we don't know his name or anything about him. you can tell by looking at this guy, he's a fun guy. i like that. welcome back to our "cbs this morning" -- >> party. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm trying to say we're going to go to the green room. sorry about that. hec let's go to the green room. you've about got a general, a navy s.e.a.l. and a best-selling author. who's who, charlie? >> malcolm gladwell is t and stanley mcchrystal is the best-selling author -- >> there you go. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. the "washington post" reports that dennis rodman had a gift for the president there. it was president trump's book called "the art of deal." he gave it to the sports miniter stored but it was intended for king jong-un. rodman says his trip to north korea has nothing to do with the white house. billboard reports on the grammy announcing sweeping changing for the first time. members of the recording academy will be able to cast their awards online. songwriters will be recognized in the album of the year category. they'll be established for wrap, contemporary instrumental, and new age genres around the definition of an album will be expanded. the "los angeles times" reports on a much anticipated fight that will happen in las vegas. the august bout will bring may weather jr. out of retirement and he'll face connor mcgregor. the irishman faces long odds. he's considered to be a 25-1 favorite. >> there's a lot of trash talking already. one of classic rock's anthems could be getting a revised song writing credit. they want to credit yoko ohno as a co-writer. ohno is the widow of the late beatle. he said ohno deserved credit due to her inspiration on the song. this week defense secretary james mattis was granted authority to set those levels to increase troops. retired four-star stanley mcchrystal commanded american and international forces in afghanistan. he also served as commander of the joint special operations command. mcchrystal was tasked with re-imagining the battlefield of the middle east. he outlined how he did that in his 2015 bestseller "team of teams." >> fussell has followed that up with a book of his own. the book is called "one mission: how leaders build a team of teams." the bookses abo is about applyio anyone in the field. >> there's concern around the world. give me a sense because you think of national security, yo think about this country and the timely conversation. what was your reaction when you watched that yesterday and what we need to be thinking about. >> well, i think like everybody else. it's horror at what happened but it's the hope that it starts a national conversation about a number of issues. one is about partisanship, conversation, and another is about why so many people are being killed by guns in our people. i think we need thoughtful people to come together and take on a tough issue. >> that's what struck me yesterday. we've been reporting on it all morning. 50 toe 100 shots. when you hear the gunshots and how long it took. as a navy s.e.a.l., you know the sound. what were you thinking when you looked at that and what it all means? >> obviously sympathy for the folks and the families. >> of course. >> and broader problem here, which i think stan just identified. this is increasing and we have to get our hands around this issue. and for people who haven't been exposed to that before, that's a life-changing moment they'll wrestle with for years. >> what sort of leadership do you need and lessons can be taken from the book? >> the first is it's not just about a single leader. it's about a communitiet when we come together, we get more brains involved, wisdom involved, different perspectives, and we can have some kind of consensus and support. so if we always look for a single iconic person, we'll look for a mistake. >> you write about a leadership mikt. what is that in. >> we want to look for one person who will lead us through tough times. we saw that before. we've got the right general in place. >> we always heard in business you can only have one leader. >> what they've always dunld and what's more important than ever is they create teams that can connect. they did that for us in the military. it's being done in industry and politics. >> leadership leadership is leadership, whether it's in the military, whether it's in business, whether it's in politic sthoos that's right. that's right. >> what are the core principle os thereafter kind of leadership? >> well, in today's world i think it's more important thanner that leaders that are close to these very different problems, they're being driven by interconnected problems. leaders have to empower those. that's what worked for us in the service and that's what we see working well in the industry as folks start to apply that sort of mod >> what did you take that you learned on the battlefield because most of us don't have your skills or your skills in general. we're not navy s.e.a.l.s and we're not equipped to do the things that we do. there are things on the battlefield that can really translate into business. >> i've been out of service for five years and i've been constantly impressed. there's great leaders, great people in those organizations that want to do great things. they want to be part of something that has teamer meaning. that was critical to us in terms of how special