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Opener, your world in 90 seconds. Because he wasnt doing a good job. Very simply. He was not doing a good job. Questions swirl around the firing of james comey. This is an effort by the Trump Administration and the president himself to thwart or undermine this investigation. He encouraged them to complete this investigation. Theres no evidence of collusion. Lets put it behind us and move on. Thats nonsense. The investigation is barely beginning. This is a moment where the russians are coming. There is no getting through to these tin foil hat conspiracy liberals on the left. Theyre detached from reality. A controversial monument coming down in new orleans. The city is removing statute of confederate president Jefferson Davis. People are very angry and i think it split the city apart. Education secretary betsy devos getting a chilly reception during a commencement ceremony. If this behavior continues your degrees will be mailed to you. Violent protests rage on in venezuela as the country struggles with a deepening economic crisis. Construction of an italian rail line gets derailed by a massive train collapse. All that. Incredible rescue from china. Motorcyclist crashing into a truck catching fire lives to tell about it. And all that matters. How will the firing of james comey affect u. S. Russia relations . One on one with putin rinkside. The question looks very funny for me. Dont be angry with me. We have nothing to do with it. On cbs this morning. Keep your eyes on anderson cooper. Look closely. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win michigan and how we were going to do it. That was fun. Heres what happened today. Lets watch it again. So Many Americans are feeling that exact emotion that today, apple added this to the iphone. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. President trump and the white house are still working to explain the president s firing of fbi director james comey. Comey himself is telling friends and former colleagues not to get worked up about it. In a letter obtained by cbs news comey says i have long believed that a president can fire an fbi director for any reason or for no reason at all. He also said the American People should see the fbi as a rock of competence, honesty, and independence. Sources confirm to cbs news that comey had asked the Deputy Attorney general for more resources to help the fbi investigation of russian interference in the election. The Justice Department denies that. Margaret brennan is at the white house. Good morning. Good morning. Well comeys misstatements to Congress Last week and his comment that he was made nauseous by the idea he tipped the election did not endear him to President Trump. And that was just the latest irritant in a relationship already troubled by his refusal to back up the president s wiretapping claims. Pack at his Virginia Home on wednesday, former director comey sent a message of encouragement to fbi colleagues following his abrupt dismissal. Im not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you wont either. Its done. I will be fine. Asked why he fired comey President Trump gave a terse reply. Because he wasnt doing a good job. He was not doing a good job. Reporter the Oval Office Meeting with Henry Kissinger surprised reporters. They expected to see Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov. The press wasnt allowed in for that meeting. Our only glimpse from these photos posted by the russian government showing mr. Trump smiling and chatting with lavrov, and ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the center of the firestorm that led to former National Security adviser mike flynns ouster. The meeting with the Russian Diplomats had been arranged at the request of Vladimir Putin. Beforehand lavrov feigned surprise at the news of comeys surprising. Was he fired . Youre kidding . Youre kidding . The white house admitted wednesday that the president had long been considering ousting comey. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein and attorney general Jeff Sessions met with the president monday. They discussed comeys recent stumbles during capitol hill testimony and recommended his firing. The white house says that the president told rosenstein to put his concerns in a memo released tuesday that cited comeys handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation as grounds for dismissal. Rosenstein on the job just two weeks is a trump appointee, confirmed with broad bipartisan support. Gayle, hes now at the center of this controversy. Margaret thank you. Comeys firing has democrats demanding a special prosecutor investigate any links between the Trump Campaign and russia. President trump calls the democrats response a disgrace and posted a video on twitter showing how they also wanted comey to go. I think it would not be a bad thing for the American People if he did step down. Do you believe james comey should resign, senator reid . Of course. Did you want to see him gone . So its absolutely true that democrats have been very critical of james comey and many of us did call for his resignation. Democrats insist there are too many Unanswered Questions about the firing. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill where comeys temporary replacement has arrived. Nancy, good morning. Good morning. His name is Andrew Mccabe. Hes now the acting fbi director. And hes testifying here before the Senate Intelligence committee in a hearing that has just gotten under way in the place of james comey. Now the official title of this hearing is worldwide threats. Its a longplanned hearing. Inevitably senators are going to want to talk about what has become the latest partisan flashpoint. Director comey kind of became an shissue himself so its with the president s authority and role to do this. Reporter Republican Leaders standing by the president s move. So we have now, mr. President , democratic colleagues complaining about the removal of an fbi director whom they themselves repeatedly and sharply criticized. Reporter in the face of a deafening drum beat from democrats. It is time for a special prosecutor. Special prosecutor. A special prosecutor. Republicans can call for a special prosecutor to be appointed that will not be able to be fired by this president. Reporter democrats argue everything about comeys firing was unorthodox, from the way he was informed. The president s one page letter was xlooelcompletely biz reporter to the timing. You cant fire the investigator when hes investigating your administration. Reporter they found an ally in the republican chairman of the intelligence committee. The timing and the reasons for this decision did made little sense to me and i dont think ive heard anything since last night that would clarify that in any way. Reporter richard burr insists a special prosecutor would only get in the way of the investigation hes already conducting. He and his democratic counterpart have asked comey to meet with their committee next week in a closed session. I think james comey ought to have if not his day in court at least his day on the hill to be able to lay out his side of the case. Reporter before this hearing this morning the Senate Intelligence committee announced that it had issued its first spooen for documents belonging to the fired nsa michael flynn. These are documents that he has refused to hand over and some members of this committee, norah, even joked that perhaps the newly fired james comey might make a great investigator for this committee as it continues its work looking into the russia connection. All right. Well