Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20141125 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20141125

>> fury boils over in ferguson. >> a grand jury finding not not evidence to charge darren wilson, the officer who shot and killed michael brown. >> squad cars were fired. police fired tear gas to gain control. >> the amount of gunfire, we got lit up. >> the fire department is pulling back. they are retreating due to shots fired. >> about a dozen buildings were set on fire. zblf the building is basically collapsed. >> just got hit by a rock. >> demonstrators protest throughout the country. >> how do we make more progress? that won't be done by throwing bottles, smashing car windows, using this as an excuse to vandalize property. and certainly won't be done by hurting anybody. >> winter weather warning for millions of thanksgiving travelers. a nor'easter along the east coast and western new york. >> snow that buried the city of buffalo is melting, and that could cause dangerous flooding. >> with everything going on, the bills still able to give the city a big win. >> we got to go back and fight with them. >> chuck hagel submitting his resignation. >> things were over when obama started responding to his memos with "k." >> the suspect gave up after a police used a flash grenade. >> who u was your favorite guest of all time? >> and into the clear. into the end zone! a career night and the ravens win. >> all that matters. >> president obama is awardeded the medal of freedom. >> 19 people receiving the nation's highest civilian honors, including meryl streep. >> her husband knows i love her. michelle knows i love her. there's nothing either of them can do about it. >> on cbs this morning. >> congratulations are in order for russian president vladimir putin who just reportedly earned an eighth degree black belt in karate. you can see here, he dominated the eight bracket. >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. >> welcome to "cbs this morning." as you wake up in the west, ferguson, missouri, is still smoldering following a night of destruction. the violence comes after a grand jury declined to indict officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. crowds looted many businesses. some burned to the ground. police made more than 60 arrests in what they called the worst night of violence since the august shooting. >> gunfire rang out in the streets, mobs of people destroyed police cars and threw bricks at officers and because of the gunshots in the area, planes were rerouted. michelle miller is in ferguson. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you and the viewers in the west. these are the byes that got the brunt. the little caesars and this black-owned business, an antique and jewelry store is burned down. all quiet now. what began last night as peaceful protests quickly spiralled out of control. >> on the streets of ferguson protests that were largely peaceful over the last few months erupted after a grand jury decision. crowds clouds of what appeareded to be tear gas enveloped the streets. a cbs news camera man took cover in a parking lot when gunshots rang out around him. several businesses, including cars in this lot, fully engulfed in flames. restaurant and stores looted. shop owners assessing the destruction. >> it has anger all over it. showcases folding down. glass is everywhere. it's more to do damage. >> violent images shook the nation in august and was again the scene of turmoil. >> what i have scene tonight is probably much worse than the worst night we ever had in august. and that's truly unfortunate. >> outside ferguson police headquarters, anger boiled over. two police cars were set on fire as officers in riot gear and armored vehicles attempted to break up unruly crowds. >> don't shoot! hands up! >> you need to stop and disperse immediately! >> some hurled rocks, bricks and bottles. police returned fire with rubber bullets, stun guns and smoke canisters. less than two miles from merg son, several cars burned in front of the city hall. and in nearby st. louis, clouds blocked traffic on interstate 44. there's been some criticism that the missouri national guard, which wasnixon last week throug state of emergency was nowhere to be scene. but by 2:00 a.m. this morning, they were in full riot gear in front of the station. >> the root of the outrage this morning is with the the grand jury's decision. some accuse them of not pressing hard enough for charges against wilson. mark is in ferguson this morning. good morning, mark. >> good morning and good morning to all of you watching in the west. this is the dollar store in ferguson, which is torched after midnight last night. as you can see, it's a total loss. when the grand jury decision came out and people were coming out on the street, there was a big difference between protesters and rioters and looters. and what you see behind me, that is the difference. moments after the grand jury's decision not to indict darren wilson, michael brown's mother could not control her emotions. >> everybody told me to be calm. you know how them bullets hit my son? what they did to his body? >> after waiting three and a half months, she felt cheated. >> they determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against officer wilson. the physical and scientific evidence examined by the grand jury combined with the witness statements supported and substantiated by that physical evidence tell the accurate and tragic story of what happened. >> that evidence, according to prosecuting attorney robert mccullough included images of officer wilson following the august 9th shooting. they show what appears to be a bruised in ek and stains from from michael brown's blood oon his police uniform. consistent with a shot fired at close range. wilson testified that had brown physically overwhelmed him, punching him repeatedly. never at any point did i have control of him. he manipulated me while i was in the vehicle completely. i felt like a 5-year-old child holding onto hulk hogan. it instantly turned into how do i live through this? >> all decisions in the criminal justice system must be determined by the physical and scientific evidence, not in response to public outcry orb for political expediency. >> the outcry on the streets of ferguson turned ugly and stayed ugly for hours. despite plis from community leaders and michael brown's parents to remain peaceful. this grand jury decision fueled the distrust many feel with local police. >> if we continue to have the local prosecutors who have a symbiotic relationship with the local police department and the local police officers and those are the ones deciding whether to indict or not, then, you know, we're crazy to expect different results. >> officer wilson was also give an reaction to the grand jury decision. he issued a statement through his lawyers that said he followed his training and followed the law. he also thanked his supporters. he got the grand jury decision that he wanted, but his career as a police officer is probably over. >> mark, thanks. protests spread beyond ferguson to cities across the country. seattle police arrested five people as demonstrators blocked interstate 5 for ha short time. more than 40 protesters were arrested in oakland. people there jumped onto another busy interstate stopping cars. >> and in chicago after the grand jury announcement, crowds of angry people protegsed downtown. hundreds more marched through times square. one was arrested after splashing fake blood on police commissioner bill bratton. testimony is available to the public this morning. it includes testimony from officer wilson and pictures of him in the hospital just after the confrontation. he told the grand jury on december 16th what happened after he fired shots at brown. he said i'm back pedalling pretty good because i know if he reaches me he'll kill me, and he started to lean guard like he was going to tackle l me, just go right through me. i looked down. i remember looking and firing. all i see is his head and that's what i shot. >> cbs news legal analyst rikki klieman is with us. she is the wife of new york city police commissioner bill bratton. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> all the evidence that has now been released, why this absence of indictment? >> the absence of the indictment comes where we all began talking about this story back many months ago. and that has to do with the physical evidence or forensic evidence. the forensic evidence did not lie. we lawyers often say it to the public and to closing arguments to juries. we say physical evidence doesn't lie. only people do. what the prosecutor said in his thoughtful statement last night was as he outlined the evidence, he talked about witnesses who said they were eyewitnesss who said michael brown was shot many times in the back. many saying michael brown was standing over him shooting in the back. when the autopsy leaked, then they changed their testimony. what he said was at this grand jury listened for 25 days of testimony, 60 witnesses and 70 hours that the only thing that could come true in making the decision is whose evidence matcheded the physical evidence? >> were you surprised it was released so quickly and in so much detail? >> i was surprised. i was here working on a special report. and on the the streaming of our new network. he believeded that he did not need a court order to go forward and go release this information. one of the things we learneded from this information for the very first time, by the way, is that we can see the four hours of officer wilson's testimony. and in certain odd ways, it may have been much better if we learned about officer wilson's story, not his testimony, but his story early on. that perhaps it might have diffused the violence. what happened in this case is that we had only heard one side of the story. officer wilson's story according to the prosecutor matches the physical evidence much more than many of the eyewitness stories and one of the things about officer wilson, which he does testify. which he didn't have to do. he chose to do. is that he talks about the reasonable -- he talks about his subjective fear. and he sounds -- and i read that outloud when i got home to hear it. and he is terrified by his own words. clearly the grand jury chose to believe him. >> this is not the end of this, though. there's a justice department investigation, and there would be a civil suit. >> yes, i expect there to be a civil suit by the brown family for wrongful death. >> president obama's message to america this morning is to accept the rule of law in a rare nighttime news conference. he urged protesters to stay peaceful. major garret is at the bhous where the president says race relations are still struggling in this country. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president obama did not watch the prosecutor's announcement last night, but his top advisers did. they briefed him. he moved from the residence to the west wing and prepared to address the nation. all very routine. in his remarks the president stressed in part that the the grand jury did its job. >> there are american who is agree with it and there are americans who deeply disappointed, even angry. it's an understandable reaction. but i join michael's parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully. >> this is the fifth time the president has announced michael brown's death and ongoing supervision of the case. the justice department review is considering and the president stressed as he had throughout this entire saga the need for peaceful protests and better police tactics to keep questions about brutality and racial profiling front and center. >> these are real issues. we have to not deny them or tap them down. what we need to do is to understand them and figure out how do we make more progress? and that can be done. it won't be done by throwing bottles. it won't be done by smashing car windows. that won't be done by using this as an excuse to vandalize property and certainly won't be done by hurting anybody. zbr the grand jury's decision not to indict darren wilson did not come as a surprise here, and the president sees his role as a long distance mediator, using his rhetoric and the power of the the federal government to bring communities divided by mistrust just a bit closer together. gayle? >> thank you, major. ahead a cbs correspondent finds himself caught in the violent confrontation between protesters and police last night. omar shows us what he experienced as the bullets flew by him. that's coming up at 7:30. if you're planning to travel east for thanksgiving, you could face delays. a powerful storm in the southeast will move up the coast tomorrow, and it will bring snow, ice and rain to most of the big cities in the northeast. that could slow down airports all over the u.s. meteorologist daniel niles is also watching conditions in the west. good morning, danielle. >> good morning and good morning to the viewers in the west. we have areas of rain from seattle to portland and snow to portions of the mountain. that will lift northward but another will approach through thursday. pockets of rain with heavy downpours through thanksgiving. in fact. rainfall amounts may top out over two inches in some spots, just east and west of seattle, right on through thursday afternoon and evening. thanksgiving forecast is looking cold in the midwest and northern plains. drying out with temperatures in the 30s. temperatures 50s and 60s, mildest on the west coast. 64 in strahaan francisco. >> danielle, thank you. jeff, good morning to you. >> good morning. according to aaa, on average americans will travel more than 500 miles round trip over the next several days. they should expect delays with more people traveling in the air and on the ground than last year. at airports across the country. all eyes are on the arrivals and departures. in atlanta, traveler jeff weiner expects delays and cancellations to increase. >> this is more regulations checking in and going through your bags. >> but more than 89% of people will travel by automobile. that's up slightly from last year. lower gas prices are believed the to be fuelling the trend. the national average price is $2.81 a gallon. 47 cents lower than the average price last year at this time. nearly 25 million passengers are expected to fly over this 12-day period. a slight increase over last year. the federal aviation administration is warning that passenger counts are expected to be higher than usual and airlines will use aircraft to carry more passengers. saturday and sunday will see a 15% to 18% increase in the typical number of travelers. at washington, d.c. area airports, faa launched satellite based technology to expecteded to lead to more direct routes in and out of airports, meaning increased on time arrivals and departures. the next generation technology is already in use at several u.s. airports, including dallas, ft. worth, houston, seattle and san francisco. michael is the faa administrator. >> as a result of the technological innovations, we can handle more traffic in the same infrastructure in the sky, and that means less waiting. >> this nextgen technology is expected to lead to more fuel-efficient planes and increased safety and passengers, should feel it if the plane is coming in for a landing. they should expect a smoother decent to the runway. >> parts of western new york are still under a flood warning this morning. above average temperatures are melting much of the seven feet of snow that fell there last week. forecasters say buffalo could see more lake-effect snow tomorrow. >> for the third time in less than four years, president obama is looking for a new leader at the pentagon. defense secretary chuck hagel resigned on monday. some say the former republican senator was unhappy with white house micro managing. at a news conference, hagel and the president said nothing about any of that. >> we bolstered enduring alliances and strengthened partnerships while successfully responding to crises around the world. >> one potential replacement is the pentagon's former chief of policy. she would be the first female defense secretary in history. >> it is 7:19. ahead, counting calories. the new rules announced to affect what you see on the mane from the kpix weather center. good morning everybody. heading out the door, not quite as cold this morning. as it was yesterday. just 24 hours ago. we were in the 40s and 50s and later today warmer than yesterday from the 60s through the low 70s. wind remane on the flat side therefore it is yet another spare the air day. check out wednesday that big get away day. even warmer conditions and slightly cooler, partly sunny on thanksgiving. and rain arrives over the weekend with breezy conditions. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. sponsored by target. expect more. pay 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full force last night reaction to the grand jury's decision to not indict officer darren wilson. protests spilled into the streets, and multiple businesses were vandalized in oakland. at least 40 people were arrested. one perp is dead after a -- person is dead after a crash about midnight on westbound interstate 580 near the fruitvale avenue area in oakland. several cars collided on the freeway. some of them caught fire. the person who was killed was in one of those burning cars. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. stay there. ,,,,,,,, good morning, there's still some residual b.a.r.t. delays because of some earlier police activity out by the richard monday station. still saying about 15 minutes delays around some of the east bay tracks. otherwise goaden gate ferries, caltrain and ace, everything else mass transit related looks good and it's the spare the air day and you can use mass transit. you're strong lienale couraged. if you are hitting the roads however, here's a live look at the bay bridge bay bridge bay bridge. it is stacked up through the maze and not quite holiday light yet and 580 is slow from the 24 approach. that is kcbs traffic. your forecast now here's roberta. liz check this out. it is live, it's our kpix 5 weather camera. we are looking out over the bay waters and wow. what a day. in fact we're going to be sun seasonably mild today. right now warmer than yesterday at this hour in the 40s and 50s. later today, 60s and 70s. winds are flat. it is yet another spare the air day -- oh checkout wednesday. additional warming takes place and rain arrives by the weekend. ,,,, female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. but sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event ends sunday. through sunday, choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? but hurry! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event ends sunday. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ a wrecking crew in barcelona, spain, was demolishing an abandoned building when they made an observation, you could say. a slab of concrete fell the wrong way into a parked car. the car was no match for the concrete. you can see there. all caught on video by the car owner. >> he is calling his insurance. >> yes. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, ordering up calorie counts. have holly phillips is in our toyota green room with the new numbers coming to menus across the country. we'll find out about the plan to help americans lose weight. also, what happened when a cbs correspondent stops bullets in ferguson. plus the oldest civil rights group, the naacp, what's next after the grand jury decision. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "usa today," runway close call collision. it says involving commercial planes rose two-thirds over the last decade. federal data show so-called incursions happen once a day. this year, 292 as of september. airports with the most incursions are also the nation's busiest, o'hare, l.a.x. and atlanta's hartsfield. the arizona republic, the head of the phoenix hospital fired. sharon holman appear be to the first va executive to lose th e candice anderson lost control of her saturn ion. "the wall street journal" says there's a shortage this morning on the need to protect ebola. the greatest demands for that is from the united states when the ebola fear is high. only a handful of companies make the suits. supplies are running low in both africa and america. and "the washington post" says, the grand jury's decision not to bring criminal charges in ferguson is extremely rare. in 2010, federal grand jury, weighed in on more than 162,000 cases. they refused to return an indictment just 11 times. reaction to the grand jury's decision left destruction in the streets of ferguson this morning. rioting protesters are furious that officer darren wilson will face no charges in the shooting death of michael brown. this is what happened when cbs news correspondent omar villafranca was covering demonstrations. [ gunfire ] >> omar villafranca joins us now from ferguson. omar, good morning. >> reporter: good morning is at very wild theme last night. the protests started in the streets. people were honking their had horns and chanting. there it really felt like that was not enough. tear gas blanketed the streets and 29 people were arrested. people were stopping traffic and also starting fires. it's unclear if they were protesters or people taking advantage of a vulnerable situation. one man we saw set fire to an american flag. the situation escalated when someone blocked a street with a trash can and then lit it on fire. we also notice when the gone shots got closer, that's when the situation got tense. one of our producer david hawthorne who has covered conflicts in israel and iraq for cbs, when we saw him ducking we knew that that was very serious and the shots were nearby. at one point, we saw a man about ten yards away from us shooting his gun in the air openly. we also started to notice at that point some smoke coming from buildings. and they were rising over at least four buildings. in about 30 minutes, west florissant, was glowing orange. there was not a fire truck in had sight. now at last check there were about a dozen businesses that were damaged pretty bad. of course, when the sun coming up we'll learn much more, gayle. some people in ferguson are questioning the timing of last night's announcement which happened at 8:00 p.m. local time. they wanted a daytime news conference. the police chief says more time wouldn't have help. >> i don't think we were unprepared. i'll be honest with you, until we bring 10,000 prelimina thou, here i organizations that call for protests. naacp president and ceo cornell brooks is here with us from ferguson. good morning. >> good morning. >> so your reaction to this grand jury decision? my reaction is one of deep sorrow and pain. this grand jury decision represents salt in the wound of a brutal injustices. the people in this community and across the country is quite simply saddened and outraged. >> mr. brooks, when you hear that the physical evidence actually backs up officer wilson's version of the story, what do you say to that? >> well, my reaction is is that the grand jury has spoken. but many people across prosecut across the country who question the process of dumping mountains of evidence into the laps of grand jurors. this is not in a sense a process for confidence. but the critical question for us is what do we do next? how do we move forward? and how did we bring about justice in the midst of injustice. that's the question. >> what is exactly the question i want to ask you. so what is your answer? >> well, i think it's critically important that the justice department consider its investigation of the ferguson police department. the st. louis county police department. the naacp is going to be marching from the home of michael brown in ferguson to the home of the governor in jefferson city. 100 miles in seven days. we do not intend to relent. we do not intend to stop our calls for a wholesale fundamental reform in the country. >> martin luther king said violence is a message for the unheard. president obama called for calm on the streets. people needing to here it were out on the streets. what is your strategy? what is your message to the people who are causing the violence? >> the message the of the naacp is precisely this. we do not honor the memory of michael brown by engaging in acts of violence. it was violence that led to his had death. we're calling on people in ferguson, in missouri, and across the country in joining us in a march from the home of michael brown in ferguson to the home had of the governor in jefferson city. we're calling on people to push for a change in policing. a change in the way we police our communities. we're calling for legislative reform. we're calling for the congress, systemic, fundamental reform that can change this country. and prevent future death. we have michael brown you we have eric garner we have a litany and a list of young people who have lost their lives at the hands of police. this cannot be tolerated. it can't go on. and we have to step up and do something about it. and that, we intend on doing. >> cornell william brooks, thank you for joining us this morning. there are new rules today that may make it easier to watch your calories. good luck with that, two days before thanksgiving. dr. holly phillips is here. we'll ask if fast food calorie counts can make us healthier? and merry marijuana. colorado's legal industry is cashing in on its first holiday season with pumpkin pie. recreational marijuana is legal in colorado. pot marketers are marketing to holiday shoppers. they're encouraging people to buy pot as christmas gifts. actually makes sense. in the story of christmas itself, one of three wisemen you may remember what baby jesus myrrh which of course is short for myrrh-juana back then. discover brookside, and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. i want...regularity. i want good digestive health. i just don't want to have to think about regularity. natural benefiber® helps support digestive health... and maintain th word you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber®. now in stick packs. osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? 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[ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, our hearty all-natural turkey chili is back in season. slow-cooked with turkey raised without antibiotics, tart tomatillos, chilies, carrots, edamame and more. the savory spice of the chili pairs perfectly with the black bean hummus and the fresh crunch of napa cabbage blend in our southwestern chicken flatbread. and it all comes together in a you pick two made just for you. only at panera bread. ♪ the food and drug administration today will announce broad new rules or calorie counts on the menus. the fda want s them posted anywhere you go, even movie theaters and some vending machines. >> and some say it's a director in the affordable care act, or obamacare, it goes national in effort to fight the country's obesity epidemic. cbs medical director dr. holly phillips joins us. >> this is huge. >> it's going to be landmark legislation. it's arguably the biggest public health nutrition policy that's ever been passed. we expected the fda to include chain restaurants. those are restaurants that have more than 20 stores. we expected the fda to say you have to post calorie counts next to each item on your menu. but they made the changes even more sweeping. they included pizza parlors, vending machines, amusement parks, movie theaters. even grocery stores and convenience stores, some prepared foods there. >> and they included alcohol. >> alcohol as well. if it's on the menu. not if you order it at a bar, but if it's an item that's actually on the menu, those calories are included as well. >> how much of a difference do you think it will make? because i can see people going -- well, i'll speak from personal perspective. we were going go get something i thought was aga zillion calories i thought, how hungry am i? do you think it's going to make a huge difference in how people eat? >> actually, gayle, that's the question. it really hasn't been enough to really look at data to see if they make a difference. one study in 2006 shows that shoppers at starbucks ordered 6% fewer calories when they actually saw when the calories were posted. so it may make a difference. but it's all about transparency. whether or not you look at the numbers. whether or not you even understand the real, you know -- the real impact of calorie count. it's about being able to make an informed decision by having information. it's all about transparency about the foods. >> and even smaller portions. >> exactly. >> well, smaller portions mean less calories, right? >> exactly. if you know an item has a ton of calories you might still buy it -- >> exactly. >> if i see the calories i might as well. >> holly, thank you for the information. thank you so much. and president obama expresses his love for meryl streep and says, there's nothing the first lady can do about it. ahead, we'll from the kpix 5 weather center. good morning everybody. heading out the door, not quite as cold this morning as it was yesterday. just 24 hours ago. we are in the 40s and 50s and later today, warmer than yesterday from the 6 #s through the 70s and winds remain on the flat side. therefore it is yet another spare the air day. check out wednesday. that big getaway day. even warmer conditions. slightly cooler, partly sunny on thanksgiving. and rain arrives over the weekend with breezy conditions. with over 500 of the coolest black friday deals! plus - only once a year - get $15 kohl's cash for every 50 spent! kohl's black friday starts 6pm thursday! find your yes. kohl's. am i forgetting something? no holiday's complete without campbell's green bean casserole. wish you were here. ♪ [ doorbell ] [ gasps ] ♪ [ gong ] [ wisest kid ] m'm! m'm! good! ♪ eh, yea, actually i do. one. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up. mucinex fast max night time for multi-symptom relief. breathe easy. sleep easy. let's end this. up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. give a journey. give a new perspective. give a little joy. a book is a gift like no other. and barnes & noble is like no other book store in the world. with so many books to discover and the new nook by samsung now a full featured tablet. a book is the gift they'll remember long after the holidays are over. i just received a text from ddiscover hq?. yep. we check every purchase, every day and alert you if anything looks suspicious. nice. i'm looking into some suspicious activity myself. madame that is not a changing table. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card at the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right for you, no matter which list you're on. [ho, ho, ho, ho] no matter which list you're on. lease the 2014 cla250 for $329 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. ...and tkind of like you huffing sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. what are the odds i'll get a 50" tv this black friday? at walmart no need to worry about odds. one-hour guaranteed items are guaranteed by christmas. no camping out to get the good stuff? nope. good. feelin' cramped! get a 50-inch tv for just $218 this thursday with the one-hour guarantee. walmart. ♪ i love meryl streep. i love her. her husband knows i love her. michelle knows i love her. there's nothing either of them can do about it. >> that was president obama speaks at yesterday's president yam medal of freedom ceremony yesterday. he gave to meryl streep,recipie brokaw and others who made meritorious contributions to the u.s. and others. >> that was nice looking at meryl streep when he gave the compliment. >> nice to see tom brokaw. >> high honor indeed. all right. out of control. that's how police describe last night's protests in ferguson, missouri. >> those are small business owners and we've torn those dreams away. our committee's got to take responsibility for what happened tonight. >> we're going to hear from captain ron johnson and the police who responded to last night's chaos. that story's ahead. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem♪ ♪to say, throw care away. ♪from everywhere, filling the air♪ chex party mix. easy fifteen-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like chocolate caramel drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. it used to take me forever to get a smoky eye look just right. until i discovered this... almay's intense i color collection for my hazel eyes. almay intense i-color in four color collections you have to try it for yourself. so simple. so me. almay. when the game is hit them with a hard count, see if they'll tip their hand. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to power their game day communication. they're blitzing up the gut! get out of the pocket! hut! duracell quantum. lasts up to 35% longer than the competition. and what turkey dinner is complete without the delicious taste of ocean spray cranberries? it has been a tradition at our table for generations, and we hope you enjoy it too. so, from our family to yours... both: happy thanksgiving! okay, who likes yams? for all your thanksgiving recipes, visit well, it's been the number one soup in america.soup? (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! lice after good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. protesters in oakland spent the night squaring off with police after a grand jury decided not to indict a ferguson police officer in the death of an unarmed teen. some businesses and vehicles were significantly damaged. more than 40 people were arrested. and protesters also blocked parts of the freeway for several hours. they started a fire on the grand avenue off ramp from interstate 580. the freeway completely reopened at about 4:00 this morning. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. tag: sooner or later, everyone needs a helping hand, or a helping paw! so mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train assistance dogs for wounded veterans. veteran: i live independently because of what all it provides for me. and it's huge! there's a lot of wounded, ill, and injured out there just like myself, who just maybe need a little bit of help. tag: you can lend a helping paw too. give at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs-- helping dogs help people. good morning, checking various roadways right now. if you're traveling in san jose it's still pretty jammed up throughout down because of an earlier crash in cupertino. you can see the delays 10 miles per hour pretty jammed up to at least the guadalupe parkway or beyond that. a live look along the peninsula now. palo alto, southbound 101 approaching oregon expressway an accident has been just reported blocking a lane and slowdowns in either direction of 101. so 280 is a better choice if you're in that area. and bay bridge, not holiday light yet. it is still backed up through the maze with the metering lights on. that's kcbs traffic, here's roberta with the forecast. how about this? it's live, it's our kpix 5 weather camera. looking out towards blue skies over the city of san francisco. good morning everyone. on this november 25th, our highs will average up to ten degrees above normal for this time of the year, we were in the 40s and in the 50s and later today, warmer than yesterday. it's a spare the air day with a flat wind out of the east, 5 to 10 miles per hour. 60s and low 70s. the warmer day this week will be on -- warmest day this week will be on sunday. then we -- wednesday. then we cool it down. rain and breezy over the weekend. enjoy your day. ♪ m. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, november 25th, 2014. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead including the fury in ferguson, missouri, the violent reaction to the decision in the michael brown case. but first, here's a look at today's eye opener at 8. >> these are some of the businesses who bear the brunt of that anger i'm told by store manager was a black-owned business. >> there was a big difference between protesters and rioters and looters. what you see behind me, that is the difference. >> the indictment has to do with the physical evidence. the forensic evidence did not lie. >> the grand jury has spoken but many people across the country without confidence in the grand jury process. >> violence doesn't solve anything. if we're going to have real change within this community, it's going to take all of us working together. >> on average americans will travel more than 500 miles round trip over the next several days. they should expect delays. >> disturbances bringing areas of rain from seat to portland and snow in the mountains. >> talking about that catch that o'dell beckham jr. >> definitely the catch of the year. >> what a catch! >> three fingers. that's crazy. >> it's being kacalled the greatest catch in nfl history. this morning's eye opener at 8 is presented by benefiber. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. violent protests in ferguson, missouri, changed the landscape this morning of the st. louis suburb. the frustration comes with a grand jury's decision not to charge officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. >> rioters looted and burned down businesses. they also destroyed two police cars. more than 60 people have been arrested. mark strassmann is in ferguson with the aftermath of the protests. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the 61 people arrested, 59 of them were from st. louis. think about it. last night's rampagers were mostly about local people trashing their own neighborhood. and the impact was felt in places like this torched out dollar store. we saw a guy this morning get off the bus to show up for work. he stared at his store shaking his head for 15 minutes. the store and his job are both gone. >> what i seen tonight is probably much worse than the worst night we ever had in august. >> stop trying to turn over the police vehicle immediately. >> started getting gunfire from across the street. i can tell you that i personally heard about 150 shots fired. unfortunately this spun out of control. at least a dozen buildings that have been set on fire. most of those are total losses. there's not a lot left on west morrison and those are businesses that may never come back. >> those were dreams. those are small business owners and we tore those dreams away. we definitely have done something here hat is going to impact our community for a long time. that's not how we create change. change is created through our voice and not through destruction of our communities. >> i'll be honest with you, unless we bring 10,000 policemen in here i don't think we can prevent folks that really are intent on just destroying a community. i said several months ago what would be the worse thing that could poenl happen? to tear the fabric of this communi community apart. frankly that has happened here tonight. >> reporter: this auto parts store is next door to that torched store next door, the dollar store. it was both looted and trashed. but at least it's still standing. norah? >> all right, mark, thank you. michelle miller saw much of the violence unfold. she joins us with her experience in ferguson overnight. michelle, good morning. how bad is it there on the ground? >> good morning, norah. well, i mean, if you look behind me as this set of stores, little caesar to my right and an antique jewelry store to my left here, we're burned out. this store in particular. and if you look around the rest of the area where i'm at, this is north and it's not even in the heart of that main district, that main business district throughout ferguson. these stores appear to have been targeted. the little caesar's store manager came by. he wasn't wearing any shoes. he wasn't even wearing a coat. he said he had been out all night trying to send people away. he told me, this is a black-owned business. a lot of protesters from last night, when you started to hear the reactions from the announcement, there was a wave. people certainly were upset, they were angry. but i think that the people who were creating this weren't the people who came out to peacefully protest. those people have been prepping for the last 108-9 days to de-escalate this kind of violence and this kind of destruction, norah. >> that's exactly what i was wondering, michelle. when you look at the imagery all you see is how bad by out of control it was. were the majority of people there trying to do the right thing and protest peacefully? when you look at the imagery, you cannot tell. >> reporter: yes, that was clear to me. when all heck broke loose was when a few people seemed to be throwing water bottles. i know that there were some glass that was broken. and then further down the street from the ferguson police department, something happened. i wasn't able to witness it. and that's when the tear gas. i know st. louis pd said there was no tear gas fired but it certainly had the same affect. it was painful and there were tears coming from my eyes. and i have to tell you that that's when people started flying. that's when we started to hear gunshots. my security team here says there was nine millimeter small arms fire. and people just wanted to get away. you had people there. a lot of young people. and i can't tell you where they were from, but they weren't there to -- they weren't there to peacefully protest. and i want to put this in perspective for you, gayle, norah, and charlie. i lived through the los angeles ri riots. i'm from los angeles. i was there when 63 people lost their lives. you know, this kind of destruction, the looting, the chaos certainly the burned out buildings, when you see those fires, it's really incredible to watch. but as of now, there has been no loss of life. certainly there are no serious injuries that we can report to you. and i think that there should be shared credit all around, the people who came here to de-escalate some of the violence, whether they be police or some of those protesters and clergy. >> well said, michelle. >> you do see a silver lining in a very dark cloud. but it makes no sense to see people destroying their own communities. >> i'm glad michelle made that point. i still sort of question why on earth was this decision made at 8:00 p.m. at night rather than 8:00 a.m. and would that have made a difference, the timing of the announcement? >> we knew all afternoon it was coming. again, michelle, thank you. very well said. coming up on "cbs this morning," airlines richard anderson is here in studio 57. we'll look at everything -- >> green room. >> with the mayor of the green room, peter greenberg, hello, peter. richard anderson is next to him. we'll look at everything from cutting down weather delays to the company's support of president obama's,,,, this morning's eye opener at 8 sponsored by ben fiber, the clearly healthy fiber. 24 hours ago a scrawn any christmas tree in pennsylvania didn't have a chance. >> that tree, not a very good tree for christmas. i'm sorry. looks like something you throw out after the season. not for the season. >> this christmas tree is where it is. >> we'll show you why the city of reading suddenly decided to keep it, gayle. >> charlie and i called for it. >> didn't i say keep the tree? >> no, you said get a bigger one. >> yes, i did. >> kill that poor tree. >> yes. next on "cbs this morning." different tree. >> next on "cbs this morning." at panera bread, our hearty all-natural turkey chili is back in season. slow-cooked with turkey raised without antibiotics, tart tomatillos, chilies, carrots, edamame and more. the savory spice of the chili pairs perfectly with the black bean hummus and the fresh crunch of napa cabbage blend in our southwestern chicken flatbread. and it all comes together in a you pick two made just for you. only at panera bread. [ male announcer ] evyou're using a brandn, that supports wildlife rescue efforts. because it's tough on grease, yet gentle. ♪ you by my side makes the little things so good ♪ be a part of the bigger picture. go to dawnsaveswildlife. osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. ♪ much criticize official christmas tree in downtown reading, pennsylvania, it's still standing this morning. what? our cameras were there monday as local i wofficials started to replace the tree. many people complained it looked ugly. that tree got last-minute reprieve. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i want to give you a close-up look at the tree that's made national headlines. the branches are so sparse i'm able to stand right in the middle of it. so many people here had called city hall who both loved and hated it. but in the end, it will be allowed to stand and many are hoping it will help share the true meaning of christmas. ♪ there was no shortage of holiday cheer monday night in the town of reading, pennsylvania. dozens turned out to give the town's christmas tree some much needed love. but this christmas miracle almost wasn't. >> that tree is not a very good tree for christmas. i'm sorry. >> reporter: the tree was in dang of of getting axed. its sparse, droopy branches accused of putting a damper on the holiday spirit. >> if you look at it it looks like something you throw out after the season, not for the season. >> reporter: it turns out the 50-foot spruce was actually a last-minute fill-in after wet grounds prevented crews from reaching the town's first choice. >> this christmas tree doesn't go with what our city is. >> reporter: but as crews began taking down the lights and the unique pretzel topper, calls grew to save the tree. >> i don't think there's anything wrong with it. i think it's like the rest of the city, has great character. >> reporter: by afternoon city council members were on the street openly debating the tree's fate. >> it sends the wrong message to take down this tree. the message to the world needs to be that nobody's perfect. >> reporter: in the end officials decided they would keep the spruce. it may not be the flashiest but the town of reading is embracing it, flaws and all. >> holiday spirit comes from the heart, not from a pretty or not pretty tree. >> we can decorate it up, fill in the gaps and move forward. >> reporter: well, this tree will be allowed to stand, another more beautiful one, if you will, will be set up in a local park. meantime, donations are being collected to help redecorate this one. norah? >> thank you. now, i know there are disagreement at this table over this issue. >> you're gloating. >> i'm not gloating. >> gloating is very unattractive and i still think you're both wrong. christmas only comes once a year. i don't think there's anything wrong because i want to see a nice tree. >> i think they had the perfect solution. save the tree and bring in a new one as well. everyone is happy. the whole spirit of saving the tree. great spirit of christmas. >> someone tweeted and said, what lesson are we teaching our kids if something isn't perfect you get rid of it. >> uh-huh. >> just saying. >> all right. >> makes sense to me. all right. tis the season for celebrating and -- tony schwartz of the energy project is in our toyota green room. we'll see what he says. i bet he says save the tree. what causes holiday tension and how to take the stress out of the season. and, no, it doesn't include booze. that's the next "cbs this morning." this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by help your child love to learn. acbmiscellaneo help your child love to learn with get all the electronics on your list at unbeatable prices. tablets, wearables, cameras. all at black friday prices! merry techmas! and happy new gear! i see what you did there! anncr: this thursday at 8pm get black friday prices on hundreds of the hottest gifts. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself ,,,,,, i gooh fitting the tree through the door, that's feast-worthy. so celebrate with the kfc festive feast. a bucket of the world's best chicken, our famous sides, biscuits and our new pumpkin cake. the kfc festive feast. ♪ what stresses you out the most this time of year? your co-workers? or just the tree? our new "cbs this morning" survey survey, we asked what is the biggest stress factor in your holiday plans. family tops the list at 26%. that's followed by shopping for gifts at 24. number three, time management at 23%. so tony schwartz, we asked him to come back, tony, who created "the energy project" who helped businesses become more productive. tony, welcome back. >> thank you. >> were you surprised that family topped the list? >> i wasn't. although i think it's a surprise it's a change in our culture that people acknowledge it. it's always been true. it's a very mixed time, we acknowledge that. we go in hoping it's going to be wonderful and reconnecting and then often all that stuff from the years arises. >> you make a really important point, have this time off for the thanksgiving holiday to make a list of things you want to do and schedule those to help deal with stress? >> well, i just think schedule what is you want to do helps anything. >> exactly. >> yes. because we're under such demand, what you keep doing is defaulting to the urgent and not the important. if you really have to do something, you have to schedule it even if it's responsibsponta. and recognizing in this world prioritizing is the top of the list. >> 35% said they'll be checking work e-mail once a day. while 6% say they'll be checking in constantly during the thanksgiving weekend. that's nut helpful. >> isn't that depressing that 16% say all the time. it's an addiction. the only way to resist it is to literally turn it off. >> why? why can't you turn off from work? how can you turn from from work? >> how can you turn off from work? >> uh-huh. >> well, you're not here. why wouldn't you shochoose some periods not to entirely refuel. why not. >> it seems to stress you out with everything? >> well, that's more easily said than done, isn't it. >> if you have the right attitude -- >> listen, you've been doing this a long time so you obviously have the right attitude. but i really do think if you don't give yourself the opportunity to disconnect, then you are progressively running down the system. and we are not machines. we're humans. we've got to stop treating ourselves less like machines and more like people. >> when it comes to spending time with families, 61% say they're really excited about it. but you say it's important to manage expectations? >> you come in, you expect things to be fine. your cousin shows up drunk. and your mother says the same things to you that she said when you were 4, 8 and 12. >> and someone says i would have cooked the turkey this way. or i would have done it this way. >> absolutely. i do think it helps to say to yourself, this is going to play both ways. there are going to be moments that are wonderful. and there are going to be moments that are awful. if you go in with that -- there's less likelihood that you'll explode. >> we have a tradition at dinner, we have everyone write down what they're grateful for and we put it in a hat. >> listen, thanksgiving. giving thanks, this is an important opportunity. it's said in psychology, bad is stronger than the good. we tend to focus on the bad and good morning, it's 8:25. demonstrators were out in full force last night in response to a grand jury's decision not to indict police officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. in oakland protests spilled into the streets and at least 40 people were arrested. one person is dead after a crash about midnight on westbound interstate 580 near the fruitvale avenue off ramp in oakland. several cars collided on the freeway. some of them caught fire. the person who was killed was in a car that burned. caltrans will continue overnight lane closures on the upper deck of the bay bridge. crews are using the time to replace expansion joints that are between 50 and 80 years old. lanes will close starting at 8:00 tonight and reopen at 5:00 a.m. wednesday morning. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,, good morning, the you're riding mass tran sitz you're in luck. everything is on time. we have some earlier b.a.r.t. delays but now everything there is back on track. and ace, caltrain and ferries all reporting no delays. we do have an issue on the road now coming into palo alto. there's a tweet from kcbs traffic they just sent this out minutes ago. in palo alto southbound 101 approaching university, that crash is blocking the two left lanes and you can see it's pretty slow. actually in both directions in that area. and a live look outside, it's actually better than normal across the san mateo bridge. the drive time is slightly down from your typical commute. 21 minutes out of hayward to foster city. that's kcbs traffic. your forecast here's roberta. i want to tweet you, what's your twitter handle? >> e we thinker kpix 5. >> okay. i'm going to tweet about traffic and the weather. hi everybody, take a look out the door right now. we have clear skies, that's the beach. wow. this morning, not as cold as it has been. 40s and 50s out the door. and then later today, warmer today than yesterday. but hey, not as warm as it will be tomorrow. 60s and 70s east wind 5 to 10 miles per hour and it is a spare the air day. check out wednesday. temperatures mid 60s to mid 70s. partly sunny slightly cooler on thanksgiving. plaque friday will be a great -- black friday will be a great friday. we'll have mostly cloudy skies leading to rain showers and breezy conditions over the weekend. have a great day. ,,,,,,,, we'll moan ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, he is heading into the busiest time of the year for the airline industry. delta's ceo doesn't look so stressed. he is making a quick stop in studio 57. plus, keira knightley takes us inside her new rule in "the imitation games." she's getting oscar buzz and also shares her run-in with california executives over women. >> that's ahead. time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the wall street journal" reveals the secrets to resisting temptation. it says some people have a secret strategy to avoid situations in which they had may fail. for 38 students self-control is linked to about sstinencabstine. a online report shows the retailer is looking for services like plumbers and electricians. with shoppers after buying something like a car stereo which may require install las vegas. britain's daily mail looks at the benefits of sleeping in the nude. experts say they will get a better night's rest. your body needs to drop a certain temperature. and also have happier love lives. >> how happy are you, mr. rose? >> very. >> how happy are you, ms. o'donnell? >> i think this is good advice. why do you bundle up in all of this stuff when going to bed? what's that going to do for your love life? >> she's never been asked that. get ready. >> is that anderson's lead? >> "rolling stone" said bob dylan played a concert with just one lucky fan in the audience. the music led to an extraordinary setting. including buddy holly and fats domino. the fan said his jaw hurt from smiling so much. the performance was for a movie about people experiencing things that are usually meant for crowds. it will be released in mid-december. the boston globe said fans are buying custom nikes designed by a member of the patriots. on monday, they had handed out shoes to the first buyers. patriots lunar force ones. >> i hope they had make kids' sizes. and the new york post is looking at how odell beckham jr. pulled down the greatest catch of all time. his hands are two inches larger than the average human. >> he brought in the catch with a single outstretched hand. at one point he only had three fingers on that ball. >> that's hard to do. >> that's awesome. >> the interesting thing about this is practice, practice, practice makes perfect. this guy has practiced one-handed catches and had the right kind of hand to do it. >> and it paid off big time. aaa said thanksgiving will be the busiest in years. more than 3.5 million will fly, even with a dramatic gas in gas and oil prices, airfare is up 1%. an average of $172 a ticket. richard anderson is the ceo of delta airlines. good to have him back here in studio 57. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> so, that's holiday travel. i'm picturing you now, mr. anderson. >> oh, go ahead. >> no. why are prices going up? >> pardon? >> why are prices goingup. >> well i think we should be careful about how we think about fuel prices long term. we've seen fuel go down $20. next year, we're still looking at $100 a barrel. when you talk about refining costs, taxes, movement of crude and movement of jet fuel into airports. >> but if they go down, does it translate for better prices for justice. >> ultimately, an economist will tell you, you know, lower costs will equal lower consumer costs. if you take a look at real airfares in the last 15 years. real airfares are down 2000 compared to 2014, if you look at the d.o.t. data. it's still a tremendous bargain. >> richard, we hear because ticket prices are up, it's because fuel costs are up. why isn't it also true that when fuel costs go down, ticket prices go down? >> i think you'll see over the course of 2015, delta is going to introduce a value fare. in other words, we're going to segment a cabin of the airplane and have a basic economy fare that is a no-frills fare that will reflect a lower price for the price conscientious. >> and you hope you have fewer planes, don't you? >> the industry has only been profitable in the last three or foreyears. delta is budgeting about $2.80. a one penny increase in a gallon of jet fuel for delta is $40 million a year. so as we plan our business, we have been to be very careful. >> for future reference what is your assumption for gas prices, oil prices for 2015? budget planning? >> budget planning, we're going to budget around $2.80 a gallon. >> so it will remain low? >> if you take the forward curve today which you can buy the full year for and put all the costs into putting it into an airplane, we stilt about $2.80. but, remember, all of this is a bit of a bump in the wind. >> yeah. two days out from thanksgiving, people looking saying i'm trying to get to grandma's house. there's a storm coming. what is delta going to do to make sure i get there, on time, safely? >> right. well, the one thing we have done with delta, we've rune difficult weather here in the northeast wednesday evening. rain turning to ice. there's weather waivers out there. delta has a weather waiver out there our goal is to get everyone to grandma's on time for turkey. >> has it didn't good for the consumer? >> i believe it has good for the consumer. let me tell you why. you still have a competitively good marketplace. you can go to any websites available 24/7 and get perfect transparency are into pricing. and those websites are run by independent organizations that do a good job for consumer us. and we have a very contestable market. we have three big global carriers. three big national carriers and then a number of deep discount carriers. >> can i ask you about delta's position on immigration? i understand after the president gave the speech on thursday night. delta released the statement saying delta airline applauds the reform for the immigration system. why speak out about this? it's controversial. >> if you saw some of the e-mails that i've gotten you'd wonder why did i speak out about it. >> why did you? >> because this problem needs to be solved. if you think about it, we're a nation of immigrants. >> does it mean something personal for you? >> well you don't make those kind of statements on a personal basis, but, yes, my grandmother, my grandfather were immigrants. and we are a country that was built by immigrants over decades. and to have 6 or 7 million people living and working in our society and not have a solution to that problem seems to me one that ought to be solved. >> why from a business perspective is it important? >> well, look, we're an airline. next year, we hope to carry 1 five milli -- 175 million people. with having freedom move to across the border and to attract high-quality talent. because our company needs to reflect the diversity and values and differences of all the people that we carry around the world. >> thank you, richard. >> great to see you. >> always great to see you. >> happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you, fly delta. >> all right. keira knightley just won a hollywood film award for her mole in "the imitation games." now, she's teaching us some british sling? >> the cover of "time" features the movie? >> yes, it's come to that right there. and i will enjoy that "time" cover. >> taking the pits -- >> what does taking the pits out of someone mean? >> it's teasing. >> i to take the pits out of charlie rose. >> you should. i'm sure he'll appreciate it. >> conversation, do you love that? >> i love that. >> i love her. >> yeah. >> she's stunning. >>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins! can i say something? >> yeah. >> that is keira knightley in "love actually." the 2003 movie quickly became a holiday classic. but this thanksgiving weekend you'll see her in a different role of a world war ii "the imitation games." it's about a teen who helped crack a code and win the war. >> to tell you the truth, i sort of said yes to the project without knowing what the role was because i wanted to be part of this kind of film. when i read the role i was -- >> it's approachable. >> let me try. >> keira knightley's latest movie "the imitation games" played by touring, a group of code breakers, cracked the unbreakable. with a war machine of nearly two years saving thousands of lives. >> you finished? >> yeah. >> reporter: knightley plays joan clark, a fellow mathematician recruited by touring for a covert operation. >> it's number 6. >> she was a quick analyst? >> she was. >> and an incredibly important role? >> yes. >> i don't know what that means. i mean, i did. i tried to read about math. i tried to invent a machine. i try to understand all of that. >> she's such a genius, and yet in a lot of movies she almost has to play dumb, right? >> yeah. the film is a woman in a man's world. >> reporter: for her breaking military code proved easier than breaking into an all-boyce club. in order to join touring, she must pretend she's a secretary. >> i think that's true. it's not like she was trying to do that, but she realized by being a bull in a china shop it wasn't what she wants. >> is that true today? >> yeah. >> in what way? >> i think it is, i think it's sort of unique. about women being described as being pushy or being described as being bossy. those are not words that would ever be used to describe a man. and they certainly wouldn't be used negatively to describe a man. >> i understand that you got the screening not silicon valley. >> yes. >> is it true that you said to a top google executive that you need to hire more woman. >> i said how many women? i said that's not okay. he said, no, we are working hard at it. i said yes if there's only 20% or so women, you have 80% men. >> chiding an audience of ceos is one perk of being among one of the highest paid actresses in hollywood where knightley reigns supreme corset in tow. >> i heard a rumor. >> reporter: usually the star, she says her role in "the imitation game" is unfortunately a lead. >> i think you more as a joan clark? >> yeah. it's very much about maturing. all of it, it's difficult, you release to the people. can't we put that in, can't we put that in? in 2 1/2 hours, you can't, of course, you to be very selective. >> why do you have to leave? >> for the very people who imagine to do the things that no one can imagine. >> in early review, the movie isn't even out yet but this is a front-runner for an oscar? >> yeah, who knew. you make them and you hope that audiences enjoy them. if that's good, how wonderful if it gets an award, how wonderful. if not, i'm incredibly proud of. >> it's a fabulous story. with alan touring and everybody who came to realize that this man who contributed so much to defeat the nazis and then was persecuted and prosecuted. >> right. >> and then committed suicide. >> yeah. >> and then the queen had to come along in several years and -- >> you guys have both seen it. >> it's a fabulous movie. not only that, but the story is certainly something to be learned. >> and there was this woman who was brilliant. >> we're going have more of our conversation with keira knightley at i'm taking the -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, silent night not so silent? 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(screaming) jonathan: it's a zonk pirate ship! - no! jonathan: i was like, "blah blah blah..." it's a trip to hawaii! wayne: jumpin' jehoshaphat! - i am out of my mind thrilled. - i'm going for the curtain, baby! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal," i'm wayne brady. thank you so much for tuning in today. who wants to make a deal? anybody, anybody? (cheering) you, come here, you. everybody have a seat. hello, maid melissa. - hello. wayne: and you are dressed as a... are you a maid, are you a wench? - no, no, colonial woman. wayne: colonial woman.

