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Olympic games. Inside a new documentary on americas boys in the boats. We begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. We have 100 days to make our case to america. They are off and running to november. I dont have to be so nice any more. Im taking the gloves off, right . Yes . Take them off. Its going to be no more mr. Nice guy. For donald trump, i mean, all of this stuff, crooked hillary and lyin ted and now patty cake . The fbi is investigating a potential hack on some of the Hillary Clinton campaign computers. The russian government is its lead suspect. Zika contracted here. Several zika virus cases in miami have likely become a first for the company. That is really terrible news its coming to close to home. Severe weather has been beating up on parts of arizona overnight. Heavy rain, strong winds, and hail. Even a dust storm. A bear in the pool. You dont get to see that very often. Hes in the house. Do you see that . This is video out of hawaii. That is a smiley face . Yes. A volcano with a smiley case. The eyes and mouth were actually formed by the glowing lava. All that. Zimmerman has got it. Its a double play. Its going to be a triple play unbelievable. And all that matters. Panda tripletses have separated their second birthday in style and he is chomping down on that. On cbs this morning saturday. The conventions are over democrats, they did the thing that you always do in a Political Convention that the republicans forgot to do. You get to the end and said we definitely said we loved america right. Check the tape. I thought you were going to say that. Someone said it, im sure. We must have said it. Im sure we said it. Welcome to the weekend, everyone. We have a big show for you this morning starting with Senate Majority leader small. The craft of miniatures has been around for centuries but what is it that draws us to this tiny world . We will explore. Plus, a hot new trend for shopper. Alcohol. We will look at why more retailers are opening bars inside their stores. In the summer of block busters, they are the films that flew under the radar. We will show you some of the critically acclaimed movies that you can see this weekend in theaterseses or at home. First, our top story this morning. Concerns over hacking and the president ial election. With just 100 days until votes are cast, the fbi is investigating another cyberattack. According to the Clinton Campaign, a Computer Service they used was hacked as part of a larger breach of the Democratic National committee. The Democratic National Campaign Committee claims they have an intrusion as well. Marlie hall is here with more. Reporter good morning. The fbi and Justice Department are investigating the hacking that shaken up the Democratic Party. Many cybersecurity experts and the president say they have little doubt that russias government is the top suspect. And now more information from the Democratic Party could be compromised. Hello, harrisburg rep the hacking is yet another hit for the Democratic Party. Dnc chair Debbie Wasserman schultz resigned before the Democratic Convention patholofo the leaking of wikileaks email. Many think Vladimir Putin is trying to influence the election to get donald trump elected. Russia, if youre listen, i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Reporter trump later called those comments sarcastic and denied any involvement with russia. But in an interview with nbc news, president obama would not rule that out. I know that experts have attributed this to the russians. Let the motives were in terms of the leaks and all that, i cant say directly. What i do know is that donald trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin. Reporter trump wouldnt back down in colorado. Everybody has been hacked, okay . They have no idea who is doing it. They have no idea who is doing it. Reporter the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has hired a Security Firm crowd strike to investigate the attack. They and other Security Firms say they found evidence that the hackers are russian but there is still no confirmation. Thank you. For more what is going on in this very unusual election, we turn to fran townsend, cbs News National security analyst. Kremlin is denying they are behind this attack. If it is russia, what do they have to gain . Lets talk about the attribution to russia. Youre hearing they are the top suspect that people are reluctant to actually say definitively its them. Why . What we know is that the code related to this hack is the same code that was for the white house, the state department and the pentagon. And that was attributed to russia. The problem is once these hacks become public, the code is normally posted online. Other hackers go on and look at it and it becomes accessible so somebody else could have used this. A copycat could have used it to make the russians look bad. The russians are denying it and hard to definitively say this is the russians. If they change the code they can change the information they steal. A real danger. The youd have a campaign then in the conundrum saying this is my data but its an altered. So much talk about Donald Trumps encouragement which he says was sarcastic to encourage this type of es spionage. You can imagine if the information was stolen by the russians and given it to wikileaks to release, i wonder if he found that his own campaign had been breached, right . If they breach the dnc and they breached their campaign, its likely that they had the capability certainly to breach his. These leaks are not over yet. We are going to see wikileaks has threatened to release more and they have more and youre going to see this. We ought to get used to the story continuing throughout the campaign. How concerned are officials if confidential systems like this have been so vulnerable. The single worse was the opm breach. People like me who worked in government had their information stolen in Background Investigation and all senior officials. Cabinet officials from prior administrations. It includes your banking information and your whole life is in there really. Fran townsend, thanks so much. Thank you. The questions about cybersecurity come as clinton returns to the campaign trail as the democratic nominee. The latest reuters poll taken during the week of the Democratic Convention shows Clinton Holding a sixpoint edge over donald trump. Clinton and tim kaine are campaigning in pennsylvania and ohio this weekend. They are trying to boost the economy and adding more jobs during the first 100 days in washington. Errol is here with more. Reporter on the heels of Hillary Clintons historic nomination, the Democratic Party is feeling energized, right . The Clinton Campaign wants to take that momentum to the battleground states of pennsylvania and ohio. Two states president obama won in 2012, but as we all know, this election is much different. We have 100 days to make our case to america. Reporter joined by her husband, former president bill clinton, and running mate senator tim kaine, Hillary Clinton kicked off a threeday, crossstate bus tour in philadelphia, focused on the economy. Within the first 100 days of our administration, we are going to break through the gridlock in washington and make the biggest investment in new good paying jobs since world war ii. Reporter its through the rust belt named because of its long declining industry. In a recent cbs the New York Times poll, voters feel donald trump would better handle the economy by almost ten points. Clinton is trying to to discredit him. I find it highly amusing that donald trump talks about make America Great again. He doesnt make a thing in america except bankruptcies. Reporter the tour is highlighting Success Stories like this toy manufacturer in hatfield, pennsylvania. This is fabulous looking. Reporter the company that has been hiring American Workers and building locally for over 25 years. We can bring jobs back from china and other places if we make up our minds to do that. Reporter but clinton still struggles with gaining the trust of voters. A recent poll showed her at record lows, something her running mate is trying to turn around. If you want to know about trust