Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20140709 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20140709

country. >> four people killed in upstate new york. winds so powerful they ripped apart several homes. >> summer camp in maryland. one child died after getting pinned under a fallen tree. >> in pennsylvania, a tornado touched down. >> 300,000 customers in the dark. >> israel has launched the biggest offensive in gaza in two years. >> the government is warning of a possible ground invasion. >> if hamas stopping firing rockets you'll step back? >> i think we're beyond that point now. >> president obama will meet with governor rick perry to discuss the crisis at the border when he travels to texas. >> if he's down there with pictures of thousands of children in jail cells the optics of that are bad. this is president obama's katrina. >> unbelievable! >> a humiliation. brazil has been played. >> the germans went after them fast fast fast goal see you later. drive home safely. >> a scientist makes a startling discovery. six vials containing the smallpox at the institute of health. >> and taking pictures of an intense thunderstorm. >> all that -- >> there's video floating around showing how the new iphone the screen is going to be more indestructible. >> got nothing. >> and a delay due to weather, the pilot found the perfect way to please the passengers. pizza! >> all that matters. >> sarah palin is calling for boehner to impeach the president. >> if they don't have can cahones to do it, you're right, sean. >> that's what i meant, governor. >> not me, man, i go rogue. >> on "cbs this morning." >> president obama shook hands along a denver street. >> someone offered him a hit of marijuana. >> want to hit this? >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. >> welcome to "cbs this morning", jeff glor is here for charlie charlie rose. >> as you wake up in the west thousands in the northeast are without power. others faced a lot of damage after the deadly storm outbreak. >> those are blamed for at least five deaths. a powerful front swept across several states. a summer camp was tore apart in maryland and vinita flier has more. >> good morning. the severe thunderstorms not only brought torrential rainfall but strong gusts of wind. they had to close down the portions of the street because there are so many trees on the verge of collapsing after the storm. the severe line of storms proved deadly in central and western new york as wind gusts topping 60 mile per hour devastated the area. police say four people in the town of smith field died after storms caused several homes to collapse. rescue crews are continuing to search for anyone who may still be trapped under the debris. >> we're starting with each home. we have our search dogs looking around. we're just picking up parts of the house to see if anyone is underneath them. >> after it swept through marion, new york, people were caught off guardy how quickly the damage spread. >> started to get a little windy and then almost instantly something was here. >> it was insane. i mean, it was -- i looked out the window. just saw blankets of rain and just trees falling everywhere. >> reporter: the picture was the same throughout the northeast. the fast moving storm also battered maryland. one child was killed by a fallen tree. six others were injured. >> something like this has never happened in our history. and it was a freak storm that came up. and unfortunately, this is what's happened. >> reporter: camp officials say they rushed to move the children back inside. but couldn't outrun the fast moving winds. >> obviously, it's pretty dramatic for the campers. a lot of them were there when it happened but we have gotten them all together, all accounted for. >> reporter: and in pennsylvania at least one tornado was reported. the widespread thunderstorms left more than 300,000 homes and businesses in that state without power. the massive clean-up is already underway in terms of power. upstate new york, about 50,000 people that are still without it. >> all right vinita thank you. the storm front is blamed for two tornadoes in northeast ohio. they cut a path across several miles south of cleveland. the twisters knocked down trees but caused no major damage to homes. meteorologist megan glaros is tracking this morning's storm threat. >> good morning. good morning to our viewers in the west. there will be a risk for thunderstorms of the garden variety, anywhere from interior portions of california all the way off to the east coast today. the one lone holdout will be the midwest. we expect to see dry conditions though along coastal areas from washington all the way down to the mexican border. you can see them firing up into interior portions of the west. an elevated fire danger across parts of oregon and washington today. due to dry vegetation and gusty winds. 81 degrees for your high in seattle today. 86 degrees in portland. las vegas will surge all the way up to 104 degrees. much cooler in san francisco at 70. los angeles coming in at 81 degrees today. jeff? norah? >> thank you very much. president obama will head to texas and local leaders are ready to tell him what they about the flood of illegals from central america. the president is asking the house for millions of dollars and major garrett has more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president obama's trip to texas is due to arrive in dallas at 2:00 p.m. pacific will focus mainly on raising money for those democrats facing election. not on the humanitarian situation. by whatever names the white house knows it has a big political headache on its hands. president obama arrived in denver tuesday for the first leg of a two-state fund-raising trip. amid time with donors, the white house hastily added an event later today in dallas to discuss the burgeoning crisis of unaccompanied minors on the southwest border. mr. obama will meet with texas republican governor rick perry who has criticized the white house for failing to secure the border. and foot dragging on deportations of minors here illegally. the president will not tour the u.s./mexico border that provoked texas republican senator john cornyn who brought a map of his home state to the senate floor to question mr. obama's priorities. >> but if you refuse to go out of stubborn pride or whatever the reason is, then you simply are going to be ignorant of what are the best ways we can work together to solve this underlying problem. go to the border. just 500 miles away. air force one, easy to get there. won't take much time. spend an hour on the ground. >> reporter: the white house is asking congress for $3.7 billion in immediate emergency funding to carry out two separate tasks at the border. house, feed and offer medical care to tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors and pay for judges, lawyers and border patrol personnel to speed up the deportation process for those who don't qualify for asylum or refugee status. a 2008 anti-sex trafficking law guarantees a deportation hearing for those outside of canada or mexico seeking safe haven. protests outside the white house this week amplified a message immigrant rights advocates have brought to the president -- due process that leads straight to deportation is unjust. >> we believe it's unacceptable that we as a country not treating those victims as the way -- why that are. they are victims. we need to treat them that way. >> reporter: the administration is pressing ahead with deportations and the white house will expand the use of video teleconferences to more rapidly move the children through the immigration review process. those hearings are likely to result in the children being returned to the central american country from which they fled. >> all right major, thank you. and this morning, air assaults along the israel/gaza border can lead to fighting on the ground. attacks of more than 160 hamas targets inside gaza today and the government may call up more than 40,000 reserve troops. meanwhile, hamas is firing more rockets into southern illinois. holly williams is in tel aviv where the attacks are getting uncomfortably close. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the warning sirens began wailing here in tel aviv just after 8:00 this morning local time and yesterday they rang out time and time again. not just in the towns close to the border with gaza, but here 40 miles away in tel aviv. israeli missiles rained down on gaza in a night of deadly air strikes. israel's government says it's responding to rocket attacks by terrorists and trying to stop them by targeting command centers and rocket launchers used by hamas. the militant group that governs the gaza strip. several operatives have been killed. but civilians have also been caught up in the bomb boardment. more than two dozen people died yesterday, several of them children. nabil hamad said his brother was killed sitting in his own home. what can i say, he said? we'll leave it up to god. but instead of stopping the rocket attacks, palestinian militants are now firing their missiles deeper into israeli territory. a leader from hamas said all israelis and now legitimate targets. on the outskirts of tel aviv this wedding party was cut short by the wail of sirens. though the rockets was intercepted by the anti-missile system. but the israeli military said today one missile hit around 18 miles from gaza. the furthest palestinian militants have ever struck. and there are other signs that the militants are becoming more sophisticated. hamas claimed responsibility for this amphibious incursion yesterday on to a beach near an israeli army base. all five of the fighters were later killed. both israel and the palestinian militants say they're forced to act by the other side. but in doing so both sides are fuelling the violence. and this part of the world they look as far as they have ever been from a real lasting peace. jeff? >> thank you very much. we learned birds caused a deadly u.s. military helicopter crash. four air force crew members died when the chopper went down in january during a nighttime training mission in eastern england. american military investigators say it hit a flock of geese. the impact knocked the pilot and co-pilot unconscious. the cdc and the fbi are trying to solve a startling mystery this morning. they want to know how six vials of smallpox were forgotten at a government lab outside of washington. it was stumbled upon last week. the tubes sat there for decades. dr. jon lapook is with us. the cdc and one in russia lab, how did this happen? >> well, a cold storage room was being cleaned out, cut across a cardboard box and then he sees some old test tubes there. he sees one that is labeled the scientific word for smallpox. he contacts the nih and they contact the cdc. they bring in the fbi and the world health organization. >> i understand the white house was informed. >> right. the national security council was informed and the reason is that smallpox was supposedly eradicated in 1980. and all of the world's supplies were supposedly destroyed. so the question is how does it end up in this storage room? that was a great concern. >> was anybody exposed? >> nobody was exposed. what happened they brought in a big security team. they immediately moved it to a secure facility. it was kept there for a while and then brought down under the guidance of the fbi and the centers for disease control. it turned out to be smallpox. >> some workers mishandled some anthrax and now smallpox which is supposed to be gone. what is going on? >> i think these are two separate instances. the anthrax situation was something where the cdc said clearly there was a break in protocol. and they're trying to deal with this and make sure it never happens again. this is the one off and the cdc -- one of the spokes person said this is like finding a babe ruth card in your attic. >> they think it's a one off? >> they think it's a one off. they're encouraging all the laboratories to take inventory and to do a very close inventory and make sure that's nothing hiding behind some wall or closet. >> smallpox could be considered a bioterrorism threat. law enforcement officials are trying to calm tensions outrage is growing after video captured a highway patrol officer punching a woman repeatedly last week. as teri okita reports, it's bringing back some memories of another confrontation in los angeles. >> reporter: we know this woman is marlene pinnock who was seen walking on a busy southern california freeway on july 1. but investigators have yet to release the name of the chp officer seen beating her. >> why is the officer entitled to anonymity? obviously you're trying to cover something up. >> reporter: a document says the officer ordered pinnock to stop and he attempted to restrain her when she ignored his commands. >> my response as well as the response of my entire command staff was one of the grave concern if not shocking. >> reporter: the chp commissioner met with community leaders tuesday. >> we hope that this was not a pattern of abuse by other chp officers. >> wow, lots of calls on the phone. >> reporter: on local radio questions are being raised about the officer's state of mind. >> it seems like it's an emotional response on the part of the officer. >> reporter: civil rights attorney john burris is co-counsel in pinnock's expected lawsuit against the chp. he also worked on the rodney king beating case. would you say it was one of the worst cases that you have seen? >> it is the worst case i have ever had of a woman being beaten by a police officer. but a woman to be slugged and slugged and slugged i have never seen that happen before. >> reporter: the chp commissioner says he's not yet allowed by law to release the officer's name. >> i would like to see them take action and fire him so he would not be able to do this to someone else's mother or grandmother. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning" teri okita, los angeles. this morning, brazil's world cup dreams and high expectations are wiped out. one brazilian newspaper this morning calls it a historic humiliation. the host team gave up a staggering seven goals to germany in the semifinal. it was the worst loss in 94 years. we have the highlights from the game that left hundreds of millions of soccer fans stunned. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they were playing without the star player neymar and many argued that would not have made much of a difference. >> this is absolutely beyond belief. >> reporter: brazil was outplayed in stunning fashion tuesday afternoon. suffering the worst defeat in world cup semifinal history. falling to germany 7-1. >> an utter humiliation. for brazil. >> reporter: the germans tore through with machine gun like efficiency. at one point, germany netted four goals in seven minutes. >> and it's in. trying to make sure they do -- they do make sure. and once again. and brazil has just been played off the pass. >> reporter: i want to apologize to the world, apologize to the people. brazilian defender said david lewis luiz said. across the country, they watched their world cup dreams quickly slip away. before yesterday's devastating loss the team hadn't dropped a competitive home game since the 1970s. defeat quickly turned into frustration at copacabana beach in rio de janeiro. outside of sao paolo, buses were set on fire. local police are investigating the vandalism. >> blows the whistle to put brazil out of their misery. >> reporter: this stunning defeat at the hands of the germans will haunt the brazilian fan base for years to come. now, this map shows twitter activity around the world during the match. yellow represents mentions of brazil, red germany. according to twitter there were 35.6 million tweets making it the single most discussed sports on twitter. >> i mean, i was stunned. five goals in 18 minutes. >> one of the most insane sports