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We want to keep searching and searching and surearching untile cant search anymore. An alligator attacked a 2yearold at disney world. Its tragic. I cannot come to grips with what it must have been like to be in that situation. Astonishing stories from inside orlandos pulse nightclub. So its dark in there and hes still shooting. You could hear the bullets drop. Hear the clip fall on the floor. This morning fbi trying to determine if the wife of the gunman had advanced knowledge of the attack. Now have proposals from the Presumptive Republican nominee to bar all muslims from immigrating to america. Political correctness is deadly. I watched president obama today, and he was more angry at me than he was at the shooter. What donald trump is saying is shameful. It is disrespectful to the people who are killed. The case of Workplace Violence in texas ended with a gunman fatally shot by police. Caught on camera, an immense explosion at a california plastics factory. Very challenging and volatile fire. All that First Lady Michelle Obama sat down for first of its kind summit called United States of women. We have to invest that time in getting to understand who we are and liking who we are, because i like me. And all that matters. Today is Donald Trumps 70th birthday. His facebook wall was full of birthday wishes from friends and family. Lets check it out. Bernie posted, how am i only four years older than you . On cbs this morning. The democratic primary is officially over after washington, d. C. , held its nominating contest yesterday. We made it we made it through the beginning of the election. Just five more months. This mornings eyeopener is presented by toyota, lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Gayle king is off. John heilemann, managing editor of Bloomberg Politics joins us. Another Tragedy Strikes the orlando area. Were following a desperate search this morning for a 2yearold boy dragged away by an alligator last night at a disney resort. Florida Law Enforcement searched land and water overnight. The child on vacation with his family at grand floridian resort and spa. Outside disney world with urgent attempts to try and find the boy. Good morning. Reporter good morning. After 11 hours of searching by divers, this operation was officially changed from search and rescue to search and recovery. What that means officials no longer have any hope or expectation they will find the little boy alive. The 2yearold male child has not been located. Police say the family was relaxes on the lagoon when an alligator struck. Last night we spoke with the sheriff. The father was standing nearby when the alligator attacked the child. The father then went into the water and tried to wrestle the small child from the grip of the alligator. Obviously he was not successful in that effort. Within minutes the tranquil shore turned into a frantic Police Search zone. We have units that are out on the water in boats. We have our Aviation Unit helicopters up assisting in the search. We have a dive team that is standing by. The family of four, who were on vacation from nebraska, were on the beach at disneys grand floridian resort and spa. Shall owes of the seven seas lagoon along the upscale resort property despite do not swim signs. They dialed 911. There was a lifeguard that was nearby who attempted to assist them. But by that time, the alligator had taken the child under water. More than 50 Police Officers closed off part of the resort searching both on the water and from the air, but with no success. Still a search and rescue operation. We are very hopeful, hoping for the best, sometimes under the circumstances the worst, but were certainlily hoping for the best. Search involves 50 people, four boats, two have sonar. Consider this, 50 Million People visited disney parks and resorts last year. For most people the vacation is a dream, this one is a nightmare. Joining us executive director of florida fish and wildlife commission. Good morning, sir . Good morning. Can you tell us how close you are of where you are in finding the 2yearold . Well, we searched throughout the night, and we didnt have any success, but i believe as day breaks and we get sunlight well have more opportunity to find him. Were going to keep searching until we do. How surprising is it for a gator to go after a toddler . Its very surprising. Either an extremely rare occurrence anywhere you have alligators. We do ask people to be mindful that we have alligators in water in florida and you have to be careful. Its very rare. It really is a shock to us to see this happen. Seven seas lagoon is man made. Swimming is no longer allowed there. Are there many gators in that lagoon . We dont believe there are many. We know there are a few. I wouldnt say many. We dont have a complete count. Were not seeing theres a large number. Nick, why would a gator do this . What would prompt an alligator to go after a small child like this . Alligators are not very sophisticated when they are searching for food. More often than not if they attack a womahuman, they are mistaken. They think its a dog. Normally an alligator does not want to go after a human. Its usually something they are confused and dont know what they are after. What about what happened here . We know the family was near the water on a sandy beach area and kind of just out of nowhere the young boy was grabbed. The father tried to get down and fought valiantly to try to save his son. Its a heartbreaking story. We just our hearts go out to this family and our prayers. Were going to stay here with them and work with them through this. Nick, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Thank you very much. Now to the orlando terror attack investigation. Investigators say that the shooters wife knew omar mateen wanted to commit terror. She told the fbi she tried to stop her husband. She also told investigators she went to the pulse nightclub with her husband on another occasion. We know more this morning about the phone calls mateen made while he took 49 lives inside that club. The youngest victim was 18 years old, the oldest was 50. Many survivors are sharing chilling accounts of the massacre. Details about the investigation. Jeff, good morning. Reporter good morning. Cbs news learned on sunday omar mateen went to work as a Security Guard in a gated community in florida. He then went home only to go out again ending up near the pulse nightclub. Investigators believe he was in that area for several hours before walking into the nightclub carrying a backpack and launching the attack at about 2 00 a. M. Sundays shooting rampage wasnt omar mateens only objective during the threehour attack. He was also on facebook declaring his allegiance to isis. He repeated his pledge in a phone call to 911 and to a television producer, according to a local news station. He started saying he did it for the islamic state, he did it for isis. He started speaking in arabic. Reporter a Law Enforcement source says mat evens wife noor videotaped here with her head covered is telling investigators she tried to stop her husband from committing the attack. Investigators have interviewed her twice and given her a polygraph test. She told them the couple had been to the club at least once before. Everybody knew his name, omar. Club patron jim van horn said