worthiness and character of somebody in public life, look to see. We trust hillary. All right. He got to the punch line. He got to the punch line. Now for donald trump, ohio and pennsylvania are seen as crucial as he has fewer past to the essential 270 electorate votes needed to win. To block him the Clinton Campaign is hiring staff and planning to register 3 million voters. Errol barnett in washington, thank you. Republican president ial nominee donald trump reacted to Hillary Clintons acceptance speech. In a rally in Colorado Springs, on friday, trump told supporters he would not longer be mr. Nice guy. For the first time in the election system, he encouraged his supporters chances of lock her up. Every time i mention her, everyone screams lock her up. They keep saying that. You know what i do . Ive been nice but after watching that performance last night, such lies. I dont have to be so nice any more. Im taking the flofs o e iing t right . Overconvtions overning in. The voters go to the polls in a hundred ndred days. Here is phillip bump, columnist. Now that they sit down with federal agents for classified briefings. Possible as early as next week . What happens in those . People doonnt understand ho the process works. A series of briefings, maybe one or two, maybe three they go to a secure facility and a group of people who work for the government and tell the briefers to outline a few pictures. Not like troop movements but situate them in the world and people assume its a president ial Daily Briefing and its not that. The discretion of the president , correct . The president can say, no, these things are not happening but its a tradition bark to eisenhower in 1952. As i spoke to this gentleman, worked around the campaign and fighting the obama campaign. They were in tough contested battle but he thought a good sign how the transition of power looks. What was your assessment of Hillary Clintons speech . Were these veiled sort of attacks on donald trump efficient . Yeah. I think what she was trying to do is provide people who were worried with donald trump with an alternative. Yes, she very pointedly called out donald trump but the democrats have been doing that of the course of four days and basically the theme of the convention was we are the stable Patriotic Party in contrast to donald trump and i think you saw that with president obamas speech as well. But, again, the one thing we have learned over the course of this election its hard to predict what people are reacting to what donald trump is doing and so we will see. Polls should be coming out next week. Youve written that the best moment at either convention was the speech by a father of the muslim father of an army captain who was killed in iraq. Why did you think that . It was an incredibly powerful and emotional moments. The Democratic Convention had a lot of emotional moments but this one in particular i think stood out. It was effective repudiation of Donald Trumps argument that families should not be allowed to immigrate because his son gave his life to this country. The fact this was running contrary to what the constitution says about religion and about freedom. He pulled it out and said you should read this. When youre doing a Political Convention that is the sort of moment you want to have and i think its going to resonate over the long run. It was nice to see people in the audience crying when he held up that pocketbook. Republicans even tweeted about that. Phillip bump, thank you. Tomorrow morning on face the nation on cbs, john dickersons guests will include Bernie Sanders and paul manafort, Donald Trumps campaign manager, and reince priebus, chairman of the Republican National committee. Three states are dealt a setback. Judges struck down laws in North Carolina and wisconsin and kansas on friday. The critics say make it more difficult for minorities to vote. The biggest case a federal Appeals Court requires North Carolina voters requiring voters to have photo i. D. S violates the constitution and the Voting Rights act and the judge says the law targets africanamericans. Lawmakers who wrote the law will appeal to the u. S. Supreme court. New call for congress to reconvene this summer so lawmakers can pass an emergency spending bill to fight the spread of the zika virus and calls come as federal Health Officials confirm that the illness is coming from mosquito bites in southern florida. David begnaud reports and has local officials ramping up their outreach and prevention efforts. Reporter for the ten teams of disease detectives canvassing winwood, north of downtown miami and now identified as the zika zone. The four patients, three men and a woman, were infected in early july. Got sick the next week. And diagnosed a few days later. By interviewing the patients and their friends and family, travel and sex were ruled out as means of transmission. State disease detectives honed in on one square mile winwood, as the area where they may have been infected. Infectious disease doctor eileen marty is one of the team leader asking people for voluntary urine samples. Doortodoor requests has allowed florida to make sure that ongoing mosquito transmission is happening in this area what gentleman led you to this area to start asking for those samples . Because of where the symptomatic individuals are come from. Reporter one symptomatic person, you start door knocking and you find other cases . Official believe local transmission began this way. The person became infected with zika abroad and then traveled to the u. S. The infection stays in the bloodstream for a week. When a local mosquito bites the person with zika virus and then bites someone else, the infection is transmitted. Zika is particularly dangerous for pregnant women as the virus can cause severe birth defects. Dr. Saline phillip is floridas surgeon general. We understand that pregnant women will be very concerned and that is why we have been working closely with the providers in that area to provide the zika prevention kits to make sure pregnant women now how to decrease their risks. Reporter as part of the investigation, county workers are killing, as well as collecting, mosquitoes that can be tested for zika. Of all the mosquitoes that have been caught and tested, not one has come back positive for the zika virus. It might surprise a lot of people but it doesnt really surprise investigators who say that in some ways, its like trying to find a needle in a haystack, believe it or not. There are pregnant women who live in this zika zone and they are all being told that they need to get tested as soon as possible. Later today, inspectors will be back out in this neighborhood knockig on every door. They want to talk to and warn everybody who lives in this area. For cbs this morning saturday, im David Begnaud in miami, florida. Phoenix area is drying out this morning after getting battered with heavy rain, strong winds and hail. On friday, streets were flooded and tens of thousands of people lost power with trees and power lines knocked down. A large part of the nation is expected to get a good soaking this weekend. Here is meteorologist ed curran from our chicago station wbbmtv. Good morning, ed. Reporter good morning, anthony. You can see we have a lot of activity going on around the nation. In fact, most of the nation will see thunderstorms today as you can see from coasttocoast practically. Everybody will see something. Some of the heavier storms could be in this area. Marginal risk for severe and includes washington, d. C. And virginia and west virginia. Damaging wind is the main culprit here. Also a slight chance of Severe Weather a bit higher from the black hills to the Central Plains where its slight or marginal in the green and damagng wind and large hail in those areas as well. You can see the storms on future cast here. Later today from washington, d. C. Up through new york. We are looking at temperatures that will be very warm today. 