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20141125 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20141125

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>> fury boils over in ferguson. >> a grand jury finding not not evidence to charge darren wilson, the officer who shot and killed michael brown. >> squad cars were fired. police fired tear gas to gain control. >> the amount of gunfire, we got lit up. >> the fire department is pulling back. they are retreating due to shots fired. >> about a dozen buildings were set on fire. zblf the building is basically collapsed. >> just got hit by a rock. >> demonstrators protest throughout the country. >> how do we make more progress? that won't be done by throwing bottles, smashing car windows, using this as an excuse to vandalize property. and certainly won't be done by hurting anybody. >> winter weather warning for millions of thanksgiving travelers. a nor'easter along the east coast and western new york. >> snow that buried the city of buffalo is melting, and that could cause dangerous flooding. >> with everything going on, the bills still able to give the city a big win. >> we got to go back and fight with them. >> chuck hagel submitting his resignation. >> things were over when obama started responding to his memos with "k." >> the suspect gave up after a police used a flash grenade. >> who u was your favorite guest of all time? >> and into the clear. into the end zone! a career night and the ravens win. >> all that matters. >> president obama is awardeded the medal of freedom. >> 19 people receiving the nation's highest civilian honors, including meryl streep. >> her husband knows i love her. michelle knows i love her. there's nothing either of them can do about it. >> on cbs this morning. >> congratulations are in order for russian president vladimir putin who just reportedly earned an eighth degree black belt in karate. you can see here, he dominated the eight bracket. >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. >> welcome to "cbs this morning." as you wake up in the west, ferguson, missouri, is still smoldering following a night of destruction. the violence comes after a grand jury declined to indict officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. crowds looted many businesses. some burned to the ground. police made more than 60 arrests in what they called the worst night of violence since the august shooting. >> gunfire rang out in the streets, mobs of people destroyed police cars and threw bricks at officers and because of the gunshots in the area, planes were rerouted. michelle miller is in ferguson. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you and the viewers in the west. these are the byes that got the brunt. the little caesars and this black-owned business, an antique and jewelry store is burned down. all quiet now. what began last night as peaceful protests quickly spiralled out of control. >> on the streets of ferguson protests that were largely peaceful over the last few months erupted after a grand jury decision. crowds clouds of what appeareded to be tear gas enveloped the streets. a cbs news camera man took cover in a parking lot when gunshots rang out around him. several businesses, including cars in this lot, fully engulfed in flames. restaurant and stores looted. shop owners assessing the destruction. >> it has anger all over it. showcases folding down. glass is everywhere. it's more to do damage. >> violent images shook the nation in august and was again the scene of turmoil. >> what i have scene tonight is probably much worse than the worst night we ever had in august. and that's truly unfortunate. >> outside ferguson police headquarters, anger boiled over. two police cars were set on fire as officers in riot gear and armored vehicles attempted to break up unruly crowds. >> don't shoot! hands up! >> you need to stop and disperse immediately! >> some hurled rocks, bricks and bottles. police returned fire with rubber bullets, stun guns and smoke canisters. less than two miles from merg son, several cars burned in front of the city hall. and in nearby st. louis, clouds blocked traffic on interstate 44. there's been some criticism that the missouri national guard, which wasnixon last week throug state of emergency was nowhere to be scene. but by 2:00 a.m. this morning, they were in full riot gear in front of the station. >> the root of the outrage this morning is with the the grand jury's decision. some accuse them of not pressing hard enough for charges against wilson. mark is in ferguson this morning. good morning, mark. >> good morning and good morning to all of you watching in the west. this is the dollar store in ferguson, which is torched after midnight last night. as you can see, it's a total loss. when the grand jury decision came out and people were coming out on the street, there was a big difference between protesters and rioters and looters. and what you see behind me, that is the difference. moments after the grand jury's decision not to indict darren wilson, michael brown's mother could not control her emotions. >> everybody told me to be calm. you know how them bullets hit my son? what they did to his body? >> after waiting three and a half months, she felt cheated. >> they determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against officer wilson. the physical and scientific evidence examined by the grand jury combined with the witness statements supported and substantiated by that physical evidence tell the accurate and tragic story of what happened. >> that evidence, according to prosecuting attorney robert mccullough included images of officer wilson following the august 9th shooting. they show what appears to be a bruised in ek and stains from from michael brown's blood oon his police uniform. consistent with a shot fired at close range. wilson testified that had brown physically overwhelmed him, punching him repeatedly. never at any point did i have control of him. he manipulated me while i was in the vehicle completely. i felt like a 5-year-old child holding onto hulk hogan. it instantly turned into how do i live through this? >> all decisions in the criminal justice system must be determined by the physical and scientific evidence, not in response to public outcry orb for political expediency. >> the outcry on the streets of ferguson turned ugly and stayed ugly for hours. despite plis from community leaders and michael brown's parents to remain peaceful. this grand jury decision fueled the distrust many feel with local police. >> if we continue to have the local prosecutors who have a symbiotic relationship with the local police department and the local police officers and those are the ones deciding whether to indict or not, then, you know, we're crazy to expect different results. >> officer wilson was also give an reaction to the grand jury decision. he issued a statement through his lawyers that said he followed his training and followed the law. he also thanked his supporters. he got the grand jury decision that he wanted, but his career as a police officer is probably over. >> mark, thanks. protests spread beyond ferguson to cities across the country. seattle police arrested five people as demonstrators blocked interstate 5 for ha short time. more than 40 protesters were arrested in oakland. people there jumped onto another busy interstate stopping cars. >> and in chicago after the grand jury announcement, crowds of angry people protegsed downtown. hundreds more marched through times square. one was arrested after splashing fake blood on police commissioner bill bratton. testimony is available to the public this morning. it includes testimony from officer wilson and pictures of him in the hospital just after the confrontation. he told the grand jury on december 16th what happened after he fired shots at brown. he said i'm back pedalling pretty good because i know if he reaches me he'll kill me, and he started to lean guard like he was going to tackle l me, just go right through me. i looked down. i remember looking and firing. all i see is his head and that's what i shot. >> cbs news legal analyst rikki klieman is with us. she is the wife of new york city police commissioner bill bratton. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> all the evidence that has now been released, why this absence of indictment? >> the absence of the indictment comes where we all began talking about this story back many months ago. and that has to do with the physical evidence or forensic evidence. the forensic evidence did not lie. we lawyers often say it to the public and to closing arguments to juries. we say physical evidence doesn't lie. only people do. what the prosecutor said in his thoughtful statement last night was as he outlined the evidence, he talked about witnesses who said they were eyewitnesss who said michael brown was shot many times in the back. many saying michael brown was standing over him shooting in the back. when the autopsy leaked, then they changed their testimony. what he said was at this grand jury listened for 25 days of testimony, 60 witnesses and 70 hours that the only thing that could come true in making the decision is whose evidence matcheded the physical evidence? >> were you surprised it was released so quickly and in so much detail? >> i was surprised. i was here working on a special report. and on the the streaming of our new network. he believeded that he did not need a court order to go forward and go release this information. one of the things we learneded from this information for the very first time, by the way, is that we can see the four hours of officer wilson's testimony. and in certain odd ways, it may have been much better if we learned about officer wilson's story, not his testimony, but his story early on. that perhaps it might have diffused the violence. what happened in this case is that we had only heard one side of the story. officer wilson's story according to the prosecutor matches the physical evidence much more than many of the eyewitness stories and one of the things about officer wilson, which he does testify. which he didn't have to do. he chose to do. is that he talks about the reasonable -- he talks about his subjective fear. and he sounds -- and i read that outloud when i got home to hear it. and he is terrified by his own words. clearly the grand jury chose to believe him. >> this is not the end of this, though. there's a justice department investigation, and there would be a civil suit. >> yes, i expect there to be a civil suit by the brown family for wrongful death. >> president obama's message to america this morning is to accept the rule of law in a rare nighttime news conference. he urged protesters to stay peaceful. major garret is at the bhous where the president says race relations are still struggling in this country. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president obama did not watch the prosecutor's announcement last night, but his top advisers did. they briefed him. he moved from the residence to the west wing and prepared to address the nation. all very routine. in his remarks the president stressed in part that the the grand jury did its job. >> there are american who is agree with it and there are americans who deeply disappointed, even angry. it's an understandable reaction. but i join michael's parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully. >> this is the fifth time the president has announced michael brown's death and ongoing supervision of the case. the justice department review is considering and the president stressed as he had throughout this entire saga the need for peaceful protests and better police tactics to keep questions about brutality and racial profiling front and center. >> these are real issues. we have to not deny them or tap them down. what we need to do is to understand them and figure out how do we make more progress? and that can be done. it won't be done by throwing bottles. it won't be done by smashing car windows. that won't be done by using this as an excuse to vandalize property and certainly won't be done by hurting anybody. zbr the grand jury's decision not to indict darren wilson did not come as a surprise here, and the president sees his role as a long distance mediator, using his rhetoric and the power of the the federal government to bring communities divided by mistrust just a bit closer together. gayle? >> thank you, major. ahead a cbs correspondent finds himself caught in the violent confrontation between protesters and police last night. omar shows us what he experienced as the bullets flew by him. that's coming up at 7:30. if you're planning to travel east for thanksgiving, you could face delays. a powerful storm in the southeast will move up the coast tomorrow, and it will bring snow, ice and rain to most of the big cities in the northeast. that could slow down airports all over the u.s. meteorologist daniel niles is also watching conditions in the west. good morning, danielle. >> good morning and good morning to the viewers in the west. we have areas of rain from seattle to portland and snow to portions of the mountain. that will lift northward but another will approach through thursday. pockets of rain with heavy downpours through thanksgiving. in fact. rainfall amounts may top out over two inches in some spots, just east and west of seattle, right on through thursday afternoon and evening. thanksgiving forecast is looking cold in the midwest and northern plains. drying out with temperatures in the 30s. temperatures 50s and 60s, mildest on the west coast. 64 in strahaan francisco. >> danielle, thank you. jeff, good morning to you. >> good morning. according to aaa, on average americans will travel more than 500 miles round trip over the next several days. they should expect delays with more people traveling in the air and on the ground than last year. at airports across the country. all eyes are on the arrivals and departures. in atlanta, traveler jeff weiner expects delays and cancellations to increase. >> this is more regulations checking in and going through your bags. >> but more than 89% of people will travel by automobile. that's up slightly from last year. lower gas prices are believed the to be fuelling the trend. the national average price is $2.81 a gallon. 47 cents lower than the average price last year at this time. nearly 25 million passengers are expected to fly over this 12-day period. a slight increase over last year. the federal aviation administration is warning that passenger counts are expected to be higher than usual and airlines will use aircraft to carry more passengers. saturday and sunday will see a 15% to 18% increase in the typical number of travelers. at washington, d.c. area airports, faa launched satellite based technology to expecteded to lead to more direct routes in and out of airports, meaning increased on time arrivals and departures. the next generation technology is already in use at several u.s. airports, including dallas, ft. worth, houston, seattle and san francisco. michael is the faa administrator. >> as a result of the technological innovations, we can handle more traffic in the same infrastructure in the sky, and that means less waiting. >> this nextgen technology is expected to lead to more fuel-efficient planes and increased safety and passengers, should feel it if the plane is coming in for a landing. they should expect a smoother decent to the runway. >> parts of western new york are still under a flood warning this morning. above average temperatures are melting much of the seven feet of snow that fell there last week. forecasters say buffalo could see more lake-effect snow tomorrow. >> for the third time in less than four years, president obama is looking for a new leader at the pentagon. defense secretary chuck hagel resigned on monday. some say the former republican senator was unhappy with white house micro managing. at a news conference, hagel and the president said nothing about any of that. >> we bolstered enduring alliances and strengthened partnerships while successfully responding to crises around the world. >> one potential replacement is the pentagon's former chief of policy. she would be the first female defense secretary in history. >> it is 7:19. ahead, counting calories. the new rules announced to affect what you see on the mane from the kpix weather center. good morning everybody. heading out the door, not quite as cold this morning. as it was yesterday. just 24 hours ago. we were in the 40s and 50s and later today warmer than yesterday from the 60s through the low 70s. wind remane on the flat side therefore it is yet another spare the air day. check out wednesday that big get away day. even warmer conditions and slightly cooler, partly sunny on thanksgiving. and rain arrives over the weekend with breezy conditions. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. sponsored by target. expect more. pay 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full force last night reaction to the grand jury's decision to not indict officer darren wilson. protests spilled into the streets, and multiple businesses were vandalized in oakland. at least 40 people were arrested. one perp is dead after a -- person is dead after a crash about midnight on westbound interstate 580 near the fruitvale avenue area in oakland. several cars collided on the freeway. some of them caught fire. the person who was killed was in one of those burning cars. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. stay there. ,,,,,,,, good morning, there's still some residual b.a.r.t. delays because of some earlier police activity out by the richard monday station. still saying about 15 minutes delays around some of the east bay tracks. otherwise goaden gate ferries, caltrain and ace, everything else mass transit related looks good and it's the spare the air day and you can use mass transit. you're strong lienale couraged. if you are hitting the roads however, here's a live look at the bay bridge bay bridge bay bridge. it is stacked up through the maze and not quite holiday light yet and 580 is slow from the 24 approach. that is kcbs traffic. your forecast now here's roberta. liz check this out. it is live, it's our kpix 5 weather camera. we are looking out over the bay waters and wow. what a day. in fact we're going to be sun seasonably mild today. right now warmer than yesterday at this hour in the 40s and 50s. later today, 60s and 70s. winds are flat. it is yet another spare the air day -- oh checkout wednesday. additional warming takes place and rain arrives by the weekend. ,,,, female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. but sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event ends sunday. through sunday, choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? but hurry! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event ends sunday. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ a wrecking crew in barcelona, spain, was demolishing an abandoned building when they made an observation, you could say. a slab of concrete fell the wrong way into a parked car. the car was no match for the concrete. you can see there. all caught on video by the car owner. >> he is calling his insurance. >> yes. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, ordering up calorie counts. have holly phillips is in our toyota green room with the new numbers coming to menus across the country. we'll find out about the plan to help americans lose weight. also, what happened when a cbs correspondent stops bullets in ferguson. plus the oldest civil rights group, the naacp, what's next after the grand jury decision. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "usa today," runway close call collision. it says involving commercial planes rose two-thirds over the last decade. federal data show so-called incursions happen once a day. this year, 292 as of september. airports with the most incursions are also the nation's busiest, o'hare, l.a.x. and atlanta's hartsfield. the arizona republic, the head of the phoenix hospital fired. sharon holman appear be to the first va executive to lose th e candice anderson lost control of her saturn ion. "the wall street journal" says there's a shortage this morning on the need to protect ebola. the greatest demands for that is from the united states when the ebola fear is high. only a handful of companies make the suits. supplies are running low in both africa and america. and "the washington post" says, the grand jury's decision not to bring criminal charges in ferguson is extremely rare. in 2010, federal grand jury, weighed in on more than 162,000 cases. they refused to return an indictment just 11 times. reaction to the grand jury's decision left destruction in the streets of ferguson this morning. rioting protesters are furious that officer darren wilson will face no charges in the shooting death of michael brown. this is what happened when cbs news correspondent omar villafranca was covering demonstrations. [ gunfire ] >> omar villafranca joins us now from ferguson. omar, good morning. >> reporter: good morning is at very wild theme last night. the protests started in the streets. people were honking their had horns and chanting. there it really felt like that was not enough. tear gas blanketed the streets and 29 people were arrested. people were stopping traffic and also starting fires. it's unclear if they were protesters or people taking advantage of a vulnerable situation. one man we saw set fire to an american flag. the situation escalated when someone blocked a street with a trash can and then lit it on fire. we also notice when the gone shots got closer, that's when the situation got tense. one of our producer david hawthorne who has covered conflicts in israel and iraq for cbs, when we saw him ducking we knew that that was very serious and the shots were nearby. at one point, we saw a man about ten yards away from us shooting his gun in the air openly. we also started to notice at that point some smoke coming from buildings. and they were rising over at least four buildings. in about 30 minutes, west florissant, was glowing orange. there was not a fire truck in had sight. now at last check there were about a dozen businesses that were damaged pretty bad. of course, when the sun coming up we'll learn much more, gayle. some people in ferguson are questioning the timing of last night's announcement which happened at 8:00 p.m. local time. they wanted a daytime news conference. the police chief says more time wouldn't have help. >> i don't think we were unprepared. i'll be honest with you, until we bring 10,000 prelimina thou, here i organizations that call for protests. naacp president and ceo cornell brooks is here with us from ferguson. good morning. >> good morning. >> so your reaction to this grand jury decision? my reaction is one of deep sorrow and pain. this grand jury decision represents salt in the wound of a brutal injustices. the people in this community and across the country is quite simply saddened and outraged. >> mr. brooks, when you hear that the physical evidence actually backs up officer wilson's version of the story, what do you say to that? >> well, my reaction is is that the grand jury has spoken. but many people across prosecut across the country who question the process of dumping mountains of evidence into the laps of grand jurors. this is not in a sense a process for confidence. but the critical question for us is what do we do next? how do we move forward? and how did we bring about justice in the midst of injustice. that's the question. >> what is exactly the question i want to ask you. so what is your answer? >> well, i think it's critically important that the justice department consider its investigation of the ferguson police department. the st. louis county police department. the naacp is going to be marching from the home of michael brown in ferguson to the home of the governor in jefferson city. 100 miles in seven days. we do not intend to relent. we do not intend to stop our calls for a wholesale fundamental reform in the country. >> martin luther king said violence is a message for the unheard. president obama called for calm on the streets. people needing to here it were out on the streets. what is your strategy? what is your message to the people who are causing the violence? >> the message the of the naacp is precisely this. we do not honor the memory of michael brown by engaging in acts of violence. it was violence that led to his had death. we're calling on people in ferguson, in missouri, and across the country in joining us in a march from the home of michael brown in ferguson to the home had of the governor in jefferson city. we're calling on people to push for a change in policing. a change in the way we police our communities. we're calling for legislative reform. we're calling for the congress, systemic, fundamental reform that can change this country. and prevent future death. we have michael brown you we have eric garner we have a litany and a list of young people who have lost their lives at the hands of police. this cannot be tolerated. it can't go on. and we have to step up and do something about it. and that, we intend on doing. >> cornell william brooks, thank you for joining us this morning. there are new rules today that may make it easier to watch your calories. good luck with that, two days before thanksgiving. dr. holly phillips is here. we'll ask if fast food calorie counts can make us healthier? and merry marijuana. colorado's legal industry is cashing in on its first holiday season with pumpkin pie. recreational marijuana is legal in colorado. pot marketers are marketing to holiday shoppers. they're encouraging people to buy pot as christmas gifts. actually makes sense. in the story of christmas itself, one of three wisemen you may remember what baby jesus myrrh which of course is short for myrrh-juana back then. discover brookside, and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. i want...regularity. i want good digestive health. i just don't want to have to think about regularity. natural benefiber® helps support digestive health... and maintain th word you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber®. now in stick packs. osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, our hearty all-natural turkey chili is back in season. slow-cooked with turkey raised without antibiotics, tart tomatillos, chilies, carrots, edamame and more. the savory spice of the chili pairs perfectly with the black bean hummus and the fresh crunch of napa cabbage blend in our southwestern chicken flatbread. and it all comes together in a you pick two made just for you. only at panera bread. ♪ the food and drug administration today will announce broad new rules or calorie counts on the menus. the fda want s them posted anywhere you go, even movie theaters and some vending machines. >> and some say it's a director in the affordable care act, or obamacare, it goes national in effort to fight the country's obesity epidemic. cbs medical director dr. holly phillips joins us. >> this is huge. >> it's going to be landmark legislation. it's arguably the biggest public health nutrition policy that's ever been passed. we expected the fda to include chain restaurants. those are restaurants that have more than 20 stores. we expected the fda to say you have to post calorie counts next to each item on your menu. but they made the changes even more sweeping. they included pizza parlors, vending machines, amusement parks, movie theaters. even grocery stores and convenience stores, some prepared foods there. >> and they included alcohol. >> alcohol as well. if it's on the menu. not if you order it at a bar, but if it's an item that's actually on the menu, those calories are included as well. >> how much of a difference do you think it will make? because i can see people going -- well, i'll speak from personal perspective. we were going go get something i thought was aga zillion calories i thought, how hungry am i? do you think it's going to make a huge difference in how people eat? >> actually, gayle, that's the question. it really hasn't been enough to really look at data to see if they make a difference. one study in 2006 shows that shoppers at starbucks ordered 6% fewer calories when they actually saw when the calories were posted. so it may make a difference. but it's all about transparency. whether or not you look at the numbers. whether or not you even understand the real, you know -- the real impact of calorie count. it's about being able to make an informed decision by having information. it's all about transparency about the foods. >> and even smaller portions. >> exactly. >> well, smaller portions mean less calories, right? >> exactly. if you know an item has a ton of calories you might still buy it -- >> exactly. >> if i see the calories i might as well. >> holly, thank you for the information. thank you so much. and president obama expresses his love for meryl streep and says, there's nothing the first lady can do about it. ahead, we'll from the kpix 5 weather center. good morning everybody. heading out the door, not quite as cold this morning as it was yesterday. just 24 hours ago. we are in the 40s and 50s and later today, warmer than yesterday from the 6 #s through the 70s and winds remain on the flat side. therefore it is yet another spare the air day. check out wednesday. that big getaway day. even warmer conditions. slightly cooler, partly sunny on thanksgiving. and rain arrives over the weekend with breezy conditions. with over 500 of the coolest black friday deals! plus - only once a year - get $15 kohl's cash for every 50 spent! kohl's black friday starts 6pm thursday! find your yes. kohl's. am i forgetting something? no holiday's complete without campbell's green bean casserole. wish you were here. ♪ [ doorbell ] [ gasps ] ♪ [ gong ] [ wisest kid ] m'm! m'm! good! ♪ eh, yea, actually i do. one. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up. mucinex fast max night time for multi-symptom relief. breathe easy. sleep easy. let's end this. up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. give a journey. give a new perspective. give a little joy. a book is a gift like no other. and barnes & noble is like no other book store in the world. with so many books to discover and the new nook by samsung now a full featured tablet. a book is the gift they'll remember long after the holidays are over. i just received a text from ddiscover hq?. yep. we check every purchase, every day and alert you if anything looks suspicious. nice. i'm looking into some suspicious activity myself. madame that is not a changing table. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card at the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right for you, no matter which list you're on. 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(slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! lice after good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. protesters in oakland spent the night squaring off with police after a grand jury decided not to indict a ferguson police officer in the death of an unarmed teen. some businesses and vehicles were significantly damaged. more than 40 people were arrested. and protesters also blocked parts of the freeway for several hours. they started a fire on the grand avenue off ramp from interstate 580. the freeway completely reopened at about 4:00 this morning. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. tag: sooner or later, everyone needs a helping hand, or a helping paw! so mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train assistance dogs for wounded veterans. veteran: i live independently because of what all it provides for me. and it's huge! there's a lot of wounded, ill, and injured out there just like myself, who just maybe need a little bit of help. tag: you can lend a helping paw too. give at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs-- helping dogs help people. good morning, checking various roadways right now. if you're traveling in san jose it's still pretty jammed up throughout down because of an earlier crash in cupertino. you can see the delays 10 miles per hour pretty jammed up to at least the guadalupe parkway or beyond that. a live look along the peninsula now. palo alto, southbound 101 approaching oregon expressway an accident has been just reported blocking a lane and slowdowns in either direction of 101. so 280 is a better choice if you're in that area. and bay bridge, not holiday light yet. it is still backed up through the maze with the metering lights on. that's kcbs traffic, here's roberta with the forecast. how about this? it's live, it's our kpix 5 weather camera. looking out towards blue skies over the city of san francisco. good morning everyone. on this november 25th, our highs will average up to ten degrees above normal for this time of the year, we were in the 40s and in the 50s and later today, warmer than yesterday. it's a spare the air day with a flat wind out of the east, 5 to 10 miles per hour. 60s and low 70s. the warmer day this week will be on -- warmest day this week will be on sunday. then we -- wednesday. then we cool it down. rain and breezy over the weekend. enjoy your day. ♪ m. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, november 25th, 2014. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead including the fury in ferguson, missouri, the violent reaction to the decision in the michael brown case. but first, here's a look at today's eye opener at 8. >> these are some of the businesses who bear the brunt of that anger i'm told by store manager was a black-owned business. >> there was a big difference between protesters and rioters and looters. what you see behind me, that is the difference. >> the indictment has to do with the physical evidence. the forensic evidence did not lie. >> the grand jury has spoken but many people across the country without confidence in the grand jury process. >> violence doesn't solve anything. if we're going to have real change within this community, it's going to take all of us working together. >> on average americans will travel more than 500 miles round trip over the next several days. they should expect delays. >> disturbances bringing areas of rain from seat to portland and snow in the mountains. >> talking about that catch that o'dell beckham jr. >> definitely the catch of the year. >> what a catch! >> three fingers. that's crazy. >> it's being kacalled the greatest catch in nfl history. this morning's eye opener at 8 is presented by benefiber. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. violent protests in ferguson, missouri, changed the landscape this morning of the st. louis suburb. the frustration comes with a grand jury's decision not to charge officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. >> rioters looted and burned down businesses. they also destroyed two police cars. more than 60 people have been arrested. mark strassmann is in ferguson with the aftermath of the protests. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the 61 people arrested, 59 of them were from st. louis. think about it. last night's rampagers were mostly about local people trashing their own neighborhood. and the impact was felt in places like this torched out dollar store. we saw a guy this morning get off the bus to show up for work. he stared at his store shaking his head for 15 minutes. the store and his job are both gone. >> what i seen tonight is probably much worse than the worst night we ever had in august. >> stop trying to turn over the police vehicle immediately. >> started getting gunfire from across the street. i can tell you that i personally heard about 150 shots fired. unfortunately this spun out of control. at least a dozen buildings that have been set on fire. most of those are total losses. there's not a lot left on west morrison and those are businesses that may never come back. >> those were dreams. those are small business owners and we tore those dreams away. we definitely have done something here hat is going to impact our community for a long time. that's not how we create change. change is created through our voice and not through destruction of our communities. >> i'll be honest with you, unless we bring 10,000 policemen in here i don't think we can prevent folks that really are intent on just destroying a community. i said several months ago what would be the worse thing that could poenl happen? to tear the fabric of this communi community apart. frankly that has happened here tonight. >> reporter: this auto parts store is next door to that torched store next door, the dollar store. it was both looted and trashed. but at least it's still standing. norah? >> all right, mark, thank you. michelle miller saw much of the violence unfold. she joins us with her experience in ferguson overnight. michelle, good morning. how bad is it there on the ground? >> good morning, norah. well, i mean, if you look behind me as this set of stores, little caesar to my right and an antique jewelry store to my left here, we're burned out. this store in particular. and if you look around the rest of the area where i'm at, this is north and it's not even in the heart of that main district, that main business district throughout ferguson. these stores appear to have been targeted. the little caesar's store manager came by. he wasn't wearing any shoes. he wasn't even wearing a coat. he said he had been out all night trying to send people away. he told me, this is a black-owned business. a lot of protesters from last night, when you started to hear the reactions from the announcement, there was a wave. people certainly were upset, they were angry. but i think that the people who were creating this weren't the people who came out to peacefully protest. those people have been prepping for the last 108-9 days to de-escalate this kind of violence and this kind of destruction, norah. >> that's exactly what i was wondering, michelle. when you look at the imagery all you see is how bad by out of control it was. were the majority of people there trying to do the right thing and protest peacefully? when you look at the imagery, you cannot tell. >> reporter: yes, that was clear to me. when all heck broke loose was when a few people seemed to be throwing water bottles. i know that there were some glass that was broken. and then further down the street from the ferguson police department, something happened. i wasn't able to witness it. and that's when the tear gas. i know st. louis pd said there was no tear gas fired but it certainly had the same affect. it was painful and there were tears coming from my eyes. and i have to tell you that that's when people started flying. that's when we started to hear gunshots. my security team here says there was nine millimeter small arms fire. and people just wanted to get away. you had people there. a lot of young people. and i can't tell you where they were from, but they weren't there to -- they weren't there to peacefully protest. and i want to put this in perspective for you, gayle, norah, and charlie. i lived through the los angeles ri riots. i'm from los angeles. i was there when 63 people lost their lives. you know, this kind of destruction, the looting, the chaos certainly the burned out buildings, when you see those fires, it's really incredible to watch. but as of now, there has been no loss of life. certainly there are no serious injuries that we can report to you. and i think that there should be shared credit all around, the people who came here to de-escalate some of the violence, whether they be police or some of those protesters and clergy. >> well said, michelle. >> you do see a silver lining in a very dark cloud. but it makes no sense to see people destroying their own communities. >> i'm glad michelle made that point. i still sort of question why on earth was this decision made at 8:00 p.m. at night rather than 8:00 a.m. and would that have made a difference, the timing of the announcement? >> we knew all afternoon it was coming. again, michelle, thank you. very well said. coming up on "cbs this morning," airlines richard anderson is here in studio 57. we'll look at everything -- >> green room. >> with the mayor of the green room, peter greenberg, hello, peter. richard anderson is next to him. we'll look at everything from cutting down weather delays to the company's support of president obama's,,,, this morning's eye opener at 8 sponsored by ben fiber, the clearly healthy fiber. 24 hours ago a scrawn any christmas tree in pennsylvania didn't have a chance. >> that tree, not a very good tree for christmas. i'm sorry. looks like something you throw out after the season. not for the season. >> this christmas tree is where it is. >> we'll show you why the city of reading suddenly decided to keep it, gayle. >> charlie and i called for it. >> didn't i say keep the tree? >> no, you said get a bigger one. >> yes, i did. >> kill that poor tree. >> yes. next on "cbs this morning." different tree. >> next on "cbs this morning." at panera bread, our hearty all-natural turkey chili is back in season. slow-cooked with turkey raised without antibiotics, tart tomatillos, chilies, carrots, edamame and more. the savory spice of the chili pairs perfectly with the black bean hummus and the fresh crunch of napa cabbage blend in our southwestern chicken flatbread. and it all comes together in a you pick two made just for you. only at panera bread. [ male announcer ] evyou're using a brandn, that supports wildlife rescue efforts. because it's tough on grease, yet gentle. ♪ you by my side makes the little things so good ♪ be a part of the bigger picture. go to dawnsaveswildlife. osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. ♪ much criticize official christmas tree in downtown reading, pennsylvania, it's still standing this morning. what? our cameras were there monday as local i wofficials started to replace the tree. many people complained it looked ugly. that tree got last-minute reprieve. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i want to give you a close-up look at the tree that's made national headlines. the branches are so sparse i'm able to stand right in the middle of it. so many people here had called city hall who both loved and hated it. but in the end, it will be allowed to stand and many are hoping it will help share the true meaning of christmas. ♪ there was no shortage of holiday cheer monday night in the town of reading, pennsylvania. dozens turned out to give the town's christmas tree some much needed love. but this christmas miracle almost wasn't. >> that tree is not a very good tree for christmas. i'm sorry. >> reporter: the tree was in dang of of getting axed. its sparse, droopy branches accused of putting a damper on the holiday spirit. >> if you look at it it looks like something you throw out after the season, not for the season. >> reporter: it turns out the 50-foot spruce was actually a last-minute fill-in after wet grounds prevented crews from reaching the town's first choice. >> this christmas tree doesn't go with what our city is. >> reporter: but as crews began taking down the lights and the unique pretzel topper, calls grew to save the tree. >> i don't think there's anything wrong with it. i think it's like the rest of the city, has great character. >> reporter: by afternoon city council members were on the street openly debating the tree's fate. >> it sends the wrong message to take down this tree. the message to the world needs to be that nobody's perfect. >> reporter: in the end officials decided they would keep the spruce. it may not be the flashiest but the town of reading is embracing it, flaws and all. >> holiday spirit comes from the heart, not from a pretty or not pretty tree. >> we can decorate it up, fill in the gaps and move forward. >> reporter: well, this tree will be allowed to stand, another more beautiful one, if you will, will be set up in a local park. meantime, donations are being collected to help redecorate this one. norah? >> thank you. now, i know there are disagreement at this table over this issue. >> you're gloating. >> i'm not gloating. >> gloating is very unattractive and i still think you're both wrong. christmas only comes once a year. i don't think there's anything wrong because i want to see a nice tree. >> i think they had the perfect solution. save the tree and bring in a new one as well. everyone is happy. the whole spirit of saving the tree. great spirit of christmas. >> someone tweeted and said, what lesson are we teaching our kids if something isn't perfect you get rid of it. >> uh-huh. >> just saying. >> all right. >> makes sense to me. all right. tis the season for celebrating and -- tony schwartz of the energy project is in our toyota green room. we'll see what he says. i bet he says save the tree. what causes holiday tension and how to take the stress out of the season. and, no, it doesn't include booze. that's the next "cbs this morning." this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by help your child love to learn. acbmiscellaneo help your child love to learn with get all the electronics on your list at unbeatable prices. tablets, wearables, cameras. all at black friday prices! merry techmas! and happy new gear! i see what you did there! anncr: this thursday at 8pm get black friday prices on hundreds of the hottest gifts. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself ,,,,,, i gooh fitting the tree through the door, that's feast-worthy. so celebrate with the kfc festive feast. a bucket of the world's best chicken, our famous sides, biscuits and our new pumpkin cake. the kfc festive feast. ♪ what stresses you out the most this time of year? your co-workers? or just the tree? our new "cbs this morning" survey survey, we asked what is the biggest stress factor in your holiday plans. family tops the list at 26%. that's followed by shopping for gifts at 24. number three, time management at 23%. so tony schwartz, we asked him to come back, tony, who created "the energy project" who helped businesses become more productive. tony, welcome back. >> thank you. >> were you surprised that family topped the list? >> i wasn't. although i think it's a surprise it's a change in our culture that people acknowledge it. it's always been true. it's a very mixed time, we acknowledge that. we go in hoping it's going to be wonderful and reconnecting and then often all that stuff from the years arises. >> you make a really important point, have this time off for the thanksgiving holiday to make a list of things you want to do and schedule those to help deal with stress? >> well, i just think schedule what is you want to do helps anything. >> exactly. >> yes. because we're under such demand, what you keep doing is defaulting to the urgent and not the important. if you really have to do something, you have to schedule it even if it's responsibsponta. and recognizing in this world prioritizing is the top of the list. >> 35% said they'll be checking work e-mail once a day. while 6% say they'll be checking in constantly during the thanksgiving weekend. that's nut helpful. >> isn't that depressing that 16% say all the time. it's an addiction. the only way to resist it is to literally turn it off. >> why? why can't you turn off from work? how can you turn from from work? >> how can you turn off from work? >> uh-huh. >> well, you're not here. why wouldn't you shochoose some periods not to entirely refuel. why not. >> it seems to stress you out with everything? >> well, that's more easily said than done, isn't it. >> if you have the right attitude -- >> listen, you've been doing this a long time so you obviously have the right attitude. but i really do think if you don't give yourself the opportunity to disconnect, then you are progressively running down the system. and we are not machines. we're humans. we've got to stop treating ourselves less like machines and more like people. >> when it comes to spending time with families, 61% say they're really excited about it. but you say it's important to manage expectations? >> you come in, you expect things to be fine. your cousin shows up drunk. and your mother says the same things to you that she said when you were 4, 8 and 12. >> and someone says i would have cooked the turkey this way. or i would have done it this way. >> absolutely. i do think it helps to say to yourself, this is going to play both ways. there are going to be moments that are wonderful. and there are going to be moments that are awful. if you go in with that -- there's less likelihood that you'll explode. >> we have a tradition at dinner, we have everyone write down what they're grateful for and we put it in a hat. >> listen, thanksgiving. giving thanks, this is an important opportunity. it's said in psychology, bad is stronger than the good. we tend to focus on the bad and good morning, it's 8:25. demonstrators were out in full force last night in response to a grand jury's decision not to indict police officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. in oakland protests spilled into the streets and at least 40 people were arrested. one person is dead after a crash about midnight on westbound interstate 580 near the fruitvale avenue off ramp in oakland. several cars collided on the freeway. some of them caught fire. the person who was killed was in a car that burned. caltrans will continue overnight lane closures on the upper deck of the bay bridge. crews are using the time to replace expansion joints that are between 50 and 80 years old. lanes will close starting at 8:00 tonight and reopen at 5:00 a.m. wednesday morning. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,, good morning, the you're riding mass tran sitz you're in luck. everything is on time. we have some earlier b.a.r.t. delays but now everything there is back on track. and ace, caltrain and ferries all reporting no delays. we do have an issue on the road now coming into palo alto. there's a tweet from kcbs traffic they just sent this out minutes ago. in palo alto southbound 101 approaching university, that crash is blocking the two left lanes and you can see it's pretty slow. actually in both directions in that area. and a live look outside, it's actually better than normal across the san mateo bridge. the drive time is slightly down from your typical commute. 21 minutes out of hayward to foster city. that's kcbs traffic. your forecast here's roberta. i want to tweet you, what's your twitter handle? >> e we thinker kpix 5. >> okay. i'm going to tweet about traffic and the weather. hi everybody, take a look out the door right now. we have clear skies, that's the beach. wow. this morning, not as cold as it has been. 40s and 50s out the door. and then later today, warmer today than yesterday. but hey, not as warm as it will be tomorrow. 60s and 70s east wind 5 to 10 miles per hour and it is a spare the air day. check out wednesday. temperatures mid 60s to mid 70s. partly sunny slightly cooler on thanksgiving. plaque friday will be a great -- black friday will be a great friday. we'll have mostly cloudy skies leading to rain showers and breezy conditions over the weekend. have a great day. ,,,,,,,, we'll moan ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, he is heading into the busiest time of the year for the airline industry. delta's ceo doesn't look so stressed. he is making a quick stop in studio 57. plus, keira knightley takes us inside her new rule in "the imitation games." she's getting oscar buzz and also shares her run-in with california executives over women. >> that's ahead. time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the wall street journal" reveals the secrets to resisting temptation. it says some people have a secret strategy to avoid situations in which they had may fail. for 38 students self-control is linked to about sstinencabstine. a online report shows the retailer is looking for services like plumbers and electricians. with shoppers after buying something like a car stereo which may require install las vegas. britain's daily mail looks at the benefits of sleeping in the nude. experts say they will get a better night's rest. your body needs to drop a certain temperature. and also have happier love lives. >> how happy are you, mr. rose? >> very. >> how happy are you, ms. o'donnell? >> i think this is good advice. why do you bundle up in all of this stuff when going to bed? what's that going to do for your love life? >> she's never been asked that. get ready. >> is that anderson's lead? >> "rolling stone" said bob dylan played a concert with just one lucky fan in the audience. the music led to an extraordinary setting. including buddy holly and fats domino. the fan said his jaw hurt from smiling so much. the performance was for a movie about people experiencing things that are usually meant for crowds. it will be released in mid-december. the boston globe said fans are buying custom nikes designed by a member of the patriots. on monday, they had handed out shoes to the first buyers. patriots lunar force ones. >> i hope they had make kids' sizes. and the new york post is looking at how odell beckham jr. pulled down the greatest catch of all time. his hands are two inches larger than the average human. >> he brought in the catch with a single outstretched hand. at one point he only had three fingers on that ball. >> that's hard to do. >> that's awesome. >> the interesting thing about this is practice, practice, practice makes perfect. this guy has practiced one-handed catches and had the right kind of hand to do it. >> and it paid off big time. aaa said thanksgiving will be the busiest in years. more than 3.5 million will fly, even with a dramatic gas in gas and oil prices, airfare is up 1%. an average of $172 a ticket. richard anderson is the ceo of delta airlines. good to have him back here in studio 57. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> so, that's holiday travel. i'm picturing you now, mr. anderson. >> oh, go ahead. >> no. why are prices going up? >> pardon? >> why are prices goingup. >> well i think we should be careful about how we think about fuel prices long term. we've seen fuel go down $20. next year, we're still looking at $100 a barrel. when you talk about refining costs, taxes, movement of crude and movement of jet fuel into airports. >> but if they go down, does it translate for better prices for justice. >> ultimately, an economist will tell you, you know, lower costs will equal lower consumer costs. if you take a look at real airfares in the last 15 years. real airfares are down 2000 compared to 2014, if you look at the d.o.t. data. it's still a tremendous bargain. >> richard, we hear because ticket prices are up, it's because fuel costs are up. why isn't it also true that when fuel costs go down, ticket prices go down? >> i think you'll see over the course of 2015, delta is going to introduce a value fare. in other words, we're going to segment a cabin of the airplane and have a basic economy fare that is a no-frills fare that will reflect a lower price for the price conscientious. >> and you hope you have fewer planes, don't you? >> the industry has only been profitable in the last three or foreyears. delta is budgeting about $2.80. a one penny increase in a gallon of jet fuel for delta is $40 million a year. so as we plan our business, we have been to be very careful. >> for future reference what is your assumption for gas prices, oil prices for 2015? budget planning? >> budget planning, we're going to budget around $2.80 a gallon. >> so it will remain low? >> if you take the forward curve today which you can buy the full year for and put all the costs into putting it into an airplane, we stilt about $2.80. but, remember, all of this is a bit of a bump in the wind. >> yeah. two days out from thanksgiving, people looking saying i'm trying to get to grandma's house. there's a storm coming. what is delta going to do to make sure i get there, on time, safely? >> right. well, the one thing we have done with delta, we've rune difficult weather here in the northeast wednesday evening. rain turning to ice. there's weather waivers out there. delta has a weather waiver out there our goal is to get everyone to grandma's on time for turkey. >> has it didn't good for the consumer? >> i believe it has good for the consumer. let me tell you why. you still have a competitively good marketplace. you can go to any websites available 24/7 and get perfect transparency are into pricing. and those websites are run by independent organizations that do a good job for consumer us. and we have a very contestable market. we have three big global carriers. three big national carriers and then a number of deep discount carriers. >> can i ask you about delta's position on immigration? i understand after the president gave the speech on thursday night. delta released the statement saying delta airline applauds the reform for the immigration system. why speak out about this? it's controversial. >> if you saw some of the e-mails that i've gotten you'd wonder why did i speak out about it. >> why did you? >> because this problem needs to be solved. if you think about it, we're a nation of immigrants. >> does it mean something personal for you? >> well you don't make those kind of statements on a personal basis, but, yes, my grandmother, my grandfather were immigrants. and we are a country that was built by immigrants over decades. and to have 6 or 7 million people living and working in our society and not have a solution to that problem seems to me one that ought to be solved. >> why from a business perspective is it important? >> well, look, we're an airline. next year, we hope to carry 1 five milli -- 175 million people. with having freedom move to across the border and to attract high-quality talent. because our company needs to reflect the diversity and values and differences of all the people that we carry around the world. >> thank you, richard. >> great to see you. >> always great to see you. >> happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you, fly delta. >> all right. keira knightley just won a hollywood film award for her mole in "the imitation games." now, she's teaching us some british sling? >> the cover of "time" features the movie? >> yes, it's come to that right there. and i will enjoy that "time" cover. >> taking the pits -- >> what does taking the pits out of someone mean? >> it's teasing. >> i to take the pits out of charlie rose. >> you should. i'm sure he'll appreciate it. >> conversation, do you love that? >> i love that. >> i love her. >> yeah. >> she's stunning. >>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins! can i say something? >> yeah. >> that is keira knightley in "love actually." the 2003 movie quickly became a holiday classic. but this thanksgiving weekend you'll see her in a different role of a world war ii "the imitation games." it's about a teen who helped crack a code and win the war. >> to tell you the truth, i sort of said yes to the project without knowing what the role was because i wanted to be part of this kind of film. when i read the role i was -- >> it's approachable. >> let me try. >> keira knightley's latest movie "the imitation games" played by touring, a group of code breakers, cracked the unbreakable. with a war machine of nearly two years saving thousands of lives. >> you finished? >> yeah. >> reporter: knightley plays joan clark, a fellow mathematician recruited by touring for a covert operation. >> it's number 6. >> she was a quick analyst? >> she was. >> and an incredibly important role? >> yes. >> i don't know what that means. i mean, i did. i tried to read about math. i tried to invent a machine. i try to understand all of that. >> she's such a genius, and yet in a lot of movies she almost has to play dumb, right? >> yeah. the film is a woman in a man's world. >> reporter: for her breaking military code proved easier than breaking into an all-boyce club. in order to join touring, she must pretend she's a secretary. >> i think that's true. it's not like she was trying to do that, but she realized by being a bull in a china shop it wasn't what she wants. >> is that true today? >> yeah. >> in what way? >> i think it is, i think it's sort of unique. about women being described as being pushy or being described as being bossy. those are not words that would ever be used to describe a man. and they certainly wouldn't be used negatively to describe a man. >> i understand that you got the screening not silicon valley. >> yes. >> is it true that you said to a top google executive that you need to hire more woman. >> i said how many women? i said that's not okay. he said, no, we are working hard at it. i said yes if there's only 20% or so women, you have 80% men. >> chiding an audience of ceos is one perk of being among one of the highest paid actresses in hollywood where knightley reigns supreme corset in tow. >> i heard a rumor. >> reporter: usually the star, she says her role in "the imitation game" is unfortunately a lead. >> i think you more as a joan clark? >> yeah. it's very much about maturing. all of it, it's difficult, you release to the people. can't we put that in, can't we put that in? in 2 1/2 hours, you can't, of course, you to be very selective. >> why do you have to leave? >> for the very people who imagine to do the things that no one can imagine. >> in early review, the movie isn't even out yet but this is a front-runner for an oscar? >> yeah, who knew. you make them and you hope that audiences enjoy them. if that's good, how wonderful if it gets an award, how wonderful. if not, i'm incredibly proud of. >> it's a fabulous story. with alan touring and everybody who came to realize that this man who contributed so much to defeat the nazis and then was persecuted and prosecuted. >> right. >> and then committed suicide. >> yeah. >> and then the queen had to come along in several years and -- >> you guys have both seen it. >> it's a fabulous movie. not only that, but the story is certainly something to be learned. >> and there was this woman who was brilliant. >> we're going have more of our conversation with keira knightley at i'm taking the -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, silent night not so silent? 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(screaming) jonathan: it's a zonk pirate ship! - no! jonathan: i was like, "blah blah blah..." it's a trip to hawaii! wayne: jumpin' jehoshaphat! - i am out of my mind thrilled. - i'm going for the curtain, baby! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal," i'm wayne brady. thank you so much for tuning in today. who wants to make a deal? anybody, anybody? (cheering) you, come here, you. everybody have a seat. hello, maid melissa. - hello. wayne: and you are dressed as a... are you a maid, are you a wench? - no, no, colonial woman. wayne: colonial woman.

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