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Mothers hands. A passenger describes what you dont see on the video. We begin with todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. Democrats say you are holding hostage Health Insurance for lower income americans. Theyre holding hostage national security. A budget battle loo over president obamas border wall. The prede wont sign a bill if it doesnt ilude funding for the wall . We need that wall. It will help us complete the promise that president has made to the american people. Shutting down the government over this outlandish proposal of a border wall, that would be the height of irresponsibility. North korea detained an american and threatened to sink a u. S. Aircraft carrier. They show what an irrational International Player they are. The paris attack that sends any lessons about the u. S. Polls. So many aspects, the homegrown terrorists, i dont know how to stop that or detect that pockets of violence in france following a vote in the countrys president ial election. Americans airlines under fire after a crew member allegedly hit a mom holding a baby. Im ready to bring a bodyguard the next time i get on a plane. Wildfires are raging across florida. The woods around us were on fire. Peggy witson setting a u. S. Record. The 535th day shell spend in space. All that. Now what is he saying there . Im happy with all this attention, is that right . Kenny g putting on a show for passengers on a delta flight all for charity. And all that matters. Kick the [ bleep ] out of option b. Where did the phrase come from . Few weeks after he had died there was a father son activity and i said i want dave to be there for our son, option a is not available, lets kick the [ bleep ] out of option b. On cbs this morning. Alba inside, its messy what a goal. Again the medicine man arrives and sinks his spear into the hearts of real madrid. Messy you could drop a tarantula in his shorts and he would still be cool. Presented by toyota, lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. The president who promised change is demanding results, by the end of this week. Saturday will be President Trumps 100th day in office. He is pushing congress for action on health care, tax reform and the border wall. And one week interest today, cbs this morning will come to you from the white house. We will all be there next monday with a special broadcast. It will include part of John Dickersons interview with the president on his 100th day in office on face the nation. A new poll shows 53 of americans disapprove of the job President Trump is doing, only 42 approve. Now that is the lowest Approval Rating of any president at this point in his term since president truman in 1945. 56 say the president has accomplished little or nothing so far. Margaret brennan is at the white house. Margaret, good morning. Good morning. Well, President Trump now says the 100 day mark is not very meaningful but hes still trying to jam through a series of major initiatives this week to meet the 100 day deadline he set for himself during the campaign. And Vice President mike pence is returning a day early from asia to help him. No particular rush but well see what happens. Reporter the president is publically downplaying the urgency but behind the scenes the white house is pushing republican Speaker Paul Ryan to try again to repeal and replace obamacare. But theres no bill ready and no vote scheduled to consider it. We will be having a big announcement on wednesday. Reporter the president also wants to unveil tax reform, saying his overhaul plan would be, quote, bigger than any tax cut ever. But on sunday, his omb director Mick Mulvaney lowered expectations. You need to have a small tax cut thats permanent or a large tax cut that is short term. I dont think weve decided yet. Reporter mr. Trump has not delivered on other signature issues. A federal court judge suspended his travel ban on six muslim majority countries and he backtracked on a vow to bring china a currency manipulator. No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days. Reporter but mr. Trump has ticked through a number of items like appointing a Supreme Court justice, withdrawal from the transpacific trade deal and green lighting the keystone pipeline. However the federal government could come to a grinding halt by friday without a new spending bill to fund it. Passage may hinge on whether mr. Trump insists on his long promised border wall. Well were going to get it paid for one way or the other. Reporter on sunday attorney general Jeff Sessions suggested funding it by eliminating tax credits that he claimed benefited mexicans illegally in the u. S. Theres 4 billion a year in excess payments that are going to payments to people, tax credits, that they shouldnt get. These are mostly mexicans and those kind of things add up. Reporter now that claim may be based on a 2011 report by the treasury Inspector General that showed individuals who arent legally authorized to work in the u. S. , did receive tax credits, but the report did not say the individuals are mexicans. Norah, it appears u. S. Taxpayers, not mexico, will pay for that wall. All right. Margaret, thank you. The president and democrats are on a collision course over that border wall and how to pay for it. The president tweeted yesterday that mexico will be paying in some form for the badly needed border wall, but he says the u. S. Cannot Start Building it without money from congress. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the fight that could force a Government Shutdown. Nancy, good morning. Good morning. Even some republicans are wondering if this is the time for that border wall funding fight, but the white house is adamant it wants 1. 4 billion as a down payment in that funding bill. Democrats are digging in and if thissnt resolved by the end of the week, we could be looking at a shutdown. Building a wall is not an answer, not here, or any place. Reporter democrats in the house and senate said sunday they will not support a bill that includes funding for a southern border wall. Its a political stunt and obsession for the president that should not shut down our government. We will build a great wall along the southern border. Reporter democrats argue that President Trumps repeated Campaign Promise did not include a multibillion dollar bill for the american taxpayers. And mexico will pay for the wall. Reporter republicans say the other side is writing off the proposal too quickly. I would wish the democrats would put aside political correctness, realize theres other [ inaudible ] about having a border wall. Reporter Senate Republicans have three days to pass a bill to fund the government through september. It needs support from at least eight democrats to hit a 60 vote threshold in the senate. No republican lawmaker from the four states along the u. S. mexico border has expressed support for the funding requests. The last thing we can afford is to saends message to the to send a message to the world is that the United States government is only partially funking. Reporter marco rubio said his party should table the wall. Thats a fight worth having and a conversation and debate worth having for 2018. Reporter and many republicans frankly werent expecting to have this debate so soon. This spending bill only funds the government through the end of the summer. In the meantime theyre planning to get to work on a spending bill to fund the next fiscal year and theyll have more time then, norah, to add and subtract, more flexibility and more time. In our next hour Ohio Governor john kasich will be here in studio 57 with his assessment of the president s job performance, plus businessman and former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg, why hes hopeful about tackling climate change. North koreas detention of another american citizen is adding to the tensions between the u. S. And north korea. Kim sangduk known as tony kim, was taken into custody saturday. Pyongyang international airport. President trump spoke by phone last night with japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe and chinese president xi jinping about north Koreas Nuclear program. Chinese media says that xi told President Trump he hopes that all parties will exercise