103 in phoenix and 101 in sacramento and 99 i. 103 in phoenix, 99 in dallas, and mid90s to the southeast. From our chicago station, thank you. It is time to show you some of the mornings headlines. The San Diego Tribune are trying to find out if the kriticritica shooting of an officer were a deliberate attack. The standoff happened about 24 hours after bullets started noticing when the two gang officers stopped a man on the street. The attack comes with Police Departments on heightened alert following the targeted killing of officers in dallas and baton rouge. The Washington Post reports the u. S. And israel are moving closer to a block buster military aid package. The senior israeli official is expected to arrive in washington next week to work out whats expected to be a ten year pact exceeding 3 billion. The agreements of change in strategy by Prime Minister nettne nett nettennayu and wants to seal the deal after president obama is still in office, after suggesting to finetune with his success successor. An indiana family won a 536 mega Million Dollar jackpot, confirms the family created a limited liability corporation, which the keep Spending Plans out of view. It is the first time the family ever played. It was a 1 quick pick. As a 1 quick pick. Is that right . What everybody dreams of, right . The Orlando Sentinel says is man cleared of drug charges after a police test said droppings from his glazed doughnut to be methamphetamine. The man was stripsearched and spent ten hours in jail despite the officers they were misidentifying the pieces of sugar. The charges were dropped three days after the arrest in december. The New York Times reports the latest installment of the Harry Potter Series is set to hit book stores at midnight tonight. While there will be released parties and magic shows at thousands of shops across the country, theres a twist. The newest book is a play and unlike the first seven books in the series, this times author j. K. Rowling worked with a collaborator as a play wright and a director. Here is a look at your weather for the weekend. Coming up for most of us, they are annoyance but new numbers are shedding light on red light cameras. Do they prevent crashes or are they just a money grab . Air travelers are getting a pleasant surprise this summer. Ticket prices are lower than they have been in years. What is behind it . And how long will it last . Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. ,,,,, its a time of tradition on the campaign trail. Donald Trump Holding not one but two babies at an event in Colorado Springs on friday. It looks like all of the excitement is a little too much for one of them. The infants are 3 and 6 months old. Coming up, big world made of tiny things. We will look at the captivating world of miniatures. We will break down the best under the radar films of the summer also. We will be right back. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. ,,,, you know what . Because its a story that people tend to forget with all of the attacks and the scandals and all of this. They love each other. It is so evident. They have loved each other since they first met. I saw that when i met them. I see that every time i see them together. And families fight and families have imperfections but they are a family. They are a wonderful family and they love each other and i saw it again the night she clenched the nomination, i guess with the number in brooklyn. I was there. And as they came up together, i watched them and the way they looked at each other and i was so emotional about it. Here they still are and they still love each other. She made history last night. I think its fascinating, carole, you went doortodoor for her. I wonder what its like. Tell me something you go and you knock on the door and they see its you and you say what . Okay, lets enact it. Knock knock. Hello. I open the door. Oh, my god, its carole king yes, but im here why are you here . Im here today because i want to advocate for Hillary Clinton. Then, you know, the person gets down to that is what im there for, but there is always that reaction. It was so interesting because i ran into some people who were staunch bernie supporters and i was very respectful because i think hes a great person. ,,,, this is the busiest season of the year for the airlines. Yet, fares are down. In fact, many air travelers are finding prices they havent seen in half a dozen years. That is hammering the bottom lines of many of the nations biggest carriers. Cbs news transportation correspondent kris van cleave explains. Reporter planes packed with summer travelers should be a sign of success for airlines, but new data shows the average domestic air fare for the first part of 2016 dropped nearly 8 over last year, falling to the lowest point since 2010. Airlines, especially ultra low fare carriers, spirit, frontier and allegiant, have grown aggressively and expanding capacity just as terror attacks in europe and Economic Uncertainty in britain and strong dollar and increased competition are cutting into lucrative routes for united, american, delta, and southwest, despite the low fuel prices. I think youll see airlines have lower profits than they would have expected for the back half of the year and for 2017. Reporter josh marks is an airline consultant. The major carriers are seeing a lot of competition, on routes, particularly in leisure markets where they had a significant market share before and we are seeing growth by ultra low Cost Carriers that are offering rock bottom fare. Reporter on average, vacation fares have dropped 17 since last july. L. A. To paris round trip went for as much as 1,500 and now can be had for less than 400. New york to hong kong was 900 a year ago. Now its under 500. Chicago to san diego rarely dipped below 200 until ultra low fare carriers added service, dropping fares as low as 80 round trip. George hobeck runs air fare watch dog, a website tracking prices. I think for domestic travel, these are the best air fares in five years and for International Travel on some routes, the best air fares we have ever seen. Reporter the Airline Businesses is notoriously boom and bust. Last year was record profits and this year, the airlines are now saying they expect to see revenue to decline but still expect to end the year in the black. Kris van cleave, cbs news, washington. Great dailies there. Coming up, olympic gold for the boys of 36. Its a documentary based on a best selling book about the underdog American Rowing Team that stared down the nazis at the 1936 olympics. First, here is a look at the weather for your weekend. Up next, medical news in our morning rounds, incding an important warning about possible health risks from some of dietary supplements. Plus, doctors tara narula and her husband david congelo on what could go wrong when you use fillers to make your face look more youthful. This is cbs this morning saturday. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places always been rivals. Ave we would dream about racing each other, in monaco. We were born brothers. Competition made us friends. Wish bold in the 2017 camry. Toyota. Lets go places. Im like a sponge for this stuff. I can learn it. Get it. Sell it. I can do this job in my sleep better than some people can do awake. I just want to make sure this brain stays in hyperdrive. Hey we hear you. Thats why aarp created staying sharp. Its more than brain games. Its a personalized, 360 approach to brain health. With assessments and tools that can help you keep your brain sharp. If you dont think this is right for me when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities. Dogs sure can be messy. But with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesnt have to be. Nexgard, the vets 1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. The 1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. 