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The republican campaign. Well, lets not go that far. Bernie sanders changes his tone. If we are getting attacked by the Clinton Campaign, i want them to know, we are going to respond. On the republican side, the president ial contest focusing on new york. Conception is, youre is a texas guy. You dont understand us up here. People across new york and across the country know exactly what new york values means. Police in brussels hope new video taken minutes after the march 22nd bombings can lead them to the terror suspect known as the man in the hat. An intense manhunt under way for a man who escaped from a washington psychiatric hospital. A wet and wild pursuit on the streets of l. A. Two suspects out for a showboating joy ride. Doing doughnuts. It is really becoming a spectacle. American idol saying goodbye and named its 15th and final winner. The winner trent harmon this show captivated audiences across the country. Jordan spieth. Ernie els, missing short putt after short putt after short putt. This is difficult to believe. And all that matters. Hillary clinton traveled like a true new yorker today. Sort of. She swiped her metro card five times, which means it only took the crowd behind her ten seconds to go from oh, my god, its hillary, to, lets go lady here is how cruz was greeted by this mornings New York Daily News for you nonnew yorkers. The f [ bleep ] train is a prominent line here in new york city. We frequently tell out of towners to take it. It only has one stop your mothers house. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Gayle king is off. Vinita nair is with us. Bernie sanders admits in a cbs news interview that Hillary Clinton has a sterling resume. This comes after a day of attacks on her qualifications to be president. Sanders says he only challenged clinton because she attacked him first. And he would still rather talk about the issues. In a wide ranging interview with charlie sanders, he said the campaign should not be for what he called tit for tat criticism. The charges she wasnt qualified was startling from the beginning because the clinton camp considers her credentials to be one of her strongest assets. Sanders sat down last night for what was a con ten shows interview trying to say he was sending a message to the clinton camp he is not going to be pushed around. She has years of experience. She is extremely intelligent. What should she say . I have some experience too. Pressed by charlie rose, Bernie Sanders admitted that democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is qualified to run. Secretary clinton, if she is the nominee, i certainly will support her. It was a shift from earlier in the day when a defiant sanders wouldnt say if he would back her in november. If you think she is not qualified, will you support her if she is the nominee . If i am under attack for not being qualified, i will respond. Tensions are high ahead of the caucus in new york. 436 delegates are at stake. Clinton needs 635 delegates to lock up the nomination. She reminded new york voters of her hometown credentials thursday with a ride on the subway, traveling nine blocks on the 4 train in the bronx. So convenient. Things got heated in philadelphia when former president bill clinton was campaigning for her. [ inaudible ] oh he took on two demonstrators who were protesting his wifes use of the term super predators in a 1996 speech about gang members. I dont know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13yearold kids hooked up on crack and sent them out onto the street to murder other africanamerican children. Maybe you thought they were good citizens. She didnt. She didnt. You are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. Tell the truth. Hillary clinton has apologized for using the term super predator, but still a Sticking Point for some africanamericans who believe the 1990s crime bill she was defending committed to mass incarcerations. Both she and others are made major changes to the National Criminal system. We asked senator sanders why clinton should apologize to the millions killed in the iraq war. And he addressed while negative attacks between the two of them have intensified. The tenor of this campaign has changed when youre questioning the qualification of a person to be president. Whether questioning your qualifications or they havent. All im saying. Are you questioning their qualifications . Youre right, okay . But what i want to say is when i see the headlines, clinton questions whether sanders is qualified to be president , you know what . We are going to respond. But dont you owe it to yourself and those people who may vote for you to know more than simply look at a headline. You looked at a headline and then responded questioning her qualifications. Oh, charlie, its not a question of a headline. Here, something else. I mean, after we won in wisconsin, i think the Clinton Campaign that was our sixth victory in seven states. I think what they have said publicly is the tenor is going to change. They are going to go much more negative on us, and they have. Thats the fact. Take a listen to this. This is what you said. You said that clinton should apologize for iraq war deaths. Do you really for what . For iraqi war deaths. This is after i was asked to apologize for the tragedy in sandy hook. You know, put these things in the context. But its tit for tat. It is tit for tat but im responding to attacks being made against me. Im asking where the tenor of this campaign is going, and is that going too far to say she bears responsibility for iraqi war deaths . Why bear responsibility for the tragedy and the horrors of sandy hook . Lets get off that. Of course, she didnt bear responsibility. She voted for the war in iraq. That was a very bad vote, in my view. Do i hold her accountable . No. Wow. He didnt really answer the question. Which question . Well, he answered the question with a question. It seems like had he very defensive response for all of the actions of late. He really suggested several times that, you know, that they started it and he is talking about surrogates. And that he has to respond because that is the way politics is today, in his own words. Good interview. Very good. New york will be a key state. Well, donald trump faces troubling new poll numbers this morning. A National Survey found 69 of americans have an unfavorable view of trump, that includes nearly half of republican voters. The gop frontrunner is still a heavy favorite in this months new york primary. But his rivals are trying to close the gap. John kasich campaigned at a traditional deli in the bronx, while ted cruz looked for voters while making matza in brooklyn. This is what he called new york values. I have no regrets about standing up for the people of new york who have suffered under the failed policies of liberal democratic politicians. While cruz tries to sell himself to new yorkers, the new issue of Time Magazine asks if he likeable enough to beat trump to the nomination . Lindsey graham says cruz is the best choice. Graham did not always believe that. If you now make trump and cruz, i think you get the same outcome. You know . Whether its death by being shot or poisoning, does it really matter . Ted cruz, at his core, is an opportunist when it comes to his political areer. If you killed ted cruz on the floor of the senate, and the trial was in the senate, nobody could convict you. We may be in a position we have to rally around ted cruz the only way to stop donald trump, and im not sure that would work. Youd recommend that in order to stop donald trump, rally behind ted cruz . I cant believe i would say yes, but yes. What turns you on about cruz . That he is not trump. Senator Lindsey Graham is with us right here in studio 57. Welcome. Well, i hate tape. We are in the process of six putting in the republican primary. Just bear with us. So why did you change your mind and what goal do you have in mind . Number one, the field has narrowed. I think trump is a disaster for the country and the party. I just got back from mid east and no one asked me about cruz. I think president obamas Foreign Policy is failing. But the idea we are going to withdraw from nato, that we