results i have ever seen. incredible. >> good game today though. >> yes. we'll be watching. ahead, we'll check we are seeing a stronger sea breeze this morning carrying it more low clouds and fog. the monsoonal clouds moving out of the way now and headed eastward. we have plenty of clouds over the bay this morning, even a little drizzle near the coastline. still we could see some thunderstorms over the sierra nevada but here, just those clouds going to peel back to the coastline into the afternoon leaving behind some sunshine but cooler temperatures, a lot of 60s and 70s around the bay area, 60s along the coastline, still some 80s for the valleys, a little cooler the next few days. >> announcer: this national weather report spo this national weather report sponsored by marvel's guardians of the galaxy, in theaters august 1. galaxy" in theaters everywhere august 1st. she's 65 years old and spe she's 65 years old and spent 24 hours in line to make history buying pot legally. >> my gosh. who would have thought? hey, i've got this, 20 bucks, want it? yeah. you didn't know what you're getting. why the recreational marijuana sales are off to a slow start in washington. >> the news is back here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcth this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. t's go places. ...and a pegasus. and why is she strapped to the roof of my rav4? well, if you have kids... ...then you know why. now the real question. where's this thing going in the house? the rav4 toyota. let's go places. he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ♪ nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing new listerine® healthy whitetm. it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy whitetm. power to your mouthtm! ♪ in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life. get 20% off all hunter ceiling fans at lowe's. ♪ ♪ ♪ new hershey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with new hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. chili's lunch combos starting at just 6 bucks. try our delicious chipotle chicken or margherita flatbreads baked fresh in house and served with your choice of soup or salad. chili's lunch combos starting at just 6 bucks. more life happens here. you can hide uneven skin tone from here. but what about here? 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[ female announcer ] neutrogena®. if vitamins have you at the corner of "smart choice" and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, it's 7:26. i'm michelle griego. california's water resources control board is considering mandatory restrictions on water use that could be in effect for nine months. any public employee would be able to write violators a ticket with fines up to $500 a day. an alleged prostitute is due in a santa cruz county courtroom today on a murder charge in the death of a google executive. alix tichleman was booked on suspicion of second-degree murder, destruction of evidence and illegal drug charges. the metropolitan transportation commission just made one of the largest purchases of electric cars in the nation. 90 electric cars in various bay area cities will hit the streets. they will save an estimated $500,000 in fuel costs. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. we are watching two accidents on the shoulder. this one causing delays coming into san jose. northbound 101 approaching tully. you can see the delays in the area. some speeds down below 25 miles per hour. sadly, it is slow even past the accident scene and northbound 280. looks like people are trying to find alternates and that's jammed through downtown. also southbound 101 at lucas valley an accident there just cleared to the shoulder. that's traffic. here's lawrence. all right. low clouds and fog surging well onshore this morning. actually starting to fill in, in some of the valleys. we are seeing that now into concord. we see that over the bay over russian hill. we have cloudy skies and drizzle near the coastline. the monsoonal clouds pushing eastward now. temperatures by the afternoon should be mostly sunny away from the coast. you will see 60s and 70s inside the bay but cool 60s and fog at the coast. for the freshest produce you want to be close to the peop who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week locally grown driscoll's organic strawberries are just $2.50 a pound. safeway, ingredients for life. take a look at this. this dark blue patch of water is the result of anchovies. it was taken in la jolla, california near san diego. scientists say it's the biggest gathering on anchovies in 30 years. >> wow. can you say caesar salad, anyone? >> can you say pizza? >> you put anchovies on pizza? >> why not. >> it's too salty. >> that's the oil. but they're still healthy for you i i'm going to pass. welcome back. >> welcome back everybody. all right. coming up in this half hour, it could be a big step in battling alzheimer's disease. a leading neurologist is in our toyota green room and he'll tell us about the simple blood test that could show who is at risk and what it means for treating alzheimer's. plus atlantic city is losing its luster with casinos coaching. the beach resort is closing. they tell us why gaming no longer takes center stage, that's ahead. right now headlines around the globe. "usa today" says gas prices may have peaked through the year during the fourth of july weekend. because of crude oil, prices keep falling. the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.65. that's down two cents from last week. still 18 cents higher than a year ago. analysts say parts of the country could see prices drop below $3 after labor day. >> hallelujah. >> yeah. the climate agreement involves companies and research institutes. secretary john kerry is in beijing this morning. he said both sides are committed to keeping the talks going. they put out more carbon than neff else anywhere else in the world. president obama talked with chancellor angela merkel thursday but didn't know someone was arrested the day before for passing secrets to the cia. there's a second spy case that could involve the u.s. the "washington post" looks at amazon's offer of the author's company. they're reporting over ebook pricing. amazon proposes the authors get 100% of the sales price until the issue is resolved. >> dubai's emirates air orders 150 boeing 777. it makes it the largest product lunch -- largest product launch in history. >> they'll be celebrating with more than a lunch. >> indeed. >> the seattle time looked at the large crowd that showed up to marijuana stores on tuesday. this morning marijuana shops are preparing for another busy day. adriana diaz is inside cannabis city the only store open in seattle. >> reporter: good morning. at the final tally, more than 900 people made their way into this store yesterday and throughout the day the shop kept up a pace of 100 sales an hour. >> it's time to free the weed. >> reporter: at 12:00 toon at high noon the ribbon was cut for the first time. 65-year-old deborah green, who waited in line for nearly 24 hours, was their first customer. >> my gosh who would have thought. it used to be hey, i got some good bud here $20, do you want it. you didn't know what you were getting. >> reporter: it's one of the four retail stores currently open for business. more than 300 retail licenses are set to be issued. the holdup marijuana medical dispensaries are unregulated. while they were transiting from medical to recreational, washington had to make a fresh start and less than 10% of approved growers were ready to harvest in time. short supply and high taxes pushed prices to double the street value. >> everybody i need you up and moving back. >> reporter: still hundreds of people lined the block of seattle's only approved retailer. and while many outside celebrated others took issue with the drug now being readily and legally available. deborah popp -- >> we're going to see people that we've never seen before. every park you go to every large public event there are people openly smoking marijuana. >> reporter: but green thinks the presence of pot will diminish abuse of the drug. >> it's in a form that we can at least start to manage and maybe take some of the scariness away from other people who don't know about it. >> the sales don't come without restrictions. customers can only bystander up to 28 grams at a time. gayle? >> all right, adriana. thank you. scientists may be a step closer in a race to develop a simple blood test on alzheimer's. in a new study researchers report 87% accuracy in predicting who will get this incurrable disease within a year. more than 5 million americans have alzheimer's. it's the sixth leading cause of death. dr. james galvin is a neurologist from the university of langone medical center. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> this sounds exciting and significant. is it? >> it can be. the important thing is any new test has to be replicated in a large represented sample to really understand its true importance. >> how does this one work? >> what the study did is they looked at about 1,100 individuals, some with healthy brains, some with alzheimer's disease, most importantly some with mild cognitiveimpairment. many of these individuals but not all will go on to develop alzheimer's disease. >> how is it different than how they tested for it in the past? >> right now we don't have a blood test for alzheimer's disease, so it requires a detailed evaluation and there are some lab tests, one is a spinal tap which is invasive and scary and one is a p.e.t. scan very is expensive and not available in most places. so we really need a blood test to get a sense of what's happened? >> what do grow if you find it earlier? >> three important things. one, if you know you have it we can start the currently available treatments as soon as possible but more importantly we have to develop more effective treatments and the only way to do that is to identify people in a earliest stages. most have failed because we tried too late. >> what do you do if you find it early? >> as we develop new therapies we want to modify the disease, reduce sim poms and prolong people's quality of life. >> gayle said this morning if you find out you're going to get alzheimer's within a year, what are you going do? we were talking more about knocking things off the bucket list rather than theirrapeutic things because it's too late. >> there's a lot of planning that goes into it. but i want to emphasize the importance of going into carolina clinical trials to help others. still to come, the mecca. >> reporter: atlantic city could loose a quarter of its casinos. what's with the bad luck and what's in the cards for the boardwalk? 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>> it's no longer the center. >> reporter: since january several have closed or threatened to closed. last month caesar's entertainment announced showboat, one of the four casinos, will be going out of business. she's been a cocktail waitress for 18 years. >> i kind of feel like it's a dream right now. >> even revel, the newest and most expensive casino may be out of luck. when the $2.4 billion glass struck were opened two years ago many called it a game-changer. governor chris christie pumped $200 million into the project but revel has filed for bankruptcy twice and could shut its doors next month if it doesn't find a buyer. is it discouraging to see all these closings? >> absolutely. it's devin stating. >> reporter: 86-year-old pinky kravitz is a livelong resident here. he's worried about the thousands who could soon be out of work. >> what i have found is when tees people go where do they go? what do they do? >> reporter: the biggest bottom line, where i do they go. casino revenue plunged from a high of $5.2 billion in 2006 to just $2.9 billion last year. shouldn't market saturation have been part of the industry's calculations? >> yes. simple as that. absolutely. if i was a marketing guy in the casino, they should be firing me. >> reporter: the mayor's solution look beyond the slots. at the bogota look at the revenue from other things like the shows. >> they live much closer to another option. they choose us because we have a better product. if you don't provide that in atlantic city, people will go to a closer competitor. >> and the signs of a changing landscape are evident. there are reports that it will be turned into a new luxury hotel without a casino gayle. >> that is a changing sign of the times. i think that i should put pinky kravitz on the road. >> what a great name. >> great we are seeing a stronger sea breeze this morning that is carrying with it some more low clouds and fog. the monsoonal clouds moving out of the way, though, now and headed east wards. we have plenty of clouds over the bay this morning, even a little drizzle near the coastline. still, we could see some thunderstorms over the sierra nevada. but here, just those clouds going to peel back to the coastline into the afternoon leaving behind sunshine and cooler temperatures, a lot of 60s and 70s around the bear, 60s along the coastline. still some 80s for the valleys. cooler the next few days. a missouri wochl is haunted by a home's hidden past. what she learned about its dark secret and the land lady who wouldn't let her leave. that's next on "cbs this morning." benefiber is clear taste-free and dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. my family likes camping... ...i like dancing. so when we packed up our rav4, i brought this. ♪ turns out my family likes dancing too. the rav4 toyota. let's go places. what's going on? 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[ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief time now for your local weather. be but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. ♪ i found a happy place ♪ ♪ it's written on my face ♪ ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ ♪ i found a happy place ♪ ♪ a rather happy place ♪ ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ i found a happy place ♪ [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. sun's out. challenged issued. new coppertone sport accuspray. designed to help you spray where you want not where you don't. it's so on. coppertone sport accuspray. it's on. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. three adorable bear cubs with cleaning themselves at a wildlife park about 30 miles west of flagstaff, arizona. isn't that what they're doing, jeff? >> we were doing that on the break, yeah. >> you don't have to reveal everything that goes on here. >> all right. >> you know? >> i was going to say, that's what charlie norah and i do every morning. >> i'm glad i was able to join for a day. >> we give good licking around here. >> what is going on right now? >> that was really good really good. >> i didn't mean it any other way. good thing. a missouri woman is counting the days until she gets to move. that is until she gets to live at her place. she learned about the home's past from a family member who saw it in a documentary about a serial killer. >> this whole basement was basically his torture chamber, and it's not okay. >> really not okay. mcghau was asked to be let out of her lease. the landlord wouldn't let her out of her lease. guess who she is? the killer's mother. mcghaw will be out of there at the end of the month. that's what's called bad karma. nobody wants to live in a place like that. nobody. no matter where on the planet you watch the world cup, there's no one that transcends language. we'll show you the famous voice behind this call and those following his high-spirited lead. botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions neck and injection site pain fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. listen up... i'm reworking the menu. veggies you're cool... mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in. birdhouse plans. nacho pans. glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. at panera bread, we fill our freshly baked flatbread with bold, unflat flavors. like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that's anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches try one today. [ kevin ] this is connolly cameron, zach, and clementine. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table underneath my work desk we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ ♪ ♪ in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side. your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. the state water resources control board is considering mandatory water restrictions. any public employee would be able to ticket violators. if approved, the rules will stay in effect for nine months. the oakland police department is a step closer to getting an upgraded radio system. officers say the current system has been unreliable for years. if the upgrades get final approval, opd would join a communications system with neighboring cities. some of berkeley's less fortunate will get free medical marijuana. the city council unanimously approved a measure fors pot clubs to give away -- forcing pot clubs to give away 2% of their product each year starting in 30 days. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything for all your help. through all life's milestones our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. good morning. we had a truck that lost debris. it was scattered all over the road but looks like lanes are clear. that's the latest tweet from "kcbs traffic." we are talking palo alto. it was southbound 101 approaching university exit. traffic still very slow as you can see from our sensors though from menlo park. also, this accident just cleared in marin, southbound 101 approaching lucas valley. it's a little sluggish right now from 37 in novato. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." here's lawrence. the fog moving further onshore today. that sea breeze really kicking in. we have had some gusts over 30 miles per hour in through the delta. so the monsoonal clouds will be confined to the high country. could still see thunderstorms in the sierra nevada. locally fog gives way to sunshine. 80s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. 60s at the coast. ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it's wednesday, july 9th, 2014. welcome back to cbs this morning. first, here is a look at today's "eye-opener at 8:00.." >> the severe thunderstorms not only brought torrential rainfall they also brought strong gusts of wind. the administration is pressing ahead with deportation and the white house knows it has a headache on its hands. the palestinian militants say they are forced to act. >> and smallpox was supposedly lyly eradicated in 1980. i was stunned. >> one of the most insane sports results i have ever seen. >> the most discussed single sports event on twitter. >> an economists said the casino saturation would creep into the market and those warnings are becoming a reality. >> she is the oldest living person in the united states of america, and they said, do you have any regrets? and she said, yeah, i wish i had not left "the view." yep, "the view" changing it up over there. that was a good one. and charlie rose is off today. parts of central new york face a massive cleanup this morning after storms rip through the region. four people were killed last night east of syracuse. >> the same storm front caused heavy damage in pennsylvania and one boy was killed at a summer camp in maryland. this morning more than 200,000 homes and businesses in the northeast are still without power. president obama travels to texas and will discuss the recent spike of illegals crossing into texas. manuel went to follow the trail and he is in waco. good morning. >> reporter: texas highways are being used as the pipelines for human trafficking. the quickest way to big cities in texas and other states. but the journey begins far south and for many that means crossing rugged ranch lands. >> the temperatures you know get up to 100 degrees. >> this man manages a 13,000-acre ranch. it has become a pathway for illegal immigrants. he showed me one spot where they rest, and water bottles and clothes are scattered in between the trees. >> reporter: how many people would stop at a place like this? >> 15 or 20. >> reporter: at least once a week? >> right, at least. >> reporter: he set up a water station to prevent deaths but in the recent weeks he discovered two bodies. >> some family member lost a loved one and some family member doesn't know this guy died. >> reporter: other bodies are being found. the deaths are tracked by martinez. this binder documents 37 bodies found so far this year the youngest a 19-year-old from honduras. >> for every body you find how many more are out there? >> i would say at least five. i can't understand why we are letting this happen. >> reporter: though it's not on the border brooks county has a major chuck point on the highway, and smugglers make immigrants walk around it through private ranches. 300 bodies have been found in the body since 2011. >> they are not equipped to do the journey. they are told it's quick and easy and it's not. not with this weather and not with the terrain. >> the surge of men, women and children have been building in south texas for five years, and while national guard helicopters with infrared cameras can pinpoint a group's location border agents can only capture so many. >> as long as the immigration reform issue doesn't have closure to it they will keep coming. >> reporter: and ranchers expect the death toll will keep rising. are you concerned given the hottest months are still ahead? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: about finding more bodies? >> yes it will increase i guarantee you. >> reporter: 2012 was the deadliest year in brooks county with 129 bodies recovered and this year deputies say they are on track to reach at least 100. norah? >> thank you. this is just such a huge story, the failure, and there has been 52,000 children that have done this. >> yeah, tragic. >> i instagramed a picture of an 8-year-old boy crossing by himself. >> and somebody's relative has died and they don't even know that. >> great reporting. a veteran's affairs department executive apologizing to workers who faced retaliation after complaining, and cases are being studied where some were disciplined for pointing out problems, and one committee member was quick to challenge the va number 2 health official. >> it's our intention and i am committed in the job that i am now acting in to try and address these issues. >> i am not convinced -- i apologize to interrupt, but i am not convinced you are not going to do it and i don't know you so you can't take it personally and it has been reflected in the testimony of people from the va and you can say you are disappointed and that's all been said before and what we need now is this is what we will do and this is what we are currently doing and i have not heard anything like that and asking to change the culture and the responses we are getting at the hearings. >> message heard. >> he told the committee he was dissolutioned and sickened that va employees were silenced. president obama is headed to texas today from colorado. when he arrived in denver last night, the president decided to walk to a meeting on the economy with five colorado residents. he shook hands with dozens lining the sidewalk. he even ran into somebody who for unknown reasons was wearing a horse head mask. how did that guy get? and then he went to the bar to meet a representative and somebody asked if he wanted a hit of marijuana and he passed and it's legal there. the president did play pool and sank the 8 ball to win. and then cleveland is expected to host the 2016 republican national convention. the committee chose cleveland over dallas on tuesday. it's a presidential swing state. president