1100 meals a year, 300 stressful decisions, no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. Try activia enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. It tastes great it is time for morning rounds. This week with haa husband and wife medical team. First up, a new investigation may have you rethinking some of vitamins. Consumer reports finds certain ingredients in daietary supplements could hold major risks. Bobby and his wife margaret have struggled to get pregnant. He decided to try overthecounter testosterone supplements. Within weeks, he wound up in the emergency room. Doctors said the supplements were the likely culprit. I had no idea there were side effects. I thought it was just like vitamins. Reporter he is one of ruffle 200 million americans taking dietary supplements. Consumer reports identified 15 commonly used supplement ingredients the potentially harmful. Some examples, one area of concern is supplements do not undergo the rigorous regulatory scrutiny that other drugs undergo. It is something compared to what it takes to sell aspirin or tylenol. Reporter this doctor says the doctors and patients dont discuss supplements which could lead to problems. How important is it for physicians to ask patients about supplement use . The most important part of this is to understand why they are taking it because many times, if you understand why they are taking it, you can steer them in the proper direction. I wouldnt have thought to ask about supplements. In my head they seem to natural and healthy. Its so important and patients think what you did which if its natural, its safe. There are real risks associated with these products. With a lack of proven effectiveness for most of them. Many of these products land patients in the emergency room up to 28,000 visits a year from supplements. Patients can have serious organ damage and some deaths resulting from this because of the lax regulation you you have no idea if your product is contaminated with heavy metals or other drugs are in there and how those supplements are interacting with your own Prescription Medications so a lot of issues around there. New concerns about medical tourism. The cdc estimates up to 750,000 u. S. Citizens travel abroad for medical care each year. The most common procedures include cosmetic surgery and dentistry and heart surgery. A recent report warns about another danger regarding the growing practice. David, what is the new risk . Well, the cdc recently talked about an outbreak of micro bacterial infections in patient who are cosmetic surgery in the dominican republic. They looked are where they covered 21 cases across the United States and six states were involved. Now what we are talking about with these infections is that, you know, there are infections of the skin and soft tissue of the surgical site and they can be very painful and can cause abscess formation. The real issue is to treat these things, patients often require further surgery, they require antibiotics and sometimes prop longed use of antibiotics because a lot of these bugs are resistant to treatment. What is really important for patients to understand is that when you have surgery in another country, the standards for sterility and upkeep of medical facilities and Surgical Equipment is not the same. You really are putting yourself at risk by having surgery abroad. It seems like the price tag is the lure. So on which when you hear people say i did something overseas they say i paid so much less. I would imagine additional pitfalls involved in that choice . That is true. Pitfalls regard things like communication between the doctor and the patient. If you have surgery in a country where you dont speak the same language, the patient and the surgeon potentially dont communicate very well and if they are not on the same page, there is a potential for poor outcomes or unexpected outcomes for the patient. Other issues involved are medical standards are not the same in other on countries. So, for example, a doctor may use a needle on one patient and then carry it to another patient. The other thing is medicines, for example, are not regulated in the same way, so its very possible that you use a medicine that is just completely uneffective. The last thing that people sort of have to really worry about is when you do travel long distances, if you travel too close to your surgery date, you are at increased risk for blood clots and the legs and that could be fatal. Tara, if youre considering having surgery in a foreign country, what do you do to minimize the risks . Reconsider. But if you are going to do it, do your homework and your research. Make sure the doctor or facility youre using is credentialed and certified and choose a doctor in the specialty or field youre looking to have a surgery to have done. Dont go to a gynecologist for a facelift, for example. What is your followup care plan . Come back to the states and take my stitches out and if there is a complication. Find out if you can drink alcohol and sunpa dssunpage andg after the surgery. You make sure you bring someone with you or you know how youre going to communicate when youre down there and what potential Legal Recourse i might have if there is a problem. For us this morning one of the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Facial rejuvenation with fillers. More than 2 million if i recall procedures took place last year and 6 increase from 2014. For many patients there is one fear looking fake or plastic after the treatment. Its the duck lips. I feel like you see so many women with these crazy duck lips. What changes that makes the face look to different . Duck lips are definitely an issue. Really, the bigger issue sort of occurs when we lose volume in our pit face. So our cheeks get flat and we develop holes around our eyes. We try to replenish that volume by using fillers. The issue is if you use too much fillers you end up distorting facial proportion so the cheeks become really puffy and lower eyelids push up and makes the opening of the eye look smaller than it normally is. What is really important for patients who are looking to have these procedures done, is they need to find somebody who is Board Certified, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is sort of the safest person to do the procedure. In addition, you have to really sort of make sure that youre going to somebody that really understands the artistry of facial aesthetics and that could be a hard thing to find. Thank you doctor. Known is the most beautiful and accomplished couple, thank you for jioining us. Including, the underdogs of the world they were considered and a documentary tells their amazing story. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Id like to know where you got the notion rote the boat with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. One jar; so many delicious possibilities. Nutella spread the happy vo nutritional needs. Ogs all in one. Purina one. Healthy energy, all in one. Strong muscles, all in one. Highly digestible, and a taste he loves, all in one. Purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With 100 nutrition, 0 fillers, always real meat 1. Lifelong smart nutrition. Its all in one. Purina one. Cabecause she went to lowes. Nce she knows if she doesnt love it, theyll make it right. And being a parrot, i know colorokay. Do you mind, sparky . Now get paint primer starting at 19. 98, at lowes. Is caring. Ng because covering heals faster. To seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from bandaid brand. Ad, and my sweethearts handsome,gone sayonara. Rance. This scarf, all thats left to remember. What she washed this like a month ago hows a guy supposed to move on the long lasting scent of gain flings. Through these flag streets, hitler opened the 1936 olympian. 