restraint. Adriana diaz is in beijing. Good morning to you. Good morning. Tony kims detention was confirmed by the elite north Korean University where he taught. While the circumstances around his detention remain unclear, it complicates an increasingly tense relationship between the u. S. And north korea, at a time when both sides are open to military action. The uss carl vinson heading to the korean peninsula. North korea continues its show of defiance. A statement from the Pyongyang University of science and technology confirms that tony kim had been detained as he was about to leave the country after spendi several weeks teaching at the school. Kim is the third american currently being held in north korea. In 2016, otto warmbier, then a 21yearold university of virginia student, was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor after he allegedly stole a political banner from a pyongyang hotel. A few months later, kim dong chul, a naturalized u. S. Citizen was sentenced to ten years for espionage. This is typical north korea at a time when theres so much tension. Reporter former new mexico governor Bill Richardson has negotiated prisoner releases from north korea. They use these detainees from the United States as bargaining chips. They always want something in return. Reporter since the arrests the regime has continued its war of words, threatening australia with a mushg attack for its Alliance Nuclear attack for its alliance with the United States. On sunday north korean state media took aim at the u. S. , writing, our revolutionary forces are combat ready to sink a u. S. Nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier with a single strike. This may be a path forward. Some of these prisoner releases have led to at least the dialog with north korea and thats a step forward. Reporter with no direct diplomatic ties the u. S. Is working with the Swedish Embassy in north korea on kims case. He was with his wife when he was detained. She wasnt. And is still believed to be in north korea. Charlie . Thanks, adriana diaz, in beijing. Nikki haley the United States ambassador to the United Nations in washington today, to host an unusual outing for the new rkbased u. N. Security council. The group will meet with President Trump at the white house. Ambassador, good morning. Good morning. Can you tell us more, everything that we know so far about the arrest and the detention of a u. S. Citizen and what we can do about it . Well, i think right now, were trying to gather information and, of course, this is something we never want to see happen but i do think that its north korea just trying to show their strengths again, and not going to work. These are challenging times, but its not one where were not where were afraid to make a decision and we will handle it properly and we will have to use china to do that. What considerations are there about options . Well, we have to discuss that. I think thats all part of the discussions that will have to take place. We always want to get every citizen out alive and healthy and make sure that theyre being treated properly and those are the things well start to work on. Former new mexico governor has called these detentions used as a bargaining chip. Do you agree and do you think negotiations are possible at this point . I think its absolutely a bargaining chip and i think thats what their intentions are. Whether thats the case or not is something totally different. What were dealing with is a leader who is flailing right now and i think what hes trying to do is show his citizens that he has muscle. Whether its through his rhetoric or whether its through his actions thats what hes trying to do. What we have done is partnered with china and the rest of the international community, to put pressure on him. You saw the Security Council last week condemn north korea for their testing. I think youre going to continue to see pressure on north korea. We have said for quite a while now that the United States is not looking for a fight. North korea doesnt need to give us a reason to have one. I know that President Trump spoke with the chinese president xi last night. What more does china need to do . Well, i think china is really in good faith doing quite a bit. They are trying to put pressure on north korea. What weve seen is we want you to put more pressure on north korea, whether thats with coal, oil, or whether thats with other sanctions and i think that they are also talking with the leaders in north korea and telling them they dont need to do anything. I think china has been a great friend of ours and the way they came together with us to do the Statement Last week, showed that we are united against wanting north korea to stay away from doing any sort of nuclear threat. I know that the secretary of state, rex tillerson, said last week that the u. S. Is looking to pressure north korea to reengage with us on a different footing. What does that mean . They need to stop misbehaving. Thats what that means, is they need to reengage and not use force to do that, not use testing to do that. We dont want to see a nuclear north korea. What weve said is they need to not test anymore. They dont need to challenge us with Nuclear Missiles and talk about how far they can go and they dont need to challenge our military bases in the area. So i think right now, we are not going to talk with north korea until we start seeing good actions come from them. Weve made that very clear. Which is exactly what they want, a bilateral conversation. Thats what they want and were not going to do it because until they show that they are in good faith not going to test and not use nuclear weapons, were not going to sit down and apiece them by having talks with them. What we will do is continue to work with china to get that message to them. Ambassador haley, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much. Homeland security secretary john kelly says he does not know how to stop the most common Terror Threat facing this country. Thereso many aspects of this terrorist thing. U get the homegrown terrorists, i dont kno how to stop that or detect that. You got other terrorist threats that come across the border. If thats the biggest threat and you dont know how to stop it, that seems like a big problem. It is a big problem. It is you know, depending on where you sit is where you stachbds on this. It is a big threat, number one threat, i think its the most common threat. Kelly also told John Dickerson a number of potential plots against aviation keeps him awake at night. France is one step closer to a new president. Protestest clashed with police overnight. More than do twoz two dozen were arrested for the first time in frances modern history voters turned away from mainstream candidates and parties and chose centrist Emmanuel Macron and populist Marine Le Pen for the second round. Elizabeth is in paris, good morning. The french people voted for change in a big bay last night. From a field of 11 candidates, the two who made it through to the president ial runoff are both mavericks in their own ways and both of them are bucking the powerful french establishment. In first place, Emmanuel Macron a former economics banker whose agenda borrowed from the left and right without the backing of an official party and told delighted supporters we have changed the face of french politics. Macron has never run for office before, but he is used to breaking the mold. At 16 he fell in love with his High School Drama teacher more than 20 years his seeper. And now, 39 and 64 years old theyve been married more than a decade. In second place, the far right candidate Marine Le Pen, who told cheering crowds it was a historic result. Le pens populist promises will sound familiar to americans shutting down immigration and antiglobalization, renegotiating trade agreements to protect jobs at home. She also wants to follow britains lead and take france out of the european union. A crowded field of 11 candidates and a scandal Ridden Campaign left voters like ann sophie parachamp frustrated. The campaign was a mess. What was unusual about it . Probably thinking about economy. More noises. Reporter but today, millions of french citizens woke to find the trasz of a turbulent campaign being scrubbed away and a clear choice facing