mateen was a regular. He used to come in the bar on the weekends sometimes he would be there. Sometimes he would miss a couple weeks and then be in again. The fbi has been speaking with the owners of other clubs in the area, including michael vas who operates the gay club revere. He says he received a facebook friend request from mateen three days before the shooting. I saw the picture that morning before the incident. I swallowed my tongue. It was omar. Reporter a 2012 documentary appears to show mateen working as a Security Guard following the bp oil spill where he seemed skeptical of the cleanup efforts. Everybody is just out to get paid. They are hoping for more oil to come out and more people to complain so they will have jobs. They want more disaster to happen. Reporter that was omar mateen. The video is now being confirmed. The killers wife are cooperating with authorities but prosecutors are considering whether to charge her for having prior knowledge of the attack. So far theres no evidence to ever call police to warn them that she believed he was planning an attack. Thank you so much, jeff. Survivors are sharing harrowing new details of the massacre. One said the gunman shot victims repeatedly to make sure they were dead. Jamie yuccas at Orlando Regional Medical Center where more than two dozen victims remain hospitalized. Jamie, good morning. Good morning. Carter was in the bathroom when omar mateen called 911 and told dispatchers he was pledging his allegiance to isis. The New York University student says the gunman told her as well as the other hostages he wanted america to stop bombing his country. Carter worries mateen would not stop shooting until his message was heard. Were all like scrambling around in the bathroom screaming at the top of our lungs. Reporter survivors, gut wrenching accounts of the massacre are difficult to listen to. People are being hit by bullets. Blood is everywhere. Reporter during the attack, 20yearold patience carter and 32yearold angel santiago sought shelter in the pulse bathroom. When it didnt stop, the gunfire kept going, and we heard it getting louder and closer, i did think to myself, wow, this is probably it for me. Reporter both were shot in the leg. Santiago was hit multiple time. Every time a phone running or every time a text message went off, he would he would say, where is it . Give it up . Carter with her friend tiarra parker and akyra murray were among those held hostage. I could see bodies slumped over toilet seat, over it were hand prints in blood. Reporter when the gunman first started firing they escaped outside and reentered to find murray. Murray, who just celebrated her 18th birthday, was the youngest of the 49 victims to die. To see my best friend on the floor and akyra just looking lifeless, at that point i was like, i really dont think im going to get out of here. I made peace with god within myself. I look over and he shoots the girl next to me. Im just there laying down, im thinking, im next. Im dead. Angel colon said he was helpless on the floor of the club after he was shot three times in the leg. The gunman took aim at him again. I dont know how, but by the glory of god he shoots toward my head but it hits my hand. He shoots again and it hits the side of my hip. Colon was one of 44 victims transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center where doctors performed dozens of surgeries. The way that you guys have taken care of us in this hospital is amazing. If it wasnt for you guys, i definitely would not be here. Reporter nine of the 44 patients who came to orlando regional died. Six of the remaining 27 are in critical condition. At universal orlando, weve learned four people who worked there died. They plan to hold a memorial tomorrow. Jamie, thanks. In the wake of the Orlando Attack, president obama said Donald Trumps stance on terrorism is dangerous to america. The president blasted the Presumptive Republican nominees proposal. He suggested trumps rhetoric towards muslims was, quote, doing terrorist work for them. We now have proposals from the Presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States. To bar all muslims from immigrating to america. We hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. Where does this stop . Are we going to start treating all Muslim Americans differently . Are we going to start subjecting them to special surveillance . Are we going to start discriminating against them because of their faith . Weve heard these suggestions during the course of the campaign. It makes Muslim Americans feel like their government is betraying them. The president also said our government has acted out of fear before and gone on to regret it. The cbs news poll shows 25 of americans approve of Donald Trumps response to the attacks while 36 approve of Hillary Clintons response. A new poll from Bloomberg Politics shows clinton is leading trump by 12 points, 49 to 37 in the president ial race. In North Carolina where trump attacked clinton and said the president was more angry at him than he was the orlando shooter. We have a radical islamic terrorism problem, folks. We can say we dont. We can pretend like obama that we dont. At a rally last night trump painted an ominous picture of the u. S. We cant live this way. People afraid to go out now. Reporter arguing were less safe now than before obama took office. Trump prompted he would protect the country better than hrk. Were going in the movie theater, on airports, going to lead our lives like were supposed to lead our lives. Reporter trump continued to hammer clinton and the president for radical islam. Political correctness is deadly. They dont want to talk about the problem. An argument both mr. Obama and secretary clinton countered in their speeches. Not once has an adviser of mine said, man, if we really use that phrase, were going to turn this thing around. Not once. Is donald trump suggesting there are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us . Reporter trump has another rally today in atlanta where hes expected to continue to hammer president obamas and Hillary Clintons terrorism policies as weak and ineffective. Norah. Thank you so much, chip. A senior advisers to mitt romney and paul ryan during 2012 campaign. He joins us now. Dan, good morning. Good morning. After trumps comments yesterday, you now have the top republican, paul ryan and mitch mcconnell, agreeing with barack obama and Hillary Clinton on his comments on muslims. Right. What he said on muslim ban, a religious test for entering this country, its abhorrent, everything about it is reprehensible. As a political matter, this is the point at which donald trump should be unifying the party. You have two trends or events going on. Event number one is a bunch of polls, cbs and bloomberg in particular showing the gap is widening between hillary and obama i mean, hillary and trump. Secondly you have these crazy inflammatory divisive things hes saying giving Republican Leaders pause about unifying. Bad polls and inflammatory rhetoric is a bad way to unify the party on the eve of the convention. Given republican candidates for senate and governor, too. They are concerned in principle what hes saying and the Collateral Damage to senate and house races right down the ballot. More and more Republican Leaders saying we could lose eight or nine senate seats. Our House