see about that. Thank you so much. Inside fbi headquarters the acting director is pushing agents to focus on their work. Andrew mccabe has taken over the russia investigation as comeys replacement. President trump met with mccabe for a second time yesterday to discuss the bureau. There are reports that morale has take an hit after comeys firing. Jeff pegues outside fbi headquarters in washington, good morning. Good morning. The white house isnt waste anything time. It is moving quickly to find an interim fbi director until the president chooses comeys permanent replacement. The firing stunned the fbi which is right in the midst of this russia investigation. One of the most important in its history. Acting director Andrew Mccabe at least one of five people who have been interviewed at the Justice Department for the job of interim director of the nib. According to sources, the way comey found out about his dismissal surprised some inside the bureau. He was visiting the Los Angeles Field Office talking with agents when news reports flashed on tv screens that he had been fired. Many field agents also received the news through the media. He was no longer had the confidence of the president or the rest of the fbi. Reporter some Bureau Agents and employees tell cbs news they took issue with Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders claim that comey lost the confidence of rank and file fbi employees. Timothy murphy a former Deputy Director of the fbi. Director comey was well liked by the employees. You may have had a number of employees in the organization that may have disappeared greed with his approach and handling of the email investigation but he built up a lot of goodwill in the fbi about the way he treated people, respect for the employees of the organization. Reporter Law Enforcement sources tell cbs news the fbi russia investigation had been picking up speed in recent weeks. Fbi agents in the u. S. And overseas have been intensely focusing on following the money. Trying to identify who might have paid hackers involved in russias campaign to interfere in the 2016 election. Murphy says a change at the top should not affect any Ongoing Investigations. The bureau will carry on its mission like they have for the last 100 years. I have great confidence in that leadership in the bureau and they will be working together to keep the fbi intact. Reporter but whoever President Trump chooses to permanently lead the fbi, can influence any investigation by adding or pulling resources and thats why the firing this week set off alarms here in washington, not only on capitol hill, but in the halls of the fbi as well. Charlie . Thanks, jeff. White house Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders is in washington. Good morning. Good morning. Great to be with you guys. Let me begin with a yes or no. Will the president visit the fbi building and talk to the agents today or tomorrow . I believe that its very likely that that takes place some time in the next few days. Can you tell me whether the Deputy Attorney general threatened to resign because he felt like he was being used in the search for an explanation for the firing . Im not aware of any conversation that took place about that. What i do know is that this was an action that the president took, that the president wanted to take, and frankly had been considering since november. Let me ask you, you said specifically yesterday, that it was the Deputy Attorney generals memo that left the president with quote unquote no choice but to fire comey. Is the explanation different today . Not at all. I think that the president , this was something frankly after wednesdays testimony, he was very engaged on and certainly i think had been pushed to the point where he was ready to make that decision. He had a conversation on monday with the attorney general and the Deputy Attorney general and asked them for their thoughts, their feedback. They laid out a lot of the reasons that you see reflected in that memo. But this was certainly something that the president had been, again, considering since he had been elected back in november. There was a consistent erosion of confidence by the president and director comeys ability to do this job. Theres still questions about the explanation that the white house is giving. The wall street journal is reporting this morning that the former attorney general was receiving daily updates on the russia investigation and that furth further for comey was concerned about information showing potential evidence of collusion. Is that why he was fired . Not at all. Once again, i think we laid it out very clearly yesterday, and again, a lot of process of this, the director took steps that basically went around the chain of command within the department of justice. His testimony last week was all over the place. He had to issue corrections. When you become a bigger distraction than you are able to carry out your job as director comey had been, inning its time for us to move forward and look for somebody that better fits that role. He was poor at communications and thats why he was fired . Thats not the only reason. Lets not forget that there was a near uprising after comey from members of the fbi, this isnt just about the president losing confidence, the rank and file members within the fbi had lost confidence in the director as had a lot of you know thats being disputed by cbs news on both sides of the aisle. Sarah, thats disputed by cbs news in terms of the conversations theyve had with the fbi. Ive heard that from a number of people both former agents and others. That there was not that significant dissension. Well weve heard from quite a few from our side as well. Again, this is something both democrats and republicans on both sides of the aisle had been questioning whether director comey should be in that job. I find it quite interesting that a lot of people that are attacking the president for the decision he made this week, were the very people demanding that this decision be made several months ago. How do you convince the country that there is not a constitutional crisis coming up and this had nothing to do with the russian probe of which the attorney general has recused himself . You have to convince the country thats the challenge you have. Look, any investigation that was taking place on monday is still taking place today. Nothing has changed. You support that and and the fbi directors request for more funds to carry out that investigation . Im not aware of any request for additional funds. Thats something you would have to ask the department of justice. What i am aware of is that any investigation that was taking place has not stopped. Frankly, were ready for those things to go forward and come to their full completion so we can all move on and well continue to see because were extremely confident that when this comes to conclusion that everyone will continue to see what theyve been seeing and saying for the last 11 months, there was no collusion between the president and russia. Why not appoint a special prosecutor to make sure that everybody is satisfied there was no collusion here . Take it away from any kind of partisan conflict and give a special prosecutor the authority to discover all the facts . Its not necessary. You have groups looking into this, the house committees, the senate committees, Deputy Attorney general through the fbi, there are already looking at this. I dont think that its necessary to bring another individuals. Why not have an independent counsel and prosecutor who can handle this they can come at this from both sides. House and Senate