Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170325 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170325

rain notes to bo know's guitar, we'll take you inside a one-of-a-kind auction in rock and roll history. but first we take look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. what? 64 days? you even all heard my speeches. you never heard me say repeal and replace it within 64 days. it's a long time. >> the gop gives up its health care bill. >> i document noah to say other than we didn't have quite the votes to replace this law, so, yeah, we're going to be living with obamacare for the foreseeable future. toijts know how long it's going to take to replace this law. they're absolutely giddy at what happened today. >> all this looks bad for trump. you know how putin feels about failure. a plane just crashed. oh, my god. >> cell phone video capturing the aftermath of a deadly plane crash in georgia. >> the house is on fire. a video released audio when harrison realizes the mistake after a close call at the airport. >> hi, it's husky, the schmuck that landed. >> man, oh, man, big thunderstorms in texas. >> in colorado a spring storm left roadways covered in snow. >> all that -- this rattled eastern brazil. >> the power of mother nature. >> -- and all that matters. >> shaquille o'neal will be hanging around forever. >> honored with a statue outside staples center. >> can you dig it! can you dig it! >> -- on "cbs this morning: saturday." your 2017 elite eight is now complete. >> it woke up game-winning three for the florida gators at the buzzer. >> oh, my goodness! welcome to the weekend, everyone. i'm alex wagner along with do e dahler who's in for anthony mason. we begin this morning the collapse of the republican effort to repeal or replace the affordable care act also known as obamacare. since the aca was signed into law seven years ago, the gop has worked to unwind it, but on friday republican leaders pulled their replacement bill, called the american health care act, from the house floor, when it became clear they did not have the votes to support it. >> president trump blamed the democrats for the failure of the ahca while house speaker paul ryan tried to play down the policy differences within the republican ranks. both said they're ready to move onto another issue. errol barnett is at the white house with the latest. errol, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. tell spite joints control of both electrical lative and executive branches here in washington, the republicans have failed to deliver on a key campaign promise, to repeal and replace obamacare. president trump's first legislative test ended in failure and the white house said it wants to move on now and tackle other subjects but it appears the man who claims to be the dealer in chief has limitations. from the white house president trump conceded friday hissest to repeal and replace obamacare was dead, a stinging loss despite his dire predictions. >> i want great health care for the people of this nation, but it can't do well. it's imploding and soon will explode and it's not going to be pretty. i think the losers are nancy pelosi and chuck shuker because they own obamacare. they alone own it. >> it's the cornerstone of his campaign. >> we're going to repeal and replace horrible disastrous obamacare. >> reporter: which he repeated earlier this mojts in tennessee. >> your senators just told me in your state you're down to practically no insurers. >> obamacare is the law of the land. >> reporter: instead of holding the vote as expected friday afternoon house speaker paul ryan explained the gop's collective failure and final consensus. >> i will not sugar coat this. this is a disappointing day for us. >> reporter: ryan suggested it would be pulled when he knew they would not be convinced by white house concessions. still mr. trump does not blame the members of the freedom caucus. >> no. they're friends of mine. i'm disappointed. >> reporter: republicans say it went too far and could leave 24 million americans without insurance over the next decade. the president acknowledged he didn't like parts of the health care act said he's now open to negotiation. >> i honestly believe the democrats will comb to us and say, look, let's come together and get a great health care plan. >> reporter: democrats said they're open to working with the president to work on the current bill the repeal law is taken off the table. >> let's for a moment breathe a sigh of relief for the american people that the affordable care act was not repealed. >> reporter: there are yet other promises to be delivered. the border roy, infrastructure spending and tax reform. the latter is the president's next priority and all of this, don, while the executive travel bans remain held up by the federal courts. >> errol barnett at the white house. thank you. for some insight on what's next for the national health care we turn to ron brown steen, senior editor of the atlantic. he's in the bureau. good morning. >> good morning. >> trump said he left it all on the field. to you think it was a learning moment for the white house? >> i think it was. first of all, it's hard to think of another president who suffered such a big defeat this early in his presidency. it's extremely rare if not entirely unprecedent. look. there were tactical problems but also strategic problems. they were intransigent and not really to fworch. the president was ready but somewhat not focused. how changing some of the policies could change the dynamic. for instance, they lost moderates. they failed to develop any institutional support not only to conservative groups oppose the bill, but so did essentially every major component of the medical profession from hospitals to doctors. and there's also a choice that was almost completely unremarked to exclude democrats from the beginning which left them very little margin for error and allowed each republican faction to have a veto. i would say the biggest problem was strategic which is facts on the ground mattered. president's affordable care act provided coverage for 20 million people and republicans face basically a deadlock who felt conservatives did not draw enough and moderates felt it went too far and they learned as a final point, they learned their coalition was very different than it was 20 years ago. it now includes a lot of lower middle income and older white voters. republicans face the reality that this bill imposed its higher cost on older workers at a time when older whites provided a majority of trump's voted. >> members in congress say they want to, quote, move on. the question is can they? is that politically seizable? the freedom caucus says they still want a full repeal of obamacare. can they leave this issue on the field? >> look. i think they have to move on. let's remind everybody that even if this had passed the house yesterday, you know, the president said on thursday he was done negotiating. that was really kind of delusional because if it had passed the house, he had just started negotiating. they would have to figure out a way to get it through the senate. by moving it so far to the right by appealing the essential health benefits, they guaranteed it wouldn't pass. eventhey did, they were going to have to get the house to accept it soo we're talking about seven years of a drumbeat over the repeal of obamacare. >> absolutely. >> can that drumbeating just stop abruptly today? >> i think the drums are not entirely silenced. they're going to get a lot quieter. i think the republican strategy now is to argue that obamacare will collapse on its own and there's no doubt that obamacare has problems. it's worth noting in the same analysis, they said this bill would deny coverage of 24 million people. they concluded that obamacare was not in a death spiral, that it could stabilize and produce stable insurance markets over time. as i like to say, the ceo said obamacare not going to die of natural causes. if it expires, it's because somebody's going to