them in two weeks time. That choice, of course, is between a right wing president le pen and a center left president macron but already analysts are saying mrs. Le pen doesnt have any chance of winning, especially as some of the other candidates in the primaries have all thrown their support behind mr. Macron. Specifically to block le pen. Norah . That has settled world markets. Interesting young man, isnt he. Oh, my goodness i didnt know his wife was much older. Like 25 years older. Im thinking it really is age is just a number right. Thats right. Well wow. Very interesting little nugget there. Thank you to elizabeth palmer. We will hear from bill oreilly since he was ousted by fox news. The former Oreilly Factor host will release a new episode of his pcasto spin news. He was pushed out by fox news after more than 5 comnies pulled ads over allegations of Sexual Harassment by several women. Oreillys departure came nine months after former fox news chairman roger ailes was forced out over similar claims. Cnn anchor allison camrata became the latest person to accuse ailes of harassment when she worked at fox. I remember being in Rogers Office saying i wanted more opportunity and he said, well, i would have to work with you. It may require us getting to know each other better. And that might have to happen aw away from here. And it might have to happen at a hotel. Legal woes at fox could deepen this week. A new lawsuit alleging gender and racial bias is expected in the next few days. Researchers make whats being called the discovery of a lifetime about the founding of our nation. Inside the english Records Office where a second handwritten parchment copy of the declaration of independence has been found. So cool, good morning from our kpix studios in San Francisco. Boy, what acies a day makes. A chance of your needed the umbrella for a very light shower. Its 50 in san jose and climbing to a high of 67 degrees. Temperatures pretty much in the 60s across the board. A west breeze up to 20 Miles Per Hour. Unsettled weather through wednesday. Less clouds, more sunshine on thursday and then a warming trend. Ahead hear from a woman when the crew member apparently hit a woman with a stroller. Youre watching cbs this morning. A passenger who was right there when the crew member hit a woman with a stroller. Youre watching cbs this morning. brian im brian, i was in the military for 18 years. But, i smoked and i got heart disease. My tip is; its hard to serve your country when youre to weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Bryan denton we spent almost the entirety of the next 10 hours under fire. You know, everybody was very focused, looking out the window, scanning for car bombs. Being outside of a vehicle was suicide. To say that i wasnt operating at a constant level of fear, id be lying to you. If i didnt believe in the importance of journalism, i wouldnt be able to continue to do this work. im bryan denton, photojournalist for the new york times. Im bryan denton, we rbut we are not victims. Ack. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are survivors. And now we take brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. We take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams. As it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a Clinical Study brilinta worked better than plavix®. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,. Since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,. Heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily,. Or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,. A history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding,. New or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca. May be able to help. I got it. I gotcha baby. vo its being there when youre needed most. Love is knowing. Hes the one. vo . It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. Were fine. vo love is why we built a car you can trust. Now and for a long time to come. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. This is a kpix 5 morning update. Good morning. Its 7 26. Im michelle griego. This morning, Alameda County officials will brainstorm ways to deal with homelessness. Theyll discuss possible Short Term Solutions and expanding the housing stock. Political leaders will call on the Trump Administration to make good on a promise to electrify caltrain. They are expecting 650 million from the feds for project. Mar ed lee, congresswoman jackie and others will hold a News Conference at 11 00. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,, giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy. Kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. Good morning. Time now is 7 27. And heres quick check of traffic. Delays for drivers making their way on interstate 80 past the carquinez bridge. We have one lane blocked and slowdowns to below 20 Miles Per Hour. Over at the bay bridge toll plaza, expect delays as youre making your way on the east shore freeway and all the way to the city. Its jam packed. Temperatures are in the 50s, we have mostly cloudy skies, and well have cloud cover today. A slight chance of a rain shower. Some blustery westerly winds, 10 to 20. And temperatures 67 degrees in napa and san jose. Mid60s in concord. The extended forecast calls for a repeat performance for your tuesday, wednesday is some very similar conditions but less clouds and more sunshine on thursday. And a warming trend and breezy on friday through sunday. ,,,, president erdogan claimed victory. Hes quite excited. This is a step toward dictatorship. Oh, thats great. I guess i can add turkey to my list of things to worry about along with america, and john cena is having a birthday and how we are the exact same age. Oh, my god. That is heart breaking. 40 comes in all kinds of looks and sizes. Its okay, john oliver. You look already. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Sean spicer, his job as white house spokesman is apparently safe for now. It reports that spicer got a strong vote of confidence recently from President Trump. It dealt into the sixth statement. Mr. Trump was asked about spicers future at a small white house future. He said, quote, im not firing sean spicer. That guy gets great ratings. Everyone tunes in. New yorkxreports that an american was killed in ukraine when a land mine exploded. It happened yesterday in an area kroelged by rugbacked separatists. He was works as a pear met ek for a european watchdog. They called ukraines president and reiterated that russias behavior a crew finished taking down the first of four statue this morning. A city official sd no timetable for the work would be announced due to threats. The plan was approved in 2015 which cleared legal hurdles. The statues will be relocated. A Flight Attendants Union chief is asking you to hold your judgment on an American Airlines attendant. Passengers say he hit a mother with twins with a stroller when boarding. Later he challenged another passenger to a fight. American airlines has apologized to the mom. Cbs spokeswoman was there and watched it all go down. Kris van cleave has more. Kris, good morning. Reporter good morning. It appears according to American Airlines a passenger was trying to board the plane and trying to carry a stroller on the plane that was too big to go into the cabin. The airline is getting pretty high marks with how its handled it but it comes at a time when the industry is under a microscope with how it treats customers. The video does not show the mother being hit by the stroll ore what led up to the incident. As the camera rolled, she is crying and distraught. Passenger Olivia Morgan said she saw the male Flight Attendant resling the stroller away from the woman. He took it away from her and it almost hit her little babys head and i said to him like what are you doing . You almost hit that baby in the head and then he was just yelling at me to stay out of it. The passenger then confronted the first crew member. Hey, bud, you do that to me,ll knock you flat. You stay out of this. With the captain holding him back, he dares the passenger to throw a punch. Amican airlines opened an investigatn saying the actions of our team member to not appear to reflect patience or empathy. We are disappointed by these actions. They said