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If the order comes, youre ready to go, like that . Were ready to go like that. Washington weighs the consequences for syria. U. S. Led military strike against syria could be launched as early as tomorrow. This is turning into a regional conflict and we need to reverse it. Now is an opportunity to do so. The dow had its worst day since june. As possible military strikes hangs over wall street. Bragging about taking control over media websites including twitter and the New York Times. Fire continues to spread near yosemite. Now growing 280 square miles, destroying more than 100 buildings. Final moments of freedom for the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect. On this day in 1963, Martin Luther king jr. Delivered h famous i have a dream speech. President obama among those who will speak at a ceremony today celebrating that dream. Free at leaast, free at last thank god almighty we are free at last. A military jury should begin deciding today whether the ft. Hood Texas Shooter major hasan will be executed. Just in time for the holiday weekend, theres a shark scare off the Southern California coast. All that shes done it, upset of the championship. Welcome to the big time Victoria Duval. And all that matters. Dr. King would say the election of barack obama is not necessarily the fulfillment of my dream but only a downpayment. On cbs this morning. Billy ray was supposed to be on the show tonight. Im not quite sure hes worked out what his explanation is yet. You know what i heard on the asylum in russia. Welcome to cbs this morning. Charlie and norah are off today but Anthony Mason is here. Hello, gayle king. Good to see you. As you wake up in the west, the u. S. Is building its case for a military strike against syria. An attack could come within days. U. S. Officials plan to release an Intelligence Report as early as today. Ties the Syrian Government to last weeks chemical weapons attacks that killed hundreds. Now say they need four more days to finish their investigation. Holly williams is on the turkey syria border. Holly, good morning. Reporter good morning, anthony and gayle. Weve just been hearing from the United States envoy to syria, who said that evidence suggests a chemical substance did kill hundreds last week, but he warned that any military response should be approved by the u. N. Security council. Inside syria, u. N. Weapons inspectors began their work began today, two days after their team came under sniper fire. The inspectors convoy headed off to the scene of last weeks alleged chemical attack, after security concerns forced them to postpone their investigation yesterday. Theyre operating in a city thats become a war zone. The suburbs of damascus were pounded again yesterday, as they have been relentlessly in syrias deadly civil war. If the u. S. Does launch strikes against the regime, many syrians will welcome in. Brigadier general Mohammed Abud is the leader of the countrys armed opposition, the free syria army. He told us he commands 10,000 fighters and believes u. S. Strikes will help his side win the war. He said, the opposition has passed on information about possible targets to the u. S. Though we dont know how that information is being treated. The u. N. Weapons inspectors are still trying to determine for sure whether chemical weapons were used in last weeks attack. Theyre taking soil and tissue samples from the area that was hit. But more countries have joined the u. S. In saying that it was a chemical strike carried out by the Syrian Government. American allies, britain, france and turkey all support a military response. Even if its done without the approval of the u. N. Supreme court council. With expectations mounting of strikes in israel, people scramble to pick up new gas masks. Theyre worried the Syrian Regime might retaliate against israel as iraq did in the first gulf war. In syrias complex conflict, u. S. Strikes would anger many countries in this part of the world. Including iran, which supports the Syrian Regime, but also saudi arabia, which backs the syrian opposition. Anthony, gayle. Holly williams, a long the syrian border. A u. N. Resolution condemning syria for last weeks attack will be put to the Security Council later today. Yesterday, Vice President jill biden became the highest ranking official to accuse syrias government. Theres no doubt who was responsible for this heinous use of chemical weapons in syria. The Syrian Regime. For we know that the Syrian Regime are the only ones who have the weapons. Have used chemical weapons multiple times in the past. Have the means of delivering those weapons. Have been determined to wipe out exactly the places that were attacked by chemical weapons. And instead of allowing u. N. Inspectors immediate access, the government has repeatedly shelled the sites of the attack and blocked the investigation for five days. The president believes, and i believe, that those who use chemical weapons against defensiveless men, women and children, should and must be held accountable. Major garrett is at the white house this morning. Major, whats the latest on the intelligence assessment about the attack . Reporter good morning, anthony and gayle. President obama convened for the second time in four days a cabinet level meeting at the white house yesterday to discuss the entire syria issue. A good deal of that conversation was devoted to this key question of the intelligence being gathered to prove what the Administration Says is an absolutely airtight case the Syrian Regime was responsible for this chemical weapons attack. Weve learned this declassified report, which could be released tomorrow, will contain some signal intelligence. That is to say phone calls or evidence about the preparations for the attack within the Syrian Regime and other Data Collected about how it was carried out and how it was set in motion. That is the kind of evidence the administration wants to put before the American Public and the world to underscore its case to provide more evidence than the circumstantial case that joe biden made in that sound bite we just heard and other Administration Officials have made this week. Do you think the u. S. Credibility is at stake so now an attack is inevitable . Nothing is inevitable where military action is concerned. Any president or adviser to a president will tell you that. But everything we get here this week suggest this is on a very sustained momentum. The president is building the case not just within congress but also trying to communicate to other World Leaders this is a violation of an International Norm that has been standing since the early part of the 20th century. It cannot be ignored. And some form of military punishment must be exacted to underscore the international communitys revulsion about the use of chemical weapons and to hold the Syrian Regime accountable. Several lawmakers have called on obama to get congressional approval before launching an attack. Wheres the white house standing on dealing with congress and the u. N. On this . Two things, anthony. The Administration Says it will consult with congress but doesnt necessarily need its authorization to carry this out. As far as the United States is concerned, its a test vote today about condemning the Syrian Government for the use of chemical weapons. The administration will say, you see, russia vetoed that, stood in the way of that. We can still carry out military action under other parts of international law, specifically the geneva convention. It will be those legal frameworks the administration will turn to if it doesnt believe it can obtain United Nations Security Council approval. A group of hackers supporting the Syrian Regime says they shut down the New York Times website. New york times. Com went offline and wasnt restored until early this morning. The Syrian Electronic Army says it also disrupted twitters website. Users reported homepages going blank. The cyberattackers got to the times and twitter through an Australian Company that registered names of those websites. The market opened flat this morning. The dow fell 170 points in part due to concerns about syria. There are also signs of a new slowdown in the housing market. Cbs News Business analyst Jill Schlesinger is here. Good morning. Is this a fear factor here . Whats going on . Definitely a fear factor taking place in the last couple of sessions. With syria coming into light. But there is some trends that have been going on since markets reached alltime highs on august 2nd. We know people are worried the Federal Reserve is going to change Interest Rate policy and bond buying. Coming up in some period of months. Maybe its in september. Maybe its the end of the year. We also know that the debt ceiling debate is heating up again. Can you believe it . Two years later. I cant stand it. But its happening. And we know that the treasury secretary jack lew talked about this week. This rattled investors. Remember, last time we had a debt ceiling problem, markets were down 17 in the aftermath of that. So very important here. All this leading up to september. The worst month of the year for trading. Stocks usually fall by about half a percent since 1971 on average. Now down 4. 