80 years ago monday, the Olympic Games opened in nazi, berlin. The American Team was 400 strong but nine rowers from the Pacific Northwest that took the nation by storm. New pbs documentary inspired by the best selling boat the boys in the boat. Telling about the rogue team that triumphed against all odd. The americans come in as poor athletes from an unknown part of the world. Their epic is because these guys worked on farms and crappy jobs. They are sort of a purity versus this artfist. The boys of 36 airs tuesday on pbs. Joining us is the films director and producer margaret rossy. Good morning. We heard in the documentary that saying the rowers had crappy jobs. They were janitors and damaged lungs from working in the films. How did they find these rowers and how did they all come together . I think rowing was a part of the community in seattle and they were surrounded by water so they had an established program. I think that rowing was probably one of the distractions from hard times in a way. A refuge kind of to start of but it is very difficult sport but i think the guys find out how tough it was. The team didnt come together initially. There were disagreements and it was pretty toxic at times, right . They were led by a coach who was referred to in the papers as the dowered dean. He was kind of obsessed. He, himself, was a rower washington a decade before and he was very obsessed with getting the boat to go to the olympics. So it caused a lot of friction among the boys, a lot of tension. They felt his tension and his obsession. I think people traditionally think of rowing and as an elite sport also. As you watched them beat these Major Ivy League teams you cant help but champion them and think this is people from a different class of life. How important was the victory to these guys . They were very important. The rowing season, from what ive learned, basically, when you row in seattle, you row all year through the winter for one or two races and that is basically the season. In the olympic year, of course, you hope to go a little further. So they had never been there before to the olympics so it was very important when they beat these Ivy League Teams to get to go to berlin. Lets set the stage for the 36 olympics. Hitler wanted complete german dominance in those games. What were they up against . The germans handpicked their team and they let guys quit their jobs and let them train for the olympics. Hitler really wanted to win and he wanted to win what they call a heavyweight, that is the marquee race, the rowing. They were up against that. They were entering this kind of this kind of shiny city, this nazi berlin. It was shiny and artificial. And these guys were very down to earth. Guys from the Pacific Northwest. As you were macking this movie, what weas your hope for viewers . What did you want them to walk away with . I hope they would enjoy the visuals. We were surprised how much footage we were able to find. I was surprised too. It was amazing. I hope theynd these guys had a daily sense of purpose and i think that is what we all kind of take away from this book. Right. Margaret, thanks so much the boys of 36 airs on pbs at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on tuesday. Check your local listings. Up next, Hillary Clinton is the first woman to become a mainly Party President ial candidate. Next, meet some of the women whose shoulders she stands on. They were all first in their time. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. I had that dream again that i was on the icelandic game show. And everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. But nobody knows the box behind the discounts. Oh, its like my father always told me put that down. Thats expensive. Of course i save people an average of nearly 600, but whos gonna save me . [ voice breaking ] and thats when i realized. Im allergic to wasabi. Well, i feel better. Its been five minutes. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. The enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. The whiteness wasnt there as much. My teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. So it was really important to start using the pronamel. Itll be one less thing you have to worry about. Pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing. So its nice to know that its as simple as that. Whatwherever you are. Ing. Splenda zero is a fun, easy way to get the perfect amount of sweetness, down to the last sip. Zero calories. Zero carbs. Zero sugar. Zero effort. New splenda zero. Good is a catalyst,ue diamond almond. Good is contagious. And once it gets going there is no stopping what you can do. Get your good going. Blue diamond almonds. Proud sponsor of the us swim team hey spray n wash is back. Ws . And even better. Its powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. Which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. Spray n wash. Back n better. This girl is on fire i accept your nomination for president of the United States Hillary Clinton made history this week, becoming the first woman nominated to the presidency by a major american party. America, anything is possible if you work for it. It comes 32 years after Geraldine Ferraro was chosen as walter mondales running mate. The first woman to appear on the president ial ticket. I nominate judge sandra oday. Ronald reagan nominated s Sandra Day Oconnor to the United States supreme court. But 100 years ago, janet rankin was the first woman elected to congress, four years before woman won the right to vote. Even earlier than that, marie curry was making history. She became the first woman to win the nobel prize in 1903. Speaking of prizes. Edith wharton the first woman to take home the pulitzer for 1923 novel the age of innocence. The worst is i want to kiss you and i cant. Reporter but it took 87 more years for a female director to be recognized at the oscars. Well, the time has come. Katherine bigalow reporter Katherine Bigalow won the Academy Award for her work. Reporter and after an all male inaugural class in 1986, aret aret aret aret Aretha Franklin was inducted into the rock roll hall of fame. You heard a lot of people saying its exciting to think that girls growing up right now will never know a world where a woman couldnt be a president. I saw a lot of tweets when a lot of women said i didnt realize how important this moment would be. The doll houses and tree houses are anything but childs play. We will take you inside the massive world of miniatureses. For some of you, your local news is next. The rest of you, stick around. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Noah picked apart Donald Trumps acceptance speech. So if youve been watching the show while hiding under your bed, i want you to know you can come out. Come out. Come out. Unless youre Hillary Clinton. This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton. Death, destruction, terrorism and weakness. And weakness. Only donald trump would think that weakness is worse than death and destruction. Because you end on the worst thing, donald yes, destruction. And weakness its like your doctor saying you have cancer, aids and a little spinach in your teeth. Yeah, right there. You got to watch that. This week the daily show taking on the democrats in philadelphia. Trevor, good morning. Good morning. I assume being here for a comedian for the daily show is like candy. Candy. Is it candy . Does it taste good . I feel like last week was canned i didnt. Candy. An extreme form of candies. Now were going to a more measured food. Maybe fruits. Sugar but not as extreme. And michelles speech. You talked about donalds speech. When you were in cleveland. Wow, wow, it was goose bumps for everybody. I could feel the machinery of the dnc ticking going when do we get her into this conversation . Do we wait for the girls to go to college . How do we get michelle because she was electric. The command of the microphone. The command of the audience. The ride that she took everybody on. It was truly one of the most Amazing Things ive ever season. I even said i would steal her speech as well. I really would. ,,,, welcome back to cbs this morning saturday. Im anthony mason. And im vinita nair. The hottest new item in a Clothing Store may be a cool cocktail. We will show you how more and more businesses are adding bars to their stories. And we have some smaller critically acclaimed movies. Miniatures. What is it that draws us into this small world of small object. The president ial campaign is disrupted by another computer hacking attack. The Hillary Clinton Campaign Says the Computer Service it used was attacked as part of a large breach of the Democratic National committee. Clinton did not mention infiltrations on friday, her first full day of campaigning as a democratic nominee. The fbi is trying to determine the scope and source of the cyberattack. Cybersecurity experts believe the russian government is behind the hack. The Clinton Campaign released a statement saying, quote. Democrat Hillary Clinton is campaigning in pennsylvania and ohio this weekend. Battleground states in this years president ial election. In philadelphia on friday, clinton told supporters if she is elected, she will get to work fast. Within the first 100 days of our administraton, we are going