Members democrats and republicans looking at this. Sarah Huckabee Sanders thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you for having me. New orleans overnight removed a second of four confederate monuments in the city. Crews took down a statute of Jefferson Davis. Police flooded the area to separate the rival protesters. Michele is at the site where the monument stood more than a century. Good morning. Bear witness to an action conceived two years ago after the rashly motivated racially motivated shootings of nine people in south carolina. That state removed its most visible symbols of the confederacy, a tougher task for this city to do so. This morning, crews dismantled the statute of confederate president Jefferson Davis removing it from the spot it stood more than a century. These particular monuments were put up by a particular group of people for a particular purpose. And the purpose is . Well the purpose was to whitewash history and to tell a sanitized version of the confederacy. Reporter the monuments built to memmalize robert e lee, Jefferson Davis and p. T. Beauregard in the years followed the civil following the civil war. Theyre not necessarily heros of mine or anybody. Reporter still businessman Frank Stewart took out a twopage ad in a local newspaper advocating the statute should remain. Stewart did back the removal several weeks ago of the liberty it monument. A monolith celebrating an ann ti police riot by White Supremacists in 1874. Theyre part of history and i dont think that anybody should have the privilege of changing history. History is truth. Reporter many are on the sidelines watching the heated rhetoric. Nghana lewis is an associate professor of a africanamerican studies at tulane university. It is primarily our inability to have honest dialog about race. Will these monuments being taken down, make a difference . If were not going to commit to the dialog its not going to make a difference. Reporter just yesterday, a judge denied the latest effort stall the removal of these statutes on the grounds that at least one of them wasnt owned by the city. The mayor called that a hail mary pass that didnt work. Such an interesting debate there. Thank you so much. Education secretary betsy devos is responding to students who booed during her commentment address in florida. Many graduates turned their backs on devos yesterday at bethunecookman university. They were upset because earlier this year devos caused an uproar when she called his her toically black University Pioneers in school choice. After yesterdays speech devos respects people who attended including those who demonstrated their disagreement. Our Elizabeth Palmer spoke to russian president Vladimir Putin about the sudden firing of james comey. Ahead, why putin, more than 29 billion row bow calls targeted Americans Last year. The fcc chairman has a new plan to crack down. Youre watching cbs this morning. 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And the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies child giggles symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Get symbicort free for up to one year. Visit saveonsymbicort. Com today to learn more. Ahead, well talk to Elizabeth Palmer about how she got the interview with crews are looking into two fires in brentwood. This is a kpix 5 morning update. Good morning, its 7 26. Im kenny choi. Crews are looking into two separate car fires in brentwood. They happened only minutes apart around 3 30 this morning. The first one was on Hollow Brook Court and the second was on highland way. Its unclear what sparked the fires. It is bike to work day. Energizer stations will be set up throughout the bay area. Its estimated about 62,000 people use their bikes as their primary way to get to work. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,, good morning. Time now 7 27. Heres your traffic update. Were tracking an accident. This is along eastbound 80. As you approach 7th street. Thats second to last exit before you hit the bay bridge lower deck. Speeds below 20 miles per hour. Traffic is backed up along northbound one. So give yourself some extra time if you are heading there. Still a very slow ride as you make your way across the bay bridge. And theres our friend the spider. We are in the red 45minute ride from the maze into downtown San Francisco. Brian . Thats why they call it a webcam. They build a little house out there overcast today. A look at the bay bridge its cloudy from San Francisco down along the shoreline. Heres why. Low pressure in the gulf of alaska and cold ocean temperature means that we have a chilly sea breeze that is keeping us no warmer than the mid60s today. 10 degrees below average for parts of the bay area. 66 for livermore today, 68 in san jose. Forecast stratus quo. Low clouds in the morning, more sun for friday and saturday and then a chance of rain tuesday. ,,,, et by comeys firing. Another contentious town hall meeting. My question to you, how long are you and your fellow republicans going defend this american nightmare . You, mitch mcconnell. Come on. Open your eyes. Folks, i didnt come here to defend our president tonight. Came to answer your questions, and i hear all of the angst in this room, but but but when i drive across the pine barrens, there will be people that totally disagree with you. Totally. That was representative tom mccar thursday who was drowned out by constituents. He played a key role in gets health care passed. His town hall lasted nearly five hours. I give him a lot of kudos. Thats dmork in action, hearing from the people you represent. The firing of james comey sent shock waves around world, particularly in russia. Cbs correspondent Elizabeth Palmer got a rare chance to speak with president putin. Shes there talking with him before he plays hockey. Its an interview youll see only on cbs this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We were in the town of sochi where the russian olympics were held just as the president prepared to play in russian hockey. Reporter russian president Vladimir Putin came down the hall, game face on, the make a political point. How will the firing of james comey affect u. S. russia relations . Translator there will be no effect. Dont be angry with me. Hes acting in accordance with his competence and in accordance with his law and constitution. What about us . Why we . You see i. Going play hockey. Reporter president putin plays a good defensive game of hockey on the ice and on the stage. In this case, its a charm iing defense. Also there, the controversial Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak whose contact with the trump team were being investigated by the fbi under the now james comey. Back at the hockey rink, kremlin spokesman led us off to a back room to insist one more time that russia has been unfairly blamed for meddling in u. S. Affairs. This cloud of suspicion around russia and russias intentions has just got thicker. How do you repair your reputation . Well, actually we are extremely sorry about that. Some political finglitolitical stagts and other countries around the world, they have all of a sudden chosen a way of earning domestic political points by creating an external threat. Reporter the highlevel diplomatic contact between the Trump Administration and them continue tofrmtd secretary Rex Tillerson is in alaska. Kremlin already this morning has said its cautiously optimistic about u. S. russian relations in light of the last 24 hours. Gayle . Elizabeth, its always fascinating to see because we dont usually get this story. We were here to speak with the russian spokesman. He was