5 . Seems like a bad move over the months. Were still up over 14 so lets not go too crazy. Theres worry home price growth is also slowing down. How big a deal is that . House prices had been rising double digits over the last year. Probably not sustainable. Big reasons here, Mortgage Rates up a full point since early may. And also, as the market improves, more people list their homes. Inventory increases. Yes, weve seen big price increases. Thats going to slow down. Where we are in the housing market. Think about this. Were down about 23 from the peak. We are up 15 or so from the bottom. So progress. But its okay if it slows down. This cooling off actually might be good, better for the economy. You dont want housing to get ahead of itself. Thats true. Its really not sustainable to have double digit increases. Its better overall if we have a more moderate pace of increase so more people can get into the market. We dont want one of those runaway markets to take hold again. Thats not good for the economy. No, its not. Thanks so much. Fire crews in california are gaining ground this morning on a giant wildfire at Yosemite National park. Flames are still spreading fast. The rim fire named for a nearby Lookout Point called the rim of the world has burned 290 square miles in 11 days. Just yesterday, the fire grew by another 40 square miles. Its moving through more territory inside yosemite and continues to change direction. Reporter good morning, anthony and gayle. The fire has reached deeper into yosemite for two reasons. One, its burning in very dry and thick forest. The other, firefighters are still having to focus efforts on protecting homes outside the park. New numbers reveal that already more than 100 structures have burned. More than 300 camp sites at yosemite are closed because of the smoke and flames of the rim fire. Its pushing into remote areas. Leaving the main Tourist Attractions untouched for now. The fire is erratic. When it settles back down on the fire it spreads the fire in different directions. Reporter local resident jasper boyd shot these time lapse videos looking toward tuolome city. On the left is duck wall peak. Its the view Samantha Smith had of the wildfire from her home. When did you know you had to leave . We started seeing smoke plumes get closer to the house. And then the back of the mountain went up in flames. Smith doesnt know if her home is still standing. She fled last week after putting together a crib for the baby boy shes expecting. We just got it set up and hes only due in two months. So not knowing if ill have his crib or any of the things that he needs is hard. Reporter firefighters have been gaining ground in their battle to save these mountain communities. Its kind of like a norman rockwell. If you go downtown you see the park and its just so pleasant. To see all that gone, i think people are really here to fight for this town. Reporter 4,500 homes are still threatened by the fast moving flames. Also at risk, two groves of giant see kwquoias. These trees are known to have survived ground fires in the past. Experts believe the rim fire may be too intense. Thats where the concern is here, this fire can come in high and hot and do a lot of damage to these trees. Reporter the fire has reached the reservoir that provides water to 2. 6 Million People in San Francisco. But so far Officials Say there are no signs of contamination from the ashes. Air quality, however, is another story. The smoke has triggered Health Advisories here. And more than 100 miles away in nevada. Anthony and gayle. Thank you. More than 4 1 2 years into Barack Obamas presidency, Race Relations in america seem to be on the decline. In a cbs news poll, 57 of people now describe Race Relations as generally good. In 2009, that number was 66 , nearly 10 points higher. When asked if theyve ever felt discriminated against because of race, 62 of blacks said yes, compared to only 29 of whites. Were seeing those poll numbers on the 50th anniversary of the historic march on washington. On this day back in 1963, 250,000 people packed the National Mall. As Martin Luther king jr. And others called for racial and economic justice. Later today, president obama will lead the official celebration of todays anniversary. Were at the Lincoln Memorial. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. A light rain falling here in washington as the crowd begins to fill in along the National Mall next to the reflecting pool. A quarter of a Million People watched this speech 50 years ago. Theyre not expecting anything like that today but big names will be delivering speeches here. The headliner of course the nations first black president , president obama president obama, delivering a speech, standing where dr. King stood half a century ago. Just last week, president obama told a group of College Students the legacy of dr. Martin luther king jr. Lives on. Weve made enormous strides. Im a testament to it. Youre a testament to it. The diversity of this room. And the students who are here is a testimony to it. Reporter the president has walked a fine line addressing the issue of race and equality. Trying to voice the concerns of africanamericans while attempting to avoid alienating whites. Hes been criticized by black leaders for not doing enough to help his own community. At times, president obama has pushed back. I expect all of you to march with me reporter like in 2011 while speaking to the congressional black caucus. Put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complaining. Stop grumbling. Stop crying. We are going to press on. Reporter in january, he kicked off his second term by calling for an expansion of the Civil Rights Movement to include women, gays and lesbians. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. Reporter just in the past month, hes been more willing to talk about the state of Race Relations. His comments about Trayvon Martin were surprisingly revealing. Trayvon martin could have been me. 35 years ago. There are very few africanamerican men in this country would havent hho haven experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. Reporter the president seemed to be managing expectations for this etch spoo, s speech, saying he was still working on it. One that he called one of the five greatest in american history. Anthony, gayle. Thanks, jeff. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines from around the globe. The wall street journal says the most recent background check of snowden was inadequate. A profit contractor checked out the nsa leaker two years ago. A government review found the only people interviewed about snowden were his mother and girlfriend. The contractor also failed to verify snowdens work for the cia and didnt look into a trip to india that snowden failed to report. A virus is believed to be killing dolphins along the east coast. Bodies have washed ashore since july. Officials say theres nothing they can do about that virus. The Seattle Times says the u. S. Special envoy will go to north korea on friday to seek the release of american kenneth bay. The Christian Missionary from california was sentenced to 15 years in a labor camp. His family says bay has become gravely ill. The u. S. Is asking for a pardon and amnesty on humanitarian grounds. Connecticuts newtown bee said had their first day of school yesterday. Theyre attending school in a neighboring town after last years shooting. Nobody will ever forget that. Had to be a bittersweet day for those kids. Good morning. Headed out the door today, we do have some patchy fog and even some drizzle to begin with. But you know what . By the afternoon, the weather shaping up to be very nice outside. It looks like were caught in between systems, so near seasonal temperatures out there. And thats going to be the way its going to be for the next couple of days. 80s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay, about 81 in san jose, and 68 in San Francisco. Patchy fog and sunshine toward the coastline and 60sthere. Warming up through friday, cooling off over the holiday weekend. This National Weather report sponsored by big lots. Heres the deal. A warning for everyone who sends a text message. Also, a first of its kind court ruling. Judges in new jersey say people sending Text Messages it a driver could be held liable if that driver crashes. Well see how that decision could affect all of us. Students turn up their noses at Healthy School lumpls, and now many schools are joining the rebellion. The controversy over Michelle Obamas nutrition push. Apple is famous for thinking different, but now the tech giant may be ready to do something its competitors have done for years. It could put money in your pocket. The news is back in the morning here on cbs this morning. Stay tuned for your local news. Hersheys smores. Pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. When the chocolate is hersheys life is delicious. Behaves like the surface of your skin. Now watch what soap does to it. Soap strips your skin. Dove is different. With 1 4 moisturizing cream, dove doesnt strip your skin like soap. Served on a toasted pretzel roll, our new bacon avocado chicken sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad. Its just one of chilis delicious lunch break combos. More life happens here. [ male announcer ] hurry in for labor day deals like 5 off paint and primer in one at lowes. [ male announcer ] some people lift your spirits. The same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffeemate. Makes coffee and your day better. Coffeemate. Coffees perfect mate. Makes coffee and your day better. I rely on the speed and power of claritind. Asal congestion hit it starts working in just 30 minutes. Nothing relieves nasal congestion faster or stronger. To get claritind, blow past the shelves and go straight to the pharmacy counter. So, if youre sleeping in your contact lenses, what you wear to bed is your business. Ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable theyre approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. Serious eye problems may occur. Ask your doctor and visit airoptix. Com for Safety Information and a free onemonth trial. Wherever your sutwist the ride. With twizzlers. The twist you cant resist. For shopping that took half e the time. Converse, skechers, nike, and more at famous footwear. Victory is yours. your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good morning, everyone. Its 7 26. Im frank mallicoat. Get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. Firefighters they are making some progress on that rim fire burning near yosemite. Containment on the 187,000acre wildfire up slightly now to 23 . Crews in fairfield are keeping a watchful eye now on some hot spots following a fast moving fire. Nearly half a dozen homes on Marigold Drive were destroyed yesterday afternoon. But fortunately, no injuries to report. And workers are making the final preparations for the scheduled tuesday opening of the new eastern span of the bay bridge. The old bridge will shut down tonight at 8 00. So plan your commute accordingly. We got your traffic and weather coming up right after the break. ,,,, good morning. An earlier car fire and an accident in menlo park. Everything is clear now. All lanes are back open. We still had some residual delays though going northbound from palo alto. Over to the bay bridge now, and it is backed up into the macarthur maze. Also beginning to slow down the eastshore freeway. That drive time is just about a half hour on westbound 80 from the carquinez bridge to the maze. Bart another great option, all trains on time. Heres lawrence. Elizabeth, that fog very thick in parts of the bay area especially in the north bay this morning. Visibilities down to about a half mile in spots. But i think well see the clouds breaking up and they are trying to do so over san jose now. Its 50s and some 60s for temperatures. By the afternoon, should be a beautiful day. Some 80s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. And 60s toward the coast. Next couple of days a little warmer. Cooling down for the holiday. ,, [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. Now you can turn your device into your television. Try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. On the air. In the air. With live tv. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour what good is a healthy lunch if students dont want to eat it . Its becoming a big challenge for Michelle Obamas School Nutrition push. Find out how students and schools are rebelling against the program. Not supposed to go like that. And how would you like to walk into an apple store, give up your old iphone for a new one and get a nice discount . You may soon be able to do just that. Well hear what it means for apple and its customers. Thats ahead. In new jersey this morning theres a landmark ruling in a driving while texting case. Judges say a person who sends a text could get this trouble for causing an accident. Terrell brown is here with that story. Terrell. Good morning to you. After the couple at the center of this case both lost a leg in a texting and driving accident, they sued the driver who hit them and the girl he was texting at the time of the crash. It sends a message to anyone texting. The Appeals Court ruled that the teenage girl who texted a friend while he was driving shortly before he crashed, could not be held liable, but the judges on the panel released a statement saying, in part, we conclude that a person sending Text Messages has a duty not to text someone who is driving if the texter knows or has special reasons to know that the recipient will view the text while driving. Last year cbs news spoke to linda and david cooper, the family at the center of the case. This is a senseless crash that didnt have to happen. Reporter on september 21st, 2009, they were riding their motorcycle down a new jersey road when this chevy truck swerved across lanes and crashed into them head on. What i saw was the gentleman in the truck steering with his elbow with his head down. I could tell he was text messaging. I looked down after the impact, and my leg was torn off, and i asked my wife if she was okay, and she told me the bones in her leg were going through her pants. Reporter both david and linda lost a leg in the accident. They filed a lawsuit against the driver who hit them and the girlfriend he was texting. Yeah, i believe that she knew that he was driving and answering her back with texts that, yeah, shes partially responsible too. The Appellate Court said the person sending a text to a driver is electronically present in the car and can be just as distracting as if they were sitting in that car in the passenger seat. I think theyre certainly trying to send a message. How do you know when you are sending a text that somebody is driving . I think thats going to be a big question going forward. How do you prove cases like this. This isnt necessarily a new law. Remember the girl was cleared in the case. The big deal here is what the judges said afterward, and that is you have a responsibility if you are a driver and you know that someone is driving, you should not be texting. Right. The minute you take that further, you can apply it to people making phone calls to people who are driving. Anything in the car use aing cell phone. Terrell brown, thanks. The Laguna Beach Unified School district in Southern California announced last night it will revise its lunch menus. Its the latest district to rebell against the federal healthy lunch program. A cornerstone of first lady Michelle Obamas campaign against childhood obesity. Jan crawford is in washington. Good morning. Reporter good morning, anthony. Good morning, gayle. The usda says these are just growing pains, and thats to be expected, but these complaints from School Officials just seem to be getting louder, and what theyre saying is that kids arent eating these vegetables and low fat choices, so they actually are ending up too hungry to even learn. They say theyre also losing money for just throwing out all this uneaten food. Reporter the new lunch rules in some districts say are just unpalettable. Grumblings came from School Boards in california to illinois, indiana, and new york. In kentucky one official said students thought the healthy fair tastes like vomit. David h. Freeman writes about the obesedy epidemic any time we try to force people into it, we can expect probably the majority of people to not want to make that leap. Reporter under the program, the federal government dictates portions and menus. Lunches must include fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Reporter theres a calorie cap that sounds almost like a weight loss program. 850 for high school kids. 700 for middle school, and 650 calories for elementary school. At californias Laguna Beach Unified School district healthy lunches went over like a plate of cold leftovers. Its not the Chicken Nugget oorz popcorn chicken or the corn dogs, the stuff the kids really like. Reporter this year the district will implement monthly taste tests and sell sandwiches to entice students back to the cafeteria. About 100,000 schools have signed up for the program, less than expected, but the usda said there were no widespread problems because most lunches met the healthy guidelines. Usda continues to provide additional flexibility and Technical Assistance to schools as they all now work to offer healthier meals. The agency said. Michelle obama remains a big proponent. 