neither the company nor the public should rush to judgment. He snap when he should. Have. Airline analyst said flight crew work under enormous pressure. Theyre staffing their planes with the minimum number of Flight Attendants. Thats not right for the passenger or the employee either. The mother was later placed a different flight and given a 1,000 flight voucher. Earlier this month a united Airlines Passenger was dragged off a plane in chicago. United was criticized for its response initially blaming the passenger for refusing to give up his seat and waiting days to apologize. In contrast, american has apologized directly to family, upgraded them all on their flights home to argentina, first class and issued a full refound. Theyre criticizing it. American airlines said it cant have employees trying to pick fights with its flyers on airplanes. Thank you so much. Deceptions promptly required apple to threaten to pull an app from its app store. It says apple ceo tim cook summoned kalanick after learned uber broke apples privacy guidelines. Neither one commented on it. Mike isaac wrote the story. Hes in washington. Good morning, mike. Hey, thanks for having me. Its extremely rare for the ceo of apple to call in another from a company to scold him. So what happen sfd. Uber had been trying to implement a technology to get around some issues on the platform. They were tricky and obfuscated and tim cook wanted to make kind of an example on ub bier calling in travis cal anything and giving him a sort of scolding in his office saying knock this off or were going to pull you from the app store. Never good to be called to the wood shedd nor so publicly. What do you think of the conversation and what you do know about it . Ive been reporting on it for the past month and spoke o 50 different people who have known mr. Kalanick throughout his career and life and a number of those sources were just sort of worried about ubers willingness to push the boundaries of whats accepting and whats ethical in business. That said, all of mr. Kalanicks tactics really work. Its worth close to 70 billion. So they vm had that much of a punishment except a p. R. Crisis. Its grown above all else, so what does that say sf. The tone is set from top and travis seems to care about growing. Well see if it makes him change his leadership stance which has always been aggressive, but i havent seen any indication. Theres no understanding that he understands the problem hes in. To be fair theyre looking for a cheap operating officer, number two, to back Travis Kalanick up. Publicly he has said he needs leadership help. Maybe this broke through to the boss and others e spoke to are skeptical. Theyve known the guy his whole career and he has a way of doing things. We reached out to uber and they told us this, quote, we do not track individual users or their location if theyve del e deleted the app but they do collect location data up to five minutes after the trip ends. Arent there a number of privacy concerns when it comes to uber . Yeah. I think thats rye. A lot of folks were pretty upset atves decision to eventually force you to keep your Location Tracking on after you had closed your app and finished your trip. Like you said, theres a fiveminute window that they they say helps with apping and sensing but still it makes people uncomfortable. Mike isaac, thank you very much for joining us from washington this morning. Thank you. Thank you. A piece that nobody knew existed is discovered in england. Ahead, what led researchers to the second part of the handwritten copy of the declation of independence. Heres an invitation from us to you. Subscribe to our podcast. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. But that doesnt mean were giving up. Im in this for me. For me. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Lowering a1c by up to 1. 2 points. Do not take if allergic to farxiga. 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Its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. Good boy. Go for the gold. Incredible discovery. They have found a handwritten 18th century parchment copy of the declaration of independence that they didnt even know about. The only one like it is at the National Archives in cha. This copy was found in chichester, england, buried in the archives of their office. Taken a nibble out of it at some point. If it is what it is, its a major find in an unlikely choice. One called it the discovery of a lifetime. A handwritten parchment of the declaration of inten dense. Beyond re. The only one certainly werent for it like this. Reporter they came upon it while searching globe for every known copy of the declaration. Nobody had an inkling that a second one might exist, so therefore, they didnt look for such a thing. Reporter they believe it was penned in the 1780s. Portrayed as a flipflopper in the movie 1776 but a fervent nationalist. Theres a difference in this copy that drills down into the Fair Foundation of the nation. The signatures are in no particular order as they are by state with the other cope. Does the american political order rest on a Single National people or on treaties among several states. Reporter the researchers believe the document originally belonged to the duke of richmond, known for his radical support. It was handed down over generations of dukes until a local man handed it in to the Records Office in the 1950s. Are you just going to stay here . Yes. Archive wendy walker makes no excuse for sitting on it for 60 years. We didnt know we had it. As i say, we didnt have the Academic Research done on it to bring out me of the details. Considering its historical magnitude, it hadnt been treated well. It had been folded into a small square. But for emily snep, it was a thing of beauty. To be able to go to west sussex and hold this parchment in our hands to look at it closely was just extraordinary. Were told the British Library will be conducting a series of tests over the summer to determine its authenticity. And while people are iited to come have a look if they want, there are no intentions of putting this declaration of independent on display. Norah . Wow. Charlie dagata in england. Thanks. That is awesome. Who knew a second copy and in good condition. The founders never disappoint. No, they dont. Full of surprises. In our first indepth interview since her husbands sudden death. Sheryl sandberg with coping with grief and more of our interview that you did not see on cbs sunday morning. And dramatic video, how a 4yearold girl fell from a good morning from our kpix studios in San Francisco. The forecast for the the back to work, back to school. Spring break is over. Out the door in the 50s. Mostly cloudy skies, and well have the cloud cover today. Can a chance of your needing the umbrella and highs in the 60s and west winds at 20. Unsettled weather, especially through wednesday. Less clouds and more sunshine through thursday. Cbs this morning sponsored by weight watchers. Lose weight and enjoy the things you love. Ont watchers . Its delicious members have lost 15 more weight in the first two months than on our Prior Program and by learning to manage what we eat, we can still eat the foods we love join for free and get a free starter kit. Hurry, offer ends may 8th the sunll come out for people with Heart Failure, tomorrow inot a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. 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As soon as that door opened up, i see a little girl swinging from the back of it and she let go and hit the ground. As soon as i get out of the car i assess the scene and realize this is not a safe place to treat this little girl. I needed to get her off the road to safety. The girl has a broken jaw but is expected to make a full recovery. Its amazing he was there. Im a amazing how many have a dash cam video. Really glad he saved her. The right place at the right time. A lot of times you dont know whether to move them or not. They did the right thing. Governor john kasich is here. Well talk with him after the break. Lf of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. And the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. 