hold a pillow over its head. >> the democrats have blamed the president for the failure. he left the door open for future. do you see that happening? >> it's radically different from his presidencpresidency. it would require him to stand up to elements of the republican party that he hasn't been willing to do. obamacare is in the markets. people are buying private insurance. what the republicans and house wanted to do is also repeal the expansion of medicaid, which has provided over half the country. an absolute nonstarter for democrats to take hello coverage away from that many lower income people. he would have to significantly change his policy goals and there's talk about stabilizing further the markets. possibly. but i think that's very unlikely because it would require such a confrontation. now, the question is going foords does he learn from this that by excluding democrats from the beginning he gave e'very fa faction of it. >> the tax reform question is no less thorny or complicated. ron brownstein, thanks as always for the wisdom. >> thank you. two key members are at odds. committee chairman devin nunes has accused adam schiff. jeff pegues has more. >> the president made a slanderous accusation against his predecessor, one with absolutely no basis. >> the intelligence committee ranking democrat adam schiff accused devin nunes of trying to muddy the waters. >> that effort has led us town this rabbit hole and affects the only one in the house. >> in the 2016 election that former trump campaign chairman paul manafort whose relationship to russian ol' i gasp pawson has come under scrutiny and the committee will hear from fbi director james comey and nsa director mike rogers in a closed session next week. in a tweet schiff accused nunes of trying to choke off information from the public. on wednesday nunes rushed to the white house to tell the president what he said was legal foreign surveillance that involved members of the trauma p transition team. >> i have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were i guess at least monitored. >> reporter: but when asked about the surveillance, he was less certain about what he had seen. >> we won't know that until we actually receive all of the documentation. it's hard to know where the information came from until you get the reports and have time to go through them and see all the sourcing of the documents. >> reporter: meanwhile nunes also repeated something that he said last week, that there is no evidence that president obama wiretapped trump tower. for "cbs this morning: saturday," i'm jeff pegues, washington. >> tomorrow morning on "face the nation" here on cs, john dickerson's guess will include house intelligence committee members trey gowdy of in fact and adam schiff, democrat of california and former secretary of state george schultz. president trump has given the green light for the long delayed keystone xl pipeline. it will carry tar sands oil from canada to texas gulf coast refineries. it would move an estimated 8,000 barrels of oil a day. president trump said it will create thousands of jobsle the vur environmental group said they'll continue to fight. portions of texas are dryings out from the torrential rain and hail which saw people seek shelter under a gas station in kun row last night about 40 miles north of houston. let's get more from our meteorologist from our chicago station wbbm. good morning, mary kay. >> good morning, everyone. we see scattered rain from memphis to jackson. all of this is tracking east toward new orleans. in fact, this is going to be the hot spot for weather, damaging winds and isolated tornados and hen downpours from memphis to jackson. it will be heading into st. louis drawing moisture in from the gulf of mexico. the warm air h be meeting the cold air north of this front so freezing rain is possible for the up of michigan. into the rockies, scattered snow into the higher elevations but really the focus will be this system lifting into st. louis by tonight. so futurecast shows the shower and thunderstorm activity tracking east toward atlanta, tallahassee. by tonighting rain through chicago and much of wisconsin too. 52 for a high in minneapolis. 82 in houston. 77 in d.c., and we will see the mid-60s along the west coast. alex? >> mary kay of our chicago station wbbm-tv. thanks, mary kay. federal gtders are trying to determine why a small plane crashed and exploded in marietta, georgia. >> plane crash. >> a plane just crashed. >> oh, my god. >> it was big. >> what was it? >> a plane just crashed. >> where is it. >> the crash on friday night set a house on fire and sent clouds of smoke into the air frightening neighbor. the pilot of the cessna was killed. officials said everyone in the home got out safely. one f the popular spots on the las vegas strip was briefly put on lockdown overnight. the police locked down the blaj yeo following reports of an armed robbery. police say shots were fired but there were no injured. a suspect was spotted to be wearing a pig mask outside of a rolex store and is now in custody. the ban on some airlines over carrying electronic devices is now in effect. it affects flights from eight muslim countries in the middle east and north africa. passengers will have to check most devices larger than cell phones. security wants to avoid an incident like this one last year in somalia when an explosive hidden in a laptop was detonated on a plane shortly after takeoff. this morning turkish airlines has been providing laptops for those waiting. four people were killed including a police officer and more than four dozen people were injured when khalid masood sped across westminster bridge in a hired car and plowed down pedestrians. police shot and killed masood. a saudi embassy statement said he taught english in saudi arabia under a work visa own at least two occasions. jonathan vigliotti is outside parliament with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there's still no word on a motive. police believe masood was acting alone but they believe he had help in planning. he's seen here. he had a string of previous assaults and weapons charges including possession of a knife in 2003 and was once investigated for violent extremism. but by 2017 at the age of 52 he'd fallen off the radar, setting down with his wife and three children on this quiet street in birmingham. his neighbors said he loved to garden. >> did he ever show any signs he may have been radicalized? >> i don't think so. he's a small guy. >> reporter: british police are now trying to figure out what triggered his deadly parliament attack that killed four people and injured dozens more. masood started life as adrian russell ajao, a christian kid who played soccer. it's believed he converted to muslim during his several stints in jail. >> it doesn't really fit the normal profile of a young terrorist inspired or directed by islamic states or by al qaeda. an older man, 52 years of age, father of three children. >> reporter: birmingham is home to the uk's largest muslim community and has become a fertile ground for jihadeejihad. over the past 20 years, 39 people from the city have been convicted of terror-related crimes. masood's neighbor said he abruptly packed up and moved his family out three months ago. they say they hadn't heard of him or seen him until after this week's attacks. alex. >> jonathan vig bee aty in london. thanks, jonathan. the san jose mentionry news reports the owner of the oakland warehouse was aware of electrical problems in the building nearly two years before december's deadly fire. the son of the owner sent an e-mail to the tenant reading in part, quote, the lack of the electrical infrastructure was made very clear before your lease began. this evidence could bolster a possible criminal case against the landlord. 