Majority could be shrunk to a hair. The Republican Party could get wiped out. Thats when he talked about a muslim ban, as you suggested. When he says there is a radical islamic terrorism in the United States, is that what is the Republican Partys response to that use of language by donald trump . Well, the idea that political leaders in the moment of this crisis, terrorist crisis, should be more precise about identifying the threat were dealing with, specifically a radical islamic terrorist threat, americans across tkrosc spectrum, not just the right, sympathize this that. That cannot be the sole basis of critique to the response to orlando. It has to be more comprehensive. The only other peace he adds to prescriptions is this muslim ban, which Republican Leaders are against. Let me ask you straight pretty cal question here, the judge curiel, this response and soldiers in iraq stole from recovery fund. My sense Republican Leaders, people you talk to every day, are more pessimistic about trumps prospects than they have ever been. So is there now a renewed push to try to dump him at the convention . There are two tracks being discussed. One track continues to be a potential independent candidacy, which is very hard and very narrow at this point. The other thing talked about, whether or not some rules could be amend to force a real convention fight to replace him. Its a long shot, i dont know if it will happen. More and more you hear republican say the system, establishment, whole team supporting republican ticket cant sustain another week like the last couple of weeks. Thanks. Ahead scott pelley talks to a man trapped by orlando you prosecutors take action against the judge in the stanford Sexual Assault trial. Plus, sharp words from one of the jurors who convicted former College Swimmer brock turner. Map after 51 days of the pursuit of four bandits who chose a prius as their getaway car, a new development prius owners from all over america have descended on the chase hi to play what appears to be an automotive shell game with authorities. Its total confusion down here. The prius 4 have literally vanished. Theyre just gone. [laughing] i dont think anyone could have predicted this. Toyota. Lets go places. 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Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. The National Aquarium sparked a four alarm fire tt gutted a san jose shopping even good morning. Its 7 of 26. Im michelle griego. Investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a four alarm fire that gutted a San Jose Shopping Center this morning. Seven or eight storefronts on the santa teresa boulevard burned. A San Jose Police officer was killed in a Traffic Accident while on duty yesterday. Police say mike katherman was on the force for 11 years. Coming up on cbs this morning, scott pelley speaks to the friend of one of the orlando nightclub shooting victims who texted during the hostage situation. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,, good morning. Im gianna in the traffic center. 880 right now in oakland, you have stopandgo conditions starting to begin northbound past the coliseum. Sluggish there. 23 minutes 238 to the maze. Surface streets in oakland word of an accident involving a bus and pedestrian. 73rd at international. So lots of activity there in the area. Carquinez bridge to the maze 46 minutes. Backup into the maze with the metering lights on. Its our live weather camera in the south bay looking out towards san jose under mostly cloudy skies. A marine layer is rolling over Santa Cruz Mountains into the south bay. Mid and highlevel clouds associated with a trough to the north of us. 48 cool degrees in santa rosa to 55 degrees in livermore. Hey, oakland, wind gusts right now up to 31 Miles Per Hour. Winds today west up to 25. 50s and 60s a few low 70s. Spotty showers in the north bay tomorrow. ,,,,, look at that rainbow right there. What . Look at that rainbow. The rainbow appeared over orlando yesterday. People shared image saying it shined over pulse nightclub. We all know the rainbow is a symbol of the lgbt community. And as scott pelley said on the evening news, the rainbow always shines brightest after the rain. Beautiful and nice to see that there. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, scotts interview with a man who escaped the terror. Ahead, the images the survivor says he will never forget as he tried to save his friend from the gunman. Plus, the first juror in the stanford sex assault case to break his silence. He accuses the judge of ignoring the jurys findings with a jail sentence that sparked global outrage. In headlines, the New York Times reports on a warning to Belgian Police about a possible imminent terrorist threat. It says isis fighters from syria could be heading for europe, but belgium does not plan to raise its threat level. The french president said yesterday that his country faces a very large terror threat. His comments came after the killing of two police officials. Bloomberg news reports that iran will soon reveal a deal to buy jets from boeing. The breakthrough agreement for a u. S. Company would include about 100 jetliners. The estimated value is about 25 billion. The transaction would need u. S. Government approval. Such a deal reportedly would be the biggest between tehran and the u. S. Company since sanctions were eased. The Washington Post says russian government hackers are accused of breaking into the Computer Network of the Democratic National committee. They allegedly stole research on donald trump. They access to the network as early as last summer. No personal, financial, or donor information appears to have been taken. A Russian Embassy spokesman denied any knowledge of the hacking. I want to know what the dnc knows about donald trump that the rest of us dont know. I imagine they know a few things we dont know. Theyve spent money and time looking into that. It raises the specter between Hillary Clintons email server and the Democratic National server vulnerable. Well talk about security and the politics for the rest of the campaign. The russian angle is intriguing. People wonder whether hillarys server is penetrated. This will respark the argument. T th the boston globe foun serious safety violations with a deadly form of listeria in more than 100 surfaces at whole foods. Makes readytoeat food for 74 whole foods stores in the northeast. Whole foods says it is addressing the problem. Our seattle affiliate kiro is airing footage of a students heroism in 2014. A camera recorded the attack at Seattle Pacific university. The student pepper sprayed the shooter, seized his gun, and detained him. The gunman killed one student and wounded two others. Kiro and other media organizations went to court to obtain the naulings were more like brothers than friends. Naulings spoke with scott pelly in orlando. Good morning. Reporter good morning. They considered the pulse nightclub to be a safe haven. These two men went there early sunday morning. It was a lastminute Decision Just before last call. We were standing at the bar and ordering a drink. We never even got that drink. We were dancing, then there was a shot fired. Went from shot firing to my phone falling to the floor and us looking at each mother total shock, like this is happening for real . This cant be happening. It had to be the music. Then when