should ban all muslims has made it very hard to partner with people in the mid east. We need partners in the region. I think domestic and Foreign Policy on the trump side is gibberish. You hope everybody will rally behind ted cruz in order to stop donald trump . Yeah. Can do you it . Yeah, i hope so. How will you do it . Number one, if i can do it, anybody can do it. Ted cruz is republican. Hes smart as hell and run a very effective campaign. We have a lot in common but also have some real differences. He is a real republican from the more ideological spectrum than i am but not destroy our party. Can he beat Hillary Clinton if he is the nominee . Yes, i think so. Why cruz and not kasich . Because john kasich is probably more electable, but ted cruz has run a campaign that he has become the primary alternative to trump. He represents the outside movement in the party. When you add up the votes, 65 of republicans are wanting someone outside the system. Ted is in it but he is also an outsider. Let me say this to my republican friends. If you parachute somebody in just on electability, paul ryan is a wonderful goi guy, doesnt want to be put in this position. Im trying to get us the most viable nominee for 2016 that could win without destroying the party. I think trump destroys the party. If you parachute somebody in and try to ignore millions of votes, you are destroying this party so we are back to ted. If donald trump wins more than 50 of the vote in new york and will get almost delegates here in new york and that would mean ted cruz would have to win about 90 of the remaining delegates in order to win. Its not going to happen. A lot better than winning 140 where kasich is at. I think he can stop trump at 1237. I think trump is going to fall short. If you had to place the bets on a contested convention, what is the likelihood that is going to happen . 41 its going to happen. The likelihood the Party Leaders are going to try, in your words, parachute someone else in . That would be a disaster. Trump is a disaster. One, i dont believe he is a republican. His policies are really bad for the country. Even though you think its a disaster, a lot of republicans do want to see like three or four ballots and it go to paul ryan. The same republicans who ignored trump. Take my advice why would paul ryan be a bad candidate . Paul ryan would be a great candidate. He should run. Dont choose someone who hasnt run in the primaries. The nominee should come from one of the three. The bottom line millions of people have gone to the polls and cast our ballot. If 2,000 of us take that choice away, then i think you destroy the Republican Party forever. You mentioned you were coming back forever. Because the ted cruz people leave. The trump people will leave no matter what. Ted cruz is a part of my party. Donald trump is an interloper. I dont think he is a reliable republican. He has given money to every liberal democrat in the world. Whatever you say about ted cruz, he is smart, conservative, he represents the philosophy that he and i agree upon more than donald trump. Time magazine said he is likeable enough. Compared to who . Bernie and hillary . Yes. If we are electing a president on the like ability we need to start over. What are the allies in the middle east saying . Both of those candidates what is going on in america . First thing out of the mouth from the Prime Minister of israel, saudi arabia, turkey, egypt was, what is this with trump . What do you tell them . I said its the silly season, that hes not going to be nominee of my party, that he doesnt represent traditional mainstream republican Foreign Policy. Hes america is angry and they are responding to the anger, but this guy will not be the president of the United States and he doesnt represent the Republican Party that i love when it comes to domestic and Foreign Policy. They are unnerved, but ive tried to be reassuring. I said the congress is there no matter who is the president. Senator graham, thank you. Breaking news from the vatican. A new document on sex, marriage and family life. Pope francis tells catholics to let their conscience show them how to behave and not priest rules and tells the priests not to judge. Seth doane is here with more. Reporter good morning. There are no bombshells, no major changes in church doctrine. The church, for instance, reconfirmed its position on birth control. But in these 200plus pages we did see a pragmatic pope, a pope that seems to understand the pressures of modern families and relationships. Its the popes guide to love, sex, and marriage. Father Thomas Rosica from the Holy Press Office says its some of the most beautiful language he has ever seen in a papal document. This is not a manual of answers to all of the great problems. Its, rather, an honest attempt to raise all of the Great Questions that families are facing today. Reporter francis famously said, who am i to judge when asked about homosexuals, but did not stop him on a judgment of samesex marriage in this paper. It says there are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions. He calls divorce evil. But he has left the door open for people who are remarried without an annulment to take communion. On gender identity the document says accept our humanity as was created but thats not exactly the acceptance that the Transgender Community was looking for. Perhaps most surprising is the way francis acknowledges the pressures of modern relationships. Moss is a professor of theology at the university of notre dame. He tackled issues some marriage counselors wouldnt address. Like being attracted to people outside of your marriage and diminishing attraction to one another as people age. While this document may not usher in radical change, this pope did recognize the great diversity among the worlds 1. 2 billion catholics. Reporter the pope left room for discretion among catholics in different regions and at times was quite practical, even offering a bit of marital advice to young couples, suggesting that they have a morning kiss or take trips together or, for instance, share the chores. That doesnt sound so bad. Seth doane in rome, thank you. A spring storm could bring a blast of winter to the middle east and northeast. The nasty mix of snow and rain is targeting several states today and into the weekend. Green bay, detroit, and pittsburgh are among the places that could see up to 4 inches of snow. Severe weather slammed the midatlantic yesterday and ripped off roofs and damaged cars near baltimore. And a possible tornado barreled through southern florida. More than a dozen homes and businesses were damaged. A car chase in l. A. Looked like showbiz and l. A. Police said they have never seen anything like it. Two suspects put down the top on a convertible and showed off in front of spectators. Carter evans shows us the joy ride that ended with a curtain call and cheers from the audience. Top down on the convertible. That is kind of nuts but a funny kind of nuts. What this guy is doing whoa whoa in los angeles, car chases have become a familiar sight. They seem to happen all the time. But for these two men running from the police turned into a bizarre scene right out of a hollywood movie. Whoa you know, i dont know if this guy is showboating or what he is trying to do right there. Very dangerous situation. The robbery suspects took police on a tour of some of the citys busiest and most iconic roadways. Their 15 minutes of fame might come to a sudden stop here. Their blue mustang doing doughnuts on hollywood boulevard. [siren sound] speeding through intersections in laurel canyon. Tmz look at the tour bus. The tour bus is trying to get out of the way. And sneaking in and out of traffic on the 101 freeway. High speeds and wet roads car with the top down, these guys are, obviously, having a good time out here. In restaurants and bars, people couldnt turn away. Whoa, got spike strips. After hitting spike strips and getting a flat tire, they kept going. Eventually these things do come to an end and this time it was in south l. A. These two guys, their moment to shine. But not before the suspects nonchalantly posed for a few selfies and some high fives. Fortunately for police, the two surrendered without resisting and with no reported injuries. For cbs this morning, carter evans, los angeles. Was it worth it . I think they were already going to jail because of the robbery so they went out, you know, whatever. Tmz got some good pictures from that one. China, ahead, 60 minutes explores how a big push for hollywood is pushing china. And youll meet the angelina , announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by tru green. A university of grieves a promising dance and ballet student who was murdered on campus. Ahead, how Surveillance Video could help investigators announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by brookdale. Bringing new life to senior living. Im there for bessie. Im there for ray. Ted loved baseball. Dr. Phil likes to watch football. Renne, who wants sloppy joe on the menu every day. 