36 people were killed when the warehouse became an inferno in december. the former president of penn state university was convicted of endangering children in connection with the jerry sandusky sex scandal. spaniard failed to warn people that he was a sex preds tore. he could face a maximum of five years behind bars. a news report says right wing jones apologized. he read a statement on the show expressing regret over the theory saying a washington pizza hub was the center of a child sex ring. edgar welch admitted to two gun charges. welch fired shots from an assault rifle at the restaurant in december. he said he was there to investigate the false claims. the "new york daily news" reports a taxi driver has been arrested to helping himself to john legend's travel bag. the singer was about to be picked up at kennedy airport after flying in from france thursday night when his bag vanished. police recognized the driver from surveillance footage. the bag revealed cuff links at $30,000. >> john legend, $30,000 cuff links, okay. shaquille o'neal will now be seen suspended in midair in throe os a slam during youts size the staples center in los angeles. a 9d foot tall, 1,200-pound statue of shaq was unveiled on friday. he played for the l.a. lakers. >> that doesn't seem that tall. >> he's that tall in person. >> it's about 20 minutes after the hour. now here's a look at the weather for your weekend. president trump says obamacare is going to soon, quote, explode. we'll take a look. is it really in trouble j. plus google faces trouble with the advertisers and the content they're associated with. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." ,,,,,, in our suvs, you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. that's why there's oravet dental hygiene chews. oravet cleans teeth and gets to the cause bad breath. ask your vet about oravet chews. serious oral care made simple ,my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings take one of those pillows they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really no way downy? downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. being raised by actors who never wanted to be be pijedholed in one particular character and really helped me consider at an early age to play endlessly complicated and different diverse characters as a woman, and i feel very grateful for it because now i'm having this chance to play all different kinds of women, but this is a particularly delicious one. >> she's so off the walls, off the rails. you used the words complicated and delicious. she moves the world with big little lies. >> it's interesting. i had the privilege of speaking to a couple of brilliant women ceos who work in a boardroom of 15 men and them and they talked about the stereotype of being a powerful woman in business and therefore it's presumed, you know, the stereotypes of, there's a sexless marriage or they're not maternal. and i feel like this woman is holding this pent up rage for all the years that she's trying to denounce this stereotype about herself that now she's kind of become the bully. and so that's a lot of fun to consider and play. >> when i watch the show, laura, i'll always, you know, struck by the cast that you have assembled here. reese witherspoon, nicole kidman, everyone is playing complicated characters. what is it like for you on set? >> it's amazing because we kept looking at each over err day and saying, wow, this is what it's like working with another woman. we've always been with boys. the ensemble is incredible. ,, true radiance comes from within. ,, new radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. whitens teeth both inside and out. for a radiant, whiter smile. be radiant by colgate optic white. welcome back to "cbs this morning: saturday." coming up this hour, are some of the biggest advertisers in the world accidentally tying themselves to future videos? we'll show you how a tech problem has become a business problem for google. and then is yosemite park in peril. we'll uncover a new documentary on how climate change is changing the landscape of this national park. with the health care plan being all but dead president trump is blaming democrats for the failure and predicting the eventual collapse of the affordable care acted or obamacare. >> this is nothing but a democrat health care and they have obamacare for a little while longer until it ceases to exist, which it will, at some point in the near future. >> so is obamacare, which will remain the law of the land, really on life support? this doctor is a former director of health reform in the department of health and human services during the obama administration. she's in our washington bureau. good morning. >> thank you for having me. good morning. >> let's separate fact from ready rick here. the congressional budget office in its assessment of the plan looked at the affordable health care plan and revealed it would be stable under most markets under the current legislation. what does that practically mean? >> that's correct. so if you're going to require that insurance companies cover anybody who comes in the door including people who have health conditions for can they would want to use health care, then you also have to have healthy people coming into the market, and that would make the market stable. so the affordable care act does that by two mekkisms. number one, with the individual mandates. so if people don't come in or purchase health insurance coverage, what normally would happen is when they get sick, they go to the emergency room, they end up using care and then the cost gets passed on to everybody else. but with the individual mandate, if they don't get health insurance, then there is a penalty. and so that encourages people to come in and purchase coverage. and the second way is through the premium tax credits because the premium tax credits, if the premiums go up, enthe premium tax credit goes up as well so especially healthy people don't get priced out of the market. so, for instance, about 85% of the people if the marketplace get a premium tax credit and for those people from 2016 to 2017 the average increase in premiums out of pocket was zero. and i think another telling fact is that the percentage of young people in the marketplace who are, you know, tend to be healthier people stayed the same from last year to this year, again, indicating stability. >> the aca has fwirch health insurance to approximately 20 million people. i think even former president obama admits it's imperfect. do you think it can be fixed? >> i'd like to remember that, you know, we talk about 20 million people. when we talk about those number, they're not just numbers. they are real people. so i'm in a position i practiced and took care of patients before obamacare and after obamacare went into effect. i personally had patients thank me. they were able to get care that otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get and it helped save their lives. so certainly the affordable care act has made a huge difference. i think with any large piece of legislation and any large policy, there are ways that you can improve things. there have been many proposals that have been put out. the president mentioned quite a few of them last year, but we really also need to focus on improving value and working, and this was developed in the affordable care act to increase value in the health care that we provide. >> all right. we thank you, doctor. >> thank you. now, here's a look at the weather for your weekend. up next medical news in our "morning rounds," songs that can save a life. a hospital in new york with a playlist that can help with a life-saving procedure. and a vital health resource for millions of americans which may be threatened under the future health care reforms. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about 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(gasp) i thought it was just for, like, dandruff new head & shoulders. cleans, protects and moisturizes to... ...get up to 100% flake-free and unbelievably beautiful hair it's not head & shoulders, it's the new head & shoulders listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. time now for "morning rounds" with cbs news chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook and cbs contributor dr. tara narula. first up, the power of exercise. we know how important it is to our general health and that's also true when it comes to pregnancy. in an editorial published this week in the journal of medical association focused on the importance of exercise for most pregnant women. >> using the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists' 2015 guidelines the art cal highlights a recommendation for 20 to 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week at a moderate intensity, combining aerobic and strength training. tara, have there been any studies about how u.s. women are doing it and just how important is exercise for pregnant women? certain people would like to know. >> i'm inquiring for a friend. >> there was a small study that came out in 2016 that looked at 250 women and asked them about their physical different and 60% of those women reported no leisure time activity and those ranged from 13% to 45%. not doing so great. i love what the authors of the editorial said which really that pregnancy is no longer considered a state of confinement, that exercise is not only safe but it's beneficial. it increases your longevity, cardiovascular fitness and overall well boog and prevent diabetes, preee clams ya, less c-section and back pain. >> all benefits. we're not talking rock climbing here. what kind of exercise sf. >> they mack a specific point of saying you have to check with your tock tore, make sure it's safe for you to do it. but they talk about things like walking, dancing, stationary bike, jogging. swimming. the things you should avoid are very vigorous, ultra vigorous stuff and high impacts, say long-distance running or heavy weight lifting but i love the fact that they specifically point out a few other things. you should definitely avoid boxing in case you were tempted. >> do you think? >> ice hockey. and my favorite is sky diving. >> and scuba diving. >> they say scuba diving. that's the first thing. >> that's on my list of things not do just in general. >> my wife played golf the day before she played golf both times so maybe it accelerates things a little bit. that's not on the list, though, i don't think. >> is she above par or below par? >> she plays below par. she's quite good. >> okay. >> seriously, are there people who should not be doing this kind of thing in their pregnancy? >> so there are certain groups of women who it's recommended to stick to plain walking. those are women with high grade heart tee cease or lung disease, women who have severe anemia, pregnancy-induced hypertension or preeclampsia, meaning there's increased chance of ruptured membrane, bleeding in the second or third trimester or placenta previa. >> okay. they found these centers provide care for more than 24 million patient'ses in 2015 including nearly one in six individuals on medicaid. how these centers might be impacted by any new health care law is a looming question. dr. lapook took a closer look. >> reporter:er day at the erie family health center in chicago, dr. mark simon sees patients, mostly the working poor. >> people can come in and get their cancer screenings, their blood pressure checked, cholesterol checked. and also, i think, equally important, they can have a medical home. >> dr. simon has seen his practice dramatically expand under obamacare. the number of patients erie has now served has doubled in four years to more than 689,000. 63% get medicaid. of the 24 million people the congressional budget office said could have lost their health insurance under the gop proposal, erie health reveals it could be theirparents. what kind of medicare care were you getting before you had insurance? >> none whatsoever. all i had to do is any time i feel some pain, i had to go to cook county hospital. >> to the emergency room. >> i had to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to be there early to be the first person inside to get to the er. >> reporter: he now volunteers coaching soccer. he's recovered from kwads uple bypass surgery from last year and dreads any change that could leave him without insurance again. >> anything that happens, e i'm going to die. not only me. many others. >> reporter: is this keeping you up at night? >> yes, yes, it is. i see faces and smiles and i feel like they might be slipping away. >> you know, there was another patient's when i was in chicago, a 60-year-old man born in greece, salt of the earth, worked hard his whole life. fell on hard times, lost his insurance, had to go on medicaid. he hated being on mid cade. even though he had it he didn't go to the doctor because he felt there was a stigma attached to it. he told me -- i have goose bumps telling you this i eefrm so ashamed i haven't told my own kids. i was so embarrassed to go to a medicaid place and show my medicaid card. on obama insurance nobody thinks, he's on medicaid. it's something i have to confess i had. thought a lout about. >> when we have this debate over medicaid and health insurance it's important to remember there are human beings on the front lines of these stories. >> absolutely. finally, following the beat. it's important for dancing but it can be just as vital when performing cpr. new york presbyterian hospital now has a spotify list called songs to do cpr too. they all are at 100 beats per minute just enough to do cpr. bee gees "stayin' alive" to beyonce's song. "i will survive" by gloria gaynor. >> if you -- >> sing the song in your head if you don't have the spotify at that exact critical moment. >> dr. jon lapook and tara narula. thanks. still ahead, financial crisis for going. the company makes tens of billions of dollars from ads sales but now some of its biggest customers are halting their spending because of where their ads have been showing up. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." success has always been measured in zeros. but shouldn't it be about firsts? and seconds... how about adding a third? we think there's a bajillion ways to measure success. and whether you have hundreds or millions... we think you deserve the financial freedom to sleep like this at night. this is the new success story. and at t-i-a-a, we're with you. start today at t-i-a-a dot org. we believe in food that's anaturally beautiful,, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. we believe in real food. whole foods market. shake up your routine with a completely new way to clean. new colgate total advanced health mouthwash. shake to activate a powerful cleaning action that removes twenty four times more bacteria. improve the health of your mouth with new colgate total advanced health mouthwash. shake to clean. when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection... banish the burn... with nexium 24hr. google is one of the world's most profit itable companies making tens of billions a year in ad sales but this year it's facing a global crisis after some of its advertisers halted their spending. >> the concerns are where it's running, sometimes near ads promoting terror or anti-semitism. jason, these ads are placed randomly on videos. it's not like the advertisers are choosing which videos to attach the ads to. >> that's right. this is a case of too much technology and not enough. the idea is google has opened up to allow programatic advertising which is automatically placed across thousands and thousands and thousands and millions of sites. youtube as well. promotes videos. this is not a human being who goes through and figures out which ad goes with which material. you have, for example, at&t advertising next to someone they don't want to or johnson & johnson. >> what does google do about this? they released a statement this week, they're reviewing ad policies and giving advertisers more control over where their ads appear. hue feasible is that given the amount of content we're talking about? >> it's a hard problem. part of what google said they're doing is they're hiring more engineers to fix the