you hear the ringing of someone shooting and its next you dont know if its next to you, where is it coming from, are they coming here, is it over, is it really true. The shots continued to go on, then it stopped, and it began again. Then the lights went off. Then it was complete silence. Complete silence. You could hear a pin drop. You could hear the bullets drop. I even heard the clip fall on the floor. For him to just reload again, and then the rings of shots just keep going. People are running and yell iin. We ran into the womens bathroom, me and all three of my friends. Everyone was going hectic. Me and bryson, Eddie Justice was getting ready to go out of the womens bathroom. He looked at me, and the image in his face i will never forget, scott, is will haunt me for the rest of my life. He looked at me, and it said, take care of me. Please dont leave me. He knew i was going to take care of him because he was more than just a friend. He was like a brother. The person that would put a smile on my face. The person that told me that youre going to make it, youre going to be big. People dont know you now, but youre going to be somebody. Were going to be somebody. And i told him, i said, im not going to let go. Were going to get out of here. And to hold your friends hand and only make it three feet away from the bathroom to where the dressing room is is where you know theres a door to exit out of. As im running out of that hallway reporter its dark. Its dark. He was behind me. But as im looking behind me and still moving, a girl gets shot behind me. She falls on the floor and people trample over her like shes nothing because theyre in a panic attack. Were at a standstill at this time because its dark. And the gate is black, and you cant really see where the latch is to open it. Once the latch opens, i ran across the street to the fire department, then to the 7eleven. I made a snapchat like, if you guys are okay, snap me back. The last thing my friend texted me was please help me. Help me, ive been shot, and im going into shock. Please help me. You cant help someone when you know you want to help them but you cant help them, when you know you always helped them, you always were there, they always were there for you. To hear help me, you cant help, youre trying to keep calm so you can keep them calm because they told you theyre in shock. There was nothing you could do. Its easier said than done. In the back of my head, i fault me because im supposed to be the bigger brother. To take care of him like always there was nothing you could have done. Dream trius naylings gold us this was not a Demetrius Naulings told us this was not a hate crime against gays. It was a hate crime against all people. Incredible interview. I saw part of it on your broadcast. Demetrius, there was nothing more you could have done. There was nothing more powerful than the testimony of someone who was there and faced the horror of what was happening and in their own words, feeling and sharing. It gives a sense of the sheer panic and terror and what it was, what it felt like to be in that place. Yeah. Well done, scott. Thank you, scott. Incredible evening news team. Thank you. We have an update on this the judge in the controversial stanford Sexual Assault trial is removed from a similar case. A new document shows the judges reasoning behind his stanford sentence. That is ahead. And if youre heading out the door, a reminder you can watch us live through the a allaccess app. Jeff gold republicelldblum and gladwell will be here coming up. I work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. 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Dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. Perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. To help protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. With the performance you expect from a monthly topical in a nongreasy collar. Seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months. Seresto®. From bayer. New fallout over the judge who issued a controversial ruling in the stanford Sexual Assault case. Judge aaron persky was blocked from presiding over a new Sexual Assault hearing involving an unconscious woman. In a statement the District Attorney said, after the recent turn of events, we lack confidence that judge persky can fairly participate in this upcoming hearing. Critics say the judges sixmonth sentence of former swimmer brock turner was too norah . 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Human lives are valuable. Police say the woman would have drowned if moss didnt jump into action. The womans daughter messaged homofacebook to thank him. Messaged him on facebook to thank him. Shehe heahea heahea heahead sair mom is aokay. Things bad going on, but every once this a while you think, theres hope out there. One of the nations big mor ill tell you where chesapeake is going to end up. A heart attack doesnt care if you run everyday, or if youre young or old. No matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. If youve had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. Im terhe is. At golf. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. New patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. New ensure enlive. Always be you. 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S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Shooting as another reason approve numerous gun control bills. Supporters hope to g them to the govenors desk good morning. It is 7 56. Im kenny choi. The lawmakers say the orlando mass shooting is another reason to approve numerous gun control bills in california. They hope to get them to the governor next month. The District Attorney asked that judge aaron persky be taken off a Sexual Assault case following public backlash for his decision in the controversial stanford rape case. Well have traffic and weather in just a moment. , hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. The twentysixteen Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. Busy on the nimitz freeway this morning. As you work out and about 880 busy both directions. We have an accident right at a street causing a backup there. Both directions slow north and southbound. But the heaviest conditions on that southbound side. We have had a couple of problems. Delays across the span of the san mateo bridge, 30 minutes between 880 and 101. 880 north, you can see our camera shaking around there. Lots of company northbound towards the bay bridge towards the the maze. Traffic is busy heading on the span of the bridge itself. Roberta. Gianna, the cameras has been wavering this morning, wind gusts 35 miles an hour in the open area. Clouds in the horizon in san francisco. We have so many different types of clouds today. Cool. 52 to 57 degrees. West wind at 25 today. Stronger gusts at times. 