here because he was playing in the hockey tournament. We asked if we could pose a question to the president and they said yes. They physically positioned us where i could approach him when he came onto the ice. This was carefully thought out. Russia wanted to send a message to the United States. Ca carefully thought out indeed. In fact, it was president putin who asked President Trump to invite Sergey Lavrov to the meeting which is on the front pages of newspapers all aunld around the world. What do you think the hope is . They want to be seen as partners with the United States. It would be very popular here in russia, and the endgame, of course, is to get those sanctions lifted as soon as possible. Elizabeth palmer in sochi, russia. Thank you. Theres been an interesting piece ow how much of it could have been. Koit vuld be a security breach. You could have inserted a listening bug. Having covered a number of white houses, usual only white house photographer takes a photo and white house decides which picture to put out. It sends a message around the world and this time the russians got it first. Heres look at other headlines. New york times ports President Trump made a phone call to the new south korean president. They pledged cooperation. They agreed to hold a summit in washington at the earliest opportunity. The Hartford Courant reports that aetna will be pulling out of two states where its been selling Obamacare Health plans. Thats delaware. They project they will lose hypothesize 200 million. It lost over 700,000 members from 2016. The olympian in Washington State reports rick perry is investigating the tunnel collapse. Workers began filling a hole. The hole was discovered yesterday. Officials say there was no release of radiation and no one was hurt. Robocalls are the number one federal complaint. Ahe ahead, the chaerman shares the latest efforts to crack down on nearly call as year. We invite you to download the cbs podcast. You can get that on apples ipod or itunes. Did not work well. Youre watching cbs this morning ng and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. In a rare interview the chairman of the federal Communications Commission tells bs this morning he will crack down on robocalls. More than 29 billion robocalls bombardrd Americans Last year. Most americans dont like that. Thats 90 per person, man, woman, and child. A plan to stop those phone calls to your home and cell phone as well. Anna, good morning. Good morning. There was a prevention but people running scams dont necessarily care about that law and they can now place thousands of illegal calls for pennies on dollar. The Telecom Industry claims its wor working to block them both by legal hurdles and the difficulty to trace where theyre coming from. Its not normal. Peter clark hadnt called anyone but when he checked his phone he found more than a dozen mixed calls with messages like this. I think you have the wrong number. Hawaii, you guys need to quit calling my phone. I dont have a credit card. This is ridiculous. Thats unpleasant small its called spoofing when scammers make it appear as if robocalls to others are coming from your phone, making actual scammers nearly impossible to track. Its frustrating. Theres nothing you can do to prevent yourself from being a victim to this spoofing. Why is it taking all of these people, the government and the companies so long to fix this . Its exceptionally complicated. New fcc chairman says tackling those scams is a top priority. Its our number one area of consumer complaints. Is robocalls. Row bowl calls. Theyre up 2. 5 billion. This is susan from credit car release. Last year the s. E. C. Had a report. In a report last month the group said its working toward fixes like developing a standard Authentication Technology to verify exactly where calls come from. Thats currently not possible since any call can go through multiple networks. Do you have a deadline for we certainly want them to work as quickly as possible. Some are difficult because its highly technical areas. Do you think this problem will get solved without significant pressure from the government . So far, no. Tim marvin is with the Consumers Union which started a campaign two years ago to get the phone company to stop robocalls. They have made small technolodge cool progress but it isnt enough. In fact, former chairman said last year they should offer phone blocking services now at no cost. Will you insist that they offer free blocking for consumers. Thats what were open to doing. You say open. There are questions of legal thought that were working out. In some cases we dont necessarily have the authority to mandate something but from a consumer perspective, i think its a good idea. Whatever the hurdles, peter clark said companies should be doing more. You know rng you see all these line items for fees, fees, fees. I would assume im paying the companies to implement fixes. The s. E. C. Is considering a proposal to Block Companies they know are unassigned, but, of course, that might encourage more spoofing of numbers that people actually use. Right now several Call Blocking apps are available. You might be able to reduce the number of phone calls to your cell, right now at kohls get 25 off nike for mom. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by kohls. 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A young woman lost in the montana wilderness was rescued. She was airlifted south of glacier park. I have no idea honestly because it was like a huge mistake. It ended up being like seven days in treacherous weather conditions. Wow. She said she and her dog survived by Drinking Water in streams. Im glad shes oklahoma and the dog survived too. John legend turning his thoughts to felons. Giving felons a chance. Well be right back. Ymore only new tena intimates has Proskin Technology designed to quickly wick away moisture. To help maintain your skins natural bae. It goes beyond triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. So you can feel fresh and free to get as close as you want. Only tena, lets you be you. Nfor hollywoods biggest stars. And at kay jewelers, he designs thm for you, too. You know the saying, they dont make em like they used to . I still do. Kay, the numberone Jewelry Store for. Yes every kiss begins with kay ykeep you sidelined. Ng thats why you drink ensure. 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Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. , california governor jerry brown is planning to reveal his revised state Budget Proposal later this morning. It w good morning, its 7 56. Im michelle griego. California governor jerry brown is planning to reveal his revised state Budget Proposal later this morning. It will launch a fiveweek sprint to the finish line for state lawmakers who face a june 15 deadline to pass the budget. Tomorrow is car flag friday in honor of the golden state warriors. You can get a free flag at the Warriors Team store at oracle or in walnut creek. They are also available at dunk contest stores in san mateo and burlingame but only while supplies last. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,, good morning, time now 7 57. Heres a check of your traffic. Expect delays through oakland. Especially along northbound 880. Take a look at this. This is about a 50minute travel time from 238 on out toward the maze. We are getting reports of a car blocking a lane along westbound 580 to eastbound 80 at the maze and opw,s lo go across the upper deck of the bay bridge. 