a.i. which doesn't seem like a very quick fixle on the other hand their response was passive aggressive. i'm sorry sorry the tools weren't simple enough for you boneheads to use. what they say is this is a few things. for the most part 95% is flag and not going to advertise again. >> you need to be batting a thousand if you're a big company like johnson & johnson, you want to make sure the ads are only where you want them to. >> maybe they're pulling them until google can absolutely guarantee 100% that the ads h not appear. nowing the problem with that is if you take -- painting with too broad a brush, if they become to brood and air on the side, then you become argumentative of what's offensive or not offensive and voices can be shut out and not make any money so it's a really difficult position they're in. it's one they i void getting into to be honest with you. >> you say there are 400 hours of videos uploaded every minute onto youtube. a, i don't see how they can police that even with a.i., and do they look for like wikipedia does? do they look at users to help flag these offensive content? >> yeah, that's right and they look at the way these videos are titled. they look at the descriptions that are used. those things can also be -- those things can be manipulated as well. we know that you can tweak things to appear to be things that are not. so that's also a very tricky situation. the way a lot of this has worked, facebook has employed armies of content moderators to go through any flagged material and determine whether or not it's offensive or not. the other problem is these are global platforms and different countries have, you know, different kind of ethical rubrics and so there is no one answer for everyone. the other place this gets really hard, for instance, lgbtq stuff is. that offensive? they've already run into problems with that. >> then it's a case of censu censorsh censorship. when you're talking about the brands putting pressure on google, how meaningful is that for them in term os the bottom line? >> they don't break out the numbers. by far it comes from ids search ads which are not impacted by this at all, but that's been true for a really long time and google has been very much attempting to develop different kinds of products going forward and a lot of the growth is in video and youtube. so it may not hugely impact their bottom line right now, but this is where all the growth is right now p they do need to figure it out. >> if not the present, then the future. >> correct. >> all right. thanks a lot. >> thank you. next, a beloved film gets a sequel in the name of charity. fans of love actually gets to see what happens to their favorite characters almost a decade after and it's all for a good cause. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." boost it's about moving forward not back. it's looking up not down. it's feeling up thinking up living up. it's being in motion... in body in spirit in the now. boost. it's not just nutrition. it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. all in 3 delicious flavors. it's choosing to go in one direction... up. boost. be up for it. is whatever makess you feel beautiful. wear that shade. wear that shade. throw shade. nice. no makeup monday or definitely makeup... it's monday. go natural. go big. go bold. ladies, don't let anybody tell you what makes you beautiful. at walgreens, we've got the beauty products to help you be you. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? 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[ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. which falls down and spoilsn a lothe experience. new air wick pure has 9x more fragrance and less water. experience great fragrance with less wet spray. air wick pure: more fragrance, less wet spray. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. ♪ that is hugh grant reprising his role as prime minister from "love actually" and actually h u the whole cast reunited this week for a british charity. they're imagining some of the romantic comedies' iconic scenes or re-imagined. we find out that mark did in fact marry a model played by kate months and remember the young actor who stole so many scenes in the original? well, he's so grown up now. >> he's so old he m makakeses m >> what a great cast. i think that's why people love it. >> it's an amazing cast. millions of people love our national parks but there are changes in the air for one of the most beloved. we go inside a documentary and show you how clie matd change is upsetting the delicate ecobalance of yosemite national park. for some of you, your local news is next. for the rest of you, stick around. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." there's about 500 million people in the world who can get abscess to water and sanitation through small loans, we believe, and so that's the genesis o the water credit initiative, to multiply philanthropy and go beyond philanthropy beyond investing. >> the great thing about these loans is they pay back at 94% and 94% of the borrowers are women. what happens is as the loans come back, they get sent out and recycled. it drives down per person. the impact of digging a well, for instance, it's about $25 to bring someone clean water for life. in our most mature loan programs we've fwots that down to about $5 because the money keeps going out and coming back. >> do you have evidence that it's resonating around the world? you've about been the international conferences and places like that. in a world that's complex, there are all kinds of wars going on and conflicts taking place. >> that's a great question. all we can do is get the world out. i to feel like certain hi this generation of millennials is far more dialed in than i was. our generation x, i think, was entirely out to lunch. but i think as our world gets more connected, people are a lot more aware of some of these things. >> do you feel like we're at the precipice of a more international america? given sectors -- >> or not. >> are you optimistic about america's role and america itself engaged -- people who want to engage? >> i'm always optimistic about americans and america's role in the world irrespective of whatever administration we have and what they're doing. and, again, the foreign aid piece isn't a partisan thing. ,, honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm alex wagner along with don dahler. anthony mason is taking a well deserved day off. coming up this hour, a national treasure in transition. we'll look at a new dock men interest i that focuses on what climate change may be doing to yosemite national pack. over the past decade domino's poo za stock has outperformed some of most successful tech companies in the world. we'll take you to domino's headquarters to show you the recipe for success. and they're keystones in the building of rock and roll. we'll show you the memorabilia. first the top story this hour, the failure of the gop attempt to repeal and replace obamacare. republicans have been triering for seven years to repeal the affordable care act but their bill was pulled on friday because there were not enough votes to pass it. >> president trump blamed the democrats for the collapse of the health care bill. errol barnett is at the white house with more. errol, good morning. >> president trump remains in washington this weekend licking his wounds after failing to convince congressional republicans to support his reform of-on-carry. this is a major blow to the trump administration, but the affordable health care act has faced issues from the beginning. the bill is leaving too much of the affordable care act in place and moderate republicans were turned off by projections the bill would leave 24 million additional americans uninsured in the next decade. democrats who see obamacare as a cornerstone of the previous administration did not support this reform bill at all. after multiple delays and special last-minute adjustments concessions really from the white house, republican house speaker