50s beaches, partly cloudy around the bay the 60s up to the mid70s at best in our inland areas. Spotty showers on your thursday. Good morning to our viewers in the west spp a wednesday, june 16th, 2016. More real news ahead including the latest on an alligator that attacked a child at disney world. This operation was changed from a search and rescue to a search and recovery. We searched throughout the night and we didnt have any success. Were going to keep searching until we do. Investigators believe he was in that area for several hours before launching the attack about 2 00 a. M. The gunman told her and the other hostages he wanted america to stop bombing his country. Another rally today where he is expected to continue to hammer president obama and Clinton Easter ror policies. They are concerned. In principal theyre against what he is saying and the Collateral Damage that the senate and house race, right down the ballot. These two men went there, a last minute Decision Just before last call. We never even got that drink. The juror says he was shocked and apalled by turners minimal sentence. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders met privately this week. So privately even bernie didnt know. Its over, bernie. Tap out. Im charlie rose with Norah Odonnell and john heilemann. Searchers in florida looking for a boy who was dragged away from his family by an alligator. Recovery crews searched throughout the night but have not found the gator or the boy. They did pull four alligators from the leak near the disney grand floridaian resort and spa. The 2yearold was in Shallow Water in the seven seas lagoon. Do not swim signs are posted in the area. We spoke with nick watley. They were on a sandy beach area. The young boy was grabbed. The father fought valiantly to save his son. It is heartbreaking and our hearts go out to this family and our prayers. We will stay here with them and wok with them through this. Nick, why would a dgator do this . Alligators are not very sophisticated when theyre searching for food. More often than not if they attack a human, theyre mistaken, they this it is Something Like a raccoon or a dog or something. Normally an alligator does not want to go after a human. It is usually something theyre just confused and not sure what theyre after. Law enforcement officials describe this as a recovery effort, not a rescue operation. For the first time were seeing film of omar mateen who was working as a Security Guard. Investigators in orlando believe he informs the general hour for several hours before the shooting. During the attack, mateen called him and pledged his allegiance to isis. A Law Enforcement source says that noor salman tried to stop mateen from committing the attack. She had been to the nightclub with him once before. 20yearolds patience carter was trapped in the bathroom with the gunman. Tiar and carter survived, but 18yearold murray did not make it. The guilty of being alive is heavy. Wanting to smile about surviving but not sure if the people around you are ready. The world mourns, the victims killed and viciously slain. I feel guilty about my legs and pain because i could feel nothing like the other 49 that werent so lucky to feel the pain of mine. I never thought in a million years that this could happen. I never thought in a million years that my eyes could witness something so tragic. Looking the souls leaving the bodies of individuals. Looking at the killers machine gun throughout my my peripheral. Looking at the blood and debris on everyones faces. Looking at the gunmans feet under the stall as he paces. The guilt of feeling lucky to be alive is heavy. Test like the weight of the oceans walls crushing uncontrolled by levees. Like being thrown in the back of a chevy. Its like rushing to the hospital being told you will make it when you lay be side individuals whose lives were brutally taken. The guilt of being alive is heavy. Carter said this writing is part of her healing process. There was not a dry eye in the room after hearing her describe her ordeal. You can imagine the feeling, how did i survive, why many . Survivors guilt is a concept that everyone is familiar with. And in this case, deeper and longer lasting because of the scale. After the shooting, donald trump repeated that muslims should temporarily be stopped from entering the United States, but a new poll shows that 66 of voters are bothered by the ban, and 61 disagree with the suggestion that president obama has been soft on terror. The Orlando Attack renewed the gun control debate on capital hill. The two parties do not appear close to a compromise. 91 of people on the terrorist watch list who tried to buy a gun were able to do so. Nancy cordes, good morning. President clinton talked about Donald Trumps bizarre rants. Speaking in pittsburgh, clinton said she favors a return to the assault weapons being sold to those on the fbi watch list. People being investigated by terrorist links can buy a gun with no questions asked. That is absurd. A new federal report shows in the last year aid loan, people on the terrorist watch list were able to pass federal background checks and buy a gun in 243 cases. Let our republican colleges contemplate that. They want to fight terrorism, but they say theyre going to continue a situation where 91 of suspected terrorists can get a gun. Republicans have their own bill they say can do the same thing while making sure those that denied a gun can repeal it. Do you think the founders anticipated assault weapons that could very quickly kill 50 people. Right now our democratic friends are opportunistically using this to advance their agenda. The republicans noted the last time an assault weapons ban came up for a vote in 2014, 16 Senate Democrats voted against it. Where do you stand on an assault weapons now. I know with the ar15 theyre talking about, the type of weapon and what it is used for, the people that go hunting do not use it, but people do collect them and use them. It was seen as the best chance for a bipartisan compromise back then, but it also failed. He is opening this tragedy could give it new life, norah. Good reporting, nancy, thank you so much. Michelle obama talks with Oprah Winfrey at dolphins in baltimore will dolphins in baltimore will soon experience a life they have never known. Why the citys National Aquarium is removing their exhibit and where they could end up next. That is next on cbs this morning. And stumbled upon some stranded enthusiasts. D. He shared his sandwiches. He rescued their rover. He observed their methods. And was invited to join the crew for the remainder of the mission. No. James left to discover new frontiers. And potable water. How far will you take the allnew rav4 hybrid . Toyota. Lets go places. Customer service d. Maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. Dogs sure can be messy. But with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesnt have to be. Nexgard, the vets 1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. The 1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. ,,,,, this goes out to every backyard hero. For all the effort you put into making the perfect barbecue, theres only one grill thats engineered and designed with the same kind of passion, weber. Available at the home depot. Well called the nations first seaside dolphin sanctuary. The latest major attraction is under fire from critics, good morning. This is mya, chesapeake, and bailey. Six of eight were born here, and the only one born in the wild is 44 years old. This is the only life they have ever known. If a few years they will be swimming in a seaside sanctuary. More than a Million People a year come through the National Aquarium and the dolphins are amajor attraction. In this 1. 