Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20150106 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20150106

layers and boots and hats. >> the rockies to the east coast. >> many states seeing temperatures up to 35 degrees below average. meanwhile, in western washington state, torrential rain triggered a mudslide. in new york overnight, a man hunt is under way after two police officers were shot while responding to an armed robbery. >> these officers will recover. >> the united states ski team is reeling from the death of who up and coming stars killed in an avenuealanche in austria. >> the s&p, the biggest one-day drop. >> a couple of more sessions like this next time i'm on your show i'll be doing it from a sofa. >> divers trying to find airasia wreckage are facing bad weather. >> an offduty police officer accidentally shooting himself in the stomach in a parking garage elevator in cincinnati is expected to be okay. >> serena williams got a double shot. she went the next two sets. >> fancy that. >> and all of that matters. >> chris christie taking heat for being a cowboys fan and hugging jerry jones. >> right after jones said let's get some hot wings. >> on cbs this morning. >> 2015 gets under way. >> the 2016 presidential campaign is heating up. >> 2016. >> 2016. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. [ cheering ] >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to cbs this morning. as you wake up in the west the first winter blast of the new year threatens 80 million americans. fast moving snow is spreading in areas from the rockies to the east coast this morning. you can see how it is causing trouble for drivers in illinois. >> the icy cold could be more dangerous than the snow. by tomorrow morning, windchills will approach 50 below in some areas. dean reynolds is in chicago where the winter storm is biting cold right now. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, and good morning to our viewers in the west. well, the good news in chicago is that the snow has stopped falling. the bad news is it remains very, very cold. as sub zero temperatures took hold of chicago, so did the snow. nearly four inches blanketing the snow overnight and causing hundreds of flight cancellations at midway and o'hare airports. it's so cold water management crews were forced to deice fire hydrants. >> it's 8 degrees. it ain't too bad, as long as we keep moving. >> reporter: and rail workers were heating switches with open flames to keep them from freezing solid. >> this looks like it's on fire though. not that it's being heated, you know. like a space heater. >> i know. there's no danger us. those are flames but it's like a gas grill. >> meg thomas riley works for metro, chicago's commuter rail link that provides over 300,000 rides every day. is there a risk of derailment if you don't do this? >> yes, if the switch does not engage properly, the train could derail. >> the relentless cold is also sweeping across much of the midwest. in iowa blinding snow caused this crash involving at least 20 cars and shut down parts of interstate 80. >> one car just sort of slipped and went to the side. one hit the other. it became a domino effect. >> in wisconsin windchills sent temperatures plunging near minus 35 degrees. officials warn it would only take minutes for frostbite to set in. and in sioux falls, south dakota, whoutout conditions forced dozens of schools to close early. >> they told us it was coming. we knew it was coming. i'm glad they let out of school early so i can get out of the road and get home. >> those hoping for a thaw will just have to wait because temperatures are expected to hover near 0 zero-degree mark for the next few days. >> thanks. the blistering cold is moving east. it's already snowing in washington, d.c. at the white house. meteorologist danielle niles is tracking the winter blast. danielle danielle, good morning to you. >> good morning and good morning to our viewers in the west. 20 states under windchill warnings, advisories or watches for the arctic air in place. current windchills 20 to 30 below zero in parts of the midwest and northern plains. that cold air will stream south and east over the next few days. so high temperatures by tomorrow won't make it above zero. international falls, back down to des moines single digits and teens all the way to northern new england, and by wednesday night and thursday morning, the heart of the arctic air will create windchill values 30 to perhaps as cold as 40 below zero in parts of northern new england. meanwhile, on the west coast. it's fairly quiet, but there is a storm impacting montana. areas of snow will drop as much as 6 to 12 inches in the higher rain. winter storm warnings in effect today. treacherous travel through the course of the afternoon and evening as well. people in the northwest are anxiously watching rising rivers this morning. a powerful rainstorm is blamed for flooding and mud slides that destroyeded several homes in washington state. rob is in carnation, a hard hit area east of seattle. >> rising floodwater and mud slides have ended in disasters for people across western washington, and there may be more wicked weather on the way. the entire hillside came crashes down onto the coastal on the on monday. washing away trees and knocking at least three homes off their foundations. >> i heard a big crack, and the trees come down and they just cracked and boomed and it went that way. just gone. people were urged to quickly leave the area. firefighters had to rescue a woman in her 80s and her dog. >> you could hear stuff breaking and crashing and you think what is going on. >> reporter: a weekend storm pounded parts of western washington with rain triggering landslides and record flooding. this was one of several rivers to crest. sub murjing homes and cars attempted to navigate a maze of roads swelled up by water and mud. and the nearby snoqualmie falls showed off the voracity. water forced people to wade through waist high flooding at times. >> i'm going back where i live. it's cold. >> business owners struggled to keep the rising wearpts o ut of their stores with no help from passing vehicles. >> you got a lot of idiots driving down and causing waves in businesses. people not thinking. there's a lot ot water down here. several major rivers here in washington will remain at or above flood stage until later today. perhaps creating more problems. norah? >> rob, thanks. a massive man hunt is under way in new york city after the shooting of two more nwypd officers. both are expecteded to survive. the shooting comes after police are on high alert after the murder o two officers. michelle miller has surveillance video. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning and good morning to viewers in the west. police are canvassing this neighborhood in the bronx in psearch of the two suspects involved in the shooting that took place at 10:30 last night. just hours before the attack the police commissioner and the mayor were touting the city's record low crime numbers. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows the moment the officers came up against the suspect's gunfire. the plain clothed officers were just finishing their shifts when they got a robbery call on monday night. they came under fire when they saw two men near a chinese food restaurant who fit the description. >> as they approached the individual one male was outside. one went inside. the approached the male outside. when the male inside began firing at the officers through the doorway. two officers were hit. one shot in the arm. the other in the back. they were rushed to the hospital where mayor bill de blasio spoke overnight. >> thank god these officers are doing well and will recover. >> reporter: it's been a tense two weeks for the police and the mayor after the double murder of two nypd officers in brooklyn. some members of the force turned their backs on mayor de blasio in two public memorial services. earlier on monday he called the gesture unfair. >> it was disrespectful to the families who had losted their loved one. and i can't understand why anyone would do such a thing in a context like that. >> at the same event, the city's mayor and police commissioner announced record low crime numbers. last week alone, there were half the amount of arrests made compareded to the same week last year. >> we've had a lot of things that have been impacting on activity levels. but even with that the overall crime numbers have continued to decline. >> many point to the simmering attention between the police department and the mayor as the reason for the work slowdown resulting in fewer summonses. and there's a $10,000 reward for anyone who can lead police to an arrest of these two suspects. >> michelle, thank you. the dow is up this morning in early trading after yesterday's big selloff. the plunge was triggered by another drop in crude oil prices. they tumbled below $50 a barrel and that's the first time that happened in more than five years. the dow fell more than 330 points yesterday. investors are now worried about the instability of oil memorials because now there's no telling when the price drop will come to an end. family and friends are grieving the loss this morning of two young skiers hoping to join the u.s. ski team. ronnie berlack and bryce astle died on monday. >> both are remembered as humble,al enlted athletes. chris ward is in london. clarissa good morning. >> good morning. m 19-year-old bryce astle and 20-year-old berlack were both dreaming of joining the u.s. team and one day skiing in the olympics. >> hi, my name is bryce astle. i'm an alpine ski racer out of utah and i'm 19 years old. >>s a astle started crowd funding to raise money. berlack has a ski coach father. tom kelly is a spokesman for the u.s. ski team. >> these were great young men. most of all, they were passionate. they loved to ski race. they loved to ski. >> ashtle and berlack were part of six skiers when the avalanche struck. the other four survived. rescue workers received an alert at 10:00 yesterday morning that two skiers were buried in an avalanche. an emergency team was dispatched to the site. >> there were two emergency physicians with the helicopters, a spokesman for the alpine police said. they tried everything, unfortunately without success. an avalanche warning was declared in the area after days of heavy snowfall and mild temperatures. neither of the young skiers was wearing emergency gear. the u.s. ski team is in zagra today. they have an event this evening and all the team members will be wearing black arm bands to commemorate ronnie and bryce. jury selection enters day two this morning in the boston marathon bombing trial. tsarnaev was quiet in court. more than 1200 potential jurors will fill out a questionnaire. and it could take weeks to seat a jury. federal prosecutors are looking for jurors willing to impose the death penalty if czar nef is convicted. indonesian officials say they are fighting time and weather searching for victims of flight 8501. investigators have a new theory that may explain exactly what happened when the plane crashed. >> reporter: good morning. weather and currents are dragging the wreck kaj of the air bus east ward and the search has shifted in that direction. so far 39 victims were locateded but # 123 people are still missing. a number of shifts including two from the u.s. navy continue to use so nar to locate the plane's wreckage. so far the crews have identified several large objects on the sea's floor. government officials say weather was a contributing fa factor in the december 28th crash. they believe the plane flew through satellite images showing temperatures below zero. a report translated to english says the most probable weather phenomenon is the icing. it can cause engine damage do due to cooling air. investigators belief that's one of the possibilities that occurred based on analysis of the data. >> the the worst thunderstorms in the world are in this region. >> kyle bailey is an aviation analyst. >> you have lightning. you have updrafts. you have hail. you have ice. >> in 2009 air france flight 447 went down in the atlantic ocean with 228 people on board. investigators recovered the plane's black boxes two years later. thas discovered the pilots lost control after ice crystals caused the plane's air speed indicators to malfunction. >> there's a lot of similarities between that crash and this crash. my gut feeling is that once the black boxes were found within a week or several weeks we'll have a very good idea of what actually happened to the airplane. >> indonesian authorities are hoping an expanded search area will help them locate the plane's black box, in the tail section of the plane. it includes the voice recorder. and it is essential that nailing down exactly what happened to the flight. charlie? >> jeff thanks. the winter flu season is getting worse and still has far to go. 43 states have widespread flu cases. blamed for the deaths of 21 children in 11 states. dr. holly phillips is with us this morning. what's going on? >> this is essentially the first storm of the flu season. a few things happen. flu season is peeking earlier. it started in the south. it hit the midwest. now it's moving up the northeast and really not surprisingly is taking ahold in schools, giving it to kids. the other things happening is the strain circulating is called h3n2. it causes injury and death. m and the flu vaccine this season is not perfectly matched eded to it. all these things in tandem and more deaths earlier. >> do you need more flu vaccine? >> some children actually if they're under the age of 8, it's recommended they get two shots or two vaccinations rather than one. one. >> and some children got a shot before that would require a second. your pediatrician can help sort that out. ultimately it's to protect against the h1n1 strain. we called it the bird flu several years ago. that takes two shots for protection. >> we keep hearing reports that the flu vaccine is not as effective. so what do we need to do? >> it's still quite effective. if that makes sense. you should still get it. it protects against other strains, influenza b and h1n1 that we may see circulating later. and it also does provide protection against the strain circulating now. we also have to pay attention to basic things. contact precautions. if your kids are sick keep them at home. make sure you're washing your hands. cough into your elbow. if you have symptoms of the flu, high fever body aches, chills. get to the doctor soon. >> when is flu season over? >> unfortunately -- i know. i wish i had better news since we're still in the beginning of january. it could linger straight through april. but we usually see it start to fall off by february. >> you're worried this could get worse. everyone has gone back to work and school. everybody is in close contact. >> it's a big issue, norah. some schools in the south closed early ahead of winter break because they were seeing so much break. kids get together and start to spread the flu again. >> holly, thanks. and it is 7:19. will the nfl return to los angeles after 20 good tuesday morning, for this january 6th we will experience temperatures near or record warmth throughout many locations. primarily throughout the southern portion of our bay area. right now, pick a number. 30s 40s and 50s heading on out the door. later today 60s all the way to the low 70s. gilroy should see a record high today of 72 degrees. winds are flat out of the southeast. therefore yet another winter spare the air alert day. equally as worm today if not -- warm tomorrow if not even more so. sponsored by new colgate enamel health toothpaste. a wealthy banker gunned down. the murder suspect, his so a wall street banker investigators this morning are trying find out a possible motive for a >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by walmart, where you'll find low prices on everything you need for a fresh start this new year. ... and that really puts a smile on my face. thousands of items on rollback and clearance in store and online. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want it ♪ ♪ go out and get it ♪ major: ok fitness class! here's 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(vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. at chili's, fresh is now. and now we've got fresh mex bowls. it's a big bowl of delicious paired with soup or salad. now on our lunch combo menu, starting at six bucks. chili's -- fresh is happening now. next. ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ how do you know your kids will love campbell's soup? well, it's been the number one soup in america. (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! 