45 minutes. And we have a mostly overcast start to our thursday morning. The sun will come out later but the temperatures continue unusually cool with that deep low over the gulf. The ocean is very chilly it morning and then you combine that with the sea breeze and its just going to be below average and then next tuesday, that low sinks into Northern California maybe rain on tuesday. Partly cloudy skies this afternoon, readings in the mid 60s. Extended forecast ,,,, good morning to our viewers in the west. It is thursday, may 11, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Ahead, well talk with republican senator rand paul about the firing of james comey and what he thinks about the russia investigation. But first, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Comey comments that he was nauseous by the idea he tipped the election, did not endear him to President Trump. Acting fbi director testifying here before the Senate Intelligence committee in the place of james comey. The firing stunned the fbi which is right in the midst of this russia investigation. One of the most important in its history. How do you convince the country that there is not a constitutional crisis coming up and that this had nothing to do with the russian probe . Thats the challenge you have. Any investigation that was taking place on monday is still taking place today. Always interesting to see an interview with Vladimir Putin. How did you get this story . After a little back and forth it positioned us where i could intercept. And the russians wanted to send a friendly message to the United States. Our local news channels here in l. A. Went to live helicopter coverage of james comey car. This is the 105 freeway, theyre headed to the airport. Kind of waiting to see if we could get a glintion of him. Hes a very tall man. Like democracy is crumbling all around us, but the real disaster is the backup on the 405. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. The acting fbi director is testifying right now before the Senate Intelligence committee. Its Andrew Mccabes first Public Comments since President Trump fired comey. Do you commit to informing this committee of any effort to interfere with the fbis Ongoing Investigation into links between russia and the Trump Campaign . I absolutely do. Mccabe and the nations top spies are testifying about global threats. Rand paul supported ousting fbi director comey. He was the only no vote during comeys 2013 confirmation. Senator paul joins us from the capitol. Good morning. Good morning. Thanks for having me. It is quite unusual to fire an fbi director. Its not unprecedented for the reasons should President Trump have had a replacement in mind when he did it . You know, i dont know that. But i would say bill clinton would be the precedent. I guess that was the last president who fired an fbi director. After an ethics investigation. Is it okay with you that attorney general Jeff Sessions who had recused himself from the investigation was pretty much involved in the decision to let james comey go. Does that square with you . You know, i think we probably never had someone fired where both sides actually really agreed with the firing more than you would imagine. Almost every prominent democrat in the country has called for comeys ouster. Most democrats felt like he insinuated Hillary Clintons guilt and then did not indict her. Most republicans felt like, well, you know, with all of the evidence of her guilt and with him saying so much in the press conference about what she did wrong, why didnt he indict her . I dont think you have had an fbi director where both sides actually were very unhappy with him. Harry reid called for her ouster. Excuse me for interrupting you, but threes not the question. Chuck schumer said he lost confidence in him. I think its the question. Both sides had lost confidence in him. I think thats why hes gone. No, the question is is it okay with you to have attorney general Jeff Sessions be involved in this decision when he had recused himself from the investigation. Well, the hierarchy is that the fbi director works for the department of justice and works for the attorney general and assistant attorney general. I think you go through the normal process to review a work record before getting rid of him. I think they dismissed comey on without going through that process i think the left wing media would have been up in arms too. No one is looking at the hypocrisy of the democrats who clamored for his i mean, moveon. Org has a huge petition to get rid of him. We do what the left wants and now they can only complain. Make up stories about how it means oh, the end of the republic. But i think its far from that. No, senator, its clear people on both sides wanted him to go. The question has been about the timing of it. Thats all. I know. But the explanation is a reasonable one. The explanation they needed to go through the work review of his and have someone evaluate it from his boss point of view and they were delayed by democrats for months. We had the slowest approval of a cabinet really in the history of our country because of partisan differences. So sessions was delayed and then so was his assistant when they finally got in place, they did a review. And i absolutely believe from the election theres been discussion of letting comey go because nobodys been happy with him. I have been unhappy with him because of his concerns about privacy but also with concerns about investigating the orlando killing. I think the fbi dropped the ball. There were many warning signs that could have led to the stopping the orlando shooting. And i think the fbi would never admit that they made any mistakes in that. I think were unwilling to really improve the process. An important point. Senator, i know youre on the Senate Foreign relations committee. I want to get your take on what occurred in the oval office yesterday. President Vladimir Putin asked President Trump to invite the foreign minister and the ambassador into the oval office. These are the only pictures that were released. That came from the russia media. Whats your take . Im not sure what the point is. Or what your question is. What do you think of inviting the Russian Foreign minister and the ambassador into the oval office . Im a big proponent of diplomacy as opposed to war and any time we can have relations even with our adversaries is a good idea. The worst part of washington is you know i was at a meeting yesterday with general mcmaster and the National Security council. Every republican and democrat want to increase troops in afghanistan. Theres very few voices here who dont want more war so when donald trump does something that shows hes entertaining diplomacy as to that war is the answer we should stand up and cheer. Because theres too Many Democrats and republicans who want more than anything than professional war. You think us have sha russia can be our friend in afghanistan . I think a realistic approach is that russia is our adversary, but theyre not going away. Theyve been in syria for 50 years. They have a naval base there. Thats the realistic point of view. And i think Trumps Administration is leaning more towards realism neoconservatival of george w. Bush. So im hopeful. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Ten time grammy winner john legend wants to inspire change. Ahead he opens u, im very hopeful. Check your local weather. Chris stapleton is enjoying the perks of sudden fame. Ahead, he tells Anthony Mason how he and his wife are building on the success of his first smash album. Youre watching cbs this morning. But that doesnt mean were giving up. Im in this for me. For me. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Lowering a1c by up to 1. 