32 million American Children are getting more of the nutrition they need to learn and grow and be successful. And i do hope its delicious. Were working on that. Yes, indeed. Reporter despite the opposition friedman says, the program is a step in the right direction, but one that tried to go too far too fast. I think we need to be a little smarter about it and intermittent lane closure the bar and offer people more support so they can make smaller, more gradual steps. The laguna beach School District says it hasnt thats something a handful of districts have already done, by the way. A survey by the School Nutrition Association Found about 4 of its members are either going to leave the program this year or are thinking about it. Anthony and gayle. Mystery meat, here we come. Apple is well known for going against the grain, but now reports say the tech gianted will do something its committee torz have been doing for years. Iphone users will be able to give up their old phones and get credit towards a new one. Other companies have been doing this for years. This youre going to have to go into an apple store and theyll probably launch those around the end of the month and really ramp it up around midseptember, and youll say i want to trade in my iphone and get a new one. He will do some testing on it to make sure its in working condition, and theyll look up on a list they have and give you a price for it. If you say okay, theyll take your old phone, give you a new phone and give you an apple gift card for whatever that amount is to take off the price of your new phone, and then you walk out of the store. Youve already got your new phone. That applies for any phone you have . Iphone. Any old iphone the 5s and the 4s. Maybe the 3g. Again, as you point out, some other companies have been doing this for a while. Why is apple kind of late to the party here . Well, i feel like this is the kind of thing where consumers have been able to get a deal for a while if they knew their phones had some value, and i think apple saw that. A lot of people were figuring out that they could resell their old phones, and they dont want other companies controlling this secondary market of i phones. They want to have their hands in it because theyre interested this controlling everything about their products. They said we can provide the same service for our customers and keep it in the apple store. Thats good. Is apple offering a better deal . I look at prices on other web sites yesterday. I looked at what people were saying apple was going to be offering, and looks like apple will be offering a little less for the phones. You can probably get 300, a little more from some of the other sites for last years iphone. I think that apple will probably give you about 250 for that. A lot of people dont even buy their iphone at the apple stores, so how big of a deal is it for the Apple Company . Thats why they want to get you into that store and keep that retail circuit going because people get their phones through their phone carriers like at t, verizon or amazon or by going in one of the 50 million Cell Phone Stores we have here in new york. Apple would love for you to go into their store and buy their phone. Your advice is to shop around. Go to gazelle, amazon, apple, and check out the price for each of them for your phone and go for the one with the next money. Apple will introduce the next iphone, do you think . Thats what we think. I think its going to be a small step compared to last years pretty big leap with that iphone 5. A better processor, maybe camera improvements. Theres been some talk of a less expensive more plasticy iphone, but were not sure what the price is going to sit. The nice thing is were seeing a lot of leaked photos, so there arent going to be as many surprises. All right, dan ackerman, always good to see you. Body mass index has long been a Standard Measure of our health. Now, researchers are questioning how accurate and if yand youre talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. This is humira, adalimumab. This is humira working to help relieve my pain. This is humira helping me through the twists and turns. This is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. For many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. Ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Ask your doctor if humira can work for you. This is humira at work. [ male announcer ] celebrate labor day. Choose 18 months special financing on purchases of 299 or more with your lowes Consumer Credit card. Then youll love lactosefree lactaid® its 100 real milk thats easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. Lactaid®. For 25 years, easy to digest. Easy to love. For 25 years, a huge upset by an american teenager at the u. S. Open. 17yearold Victoria Duval is ranked 296th in the world and yesterday she beat 2011 u. S. Open champion Samantha Stosur in three sets. Duval had never even played an opponent ranked in the 20 and had never won a grand slam match. Anthony, she has such a back story. Her dad was will, which is great because he survived the earthquake in haiti when had she was 7 years old, she was held hostage by an armed gunman in their house for several hours. They are calling it the cinderella story. I had never heard of her until yesterday. Go victoria. Body mass index is one of the most commonly used measurements to determine if youre obese. The Newest Research says bmi may not be reliable. Dr. Holly phillips is with us now. Holly, good morning. All weve ever heard is bmi, bmi. Bmi is a very simple calculation. You just plug your height and weight into a chart and out comes a number, and it puts you in one of four categories, either underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. Now on a population basis when you look at millions and millions of bmi numbers, its a useful measurement. It actually is correlate d with health risks related to being overweight or obese. But on an individual level thats where the number breaks down, just not accurate. Is there a better way to calculate obesity then . One of the things that the bmi doesnt look at is the big picture of what affects our weight. For instance it doesnt look at your age. It doesnt look at whether or not youre male or female. And it doesnt look at your muscle mass. So that really makes it inaccurate. Ill give you an example. Michael jordan at the height of his career had a bmi of around 28. Now thats well into the overweight category, actually even approaching obese. You dont have to be a doctor to look at Michael Jordan on the Chicago Bulls court and say hes not obese. But thats an example where he has a lot of muscle mass for his height and, therefore, his bmi isnt accurate. I think were in the same category. If you want to know youre getting fat, your clothes are getting tighter, youre getting fatter. Do something about it. Thats the gayle index. Is there a better way to calculate . What should we do . Using waist circumference instead. Abdominal fat is more dangerous than fat in other parts of your body. Its more linked with health risks. Also mri and cat scans can look for visceral fat, dangerous the fat around our organs. Cat scans expose to you radiation and mris are both very expensive. Those arent the tests for the future. We are still going to use body mass index but its important to put it in context, to look at the overall person, what is their muscle mass, how do they eat . Are they healthy . Are they exercising . And then draw your conclusions from there. The numbers dont tell the whole story. Theres a number for men and women around your waist. Thats right. For men, your waist should not be bigger than 40 inwas. For women not bigger than 35. Thats really where we start to see it. My obesity index is the mirror. There we go good morning. Headed out the door today, we do have some patchy fog and even some drizzle to begin with. But you know what . By the afternoon, the weather shaping up to be very nice outside. It looks like were caught in between systems, so near seasonal temperatures out there. And thats going to be the way its going to be for the next couple of days. 80s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay, about 81 in san jose, and 68 in San Francisco. Patchy fog and sunshine toward the coastline and 60s there. Warming up through friday, cooling off over the holiday weekend. Zin known as deep throat revealed some of the most important secrets in the watergate scandal. Now his favorite Meeting Place is about to become history. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. It was very painful situation. The rash was on my right hip, going all the way down my leg. Im very athletic and i swim in the ocean. Shingles forced me out of the water. The doctor asked me did you have chickenpox when you were a child . The pain level was so high, it became unbearable. Plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal . Introducing the newest beauty trend. Total effects cc cream c for color. C for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. Cc for yourself. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. And its not exactly therwhat you might think. 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Decongested. Open for business. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] powerful sinus relief from the 1 pharmacist recommended brand. Sudafed. Open up. [ male announcer ] some people lift your spirits. The same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffeemate. Makes coffee and your day better. Coffeemate. Coffees perfect mate. Tonight, its family style. The everyday collection. By target. I have a picture here of you. You explain what this is, and then well let you get back to your life. What happened there . Yeah. This is probably the stupidest thing i have ever done. I was doing a piece for 60 minutes on getting the big wave surfer. Trying to find 100 foot wave. Set the record. He has been surfing a 78 foot wave. Garrett took me out to show me what the big waves are like in portugal, and im riding around on the jetski with him, and ive been on the water all my life. Anyway, unbeknownst to me, i burned my eyeballs. The u vu light bouncing off the water somehow i didnt even know you could do that. These baby blues, theyre my money maker, so weve seen those baby blues on this show and we had gareth on too. Anderson, always a good guest. Washington is gearing up for a big day on the National Mall. Cbs evening newsmaker is in the capital early this morning. Hes been talking to three veterans on the march on washington and will bring us lasting memories from 50 years ago. Thats coming up today on cbs this morning. Victory is seeing him find balance, watching a little girl become a little lady, and finding the courage to let her go. But what about the Little Victories . A smile. A confident glow. Or a thanks, mom. These are the victories were famous for. Famous brands, famously easy. Famous footwear. Victory is yours. Now thats smart. The new kfc 9. 99 6piece deal. 6 pieces of chicken. 3 biscuits, and one large side just 9. 99 today tastes so good. Just 9. 99 goglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. The only thing we have to fear is. Fear itself. [ male announcer ] once in a while, everything falls into perfect harmony. [ engine revs ] and you find yourself in exactly the right place at the right time. Just be sure youre in the right car when it happens. The 2013 cclass sports sedan. Power, performance and style in total alignment. See your authorized mercedesbenz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. With Olay Regenerist eye and lash duo. The serum instantly thickens and defines lashes. The cream smooths and softens the look of lines. So wow another eye opener from olay. So wow your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good morning, its 7 56. Im Michelle Griego. The fire burning in Yosemite National park has now destroyed more than 100 buildings and homes. The huge fire doubled in size yesterday and has already blackened more than 280 square miles of woodlands. Its now 23 contained. Nearly half a dozen homes are gone after a devastating fire ripped through a fairfield neighborhood. The fire started in the grass near interstate 80 around 3 40 yesterday afternoon before jumping to the houses. Firefighters are still watching the area for any hot spots this morning. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,, good morning. We are just hearing about some bart delays. Five to 10 minutes on the pittsburgbay point line in the San Francisco direction. So just that line delayed. Everything else on time. Muni, caltrain and ace so far all good to go so far this morning. To the south bay now, northbound 280 very heavy traffic coming through downtown san jose. Also, starting to get busy at northbound 87 up the guadalupe parkway as you approach 280. And here is a live look outside. The nimitz northbound, very busy as well, heading towards downtown. That is traffic. Heres lawrence. And the fog and low clouds a little factor this morning you headed out the door. Weve got some clear skies in the interior valleys. You can see that fog that slid in, but broken now over toward the pleasanton area. 50s and some 60s right now. Visibilities down to about a half and a quarter mile in some parts of the north bay. This afternoon, though, becoming mostly sunny away from the coastline, temperatures up in the 80s and getting close to 90 degrees inland. ,,,, the white house is building a case for a military strike on syria. Rebel forces are pointing out potential u. S. Targets. 50 years after the i have a dream speech, the first black president reflects. And we will show you the painting of president putin that could land the artist in prison. U. S. Strikes would anger many countries in this part of the world. The u. S. Building its case for a military strike against syria which could come in just days. The Administration Says it will consult with congress but doesnt necessarily need authorization to carry this out. The fire reached the reservoir that provides water to San Francisco. So far, Officials Say there are no signs of contamination. The headliner reports the nations first black president , barack obama, delivering a speech, standing where dr. King stood a half century ago. And in new jersey, sending Text Messages to a driver could be held liable if the driver crashes. How do you know when youre sending a text and somebody is driving. Thats the question. How do you prove cases like this. Theyre saying they arent eating vegetables, low fat choices, they end up too hungry to learn. Your advice would be to shop around . Take your phone, go to amazon, apple, check out the price for each and get the most money. Huge upset by an american teenager at the u. S. Open. Upset of the championship. Welcome today big time, victoria due volume. I am gail king with Anthony Mason, charlie rose is off. The u. S. Allies are boosting their case for a missile attack on syria. The white house may release a classified report laying out evidence of a chemical weapons attack as soon as today. The u. N. Secretary general says inspectors in syria wont finish their investigation for another four days. But this morning one u. N. Official says he believes the attack did happen. Holly wks on the turkey syria border. Good morning. Reporter good morning, anthony and gayle. We have heard from the United Nations envoy who said evidence suggests a chemical substance killed hundreds of people in syria last week. He also warned that any military action should be carried out with the approval of the u. N. Security council. Inside syria, u. N. Weapons inspectors began work today, trying to determine for sure whether chemical weapons were used. Russia and china who both have the power to veto any Security Council resolution have warned the u. S. Not to preempt those results. American allies, including britain, france and the government in turkey have joined the u. S. In saying the Syrian Regime did carry out a chemical attack. They support a military response, even if it doesnt have the approval of the u. N. Security council. Anthony, gayle . Holly williams, thanks. The massive yosemite wildfire burned an area nearly the size of new york city, and officials are prepared to close a major road into the National Park just in time for labor day weekend. The rim fire destroyed more than 100 buildings, more than 4,000 other structures are threatened. Its smoke making the air dangerous to breathe in cities more than 100 miles away. 50 years ago today, 250,000 americans gathered at the Lincoln Memorial where Martin Luther king junior told the world i have a dream. This afternoon, president obama marks the anniversary of the march on washington with his own speech from the steps of the memorial. Cbs evening news anchor scott pelley is in washington covering the celebration on the National Mall. We get to see him earlier than we normally do. Great to see you. Good morning. Reporter good morning, gayle, great to be with you. It will be quite a celebration on the National Mall, a little rainy and drizzly in washington this morning. By the time the festivities begin this afternoon, things may clear up for everyone thats coming to mark this half century occasion. Matin luther kings great speech at the Lincoln Memorial. A few days ago we had opportunity to visit with three people actually there that day. They include Marian Wright edelman, founder of childrens defense fund, an activist at the time. Spoke to andrew young, former mayor of atlanta and former u. S. Ambassador to United Nations, and we spoke to julian bond who was a young activist on that day in the crowd singing we shall overcome and later went on to become a Georgia State legislator. Here is a little of what they had to say. When the train started unloading from the south and train load from philadelphia and then the movie stars flew in, then i realized this was really something big. Yeah, you dont have many opportunities in life to come together with folk to say here is who we are, the people, least what we want to be, here is what we can be as a people. Let me tell you a minute how frightened official washington was of this march, from a book called the bystander by nick bryant. All elective surgery in washington was cancelled, freeing350 beds for riot related emergencies, in the event of riot, policeman or National Guards man stationed on every Street Corner in washington. Deployed 200 scout cars, 86 motorcycle, 20 jeeps, police hell commenters, cranes to move broken down, disabled buses. 