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[ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains. so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy to help your dog have his day. why do you want to do your taxes now with jackson hewitt? because you need a free $50 walmart egift card so you can share the joy of getting your taxes done. now get a free $50 walmart egift card when you do your taxes with jackson hewitt at walmart. this morning, elise stefanik becomes the youngest congresswoman ever. she's a republican from new york. on an interview on only "cbs this morning," she tells us why she thinks the congress will be good tuesday morning everyone, i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening around the bay area right now. at this hour, 7:26. big doings in san jose. the new mayor sam liccardo will become san jose's mayor. he did on new year's but he'll formally take the oath of office this evening. the city's 65th mayor will be sworn in along with four new city council members. at the center for performing arts starting at 6:00 tonight. this is a big ceremonial day for california's high speed trail system. at noontime the governor and others will be in fresno to take part in a ground breaking ceremony $68 billion rail system is designed to eventually link bay area cities l. a. with san francisco. in a big three hour trip. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. stay right there. good morning, fortunately no major accidents out the door but some earlier minor crashes are still causing some slowdowns including the east shore freeway. eastbound 80 still slow through sunol. this is the approach on westbound 580. very crowded right now. triting to get into marin county. up and down the nimitz freeway, everything is pretty good so far. near the oakland coliseum and into downtown oakland. mass transit also is on time including b.a.r.t.. that's the kcbs traffic. here's roberta. gather near the tv set. go ahead and take a look at your tuesday, january 6th. we have clear skies and looking out towards the bay bridge. but areas of fog noted in the santa rosa area and also in livermore. currently 30s, 40s and 50 degrees heading on out the door, later odd near and -- on today near and record warm temperatures into the 60s and low 70s gilroy. you have a record at 72 degrees. dry weather persists each day all the way through monday. make it a great day everyone. cos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. ♪ former arkansas governor mike huckabee announced he's running for president. yeah. and if you think mike huckabee can't possibly win, don't forget they said the same thing eight years ago about mike huckabee. [ laughter ] welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the nfl's next play to be to los angeles. why one franchise is eyeing a move to l.a. potentially giving the city the first football team in 20 years ago. we'll you the plan. plus fingerprints for everybody mile they may seem logical for phones but some call said eric frein was ordered to stand trial on charges of killing a pennsylvania state trooper and wounding another. frein was in court yesterday. prosecutors showed surveillance video from the deadly ambush back in september. frein was on the run for 41 days. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. the st. louis post dispatch said a grand jury member is suing for the right to speak publicly about the michael brown case. the unnamed juror wants to challenge the impression that the entire panel agreed to exonerate russell wilson. the juror accused the prosecutor of misrepresenting the jury to the public. "the washington post" said petco will no longer sell dog and cat treats from china. that they could be the cause of 1,000 dog deaths in 2007. rival petsmart also plans to pull them. they received complaints after the animals ate chinese jerky rawhide. "the philadelphia inquirer" looks for the rush for housing during pope francis' first u.s. trip in september. thousands of visitors are expected from around the world. some owners are hoping to cash in on this. they're offering the host visitors up to $15,000 for the week. hope it's a nice house. others are opening their homes for free. and the "wall street journal" says a financial adviser at morgan stanley was fired for allegedly stealing client information and trying to sell it online. the employee is accused of swiping data on 350,000 clients. information on 900 of them posted briefly on them. morgan stanley says there's no evidence the clients were financially harmed by the leak. it's sending ripples through a quiet upscale neighborhood. thomas gilbert sr. was found shot to death in his home on sunday. his son is in jail. erin, good morning. >> i think we'll learn a lot more about this in the coming days. thomas gilbert jr. appeared in court on monday charged with murder after a citywide man hunt. now investigators are trying to figure out why a son who lived miles away has alleged killed his father. 30-year-old thomas gilbert jr. shows little emotion during his first court appearance. charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon. police believe gilbert killed his father during the dispute about his allowance. >> the setting just because this neighborhood is so -- >> reporter: police say gilbert junior arrived at the family's apartment on the east side of manhattan sunday afternoon. he asked his mother to pick up some food but when she returned 15 minutes later, she found her husband's body with a bullet wound to the head. >> 34 of a male shot. >> it came through 911. it was said the husband was shot by her son. >> the gun laying where it was, didn't seem as a self-inflicted wound that we've had in the past. we immediately spoke to mrs. gilbert. and she told us where her son lived. >> reporter: police finally located gilbert junior after knocking down the door at his west side apartment. magazine clips and loose bullets matched the gun at the scene. investigators have yet to determine a motive. but it was known that gilbert junior a frequent social mean was in debt. he came from a life of privilege. the elder gilbert was a successful hedge fund managing with company assets in excess of $200 million. >> thomas gilbert jr. was not working. he seemed to have difficulty in recent years. he clearly plotted his murder to mask the motive. he was out to get more money from his father. >> not only did the younger gilbert have financial troubles he had legal troubles as well after being arrested for violating a restraining order in september. gilbert's next day in court is scheduled for friday for his a arraignment. >> i feel so bad for the mom. she's lost her husband and her son as well. >> and there's a sister as well. i think this had been building up for a while. i think from things i've heard, i think mental illness will play a part in his defense. he's not speaking. he has a lawyer but he's not speaking at all. >> he's 30 years old and had an allowance. >> a pretty big allowance by most people's standards. and there are new signs that the st. louis rams may return to heir old home in los angeles. l.a. lost two franchise, the raiders and the rams 20 years ago. they will reportedly get back to build a new stadium or fix up the old coliseum or rose bowl. and it could be the city's best chance yet. >> reporter: rams owner stan kroenke stadium would be the centerpiece of 300 sports and entertainment complex. backers say it's 100% privately financed. there would be no public dollars, no taxpayer dollars used for this project. and the sport and entertainment district could open in 2018. >> reporter: the plan which needs voter approval has been dubbed the city of champions revitalization project. it calls for a stadium to be built next to the legendary forum. the site of so many lakers nba titles. rand getlan is yahoo! sports nfl insider. >> kroenke has taken the most significant steps of making everybody who was skeptical in the past believe. this nfl to los angeles thing is really going to happen. >> reporter: l.a. has been shut out of the nfl since 1994 ever since the rams left for st. louis and the raiders to oakland. >> most importantly, in the nfl, you really have to keep this in mind the dollars have to make sense. >> reporter: there's no guarantee that kroenke even intends to move the rams back. he's still in talks with st. louis officials about bidding a new stadium there. developers of the l.a. site say they will build the stadium regardless. >> the kroenke group develops sports entertainment venues for teams they own and teams they don't own. they lease their properties out to other sports franchises. >> reporter: the raiders and the san diego chargers both of which play in antiquated stadiums have also been mentioned as possible l.a. transplants. two other competing stadium plans are already in the works. unenvisioned the stadium in the heart of the city, the other in the suburbs, 15 miles north of the disany nieylanddisneyland. >> i think the first that nfl fans can be confident. >> reporter: to many long suffering angelinos. >> i would say football adds to the character of the city. i think it would be nice. >> it's been so long. listen to this story, a form of identity theft that could come out as a science fiction movie. how hackers are targeting your fingerprints to steal personal information. and guess. what they -- don't even need to meet you to make it happen. >> from the ♪ ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. with psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. ♪ millions of smartphones and tablets let you use a fingerprint in place of a password. it's asked security. but this morning, the fingerprint can be hacked. john blackstone tells us how the key could be hiding in plain sight. >> reporter: to the naked eye, these are nothing more than photos of some of today's biggest celebrities. to a hacker these high resolution photos with clear views of hands and fingers can now be used to re-create a fingerprint. john chrysler known in the hacking community known as starbug did just that. he said these were taken with a standard camera from about ten feet away. starbug said he was able to zero in on her fingerprints and reproduce them using readily available software. we spoke with him via skype. >> with the security system keeping something that isn't secret. >> reporter: starbug said there are serious bugs in laws for years. days after the iphone 5 was released he successfully unlocked the phone re-creating a dummy finger using glue. he contends fingerprints are even less secure than standard passwords because once they're stolen, they can't be changed. >> a lot of security relevant tasks are shifted to telephones and that's why the phone will definitely be an interesting target for attackers. >> reporter: it can be expanded to travel and shopping. security experts say instead of replacing passwords with fingerprints we should use them as a second layer of protection. >> it's not a scalable attack against general people. this would be a very targeted thing. you have somebody. their photos are publicly available. they're an important person. and the rewards outweigh the risks. >> reporter: there are other alternatives. industry insiders say viewsonic is working on a new smartphone which scans users' eyes to gain access. in a world where technology is struggling to keep up with the evolving threat of hack attacks, it can be hard to put your finger on what to prepare for next. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, san francisco. >> just a reminder gayle, not to go like this on tv. they may steal your fingerprints. >> or just walk around with gloves. i just think that's crazy. it just shows you if somebody wants to get you they can get you no matter what you do. >> they do the eye thing in the movies. where you have the eye scan. that's the future i think. okay guys good fun. i think this is your key, gayle. >> i can't help it. ahead to london. to the head count. we'll show you how workers there are keeping tabs on 17,000 residents and why it's important to zoos around the world. plus another unprecedented moment for serena williams in good tuesday morning, for this january 6th we will experience temperatures near or record warmth throughout many locations. primarily throughout the southern portion of our bay area. right now, pick a number. 30s 40s and 50s heading on out the door. later today 60s all the way to the low 70s. gilroy should see a record high today of 72 degrees. winds are flat out of the southeast. therefore it is yet another winter spare the air alert day. equally as warm tomorrow if not even more so. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. far too long. ♪ went somewhere we'd both never been. ♪ did something we've both never done. ♪ and was reminded that the most important things in life aren't things they're people. ♪ the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. introducing dance-all-you-want bladder leak protection. only always discreet underwear has soft, dual leakguard barriers. plus a discreet fit that hugs your curves. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. visit for coupons and your free sample. dance more, save more. when you buy new always discreet at walmart, you're getting advanced bladder leak protection & comfort at an everyday low price. so go ahead and show off your savings dance. visit to get a free sample. listen up... i'm reworking the menu. veggies you're cool... mayo, corn are so out of here! 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[vet] two yearly physicals down. martha and mildred are good to go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer but...i wouldn't have it any other way. look at that, i had my best month ever. and earned a shiny new office upgrade. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. saving and smiling... that's how i start the year... with tons of stuff on rollback clearance and more at walmart. ... and that really puts a smile on my face. thousands of items on rollback and clearance in store and online. nexium® 24hr. it's the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ ♪ sometimes, even a tennis great like serena williams needs a bit of a jolt to fire up her game. >> is it illegal to order an espresso? >> she needs a shot of espresso. >> she does seem to be crackinging up. serena needs a caffeine to get a boost after losing a set to flavia pennetta. out came the ball girl. and serena won this match thanks what she called miracle coffee. it was 111 degrees. what did espresso do for you? >> obviously give you energy. >> i'll tell you what coffee company putting it out with the sponsorship. >> i see a solo coming. the youngest congresswoman elected said her type. and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge visit for details. in delicious gummies too! next. ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ our tent is falling... you got it? we need nails. anncr: with just five minutes' prep, campbell's oven sauces help you cook a real dinner right in the middle of real life. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. two former 49er managers have filed an age discrimination lawsuit against team ceo jed york. the employees were in their late 50s when york fired them. they say it was to make room for younger hires. an arsonist has damaged the famous san francisco home featured in the movie "mrs. doubtfire." the minor fire hat broadway and stainer was set about 8:00 last night. the doctor who owns the house thinks it was a former patient. this summer muni riders can buy tickets using their phone. lit download and store the ticket eliminating the need for change or vending machines. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. now earn cash for your school year-round at safeway with just for u e box tops offers. simply enroll online at safeway dot com slash box tops and start earning! plus, now until january 20th buy five participating products and earn 20 e box tops with the just for u digital coupon, only at safeway! here's what's new at safeway from general mills! start the morning off right with these delicious big g cereals! or, try new yoplait greek two percent! grab a quick bite with nature valley and motts snacks! and enjoy a hearty meal with some new favorites. you'll find these and other general mills products on sale at safeway today! good morning, getting a check of the bay bridge things are clearing out quickly. it's the traffic is diminishing before our eyes pretty early. it's not quite 8:00 and you can see interstate 80 there the approach on the east shore freeway is slow but at the toll plaza all clear into san francisco. otherwise checking the east bay now. northbound 880 on the afro to 238 look at that backup and along northbound lanes of 238 as well coming into san leandro. and a crash just reported in novato in the southbound lanes of 101 by 37. that's traffic, here's roberta. a birds ewe view from the transamerica building. looking out in san francisco and in the distance we have alcatraz. however, see that haze? that is why we have the fifth consecutive day of a winter spare the air alert day. it's illegal to burn. 30s 40s if 50s and later today near and record warmth. from the 60s through the low 70s. in fact 7 today in gill -- 72 today in gilroy. that will be a record. more record warmth again on wednesday and the dry weather pattern continues through monday. ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, january 6th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead including the youngest congresswoman in u.s. history. she'll tell us what other republican inspires her the most. but first, here's a look at today's eye opener at 8. >> 20 states underwent windchill warning advisories over the next few days for the arctic air that's in police. >> disastrous across washington, there may be more wicked weather on the way. >> good news in chicago is that the snow has stopped. the bad news is that it remains very cold. police are canvassing this neighborhood in search of those two suspects involved in the shooting that took place last night. the u.s. ski team has a slalom event this evening and all the team members will be wearing black arm bands. everybody has gotten back to work, back to school. close contact. >> that's a big issue. police made a big deal but he planned this and tried to stage it like a suicide. if he did, but he wasn't thinking very much. big news out in l.a. >> they've never been a football city. this is not like leaving cleveland. it's not like leaving baltimore. >> cbs asked you to host. no preconditions for hosting the show. they can do anything they want. get ready for an hour. this morning's eye opener at 8 is presented by subway. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. dangerous cold weather is gripping the northern united states. it is also snowing in places like chester, pennsylvania. a 2,000-mile stretch from idaho to new york could get snow today. >> the cold snap is affecting 80 million americans. one of them is dean reynolds standing outside in icy and snowy chicago because he wants to give this story to you. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. good morning to our viewers in the west. people in the midwest will see a fresh coating of snow this morning, but the real story is the cold in the hamlet of buffalo, minnesota, for example. overnight temperatures actual temperatures, were 30 degrees below zero. in iowa parts of interstate 80 were shut down after snow apparently caused a crash involving at least 20 vehicles. across the region windchills of 40 below will not be uncommon. and here in chicago we gotn't four inches of snow overnight as the city stayed in the deep freeze. rail workers used open flames to keep track switches from freezing and other city work crews were desighsing fire hydrants with blasts of steam. windchill advisory remains in affect here in the city where tomorrow's high is expected to be zero. and tomorrow's low is expected to be ten below. >> dean thanks. >> i think dean's expression and emotion is also frozen. it's so cold outside. >> oh, my gosh. >> he didn't react to you, gayle, when you said good morning. >> do it when you come out here. thank you, dean. >> thank you, dean. tough weather for a lot of people. and two new york city police officers are recovering this morning after being shot in the bronx. a manhunt is under way right now for two suspects p this is surveillance video of one gunman who fired at officers. they responded to a robbery late last night. both are expected to survive. it comes during a time of anxiety and mourning for police just after two officers were gunned down in brooklyn. a kentucky police officer is out of the hospital and recovering this morning after shooting himself in an elevator by accident. it happened on camera in a parking garage in cincinnati. the officer's weapon went off as he tried to put it away. the bullet bounced off h elevator wall and hit the officer in the stomach. they had just gone out to den we're his wife. >> he's very lucky. >> yeah. >> amazing video. same-sex couples are getting married. federal judges ruling throwing out a statewide been went into effect at midnight. couples in cities like key west and del ray beach counted down the minutes and seconds until they could legally married. one judge in miami decided not to wait. she presided at two day weddings on monday. florida is at 36th state to allow same-sex couples to marry. if a census that could help zoos across the planet. keepers at london zoo are counting every single animal this week. it's not an easy job with roughly 17,000 residents. workers used treats and toys to attract the critters while taking pictures of 700 species. information will be entered into an international database to help other zoos. i never thought about that. i figured that -- i fug ured they knew how many animals they had. but i guess -- i guess it gets out of control. >> i wonder how they do the counteding because so many of the animals look alike to me. how can you tell that that's that tiger and that's that tiger? that's that llama and that's that llama. i think that's a good question. >> you're laughing. >> i know. but just a really good question gayle. >> tiger and llama, you're okay. know the difference. >> that, i can do. ahead on "cbs this morning," the consumer electronic show cnn's cooley is there. brian, what are the hottest trends? >> gayle, we're going to talk be talking about 4k tv. it's very real all of a sudden. connect at homes are everywhere. and we're going to be talking about drones. i going the get some rotor wash here in minute. i'm on the flight deck if you will. that egi inspire 1 is a solid example that is turning out to be a major trend. consumer aircraft with cameras on them. >> drone very popular. thank you, bria >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at k8:00 is sponsored by subway. at sunway experience the grild new taste of new chicken strips. subway, east fresh. only on "cbs this morning" we sit down with the youngest woman ever elected to congress. see what 30-year-old put on her agenda and why she's optimistic as she sets her first term in the house. the first day of school in congress. that's next on "cbs this morning." optimistic as she puts her first term in the house. the first day of school in congress. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." look at 'em! they're lovin' their vegetables. this is huge news! it's all thanks to our birds eye chef's favorites side dishes perfectly sauced or seasoned. what are you..? shh! i'm live tweeting. oh, boy. birds eye. so veggie good. did you know enamel is your teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. out of 42 vehicles... based on 6 different criteria... why did a panel of 11 automotive experts... ... name the volkswagen golf motor trend's 2015 car of the year? we'll give you four good reasons the all-new volkswagen golf starting at $17,995. there's an award winning golf for everyone. ♪ on the new congress gets today the most diverse group in history with a record number of minorities and women. a republican from northern new york becomes the youngest woman ever in congress. we sat down with elise stefanik to look at her ground-breaking achievement. so what's it like being the youngest woman ever elected to congress? >> it's very exciting. it's a humbling feeling. i'm just excited to add an additional crack to the glass ceiling. >> reporter: elise stefanik made her crack in the glass ceiling in a district known as the north country in new york state. she launched her campaign at age 29 and won it as 30-year-old. >> how did your parents respond to your ambition about joining politics politics? >> they're very supportive. my parents have always been supportive of everything that i've done whether it was in school growing up, whether it was my dance recitealrecitals, whether it was sports. i really credit the values that my parents instilled in me, the hard work. they're just really my role models. i'm getting a little choked up talking about them. they're just wonderful. they were excited. i think it's harder for family members to see someone go through it with the negativity, to go through the campaign with the blog comments the negative ads. it's harder on family members than on the candidate themselves so i often was telling them it's okay. i have a thick skin. >> were there personal comments that were made that were hurtful? >> women oftentimes the comments are different whether it's about appearance attire it's just different than male candidates. there were different challenges. >> people made comments about the kind of tights you wear. >> they did. i wear pattern tights which are not -- i mean they're not that fashion forward. if you look around for example, the halls of congress there are lots of staff members who wear patern tights. they're very tasteful. it's just part of being a young, new candidate. >> republicans are calling her the future of their party. they're looking to stefanik to attract new voters. >> someone noted the republican party has wanted to bottle and mass produce candidates like you. young, female and republican. does the republican party have an image problem? >> we certainly fixed it at this past election cycle. i hope that we take away lessons from this past election cycle. i think we need to have a tone that reaches out to women and that's something that i've been very focused on. i also think we need to do a better job of listening. that's something that i prioritized over the course of the campaign. and one of -- a current member of congress who gave me some of the best advice is actually congressman paul ryan who when i first went to him saying i consider running for office he ran at an younger age that i was. said you have one mouth and two ears. use them in that ratio. >> stefanik considers ryan her mentor. she ran his debate prep team in 2012. her disappointment in that election pushed her to run. >> so this is what most of the freshmen members of congress have offices. >> a lot of freshmen are up here. >> her credentials are rock solid. harvard graduate who worked in the george w. bush white house. she realmed run her family small business at home. she's pro life but use for compassion and understanding of different views. she also talks about something that's rare these days in washington compromise and working with democrats. >> americans are really sick of gridlock in washington. >> i think you're going to see a congress at work in the 114th congress and a senate at work. >> i can hear viewers at home going, i'll believe it when i see it. every member of congress tells me that every new session. >> you know what? maybe that's my youth coming from but it's also opt tichl. i think that's where being young is a strength because i bring, i hope, a sunny side of optimism to congress and a willingness to work with people. i hope i'm not frustrated after the next two years. >> if you had to bet your house on it? >> i -- again, i'm so young. i'm optimistic. >> you know she's on the armed services committee which is where that room was because she represents ft. drum, new york, the first to go in in wars like afghanistan. she is optimistic on tax reform which i think is one of the things to look at in this congress. they're going to vote on the keystone pipeline repealing parts of obamacare. but she's interesting. i think it's interesting for 2016. the republican party knows that more than half of the voters are women and the segment of millennials is growing in terms of the voting population and they have to reach out to those groups. >> she seems to have a funny attitude and very poised. >> yes. >> she kept talking about her age. 30 is young. >> 30 is young. the average age of a member of congress is 58. >> now you're talking. >> yeah. >> state-of-the-art drone? 4k tv snz what is that? another cutting-edge gadget. up next we'll show you the innovateive and bizarre tech products that you will be talking about this year we are predicting. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. s (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. ♪ make a right turn. >> wait, wait wait, no no no it means bear right. >> no it said right. so take a right. >> no no look. it means go up to the right. bear right over the bridge and hook up with 307. >> make a right. >> no it's a short cut. it said go to the right. >> it can't mean that! there's a lake there! >> no! >> stop yelling at me! >> no! >> here! >> remain calm. we're trained for this. okay. exit the windows. here we go! >> make a u-turn. [ laughter ] >> that is so true. with the gps. >> all right. >> you might want to drive on over to the international consumer electronics show opening to the public this morning in las vegas. >> more than 150,000 people expected to attend this year. 30,000 of them companies want to dazzle you. brian cooley from our partners at cnet on the convention floor. hi, good morning. >> hi, charlie, hi gayle. >> hi i'm norah! i'm here too. >> good morning. >> tell us about the 4k tv to start with, brian? >> yeah, 4k tv is important for consumers to know about because it's going to be the next tv you buy. by the end of the year, all the good sets are going to be 4k. what does that mean? >> that doesn't mean it's better but substantially better. 60 inch and above you really see a quality improvement because the dots get so small, it looks like reality. and not like a bunch of pixels. and these are wall to wall here at the show. they also have better color. they do everything better. the prices need to come down before they can match what we're currently pay for tvs. let's face it we're used to playing low prices. this is the next best thing. not like 3d which came and went. >> is that content available? >> we're seeing tons of content for 4k. what is interesting, primarily screen content. there is a 4k blu-ray and it snuck out yesterday. the streams, netflix, dish announced the streaming yesterday. that's where you'll get the content. >> that's so exciting where you can see the black heads better on your screen. >> we're dreading that. >> they're talking about the home technology being better connected at home what does that mean? >> connected technology means whatever is in your house as a big old range or a door lock on your front door can be connected to the internet. now, privately, of course so you can access it through your phone. or, so those divisions can talk to each other. those are the two main things. and when they talk to each other, behaviors can get macroed. as we say. in other words, one device will say, i know something is happening in the house right now, all other devices follow me and behave accordingly. >> and what about drones brian? >> well drones are fascinating because this is a window where we're coming to ces and doing aircraft stories. we're actually looking at consumer aircraft where we're flying these in this case dji inspire. 