won ohio in both elections, and the democratic national committee was considering cleveland for its convention. popular place. the "daily mail" claims his mother-in-law is not for the marriage because of religious reasons. he wrote when they put my family and friends in harm's way they cross far beyond a laughable tabloid and into violence and they must be proud. and the story is inaccurate and the paper is launching an investigation. >> good for george clooney, because normally he doesn't respond to those types of things and he said enough is enough and now they backed down. >> indeed. >> good for him. ahead on "cbs this morning," a flight to denver faces a weather delay, but a pilot, what a nice guy. he went the extra mile for his this morning's "eye opener at 8" sponsored by comfort inn. truly yours. this morning what really led to the death of a highly honored special forces soldier in afghanistan? we will show you how his family is fighting to clear his name. it's a story you will see only at "cbs this morning." that's ahead. it's kfc night. [cheering] last week we hosted. this week the kids invited us to their place. we got this delicious kfc meal and 2 extra sides for free. for free! sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. ♪ he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! you can hide uneven skin tone from here. but what about here? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® visibly even daily moisturizer. in 4 weeks, you'll see more even skin tone. even from here. [ female announcer ] neutrogena®. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? ♪ a frontier airlines captain gets our vote for coolest pilot. he ordered pizza for the entire plane after his flight from washington was diverted to wyoming and held on the tarmac for a couple hours. how did they get the pizza on the plane if it's on the tarmac? >> because the pilot knows people and they called domino's pizza and they had it there in 30 minutes. >> that is going to cause stranded passengers to say why can't you be like that frontier airlines pilot? >> i know domino's pizza is good. before man walked on the moon one film pushed the limits of the universe. >> 50 years ago, two scientific minds of our time came together and the result was the film "2001:a space odyssey" how the future became the past coming up on "cbs this morning." future became the past, coming up on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by publishers clearinghouse and did you know dove is the #1 recommended body wash by dermatologists? really? only dove blends our gentlest cleansers and richest moisturizers for softer, smoother skin. i can see a difference! for softer, smoother skin. try dove. (birds chirping softly in background.) 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>> i was shocked. he didn't want to even take tylenol for his headaches because he didn't like it. >> what do you think happened to him that night? what do you think happened? >> i don't know. that's what i want to know. >> that determination grew when the army declared his dealt not in the line of duty not in the line of conduct. it tarnished his military record and denied death benefits. she appealed it. it revealed that on the night before he died sergeant vinetz was in pain from combat injuries and seeking medical attention. because of missing medical records and lack of evidence that he took the drugs on his own free will special forces argued the case should be re-evaluated. but the army refused to reverse its decision leaving sergeant vinetz's family without the education and medical benefits on which they counted. >> this family is not being taken care of in the way that they should be. >> reporter: amy nigh berger miller works for taps a transition program that helps thousands of military families. >> there's so me questions about what haened the night he died that just don't make sense and at the end of the day what we still have is a widow and two little children who are without benefits whose husband and father will never come home. >> reporter: for her it's not only a battle of benefits. it's a question of her husband's death should erase his distinguished service in life. >> he's somebody who sacrificed so much and has gotten nothing in return. >> ten years that my husband gave to the military. he's now just another file on someone's death. >> what is it that drives you to clear your husband's name? >> his legacy. it's for my children. my children deserve one day to be able to stand there and be proud of their dad. >> taps says it rarely sees not in the line of duty rulings especially involving special forces. this ruling could be worth as much as a million dollar. >> gayle, this is such a heartbreaking story because you think about five tours of duty over ten years and the family doesn't get the benefits. is there any chance the army will reverse the ruling? it's up to the review board. it requires proof. there's so many questions in this case. where did he get the drugs. did he know what he was taking? we also don't know exactly which medications he may have been prescribed. >> powerful and heartbreaking, gayle. nice to see water resources control board is consid good morning, it's 8:25. i'm for news headlines. california's water resources control board is considering mandatory restrictions on water use that could be in effect for nine months. any public employee would be able to write violators a ticket, with fines up to $500 a day. an alleged prostitute is due in a santa cruz county courtroom today on a murder charge in the death of a google executive. alix tichleman was booked on suspicion of second-degree murder, destruction of evidence and illegal drug charges. the metropolitan transportation commission just made one of the largest purchases of electric cars in the nation. 90 electric cars for various bay area cities will hit the street savoring an estimated $500,000 in fuel costs. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] good morning, if you're traveling along the peninsula, we are seeing some delays now coming into san mateo. first reports of an accident a motorcycle and another car, approaching the poplar exit. you can see some slowing now 26 miles per hour as you reach highway 92. and at the bay bridge toll plaza, things look great. obviously some people have today off. and you can see metering lights are on so we are still seeing slight delays in the middle lanes but overall traffic is back to the middle of of the parking lot and a little sluggish in hayward. 18 minutes between hayward and foster city. here's lawrence. >> low clouds and fog sweeping further onshore. we are seeing some delays at sfo now of almost an hour on arriving flights and that's due to the cloud cover today. we are going to see those clouds peeling away but boy, very gray looking out toward alcatraz now as we have that stronger sea breeze kicking in and that's going to help to cool down the temperatures this afternoon. still it will be warm in the valleys up in the 80s there. we'll see 60s and 70s a little breezy inside the bay especially approaching the golden gate bridge. 64 degrees and cool and breezy in san francisco. looks like the next couple of days we'll see plenty of low clouds and fog. cooler temperatures, too. then warming up slightly this weekend. maybe headed back into the low 90s in the valleys as we look toward the beginning of next week. creamy ranch sauce the other has sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and grilled onions plus double meat and cheese like the original. new versions...? two new versions! now, this was just a training video, but these twists on my ultimate cheeseburger will blow people's minds. is that guy ok? ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the one word that matters most in soccer. >> goal! >> and there you go. we sure heard a lot of that yesterday in brazil. it's not just a word. it is an art form. elaine quijano visited the local sportscaster who is teaching others to capture the excite want of the world cup. 60 years ago, the film 2001 the space odyssey was only an idea. stanley kubrick not only made it a reality, but a piece of cultural history. they take us behind the scenes. that's just ahead. time for the morning headlines. bloomberg news is hiring interns out of high school to gain an edge. high-tech talent is scarce. they're grooming teenagers drawn to the high salary up to $7,000 a month. one intern was invited to meet his boss facebook ceo mark zuckerberg. >> "vanity fair" looks at prince george's first birthday in less than two weeks from now and they put his mom on the cover, and princess kate and prince william have tried to maintain privacy and a sense of normalcy amid the intense demand for pictures of their baby boy george. >> the idea of being normal doesn't sit very happily alongside with being a royal, but i think if anyone personifies that it can happen it's prince william. they made it very clear when prince george was born that yes, the public would have some access to their son, there would be pictures but the rest of the time they wanted to enjoy their son in a private capacity as a private family. >> at first kate and william didn't even want to hire extra help, remember that? but the royal couple eventually hired a nanny whose credentials include self-defense. >> i didn't know there were nannies that had that experience. "the washington post" said the redskins name led to the arrest of a fuj of it. fugitive. police arrested him on sunday for jumping bail in a dui case. in the year 2000 carrie and miranda and the ladies of "sex and the city" turned cupcakes into an american craze. our taste for culinary fads can go stale. after years of declining sales the national chain of cupcake shops abruptly closed all 48 stores on monday tell itting employees this is your last day. you get to go home. yikes! mellody hobson is in chicago. good morning. >> good morning, gayle. >> i went to the crumbs in my neighborhood on 76 and amsterdam for a moment of silence to say, yes, it is true. what actually went wrong? >> this is the classic case of the one-hit wonder. this is a company that built its entire business on one product. the product was a fad. we have seen this movie before. tcby mrs. field's, crispy creme. in those situations those companies managed to survive, but much smaller from their peak. the company in the case of crumbs basically by the end of the day by the time they decided to shut their business their name was pretty indicative of how much money they had in the bank which was very little. >> do you think this means that the cupcake craze is over or is this an example of where the crumbs cupcake, they were just too big, if you ask people? >> i think the craze is over. this business expanded during a time when, you know the fad was at its peak and then you're talking about a business where there are no barriers to entry. there's no intellectual property. there's no special expertise you need. you need a mixer and maybe some okay recipes to start a cupcake company. and so lots and lots of people came in and did just that. at the same time our tastes changed, and our interest in cupcakes have definitely started to wayne. >> . >> and there are crumbs cupcakes in some cases selling for $350. that's gayle bidding on those. if you want to know. is there -- >> gayle wants the black and white cookie. >> that's right, norah. set him straight. yeah. >> mellody, is there any hope for a comeback or it's over? >> you never know. this is america, anything is possible. they might go and license their name to a food company and maybe we can go and buy the batter one day. you never, never know but i wouldn't pay $350 for a cupcake on ebay. there probably isn't much shelf life there. we saw that with twinkie which had a much longer shelf life. >> mellody hobson thank you very much. >> you kind of look like a cupcake this morning. that's what i did this morning. >> was that deliberate? >> that was on purpose. >> it's working. >> first of all, gayle and mellody, if you're doing a cupcake, you have to include me on the polka dot memo. it was this or my itsy bitsy bikini and i didn't think that would be pretty. it's a day of mourning for brazil's soccer fans most of them still cannot believe what happened yesterday in tuesday's world cup semifinal. the final score 7-1. at one point germany scored four goals in seven minutes. shocking stuff. all those goals gave play-by-play announcers a bit of a workout. elaine quijano is back from brazil where she got to listen to some of the best in the business. good morning. >> good morning. millions have been captivated by this year's cup. they tuned in on televisions, computers and radios to cheer on their favorite teams and no matter which country takes the pitch, there is one cry that evokes elation or heartache. >> reporter: it's the sound every world cup fan is anxious to hear. >> goal! >> goal! >> reporter: a sound familiar here at global radio in rio de janeiro. where legendary brazilian broadcaster edsen mauro is announcing his tenth cup broadcast. goal! >> mauro has spent decades perfecting his unique song. hes his cry is not just a reflection of the score. it's also a reflection of the fans. when a team scores there is an explosion of the stadium, he says. the fan shake, jumps, dances and the announcer has to make the crowd feel the emotion that he is feeling. the now legendary cry first started on brazilian radio in the 1940s and quickly became a hallmark of brazil's beautiful game. today the call has been adopted by commentators across the globe. there's the italian opera. goal! goal! >> reporter: the spanish staccato. goal! >> reporter: but in brazil where soccer game days are sometimes treated like national holidays. announcers spend years perfecting their pitch and personality. preparations start here. >> goal! >> inside one of brazil's broadcasting schools. at the scola de radio they study intricate plays. names of players and most importantly the call. ma the yas diaz grew up listening to brazil's famous announcers. you know how to seduce your audience, you know how to make them pay attention to you, he says. you give emotion in what you are doing, in what you are saying. laura zago wants to be brazil's first female sports radio announcer. specifically in radio, i think that in order for you to be a soccer narrator you have to be good. 40 years after he began calling soccer games, mauro still finds excitement in every match no matter what the score. the goal is obviously the best part of the game he says. there are very talented players and even when they don't score a goal it's immensely pleasurable to describe that play. above all, it's a well-played game. in the case of last night's game that sound signaled utter despair for brazilians but soccer legend pele vowed brazil would be back to win the world cup in 2018 and chances are mauro will be calling that tournament, as well. >> you got it hear it so many times that the brazilians got waxed yesterday. isn't that good? >> don't you like that? >> i got that from devin on the studio crew. i liked it. >> i'm going to pull for the woman, though. >> it's all male announcers we saw in that piece. do you want to practice at all or no? >> no. >> norah? >> goal! >> goal! >> that sounds kind of like a goat. >> good thing you guys are not applying for the job. that was a great piece. >> thank you. >> that was great, elaine. >> i apologize. >> it did sound a little like a goat, i guess. >> your feelings aren't hurt. >> i am. i'm blushing now. speaking of blushing stanley kubrik worked for many years to make what was the most important science fiction ever and now th the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at the movie, 2001 a space odyssey took a giant leap of imagination into the future. it became the defining film of the 1960s and maybe the greatest science fiction movie of all time. how accurate its vision turned out to be only on "cbs this morning," mark phillips visits the archive of the man who put it all on the big screen. >> reporter: good morning. this is about a trip back in time to the future. the future was the year 2001. you may remember the move about it and stanley kubrik the very private director of a space odyssey lived here. now there is a commemoration of the movie that many people think was about a lot more than science fiction. ♪ ♪ >> sadly, the future isn't what it used to be. from the perspective of the mid-1960s, it was about space ships wafting their way on the regular commuter run between earth and the moon. real life turned out to be different from the 1968 movie, fewer cabin attendants for one thing. ♪ >> reporter: but the exquisite celestial dance of the 2001 ships conceived before man actually went to the moon turned out to look a lot like the real thing especially compared to the industry standard dating from the buck rogers days. >> it's ahead of anything i ever saw. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: kubrick's depiction of life in space seemed a hundred years ahead of anything the audience had seen. and now 50 years after he and science fiction writer arthur c. clark began the project, the kubrick estate still centered on the family home outside london is commemorating the anniversary. >> this is where we had the -- >> reporter: cristiane kubrick, stanley's widow. he died suddenly in 1999. >> he was doing weightlessness and space travel and chemical interactions, actually using physical elements and bits of cardboard and gearing and that kind of thing. >> needle through black paper. stars. yes. how sad is that? >> arthur and stanley both thought it was a shame that anything to do with science fiction is like pornography, it's cheap silly, it's everything stupid film after film, after slime. >> little green men. >> and little green men. >> reporter: the film was about aliens in another way, about the search for the civilization that left a monolithic calling card with the ancestors of the human race. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: about how those ancestors developed, they cut from the primitive bone tool to the spaceship is still celebrated as one of the great transitions of film history, but most memorably it's about technology out of control in the form of how the homicidal computer. >> open the pod bay doors, phil. >> i'm sorry, dave. i'm afraid i can't do that. >> it's hard to describe what the commemorative project is except to say that it's big and it's heavy. >> and you open it up and inside you -- >> you need to help me with this because it's this massive monolith. >> piers is the author of the project. >> these are the mysteries of the way the movie was, like you unpack the scientific secrets of a monolith. and you'll see -- >> keep talking. >> reporter: the package contains many of the iconic still frames from the movie and production notes. spaceships like this never happened, but some of the other technology has. >> in the 1960s the idea of having a briefcase that you could use to talk to people around the world would have been astonishing, never mind that this is essentially an integrated laptop computer system. >> reporter: right. 2001's closing sequence became a cultural what's it all mean touchstone of the psychedelic '60s, but for your $750 price tag, the book doesn't solve that riddle either. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: it, like the movie, endures. 2001 was a future that never really happened, just as well then, that we'll always have the movie. for "cbs this morning," i'm mark phillips on the kubrick family estate. >> such a gorgeous movie. >> i've never seen it. now it makes me want to see it. you've seen it? i've never seen it. >> you have to check it out, gayle. >> i will. i will. five and a half years after george w. bus the manpower the will... mobilizing to take on the world? you don't know "aarp." aarp and its foundation are taking on hunger with 29 million meals donated. drive to end hunger teams with local agencies to reach the hungriest among us. if you don't think feed the hungry when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at ♪ 737. 737. right there? you guessed it. how do we save on operational costs? with the world's largest fleet of boeing 737's. one of the many ways we bring you $69 airfares. limited time sale fares starting as low as $69 one-way. if it matters to you, it matters to us. book now at ♪ president george w. bush's crawford mansion is featured this morning in "architectural digest." we got a rare look around the pond where he likes to fish for bass. they describe the country home as a quote, serene texas retreat. >> did the art cal say if they're selling? it's so rare that you see people put their homes in art digests when they're not selling. >> i spent a lot of time in crawford. it's 3 h good morning, it's 8:55. time for some news headlines. the state water resources control board is considering mandatory water restrictions. any public employee would be able to ticket violators. if approved, the rules will remain in effect for nine months. the oakland police department is a step closer to getting an upgraded radio system. officers say the current system has been unreliable for years. if the upgrades get final approval, opd would join a communications system with neighboring cities. some of berkeley's less fortunate will get free medical marijuana. the city council unanimously approved a measure forcing pot clubs to give away 2% of their product each year. the ordinance goes into effect in 30 days. now here's lawrence. we are seeing more low clouds around the bay area today. a stronger sea breeze as it looks like high pressure finally giving way now so the clouds extending over san francisco and into the valleys already this morning. by the afternoon, we'll see a lot of sunshine away from the coastline, still a chance we could see some thunderstorms over the sierra nevada with that monsoonal moisture there. 80s showing up in the valleys. you will see some 60s and 70s inside the bay. plenty of sunshine about 79 in san jose this afternoon. and a cool breezy 64 in san francisco. looking out over the next couple of days, high pressure will start to weaken. we'll see more low clouds and fog on the way. the temperatures will cool off. warming up again on saturday and sunday away from the coast. we are going to check out your time-saver traffic coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! it's gridlock trying to get out of downtown san jose on northbound 280. still avoid it if you can all because of an earlier crash. those lanes were reopened northbound 280 by lawrence expressway but the delays are massive from the 101 interchange. so even past the accident scene, it's slow looks like from 85 out towards page mill but here's some examples and drive times. 101 to cupertino, 37 minutes. unfortunately, 101 and 85 are also jammed up. bay bridge no delays. at 1-800-dentist, we've helped over 8 million people find that ri ist. we can do the same for you. so don't put it off. call 1-800-dentist. (wayne making dolphin noises) wayne: you got a brand new car! (screaming) the power of the deal, baby. - wayne brady, i love you, man! wayne: this is the face of “let's make a deal.” - thank you, thank you thank you and thank you! jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now, here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey everybody welcome to “let's make a deal” i'm wayne brady, thanks for tuning in. let's make a deal, i need a couple. i need a couple. you got to be a couple. you guys, you guys come here. come here. you look like you work on a riverboat or two. “on the ol' chattahoochee , around the mississippi way.” danny and... - tana. - dan tanna. wayne: dan tanna like tony dan-tana. see, vega$, robert urich yeah, yeah, come on.

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