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A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. Per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty the quicker picker upper. Flea bites can mean misery for your cat. Advantage® ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact. Fleas do not have to bite your cat to die. Advantage® ii. Fight the misery of biting fleas. Ykeep you sidelined. Ng thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. This is a kpix 5 morning update. Good morning. Its 7 56. Im kenny choi. An Assembly Hearing could speed up a plan to put cameras in San Francisco and san jose. Speed cameras could photograph your car if youre going 10 Miles Per Hour over the speed limit. A walnut creek family had a car crash into their house. Somehow, no one was hurt. Traffic and weather in just a moment. , its not a weekend hobby. Ance . You have to live and breathe it for 50 years. Its the sound. And the fury. Its letting it all hang out there, and its hanging on for dear life. That is what amg driving performance means. And this is where it lives. The 503horsepower mercedesamg c63 s coupe. Good morning and time now is 7 57 and here is your traffic update. We are tracking delays for drivers headed along 10 you can see the red sensors lighting up the screen . Santa rosa. This crash is near herrin avenue. And its on the shoulder and causing a backup. Northbound 101 at capital expressway. A big rig versus a car and traffic is starting to stack up. Speeds below 20 Miles Per Hour. The bay bridge toll plaza has not changed. Red on the east shore freeway from the carquinez bridge through the maze to the city. Thats a check of the traffic. Good morning, everybody. Grab an umbrella to be on the safe side. An occasional shower is possible under mostly cloudy skies. Temperatures coming down today in the 60s. Meanwhile, blustery winds, it will be 06 degrees in pacifica. Low 60s around the rim of the bay. Outside number, 67 degrees. West winds, 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. Heres the extended forecast. It remains unsettled on tuesday and wednesday with a slight chance of rain showers. No real accumulation. And less clouds and more sunshine thursday, and friday through sunday its a warming trend. Were back in the 70s. , well, good morning, its monday, april 24, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Ahead, Ohio Governor john kasich is here in studio 57. Donald trumps Republican Campaign rival gets his opinion on the president s first 100 days. Plus, his new book two paths america divided or united. But first, heres this mornings eye opener. President trump said the 100 day mark is not that crucial. People are wondering if this is the time for the border wall funding fight, but the white house is adamant. It complicates an increasingly tense relationship between the u. S. And north korea. We always want to get every citizen out alive and healthy and make sure theyre being treated properly. Those are the thing well start to work on. Pchange. Rench people voted for the two who made it through are both mavericks in their own way. The airline is getting high marks for how it reacted. But this comes at a time when the industry is under a microscope for how it treats customers. The amount of the power that he has ever heard, have you ever heard him speak . Seriously . What does his voice sound like . You dont know, do you . It wasnt easy but we did manage to find an interview of him talking on tv. I just bought a newspaper from some of the websites and the online media businesses. You dont know for a fact that that is not his actual voice. And that is the real point. Im charlie rose with Norah Odonnell and gayle king. Byhe end of this week, President Trump will have 100 days to implement his agenda. The president has kept some promises he made in a contract with the american voter. He appointed a Supreme Court justice and withdrew from the transpacific trade deal but he has back tracked on others including his promise to label china a currency manipulator. And other major promises including repealing and replacing obamacare are unlikely to make the 100 day deadline. Congress has another deadline a possible federal Government Shutdown on friday. Senate republicans have just three days to pass a bill to fund the government through september. To get 60 votes and avoid a filibuster, they need support from eight senate democrats. The biggest stumbling block is whether President Trump demands money to get the long promised border wall. We will all be at the white house next monday to mark the first 100 days with a special broadcast of cbs this morning. It will feature John Dickersons interview with President Trump. You will see the first part of that conversation sunday on face the nation right here on cbs. Well be there. I cant wait. Looking forward to that. Ohio Governor John Kasich served in congress in 1995 during a shut down. And he was chairman of the House Budget Committee when the country balanced the budget for first time in decades. Kasich was the last republican standing against donald trump in 2016. He delivered a speech during his campaign that he called two paths, to distinguish mself from his on points. Two paths. One choice. The path that exploits anger. Encourages resentment. Turns fear into hatred. And divides people. The other path is the one america has been down before. Well trod. Yeah, its at times very steep. But its also solid. Now, that speech inspired the title of the governors new book called two paths, america divider or united. God, i look so young. What happened to me . I used to be young. Youre still young. So was charlie. I was going to say, tell me about it. You still look good. Hes young too. You believe that historians will scratch their heads and look at this election as a tipping point. What will they see . It was nuts, people yelling and screaming and making wild promises and tearing each other down. I mean, id stand on the edge of the stage and just shake my head. I couldnt believe that peop people the people watching were just not outraged. Then of course you folks would take these clips and the more incendiary they were, the more you would play them. It was a bad outcome. I think frankly a lot of people in the media have regrets about the way in which they covered the race. And i dont know if the politicians do. The other thing thats so funny, people people dont think that when youre in politics and you have principles that theyre real. So when i wouldnt endorse trump or go to the Convention People are like, you know, hes bitter or angry. That was the farthest thing from that. You said i didnt. You were pressured. Any words mean something to my words mean something to me and when somebody was pulling somebody down im not going to go for them. Im not going for any candidate in either party. Theyre going to seek to divide us including my own party. We cant have that anymore in this country. Its not just politicians but all of us. We have to get our act together and realize that the other human beings are decent and good people. We ought to listen to them a little bit. You said one point right here and well talk about this week. Based on your experience do you think well have a governent shutdown . No, people dont want one. The people who want to be destructive wont be listened to. Do they have to pull in the democrats to continue the government. I suspect it will be worked out. You didnt think that donald trump would be elected and he won. You said we ought to listen to that. There are people on the verge of losing their jobs or not making any money, i get those people. I grew up in that environment. So we have to give them hope which you cant tell them its somebody elses fault youre in the position youre in. We have to deal with you and we have to get you up on your feet and give you hope that tomorrow will be a better day. If we dont do that, the political system grinds down. But look, we think of the political system and then look at United Airways and we see normal human beings yanking people off an airplane. What are people thinking . We have to unite ourselves because if we continue to be divided we wont make progress as a nation or a culture. Your party and the Republican Party controls the legislative and the executive branch. Its Incredible Opportunity to put in place a lot of changes that conservatives would like. The repeal of