1. the bell of the ball for the qdro continue copters. they're all about the cameras. we heard about amazon using them to deliver packages. and we had an early drop on that. but the key is stabilized high-def cameras that gets you shots no one else can get. now, the pricing on this is where we want to see it continue to come down. these guys for example, range from a top-end model 700 bucks for an hd camera that is stabilized. you view it and record it on your tablet in realtime. it's very cool. >> very cool brian cooley, great to sigh,ee you. ahead, say good tuesday morning everyone, it's 8:25. i'm frank mallicoat and here's the headlines around the bay area right now. sam liccardo has been san jose's major since new year's but he'll formally take the oath of office tonight. he will be sworn in along with four newly elected city councilmans. it will be held in san jose and it starts tonight at 6:00. safeway will pay close to $0 million to setten al -- $10 million to settle an illegal dumps case. sending old pills and batteries and cans off to landfills instead of disposing of them properly and also discovered old pharmacy records that were improperly dumped compromising customers' privacy. got your traffic and roberta is on deck with weather coming up right after the break. good morning, i want to take you out to the byron area, we have a full shutdown byron highway because of a pretty major injury head-on crash. again the location is byron highway near north bruns way and also outside here's a live look at the san mateo bridge. there was -- a more minor crash westbound 92 just past the toll plaza and actually you can see the tow crews there still on the scene. off to the shoulder. so it's kind of a tight squeeze trying to get through the pay gates and there on the flat section of the span. drive time just dropped to yellow it was in the red a couple of minutes ago. and very light at the bay bridge. things have cleared out early. in fact they turned the metering lights off early as well. so all clear into san francisco. that is kcbs traffic. here's roberta. elizabeth by your traffic cameras we can obviously see we have a lot of haze out there. and also some areas of fog. like in santa rosa the visibility is a quarter mile at this time. we're in the 30s and 40s and even 50 degrees at sfo. it is now 37 degrees in santa rosa with the visibility again a quarter of a mile. highs today going up. 60s and low 70s. these are near or record warmth. and in fact 72 in gilroy today will be a record. tomorrow, more records will be established right here in the blare and then -- bay area and then we increase the cloud cover on friday and bring down the temperatures to seasonal readings all the way through monday. it is jet another spare the air day. -- yet another spare the air day. it is illegal to burn. take care of one another. have a great day everyone. ♪ welcome back. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour -- a reality check on the danger from sharks. yikes. chip reid takes us along for an underwater journey. see how scientists are tracking those tiger sharks and taking a bite out of misconception. plus dogs take over facebook for a good cause. you'll meet the brave teen fighting cancer for the newiest online sensation. cbs san francisco said police are investigating a suspicious fire at the san francisco home where "mrs. doubtfire" was filmed. someone tried to set fire to the garage door and front door. "the wall street journal" said handbag retailer coach is making a rare acquisition. it has agreed to buy upscale shoe band weitzman. and "the washington post" shows three new girl scout cookie flavors. rah rah raisin toffeetastic and trios. toffeetastic and trios are gluten-free. >> i'm waiting for the one that's calorie-free. >> me too. the indianapolis star looks supposedly random drug test, the kicker adam vicinitydam venturini had a great season. and chiming in on twitter when you're closer to 60 than 20 and bang a 53-yarder three quarters of the way up the upright. this type of thing is expected. hshts #goat. and atlanta hawks are hosting a tinder night. they excite their fans to swipe right night. it has details of how it will help with the match making but sounds like fun. a new mexico woman is suing this morning after a novelty company put her high school photos on items like a flask. going to be the most popular girl in rehab. veronica said nobody asked her permission to do this. she san active member of had her church and she does not consume alcohol or drugs. we're waiting to hear back from both defendants for a response. that would be irritating. we're at the dawn of a new era in mobile medicine. a cardiologist considered a technological pioneer believes you could soon take control of your own health care and data. dr. eric taupe is author of "the patient will see you now." dr. topel, good morning. >> good morning. we have this technology how is this going to affect our health? >> up until now, it's really controlled by the doctor. and it was a whole different look than what it could be. which is the data that you're generating through your smartphone you that get to see first and you get to make the call with computer assistance. so it's a real flip of how medicine has been for thousands of years. >> do you think it's like a guttenberg moment? >> yeah. it really is. a printing press -- the printed word and how the common man became access to all information. it's the same now in 2015 with the medical world and medical data. your date a. >> looks like you brought devices with you? >> i did. to help bring the point across. we start off with a cardiogram. basically, this is a great thing you can pull up an app. instead of going to the emergency room if you feel like your heart is fluttering. you can take a device like this put your thumbs on the sensors, and just in a second you'll have a cardiogram. >> wow. >> and it's actually great because it will tell you with a computer reading, highly accurately, what exactly is your heart rhythm. >> wow. >> so if you saw something that alarmed you, what would that be? >> well you could have a serious heart rate atrial fibrillation. >> you wrote in the book you that got an e-mail from a patient that said i'm in atrial-fib what should i do? you knew that was a changing day? >> right. you'd have to go to the emergency room. but in seconds on your phone you could go through a reading. >> what else do you have? >> this is an interesting necklace that you can just pop on like this. >> gayle likes necklaces. >> it's not a fashion statement for julyvy. but, you can then get an incredible amount of information about the heart. so, in just a second it will show basically, not just the heart rhythm but also every other aspect of the -- >> well why would an average consumer want or need something like that? >> well the heart -- this is not for the average consumer. this is for someone with heart failure trying to avoid going into the hospital. this is the biggest problem for readmission we have the in united states. >> the lighting is blue. is that a bad sign? before it was green? i thought green was good? >> yeah. yeah. it should go. but at any rate this will basically show all heart, the cardiac output. the fluid and everything else. >> what's the impact? is it going to impact hospitals? is it going to impact in other ways how we exercise our own responsibility for our health? >> well having new information,ing your data this is not about lifting something off the internet. this is your data. realtime. so if you have high blood & pressure and you wear a watch, every heart beat your blood pressure is getting reported on your phone. or if you want to not wear a watch, you can put this to your forehead and get your blood pressure in various key medical metrics. >> do you encourage people to diagnose themselves? i kind of want to go see you. you're the rock star the science doctor but you're encouraging us to do this? >> well doctors are still going to be needed critically for helping to make the appropriate treatment. diagnosis and wisdom and experience. that's so vital. but for diagnostic stuff, you'll be able to do this over your smartphone. in your world, rather than the one visit to the doctor's office. >> i like this very much so. simply because if we're here if you discovered something early, the treatment would be different and more successful. and secondly to know there's danger doctors can do eye alost things. just the fact if you get attention early to a stroke you can minimize the damage. >> exactly. and we've never had this information before. we've been kind of warned off specialists, not having real data. and just for something like blood pressure, we've never had blood pressure throughout the night, when you're in traffic, and being able to monitor, quantify stress and moves. these are exciting opportunities. >> you say the term "doctor's orders" should be eliminated from our vocabulary? >> it's really a problem with returnism, gayle. we've had this not respect for patients. it's been the patients like the rodney dangerfield. we need to change that. for people who have their own information they're reformed and even can get emancipated with respect to medical care. >> maybe in medical school they should teach something for respect of patients and their curiosity. >> yes. i think that's where we're headed. the fact that you can summon a doctor through your phone. not just a televisit. but a doctor come to your house. >> uber doctor. >> even here in new york city. >> your ipad is flashing. when we can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. 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>> i saw the reflection of the eyeball. >> reporter: the attack lasted only seconds but the damage to his leg was severe. >> if you look down my leg, you can see the jawline go around. >> reporter: the shark's bottom teeth made the same shape on his surfboard. so this board saved at least a limb and maybe your life? >> exactly. >> reporter: in past decades after a shark attack in hawaii officials would kill as many sharks as they could find that that area. >> so i've been studying sharks for years. >> reporter: marine biologist carl meyer specializes in debunking myths about sharks. he said all that killing was a waste of time and a waste of sharks. >> there's no evidence that sharks hang out at one particular beach waiting for people to go in the water so they can bite them. >> reporter: he knows that because he's attached high-tech tracking devices and cameras to sharks throughout the hawaiian islands. over the past 25 years, shark attacks average three a year in hawaii. while 29 attacks since 2012 meyer says it's too early to say there's an upward trend. >> to keep it in perspective, your drive to the beach is actually a far more risky activity than going surfing or snorkeling. >> reporter: meyer has also dispelled myths about shark cages, a popular tourist atrakdz. some critics believe that sharks attracted to the cages follow the boats back to shore endangering swimmers. >> when the boats leave, all they do is go from the surface to the bottom out of those particular sights. >> reporter: and the sharks that frequent the cages almost never include tiger sharks which are responsible for most attacks in hawaii. we decided to take a look for ourselves. these sharks are all friendly right? >> yeah. >> reporter: sure. glad to meet you. and in fact there was not a tiger shark in sight. yes, lots of sandbar sharks and their bigger cousins the gallopgoes which are fiercer looking. and when sharks do bite in the open ocean, captain matt voorhees said it's a mistake. >> most people survive. if they did like our flavor, it would be an all the time thing. >> reporter: as for kyle gatewood, it took him eight months to recover. but today, he's back in the water. when you went back out were you frightened? >> not so much frightened but aware. >> reporter: he said he's gained respect for sharks no ill-will towards them. after all, the ocean are theirs not his. chip reid oahu. >> that's got to be the only bad thing about hawaii. >> don't you like that guy's attitude. it's their home. coming up how one friend's efforts to cheer up a teen itting a cancer patient with puppy love became a global internet sensation. you don't want to miss this for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ it started as an attempt to cheer up a teenage cancer patient who just loved dogs. now, it's so much more. it's a global sensation that has hundreds of thousands of people posting pictures of their pooches online. this is all for anthony lyons who undergoes another treatment for cancer this week. vladimir duthier is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, they say a dog is more than man's best friend. as with this cancer patient. 16-year-old anthony lyons surrounds himself with dogs. he likes their innocence and optimism. >> these dogs are happy for no reason. they're just happy because they're alive basically. that's a good feeling. when i see them happy making me happy. >> reporter: last summer while on vacation with his grandparents anthony started feeling intense pain in his back. after undergoing tests he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. >> i got to go here two of them, 24 hours. it makes me really sick in here. it's a really uncomfortable sick feeling. horrible. >> reporter: anthony began another round of chemotherapy at phoenix children's hospital last week. unable to see his three dogs at home friends decided to create a facebook page called photo doggies for anthony. it started off small. like erin from massachusetts wrote tucker hopes you feel better. >> as it started climbing into the 600,000, i realized this is really going to go crazy. >> reporter: from around the country and around the world, photos poured in. dogs in costumes. making silly faces. posing with their owners. some eastern even dogs at all. anthony has six months of intense chemotherapy left and three years of monthly treatments. with the help of dog therapy, both real and virtual, the hospital says its prognosis is looking good. >> we are definitely smiling at every single one. all day long. i get on there until my hands hurt. and then i take a rest. then back on looking at all the posts. it's really been overwhelming to see just how many people care. >> now, overnight, the original facebook page was taken down by lyons said there was an inappropriate comment. we've reached out to facebook but we haven't heard yesterday. vad, vlad, you taking that one home? >> that's so nice. >> i love what anthony said dogs are just happy for no reason. and that in turn makes you happy. it's so great. that's so great. that's a great story. >> gayle, we're getting a lot of twitter reaction about your shoes. want to tell everybody what happened? >> i was exercising fell while i was exercising and tour a managers have fil good tuesday morning everyone. 8:55. i'm mall ma'am. let's check the -- frank mallicoat. two former 49er managers have filed an age discrimination suit against ceo jed york. the employees were in their late 50s when apparently mr. york fired them. they say it was to make room for younger hires. an arsonist has damaged the famous san francisco home featured in the movie "mrs. doubtfire." the doctor who owns the home thinks it was one of his former patients. and this summer muni riders can buy tickets using phones now. the mobile app will download and store the ticket eliminating the need for change or vending machines on the bus. traffic and weather coming up but right now it's roberta's turn. >> yes it is frank. good morning everybody. we have a quarter mile visibility in the santa rosa area due to some patchy fog. otherwise, that's haze and that's why we have the fifth consecutive day of a spare the air day. now meanwhile, temperatures 30s 40s and 50s out the door right now. the winds will be flat today out of the southeast at 5 miles per hour. today's high temperatures going up. 60s and even low 70s across the santa clara valley and 72 in downtown san jose. 72 in gilroy. for a record high for today. more widespread records should be established on wednesday. then we cloud it up a bit and cool it down on friday all the way through monday. elizabeth with traffic up next after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. good morning, well, take a check of some of the roads and mass transit. first though some b.a.r.t. delays to tell you about if you're on the daly city line. about 20 minute delays because of some earlier police activity. the rest of b.a.r.t. lines are all on time. ferries, caltrain, and ace are all reporting no delay. everything there is great. here's a live look out the door, 880 in oakland. it's still pretty slow from davis all the way up to 23rd. that is a live look near the oakland coliseum. and oakland airport. southbound 880 is pretty backed up once you get into san leandro. and hayward on the afro to highway 892. -- 92. a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, where did all the commuters go? they switched off the metering lights. shortly after 8:00. and it just kind of cleared out ever since. no delay right now between oakland and san francisco on either direction. have a great day. wayne: yes, whoo! jonathan: it's a motorcycle! (cheering) wayne: is that real? tiffany is a matadora. jonathan: it's a trip to switzerland! wayne: emmy-winner cat gray. jonathan: it's diamond earrings! wayne: she did it! - i'm gonna take curtain number three! jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, welcome to “let's make a deal.” thank you so much for tuning in today. i'm wayne brady. and we need somebody to make a deal with me. in the clown mask. everybody else have a seat. (cheering) come here. hey. - wayne, i love you. wayne: oh, thank you. and who are you? - my name is soledad but everybody calls me sole. wayne: hey sole, i got sole! welcome to the show.