paul ryan decided friday to quickly pull the bill from the floor rather than slowly watch its tee miez. the administration had warned congressional republicans that the bill would be the block's last chance of killing obamacare and it means it. president trump made clear from the white house on friday that he now wants to move on and tackle other important subjects like tax reform. there are no public events on the president's schedule this weekend but he did say this entire legislative process taught him about a few things here in washington including loyalty. don? >> errol barnett at the white house. thank you. house committee members are arguing over president trump's claim that former president obama ordered surveillance of trump tower before the election. committee chairman devin nunes is accused by the ranking democrats of trying to divert attention from the president's claum that he was wiretapped by his predecessor. congressman adam schiff said nunes is trying to confuse the effort. >> that effort to defend the indefensible has led us down this terrible rabbit hole and threatens the integrity of the only investigation that's authorized in the house. >> president trump's former campaign manager paul manafort has volunteered to be interviewed by lawmakers investigating what intelligence agencies say was russian interference in the election. for more on the investigation, we're joan by matthew rosenberg. he reports on national security for "the new york times." how are you? >> how are you. >> all trump advisers have volunteered to testify. the "times" reports that all three are also under investigation. what does that volunteer testimony tell you? >> i think for ma manafort especially, he said he didn't do anything wrong, getting out ahead of it. he said, look, i'll come in, get a story line going. it doesn't take away from the giant bombshell that was dropped this week. the white house is under an espionage investigation right now, which is just astounding. and then you've fwobet the chairman of the house intelligence committee going out and talking about the obscured technical details being masked or unmasked. it all looks really bad. >> so as you said, the fbi director confirmed that the trump campaign is under investigation for possibly colluding with russia for the elections. but now eight days later since the announcement, hae're headed to the hill. why? >> you know, i to think they're trying to get out ahead of it. you know, their distance from the trump campaign has grown every day. stone was sort of this weird side character. carter page, who knows what his relationship was. i mean he says he was tied to it. the trump people say we don't know who he is. it really is confusing. so i think they can just get out of the way here. >> there's a cloud of confusion over all of these proceedings, right? you bring up devin nunes who has had a rocky week in washington. there's been bipartisan criticism to go to the white house with information relating to the trump investigation. "the new york times" today this morning calls nunes a human shield for the trump administration. does this house intelligence committee still have credibility? >> i don't -- not much. i mean with anybody outside completely partisan circles, no, it doesn't. the democrats are already calling for investigations there. >> is that going to happen? will there be a special prosecutor? >> we don't know yet. if that was nunes's goal, he did a fantastic job. but i don't think that's what he's trying to do. and running off to the white house like that and then kind of going to this short technical minutia of how it's supposed to work, you'ving got these huge issues, the espionage investigation and you're backing the director. >> and nunes seems to have issued a little mea culpa of going to trump first, right sf. >> that's the thing you always do, you know. you ask for fgi the fact. everyone has done that with their boss before. >> well, maybe. >> matt rosenberg, thank you. >> thanks a lot, guys. it's six minutes after the hour. now here's a look at the weather for your weekend. up next, a stunning look at yosemite national park with the creator of a new tock mentry. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." the moment you realize the only part of your lawn growing like weeds is the weeds. at lowe's, our personalized lawn care plans help you create the yard you want. all projects have a starting point. start with lowe's. hurry in and get 50% off scotts ez seed at the lowe's "refresh your outdoors event." ♪ when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. nbut grandma, we useo charmin ultra softsoft. so we don't have to wad to get clean. mmm, cushiony...and we can use less. charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer... ...and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. remember, that's charmin in there... no wasteful wadding! we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin. 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[ meow ] [ sneezes ] try clarispray clarispray provides unsurpassed relief. it's 24 hour, non-drowsy and prescription strength. free yourself with clarispray, from the makers of claritin. on wednesday night pbs's nature series will premiere yosemite. it's a sublime look at one of our nation's most stunning national parks that and it's also a sobering one as the parks's ecosystem is threatened by climate change. here's a preview. >> for this is a land of giants, stone monoliths far larger than any skyscraper and trees bigger than blue whales. this is the sierra nevada. it stretches the length of california and into nevada. forged by time and shaped by the power of water. these forces carve out yosemite's most iconic valley, gave birth to countless wild rivers, and made life in this stone wilderness possible. award-winning filmmaker jose joseph wrote and served as cinema to grapher. good to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> it's stunning. every frame the light is perfect, you're intimate with the animals. how did you accomplish this and how long did it take you in. >> well, we spent about a year in yosemite. it was just my wife and i were the core team, and it's really hard not to take a good picture in yosemite. in fact, we had to work really hard to kind of live up to the expectations of yosemite. it's very difficult to capture that grandeur. so in order to do that, we used a lot of ultra high-definition cameras, our red digital camera. and then we used an array of other tools. motional time lapse units and hand held gamable game bbls. and gopros. >> and tiny mammals relates to the rabbits. so cute. >> yeah. they're the smallest of the an rabbits. they're so cute. >> when we talk about climate change, we talk about it in the abstract but you got a firsthand fwlims. tell us what you saw. >> we were there at the height of the drought. that's where 100 million trees have died across california and a lot of that right there in the sierra nevada. so water became central to our story. you know, i think, you know, when we think about climate change, we often think about the arctic and distant places, but the whole purpose of this film was to bring it home so we can see how climate change is affecting our parks and backyard. and the yosemite is in the backyard of a very large populated state. so i think one of the challenges moving ahead will be how we think about national parks. you know, our forests -- the composition of the forest is going to change. we have 100 million trees dead and they're not coming back. >> it's not reversible. >> it's not reversible. >> if people are thinking, oh, it's a pretty place and it's animals and it doesn't affect me, they're wrong. the snow pack there supplies 30% of california's water. >> yeah. in fact, 60% of all of california's water comes from the sierra nevada and 30%, 40% of that is just snow. so as climate change progresses, it's going to diminish and dwindle. that means less water for drinking. i think with everything going on in