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With new Colgate Enamel Health mineral repair toothpaste. Smile with strength. Nobodys hurt, but there will you totastill be pain. New car. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. ,, afternoon for a series of democratic fundraisers. Happy friday. Its 7 26. Im frank mallicoat. Heres whats happening around the bay. President obama will land in the bay area this afternoon for a series of democratic fundraisers. He is in l. A. At this hour. His eldest daughter malia is with him. Next phase of the demolition of the old bay bridge begins today. Caltrans will start lowering that second 500foot truss on a barge. They will use explosives to bring down the foundation in a couple of weeks. Coming up on cbs this morning, a ballet student killed at the university of texas. David begnaud is in austin with the latest on the murder mystery. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,, good morning, lets check the san mateo bridge. It is still backed up. Still trying to recover after an earlymorning stall. This was a westbound 92 approach. It is slow in the flat section and slow over the highrise. Dumbarton is a better choice. Heres a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. Typical commute for friday not backed up to the maze. The metering lights were turned on at the usual time. You can ride mass transit. Bart systemwide no delay. Heres julie. We are tracking a few scattered showers on hidef doppler this morning. Not a rainout by any means. But still some scattered showers most of the rain still south of the bay. Cant rule out though a stray shower as you head off to work and school this morning. High temperatures in the 60s areawide. Mid to upper 60s. And we stay there unsettled through the weekend. Drying monday and tuesday. And then another chance of showers by wednesday of next week. ,,,, things went from bado things went from bad to worse to outright painful for golfer ernie els at the masters. Els was just two feet from the first hole yesterday, but he needed six putts to get the ball in the cup. Ouch. The quintuple bogey set a record for the worst score ever on the master first hole. Els couldnt explain the breakdown but he did sink a 40foot putt on the 5th hole. Ive had that kind of experience on a sand trap. That is explainable but not that close to the hole i mean, you know . That is painful. A 10. For a u. S. Open champion. A 10. He said at one point he even lost count. Every shot is important. Drive for show. Putt for dough. Thats the way it goes. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, a murder mystery shakes a Texas University campus. A popular student is found dead after she vanished while walking toward her dorm. Now how the university is urging its more than 50,000 students to protect themselves. Plus is the American Idol journey really over . We have the best moments from last nights big finale and why the groundbreaking series might not be gone for good. Its time to show you some f this mornings headlines. Usa today, in 2014 it was veeld that dozens of veterans died while waiting for car. The Seattle Times reports on a killer that is still on the run. Shortly after the surveillance cameras caught him from buying a bus ticket. He was charged with killing a woman in 2013. Police captured adams yesterday. The new yorker reports on a former Colorado Motel owner who spied on guests have s exx for 29 years starting in 1966. He ran the manor house here in aurora, potentially watched thousands of couples through fake ceiling vents. He sold the motel and it has sense been cut down. His wife helped him cut the holes. They were in on it together. Gross. Thanks for that. I was surprised to hear his wife was a part of it. Im glad you provided that kicker. Detail information. The wife was involved. Changing the subject, uber will pay a multimillion dollar fine to pay a lawsuit in california. The suit claims uber exaggera s exaggeratesexaggerates and overcharging its customer. It will be cut to 10 million if uber pays within 60 days. And the navys experiment tall drone ship is heading to california for testing. The ship is designed to hunt for submarines. It can spend months at sea without a crew aboard. Lets get to the manhunt this morning for a killer of a wellliked university of texas freshman. Surveillance video from sunday night shows the suspected murder. That was when haruka weiser, a dance major was murdered. David begnaud is on the campus with more. Reporter one of the first thing we noticed when we showed up here is how Many Police Officers are in this area. It was here in this creek behind me where harukas body was found on tuesday. Its friday now. Youve got the devastated family and friends but beyond that youve got the students and the parents of the students who are fightened. But police are asking them to channel that fear into watching this video. Police in austin, dont know who this man is. But they think he may have killed 18yearold haruka weiser. The suspect was seen walking sunday night walking with a bicycle similar to this one and now the public is asking for help to identify him. We believe the individual is a black male, approximately six foot, and, like you say, thats about all we have at this point. Reporter weiser was last seen leaving the Drama Building on campus around 9 30 p. M. On sunday. She texted a roommate she was heading back to their dorm, but never made it. Two days later, her body was found. A medical examiner ruled the death a homicide. She was assaulted, but we are in the midle of an investigation right now and we cant release any more information. Reporter a promising young dancer and ballerina, weiser was planning to declare a second major in premed studies. Her family said in a Statement Read by the ut president , they were thankful for an outpouring of support. Although haruka loved to perform on stage, she never sought the spotlight in her daily life. Yet, if her death can somehow make it safer for a young woman to walk home, then at least we could find some meaning behind an otherwise senseless and tragic death. Reporter yesterday, hundreds of people gathered on campus for a memorial for the young freshman. Since her death, police have stepped up patrols on campus. The more than 50,000 students at the university of texas are now being urged not to walk alone. I would ask you not to walk distracted. I think we all around campus know what im talking about in terms of walking concentrating on my phone, my ear buds in and i dont know whats in front of me. Reporter Austin Police arent giving a lot of answers right now and they say thats good reason. Theres a 15,000 reward being offered to anyone who will call the austin homicide detectives and tell the Police Something that will lead them to the man. An american missionary wounded in brussels terror attack is back at home in utah. Joseph empey was dropping off a fellow missionary. They were standing at checkin for less than a minute when the bombs went off. All i remember from the explosion was my vision went bright orange and then black. Lots of debris and smoke. There was a few fires and there were people running out of the building, there were people that were laying on the ground. And it was pretty scary. I was burnt on both hands and then i had shrapnel in my legs from the waist down. Mostly knee down. Supporters welcomed him home from a utah hospital on