350 inmates evacuated from jail in the district to make space for disruptive protesters, and administration stationed an official to the right of the Lincoln Memorial with cutoff switch and record turn table if militants took over, the loudspeaker put off and replaced by mi hall i cant jackson singing hes got the whole world in his hands. Instead of a riot you had two . Absolute peace. I think two people were arrested that day. Reporter so the celebration will begin later this morning. Will continue through much of the afternoon. President obama will speak at the Lincoln Memorial, a little after 2 45 eastern time. Then a bell will be rung at 3 00, the time he gave that historic address. The bell is so important in this case, it is the bell from the 16th Street Baptist Church in birmingham, alabama, where two weeks after kings speech, the Klu Klux Klan laid a bomb at the church, killing four africanamerican girls, ages 11 and 14. That was one of the events that propelled the country towards the Civil Rights Act of 1964. All of that being commemorated today, a symbolic victory over racism. Gayle . I am hearing from very reliable sources Oprah Winfrey will be involved in the ringing of that bell, scott pelley. What can you tell us to expect from the president s speech tonight. What are you hearing . Reporter he was on the tom joyner radio show yesterday. Said the first thing i want you to know about my speech, it is not going to be as good. He said Martin Luther kings speech was one of the top five american political speeches of all time. I think what the president is going to say today is that enormous progress has been made against racism, particularly with regard to justice and access to voting, but the president will also say that not nearly enough progress has been made in the economic realm. The march on washington was called to march for jobs and equality, and the president is going to say 50 years later, we havent done enough on jobs. Interesting fact, we looked up the evening News Research department was telling us about three times more africanamericans are living in poverty than white americans and thats the same proportion that existed 50 years ago today. Certainly more work to do. Thank you, scott pelley. Scott will anchor cbs news live coverage of the president s speech on the National Mall, thats scheduled to start around 11 30, pacific time, and of course he will have a full report on cbs evening news. 40 years ago, the legendary confidential source known as deep throat helped expose the watergate scandal. This morning, as bill plante reports, deep throats favorite Meeting Place is about to disappear. Reporter this is the garage across the river from the Nations Capital in Northern Virginia where the Washington Post reporter bob woodward got the story that brought down a president. An argument could be made that bob woodward meeting at this garage landed the biggest scoop in journalism history. Reporter but this clandestine Meeting Place may soon be history. It was here, a government insider referred to as deep throat by woodward met with him multiple times as he and Carl Bernstein pieced together the story of a breakin at the Democratic National headquarters in the watergate ,,,,,, russias president , Vladimir Putin likes to portray himself as a tough guy. This morning, well show you the controversial painting that led police to shut down a russian art gallery. And all that mattered 25 years ago, a disaster in the air and on the ground. Do you remember what happened . The answer is next on cbs this morning. Cbs this morning. S theres a new protein in town and its not exactly what you might think. Dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5. 3 oz cup. Sink your teeth into that. Dannon oikos. The new protein. Dannon waiting for your wrinkle cream to work . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena®. To visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. All that mattered 25 years ago today. Three Italian Air Force fighter jets collided over Ramstein Air Force base in germany in one of the deadliest air show disasters in history. The accident occurred during complex flying maneuver over the pierced heart. Inaccurate timing colliding jets. It caused a fireball that sent shrapnel spilling into the crowd of thousands, killing three pilots and 67 people on the ground, including four americans, nearly 500 were injured. Cbs news correspondent Mark Phillips covered the catastrophe from the american air base. For the United States and other nato air forces, yesterdays accident was more than a tragedy. It was a Public Relations disaster. Wow. Thats just a horrible day. Few World Leaders control their public image like Vladimir Putin. Russia aas president has released photos of himself hunting and fishing, sometimes is that a good look, people ask . Now a new papt iing it was ne to see you back in the day. Good morning to you. We call that progress. Good morning. It would be hard to think of two hotter buttons to push with Vladimir Putin than saying his gay and mocking his authority. Its a satirical picture in an art gallery or maybe its the latest skirmish between the president and the beleaguered Gay Community in the country. You choose. Reporter Vladimir Putin in a womans slip brushing the hair of Dmitri Medvedev in bra and panties. The russian president and Prime Minister is gay pose at a time the russian government is making way to make gay propaganda illegal. Such political satire is a dangerous game in putins russia and sure enough, police moved in quickly to close the exhibition down and take the offending picture away. The order owner of the gallery said the police didnt even give him a receipt. This is a government which is more brittle, more fragile than its been in quite some while. Certainly more sensitive than normal, some would say. Ultimately president putin doesnt like criticism. Reporter Vladimir Putin has chosen another sort of image for himself. Macho man. Hunter, gatherer. Preferably shirtless. But this sort of heman can be seen in another way too. It has to be said, and this isnt mentioned in hi paper, there are themes to some of the publicity stunts that Vladimir Putin has done with the horseback riding and the dieting. Anything for the naked torso. Reporter the exhibition may be closed down, but the image remains. Of course, closing the exhibit has inevitably given the offending image even more publicity. There are laws in russia not just against socalled gay propaganda, but against insulting authorities. Thus far, though, we havent heard of any charges being filed. Mark phillips, thank you. Russians dont have much of a sense of humor. Up next john voigt is coming up. Your local news is next. Stay tuned. ,,,,,,, span of the bay bridge is closing for good today. Traffic will be stopped at m tonight. Its 8 25. Time for some News Headlines . The old eastern span of the bay bridge is closing for good today. Traffic will be stopped at 8 00 tonight. The new span is scheduled to reopen before the morning commute on tuesday. Crews continue to battle the rim fire burning near Yosemite National park. Containment on the 187,000acre wildfire is up slightly to 23 . 101 structures have been destroyed and another 4500 are threatened. And at least 15 homes were damaged or destroyed in the sevenalarm fire in fairfield last night. It broke out as a grass fire along highway 80 around 4 p. M. Firefighters stayed on the scene overnight to watch for hot spots. No one was injured. Stay with us. Traffic and weather coming right up. ,,,,,, good morning. Out to highway 4 an accident there just cleared to the right hand shoulder in antioch. Westbound 4 at a street is involving a motorcycle and we have delays even after the accident scene all the way towards the pittsburgbay point area in those westbound lanes. Bay bridge is almost completely cleared out over at the thetoll plaza toll plaza. Metering lights are on. Traffic is jammed up from san leandro towards downtown oakland and in the southbound direction, there was an earlier crash approaching 92. It is still there off to the righthand shoulder but we are still seeing the residual delays from 238. That is the timesaver traffic. Your latest timesaver traffic. Heres lawrence. Elizabeth just checking on some of the fog. Were seeing the thick fog into the napa area. Sunny from our mount vaca cam but into napa visibilities still down to a quarter of a mile. Temperatures outside right now in the 50s and the 60s. Delays at sfo on arriving flights of over an hour due to some low clouds this morning. By the afternoon, that should lift. Lots of sunshine 80s inland. You will see 60s and 70s around the bay and 60s coastside. Next couple of days maybe slightly warmer as we head in toward thursday and friday. But over the holiday weekend, the clouds start to move back in. Looks like a trough of low pressure will usher in some much cooler temperatures well below average on sunday and monday. ,,,,, welcome back. Coming up in this half hour Richard Marcellus is thinking about the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. He is here to talk about what it means now. Oscar winning actor john voigt is also here. He is getting rave reviews for his work on the show. We have time to show you this mornings headlines from around