obamacare, specifically medicaid expansion, you have taken andutd that into place in ohio. If they repeal that, what would happen . They would devastate the people in my state. Theres a way to fix all of this. Theres not anybody who doesnt think that obamacare cant be improved. The exchanges. Thats ways to fix the medicaid and medicaid expansion. But the funny thing is its gotten so bad that when the republicans took over, they never thought about talking to democrats. Nothing big ever can be sustained if you dont have both parties working with it. Whether its the balanced budget act of 97, whether its working together. Heres the other thing, the politicians i swear they think theyll be there forever. They wont be there forever, so what are you doing to improve the world while youre there . Again, everybody wants to only focus on politics. What about epipen jacking up their prices and hurting families, what about wells fargo filing false accounts . See, charlie, we look all of you, we have to remember the values our mothers and fathers taught us and carried them through life because life is short. And we will be measured at the end of our lives by what we did, not by what title we had or how much money we had. You say its not a question of leadership in this country. Its a question of followship. A new word you made up. Well, you need no, you need great leaders but you need followers. If the leader is not going to take you to the better place why are you following . If the leader gets off track its important to say no. If you think of a football team, the coach is the person that kind of sets the direction but when the coach leaves its the players in the locker room that provide the leadership. Its leadership where we are all. Look, people need to realize they matter. I dont care whether youre the ceo or the person turning off the lights at night. You can make a difference in the way the world works. My solution is we find common humanity. People cant have weddings without fights breaking out, okay . So heres what i think. People need to work in a food bank, to feed the kids. Everybodys for that we need to fight the scourge of drugs. We need to visit the elderly when their spouse dies. These kind of things will pull us together and forget all these big politicians. Martin luther king didnt fix america by starting at the top. The politicians wouldntven meet with him. Herove it a the community level, exposed the moral outrage and we all got together or they all got together god bless them and drove change from the bottom up. United the country. Soon, he was in the oval office dealing with Lyndon Johnson about civil rights legislation. Yeah, well, look, in the beginning he couldnt get even a meeting and god bless lbj for what he did. But it took a long time for the politics to get the message. Just one question about the government in place in washington, d. C. Do you believe we took the wrong path in 2016 and do you belie believe are you reinforced in that view by whats happened in the first 100 days of the Trump Administration . Well, i think there have been some good things, charlie. I mean, the attack the attack on syria was the right thing to do. But when i see film of people being i. C. E. Agents knocking on a door and yanking somebody out of the house and splitting families, we have enough broken families in america. Thats a terrible policy. We have Mike Bloomberg coming on and look, we dont have to worship the environment but we have to take care of it. We have to be sensitive about it. Its for the future generations. Makes the point that it has to happen at the local level. I think that we can drive this change and tell politicians to knock it off and start getting things done and also telling the ceos or whoever is in charge, start doing things to improve our country because if you dont you know, its going to continue to slide. Our culture let me tell you one other thing. Governor, will you run again . Unlikely ill seek office again, but you never know. You never know whats going to happen. We are out of time. I totally apologize. We have gone one last thing. Okay. God matters. Yes. If youre not a god person, if you have a responsibility and youre a humanist to fix the world we have to know that life doesnt end at the grave so we what we do and we need to do good ings. Im looking forward to our long interview, charlie. I cant wait. So am i. Something tells me we havent heard the last of you. Oh, they have to gag me and put tape on my mouth. His book two paths goes on sale tomorrow. Sheryl sandberg has confronted adversity at a personal level. More of our candid interview from cbs sunday mornings, 48 hours gives us a look at the real drama behind ncis in a new six part series. Im roger carroll. Meet the real agents around the cases they cant forget. We had discovered a videotape. A murdered sailor speaks from the grave. Something happens to me i have seen horror films. Slasher films. I remember thinking oh my god, this is real. Thats coming up on cbs this morning. S, and thinking, oh, my god, this is real. These coming up on cbs this morning. Its our little differences, that can make a world of difference. Expedia, everything in one place, so you can travel the world better. Arbreak through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist instead of allergy pills. Its more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. A delicious chew that protects for an entire month. Ask your vet for more information. Reported side effects include vomiting and itching. Nexgard. The vets 1 choice. Whattwo servings of veggies . V8 or a powdered drink . Ready, go. Ahhhhhhhh shake shake shake shake shake done you gotta shake it i shake it glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. Facebooks Cheryl Sandberg is out with a new book. In her first indepth interview since her husband ease death she explains how she pulls meaning out of her tragedy to help people get through their hard times. Heres more from our conversation from cbs sunday morning including parts you did not see yesterday. It seemed like a normal day. We got up in the morning, had breakfast with the group, went on a hike. Cheryl and her husband David Goldberg were vacationing with friends two years ago. Tell me about the moment you realized something was wrong. I had been asking where he was. Has anyone seen dave. They said, he was going to the gym. Maybe hes back if the room. Maybe hes out with friends. When he didnt show up for dinner, i said, hes not here. My sister yelled out wheres the gym. What did you find . He was leeing on the floor, his head was turned and thrust with a little bit of blood under his head. I had just screamed. What were your initial thoughts . I thought he had fallen off the exercise ma kmeen. Thats what the initial report said. Then we got an autopsy. He died of coronary disease. He died before he hit the floor. Thats why he fell. Thats why he fell. I thought he died from falling off an exercise machine, i thought, what if i had looked for him sooner, what if i had assumed he went to the gym and found him, would i have saved him. And it wasnt true. I couldnt have. But one of the things i learned writing this book is we blame ourselves, we blame ourselves when its our fault, we blame ourselves when its not our fault and not blaming ourselves is such a huge part of recovery. The book published today is building resilience, and finding joy. Written with psychologist adam grant. How do you develop resilience . We develop resilience by believing we will get through hard things. We grow stronger by living through horrible moments or real adversity. I never thought i would live through some of those unimaginable moments, but i have grown stronger. My kids have perspective i would never wish on them, but it is perspective. My sons Basketball Team lost the playoff as few weeks ago and all the other kids were really upset and i said are you okay. He said, mom, this is sixth grade basketball. Im fine. Im fine. Yeah. The book option b is on sale today. You can hear more in my conversation with her on cbs podcast. Find it on itunes and apples app. I went the a book signing party. Everybody including sheryl was complimenting you on that interview. She thought you captured it she said it was a book she never planted or