wednesday. He says he hopes to use the tragedy to teach others. Im glad he is home safe. The final American Idol was crowned in a sendoff featuring many stars the show launched. The three original judges, Randy Jackson and paula abdul and simon cowell made appearance in the final show. Well see the idols emotional farewell after 15 seasons. Reporter it wasnt just the end of a reality show. It was the end of an era. A number one show in its early years, American Idol has been stuck in idle for the past few seasons as viewership declined. Thanks to the return of the shows winners, they rekindled the relationship before saying goodbye. Reporter from season four winner carrie underwood, to season one winner kelly clarkson. Since youve been gone reporter the American Idol finale not only provided a whos who of idols past but also who is that . Performance after performance reminding music fans of all the talent that crossed the shows stage over the last 15 seasons. Not only winners like fantasia. Reporter but also successful stars who didnt win, like jennifer hudson. Youre not going to lose it no, remember the music reporter and chris daughtry. Reporter some of shows most touching moment came from the original judges, paula abdul and Randy Jackson expressed surprise that simon cowell joined them for the sendoff. Thank you, america, for inviting us into your homes. Absolutely. Even Ryan Seacrest and the cohost who quit after the first season returned with no regrets. Looks like after tonight, youre going to be out of a job. The winner reporter seacrest had one final job to do. Crowning the last American Idol. Trent harmon reporter but he left us wondering, as the closing credits rolled, was it really the end . Good night, america. For now. That did leave many viewers scratching their heads, but the shows creator simon fuller told the Hollywood Reporter earlier this week he has hopes to revamp the show with a new version. So maybe American Idol is just idling for now . Like how i did that . I completely had forgotten Ryan Seacrest wasnt the first host. I had to google that guy when she showed up last night. I know. He probably feels really good about that. The ratings are down . The ratings are down. There is the voice you can bypass that now and go straight to the people. Is china ready to take on hollywood . Up next, Holly Williams meets a star who is already Box Office Gold in asia. And if youre heading out the door, you can watch us live through the cbs allaccess app on your digital device. You wont want to miss one of the most powerful figures in global finance, Christine Lagarde, right here in studio 57. Well be right back. whispers rocket get your beauty sleep and use yonew aveeno®r . Absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. New absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. And cannonballsch and clean and real and looking good and sandwich and soup and a new personal best. And a little help and soup and sandwich and study group. Good, clean food pairs well with anything. Try the clean pairings menu. At panera. Food as it should be. Or if youre young or old. Are if you run everyday, no matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. If youve had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. The United States and china are the World Leaders in the movie business. Matt damon has signed to star in a chinese blockbuster. That is one example of how hollywood is tapping into the exploding movie fascination in china. Sunday night Holly Williams looks at the booming music business in china and talks to one of the countrys biggest stars on 60 minutes and here is a preview. Reporter the movie business is booming across china. Shopping malls have popped up everywhere and with them, theaters. 22 new movie screens open every day. Thats right. Every day in the last five years, Box Office Receipts have grown a staggering 350 . Its created a kind of mass hysteria and something china has never seen before, star culture. Bing is described as chinas angelina jolie. It feels as if the movie industry here in china is getting more and more like hollywood. The speed of the development, you cant imagine. Even for us. Reporter its changing so quickly. So quickly. You dont even react. Its already changed. Reporter and transformed into a multibillion dollar industry. Chinese studios produce over 600 features a year. Action movies. Scifi. Thrillers. This year, a Chinese Company purchased a Hollywood Studio for 3. 5 billion. Others have been investing in multimovie production deals with American Companies to make films for the global market. Youre going to use hollywood directors, hollywood stars. Yes. Reporter to make english language films to compete with hollywood . Yes. Reporter and make global blockbusters . Yes. Translator i think we will be doing it in the next one or two years, maybe in five years we will be doing it really well. Reporter in five years youll be competing with hollywood . Translator i think we can do it. To see the biggest movie lot in the world, watch Holly Williams full report sunday on 60 minutes here on cbs. We will be watching. A man asked his girlfriend to marry him from the edge of a steep cliff. Was his proposal a success . Well, yes and no. Ahead, why a helicopter had to rush to the scene. , announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places james drove his rav4 hybrid into the frozen wilderness. The scent of his jerky attracted a hungry wolfpack behind him. To survive, he had to remain fearless. He would hunt with them. And expand their territory. Hed form a bond with a wolf named accalia. Become den mother and nurse their young. James left in search of his next adventure. How far will you take the allnew rav4 hybrid . Toyota. Lets go places. Because i trust their quality. Fish oil. They were the first to have a product verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended fish oil brand. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. And id like to. Cut. So im gonna take this opportunity to direct. Thank you, well call you. Evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere. Bob. 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Good thing she said yes because it would really have been a bad day one of the most important figures in global finances right here is in our toyota green room. The International Monetary fund Christine Lagarde. Youre watching cbs this morning. Whoa. Whats going on here . Oh hey allison. Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Val from voya . Yeah, val from voya. Quick question, what are voya retirement squirrels doing in my house . Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . No, im more like a metaphor. Okay, a spokesmetaphor. No, im. Youre a spokesmetaphor. Yeah. Ok. See how voya can help you get organized at voya. Com. When my doctor prescribedbad, medicationan opioid. It really helped but it came with some baggage opioidinduced constipationoic. Sooo awkward. You sound like youre ready for the movantalk opioids block pain signals. But they can also block activity in the bowel, causing constipation. Movantik can help reduce constipation caused by Opioid Pain Medications. Do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. And can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Im so glad i had the movantalk with my doctor constipated by your prescription Opioid Pain Medication . Ask your doctor if movantik is right for you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. To you, theyre more than just a pet. So protect them with k9 advantix ii. It kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. K9 advantix ii. For the love of dog. These it almost feels like from were inside the house. Not that ive been in there. Or have i . Now get this garden treasures® severson patio collection for only 248, at lowes. Hi dad. Uh huh. Yeah. Sorry about that. Think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think . And in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think youre going to like these numbers. Bring me a higher love i could rise above bring me a higher love your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Good morning, its 7 56. Im michelle griego. Yahoo could finally be up for grabs. Big names like verizon and google are reportedly bidding on the company. If Marissa Mayer is replaced she will get a 110. 