operations worked and i think there are several indications. >> admiral mccraven was here. he talked about his book, lessons he learn and it starts with making your bed. one thing about navy s.e.a.l.s is you're often surprised by those who make the cut. are you surprised? >> it really is interesting. you'll have someone who finished an iron man triathlon who can't make it to second training and a kid from iowa who's never seen the ocean who made it as a top graduate. so it's about inner character. >> what did you see in him, general? one of your favorite words, charlie, intellectually curious. there was something that stood out you do of all the people. >> when i was first commanding, chris was asking different questions. he was asking big questions. he was asking how the pieces fit together, not about the focused narrow think things and that makes an immediate impression. >> one thing about the secretary of defense, mattis. the president has seemed to have given him lots of thofrmt is that a good thing or do we need to be reminded that the heart of the american system is civilian control? >> i think it's a good thing to empower is up back cousubordina. the american people ultimately still have ownership of those decisions. so it has to be a melded system in which civilians and military leaders together arrive at right decisions but also prosecute policies that everybody supports, that everybody understands ultimately. the men agree going in, but when policy is set, we all have the idea to carry on. >> where should troop levels be many. >> it's hard to say. i would defer what jim matusz and mcnichols on ground are recommending. but i think we need to ask ourselves, if we sent more troops and that doesn't solve the problem or make the change we hope, what will we do then? that's the question nation needs to ask itself about its long-term things in afghanistan and what we hope to achieve. >> thank you so much. good to see you do. >> food goode to see the two of you. thank you so much. the name of the book is "one mission." it's on sale now, wherever you like to buy your book. bestseller malcolm gladwell says he's made his podcast even weirder. his thoughts on forgotten events including the recipe change at mcdonald's that he said for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ malcolm gladwell has been named as an inflew yen chal writer. so has charlie rose. >> he's more deserving. >> i don't know about that. >> he's the bestseller of five. now he's back with the second season of his pod raft. it's called revisionist history. series looks at events and ideas from the past that have been overlook or misunderstood. he joins us once again at the table. congratulations on season two. >> thank you, gayle. >> i love your start at season two. it as about private golf courses in los angeles. you said -- you describe the golf courses as crack cocaine for rich guys. you have a reich guy at the table. what are you talk about? >> i have a little fun game of golf. >> yes, you do. >> i point out how it's played by rich white guys that and women as well. >> yes, yes. i'm more interested many the question using the private golf courses of l.a. as an example. how is privilege protected and enshrined as a society. et's a fascinating example of a small group of very wealthy people have managed to essentially not pay any property taxes for generations on these huge golf courses in the middle of city. >> and no one else gets to play on it. >> and l.a. is a city that has one of the fewest amount of parkland of any major american city. it is under parked. and so i would go to l.a. and i would be confronted by this weird fact which is i'm a runner. there's nowhere to run in l.a., and yet there are these 100-aker dub there are subscription or seven with chain link fences that and you report that nobody was on the course. why can't you go and walk around shoo that's how i got thinking how privilege gets embedded in the structure of our society. et's one of those -- what i'm trying to do with the podcast is use these kind of a very seemingly lighthearted questions to examine much more important questions. >> because of the bizarre case. it becomes a jumping off point to talk to landscape architects, to go anywhere you want to go. >> there was a moment when e was making this episode where i thought, i need to talk a philosoph philosopher. h is getting so complicated. i called a guy at the university of washington, mark cohen, who's so much fun. it was one of those things you can do in a podcast. you know, there's no rules. if you want to talk to a philosopher, you can talk to a y that's what i love about the forum. >> talk about what you learned about the ceos who play golf and what their companies are doing. >> there's an economist named lee bickerstaff who did this lovely work. if you're a serious golfer, you post your scores on the usga's website so you can calculate your handy cape. what he did is looked at all the people who posted their scores and matched it to a list of ceos of public companies and was able to figure out how much ceos play golf and then he was abe to figure out what effect does playing golf have on the performance of your company. and first of all he showed that ceos play an astonishing amount of golf and the more you play, the worst your company does. at a shareholders ming they should stand up. >> do you