wanted to write but now that its here i believe it will help a lot of people, self hexpression, selfcompassion, and its okay to find joy again. How hard was it . It was really hard to talk to someone with something so personal. I didnt realize she found him, norah. Thats really tough. Former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg said americans are a lot smarter than the officials they sent to washington. I believe that. Hello there. Hes in our green room with environmentali environmentalist. Hes talking with john kasich right now. Well be right back. Stop, stop, stop sorry. You make it sense whats coming. Watch, watch, watch mom. Relax im relaxed. You make it for 16year olds. Whoawhoawhoa and the parents who worry about them. You saw him, right . Going further to help make drivers, better drivers. Dont freak out on me. Thats ford. And thats how you become americas bestselling brand. Whats the story behind Green Mountain coffee and fair trade . Lets take a flight to colombia. This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain coffee. I was in the military for 18 years. Rian, but, i smoked and i got heart disease. My tip is; its hard to serve your country when youre to weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. How about golf balls for breakfast. Ahead, the mystery behind a food damage left behind this is a kpix 5 morning update. Good morning. Its 8 that. Im michelle griego. Theres a lot of damage left behind at a home in the east bay. A car crashed into it overnight. This happened on san miguel drive in walnut creek. The family was asleep at the time and no one was seriously hurt. This is a live look at sfo where travelers are bracing for possible delays. Dozens of flights were canceled yesterday and this morning because of an ongoing construction project on one of the main runways. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,, good morning. And time now is 8 27. Heres the traffic update. We are tracking delays due to two separate accidents. This is 880 as youre approaching stevenson boulevard in the southbound direction. You can see speeds drop below 20 Miles Per Hour. And traffic is backed up well beyond 92. Well take you to the drive times in the yellow for drivers on highway 4 out of antioch to hercules. About 38 minutes. And 580 from grant line road to and from the carquinez bridge to the maze, 44minute rides. Not looking too good at the bay bridge toll plaza. And youre jam packed in the red across the span to downtown San Francisco, 37minute ride. Not the morning to be running late. Lets get a check on the forecast with roberta. One hour, 29 minutes, delays at sfo. Good morning, everybody. Thats because of the cloud deck. Temperaturewise were in the 50s from 52 in santa rosa to 56 in oakland. Winds have been brisk. Right now a little bit of break. Concord at 11 and napa at 12. See that there . Thats a weak disturbance that promises tobring an occasional light rain shower. Nothing as far as accumulation. Just a little bit more of a nuisance. Mostly cloudy in the 60s across the board. Similar conditions on tuesday. Wednesday maybe a light shower to the north, otherwise, less clouds and more sunshine on thursday, and full sunshine friday through sunday. Again, a look at sfo, one hour, 29minute delays on some arriving flights. Make it a great day. ,,,, take a look at this. Pretty, huh . Peggy whits is spending her 535th day in space. Leave it to a woman for breaking the record. Good for peggy. Even charlie goes, good for peggy. We celebrate women here. Welcome back to cbs this morning. And did you see that pretty picture of the earth . Two people in the green room want to make sure it stays pretty. Thats former mayor Michael Bloomberg on the right and charlie pope on the left. Hello, gentlemen. Theyre so engrossed in conversation they dont want to talk with us. Thats okay. Theyre coming to the table. Right now its time to show you this mornings olf balls and hash browns. They were sold in nine states and in washington, d. C. For more on the recall, go to cbsnews. Com. The independent of britain says the duke and duchess of cambridge got a surprise yesterday during the marathon. A runner squirted them with water while they gave out drinks. Prince william got the worst of it but they shook it off. They presented medals. And he is behind bars. No, as norah said, they have a sense of humor. Since 2001 the number of cigarettes sold by 37 and over the same period, companies raised prices by 32 . Last years revenue was 93 billion with a b. In 2016 the average pat of sick cigarettes cost 3 more. 57 believe it will be worse for the next generation. Only 12 believes it will be better. The new book offers a more optimistic view. Its in a new book called optimist of hope. Its by former mayor Michael Bloomberg and charles pope. How was your 60 minutes experience . It was great. Anything on cbs is good. We think so, too, but it was a very good segment. Federal governments move monies around. State governments move monies around. Local governments influence how we get around, what fuel we burn, whether or not were compliant with the rules and people who want to live cleaner, breathe cleaner ear, drink pewer water, its in the cities where they can change things. Not too late. Its certainly not too late and the whole idea of this book, carl and i got together and said everybodys so pessimistic but we really are making a big difference. Were going to meet the top 21 goals without the help of the United States. In fact, weve already accomplished twothirds of what President Trump promised to accomplish by 2025, and this is being driven by public sentiment at the local level, leaders in cities and innovation by american businesses. But if youre talking about globe, china and india are some of the wait a consistently. China in all fairness is working the hardest to clean things u. Why . Because because you cant see across the streets pollution is so bad. Theyve woken up and said were not staeg in power unless we do something. So theyre closing power planneds, steel plants and moving them away from the ties. And india has Just Announced they will not build any more were at a point where alternative means are lower than cleaner means cheaper. Cheaper, cleaner. Thats what clean energy has become. Whats worked in coal. In 1980 there were 250,000. Today theres 55,000. And production has gone up, so its all technology thats destroying jobs and we cant just sit here and say to us or whoa to the coal miners. Weve got to do something. You have to help them train for other jobs because those jobs arent going to come back. You have an administrator in washington who says theyre going to reduce the standard from the epa. Hopefully that wont happen. Hopefully theyll get some sense and say, look, americas going to meet its goals anyway. Lets go along to try to work from within rather thanithout. No matter what they do, were going toward a world where coal is going to be less used, where fewer people are going to be working in the industry, and weve got to find ways not just in this industry but lots being pushes out by technology. And you dont do it by creating jobs you dont need. We have lots of soldiers, veterans. Weve got take care of thechlt but you dont start a war to give them jobs. You find things they can do and things we need in society and there are ways they can do that. You both say you want to start a new conversation about climate change. You say, lets talk about the medial threat. Youre saying dont pit the environmental against the economy, carl. Lets look at the reality. We didnt keep the Auto Industry going by building buggy flips. Ought to be embracing the future. Already Clean Energy Employs five times as many people as natural gas, coal, and oil combined. So there are hundreds of thousands of jobs in the clean energy industry. There can be millions and cities are competing with each other to see who can get the most of them. Thats whats great about cities. They compete to move forward. Not to look backward. Gayle, to answer your question, the boon line is something you breechlkt the water you drink, you saw what happened in flint, michigan. If we start putting the tailings of these coal mines into the river, people are going to wake up one day and find theyre poisoned. How