california right now, all the flooding, it's easy to forget what's going to happen. >> is that going to make a difference? >> absolutely. you know, replenishing that water supply was vital. but this is just a blip on the radar. it's really hard to talk about climate change on a season by season change. >> it's a long-term big picture situation. >> you have to think about it generationally. >> you also shot sequoia and other national parks. >> yes. >> tell us what it's hike to be there for an extended period of time. >> it's an incredible experience. first of all, yosemite itself is over a thousand square miles and 90% is wilderness, so you're talking a huge area to cover and sequoia's canyon is another 1,000. it's a massive area, and when you're out there, yo just have to be prepared. >> i should say so. >> for an extended period of time. >> take a lot of power bars. >> yeah. take a lot of power bars. one time we didn't have enough food with us. we're always balancing how much equipment we're taking with how much food. we're out there trying to film sierra's big homeownered sheep. they're very difficult to find. we were running out of food. we had beef jerky that we sliced up and boiled in water. >> did you get the shot of the sheep? >> in the end, we did. we actually hi found the sheep. >> there are so many amazing moments throughout with the sequoia and hand glieping and the guys climbing el cap, which you did. i thought you ended it so perfectly. your theme was how inter-related water is with that area and you ended it with the ten minutes each year that people can have this one site sight that is just stunning to see. do you want to talk about that? >> it's firefall. it's a limited amount of time, narrowly a week. just as the sun set that hits the waterfall and it glows like a ribbon of red fire and it's quite amazing. it's an amazing phenomena and it's something the photographers have been trying to capture for years but because of the drought it hasn't happened. >> it gave me chills and i thought it was a lovely way to end. love the film. thank you so much. you ka catch it this wednesday night on pbs. later millions of americans will be watching incredible rallies during march madness and you can bet many will be ordering pizza. ahead we'll be taking you to domino's headquarters in ann arbor, michigan, to show you how the company rallied from the brink of disaster to become a wall street powerhouse. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by toyota. let's go places. uld you be intog a hot stone massage? 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the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. how can i be expected to go to domino's on day like this? alexia, place my order. >> ordering domino's. >> that starred in 1980s and inspired the hit "stranger things" on netflix. domino's pizza inspired by the classic "fehr is bueller's day off." it's the actual pizza company that's hotter than f and it has to do with another bit of marketing several years ago. it helped save the day when the flaed bread company was flat lining. michelle miller traveled to michigan to find out domino's recipe for success. >> reporter: if you work for domino's, there's one skill you must master, how to make a pizza. in-store training is required for all corporate employees at its ann arbor, michigan, headquarters, no matter their position. >> so if i asked any of these employees right here, i walked up to them and said what's the best way to make a pizza, they would be able to tell you? >> every single one. patrick said you wade say i know the answer. >> reporter: it's one rule ceo patrick doyle left in place after taking over the helm of the global chain in 2010, a time very different than today. talk about business. how is business? >> business is really good. >> reporter: so good the business world is buzzing. in the last seven years the company has outperformed amazon, apple, facebook, and google. it stoxx going from $9 a share to over $180 today. >> so we were double digit up in our same-store sales each of the last two years. we're building stores. we're excited. >> reporter: to understand that excitement, you have to rewind a decade. >> you know, 2006, 2008 we had negative sales in the u.s. people just felt like there were better pizzas, and, you know what? i'm going to buy from somebody else. >> so it was a question of taste. >> oh, absolutely. >> reporter: just before the u.s. economy went belly up in 2008, domino's had a gut check of its own. >> people were losing their homes and their mortgages. >> reporter: russell weaner is president of domino's u.s. stores. >> and all every american wanted is for someone to stand up and tell them the truth, listen to their problems and to do the right thing. >> reporter: that meant dumping their decades-long marketing campaign which branded domino's on speed. >> you can counts on our famous 30-minute delivery or -- >> reporter: and doing the unthinkab unthinkable. >> domino's, to me, tastes like cardboard. >> reporter: shooting commercials inside their own test kitchen admitting their pizza wasn't so hot. >> there comes a time when you know you've fwobet to make a change. >> reporter: why did you think it was fwung to work? >> because it was so different. >> this is bad. worst pizza ever ever had. >> the sauce tastes like ketchup. >> totally void of flavor. >> we know if we showed a commercial talking about how bad our product s it a going to break through. the question is are you going to persuade them that it's better. we went on air on a monday and by wednesday our sales were up double digits. we hadn't even told them how we fixed it. >> this is our hand tossed dough. >> reporter: fixing it took nearly two years, a herculean task for the head chef and her team. >> we changed the flavor of the cheese, the way it melts out, changed the saunlsd added the garlic butter to the crust at the end. most people leave their crust but now you have a flavored crust that when you didn't eat it, you can eat it now. >> eat the whole thing. >> yeah. >> reporter: but taste wasn't the only thing that evolved. the company which two brothers launched back in 1960 had grown to 2,000 stores around the world by the year 2000. it took another decade before it fully moved into the 21st century. >> in 2009 we decided the technology was going to be a big deal. >> reporter: i mean you have more people working in i.t. than anywhere else in the company. >> anywhere else in the company. >> reporter: why? >> it was pretty clear to us that customers, how they were going to be ordering from us in the futures with going to change. >> reporter: let's start a new order. that meant developing new ways for customers to order. >> i think one of the coolest is being able to order a pizza using a pizza emoji. >> reporter: he's their chief digital officer. so based on your ordering history it's quick and simple. >> knows who you are, what you saved ads you order, knows your payment information, has everything you need. you send us a pizza emoji, and your order is on the way very in a teenager's hands this is dangerous that or is completely awesome. >> reporter: it all fits with a product that is nearly foolproof. >> the biggest advantage with pizza, it is the most popular food. we beat burger, any tack co-s, anything else. the other really big advantage, though, that we have for your our model is it delivers well and there are a lot of foods that don't deliver well. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning: saturday," michelle miller, ann arbor, michigan. >> domino's is now a truly global brand of their 13,000 stores in 80 countries, only 5,000 are here in the u.s. there are 1,000 in india alone. you don't think of indian pizza. but the company told us more than half of all sales are coming through digital platforms. more than half of those are mobile. >> i'm looking to orders my own before i order pizza. still ahead f you haven't heard of the legendary act that are part of an upcoming rock and roll auction, you must be living on the dark side of the moon. that's a pun, people. we'll go behind the scenes before the big fail. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." for two seasons his best was comedy central's "the "chapelle's show."" critically acclaim and wildly popular. >> is anyone up for a game of basketball? when you talk about prince, that show is still one of the funniest ones. >> we try to get prince -- we're like, yeah, we've gottet this sketch and it's about you. prince is like, no. prince is like no. but then he saw the sketch and he loved it. >> yeah. >> game, blouses. >> it was the week the sketch came out. he got inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. >> but even when you walked away in 2005, you were still working. it's just we didn't know all the things you were doing. you really stayed low. >> i found an altitude i was comfortable with. i found a way do what i liked to do and avoid some of the parts of it that i was uncomfortable with. >> what were you uncomfortable with with? >> well, i mean if you look at me physically, you know, like now, i'm like 40 pounds heavier than i was when i did the "chapelle's show." >> welcome, everybody, to the "chapelle's show." >> people are like how did you gain all that weight. by resting and eating and paying attention to myself. i have actually relationships with my kids. i've been all over the country touring all my life, but i never saw anything. now i've seen everything. i could talk to people. i have time to stop and someone said they like me, i don't brush past them. i have time to stop and say, you do? it's like the way i engaged the world was difference. ,, in our suvs, you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. shake up your routine with a completely new way to clean. new colgate total advanced health mouthwash. shake to activate a powerful cleaning action that removes twenty four times more bacteria. improve the health of your mouth with new colgate total advanced health mouthwash. shake to clean. that's the song "money" from ping floyd's album "dark side of the moon." if you've gotten the cash next week that making could be yours. it's one of 200 pieces of rock and roll memorabilia up for auction right here on morning. they gave us a sneak peek. ♪ purple rain, purple rain prince won an oscar for his score in "purple rain." it includes a list of the songs featured if the movie. katherine williamson is coordinating the auction for bonheim's. >> you can see how closely he was involved every step of the way in the production of this film. ♪ let's dance >> reporter: fans of david bowie can get their hands on a number of items of the late rock legend including pictures from bowery of his ziggy stardust days, once taken by famed photographer mick rock. u2's elevation tore was a top concert draw in 2001 and one of bo know's irish falcon guitars from that tour is the priciest item available. the instrument from that band has an open about bid of $180,000. >> ladies and gentlemen, cher. >> reporter: many items on the block have connections to the big and small screen like this outfit worn by cher on the 1980 appearance on ""the tonight show."" jimi hendrix was known for this. he used the instrument in his song "if six was nine," which was later featured in the culture classic "easy rider." and who could forget the toga arties in the delta house basement. the jacket worn by soul singer otis day from this scene in "animal house" is going for a starting price of $800. now, as far as i know, bellusci's toga is belushi's toga is not for sale but you have the green guitar. >> i don't know about that. >> i'll think about it, don. >> weather coming up now. have the green guitar. >> i don't know about that. >> i'll think about it, don. >> weather coming up now. up next, "the dish." the phrase boston barbecue may sound like a misnomer but his competitors know better. his blue ribbons by cut topped 500 others at a kansas city championship. we'll sample that and some of his other favorites. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." y. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. he's a nascar 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working in a bacary. he went across the country before returning to the bay state. in 1996 he opened up his own restaurant and last year the smoke shop featuring his award-winning barbecue. his team was the first ever to win the jack daniels championship and his fifth cookbook. chef andy husbands. welcome to "the dish." >> so what did you brink us? >> a whole bunch of stuff. >> i see that. i see that. >> hot jalapenos, cornbread we serve with amazing honey peanut butter. >> amazing. >> this is about an 18-pound piece and we smoked it an hour a pound. oak and cherry. all of our wood comes out of new hampshire. gold sauce, which i do suggest you try with the burris cut. south carolina barbecue sauce. i love it with anything pretty much. macaroni and cheese, collards, and this fun guy, which is caramel cake. >> wow. it gets better and better and better. so you are new england based. >> yes. >> but here we have -- >> not known for barbecue. >> yeah. how did that all happen sf. >> well, i've about been studying barbecue for i would say 20, 25 years now. it's something i've been involved with. i love the history and the passion about it. and we just really dug deep and started competing in barbecue and i learned a lot of lessons and how to get kind of good at it. >> you have brisket here and i know from painful experience brisket is not easy to make. it can be jell at news or tough as a boot. >> right. we have a bunch of guest tip masters who give you tips as well as we do. i wrote it with my best friend chip hart who's an amazing master. i guarantee you these recipes are going to be great and each time you make it, it's going to be better. >> you had a job in a bakery. i read something about a doughnut challenge early on when you were younger. >> yeah, yeah that tell us your progression to brisket. >> you know, cooking has been something i've always loved. when i was in fourth grade, e had this little competition how to make doughnuts and that's what i did. i kind of wonder where my parents were. >> self-directed? >> in school. we were doing a how-to think and that's what i entered. cooking is a passion and if you enjoy it, you're going to get very good at it. i'm passionate about barbecue and love the history. i would put it forth as america's true cuisine. >> how did your award-winning restaurant tree montz 27, the knowledge that you gain there, dovetail with what you're doing now? >> well, restaurants are really about hospitality and knowing what the customer wants. so for us when we went to open up the smoke shop in kendall square, you know, we really wanted to focus on making sure everybody get as what they want and we're doing it right. >> i'm getting what i want for sure especially with the caramel cake at the end. chef, as i ask you to sign this dish as is customary on the show, i want to pose the question we pose to every visiting cheffing if you could share this meal with any figure past or present, who would it be? >> if i was to share this meal, i would say family. i think barbecue is about celebration and family. my past and my present family. >> i think this brisket would feed them off. >> absolutely correct. >> andy husbands, thanks so much. for more on andy husbands and "the dish," head to our website up next marcus king and his band are out with their second album, a record produced by warren hanes of the ailman brothers. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: "the dish" is sponsored by whole foods market. we believe in real food. hat's naturally beautiful, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. we believe in real food. whole foods market. how to brush his teeth. 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"..." in pleasanton: backyards are crumbling as a nearby creek threatens homes.

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