the globe. The Tampa Tribune says Royal Caribbean will reimburse a couple left behind in turkey for medical treatment. We told you last week how 89yearold dodge malconian fell and broke his hip on a cruise. He and his wife say Royal Caribbean abandon them at a rural hospital in turkey where no one spoke english. The cruise line says it will also arrange for the couples trip home to florida. Usa today says more americans are living alone. A new Census Bureau finds more than 27 of u. S. Households are made up of just one person. In 1970 that number was 17 . The New York Post says Actor Alec Baldwin roughed up another photographer. He slammed the man against a car yesterday. Baldwins wife just gave birth to a baby girl. No arrests were made. What would happen if you just kept on walking . Britains independent says twerking is being added to the oxford dictionary online. The official definition is to dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low squatting stance. See also miley cyrus. She caused a commotion when she did it at the vmas. We promise you, no twerking here ever. A therapy treatment for depression is making a comeback. Many of us associate this with electroconvulsive therapy or ect. It was used a brutal punishment in the movie one flew over the cukoos nest. Now doctors say its dr. Sarah chairs the department of psychiatry and behavioral snsz at doouk University Medical center. Good morning. Good morning. First of all, describe this treatment to me because, as we say, everybody has this impression from the movies as to what this is, but what is it today . Well, electroconvulsive therapy, or ect today, is nothing like what you have seen in the movies. Its a modern medical procedure. Its done under anesthesia. It lasts less than a minute or two, and its the most effective treatment that we have today for severe depression. Many people are still traumatized by what they saw in the movie because i couldnt get past the fact that you said its painless. Its painless because were asleep when it happens. Youre under answer these so you actually dont feel anything, and the movies have been misleading, unfortunately. When you see ect in real life, its really anticlimatic. Its nothing like you expect. From the Patient Experience what they experience is relief from their depression. Its important to know that depression can be very disabling, and its important to have these effective treatments when medications dont work. How does this actually work . This electroshock actually resets the brain, doesnt it . Well, it induces a brief controlled seizure, and that seizure is highly effective. Its more effective than medications. How does it work . Well, as a field, we are focussing on researching that question. You dont really know is what youre saying . We dont have complete answers, but we have been studying this, but weve learned a lot about the fundamental mechanic ect. Depression can kill. Ect can be lifesaving. Who benefits . Who benefits from this . Ect is not for everyone. Its for people who have very severe depression who have tried medications and maybe the medications werent effective or have interfering side effects, so if you have had depression for several months and youre not getting better, you really should ask your doctor about ect. Am i a different person afterwards, for instance, if i took it . What ect does is it takes away the depression, allowing you to be the person that you were. What are the risks involved . Well, the most important side effect is memory loss. It can also cause headache or muscle soreness, but in terms of the memory loss, we have advanced significantly as a field. We know how to do the treatment better to reduce that risk. Is it a cure or just a treatment . Well, its the closest thing we have to a cure today. However, its not a complete cure. You need to be on a maintenance treatment to prevent relapse after you recover. Does it mean once you have it once, you have to continue to have the treatments, or do you have the treatments until you period. All right, doctor. Thank you very much. Thank you. John voigt, first on the scene at midnight cowboy more than 40 years ago, but right now he is just in our greenroom. Now he has a knockout role on tv too. Its knockout. You know his famous daughter by the more than five decades as an actor john voigt has played everything from a would be hustler to a boxing champion. First, were going to flook back at his remarkable career. Only one thing ive ever been good for is loving. His big break came starring opposite Dustin Hoffman in the cult classic midnight cowboy. The film earned him an oscar nomination and became the first xrited rated movie in history to win an Academy Award for best picture. He went on to star in such films as deliverance, the champ, and runaway train. In 1978 he won an oscar for best actor for his portrayal of a paraplegic vietnam veteran in coming home. I wanted to be a war hero, man. I wanted to go out and kill for my country. Reporter voigt has become a pop culture icon, recognized for his appearance in the comedy. Lander. Cant you pretend to be happy to see me, pa . Become a coal miner and not an actor. For his cameo on seinfeld. And for starring opposite his daughter, onk lena jolie, in tomb raider. I would never do that. The actor continues to wow audiences as a murderous patriarch of the donovan family on the showtime serious ray donovan. His voice is also featured in the new Action Thriller get away. Thats about a former race car driver forced to comply with a villainous mastermind after his wife is kidnapped. Get away opens in theaters this friday. Christopher waulgin, its good to see you. When we were looking at that piece, you said that was my do people actually get you mixed up sometimes . They do. They do. Chris and i actually had a lunch together just so we could show that there are two people. Two different people. Theres a lot to talk to you about. Well talk to you about get away, but i have to start with ray donovan, because Mickey Donovan is creepy, slimy, unpredictable. People are so fas natured. We love this guy. Whats wrong with this is this. Thats the question. You dont mind being socalled a slimeball . He is a mess, mickey, but im enjoying being part of that, and it is surprising that people have caught up to this. Im in good company there. Wonderful actors. Amazing cast. But, john, youre 74. They havent seen a mickey what . Okay. 52. Sdmroop that was a joke. You go to hollywood and sit by the pool. You know what i mean . Get a little nap. You wake up, and you are 74. 74. At 74 they have you dancing around very seductively with a towel. Did you ever think at the age of 74 you would be doing that . Ive always dreamed of it. Did you . Your dream has come true . Its a wonderful idea. Anyway, it is an unusual character, and people have latched on to it. It is surprising. Right. Youve had an amazing career, but you also turned down some really big parts, including i did. Yeah. You turned down jaws. You turned down superman even though Arnold Schwarzenegger made a personal appeal for you to take the role. Yeah. The director said to me, john i said i cant do this part. Im not physically capable of doing this part. He said would you do me a favor . He said i have a friend this is before arnold became arnold. Would you take a call from Arnold Schwarzenegger . I said Arnold Schwarzenegger . I happen to know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. I said a fivetime mr. Galaxy or whatever it was. I would love to speak to arnold. He says just take the call, and maybe it will convince you. I picked up the phone, and i said, arnold jon, how are you . I said im good, arnold. You know, its myself to talk to you. He said, jon, take the part. In two months i make you big as a house. I said, arnold, i dont want to be big as a house. It was nice to talk to him. You were very selective with your movie roles, and now your daughter, who is also very famous, has followed in your footsteps. We hear that youre very proud of her, but your relationship with angelina has been described as rocky. How would you describe it today . Are you guys on good footing . Yes. You know, were back on track, and im very proud of her. You know, im so happy. Are you a handson grandfather . Well, i try to be. I spoil the kids as much as i can. Im crazy about them. And had a wonderful article in People Magazine that i just picked up recently, and it gives a little thumbnail sketch of each of the kids, and it really is quite telling. Its a very nice little description of each of the guys. Were talking about get away you almost for all the film all we see is your lower jaw and hear your voice. Its a crazy sometimes my eyes. Thats true. Thats creepy. Yes, it is. You like playing creepy . I am creepy. I was wondering. Are you really acting, jon voigt, or is that your personality . You took that role knowing that we would see very little of you . You were okay with that . We never i never thought it would be bubble publicized. It was kind of a surprise. They put me in the edge of the picture, and you see me briefly at the end. The web got healed of me, and identified the voice. Im outed. I must say, you know, ethan is wonderful with pictures and a wonderful actor. Yes, he is. He is. Selena gomez is terrific. Did you know who selena was . In the beginning i didnt. I had to be acquainted. Shes very impressive in every way, but in the picture shes got a 2kr5u789 part, and shes terrific. Now is she on your ipod . No, your ipod ring tone is what . I have a galaxy. Whatever the technology is, but i looked up the list of things, chimes, you know, whatever, and everybody is talking was on it, and thats one of my favorite mine too. Mine too. I actually have it. Can you imagine im sitting will and the phone rings, and everybody looks around, and its me. Jon voigt. Everybodys talking at me. I love that song. You can see ray donovan on showtime every sunday night. When we come back, our cultural correspondent winton march sal estalks about one of americas most historic moments. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up. Coming up, well take a look back at the historic march on washington and discuss its lasting impact. I have a dream today. ,,,, weve been talking about the anniversary of the march on washington. It was the largest demonstration for social change that america had ever seen at the time. Cbs news cultural correspondent winton marcellius offers a message on the history of that day and a commentary on where we are as a country half a century later. 250,000 americans gathered on the mall of the Nations Capital to peacefully request social and economic equality for our most oppressed group of citizens, the american negro. Moerch 25 people from all walks of life spoke, played, and sang that day. In an impressive tapestry of national leadership, mobilized for jobs and freedom and for redemption of the national soul. The convener of the march 74yearold a. Phillip randolph spoke first. Dr. Martin luther king jr. , 34, the charismatic focal point of the Civil Rights Movement spoke last. I have a dream. Dr. Kings oration was upon delivery a recognized masterpiece. This nation will rise up. Over time my four little children these words have become so well known that the march itself is reduced to one mans dream. I have a dream today. In fact, it was much, much more. That day everybody had a dream. We will sit in and kneel in and we will lie in if necessary so that every america can have a job. This Civil Rights Movement is not confined to the negro. Oh, yes, the march inspired a moral victory with broad social implications, but it provided no directives for tangible economic parody, and with the passage of time a moral force without concrete works, guys on the vine. How many of us today know that it was called the march on washington for jobs and freedom . I sure didnt poor and world war iing class citizens need to be an integral part of. This transsends race. Race is a matter of physiology. Discrimination is a matter of culture, and culture shapes Public Perception which influences political action. Somewhere in the mid 1970s i began to notice black and white artists stereotyping black people as criminals, pimps and drug dealers and gradually adding more and more mess onlying any and violence in music and videos in recording after recording. The constant glorification and reselling of this imagery has corrupted both blacks and whites understanding of black america. Unfortunately, that shapes current Public Opinion much more than the memory of dr. Kings dream. Following the success of civil rights legislation, many black americans erroneously thought that the election of mayors with their same skin color would lead to an increasing economic prosperity. Even the electing of a nonwhite president was misconstrued as the culmination of the Civil Rights Movement. Lets examine the unemployment, incarceration, and Education Statistics for the black and white. These sobering facts compel us to act on the collective dream express 50 years ago. A sustainable victory for equality and employment will not come through a profit, a president , or even the law. It must be the will and actions of the people, all the people, all the team. I have a dream today. Dr. King ended the march triumphantly. His i have a dream movie is rightfully known by all. It was enacted by everyone in attendance that day. We cannot walk alone. We cannot walk alone. When we walk together, we are an infinite resource and can create unimaginable possibilities. Separate, were fighting for what we mistakenly receive as never enough. Today is the perfect day to begin the on the mall of our Nations Capital 50 years ago by a mosaic of highminded leaders and 250,000 engaged activists. Lets walk together to claim our inheritance. Beautifully done. Very nicely done. You were a little boy at the time . Yes, i was. How old were you . 2. As you sit here now in your early 50s, what strikes you most as you look back . The change from the social standpoint. Segregation. Our parents grew up with segregation. My father couldnt ride on the front of a bus until he was 26 or 27 years old. Im from the deep south, louisiana. Everything was segregated, and i have lived an integrated life. I think socially the nation has changed a lot, but a lot of my friends are people who really were at the near bottom of society, in jail, the war on drugs and all these Different Things that are donth,, female announcer female announcer when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event. Choose from a huge selection of tempurpedic models, including the new tempurchoice with headtotoe customization. Plus, get 36 months interestfree financing, two free pillows, and free sameday delivery. Are you next . Announcer but dont wait. Sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic is ending soon. Your ticket to a better nights sleep its no longer days, good morning, everyone. Its 8 55. Im Michelle Griego with your kpix 5 headlines. Its no longer days but hours until the bay bridge closes. After 8 00 tonight, no one will cross the old span again. The new bridge will open tuesday at the latest. Officers shot and killed a man after he pulled a gun and led police on a chase just before 5 p. M. Yesterday. Authorities were following the suspect on hillcrest avenue when he lost control of his mercedes and crashed near wildflower drive. Thats when a gun battle between the suspect and officers started. No officers were injured. The fire burning in Yosemite National park has destroyed more than 100 buildings and homes. The huge fire doubled in size yesterday. Its now 23 contained. Now heres lawrence with the forecast. All right. We have some low clouds and fog along the coastline and into inside the bay. Some in the valleys, visibility still very low. Its breaking up over san jose. Looks like the temperatures are going to stay on the mild side in many parts of the bay area. Near seasonal really for today in between pressure systems here. Still, the next couple of days going to be fairly similar, today very nice in the afternoon. Well see 60s and 70s inside the bay maybe as high as 81 in san jose. 88 in livermore. 84 in santa rosa. 68 in San Francisco. Next couple of days, maybe a little bit warmer through thursday and friday. But then that low pressure system heads in on saturday and sunday. More clouds and some much cooler temperatures. All right. Your timesaver traffic is coming up next. Female narrator through labor day at sleep train, female narrator through labor day get 36 months interestfree financing plus big savings of up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Even get three years interestfree financing on Serta Icomfort and tempurpedic, plus free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save, but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep good morning. Walnut creek backed up. Check this out. This is a live look near north main street southbound traffic on 680. Slow approaching livorna in danville just your usual congestion through there. Whats not so usual is the bay bridge, all thinned out. Once you reach the pay gates, metering lights remain on, no big delays though coming into San Francisco. And a quick look across the san mateo bridge, traffic moving at the limit. [ male announcer ] wouldnt it be great if all devices had backup power . The Chevrolet Volt does. Its ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. No wonder volt is americas bestselling plugin. Thats American Ingenuity to find new roads. The 2013 volt. Charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. Wayne you won a car curtain two. Jonathan its a trip to belize envelope wayne scooter. Jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady. Wayne hey everybody, welcome to lets make a deal. You know what we do, we make deals. Im wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. Right now, i need three people, lets do it. The bee, the bee. The cow. And last but not least, the grapes. Come here, grapes. The bee, the cow, the grapes. Jesse, stand next to her, and brittany, stand next to him. Welcome to the show

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