3 million gallon pool, they glide and flip. Trainers give them daily check ups and endless supplies of fish. Chesapeake is 44. We check the teeth, we look at the tongue. She was the first dolphin born in the aquarium. You see how calm she is. How long have you had a relationship with her . I have been here for ten years and im constantly building that trust and relationship. But that relationship will soon change. Within five years, the aquarium wants to move them to a sanctuary like this along an ocean front. Looking at places like florida and the caribbean. The operating principal is don fins first. It will allow them to interact with other sea life. There will be crabs and lobsters finding their way, jelly fish will drift in and out but they need to learn to cope with every single one of those natural features. The good news, theyre really smart. It is that intelligence that humans have started to grasp in the last 50 years. In the 60s, americans were captivated by flipper and wanted to see dolphins and other large and intelligent marine animals up close. In the 1990s, free willy showed the amazing escape of a whale. All wheals in captivity are psychologically traumatized. Sea world is phasing out their shows. And the ringling brothers are also. The Baltimore Community will still be able to stay in touch with these dolphins after they leave their aquarium. They will have web cams on them, and visitors will like i will be able to see these guys in person, norah . Thank you, you do need wifi to look at the web cam, that is true. I believe thats true. I love dolphins. Every day. I love dolphins so much. Malcolm gladwell is trying to make sense of history. He is in our toyota green room with the new pod cast project. Good morning. President ial politics ahead here on cbs this morning. Your car got rearended and you needed a tow. Did your 22page insurance policy say, great news. Youre covered . No. It said, blah blah blah blah. The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compass makes it easy to know what youre covered for and what youre not. Liberty mutual insurance. My man friend that ive been syour man friend. Like, as i was leaving i was like, goodbye, i love you, and like. laughs whatd he say . I said, dont say anything oh god laughs cause now like, this is the cliffhanger, so we dont know if he loves you. Whats gonna happen if he doesnt . I my mom wants to understand, but she just cant see it. So excedrin worked with me to show my mom what i experience during a migraine. Excedrin relieves my pain and symptoms. But their dedication to migraine sufferers doesnt stop there. Oh my god. Im so sorry, honey, that you go through this. Now i finally feel understood. Experience more stories at excedrin. Com to you, theyre more than just a pet. So protect them with k9 advantix ii. It kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. K9 advantix ii. For the love of dog. Be better father. Good lord, just being a good fathers who love your daughters and are providing a solid example of what it means to be a good man in the world. That of First Lady Michelle Obama who offered advice it men at the white house summit on women. She shared the stage yesterday with Oprah Winfrey. Gayle king was also there. The first lady answered a question about life after the white house. What is the one thing that you think you wanted you really want to do . And can we go shopping . Yeah, girl. Lets go shopping. I want to open my front door without discussing it with anyone. [ laughter ] and i want to walk out that door and just walk. I want to sit in a yard that is not a national park. [ laughter ] you know, i do want to drop in on into target. I want to, you know i do. I want to go to target again. Mrs. Obama called her husband who also spoke at the summit swaggalicious. When they ask what theyll miss the most, they always say air force one. Air force one. The plane. Starting to get a sense theyre a little demob happy, looking forward to when this is over. Good news for coffee drinkers up when. Supervisors approved a plano add Six Navigation Centers within two years. These centers will provide s good morning, its 8 25. Time for news headlines. San francisco supervisors approved a plan to add Six Navigation Centers within two years. The centers will provide shelter for people experiencing homelessness. Sheriffs in orlando, florida are still searching for a 2yearold boy dragged into a lagoon by an alligator. They deployed new search crews this morning. Up next on cbs this morning, Joseph Goldblum is talking about his new movie Independence Day resurgence. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,, good morning. Im Gianna Franco in the traffic center. South bay accident southbound 17 at lark. Activity there on scene but as far as our sensors go not showing too many troubles along 17. Looks good approaching 85. 85 northbound sluggish typical along 101, as well. Heavy from 280 680 to 237 over halfhour to make that portion of the morning drive. 280 not too much better. You have delays here as well so 101, 680 to 85 guadalupe parkway slow near taylor. Taking a look at south 680 at main street, this trouble spot is over to the right shoulder. But busy out of walnut creek southbound. You will see some slowandgo conditions connecting over to 24. Stopandgo conditions on 24 through orinda and near the caldecott and, of course, if you are heading to the bay bridge expect delays on all approaches. Your best one so far is 880. But busy with the metering lights on. Thats a look at your morning drive. Heres roberta. Thanks. This is a beautiful view. We are talking san jose under partly to mostly cloudy skies. We even have teal blue sky there, as well. Currently air temperatures in the 50s. Cool start to the day and winds up to 31 Miles Per Hour in oakland. 17 in livermore. Todays westerlies 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. 50s, 60s a few 70s. If you want mid70s you will have to go inland to fairfield. Heres the extended forecast. A spotty north bay shower on thursday. And then High Pressure builds in with lots of sunshine for fathers day on sunday. Alligator. ,,, welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, author Malcolm Gladwell shows us how basketball great Wilt Chamberlain can help us rethink history. Yeah. Also, in the toyota green room, jeff gold bosnian musli goldblum. Hes busy with his new son and tell you how hes recreating with a blockbuster cast for Independence Day resurgence. In headlines, the Washington Post reports coffee is no longer classified as a possible cars en. The World Health Organization says there is not enough proof to show a link to cancer. A new report today has a warning about very hot drinks. It finds beverages of 150 degrees fahrenheit might hurt the throat and promote tumor growth. And the Los Angeles Times reports on the copyright trial getting underway over led zeppelins iconic song stair way to heaven. The estate of the guitarist and the band spirit accuses zeppelin of stealing parts of its song taurus. Taurus was released three years before stairway to heaven. Robert planet and jimmy page are Robert Plante and jimmy page are expected to testify. Malcolm gladwell is the author behind five bestselling books. They explore how ideas are spread, decisions are made, the origins of led revisionist history. He explores people and events that may deserve a Second Thought or a second chance. Were pleased to have Malcolm Gladwell back in studio 57. Welcome. Thank you. On a serious