000000 severance package. Lyft is in a lawsuit by drivers suing for reimbursement for gas, mileage and other expenses. A judge rejected lyfts 12 million offer saying the sum should be 126 million or more. Coming up on cbs this morning, Christine Lagarde of the International Monetary fund talks womens approach to power. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. E visitors to our National Parks add to the countrys landfills each year. But this year, subaru is sharing their zerolandfill expertise with the National Parks to work toward the goal of making garbage there a thing of the past. Good morning. 880 traffic in oakland is getting heavy now especially in the northbound lanes trying to get between san leandro and your oakland exits. Heres a look closer to the Oakland Coliseum and airport where the drive time is in the red. At least the bay bridge is clearing out. The metering lights were turned on around 5 30. They have been on ever since. You can see its quickly improving. Just backed up to beyond that first overcrossing. And later on this evening we have a giants game. First pitch at 7 15. So you could see extra traffic tieups around at t park. That is kcbs traffic. Heres julie. Thank you, liz. We are tracking some showers on hidef doppler this morning. A couple of stray showers starting off in the south bay and some across the peninsula through san francisco. Heading into san francisco, daly city, get ready to get wet. We have some light rain heading your way. High temperatures today will be mild. Topping out in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees for the warmest spots. Unsettled through the weekend with scattered showers. We dry monday, tuesday. And the rain returns late next week. Its not about the money money money we dont need your money money money good morning to our viewers in the west. Friday, april 8th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead including the debate over whether large banks should be broken up. One of the biggest names in global finance, Christine Lagarde is in studio 57 to talk about that and more. But first, heres todays eye opener at 8. Sanders sat down with cbs news and said he had been trying to send a message to the clinton camp not to push him around. All i am saying, the people are going to attack us, as has been case time and time again, were going to respond. If donald trump wins new york, more than 50 of the vote, that would mean ted cruz would have to win 90 of the remaining delegates in order to win. Not going to win. A lot better than having to win 140 with kasich. There are no bombshells, no major changes in church doctrine. The latest car chase in los angeles looked like pure showbiz. Its coming to an end, sitting on the car. Last nights show gave anyone that had it in the past a chance to rekindle the experience before saying goodbye. Thats explainable but not that close to the hole. Were in the process of six putting in the republican primary. Bear with us. You want ted cruz to get the republican nomination . At this point theres no choice. At this point, theres no choice. Its that kind of passion that inspired the new campaign slogan, ted cruz, abandon all hope. This mornings eye opener at 8 is presented by nationwide. Im charlie rose with Norah Odonnell and vinita nair. Gayle is off. In a cbs news interview, Bernie Sanders says Hillary Clinton is extremely intelligent and has years of experience and sanders said he called her unqualified to be president because she attacked him first. The clinton camp insyvrets she never said he was unqualified. Clinton did say sanders hadnt, quote, done his home work when ta work before talking to the board. A lot of people are talking about your daily news interview, talking about breaking up banks, talking about whats necessary to do if a Financial Firm is too big to fail. Right, right. They say you dont have a plan for that. You have these ideas but no plan to lay it out. Go to my website, charlie. My Senate Website and youll find legislation that ive introduced which is pretty specific about how we break up the banks and what that legislation requires is that the secretary of the treasury will determine which banks are endangering the Fiscal Health of america, which banks might be quote, unquote, too big to fail and bring down a significant part of the economy. How would you break them up . How . Yes. You would determine which banks are too big to fail, that can destroy the economy. How would you determine that . Thats not very hard. Thats what economists and fiscal analysts do. If a bank has a great deal of size and the bank is unstable financially and if that bank were to go under and bring down a significant part of the economy, that bank should not exist. If its too big to fail, its too big to exist. Sanders Campaign Said he would use current laws to break up those banks within a year if he becomes president. Christine lagarde is one of the most powerful leaders in global finance. Shes managing director of the International Monetary fund, the imf. She pushes for world cooperation despite fears of economic insecurity and terrorism. Were pleased to have her here in studio 57. Welcome. Thank u. We have many questions of you about the Global Economy and china and all of that. First, what we said to senator sanders about Financial Institutions being too big, does the Global Economy need for banks to be broken up . You know, i would be more concerned about the nonbank Financial Institutions at the moment. I know there is a lot of focus on banks and how they should be broken up. Like what . I think a lot of work has been done in being able to resolve them if they fail to deliver. But theres a lot of Financial Transactions happening outside the banks. Shadow banking . Absolutely. There is good shadow banking, there is good shadow banking. What matches is that this sector has to be supervised and regulated so that the Banking Institutions in general be protected. Lets talk about the health of the Global Economy. You said in a speech that theres been an increased risk in uncertainty and we are on alert. What worries you . What worries me is that growth is at risk. Its at risk because you have the combination of chinese slowing down. You have low Commodity Prices and we think for much longer. Third, you have financial tightening goes by the different monetary policies being used around the world, between the fed, the bank of japan and the ecb. That produces tightening of financing and currencies which are hurting. The combination of the three are exposing a fragile growth at the moment. Are you worried about the chinese growth . Im not worried about it because i believe 6. 5 is nothing to be ashame of. Which is part of the fiveyear plan. It is lower than what we have dealt with over the years. It is moving from manufacturing a certain kind of manufacturing to more services. Moving from exports to markets. This is changing in terms of Monetary Policy and Exchange Currency regime. So all of that combined is an incredible shift to, you know, organize, manage and for people to anticipate. I will not worry. We dont think there will be any hard landing as has been sometimes feared. But equally its a big, big change. Huge influence. What about the u. S. Economy . What recommendations do you have for the u. S. Economy . We recommend for many countries, u. S. Included, what we call the threepronged approach. It means taking structural measures, adopting a sound growth friendly fiscal policy and using Monetary Policy to support the other two. So this is what we recommend. To give you an example in the u. S. , for instance, we believe that minimum wage would be a very good idea. Increasing the minimum wage. Yes. To what, 15 an hour . I dont know exactly what the right threshold would be. I think there are differences between states and there are, you know, states where its within the jurisdiction of the state authorities. Its concerning when you see that 50 million American People live in poverty. And in that 50 million, 40 actually have a job. Speak to the issue of trade, because in the political debate, both parties