to break through the gridlock in washington and make the biggest investment in new good, paying jobs since world war ii. Clinton and her running mate senator tim kaine say they are preparing for a tough three mont acceptance for her nomination. He encouraged the chants of lock her up. Just remember this. Trump is going to be no more mr. Nice guy. Tell hillary im not going to be nice any more. Ive been very nice to her. Trump criticized Hillary Clintons acceptance speech as, quote, full of cliches and average. There are new calls for congress to reconvene so lawmakers can pass an emergency spending bill to fight the spread of the zika virus. Those calls come as federal Health Officials confirm the first four cases of the mosquitoborn virus were the result of mosquito bites in southern florida. Inspectors are going doortodoor warning residents in the miami area today, where the three men and one woman became infected. Moquito spraying is being ramped up. Pope francis is in the middle of his fiveday visit to poland and topping his visit is participation in a massive gathering of young people who raise their catholic faith. Seth doane is traveling with the pope in the city of krakow. Many pilgrims are coming up behind mean and many with sleeping bags and tents and planning to spend the night here to attend a mass the pope will give for an expected 1 million people. In american cultural terms you could think of this like a catholic woodstock. In american political terms, it would be called energizing your base. There are around 2,000 world youth day events. But there is no doubting the main attraction. How about the pope . Have you spotted him . Yes reporter this group from ashl asheville, North Carolina, joined the main square here. Pope francis encouraged the pilgrims gathered from 187 countries to make some noise and they left hand. John kalan is from pittsburgh. Its incredible to know that everybody came here for the same purpose, for faith. Reporter among the 27,000 americans registered for this journey is lauren kavini. Running can pull people apart, how do you make sure youre not inwardly focused and youre thinking about other religions, other people . Well, our religion focuses on taking care of the people around us and making sure that everything is okay and sharing the love of people who are outside of our religion too. Reporter pope francis set that example with his somber visit friday to the nazi death camps of auschwitz which we toured with a Catholic Group from ohio. Part of what world youth say is about growing in your faith but also learning about others, and i feel like coming to auschwitz really puts you in other peoples shoes and in other religions shoes. Reporter first and foremost, this is about being catholic. One girl told me that she could just see a tiny little white speck, but she knew it was the pope and she said for her, that was enough. Anthony . Seth doane in poland, thanks. A new study about red light cameras. Frustrated drivers have accused the cameras of being a cash cow for local governments, but a new report suggests they are saving lives with the strongest proof coming from the cities which have turned them off. Carter evans hat story. Reporter crashes caused by red light runners kill more than 700 people a year. Lives that could be saved if there were more red light cameras, according to a new study. Motorehicle crashes dont have to be killing and injuring so many people. Reporter adrian lund is president of the Insurance Institute for highway safety. When people know theres a good chance of getting a ticket for running a light, they are most likely to be paying attention on that road. Reporter after complaints, the cameras primarily installed to raise revenue, more than 150 cities agreed to remove them. The Insurance Institutes new Study Suggests that might be a mistake. It looks at 14 of those cities and found 30 increase in the rate of fatal accidents at the intersections where cameras once huck hung. Still there is evidence that the cameras dont always work properly. I was surprised when i saw it. Reporter jessicas 490 red light ticket was thrown out because she did not violate the law. Do you think its possible that these cameras could save lives . Anything is possible. Reporter former Los Angeles City councilman dennis zion used to be an lapd motor officer and used to support red light cameras but now believes they werent necessarily preventing reckless driving so the city turned them off. The problem with this situation inordinate number of people cited for a right turn after a stop on the red light. Not people blazing through. Reporter the Insurance Institute insists the cameras are having an impact, especially in this age of dangerous distracted driving. We are bringing peoples attention back to the road at one of the most dangerous parts of their drive, when they are crossing an intersection. Reporter for cbs this morning saturday, carter evans, los angeles. Its about seven after the hour. Now a look at the weather for your weekend. Up nexext, it mayay not com a surprise t that in the summertime, not a all blockbusts are great fifilms. Wewe will introduce you to somef ththe best fililms of the years under the radar. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Come on. You can do it dogs just wont quit. Neither does frontline. Introducing new frontline gold. With its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesnt quit for a full 30 days. Its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. Frontline gold. The latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. For persistent protection you can trust. Good boy go for the gold. New frontline gold. Available at your vet. I want my blood sugar i to stay in control. Ck. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready this is the sweetest thing anyones ever done. That ones from my friend caitlyn. You always encouraged me to go after my dreams. Well, its my turn now. Love always, your future maid of honor. Werked we should Work Together more. Im not on your side. A scene from this weekends blockbuster jason bourn. With matt damon that made him an Action Thriller icon. Smaller independent films dont get much hype and even the very best can fly under the radar for movegoers. Here is fandango managing editor erik davis. Lets start off with the witch. Super creepy horrible. It came out earlier this year. I think audiences wanted it to be a little more witchy. Its called the witch. Not a lot of the witch in it. Critics love this because of its period settings 1600s new england. It really dialogued, the costumes are authentic in that way and story of a family who ditches their community and they got kicked out and battled to the woods and about a family that is torn apart. Is it because of the witch or because they are going insane . That is the fun of it and audiences wanted it to be more witchy but check it out on bluray. A little boy has special powers. He is on the run from these various groups that want to exploit his power. Throwback vibes in the stories they told in the 80s. A Netflix Series called Stranger Things. And blowing up and series of the summer. I think this is going to find a new audience for people that are binging on this show. If Stranger Things is your jam and you know who you are, seek this out. Tell us about a movie called sing street. I was surprised. It has such good reviews and amazing sound track but like no one got it. I have such a crush on this movie. Not only one of my favorite movies of the year. I think it has the best sound track of the year. About a teenage rock band . Irish movie about a teenage rock band and a boy form this band to woo the girl of his dreams. I feel like they should have moved into the music a little bit more. If you go to music and find a music video called drive it while you stole it. This is once, begin again. John carney is great with music and original tunes feel they were sprired inspired by the 8 the band follows. Next, Richard Linkletter was on this show talking about this film and is a spiritual followup to dazed and confused. But it didnt catch on either. I feel dazed and confused became a classic. Same thing with everybody wants some. This takes place before College