did this bromance start. Youre two different people. You dont ware birken stoxx and eat granola. When he was mayor he had a great idea, get better financing for mass transit. He asked me to help and we failed. The state legislature wouldnt see enough commo sense f raising it. At that point we realized we were both frustrate by the failure of the State Government in this case. Right now it may be the federal government to do commonsense things. Hope people get how serious h is. What grade would you give President Trump at the end of 100 days . Its much too early. If i were him, i would focus on building a team thats going to stay with him the entire Administration Rather than trying to get things done in a given time. Youre never going to satisfied enough people to do that. If you build a real team, you can have a sucksself administration and if you dont he asks for now. See how the tag teams works . Administration and if you dont administration and if you dont the cbs series ncis is americas most watched drama on tv. It follows a fictional team of military investigators who delve into issues with the navy and marine corps. Starting tomorrow 48 hours takes a look at the real ncis cases that people cannot forget. First they focus on the husband, her sailor, and the dead man found in the bedroom. Ive seen horror films, slasher films. When i walked in, my first reaction i remember thinking is, oh, my god, this is real. Dennis santos is an ncis investigator but in 1996 he was aer is subsequent with the Virginia Beach police. Ncis special agent Brian Riccardo joined santos at the scene. Two sailors were dead. Quincy brown and elise mcdecember is. They were coworkers. She was a good sailor, a model sailor. Elises husband eddie told the police they were ambushed, knocking eddie unconscious. Im saying please get here fast. When he came to, he saw quincy brown stabbing his wife. Quincy brown was shot dead while murdering dead shot by elises husband eddy. Before we even left the crime scene that night, we discovering a videotape. Im making a videotape in case something happens to me or my husband eddie. Elise spoke on what happened to her. This was a very big story. Elise mcdesi was dead. It was a big story at the time. He threatened me. You cant prove anything. So keep your mouth shut . On the video elise said she had been sexually harassed on the job. We knew it was our duty to conduct a thorough investigation into her allegations. We had to speak for elise. It would take the world wide reach to prove a deboll cal case of murder. The crime scene, the more we thought about it, the more it appeared to be staged. This is a murder story spanning two years and spanning continents. The more i got involved in hearning about quincy and learning about mcdesi, i said, we need justice for them. Justice is right. Actor Rocky Carroll plays the director of ncis, the scripted show. He joins us at the table. Good morninging. A man of hid about talents. Ill say. You say real tv show. It sounds like it could have been one of your scripts and this was the real thing. This is the real thing. Im branching out a bit. Most of our cases that we cover on the show are based on real cases but now we have this sixepisode series of real ncis cases and ive been given the honor of being the narrator. And you think those watching ncis would want to soo that kind of thing because it would be more interesting . Yeah. I have a if u of those at home. My wife who loves 48 hours, it seems that they cant get enough of that, so im hoping the ncis fans, those who watch our show every tuesday night will follow up and want to have more of im. So its so fascinating to be able to hear the actually ncis agents in the 489 thundershowers piece. How did they feel about retelling their story. Ive about had a chance to go to the headquarters, meet with agents, we get nothing but positive feedback. What our motto always is the star of the show is the agency an we try to put them in best light and the prove is when we meet the real agents and the real people of ncis and their respond what we do, how we brought recruitment. No one asks what ncis stands nr anymore. Beer is p for truth, for answers. Thats what we portray on our series. Thats what people have been connected to. Ive been asks whats so successful after 14 years. I said if i knew that answer, id bottle it and sell it. There was something uniquely about the sense of purpose that these people that have. I think this is awesome. Youre now part of the cbs family. Yes, part 2. Rocky carroll. 48 hows it airs right here on cbs. And youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. Hey, bud. You need some help . No, im good. Come on, moe. I have to go. vo we always trusted our Subaru Impreza would be there for him someday. Ok. Thats it. vo we just didnt think someday would come so fast. See ya later, moe. vo introducing the allnew Subaru Impreza. The longestlasting vehicle in its class. More than a car, its a subaru. My favorite definition of success comesrom maya angelou who i knew very well and she used to say success is liking yourself liking what you do and liking how you do it. Ah. Gayle was among the honorees at variety magazine. She accepted the work with outstanding work. It helps prepare underprivileged youths for college. The overhonorees were chelsea clinton, blake lively, audrey mcdonald, and tina knoll. Thats the class of 2016. I was very honored to be there. Congratulations again. Thank you. I was in texas. You know what was interesting. I said charlie has a very important interview i cant talk about. Good for you. That does it for,,,,,, this is a kpix 5 morning update. Good morning. Its 8 55. Im michelle griego. Theres a lot of damage at a home in the east bay. A car crashed into it overnight. This happened on san miguel drive in walnut creek. The family was asleep at the time. No one was seriously hurt. This morning, Alameda County officials will brainstorm ways to deal with homelessness. Members from committees will discuss Short Term Solutions and expanding the housing stock. An Assembly Hearing could advance a plan to put up Speed Enforcement cameras in San Francisco and san jose. Speed cameras would photograph your car if youre going 10 miles over the speed limit. Stay with us. Weather and traffic in just a moment. ,,,,,, good morning. Time now is 8 57 and we are dealing with a new accident and slowing things down for drivers heading through palo alto. A two car crash has speeds dropping below 20 Miles Per Hour. The drive times still in the red for drivers on the east shore freeway from the carquinez bridge to the maze. Were tracking a 44minute ride. Not pretty. Westbound 580 in the yellow and highway 4 out of antioch to hercules remains in the yellow as well. Have a great day. The coast is not clear. Mostly cloudy skies, carry the umbrella today. Theres a slight chance of a rain shower. Were currently in the 50s. The winds have been brisk and will continue to increase out of the west, about 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. Currently in antioch at 12. Thats an area of low pressure. Its weakened dynamics. Any rain showers we see will be very light as far as accumulation is concerned. Highs from 60 in pacifica. Low 60s bayside. And mid60s peninsula. 67degrees to the north and napa to the south in san jose. Similar conditions from a secondary weak disturbance. Wednesday, a disturbance promises a light shower or two north of the golden gate bridge. High pressure begins to build in on thursday providing us with partly sunny skies, warmer and sunnier on friday through sunday. Make it a great day. ,,,, wayne hey, baby momma got some money oh laughing jonathan its a trip to Miami Tiffany come on, guys wayne you won a car cheering jonathan ohoh wayne whoo lets get that big deal, baby whoo jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, everybody, welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. Thank you so much for tuning in. Who wants to make a deal . Lets see, popcorn. Come on, popcorn everybody else, have a seat. Im going to make a deal with popcorn. Hey, rachel. Hi. Wayne how are you . Good, how are you . Wayne so what do you do, rachel . Im a student and a nanny. Wayne you work . I work as a nanny

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