have problems with trade. And sounding the alarm about protectionism, saying the average man is worried they basically, the cards are stacked against them. They should avoid this kneejerk reaction to say lets void other countries. History has told us time and time again that building barriers, protectionism, thinking you can deal with international totally interconnected issues such as pandemics, terrorism and refugees behind borders is an illusion and its very conducive to extremely disruptive situations. Weve seen that in europe. Weve seen that in many parts of the world. Walls dont actually change the situation for the better. Donald trump has proposed a 45 tariff on china. What would that do to the Global Economy . I think it would be massively disruptive. I also think that all countries are part of a big club, which is called the wto, which requires that tariff and nontariff barriers be discussed, many eliminated, in order to facilitate trade. I would very much hope that the United States continue to be a leader in the World Economy and a good player of the game that it has determined the rules of. Finally, what would happen if britain leads the European Union . We are in the process of assessing the economic outcome of such a decision. We believe that its not going it would not be a positive and we it would do great damage to the european economy. I personally hope very much it doesnt happen. Christine guard, wonderful to have you here. We have breaking news on a story we brought you earlier this morning. Police say they arrested a suspect in the killing of university of texas student haruka weiser. They will hold a News Conference shortly. They are the photoops announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by nationwide. Nationwide is on your side was a mother behind a sinister plot to kill her young son . Im troy roberts, 48 hours. Its a case thats hard to imagine, a young, seemingly caring mother charged with murdering her 5yearold son by poisoning him with salt. I didnt hurt him. I didnt kill my son. Is she innocent or are there red flags in her past . Thats coming up on cbs this morning. 72 of women say they often make healthy choices. But up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients. From food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens. Complete multivitamin. With vitamin d and calcium to help support bone health. One a day. Hello . n presents the yardleys. You do . Really . Ding dong . Oh, pizza is here oh come on in. [claps] woah lose the sneakers pal. Kind of a thing. This is more than a lawn. This is a trugreen lawn. Sorry live life outside with trugreen, americas 1 lawn care company. Spring is on. Start your trugreen lawn plan today. Bye now. Trugreen. Live life outside. Quilted northern works their bathroom experience. Just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. At least hes not constable bob. Tomorrow night 48 hours investigates the death of a young boy and how the mother blamed the hospital. Prosecutors say she was secretly poisoning her son with a surprisingly simple ingredient. The mother gave her only interview to correspondent troy roberts. Here is a preview of his report. I lost my 5yearold son and im very saddened. Ill never get to watch him grow up. Reporter lacy spears was a 26yearold single mother when she lost her son, garnet. How did your son die . His death certificate says homicide. Reporter much of garnets spears young life was spent seeking medical attention for often Unexplained Health issues, something lacy frequently posted about on social media. He was in and out of the hospital for the first nine weeks of his life. And afterwards. Reporter at 10 weeks old, doctors at a hospital in alabama found his sodium level to be unusually high but that was just the beginning. The biggest problem we had was we couldnt get him to eat. So he was losing weight. Reporter garnet had surgery at 9 months old to insert a feeding tube. They were hopeful that within time he wouldnt have so much problems eating. Reporter however, lacy says, garnet continued to have feeding issues. So she took him to more doctors. Through the years, some doctors had concerns about the cause of garnets medical ailments. One noted in a letter obtained by 48 hours that lacy might suffer from munchhaasen by proxy. Its faking illness in someone else and inducing illness, mostly to seek attention. Reporter in january 2014, 5yearold garnet was taken, again, to a hospital. He was admitted with seizurelike symptoms. Later during that hospital stay, garnet is in distress, stops breathing and tests showed an eerily familiar condition, high levels of sodium which caused his brain to swell. This is my 5yearold son on life support. Reporter two days later, garnet is officially declared dead. Doctors could not figure out how garnets sodium level had gotten so high unless someone had given him salt. Five months after garnets death, lacy spears was charged with murder. I didnt kill my son. I never poisoned him with salt. Then why is the sodium level so high . You would have to ask the hospital that. Troy roberts is with us now. Its so hard because its a mother and a son. A little boy, 5 years old, sweet little boy. I dont think any of us would have thought salt could do this. Me either. Within i first got this story i was like, what, i didnt know you could kill someone by giving them toxic levels of sodium. You can. It causes the brain to swell, which leads to death, among other things. Does the state have other evidence against her . Yes. They went to lacy spears apartment and they recovered two feeding bags and inside the bags, lab results showed there were toxic levels of sodium. The equivalent of 69 small salt packs that you would get at a Fast Food Restaurant if you went to a diner and got a table shaker of salt, it would be a little bit more than half of that. That was recovered from the bags. The chain of custody was lost for about a day or so but that was found in the bags. I asked her, how do you explain that . She goes, i dont know. What about a psychological analysis of the mother . Its very difficult. She claims she doesnt have this disorder. You have to go back years. You have to review their history. Lacy took this little boy, no h norah, to 25 hospitals at the very least. And in the weeks leading up to his death she was researching the harmful effects of sodium on the body. She did that when she was a baby and five years later she was researching the same stuff. Must have been a difficult interview. Troy roberts, thank you so much. Watch troys full report, a mother accused tomorrow night on 48 hours, at 10 00, 9 00 central here on cbs. A new Campaign Encourages you to call someone in sweden. Why . We try out the new service that lets the world into swedes lives. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Ever since i left the city you got a reputation for yourself now want great whitening without the mess . Think outside the box. Colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen for 5 shades whiter teeth. Brush, whiten, go no mess, no waiting, no rinsing colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Im bushed ive been on my feel alyea me too. Excuse me. Coming through ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. Theyre proven to give you comfort. Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. I want what he has. Calling sweden. You will soon be conne to a random swede somewhere in sweden. This call may be recorded. This call maybe recorded. Sweden is marking 250 years since becoming the first year to support freedom of expression. To celebrate, the country is offering the world a phone number to chat with a swede about anything. A few hours ago, one of our producers connected with a random swede, a 39yearold martina bjorck. Its a nice way to connect with the world in a new way. It is back to basics to talk to people, to hear peoples voices and speak english. So its nice to have people to talk to and connect with the world. Its fun. Fun indeed. The program received 14,000 calls since it started two days ago. Thats a cool idea. Keking the world. Coming up, what do pioneer rappers have in common . Ahead we will show you the unexpected leak among the inductees to the rock and roll hall of fame. Your local news is next. Rock n roll hall of fame. Your local news is next. California state cials will join fa happy friday, everyone its 8 25. Im frank mallicoat. Here are your headlines at this hour today. California State University officials will join Faculty Union representatives to announce a new salary agreement. The pay increase will affect 26,000 Staff Members on all 2 csu campuses 23 csu campuses. The union threatened to strike. A 3. 