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Arkansas , United States , Montana , Fresno , California , Turkey , China , Minnesota , Austria , Manhattan , New York , San Diego , New Mexico , Alcatraz , Washington , District Of Columbia , Des Moines , Iowa , San Francisco , Daly City , Del Ray Beach , Florida , Massachusetts , Snoqualmie Falls , Hawaiian Islands , Hawaii , Poland , Switzerland , Chicago , Illinois , Miami , Santa Clara Valley , Oakland , Afghanistan , San Leandro , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Cleveland , Ohio , Kentucky , Boston , Wisconsin , Indonesia , Cincinnati , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Sioux Falls , South Dakota , Marin County , Brooklyn , Colorado , Phoenix , Arizona , France , Utah , Italy , Sunway , Polish , Italian , Americans , America , Chinese , Indonesian , Californians , Meg Thomas Riley , Elise Stefanik , Wayne Brady , Michael Brown , Rodney Dangerfield , Atlantic Ocean , Gong Campbell , Serena Williams , Chris Christie , Tom Kelly , Holly Phillips , Paul Ryan , Brian Cooley , Kyle Gatewood , Michelle Griego , Jerry Jones , John Blackstone , Los Angeles , Danielle Niles , Gayle King , Carl Meyer , Matt Voorhees , Danielle , Russell Wilson , Phil Mickelson , Thomas Gilbert Jr , George W Bush , Las Vegas , Mike Huckabee , John Chrysler , Anthony Lyons , Jackson Hewitt , Michelle Miller , Flavia Pennetta ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20150106 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20150106

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layers and boots and hats. >> the rockies to the east coast. >> many states seeing temperatures up to 35 degrees below average. meanwhile, in western washington state, torrential rain triggered a mudslide. in new york overnight, a man hunt is under way after two police officers were shot while responding to an armed robbery. >> these officers will recover. >> the united states ski team is reeling from the death of who up and coming stars killed in an avenuealanche in austria. >> the s&p, the biggest one-day drop. >> a couple of more sessions like this next time i'm on your show i'll be doing it from a sofa. >> divers trying to find airasia wreckage are facing bad weather. >> an offduty police officer accidentally shooting himself in the stomach in a parking garage elevator in cincinnati is expected to be okay. >> serena williams got a double shot. she went the next two sets. >> fancy that. >> and all of that matters. >> chris christie taking heat for being a cowboys fan and hugging jerry jones. >> right after jones said let's get some hot wings. >> on cbs this morning. >> 2015 gets under way. >> the 2016 presidential campaign is heating up. >> 2016. >> 2016. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. [ cheering ] >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to cbs this morning. as you wake up in the west the first winter blast of the new year threatens 80 million americans. fast moving snow is spreading in areas from the rockies to the east coast this morning. you can see how it is causing trouble for drivers in illinois. >> the icy cold could be more dangerous than the snow. by tomorrow morning, windchills will approach 50 below in some areas. dean reynolds is in chicago where the winter storm is biting cold right now. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, and good morning to our viewers in the west. well, the good news in chicago is that the snow has stopped falling. the bad news is it remains very, very cold. as sub zero temperatures took hold of chicago, so did the snow. nearly four inches blanketing the snow overnight and causing hundreds of flight cancellations at midway and o'hare airports. it's so cold water management crews were forced to deice fire hydrants. >> it's 8 degrees. it ain't too bad, as long as we keep moving. >> reporter: and rail workers were heating switches with open flames to keep them from freezing solid. >> this looks like it's on fire though. not that it's being heated, you know. like a space heater. >> i know. there's no danger us. those are flames but it's like a gas grill. >> meg thomas riley works for metro, chicago's commuter rail link that provides over 300,000 rides every day. is there a risk of derailment if you don't do this? >> yes, if the switch does not engage properly, the train could derail. >> the relentless cold is also sweeping across much of the midwest. in iowa blinding snow caused this crash involving at least 20 cars and shut down parts of interstate 80. >> one car just sort of slipped and went to the side. one hit the other. it became a domino effect. >> in wisconsin windchills sent temperatures plunging near minus 35 degrees. officials warn it would only take minutes for frostbite to set in. and in sioux falls, south dakota, whoutout conditions forced dozens of schools to close early. >> they told us it was coming. we knew it was coming. i'm glad they let out of school early so i can get out of the road and get home. >> those hoping for a thaw will just have to wait because temperatures are expected to hover near 0 zero-degree mark for the next few days. >> thanks. the blistering cold is moving east. it's already snowing in washington, d.c. at the white house. meteorologist danielle niles is tracking the winter blast. danielle danielle, good morning to you. >> good morning and good morning to our viewers in the west. 20 states under windchill warnings, advisories or watches for the arctic air in place. current windchills 20 to 30 below zero in parts of the midwest and northern plains. that cold air will stream south and east over the next few days. so high temperatures by tomorrow won't make it above zero. international falls, back down to des moines single digits and teens all the way to northern new england, and by wednesday night and thursday morning, the heart of the arctic air will create windchill values 30 to perhaps as cold as 40 below zero in parts of northern new england. meanwhile, on the west coast. it's fairly quiet, but there is a storm impacting montana. areas of snow will drop as much as 6 to 12 inches in the higher rain. winter storm warnings in effect today. treacherous travel through the course of the afternoon and evening as well. people in the northwest are anxiously watching rising rivers this morning. a powerful rainstorm is blamed for flooding and mud slides that destroyeded several homes in washington state. rob is in carnation, a hard hit area east of seattle. >> rising floodwater and mud slides have ended in disasters for people across western washington, and there may be more wicked weather on the way. the entire hillside came crashes down onto the coastal on the on monday. washing away trees and knocking at least three homes off their foundations. >> i heard a big crack, and the trees come down and they just cracked and boomed and it went that way. just gone. people were urged to quickly leave the area. firefighters had to rescue a woman in her 80s and her dog. >> you could hear stuff breaking and crashing and you think what is going on. >> reporter: a weekend storm pounded parts of western washington with rain triggering landslides and record flooding. this was one of several rivers to crest. sub murjing homes and cars attempted to navigate a maze of roads swelled up by water and mud. and the nearby snoqualmie falls showed off the voracity. water forced people to wade through waist high flooding at times. >> i'm going back where i live. it's cold. >> business owners struggled to keep the rising wearpts o ut of their stores with no help from passing vehicles. >> you got a lot of idiots driving down and causing waves in businesses. people not thinking. there's a lot ot water down here. several major rivers here in washington will remain at or above flood stage until later today. perhaps creating more problems. norah? >> rob, thanks. a massive man hunt is under way in new york city after the shooting of two more nwypd officers. both are expecteded to survive. the shooting comes after police are on high alert after the murder o two officers. michelle miller has surveillance video. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning and good morning to viewers in the west. police are canvassing this neighborhood in the bronx in psearch of the two suspects involved in the shooting that took place at 10:30 last night. just hours before the attack the police commissioner and the mayor were touting the city's record low crime numbers. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows the moment the officers came up against the suspect's gunfire. the plain clothed officers were just finishing their shifts when they got a robbery call on monday night. they came under fire when they saw two men near a chinese food restaurant who fit the description. >> as they approached the individual one male was outside. one went inside. the approached the male outside. when the male inside began firing at the officers through the doorway. two officers were hit. one shot in the arm. the other in the back. they were rushed to the hospital where mayor bill de blasio spoke overnight. >> thank god these officers are doing well and will recover. >> reporter: it's been a tense two weeks for the police and the mayor after the double murder of two nypd officers in brooklyn. some members of the force turned their backs on mayor de blasio in two public memorial services. earlier on monday he called the gesture unfair. >> it was disrespectful to the families who had losted their loved one. and i can't understand why anyone would do such a thing in a context like that. >> at the same event, the city's mayor and police commissioner announced record low crime numbers. last week alone, there were half the amount of arrests made compareded to the same week last year. >> we've had a lot of things that have been impacting on activity levels. but even with that the overall crime numbers have continued to decline. >> many point to the simmering attention between the police department and the mayor as the reason for the work slowdown resulting in fewer summonses. and there's a $10,000 reward for anyone who can lead police to an arrest of these two suspects. >> michelle, thank you. the dow is up this morning in early trading after yesterday's big selloff. the plunge was triggered by another drop in crude oil prices. they tumbled below $50 a barrel and that's the first time that happened in more than five years. the dow fell more than 330 points yesterday. investors are now worried about the instability of oil memorials because now there's no telling when the price drop will come to an end. family and friends are grieving the loss this morning of two young skiers hoping to join the u.s. ski team. ronnie berlack and bryce astle died on monday. >> both are remembered as humble,al enlted athletes. chris ward is in london. clarissa good morning. >> good morning. m 19-year-old bryce astle and 20-year-old berlack were both dreaming of joining the u.s. team and one day skiing in the olympics. >> hi, my name is bryce astle. i'm an alpine ski racer out of utah and i'm 19 years old. >>s a astle started crowd funding to raise money. berlack has a ski coach father. tom kelly is a spokesman for the u.s. ski team. >> these were great young men. most of all, they were passionate. they loved to ski race. they loved to ski. >> ashtle and berlack were part of six skiers when the avalanche struck. the other four survived. rescue workers received an alert at 10:00 yesterday morning that two skiers were buried in an avalanche. an emergency team was dispatched to the site. >> there were two emergency physicians with the helicopters, a spokesman for the alpine police said. they tried everything, unfortunately without success. an avalanche warning was declared in the area after days of heavy snowfall and mild temperatures. neither of the young skiers was wearing emergency gear. the u.s. ski team is in zagra today. they have an event this evening and all the team members will be wearing black arm bands to commemorate ronnie and bryce. jury selection enters day two this morning in the boston marathon bombing trial. tsarnaev was quiet in court. more than 1200 potential jurors will fill out a questionnaire. and it could take weeks to seat a jury. federal prosecutors are looking for jurors willing to impose the death penalty if czar nef is convicted. indonesian officials say they are fighting time and weather searching for victims of flight 8501. investigators have a new theory that may explain exactly what happened when the plane crashed. >> reporter: good morning. weather and currents are dragging the wreck kaj of the air bus east ward and the search has shifted in that direction. so far 39 victims were locateded but # 123 people are still missing. a number of shifts including two from the u.s. navy continue to use so nar to locate the plane's wreckage. so far the crews have identified several large objects on the sea's floor. government officials say weather was a contributing fa factor in the december 28th crash. they believe the plane flew through satellite images showing temperatures below zero. a report translated to english says the most probable weather phenomenon is the icing. it can cause engine damage do due to cooling air. investigators belief that's one of the possibilities that occurred based on analysis of the data. >> the the worst thunderstorms in the world are in this region. >> kyle bailey is an aviation analyst. >> you have lightning. you have updrafts. you have hail. you have ice. >> in 2009 air france flight 447 went down in the atlantic ocean with 228 people on board. investigators recovered the plane's black boxes two years later. thas discovered the pilots lost control after ice crystals caused the plane's air speed indicators to malfunction. >> there's a lot of similarities between that crash and this crash. my gut feeling is that once the black boxes were found within a week or several weeks we'll have a very good idea of what actually happened to the airplane. >> indonesian authorities are hoping an expanded search area will help them locate the plane's black box, in the tail section of the plane. it includes the voice recorder. and it is essential that nailing down exactly what happened to the flight. charlie? >> jeff thanks. the winter flu season is getting worse and still has far to go. 43 states have widespread flu cases. blamed for the deaths of 21 children in 11 states. dr. holly phillips is with us this morning. what's going on? >> this is essentially the first storm of the flu season. a few things happen. flu season is peeking earlier. it started in the south. it hit the midwest. now it's moving up the northeast and really not surprisingly is taking ahold in schools, giving it to kids. the other things happening is the strain circulating is called h3n2. it causes injury and death. m and the flu vaccine this season is not perfectly matched eded to it. all these things in tandem and more deaths earlier. >> do you need more flu vaccine? >> some children actually if they're under the age of 8, it's recommended they get two shots or two vaccinations rather than one. one. >> and some children got a shot before that would require a second. your pediatrician can help sort that out. ultimately it's to protect against the h1n1 strain. we called it the bird flu several years ago. that takes two shots for protection. >> we keep hearing reports that the flu vaccine is not as effective. so what do we need to do? >> it's still quite effective. if that makes sense. you should still get it. it protects against other strains, influenza b and h1n1 that we may see circulating later. and it also does provide protection against the strain circulating now. we also have to pay attention to basic things. contact precautions. if your kids are sick keep them at home. make sure you're washing your hands. cough into your elbow. if you have symptoms of the flu, high fever body aches, chills. get to the doctor soon. >> when is flu season over? >> unfortunately -- i know. i wish i had better news since we're still in the beginning of january. it could linger straight through april. but we usually see it start to fall off by february. >> you're worried this could get worse. everyone has gone back to work and school. everybody is in close contact. >> it's a big issue, norah. some schools in the south closed early ahead of winter break because they were seeing so much break. kids get together and start to spread the flu again. >> holly, thanks. and it is 7:19. will the nfl return to los angeles after 20 good tuesday morning, for this january 6th we will experience temperatures near or record warmth throughout many locations. primarily throughout the southern portion of our bay area. right now, pick a number. 