2 points. Do not take if allergic to farxiga. If you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, and kidney problems. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis, which is serious and may lead to death. Im in this for my family. Im in this for me. Ask your doctor about farxiga and learn how you can get it for free. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. When i was 14 years old. So i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light and soft. Not sticky. Its light. Its different. Its foam. We aon weight watchers. W us what its really like to be its delicious members have lost 15 more weight in the first two months than on our Prior Program and theyre still eating the foods they love join for free and get one month free. So i use excedrin. Ments from my life. It starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. And it works on my symptoms, too. Now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] we know that right now the struggle for freedom and justice is real. We lived in the most incarcerated country in the world. There are more black men under correctional control today than were under slavery in 1850. When people are marching with our song, we want to tell you you we are with you. We see you and we love you and march on. God bless you. Thank you. That is john legend addressing mass incarceration in america in his acceptance speech. In the latest issue in town and country magazine he shared his latest look. We sat down with the ten time grammy Award Winning before his upcoming tour and he opened up why in is important to him on a personal level. I think when people hear criminal Justice Reform i think a couple of things happen. Either theyre passion that nat and engaged, or their eyes glaze over, or it involves race and it scares people. What do you say to really make people understand why you feel so passionate and committed to it . We are the most incarcerated country in the world. We are 5 of the worlds population. And we have 25 of the worlds prison population. That means we lock up people at a higher rate than any other country in the world. I do think things are changing in this country as people are paying attention. Dont you . I think its actually been bipartisan. In 2015, r b superstar john legend launched free america. An initiative focused on bringing awareness and change to issues involving mass incarceration. Every time we lock someone up its a choice were making. Were saying were going to invest dollars into keeping people into cages or we could have invested that money into making our communities better, making them safer, healthier, better educated so they were never in trouble in the first place. So many communities and families have been destroyed. I personally have seen the effects of incarceration on my own family. What do you mean by that . My mother had an issue with drugs when i was younger. And she was in and out of jail during myteenage years. Teenage years. I never heard you talk about it. Ive talked about it in the context of when people have drug problems. We know the opiate crisis is affecting millions of americans. We dont need punishment. We need help. He recently launched unlock futures, a program that will invest in business and entrepreneurial ideas for those released from prison. Were going to provide money for entrepreneurs who want to come out of prison and change their lives. We want to given them a chance to innovate, to work, to create jobs for themselves and other people in their community. So youre not giving them just a job, but a chance of owning their own business. Slooul. You made the time 100 lift. Harry bellefonte wrote your intro. What do you think about that . I was relate honored. Ive never him for years. I was inspired for years, even before that. Hes done some amazing things. Hes made a lot of great music and entertainment but throughout his career, he was for criminal justice. Hes always been an example of an artist who used his platform to make change and i look at that kind of artist as an example for me, of the kind of artist i want to be. Legend recently released hiss fifth studio album darkness in light. He calls it his best and most personal. He says hes excited to share it with fans on his upcoming tour. He and his wife Chrissy Teigen are traveling the oldfashioned way. Touring a bus. Ive been on a tour bus since the start of the business. Its a very luxurious tour bus. Its sort of like a rolling home. Yes, exactly. Now it has a crip. Thats for 1yearold baby luma. Legend said being a dad has given politics a greater purpose and hes enjoying every single step of firsttime parenting. Whats your favorite nickname for her . I call her luna a lot. I dont want to overnickname her because her name is her name. With call her luna, lulu, looney tuns sometimes. Do you have makeup song . Oh, my god. My worst and best song is the same. Okay. I want to hear a few bars nt somebodys got a stinky booty her name is lulu somebodys got a stinky booty and somebodys got to clean it up we talked with christy opened up about postpartum. Hes glad she did that. He thinks it can help other people. Hes very involved in this criminal justice system. It mean as lot to him. Hes an incredible artist and thinks so deeply about it. Its a subject everyone should get involved in. Its an important issue. Including rand paul who we we h had on earlier. Smartphone apps and games may have hidden dangers. Ahead, well talk with age. How netflix cannibalized itself and why apple may be lagging behind. Youre w well its a perfect nespresso morning here, george. Hold on a second. Mmm. [mel torme sings comin home baby] hey there. Want a lift . Where are we going . No dont tell me. Let me guess. Have a nice ride. How far would you go for coffee thats a cup above . I brought you nespresso. Nespresso. What else . Nearly 3 million teenagers own families. 31 are corrected with friends that e have not met in person and 32 have been contacted online by a complete stranger. A District Attorney has posted videos like this one to highlight smartphone dangers like this one. She was also featured in the 48 hours episode killer apps. Welcome to the table. Good morning. Thank you. How did you come to attention . I got a call from a friend. She was very upset. Her daughter had taken inappropriate photos. She had a vault app that she had hidden all these photos to share. She told me i have to tell everybody. I made a video anand since then ive started educating parents. You say parents are clueless. Absolutely. Im in Law Enforcement and im a step behind. When i speak to kids,ll find out about a new app i didnt know about the day before. Lets help educate parents. One of them is yellow. Yellow. It works through snapchat. I call it the tinder for teens. If youve got tinder for dating, now youve got tinder for jeans. Continued der only requires you to be 12 plus. But yellow is supposed to be 17plus. Kids can go on there and meet people. The problem youve got to give them your location and it matches you up with various people. You dont know the people youre talking to, whether or not theyre actually who they say they are. And what about lively . Any type of app thats going to allow you do have video at any time because you dont know what your kids going to see. Do you monitor what your child watches on tv . Yes. But are you watching whats on their phone. They say they strongly encourage parents to review and adjust privacy settings. Does that help . No. Each app that goes through the apple store gets a rating. Whats the highest rating . 