note, your thoughts on orlando . Wow, you know, i did a piece for the new yorker in the fall talking about School Shootings and how contagious they are. You cant understand one shooting in isolation. I hate to use the word, but almost a tradition that develops and grows over time. I think we shouldnt think about orlando in isolation. This is what happens when youve had 20 years of steadily building examples of this behavior. And this shooter, i am quite sure is, feeding off im going to bet right now, he was obsessed with columbine. I was reading your piece in the new yorker that you wrote. You talk about the sociologist ralph larkin that argues that harris and klebold laid down the cultural script for many shooters after that. Many referencing the columbine shooters. This guy is combining the scripts that come from islamic fundamentalism and isis with the homegrown scripts about expressing this sort of bizarre fantasy. Its a were seeing an evolution, weird evolution of this particular pathology. If managss shootings are contagious, its an epidemic, 140 so far and its only june. Whats the cure . A lot of democrats think its gun control. I dont think you do. I think its a lot more complicated than that. Whats going on now, when you have these subcultures that are feeding off each other, they are referencing nearly thats theyre watching youtube videos, theyre, in the case i wrote about the kid was immersing himself in these obscure website being columbine and watching videos about how to build bombs and comparing himself to previous shooters. Its hard for the rest of society to penetrate that world. I think gun control has a place, but lets not kid ourselves that if we pass the strictest gun control in the world that we would end this particular behavior. Lets talk about your podcast series. Youre calling it revisionist history. Why . The idea for the show is that every week for ten weeks, we pick an event, a person, or a one case a song, a painting, that happened at some point in the past. And we tell the story and say, you may have remembered this, but maybe you didnt lets go back and ask the question did you did you remember it correctly . Is the truth a little different . Is there something we can learn about that story today . Whats an example . One story, the opening episode which airs on thursday is about a painting that was in the 1870s was most famous painting in england. It was painted by a woman. One of the first prominent female painters in england. The story is all about what happens to the painter, this woman, after the painting becomes famous. Its a story about what does it mean to be the first woman to penetrate an allmale world. Thats where i want to lead the listener to. Thats elizabeth thompson, the painter. In the podcast you talk about the australian Prime Minister gillard. The first female, if you look at previous examples of women who become the first head of state in their country, the examples are really a little bit sobering. Its not easy to be the first woman to take that. If hillary wins, my prediction is shes going to be in for a tough time in a way that i dont think people appreciate because theres a kind of what happened to gillard is interesting. Shes elected, people say, wow, we final elected a woman. Theres a backlash. It unleashes this torrent of suppressed misogyny and abuse. You cannot imagine what she goes through. Is there a torrent of misogyny out there . I think its already there. I think theres a lot more that will happen if shes elected. The second episode is about why smart people do dumb things. Its also about Wilt Chamberlain. Im obsessed with this story because hes a tall man whos ostensibly smart and does a lot of dumb things. Please help me out. Yes. On and off the basketball court. Its about the fact that Wilt Chamberlain was one of the greatest players of all time, but he had one weakness. He couldnt shoot free throws. He experiments and figures out that if he shoots them underhanded, he becomes a great freethrow shooter. He does that for a while, and then he goes back to shooting free throws the normal way even though he knows hes condemning himself to a career of mediocrity from the freethrow lines. The question is, having discovered a better way of doing things, why doesnt he stick with it . Why granny shot. Why im not going to tell you. Youve got to listen to the show. Im not going to give it away. Shaq had the same problem. I talk about that. You watch the nba finals, Tristan Thompson gets fouled, goes to the freethrow line, and misses shot after shot after shot. If youre Tristan Thompson, why wouldnt you try a different way of shooting the basketball if you cant do it the normal way . Why wouldnt you spend 24 hours a day trying to correct the issue . Its a puzzle. I answer the question we have no choice now now listen. Skip to episode two . No. You shouldnt skip. Listen to them in order. Its revisionist history. Thank you. Thank you, Malcolm Gladwell. Wonderful to have you here. Excited about the podcast. Youre welcome. Charlie and i are thinking of starting a podcast. Were apparently the only people who dont have a podcast. John heilemann has one what would be a good title . I need some thought. This picture, this is how about beauty and the beast . Rose and the thorn. Back to your podcast not bad. Yeah. The revisionist history podcast debuts tomorrow. The man described as the youngest 63yearold is in our toyota green room. Ahead, Jeff Goldblum on the resurgence of independence oh, my god. Jeff goldblum stars in the highly anticipated summer blockbuster, Independence Day resurgence. He reprises his role as david levinson, the genius scientist who must save the earth from alien destruction. Goldblum returns to the franchise after 20 years. Hes an artistic renaissance man featured in more than 100 movie, tv, and Stage Productions spanning the past 40 years. We havent seen each other for a week. Says were in a timeout. Timeout . Yeah. Timeout . What, are you 6 . You didnt share your Animal Crackers . Grownups dont have timeouts. They have sex. Well take 100 everybody is gainer. I love the whole beginner mentality. Were all baby chicks pecking our ways out of our shells. What do you think, a fly . Im becoming an 185pound fly . God creates dinosaurs, got destroys dinosaurs. Got creates man, man destroys god. God creates dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherit the earth. The next generation. Think about it. Think. Among the tippitt top were live now. I know. Joining us mid conversation. I want to get to talking welcome, welcome. Thank you. Im thrilled. Genuinely thrilled to be here. Lets talk about the movie and you have become the guy who is redefining aging. We want to get to that. Thats you. I thought that was you. Me, too. Thats what i thought. Then i saw where you had the title, as well. Its you, im sure. Independence day resurgence. Youve saved the world for us. Saved the world. Yes, yes. In the pretend world. Okay. I do. I dont want to give anything away, but i do pitch in, i do my part. True. What else can i say . We were talking about directors. I think a great director is rome demerick who directed the last movie and this movie. A wonderful guy. Taught me a great, great deal. I owe him a lot. This is a wonderful cast. Jud hirsch, speaking of models of youthfulness. Plays my father. Hardly believably because