30s 40s and 50s heading on out the door. later today 60s all the way to the low 70s. gilroy should see a record high today of 72 degrees. winds are flat out of the southeast. therefore yet another winter spare the air alert day. equally as worm today if not -- warm tomorrow if not even more so. sponsored by new colgate enamel health toothpaste. a wealthy banker gunned down. the murder suspect, his so a wall street banker investigators this morning are trying find out a possible motive for a >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by walmart, where you'll find low prices on everything you need for a fresh start this new year. ... and that really puts a smile on my face. thousands of items on rollback and clearance in store and online. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want it ♪ ♪ go out and get it ♪ major: ok fitness class! here's 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(vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. at chili's, fresh is now. and now we've got fresh mex bowls. it's a big bowl of delicious paired with soup or salad. now on our lunch combo menu, starting at six bucks. chili's -- fresh is happening now. next. ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ how do you know your kids will love campbell's soup? well, it's been the number one soup in america. (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! [ aniston ] when people ask me what i'm wearing, i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains. so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy to help your dog have his day. why do you want to do your taxes now with jackson hewitt? because you need a free $50 walmart egift card so you can share the joy of getting your taxes done. now get a free $50 walmart egift card when you do your taxes with jackson hewitt at walmart. this morning, elise stefanik becomes the youngest congresswoman ever. she's a republican from new york. on an interview on only "cbs this morning," she tells us why she thinks the congress will be good tuesday morning everyone, i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening around the bay area right now. at this hour, 7:26. big doings in san jose. the new mayor sam liccardo will become san jose's mayor. he did on new year's but he'll formally take the oath of office this evening. the city's 65th mayor will be sworn in along with four new city council members. at the center for performing arts starting at 6:00 tonight. this is a big ceremonial day for california's high speed trail system. at noontime the governor and others will be in fresno to take part in a ground breaking ceremony $68 billion rail system is designed to eventually link bay area cities l. a. with san francisco. in a big three hour trip. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. stay right there. good morning, fortunately no major accidents out the door but some earlier minor crashes are still causing some slowdowns including the east shore freeway. eastbound 80 still slow through sunol. this is the approach on westbound 580. very crowded right now. triting to get into marin county. up and down the nimitz freeway, everything is pretty good so far. near the oakland coliseum and into downtown oakland. mass transit also is on time including b.a.r.t.. that's the kcbs traffic. here's roberta. gather near the tv set. go ahead and take a look at your tuesday, january 6th. we have clear skies and looking out towards the bay bridge. but areas of fog noted in the santa rosa area and also in livermore. currently 30s, 40s and 50 degrees heading on out the door, later odd near and -- on today near and record warm temperatures into the 60s and low 70s gilroy. you have a record at 72 degrees. dry weather persists each day all the way through monday. make it a great day everyone. cos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. ♪ former arkansas governor mike huckabee announced he's running for president. yeah. and if you think mike huckabee can't possibly win, don't forget they said the same thing eight years ago about mike huckabee. [ laughter ] welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the nfl's next play to be to los angeles. why one franchise is eyeing a move to l.a. potentially giving the city the first football team in 20 years ago. we'll you the plan. plus fingerprints for everybody mile they may seem logical for phones but some call said eric frein was ordered to stand trial on charges of killing a pennsylvania state trooper and wounding another. frein was in court yesterday. prosecutors showed surveillance video from the deadly ambush back in september. frein was on the run for 41 days. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. the st. louis post dispatch said a grand jury member is suing for the right to speak publicly about the michael brown case. the unnamed juror wants to challenge the impression that the entire panel agreed to exonerate russell wilson. the juror accused the prosecutor of misrepresenting the jury to the public. "the washington post" said petco will no longer sell dog and cat treats from china. that they could be the cause of 1,000 dog deaths in 2007. rival petsmart also plans to pull them. they received complaints after the animals ate chinese jerky rawhide. "the philadelphia inquirer" looks for the rush for housing during pope francis' first u.s. trip in september. thousands of visitors are expected from around the world. some owners are hoping to cash in on this. they're offering the host visitors up to $15,000 for the week. hope it's a nice house. others are opening their homes for free. and the "wall street journal" says a financial adviser at morgan stanley was fired for allegedly stealing client information and trying to sell it online. the employee is accused of swiping data on 350,000 clients. information on 900 of them posted briefly on them. morgan stanley says there's no evidence the clients were financially harmed by the leak. it's sending ripples through a quiet upscale neighborhood. thomas gilbert sr. was found shot to death in his home on sunday. his son is in jail. erin, good morning. >> i think we'll learn a lot more about this in the coming days. thomas gilbert jr. appeared in court on monday charged with murder after a citywide man hunt. now investigators are trying to figure out why a son who lived miles away has alleged killed his father. 30-year-old thomas gilbert jr. shows little emotion during his first court appearance. charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon. police believe gilbert killed his father during the dispute about his allowance. >> the setting just because this neighborhood is so -- >> reporter: police say gilbert junior arrived at the family's apartment on the east side of manhattan sunday afternoon. he asked his mother to pick up some food but when she returned 15 minutes later, she found her husband's body with a bullet wound to the head. >> 34 of a male shot. >> it came through 911. it was said the husband was shot by her son. >> the gun laying where it was, didn't seem as a self-inflicted wound that we've had in the past. we immediately spoke to mrs. gilbert. and she told us where her son lived. >> reporter: police finally located gilbert junior after knocking down the door at his west side apartment. magazine clips and loose bullets matched the gun at the scene. investigators have yet to determine a motive. but it was known that gilbert junior a frequent social mean was in debt. he came from a life of privilege. the elder gilbert was a successful hedge fund managing with company assets in excess of $200 million. >> thomas gilbert jr. was not working. he seemed to have difficulty in recent years. he clearly plotted his murder to mask the motive. he was out to get more money from his father. >> not only did the younger gilbert have financial troubles he had legal troubles as well after being arrested for violating a restraining order in september. gilbert's next day in court is scheduled for friday for his a arraignment. >> i feel so bad for the mom. she's lost her husband and her son as well. >> and there's a sister as well. i think this had been building up for a while. i think from things i've heard, i think mental illness will play a part in his defense. he's not speaking. he has a lawyer but he's not speaking at all. >> he's 30 years old and had an allowance. >> a pretty big allowance by most people's standards. and there are new signs that the st. louis rams may return to heir old home in los angeles. l.a. lost two franchise, the raiders and the rams 20 years ago. they will reportedly get back to build a new stadium or fix up the old coliseum or rose bowl. and it could be the city's best chance yet. >> reporter: rams owner stan kroenke stadium would be the centerpiece of 300 sports and entertainment complex. backers say it's 100% privately financed. there would be no public dollars, no taxpayer dollars used for this project. and the sport and entertainment district could open in 2018. >> reporter: the plan which needs voter approval has been dubbed the city of champions revitalization project. it calls for a stadium to be built next to the legendary forum. the site of so many lakers nba titles. rand getlan is yahoo! sports nfl insider. >> kroenke has taken the most significant steps of making everybody who was skeptical in the past believe. this nfl to los angeles thing is really going to happen. >> reporter: l.a. has been shut out of the nfl since 1994 ever since the rams left for st. louis and the raiders to oakland. >> most importantly, in the nfl, you really have to keep this in mind the dollars have to make sense. >> reporter: there's no guarantee that kroenke even intends to move the rams back. he's still in talks with st. louis officials about bidding a new stadium there. developers of the l.a. site say they will build the stadium regardless. >> the kroenke group develops sports entertainment venues for teams they own and teams they don't own. they lease their properties out to other sports franchises. >> reporter: the raiders and the san diego chargers both of which play in antiquated stadiums have also been mentioned as possible l.a. transplants. two other competing stadium plans are already in the works. unenvisioned the stadium in the heart of the city, the other in the suburbs, 15 miles north of the disany nieylanddisneyland. >> i think the first that nfl fans can be confident. >> reporter: to many long suffering angelinos. >> i would say football adds to the character of the city. i think it would be nice. >> it's been so long. listen to this story, a form of identity theft that could come out as a science fiction movie. how hackers are targeting your fingerprints to steal personal information. and guess. what they -- don't even need to meet you to make it happen. >> from the ♪ ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. with psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. ♪ millions of smartphones and tablets let you use a fingerprint in place of a password. it's asked security. but this morning, the fingerprint can be hacked. john blackstone tells us how the key could be hiding in plain sight. >> reporter: to the naked eye, these are nothing more than photos of some of today's biggest celebrities. to a hacker these high resolution photos with clear views of hands and fingers can now be used to re-create a fingerprint. john chrysler known in the hacking community known as starbug did just that. he said these were taken with a standard camera from about ten feet away. starbug said he was able to zero in on her fingerprints and reproduce them using readily available software. we spoke with him via skype. >> with the security system keeping something that isn't secret. >> reporter: starbug said there are serious bugs in laws for years. days after the iphone 5 was released he successfully unlocked the phone re-creating a dummy finger using glue. he contends fingerprints are even less secure than standard passwords because once they're stolen, they can't be changed. >> a lot of security relevant tasks are shifted to telephones and that's why the phone will definitely be an interesting target for attackers. >> reporter: it can be expanded to travel and shopping. security experts say instead of replacing passwords with fingerprints we should use them as a second layer of protection. >> it's not a scalable attack against general people. this would be a very targeted thing. you have somebody. their photos are publicly available. they're an important person. and the rewards outweigh the risks. >> reporter: there are other alternatives. industry insiders say viewsonic is working on a new smartphone which scans users' eyes to gain access. in a world where technology is struggling to keep up with the evolving threat of hack attacks, it can be hard to put your finger on what to prepare for next. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, san francisco. >> just a reminder gayle, not to go like this on tv. they may steal your fingerprints. >> or just walk around with gloves. i just think that's crazy. it just shows you if somebody wants to get you they can get you no matter what you do. >> they do the eye thing in the movies. where you have the eye scan. that's the future i think. okay guys good fun. i think this is your key, gayle. >> i can't help it. ahead to london. to the head count. we'll show you how workers there are keeping tabs on 17,000 residents and why it's important to zoos around the world. plus another unprecedented moment for serena williams in good tuesday morning, for this january 6th we will experience temperatures near or record warmth throughout many locations. primarily throughout the southern portion of our bay area. right now, pick a number. 30s 40s and 50s heading on out the door. later today 60s all the way to the low 70s. gilroy should see a record high today of 72 degrees. winds are flat out of the southeast. therefore it is yet another winter spare the air alert day. equally as warm tomorrow if not even more so. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. far too long. ♪ went somewhere we'd both never been. ♪ did something we've both never done. ♪ and was reminded that the most important things in life aren't things they're people. ♪ the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. introducing dance-all-you-want bladder leak protection. only always discreet underwear has soft, dual leakguard barriers. plus a discreet fit that hugs your curves. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. visit for coupons and your free sample. dance more, save more. when you buy new always discreet at walmart, you're getting advanced bladder leak protection & comfort at an everyday low price. so go ahead and show off your savings dance. visit to get a free sample. listen up... i'm reworking the menu. veggies you're cool... mayo, corn are so out of here! 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[ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like you're underwater? try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. 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[ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. two former 49er managers have filed an age discrimination lawsuit against team ceo jed york. the employees were in their late 50s when york fired them. they say it was to make room for younger hires. an arsonist has damaged the famous san francisco home featured in the movie "mrs. doubtfire." the minor fire hat broadway and stainer was set about 8:00 last night. the doctor who owns the house thinks it was a former patient. this summer muni riders can buy tickets using their phone. lit download and store the ticket eliminating the need for change or vending machines. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. now earn cash for your school year-round at safeway with just for u e box tops offers. simply enroll online at safeway dot com slash box tops and start earning! plus, now until january 20th buy five participating products and earn 20 e box tops with the just for u digital coupon, only at safeway! here's what's new at safeway from general mills! start the morning off right with these delicious big g cereals! or, try new yoplait greek two percent! grab a quick bite with nature valley and motts snacks! and enjoy a hearty meal with some new favorites. you'll find these and other general mills products on sale at safeway today! good morning, getting a check of the bay bridge things are clearing out quickly. it's the traffic is diminishing before our eyes pretty early. it's not quite 8:00 and you can see interstate 80 there the approach on the east shore freeway is slow but at the toll plaza all clear into san francisco. otherwise checking the east bay now. northbound 880 on the afro to 238 look at that backup and along northbound lanes of 238 as well coming into san leandro. and a crash just reported in novato in the southbound lanes of 101 by 37. that's traffic, here's roberta. a birds ewe view from the transamerica building. looking out in san francisco and in the distance we have alcatraz. however, see that haze? that is why we have the fifth consecutive day of a winter spare the air alert day. it's illegal to burn. 30s 40s if 50s and later today near and record warmth. from the 60s through the low 70s. in fact 7 today in gill -- 72 today in gilroy. that will be a record. more record warmth again on wednesday and the dry weather pattern continues through monday. ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, january 6th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead including the youngest congresswoman in u.s. history. she'll tell us what other republican inspires her the most. but first, here's a look at today's eye opener at 8. >> 20 states underwent windchill warning advisories over the next few days for the arctic air that's in police. >> disastrous across washington, there may be more wicked weather on the way. >> good news in chicago is that the snow has stopped. the bad news is that it remains very cold. police are canvassing this neighborhood in search of those two suspects involved in the shooting that took place last night. the u.s. ski team has a slalom event this evening and all the team members will be wearing black arm bands. everybody has gotten back to work, back to school. close contact. >> that's a big issue. police made a big deal but he planned this and tried to stage it like a suicide. if he did, but he wasn't thinking very much. big news out in l.a. >> they've never been a football city. this is not like leaving cleveland. it's not like leaving baltimore. >> cbs asked you to host. no preconditions for hosting the show. they can do anything they want. get ready for an hour. this morning's eye opener at 8 is presented by subway. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. dangerous cold weather is gripping the northern united states. it is also snowing in places like chester, pennsylvania. a 2,000-mile stretch from idaho to new york could get snow today. >> the cold snap is affecting 80 million americans. one of them is dean reynolds standing outside in icy and snowy chicago because he wants to give this story to you. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. good morning to our viewers in the west. people in the midwest will see a fresh coating of snow this morning, but the real story is the cold in the hamlet of buffalo, minnesota, for example. overnight temperatures actual temperatures, were 30 degrees below zero. in iowa parts of interstate 80 were shut down after snow apparently caused a crash involving at least 20 vehicles. across the region windchills of 40 below will not be uncommon. and here in chicago we gotn't four inches of snow overnight as the city stayed in the deep freeze. rail workers used open flames to keep track switches from freezing and other city work crews were desighsing fire hydrants with blasts of steam. windchill advisory remains in affect here in the city where tomorrow's high is expected to be zero. and tomorrow's low is expected to be ten below. >> dean thanks. >> i think dean's expression and emotion is also frozen. it's so cold outside. >> oh, my gosh. >> he didn't react to you, gayle, when you said good morning. >> do it when you come out here. thank you, dean. >> thank you, dean. tough weather for a lot of people. and two new york city police officers are recovering this morning after being shot in the bronx. a manhunt is under way right now for two suspects p this is surveillance video of one gunman who fired at officers. they responded to a robbery late last night. both are expected to survive. it comes during a time of anxiety and mourning for police just after two officers were gunned down in brooklyn. a kentucky police officer is out of the hospital and recovering this morning after shooting himself in an elevator by accident. it happened on camera in a parking garage in cincinnati. the officer's weapon went off as he tried to put it away. the bullet bounced off h elevator wall and hit the officer in the stomach. they had just gone out to den we're his wife. >> he's very lucky. >> yeah. >> amazing video. same-sex couples are getting married. federal judges ruling throwing out a statewide been went into effect at midnight. couples in cities like key west and del ray beach counted down the minutes and seconds until they could legally married. one judge in miami decided not to wait. she presided at two day weddings on monday. florida is at 36th state to allow same-sex couples to marry. if a census that could help zoos across the planet. keepers at london zoo are counting every single animal this week. it's not an easy job with roughly 17,000 residents. workers used treats and toys to attract the critters while taking pictures of 700 species. information will be entered into an international database to help other zoos. i never thought about that. i figured that -- i fug ured they knew how many animals they had. but i guess -- i guess it gets out of control. >> i wonder how they do the counteding because so many of the animals look alike to me. how can you tell that that's that tiger and that's that tiger? that's that llama and that's that llama. i think that's a good question. >> you're laughing. >> i know. but just a really good question gayle. >> tiger and llama, you're okay. know the difference. >> that, i can do. ahead on "cbs this morning," the consumer electronic show cnn's cooley is there. brian, what are the hottest trends? >> gayle, we're going to talk be talking about 4k tv. it's very real all of a sudden. connect at homes are everywhere. and we're going to be talking about drones. i going the get some rotor wash here in minute. i'm on the flight deck if you will. that egi inspire 1 is a solid example that is turning out to be a major trend. consumer aircraft with cameras on them. >> drone very popular. thank you, bria >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at k8:00 is sponsored by subway. at sunway experience the grild new taste of new chicken strips. subway, east fresh. only on "cbs this morning" we sit down with the youngest woman ever elected to congress. see what 30-year-old put on her agenda and why she's optimistic as she sets her first term in the house. the first day of school in congress. that's next on "cbs this morning." optimistic as she puts her first term in the house. the first day of school in congress. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." look at 'em! they're lovin' their vegetables. this is huge news! it's all thanks to our birds eye chef's favorites side dishes perfectly sauced or seasoned. what are you..? shh! i'm live tweeting. oh, boy. birds eye. so veggie good. did you know enamel is your teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. out of 42 vehicles... based on 6 different criteria... why did a panel of 11 automotive experts... ... name the volkswagen golf motor trend's 2015 car of the year? we'll give you four good reasons the all-new volkswagen golf starting at $17,995. there's an award winning golf for everyone. ♪ on the new congress gets today the most diverse group in history with a record number of minorities and women. a republican from northern new york becomes the youngest woman ever in congress. we sat down with elise stefanik to look at her ground-breaking achievement. so what's it like being the youngest woman ever elected to congress? >> it's very exciting. it's a humbling feeling. i'm just excited to add an additional crack to the glass ceiling. >> reporter: elise stefanik made her crack in the glass ceiling in a district known as the north country in new york state. she launched her campaign at age 29 and won it as 30-year-old. >> how did your parents respond to your ambition about joining politics politics? >> they're very supportive. my parents have always been supportive of everything that i've done whether it was in school growing up, whether it was my dance recitealrecitals, whether it was sports. i really credit the values that my parents instilled in me, the hard work. they're just really my role models. i'm getting a little choked up talking about them. they're just wonderful. they were excited. i think it's harder for family members to see someone go through it with the negativity, to go through the campaign with the blog comments the negative ads. it's harder on family members than on the candidate themselves so i often was telling them it's okay. i have a thick skin. >> were there personal comments that were made that were hurtful? >> women oftentimes the comments are different whether it's about appearance attire it's just different than male candidates. there were different challenges. >> people made comments about the kind of tights you wear. >> they did. i wear pattern tights which are not -- i mean they're not that fashion forward. if you look around for example, the halls of congress there are lots of staff members who wear patern tights. they're very tasteful. it's just part of being a young, new candidate. >> republicans are calling her the future of their party. they're looking to stefanik to attract new voters. >> someone noted the republican party has wanted to bottle and mass produce candidates like you. young, female and republican. does the republican party have an image problem? >> we certainly fixed it at this past election cycle. i hope that we take away lessons from this past election cycle. i think we need to have a tone that reaches out to women and that's something that i've been very focused on. i also think we need to do a better job of listening. that's something that i prioritized over the course of the campaign. and one of -- a current member of congress who gave me some of the best advice is actually congressman paul ryan who when i first went to him saying i consider running for office he ran at an younger age that i was. said you have one mouth and two ears. use them in that ratio. >> stefanik considers ryan her mentor. she ran his debate prep team in 2012. her disappointment in that election pushed her to run. >> so this is what most of the freshmen members of congress have offices. >> a lot of freshmen are up here. >> her credentials are rock solid. harvard graduate who worked in the george w. bush white house. she realmed run her family small business at home. she's pro life but use for compassion and understanding of different views. she also talks about something that's rare these days in washington compromise and working with democrats. >> americans are really sick of gridlock in washington. >> i think you're going to see a congress at work in the 114th congress and a senate at work. >> i can hear viewers at home going, i'll believe it when i see it. every member of congress tells me that every new session. >> you know what? maybe that's my youth coming from but it's also opt tichl. i think that's where being young is a strength because i bring, i hope, a sunny side of optimism to congress and a willingness to work with people. i hope i'm not frustrated after the next two years. >> if you had to bet your house on it? >> i -- again, i'm so young. i'm optimistic. >> you know she's on the armed services committee which is where that room was because she represents ft. drum, new york, the first to go in in wars like afghanistan. she is optimistic on tax reform which i think is one of the things to look at in this congress. they're going to vote on the keystone pipeline repealing parts of obamacare. but she's interesting. i think it's interesting for 2016. the republican party knows that more than half of the voters are women and the segment of millennials is growing in terms of the voting population and they have to reach out to those groups. >> she seems to have a funny attitude and very poised. >> yes. >> she kept talking about her age. 30 is young. >> 30 is young. the average age of a member of congress is 58. >> now you're talking. >> yeah. >> state-of-the-art drone? 4k tv snz what is that? another cutting-edge gadget. up next we'll show you the innovateive and bizarre tech products that you will be talking about this year we are predicting. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. s (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. ♪ make a right turn. >> wait, wait wait, no no no it means bear right. >> no it said right. so take a right. >> no no look. it means go up to the right. bear right over the bridge and hook up with 307. >> make a right. >> no it's a short cut. it said go to the right. >> it can't mean that! there's a lake there! >> no! >> stop yelling at me! >> no! >> here! >> remain calm. we're trained for this. okay. exit the windows. here we go! >> make a u-turn. [ laughter ] >> that is so true. with the gps. >> all right. >> you might want to drive on over to the international consumer electronics show opening to the public this morning in las vegas. >> more than 150,000 people expected to attend this year. 30,000 of them companies want to dazzle you. brian cooley from our partners at cnet on the convention floor. hi, good morning. >> hi, charlie, hi gayle. >> hi i'm norah! i'm here too. >> good morning. >> tell us about the 4k tv to start with, brian? >> yeah, 4k tv is important for consumers to know about because it's going to be the next tv you buy. by the end of the year, all the good sets are going to be 4k. what does that mean? >> that doesn't mean it's better but substantially better. 60 inch and above you really see a quality improvement because the dots get so small, it looks like reality. and not like a bunch of pixels. and these are wall to wall here at the show. they also have better color. they do everything better. the prices need to come down before they can match what we're currently pay for tvs. let's face it we're used to playing low prices. this is the next best thing. not like 3d which came and went. >> is that content available? >> we're seeing tons of content for 4k. what is interesting, primarily screen content. there is a 4k blu-ray and it snuck out yesterday. the streams, netflix, dish announced the streaming yesterday. that's where you'll get the content. >> that's so exciting where you can see the black heads better on your screen. >> we're dreading that. >> they're talking about the home technology being better connected at home what does that mean? >> connected technology means whatever is in your house as a big old range or a door lock on your front door can be connected to the internet. now, privately, of course so you can access it through your phone. or, so those divisions can talk to each other. those are the two main things. and when they talk to each other, behaviors can get macroed. as we say. in other words, one device will say, i know something is happening in the house right now, all other devices follow me and behave accordingly. >> and what about drones brian? >> well drones are fascinating because this is a window where we're coming to ces and doing aircraft stories. we're actually looking at consumer aircraft where we're flying these in this case dji inspire. 