17plus. Safe . You need to be 17plus. But theres nothing that keeps you or makes you proof that youre 17 or older. You have kids youre not supposed to be on facebook unless youre 12. Whats a parent to do . Sfwhoo you set the settings in iphone. A lot of parents dont realize you can go in your childs iphone and turn it off. Let me show you. You go into your settings and go into your general button, youre going to put restrictions. Its different than the password you give your child. Always know your kids passwords. This is different. I can turn off their cam rachl they no longer have a camera. I can turn off their ability to install apps. You can make decisions. I can even say im not going to let you have an app thats not rat held today to decide where to install freeway cameras. The state is pledging the funds eded to install th good morning, its 8 235. Im kenny choi. A special meeting today to decide where to install freeway cameras. The state is pledging the funds needed to install them along two highways between richmond and antioch after dozens of shootings have been reported there overfew years. Ac transit will keep buses running to Oakland Hills schools. Last night Board Members voted to approve a funding extension for another year. The Transit Agency didnt get specific about the extension but says that ousc contributed money as well as made changes to School Schedules for efficiency. Raffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,, good morning. Heres a look at your traffic. Expect delays if you are heading through oakland along 880 in both directions. We are tracking a very slow ride. A crash southbound right near the coliseum. Emergency crews are just arriving. No lanes blocked. About an hour from 238 to the maze. Bay bridge toll plaza, still a parking lot, 45 minutes from the maze to downtown San Francisco. Slow, stop, go and your drive times are in the red along 880, highway 4 out of antioch into hercules. And that eastshore freeway 40 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. Thats a check of your traffic. Lets check the forecast now with brian. Good morning on this thursday morning. Were going to be five to 10 degrees cooler than we should be for midmay with low pressure in the gulf a chilly sea breeze, the combination means, numbers will be chilly. Partly cloudy and cool for us today the a little more sun than tomorrow and saturday and chance of rain tuesday. The forecast highs for today just 58 in San Francisco. 66 in livermore. 68 degrees in fairfield. San jose 68 degrees. Extended forecast, a little more sun tomorrow and into the weekend. But not much warmer. In fact, by tuesday, we may have a sprinkle or two. ,,,, welcome back to cbs this morning. Lets take a quick check of the green room. Walter isaacson is in there all alone. Hi, Walter Isaacson. How are you . Were over here, turn over here. How would you describe the great Walter Isaacson . Theyre writing a biography of leonardo da vinci. Its coming out in october. Hell have to come back to the table. A true wise man. Well talk average airfare fell 8. 5 and there was an improvement in on time performance. The wall street journal reports the United States ran a Budget Surplus of 182 billion in april. Part of the reason, a shift in timing on tax collection and refunds during the last fiscal year. But the longterm deficit is projected to rise on weak corporate profits. Slow Global Economic growth and a rice in spending on medicare as the population ages. The stock price of snap fell more than 20 yesterday after the companys disappointing quarterly report. The firm posted a net loss of more than 2 billion loss. The San Francisco chronicle reports on a legal settlement with former oakland raider cheerleaders. Nooerm 100 women are sharing 1. 25 million. The Class Action Lawsuit says the team failed to pay them minimum wage over time or expenses. Itd 4red to other ims to be paid. Walter isaacson has made a career about the best selling innovators about iconic figures like steve jobs, ail brt einstein and benjamin franklin. Now hes the host of a new podcast. Its called trail blazers and each episode talks about twhoes revolutionized and changed lives. Welcome back. Thank you. I was following in your foots p footsteps, trying to follow all forms of media. Why did you decide to do that and what are you offering that others are not . Ive not paid too much attention to podcasts. I even seen people do it. Like you, i try to learn each new form of media. I opened the drawer and had a little blackberry you had to wind up. As they came along, they said, we want to do a podcast that tells the stories of disruption and innovation. I thought, that helps. Podcasts can save storytelling. One of the books youve written is called the innovators, i think. Yeah. You think, okay, ive written about it. I should try it first hand. Td the innovators talking about it. That ends when inns were replaced by standardized hotels because we got the automobile. I want to show how the history of disruption occurs and thats sort of best done through storytelling. Can i say this, walter. Your great storytelling begins on ipad. I like what you said. 2000. A man and woman do something gross. It goes viral because they put the video up. Then Patrick Doyle comes in and says we have a problem here and he does something that nobody has ever done before. He admitted we made mistakes and totally changed the company around. Its very important in this digital age when things go viral, heres a mistake and heres how were going to fix it. What he also does, hes not just a put cheese on top of a bread company, hes technology. You can tweet in a pizza. I remember in 1994 this how old i am i remember first thing you could order online. The first thing you could order was pizza. Before amazon. But patrick even says were a tech company that happens to do pizza, which i never thought of it that way shoo i think every industry has to start thinking about it. Were a tech company that happens to run an airline. What youre doing is Customer Relations and this is how the disruption happens and all these industries that we talk about. People who did it and dell technologies, they kind of produced it very well. E dont e take any credit for that. Theyre like lets bring podcasts to the next level. Sorry, norah. Hi. Netflix, one of the true disrupters of our time. I have forgotten we used to get the disks in the mail and they were able to change so quickly. They disrupted themselves. Gayle makes a good point. I remember when steve jobs did with the ipod to the iphone. What Reed Hastings was able too do is based on he would come to your house. He said streaming is coming along. Lets cannibalize our own business to make sure no one else does. We dont have much time left. Youre from new orleans and you went on for a scholarship. Theres a great controversy. I saw Michelle Millers piece. I think mayor landrieu has done a good job. Some of these monuments were put up in the 1880s and 1890s. He was taken down last night. They were put up to send a signal after reconstruction. I think new orleans has always had a main diversity and Michelle Miller being someone from new orleans, being married to a former mayor, e it gave us certain things. I think its included that were moving them and that maw yore is doing it methodically. Good to have you here. Good to be hire. Are you coming back in october many. If you bring me back to talk about leonardo do vinci, i can tell you what he did. He did so many things. The connection to the science and art was key to it 500 years ago and today. Well see you in october. Well see you in october, sooner, i hope. Trailblazer is on sale now. Country