5 magnitude earthquake rattled Sonoma County this morning. The usgs says it hit about 6 a. M. Centered near the geysers. No reports of any injuries or damage. Next halfhour on cbs this morning, a preview of the rock and roll hall of fame induction. Thats coming up. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,, lets check the bay bridge. They switched the metering lights off. So obviously, theres not much of a delay to speak of now. Good time to head to san francisco. You beat the rush. Everything is good all across the span. Heres a live look at our sensors from highway 4. There was an earlier crash in bay point approaching bailey. Its now clear. Just a minor slowing there in that area. Antioch commute is fine. And 880 an improvement from what we saw a halfhour ago anthony slow past the Oakland Coliseum an airport. We are tracking rain. Look at this beautiful shot from vaca this morning showing that cloud deck there. It does look dry but more rain is heading our way. In fact, take a look at hidef doppler. You can see we have some showers off the coast, although this is a counterclockwise flow around this area of low pressure. So thats not necessarily all moving inland but we are going to see unsettled scattered showers throughout the day. High temperatures today in the mid to upper 60s areawide, topping near 70 degrees. Scattered showers into saturday and sunday. Saturday a possibility chance of thundershowers. We dry out monday and tuesday. Then another chance of showers returns wednesday into thursday. For today, scattered showers, expect the rain to pick up for the evening commute and even more so overnight tonight. Captions by caption colorado comments captioncolorado. Com ,,,,, welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, the pictures that lost a thousand votes. Political photoops can be tricky things. Plus, smoke on the water. Fly like an eagle, surrender. Do them all with the members of the rock and roll hall of fame. Thats ahead. Right now its time to show you some of this mornings headlines. Business insider reports on tesla making car history. It is now received more than 325,000 preorders for its model 3. That represents about 14 billion in future sales for its first mass market electric car. The model 3 is due in production at the end of 2017. Listen to this. Newsweek reports that shacking up is now legal there florida. This week, the state repealed a ban on unmarried couples living together. The law dated back to 1868. Violators face jail or a fine. But it was rarely enforced in modern times. Michigan and mississippi are the only two states with cohabitation laws still on the books. Happy weekend, everyone. The Orlando Sentinel reports on a bear cub rescued from a florida brush fire. It was spotted working near the woods with no mother bear in sight. How cute. The cub had minor burns on its pause and face. It was turned over to wildlife officials and is expected to recover. Usa today is reporting the discovery of a massive black hole. Some say its one of the biggest ever detected. This one is up to 17 billion times heavier than the sun. It was spotted with the hubble and another powerful telescope in hawaii. The black hole is in an obscure corner of the universe about 200 million light years from earth. Rolling stone reveals the fate of john snow. The character played by Kit Harrington was stand repeatedly at the end of season five, leaving fans with a major cliffhanger. After months of rumors, hbos synopsis states in no Uncertain Terms that jon snow is dead. I still dont believe it. I dont want to believe it. Cant be true. Ive never seen game of thrones. Really . He has to come back as a white walker or something. Dont you think . Season eight starts april 24th. He can come back alive. He can. The warriors are only the second team in nba history to reach 70 victories. If they win their last three regular games theyll break the nba record set in the mid90s by chicago. Their coach is resting of some starters for the playoffs. Hell ask the team if they want to go all out to 73. One of those games is with the san antonio spurs. The Washington Post reports how smartphones have caused camera sales to plunge. Tech experts expect the trend to continue because smartphone cameras are improving. As we showed you earlier, Hillary Clinton tried to emphasize her new york ties yesterday with a subway ride but she had trouble getting through a turnstile. Shes not the only candidate who made a show out of reaching out to voters. Chip reid shows us the bipartisan history of images that captured an unplanned portrait. For politicians doing photoops, a picture can be worth a thousand unpleasant words. It usually happens when they try too hard to look like regular people. For Hillary Clinton, a trip on the new york subway got her a oneway ticket to the bad photoop hall of fame. It took Hillary Clinton five tries she finally turned the subway turnstile. Out of her element. Its so convenient, the best way to get around. The democratic frontrunner isnt the first politician to fail at the photoop. In 1992, Vice President dan quail wanted to look smart and unsuccessfully tried his hand at spelling potato. In 200 gary bauer flipped a pancake and himself. Oh, no and what could forget this photoo. Of Richard Nixon. Only Richard Nixon would walk on the beach with a full suit and black shoes on. Rich cheever has worked on half a dozen president ial campaigns. If youre dealing with children or animals, you dont know what will happen. Is the baby going to cry . Even if careful planning accidents happen. In 1988 democratic nominee michael dukakiss team put him in a tank to bolster his security credentials. It sank. He looked like the character in the peanuts cartoon. He said its risky for a candidate to appear ordinary like when the media mistakenly reported that george h. W. Bush didnt know what a scanner was. He didnt do anything wrong but it hurt him. It made him look like he was not connecting, he was distracted. He was a distracted candidate. If youre not a regular guy, dont try to pretend youre a regular guy. Yes, the challenge is none of these folks really running for office are regular guys. He says photoops involve a lot of planning and the goal is to make the moment the picture of the day. A photoop gone bad can stay around longer than a day. It always seems like a good idea. Sometimes getting to the new york subway turnstile is kind of a pain. You do have to swipe is several times. Bernie sanders thought they still use tokens. Theres not a photo of that one. There are lots of those moments. He gave donald trump a hard time. How do you feet your pizza, charlie . Like a real new yorker. They didnt see that on camera. One more time. There you go. Legendary acts will see serious love tonight. If you want my love youve got it ahead, cheap trick and scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam abracadbra i want to reach out and grab you abracadabra abracadabra steve miller is among influential musicians to be introduced into the hall of fame. Michelle miller at Barclays Center in brooklyn with the unlikely bonds that bring this years class together. Michelle, good morning. Reporter good morning. All the action happening as you said at Barclays Center tonight where several of the inductees, deep purple, steve miller as you mentioned and chicago will be performing. You know their names. You even know their songs by heart. But while they may seem different, theyve got a lot more in common than you might think. Youre the meaning in my Life Reporter they cover the musical spectrum. Youre the inspiration reporter from the easy rock of chicago reporter to the guys once known as the loudest band in the world. Deep purple. Theres croner steve miller give my lovin on