1. the bell of the ball for the qdro continue copters. they're all about the cameras. we heard about amazon using them to deliver packages. and we had an early drop on that. but the key is stabilized high-def cameras that gets you shots no one else can get. now, the pricing on this is where we want to see it continue to come down. these guys for example, range from a top-end model 700 bucks for an hd camera that is stabilized. you view it and record it on your tablet in realtime. it's very cool. >> very cool brian cooley, great to sigh,ee you. ahead, say good tuesday morning everyone, it's 8:25. i'm frank mallicoat and here's the headlines around the bay area right now. sam liccardo has been san jose's major since new year's but he'll formally take the oath of office tonight. he will be sworn in along with four newly elected city councilmans. it will be held in san jose and it starts tonight at 6:00. safeway will pay close to $0 million to setten al -- $10 million to settle an illegal dumps case. sending old pills and batteries and cans off to landfills instead of disposing of them properly and also discovered old pharmacy records that were improperly dumped compromising customers' privacy. got your traffic and roberta is on deck with weather coming up right after the break. good morning, i want to take you out to the byron area, we have a full shutdown byron highway because of a pretty major injury head-on crash. again the location is byron highway near north bruns way and also outside here's a live look at the san mateo bridge. there was -- a more minor crash westbound 92 just past the toll plaza and actually you can see the tow crews there still on the scene. off to the shoulder. so it's kind of a tight squeeze trying to get through the pay gates and there on the flat section of the span. drive time just dropped to yellow it was in the red a couple of minutes ago. and very light at the bay bridge. things have cleared out early. in fact they turned the metering lights off early as well. so all clear into san francisco. that is kcbs traffic. here's roberta. elizabeth by your traffic cameras we can obviously see we have a lot of haze out there. and also some areas of fog. like in santa rosa the visibility is a quarter mile at this time. we're in the 30s and 40s and even 50 degrees at sfo. it is now 37 degrees in santa rosa with the visibility again a quarter of a mile. highs today going up. 60s and low 70s. these are near or record warmth. and in fact 72 in gilroy today will be a record. tomorrow, more records will be established right here in the blare and then -- bay area and then we increase the cloud cover on friday and bring down the temperatures to seasonal readings all the way through monday. it is jet another spare the air day. -- yet another spare the air day. it is illegal to burn. take care of one another. have a great day everyone. ♪ welcome back. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour -- a reality check on the danger from sharks. yikes. chip reid takes us along for an underwater journey. see how scientists are tracking those tiger sharks and taking a bite out of misconception. plus dogs take over facebook for a good cause. you'll meet the brave teen fighting cancer for the newiest online sensation. cbs san francisco said police are investigating a suspicious fire at the san francisco home where "mrs. doubtfire" was filmed. someone tried to set fire to the garage door and front door. "the wall street journal" said handbag retailer coach is making a rare acquisition. it has agreed to buy upscale shoe band weitzman. and "the washington post" shows three new girl scout cookie flavors. rah rah raisin toffeetastic and trios. toffeetastic and trios are gluten-free. >> i'm waiting for the one that's calorie-free. >> me too. the indianapolis star looks supposedly random drug test, the kicker adam vicinitydam venturini had a great season. and chiming in on twitter when you're closer to 60 than 20 and bang a 53-yarder three quarters of the way up the upright. this type of thing is expected. hshts #goat. and atlanta hawks are hosting a tinder night. they excite their fans to swipe right night. it has details of how it will help with the match making but sounds like fun. a new mexico woman is suing this morning after a novelty company put her high school photos on items like a flask. going to be the most popular girl in rehab. veronica said nobody asked her permission to do this. she san active member of had her church and she does not consume alcohol or drugs. we're waiting to hear back from both defendants for a response. that would be irritating. we're at the dawn of a new era in mobile medicine. a cardiologist considered a technological pioneer believes you could soon take control of your own health care and data. dr. eric taupe is author of "the patient will see you now." dr. topel, good morning. >> good morning. we have this technology how is this going to affect our health? >> up until now, it's really controlled by the doctor. and it was a whole different look than what it could be. which is the data that you're generating through your smartphone you that get to see first and you get to make the call with computer assistance. so it's a real flip of how medicine has been for thousands of years. >> do you think it's like a guttenberg moment? >> yeah. it really is. a printing press -- the printed word and how the common man became access to all information. it's the same now in 2015 with the medical world and medical data. your date a. >> looks like you brought devices with you? >> i did. to help bring the point across. we start off with a cardiogram. basically, this is a great thing you can pull up an app. instead of going to the emergency room if you feel like your heart is fluttering. you can take a device like this put your thumbs on the sensors, and just in a second you'll have a cardiogram. >> wow. >> and it's actually great because it will tell you with a computer reading, highly accurately, what exactly is your heart rhythm. >> wow. >> so if you saw something that alarmed you, what would that be? >> well you could have a serious heart rate atrial fibrillation. >> you wrote in the book you that got an e-mail from a patient that said i'm in atrial-fib what should i do? you knew that was a changing day? >> right. you'd have to go to the emergency room. but in seconds on your phone you could go through a reading. >> what else do you have? >> this is an interesting necklace that you can just pop on like this. >> gayle likes necklaces. >> it's not a fashion statement for julyvy. but, you can then get an incredible amount of information about the heart. so, in just a second it will show basically, not just the heart rhythm but also every other aspect of the -- >> well why would an average consumer want or need something like that? >> well the heart -- this is not for the average consumer. this is for someone with heart failure trying to avoid going into the hospital. this is the biggest problem for readmission we have the in united states. >> the lighting is blue. is that a bad sign? before it was green? i thought green was good? >> yeah. yeah. it should go. but at any rate this will basically show all heart, the cardiac output. the fluid and everything else. >> what's the impact? is it going to impact hospitals? is it going to impact in other ways how we exercise our own responsibility for our health? >> well having new information,ing your data this is not about lifting something off the internet. this is your data. realtime. so if you have high blood & pressure and you wear a watch, every heart beat your blood pressure is getting reported on your phone. or if you want to not wear a watch, you can put this to your forehead and get your blood pressure in various key medical metrics. >> do you encourage people to diagnose themselves? i kind of want to go see you. you're the rock star the science doctor but you're encouraging us to do this? >> well doctors are still going to be needed critically for helping to make the appropriate treatment. diagnosis and wisdom and experience. that's so vital. but for diagnostic stuff, you'll be able to do this over your smartphone. in your world, rather than the one visit to the doctor's office. >> i like this very much so. simply because if we're here if you discovered something early, the treatment would be different and more successful. and secondly to know there's danger doctors can do eye alost things. just the fact if you get attention early to a stroke you can minimize the damage. >> exactly. and we've never had this information before. we've been kind of warned off specialists, not having real data. and just for something like blood pressure, we've never had blood pressure throughout the night, when you're in traffic, and being able to monitor, quantify stress and moves. these are exciting opportunities. >> you say the term "doctor's orders" should be eliminated from our vocabulary? >> it's really a problem with returnism, gayle. we've had this not respect for patients. it's been the patients like the rodney dangerfield. we need to change that. for people who have their own information they're reformed and even can get emancipated with respect to medical care. >> maybe in medical school they should teach something for respect of patients and their curiosity. >> yes. i think that's where we're headed. the fact that you can summon a doctor through your phone. not just a televisit. but a doctor come to your house. >> uber doctor. >> even here in new york city. >> your ipad is flashing. when we can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. 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>> i saw the reflection of the eyeball. >> reporter: the attack lasted only seconds but the damage to his leg was severe. >> if you look down my leg, you can see the jawline go around. >> reporter: the shark's bottom teeth made the same shape on his surfboard. so this board saved at least a limb and maybe your life? >> exactly. >> reporter: in past decades after a shark attack in hawaii officials would kill as many sharks as they could find that that area. >> so i've been studying sharks for years. >> reporter: marine biologist carl meyer specializes in debunking myths about sharks. he said all that killing was a waste of time and a waste of sharks. >> there's no evidence that sharks hang out at one particular beach waiting for people to go in the water so they can bite them. >> reporter: he knows that because he's attached high-tech tracking devices and cameras to sharks throughout the hawaiian islands. over the past 25 years, shark attacks average three a year in hawaii. while 29 attacks since 2012 meyer says it's too early to say there's an upward trend. >> to keep it in perspective, your drive to the beach is actually a far more risky activity than going surfing or snorkeling. >> reporter: meyer has also dispelled myths about shark cages, a popular tourist atrakdz. some critics believe that sharks attracted to the cages follow the boats back to shore endangering swimmers. >> when the boats leave, all they do is go from the surface to the bottom out of those particular sights. >> reporter: and the sharks that frequent the cages almost never include tiger sharks which are responsible for most attacks in hawaii. we decided to take a look for ourselves. these sharks are all friendly right? >> yeah. >> reporter: sure. glad to meet you. and in fact there was not a tiger shark in sight. yes, lots of sandbar sharks and their bigger cousins the gallopgoes which are fiercer looking. and when sharks do bite in the open ocean, captain matt voorhees said it's a mistake. >> most people survive. if they did like our flavor, it would be an all the time thing. >> reporter: as for kyle gatewood, it took him eight months to recover. but today, he's back in the water. when you went back out were you frightened? >> not so much frightened but aware. >> reporter: he said he's gained respect for sharks no ill-will towards them. after all, the ocean are theirs not his. chip reid oahu. >> that's got to be the only bad thing about hawaii. >> don't you like that guy's attitude. it's their home. coming up how one friend's efforts to cheer up a teen itting a cancer patient with puppy love became a global internet sensation. you don't want to miss this for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ it started as an attempt to cheer up a teenage cancer patient who just loved dogs. now, it's so much more. it's a global sensation that has hundreds of thousands of people posting pictures of their pooches online. this is all for anthony lyons who undergoes another treatment for cancer this week. vladimir duthier is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, they say a dog is more than man's best friend. as with this cancer patient. 16-year-old anthony lyons surrounds himself with dogs. he likes their innocence and optimism. >> these dogs are happy for no reason. they're just happy because they're alive basically. that's a good feeling. when i see them happy making me happy. >> reporter: last summer while on vacation with his grandparents anthony started feeling intense pain in his back. after undergoing tests he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. >> i got to go here two of them, 24 hours. it makes me really sick in here. it's a really uncomfortable sick feeling. horrible. >> reporter: anthony began another round of chemotherapy at phoenix children's hospital last week. unable to see his three dogs at home friends decided to create a facebook page called photo doggies for anthony. it started off small. like erin from massachusetts wrote tucker hopes you feel better. >> as it started climbing into the 600,000, i realized this is really going to go crazy. >> reporter: from around the country and around the world, photos poured in. dogs in costumes. making silly faces. posing with their owners. some eastern even dogs at all. anthony has six months of intense chemotherapy left and three years of monthly treatments. with the help of dog therapy, both real and virtual, the hospital says its prognosis is looking good. >> we are definitely smiling at every single one. all day long. i get on there until my hands hurt. and then i take a rest. then back on looking at all the posts. it's really been overwhelming to see just how many people care. >> now, overnight, the original facebook page was taken down by lyons said there was an inappropriate comment. we've reached out to facebook but we haven't heard yesterday. vad, vlad, you taking that one home? >> that's so nice. >> i love what anthony said dogs are just happy for no reason. and that in turn makes you happy. it's so great. that's so great. that's a great story. >> gayle, we're getting a lot of twitter reaction about your shoes. want to tell everybody what happened? >> i was exercising fell while i was exercising and tour a managers have fil good tuesday morning everyone. 8:55. i'm mall ma'am. let's check the -- frank mallicoat. two former 49er managers have filed an age discrimination suit against ceo jed york. the employees were in their late 50s when apparently mr. york fired them. they say it was to make room for younger hires. an arsonist has damaged the famous san francisco home featured in the movie "mrs. doubtfire." the doctor who owns the home thinks it was one of his former patients. and this summer muni riders can buy tickets using phones now. the mobile app will download and store the ticket eliminating the need for change or vending machines on the bus. traffic and weather coming up but right now it's roberta's turn. >> yes it is frank. good morning everybody. we have a quarter mile visibility in the santa rosa area due to some patchy fog. otherwise, that's haze and that's why we have the fifth consecutive day of a spare the air day. now meanwhile, temperatures 30s 40s and 50s out the door right now. the winds will be flat today out of the southeast at 5 miles per hour. today's high temperatures going up. 60s and even low 70s across the santa clara valley and 72 in downtown san jose. 72 in gilroy. for a record high for today. more widespread records should be established on wednesday. then we cloud it up a bit and cool it down on friday all the way through monday. elizabeth with traffic up next after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. good morning, well, take a check of some of the roads and mass transit. first though some b.a.r.t. delays to tell you about if you're on the daly city line. about 20 minute delays because of some earlier police activity. the rest of b.a.r.t. lines are all on time. ferries, caltrain, and ace are all reporting no delay. everything there is great. here's a live look out the door, 880 in oakland. it's still pretty slow from davis all the way up to 23rd. that is a live look near the oakland coliseum. and oakland airport. southbound 880 is pretty backed up once you get into san leandro. and hayward on the afro to highway 892. -- 92. a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, where did all the commuters go? they switched off the metering lights. shortly after 8:00. and it just kind of cleared out ever since. no delay right now between oakland and san francisco on either direction. have a great day. wayne: yes, whoo! jonathan: it's a motorcycle! (cheering) wayne: is that real? tiffany is a matadora. jonathan: it's a trip to switzerland! wayne: emmy-winner cat gray. jonathan: it's diamond earrings! wayne: she did it! - i'm gonna take curtain number three! jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, welcome to “let's make a deal.” thank you so much for tuning in today. i'm wayne brady. and we need somebody to make a deal with me. in the clown mask. everybody else have a seat. (cheering) come here. hey. - wayne, i love you. wayne: oh, thank you. and who are you? - my name is soledad but everybody calls me sole. wayne: hey sole, i got sole! welcome to the show.

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