grammy winner Chris Stapleton said hes still adjusting to becoming a star. Im still adjusting. I remember having someone tune guitars for me. That was a moment. That was a moment. Its the Little Things that its the Little Things. Its a new found luxury youre living with. For sure. Nice when your dream comes true. Ahead, he tells how his wife has been,,, imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes. Priority boarding. And 50,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. If you love Country Music, you know that voice. Thats Country Music star Chris Stapleton performing in georgia last weekend. Hes on tour to promote his second album. Go, chris. Stapletons traveler has sold 2 mullion companies. He invited Anthony Mason into the National Studio where hes been pouring himself into his music. Good morning. Good morning. Only three have sold more, adele, drake, and beyonce. Ha tells you kind of company he found himself in after his solo debut with a surprise smash and why the expectations were so high for his followup album. Reporter to make his new record, Chris Stapleton returned to rca studio a in nashville where elvis and dolly parton recorded. Why did you come back here . I always loved it here. I love places that have history in the sense that you feel responsible to it. Yes. Does that make sense . Yeah. Youve got to live up to something. Or at least try to. Reporter stapleton also has to live up to his own success. It was here in studio a that he recorded traveler, the record that literally changed his life. How would you strieb what happ happened to that record . Lightning in a bottle stuff, man. Reporter the best selling country album of 2016, traveler earned two grammys and a bucket load of Academy Music awards, now some on display at a new distribute at nashvilles Country Music hall of fame. Its just really weird, man. This . Yes. Stapleton was seeing the skpiblt for the first time. Things like this maer a whole lot. They do. It was validating in a lot of ways. To be with people you respect. To be with people i respect. The son of a Kentucky Coal miner, stapleton moved to nashville in 2001. What were you hoping for . Well, the instant i found out that somebody would pay you to sit in a room and write songs and play guitar all day, i thought, man, thats the job for me. Im going to figure out how to do that. Reporter and he did. More than 50 of his songs have been recorded by other artists including adele. Reporter george strait, and tim mcgraw. For years stapleton would write day and night. Because i just loved it so much and i love it that much still. I just dont do it as much. What did you love about itsome. Plucking something out of the air, waiting on something to be there that wasnt. Reporter it wasnt until the release of traveler in 2015 that stapleton went out on his own, but not exactly solo. His wife morgan sings harmony with him. What has morgan been for you during all of this . Shes my partner in life and business and on stage in every possible way, shape, and form. She believes in me more than i to a lot of times. They met working at adjacent publishing houses in nashville. He asked her over to cowrite one friday night. We didnt write anything that evening. We wrote since. You wrote a whole new story. We wrote a whole new story. Reporter the success of traveler has lifted the 39yearold stapleton onto a much bigger stage. Were still adjusting as far as touring goes. Like i remember the first time i had somebody tuning guitars for me. That was a moment. It was like, oh, man, this is the greatest thing on earth. Its one of the best feelings ever. Its the Little Things. Its the Little Things. A new found luxury youre living with. For sure. Yeah. Reporter the singer who started out playing in bars is selling out amphitheaters and arenas but is still trying to make them intimate. How do you do that . I stand there and play and set up like we basically set up in a club and we dont change that. And you pull the audience into you. Hopefully. But i dont know if im doing the other stuff. I dont know of entertaining any other way. Does that make sense. Have you thought about a light show . Lasers, anything like that . Lasers are cool if youre into that. Theres a time and place for that. I dont see you as a laser guy. We dont have any lasers, but im not saying never. Stapleton says his recording sessions were so fruitful they had enough songs for two records so from a room, volume 2 will come out later this year. I love this guy. So do i. I love his music and his story. I love that he loves his wife and sees has her as a true part eightnd brings a lot of success. They remind me of old country. Its not like the pop country of today. People like waylon jennings. Its unanimous from the table, with love Chris Stapleton. Yes, thank you, chris. We do. You can see more on cbsnews. Com and check out a special cbs this morning podcast. Youll see songs hes given to other artists. A gelden retriever has given a lot summit. Only one of them made it the first time. Well,,,,,,,,,,,, to his adventurous name. Huckleberry found his way on his familys roof where he likes to sit and bark at joggers running by. The roof is only a few feet from the ground. His owners say he got so much attention only five people would knock on the door to say theyre worried about him. They say, hes okay. Hes not allowed on the roof when theyre out. That must be very low to the ground. How great is chris he sure is. ,,,,,,, rallying. For incarcerated women. They want to make sure they are s day with thei good morning, its 8 55. Im kenny choi. Today supporters are rallying for incarcerated women. They want to make sure that they are able to spend mothers day with their children even if they dont have money for bail. They are supporting a bill that would eliminate the bail requirement for nonviolent offenders. California governor jerry brown planning to reveal his revise the state Budget Proposal later this morning. It will launch a fiveweek sprint to the finish line for state lawmakers who face a june 15 deadline to pass a budget. And there are going to be a lot of bikers out there today on bike to work day. Energizer stations will be set up throughout the bay area. Its estimated that 62,000 people use their bicycles as their primary way to get to work. Stick around; well have weather and traffic in just a moment. ,,,,,, good morning. Time now 8 57. Heres your traffic update. We continue to traffic delays for drivers making their way through oakland. A live look at 880, that northbound side jammed in the red 40 minutes from 238 on out towards the maze. We continue to see slow, stop, go in the red, 40 minutes for drivers making their way from the maze into downtown San Francisco across the bay bridge there. And your drive times continue to show speeds in the red for 101 from hellyer to san antonio. Hats a check of your traffic; over to you. And we have a mostly overcast start to our thursday morning. The sun will come out later but the temperatures continue unusually cool with that deep low over the gulf. The ocean is very chilly this morning. You combine that with a sea breeze and it is just going to be below average and then next tuesday, that low sinks into Northern California. By tuesday we might get a sprinkle or two. For today partly cloudy skies. This afternoon, readings only in the mid60s. Extended forecast we have more sunshine for tomorrow. But dont forget early next week, maybe a sprinkle or two. ,,,, wayne whee youre going to bali jonathan its a zonk snowedin living room screams wayne you got the big deal

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