the run i want you to want me reporter punk rockers cheap trick and gangster rappers nwa. Straight out of compton this years rock and roll hall of fame class is incredibly diverse. They are trying to find acts that were important, that shaped the face of rock n roll and popular music. Reporter deep purple sold more than 100 million albums. Along with led zeppelin and black sabbath defined heavy metal music. Lynn hughes is the bands front man. We never set out to become this, that or the other, pop, rock or metal. So you guys out there put us into a genre that you felt appropriate. So to you, youre all just rock n rollers. We were just making music. Reporter what does it mean for you to be in this class . Its like im being inducted with some of my old friends. Reporter this years inductees are uniquely connected. Cheap trick played with deep purple in the 70s. Steve miller once open for chicago. And nwa sampled steve millers hit song take the money and run for one of its own rhymes. Nwa is only the fifth hip hop act to join the hall of fame. The Youngest Group this year and the most controversial. Reporter their lyrics were extreme, profane. And brutally honest about their own black urban experience in the 1990s. So why is america ready to give the nwa the embrace . Nwa in their time were extremely controversial. Hugely. Yes. A bunch of things have happened since then. Reporter two founding members found mainstream success. Dr. Dre started a multibillion dollar headphone company, ice cube is now an actor and film fash director. We were shund by people in the industry. We did it our way. Reporter then last years blockbuster biopic straight out of compton thrust the group into the national spotlight. We saw the human side of these people and understood where they were coming from. Here we go again. And what was in their lives that led them to make this music. With a little bit of gold and a pager we came from the heart and ended up in the hall of fame. Thats rock n roll to me. Reporter artists are only eligible to be nominated 25 years after their first record debuts. We should note, while this is live here tonight, it will be airing on hbo on april 30th. How come you get all the great assignments . Lucky girl, i guess. Im trying to get like you, charlie. Hanging out with all the rock stars, we love it. Youre a rock star, michelle. Thank you so much. Next, well look at all that mattered this week and remember a cbs news legend. Dont forget the new daily eye opener email. Thats right, your world in 90 seconds, now direct to your inbox. Go to cbsthismorning. Com to sign up. Well be right back. ,,,,,, vo one hundred million pounds. Thats how much garbage visitors to our National Parks add to the countrys landfills each year. But this year, subaru is sharing their zerolandfill expertise with the National Parks to work toward the goal of making garbage there a thing of the past. To get involved visit subaru. Com environment. We are refreshing a journalism pioneer. Phil scheffler was the First Television street reporter for cbs news. 60 minutes creator hired him in 1951. He was a long time executive editor of the broadcast. He died thursday at age 85. 60 minutes executive producer jeff calls phil a firstclass journalist and a great friend to many of us. We second that here. To know him, was to love him that does it for us. Vinita will are here tomorrow with cbs this morning saturday. Tune into the cbs evening news tonight. As we leave you, lets take a look back at all that mattered this week. Have a great weekend. He started lecturing me on new york values, like we are no good like we are no good so, folks, i think you can forget about him. Get out of the bronx cruz strategy is pretty simple. Not lose new york too badly. So convenient. Its sounding more and more like the republican campaign. Lets not go that far what is it that people say to you when they look at american politics . There is great anxiety everywhere i go. Cruz worked overnight to remove train 89 from the tracks. It was like a big explosion. Then a window bursted out. I mean, look at that. There is a snowplow behind me. I dont want any more of this that is where im at right now. Certain citizens are demanding answers from leaders. There will be lots and lots of questions about the source of the fund. Who is going to pie for that wall . This always seemed rather fluid plan. It was here in this creek behind me where ha russianruka was found. Haggard racked up 101 hits. Acm award. Thank you for treating this record so kind. You know and i know that ive always come back for more i hope you like my coat i had to do something to overcome all of those longlegged women im having to work with around here yes for the championship yes did you know it was going in when it left your hands . I think every shot i take is going in so no different. The National Championship goes to connecticut for the fourth year in a row there were plenty of holes in one and maybe the best from 81yearold golf legend gary player. Stay with me just talk about the red glasses. He said it reminded me of sally jesse rafael. Yes. I think so we are doing this the next 24 hours. Charlie works 24 hours any way so this wont be a problem. What time is it . Hors doeuvres are ready the odd couple the first felix unger nude scene coming up this season. What did you do to prepare . I tell you what i did. I averted my eyes. Happy day for my mom. Somebody called me up and referred to me as anderson coopers mom youve had many lovers. Errol flynn and Frank Sinatra and howard hughes. And hot howard hughes. Not like leonardo dicaprio. Well said ,,,,,,,, bids to buy all or part of happy friday, everyone. It is 8 55. Im frank mallicoat. Here your are headlines. Bids to buy yahoo could be submitted monday. Veronica will make an offer for the Internet Business and verizon will make an offer for the Internet Business and google is considering part of it. The next phase of the demolition of the bay bridge will start today. The truss will lowered on a barge below. Crews will use explosives then to bring down its foundation. Today california State University officials will join Faculty Union representatives to announce a new salary agreement. The pay increase will affect of it,000 Staff Members on the it 3csu campuses. The union had threatened to strike unless a deal was reached. Final tour of duty here. Julie, weather, take it away. I am honored to get your last official toss, frank mallicoat. We are talking about rain today. And we have some showers out there although you cant see them from this perspective. Notice the gray skies. Anticipate scattered showers from time to time. You see the rain on doppler. Most of it to our south. Well continue to see scattered showers throughout the day today. High temperatures mild in the 60s, near 70 for the warmest locations today. More of the same as we make our way through the weekend. Scattered showers saturday and sunday. And then monday and tuesday look dry for now. And another chance of showers toward the end of next week. Traffic coming up in just a moment. Good morning. To the south bay, northbound 101 at capitol expressway, an accident there still blocking one lane. You can see the delays on our sensors right now. Southbound gets by okay to morgan hill. Problems on peninsula backups in both directions of 101 through menlo park. San mateo bridge is finally cleared out. That earlier stall caused problems for much of the morning commute. Right now though the drive is only about 13 or 14 minutes from the east bay out to the peninsula and the marin county commute very quiet now. 51 miles per hour. Wayne im on tv. Jonathan its a trip to napa screams gibberish wayne youve got the car jonathan cash wayne mr. Ladida jonathan its a new kitchen. Whoo jonathan wow im going for door number two jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, america, welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. Lets do it. I need three people, i need three people right now. cheers and applause lets see. Santa claus lady, mrs. Claus, come on over here, thats one. The dog catcher, thats two. And gentleman in hat, that is three. Yes, you, come on over here. Come on down

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