we look about the same age now. Bill pullman is back as the expresident. And brent spinor and charlotte gansboul and leiam hemsworth, not bad on the eyes. As a fighter pilot, too, come on. Extraordinarily large aliens, too. Really big one really big alien. Really big. When you showed up, when you showed up there, you were fascinated by the fact that heilemann doesnt have many socks on. What was that about . Thats correct. Hes a fashion plate. I watch him all the time. Im nothing no plate. Youre proud of your fashion consciousness. Lets be honest. Youre in g. Q. Like every month. He is. Writing stories, subject of features. What are you doing flipping flew g. Q. . Looking for you. I watch you all the time. I wouldnt think that this above the waist would give way gave way to the surprise bare ankle. I thought you would be more surprised by the fact that im not wearing pants. Im feeling uncomfortable. Im turning the subject to the fact that you are a new father i am. 11 months ago. He was born get this on Independence Day while we were shooting the movie. Did you know that . He was born the fourthof july. Im impressed that you have an infant at your advanced age. Why, you dont beat around the bush. Thank you very much my point is that its challenging you accept where you are with part of your life youre in. And celebrate it and love it. Yeah. I think so. Dont you yes, of course i do. Thats why im envious. I think so, too. And its optimistic, i think, to have a baby at 63. Thats true. You know, i feel good. Mother and baby are great . The what, the who . Mother and baby are great . Theyre great. Do you have kids his name is charlie. Hes 11 months. Hes fantastic. Did you say the babys like a fountain of youth . It makes you younger. Have i said that . Yeah. You must have a baby nurse. Yeah. We have help. And emily, my wonderful wife, is great. You have all weekend youre veterans. Hes been sleeping through the night since four months on. Yeah. And takes his nap. Hes very, very good. But you know, even these days hes here at the hotel now with emily. Its theres a lot to do. Hes got little allergies, i think. I had bad allergies when i was a kid back east. Eye rubbing and stuff. Hes going through something. I think maybe its that. The acting career is going juf just fine. Whats on your bucket list . What is it are you obsessed to do . I should think about that now i guess. You know, i dont know do it. Dont think about, it just do it. I guess im doing it. I mean baby at 63 . Yeah. Baby. And you know, im more than satisfied with all these things on my plate. Im happy as a clam. Although i do feel more appetized, robustly appetized and on the threshold of, to tell you the truth, my best, maybe its fantasy, my best things. Music, right . And i play music. I love playing music more than ever. Ill tell you, im a late bloomer. You know, im a humble student. So my approach in this late blooming stuff makes me when i wake up today, i feel like i could act better, play and singer better, and i do. And i do it. I think i did this better than i did yesterday or ever. Theres a got in heaven. So to speak. Some metaphor parallel to that. We could have this go on forever except we cant. Jeff goldblum, the ultimate pleasure. Independence day resurgence opening next friday, june 24th. Ahead, the dogs with a special mission in orlando. Youre watching cbs morning news. Thats the sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as 69 dollars oneway. So get ready to take off. Because sale prices as low as these dont happen every day book your low fare now at southwest. Com low fares. Nothing to hide. Thats transfarency. A 5 1 2yearold golden retriever named gracy is part of a special group of dogs helping people recover from the horror of the orlando shootings. 11 dogs from the canine Comfort Dog Ministry of the Lutheran Church are meeting with First Responders and families of some of the victims. Gracie and the rest of the pack also helped during other tragedies. They worked with emergency workers after the moore oklahoma in 2013. They also played with students following the sandy hook shooting and joined Police Officers in boston after the marathon bombings. Aw. We love dogs. Oh, boy, do we love dogs. We love dogs. And we love having john here. Thank you very much. Expected jeff to tell you how watch you are. You guys are the best, you know that . Thank you. Im not kidding. The rest of the best will be back tomorrow. Be sure to tune in to the cbs evening news with scott pelley tonight. For news any time, anywhere, watch our 24hour news streaming network, cbsn. We,,,,,,,,, officer was killed in a tra accident while on duty yesterday. Police say mike ka good morning, its 8 55. Time for news headlines. A San Jose Police officer was killed in a everybody Traffic Accident on duty yesterday. He police say mike katherman was on the force for 11 years. Jury selection continues today in the criminal trial of pg e in connection to the 2010 pipeline explosion in san bruno. The utility could be fined more tha 560 million if convicted. The District Attorney asked that judge aaron persky be taken off another Sexual Assault case. The request follows public backlash after his decision in the controversial stanford rape case. Heres roberta with the forecast. I have had so much fun looking at the clouds across the bay area this morning. This is our weather camera from the Transamerica Pyramid due south. We have clouds and nice puffy clouds. Partly cloudy today. Right now cool start to your day in the 50s. 51 degrees in san rafael. 57 san jose. Winds gusting 31 Miles Per Hour this morning. Later westerlies to 25. A brisk day, 50s beaches, 60s bayside. Partly cloudy inland from the low 70s in san jose to the mid 70s towards the east bay. We have a spotty scattered shower in the forecast on thursday primarily in the north bay nothing measurable and sunny skies and warmer conditions over the weekend. Gianna has a look at traffic and that is up next. Good morning, from the traffic center. Still pretty busy out there. We have reports of an injury accident involving a motorcycle. Just as you exit off fremont from the skyway coming over the bay bridge there, there are emergency crews and chp on scene. So a little busy backing things up on the skyway and thats a little bit of a struggle coming out of oakland into san francisco. So keep that in mind. Northbound 101 as you heading into san francisco, usually slowandgo conditions, 280 extension. Also backed up approaching king street. Bay bridge metering lights are on. Looking better coming off the eastshore freeway. Hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. The twentysixteen Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. Wayne who wants to look fancy . Go big or go home. Wayne youve got the big deal. But you know what im good at . Giving stuff away. Jonathan its a new living room. You won zonk bobbleheads. That has to be the biggest deal of forever. Jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, america. Welcome to lets make a deal. Whats going on . Im wayne brady. Thank you so much for tuning in. One person lets make a deal, shall we . Shall we make a deal . Lets see. With the red hair right there. Pink, red, tutu, you, all that. Come here. Whatever you are. Hey. Sierra. Yes. Wayne nice to meet you, sierra

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