Begins in 1980. Great jokes and remind me of an animal house. Nice guy what about it . Biggest stars of the movies on this list its a great from the master of buddy cop caper shane black who did the last boy scout. And long kiss good night. It takes place in the 70s. It came up against captain americas civil war. And neighbors 2. But i think it couldnt find a good audience. Find the nice guy still playing in theaters. The lobster. Odd is a right word. Takes place in a future society if you dont find your mate you get turned into an animal. This is not your meat and potatoes kind of movie but youll know within the first 10, 15 minutes if its your thang if it is your thing i think youll find it rewarding. Rachel weiss is in this movie . Yes. I think it has a certain kind of humor you have to see if its your thing. Swiss arm man. Cerebral, strange, absurd. Daniel ratcliffe plays a dead body. I think youll know in the first ten minutes if this is your thing. If you can surf this movies vibe all the way i think youll find a beautiful and fulfilling movie about a man falling in love with his own loneliness. But everybody else may just be like this movie is too weird. Finally, a do you meanry called holy hell. This is an inspiring filmmaker. He got roped up into this cult in i 80s and he intermediate all of the stuff that happened to him inside this cult and it gets creepier and creepier as it goes on. It speaks to a couple of documentaries this year. You get inside access to this world youve never seen from the inside, only from the outside. This is another one we see inside this cult and this guy is weird. Its like very hippie deepy and goes down a creepy path and probably make you not want to join a cult. I love when you come to do this. Thank you, erik davis. Up next, tiny recreations are fun to kid but can be elegant works of art and they have been around for centuries. This is cbs this morning saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by tums. Fights heartburn fast. Ith relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. I have a Resident Named joyce, and i said come to class,bout lets start walking together and i said and i bet you money youll be able to do that senior walk. That day i said ok its me and you girl, me and you i said if you need to stop, theres a bench well just hang out in the shade. She said absolutely not we are going to finish this race and we were the last ones in, but you know what . We finished the race. And she goes desiree, ill never quit walking. Ever befi was active. Gia, i was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can be more active. Ask your doctor about lyrica. A loves. Purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With always real meat 1. All in one. Purina one. So who knows what youre going to end up buying if youre tipsy. One time i had a drink and i went to costco and thought it was the most comfortable pillow i had ever put my head on. It was a snow tire. Drinking and shopping is a thing across the country and retailers are catching on fast. The latest buzz inducing trend in the industry is put fully stocked bars in storms. Here are a list of those who have brought bar areas and restaurants in their retail stories. Jill slchlesinger is here with more. Who knows what we would have purchased had we done that. Reporter is this a dangerous thing, booze and shopping . Listen. The old Financial Planner in me says this is a terrible idea because, obviously, youre somewhat less inhibited and you may not be keeping track of your money. And there is some sense that, in fact, that we are trying to draw people from the online world into these stores. Why . Because you drink and maybe you would even spend more when i look at these images, it looks like its a separate floor. Its not on the shopping floor inspe. A lot of the stores are having separate space and some may let you bring your drink downstairs. Why do they want to do this . Its so fascinating to me. Retails have had a tough time. The look over the past year, restaurants and bars have seen an uptick in sales, about a 10 increase. Retails only 2 to 4 . Maybe they are trying to say, wait a minute, how do we tap into that . You eluded to the battle with online retailers and is this about trying to become more of a destination . Absolutely. I mean, you think about it. Lets go back to, like, the old mall and the food court. Why do they put the food court in . Its a convenience after shopping all day but your destination was shopping. Now we see this being flipped on its head. We are saying the destination is to come in and drink and or maybe eat, and then while youre there, maybe youll spend some money. Again, this is a real ballots to get the people away from the screen. If you look at ecommerce sales they are growing so quickly. We know the bulk of sales occur in stores but the growth is online. It is not actually in the brick and mortar stores. How do they know the people in the middle of the night shopping are drunk . I understand if that is how they logically put it in the stores. I know this is your favorite stat because you dont buy it. I dont know anyone who was done that even though ive seen the stats. We wont talk about drunk dialing. There is an amazing survey that found that 78 of americans said they have actually purchased something online while drunk. Now there is also data that shows that on friday nightses, after midnight, after 1 00, after 2 00, retail sales pop up. That may be because somebody has insomnia or drunk late or get home late. But threequarters of those are identified i do shopping when im a little tipsy. Anthony, im sure youve bought a little something. I wonder how return follows are affected . You go in and say, you got me drunk, i didnt really mean to buy this. It could be a class action suit any day. What is fascinating to me really this is a real competitive push to try to get millennials because a certain cool factor. Not every brand is able to do this and carry it out but you look at urban out ffitters are saying we dont want you to shop online but come here and have a different experience and have this be a cool factor and when youre here maybe you spend a few buck. Do you think this is a trend . It seems like if i was a regular retailer lets see how they perform with this strategy. I think that is exactly right. It has to be the right brand. Im not suggesting we will have keggers in the middle of kmart aisles any time soon but im telling you this is tested especially the brands focused on the millennials. You gave people a couple of ideas during this segment. This show peaks during the cocktail moment. Thank you, jill schlesinger. Now here is a look at your weather for the weekend. Up next, the dish. Southern born chef kelly fields learned baking and cooking some of the worlds best and she has brought a sampling of the best from our popular new orleans restaurant and she has a drink so we can online shop stay with us. This is cbs this morning saturday. Is depression more than sadness . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. 