think, therefore, the country did badly because president obama loved to play golf? >> no. i would say this. i would be happy if presidents as a group played less golf and spent more time mastering the details of their presidency. but i have nothing against people doing sports for recreation. my problem is when an addiction to a certain sport affects the rest of us and affects the citizens of los angeles. they don't have any place to go. the there's no park space for them to go. >> i agree with what you're saying. the yofd people to get outside and run or play golf and just do something in the complex world today, that's a very good thing. >> i'm not going disagree about that. >> you also did something about mcdonald's. it broke your heart. first i was stunned you eat mcdonald's. >> after his run. >> after your run. there was something that broke your heart in 1990. >> they changed the recipe for the french fries. those of us who remember, they used to be amazing, right? that's why you went to mcdonald's. they were the most incredible fries you've ever eaten. and they're not anymore for a reason. that is mcdonald's changed formula on july 23rd, 1990. and i think that formula change was catastrophic. >> and you brought in millennials to do a blind test and they picked old fries. >> i went to america's r & d house to make me fries the old way and new way and we did a blind test. >> the old way was 100%. >> ipodcast. you're watching "cbs this morning." we thank malcolm gladwell ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. the explosion and fire killed eight people. pg&e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u.s. pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. pg&e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. we are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno. while an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg&e safer. and that's why we've replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new leak detection technology that is one-thousand times more sensitive, and built a state-of-the-art gas operations center. we can never forget what happened in san bruno, that's why we're working every day to make pg&e the safest energy company in the nation. are counting down until the big celebration with the n-b-a champs--- the warriors! here's a look at the parade route -- kicking off at 11th and this morning we're counting down to the parade of champions. the warriors, this is the parade route. it kicks off at 11th and broadway at 10 a.m. and winds through downtown ending with the rally at lake merritt. kpix 5's michelle griego live at the end of the parade route for us this morning. michelle. >> reporter: hey, allen. right behind me the stage is set. all of those chairs on the stage are lined with the warriors towels and in just a couple of hours, maybe even longer, the warriors players will be on that stage addressing all of the fans who supported them this season and many other seasons. and then take a look right in front of the stage, you see the sea of blue and gold. some of these people have been out here since 3 a.m. there was a couple who spent the night in their lawn chairs because they wanted a good spot. and a good look at their favorite warriors players. at the front of the parade, people are just waiting for it. the countdown is on. we have about an hour to go before the parade starts. and a live look from chopper 5. you can see so many people lined up along the parade route. you know, in 2015, allen, the parade, there were about a million people here cheering on the warriors. about 500,000 more are expected today. >> that is what a championship will do for you. 2 and 3 years. thanks, michelle. all right. you don't have to be there. you can catch all the action today's celebration beginning here on kpix 5 at 9:30 this morning in about half-hour. got your traffic and parade forecast coming up next. good morning. 8:58. bart is expecting to reach record numbers for their ridership today all due to the warriors parade. we do have some tips for you if you are planning on using mass transit. definitely plan ahead. and move and remove. move to the center of the train when you board and remove those backpacks allowing extra room. free parking at the oakland coliseum. lots a and b at 8 a.m. expect a high of 76 degrees for the parade in oakland. warmer inland of course. cooler along the coast. catch all the action today's celebration at 9:30. wayne: yeah! jonathan: it's a new bedroom! tiffany: $15,000! wayne: we're gonna play 0 to 80. - (screaming) wayne: you ready to make a deal? - absolutely! jonathan: it's a new hot tub! faster, wow! - give me that box! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america. welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady. thanks for tuning in. let's make a deal. i need a personal assistant. i need you. come here, amber. i need you. everybody else have a seat. come on, amber. how are you doing, sweetheart? - i love you. i love you so much. wayne: oh, well, i love you, too. it's moving so fast and so sudden, but when you're in the mood... - oh, my god. wayne: so where are you from? - i'm from louisville, kentucky. wayne: you are not from louisville, kentucky. - i'm from louisville, kentucky. wayne: you've got that southern twang. i love that.

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