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Going back to new orleans is a title of a classic song by one of the big easys best. Dr. John. Its also a fair description of chef kelly fields live. Raised in a low country in south carolina, she took her talent and baking to new orleans and left for Cooking School and returned to become a pastry chef only to be driven out by hurricane katrina. After years in San Francisco, it was back to new orleans. Last summer, she became chef and partner of willa jean and a bakery restaurant and head the Pastry Program for all of their restaurants. We know this is going to be good chef kelly field, welcome to the dish. Good morning. Thanks for having me. What do you have here . Summertime in the south so we have a steak with tomato salad and barbecue shrimp and salad and crab claws. What is that at the end of the table . This is a chocolate cake. Ive been wanting to face plant in that ever since i saw it on the table. And this. What are we drinking . Its called dirty water. A rum ginger drink made in new orleans. Bourbon and green tea. When we were introducing you, we had low country south carolina. I thought what sort of food is traditional to that area . Its very similar to new orleans. Its a ricebased, a lot of tomatoes and tremendous amounts of seafood is what i grew up on. Your love of cooking really kind of caught fire on a high school trip to new orleans . Is that right . Yes, yes. Absolutely. What happened on that trip . Well, i went to new orleans. Ha ha i know what you mean the food is intoxicating. It absolutely is. I went to new orleans and fell in love with the city. It has a way of getting in your blood. That is unexplainable if you havent experienced it. Then the food, the culture, how all of those things wrapped together. Its home. Its interesting. Because it seems like ive read that you have said a plate should tell a story. Did that start in new orleans when you were thinking about food, a different way to think about it . No. I think i was brought up that way. I grew up in charleston on the water and my mother grew most of the produce we ate as children. I would often get in trouble for eating tomatoes off the vine and apples and hiding it. But i think it allowed a sort of stage, a new plate to tell that story. Not necessarily a different way of thinking about it. Youve compared being a pastry chef to being a musician . Yes. Explain that. Pastry is often people are extremely fearful of it. I also, as somebody who would love to be able to make a lot of music, am fearful of that. The styles of music and, like, improvisational jazz and how the tempo changes and tells a story that eventually comes full circle, like, Louis Armstrong his entire career is a big circle and i think pastry is exceptionally like that. I know initially you thought pastry restaurant. What made you think i should also do some savory issues . I always wanted some snacks because i enjoy the balance of sweet and salty. Our guests, since the day we opened, have been so supportive and so excited and enthusiastic about what we are doing and they started asking for a little bit more, a little bit more and now we have a fullservice restaurant. We mentioned it before. You had to, after hurricane katrina, you had to leave. I did. But you had to come back . Yes. Its in your blood. Just like the first time i went. I lived in San Francisco a while after the storm and traveled a lot and lived in newlyw zealandd farmed and cooked down there and it called me back. You and john besser do a lot with each other. For sure. Hes been my biggest fan and bigge critic for the past 20 years and made me nothing but better at what i do. If you had a chance to have this dinner with somebody present or deceived, who would it be . My First Response is my grandmother, but it would probably be beyonce. For more on kelly fields and this dish, head to our website at cbs this morning. Com. Our next guest is lucy dacus. You dont want to miss her singing coming up. Was always on my mind. So i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7. 5 . I apply it once a day, any time. Aczone gel 7. 5 is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. Aczone gel is a onceaday acne treatment with clinically proven results. In clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. Aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. Stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. Talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. Using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. Common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. Now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. You could pay as little as 15 for aczone gel. 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In this mornings saturday session, a young singer songwriter who is hailed by Rolling Stone as one of the best of 2016. Lucy dacus is 21 and native of richmond, nachlt vachvirginia a from a musical family. Her father was a guitarist and her mother was a music teacher. Her first album was released online this year and drew critical praise and the album has been picked up by matador record. Now here is lucy dacus with the single i dont want to be funny any more. I dont want to be funny any more i dont want to be funny any more lately ive been seeing i heard my friends saying i dont want to be funny any more i got too short skirt maybe i can be the cute one is there any a day i need to be the funny one if not then ill be the biggest fan i dont want to be a maybe and ill buy the clothes and ill be the best dressed yeah, ill read the books ill be the smartest ill play guitar and ill be the one try not to laugh im serious to be the first one i dont want to be funny any more yeah, ill be the gossip and hear it through the grapevine pass it on shes done with the old times that funny girl doesnt want to smile for anyone dont go away. We will be right back with more music from lucy dacus. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer saturday sessions are sponsored by blue buffalo. You love your pets like family, so feed them like family with blue toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. Which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. Get your beauty sleep and use yonew aveeno®r . Absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. New absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. Thats all i crave. E thats where this comes in. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. And that helps put my craving in its place. Thats why i only choose nicorette. With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. Nutella spread the happy because i trust their quality. Made fish oil. They were the first to have a product verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody. Stay cool. Thank you for watching. We leave you with more music from lucy dacus. This is double maker, double ganger. Its like i spit on the tv screen she had the body of a beauty queen put on a pedestal oh oh never saw a girl that looked like you i wanted to run away from it run away a long way she had your eyes made for fake smiles and hands full of young to wrap around your finger came out of a magazine she grew up as a pretty young thing and swing on the backyard swing daddy told you to stay indoors i can understand how a girl gets to feeling like that too young she had the same disease and makes us want to live forever and die i want to live in a world where i can keep my doors wide open because who knows what get in and what get out one of these nights ill sleep with the windows down until that creature is gone there is an evil thing wind in my face my eyes you taught me about anything that beautiful girl need more attention for those of you still with us, we leave you with one more from lucy dacus. This is strange torpedo. You got yourself a bunch of bad habits i love to see love is a weakness it seems to me the way un you understand is not the way its going to happen i look in the eye i dont know what your face looks like youre smoking and i try to tell you something youve not heard before you got a bug in your pocket you got a bug in your sock you got a mind to keep a secret i got to hope one day youll release it every time i try to tell you what i think i think its wrong that you sit around looking like a toy and youre lost every time i tell you something you say youve heard before and you dont listen to me oh oh. Oh oh youre a strange torpedo strange torpedo strange torpedo on the loose and dont play the fool dont play the fool ,,,, major delays. The warning from bart, and what you need to know to avoid being late. If youre catching a flight out of s fo. Plus, overnight. A truck slams into a south bay house. The injuries. And investigation now underway. And, flames eating up parts of monterey county. The efforts underway to stop the wildfire, and the impacts the smoke is having on the bay area. Its just about on this saturday, july 30th. Good morning, im maria medina. And im julie watts. A busy weekend ahead with lots of changes for bart riders, as well as drivers. Roqui theus is joining us this morning to help you navigate the anticiapted weekend traffic. She is the newest addition to our weekday morning team. Welcome roqui chat joining us from good day on our sister station. 44 cable 12 but before we get to

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