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Swift. Reporter swift. Part of the river now . Yeah, part of the river. Reporter here in Fort Bend County more than 100 people have been rescued using boats like this one. Scott, there is a chance of rain in the forecast here every day through the weekend. And now, concerns parts of the river could remain at flood stage for up to two weeks. Manuel, thank you. To date family of the 3yearold boy who fell into a gorilla exhibit said they will not sue the cincinnati zoo. The boy is all right, but of course his mother didnt know that when she called 911 on saturday. The audio tapes are out and jamie yuccas has them. Cincinnati 911. Hi, my son fell in the zoo, the male gorilla standing over him. I need someone to contact the zoo, please. Reporter moments after her 3yearold boy fell into the gorlla enclosure, the terrified mother scald for help. We do already have help started there, okay. Okay. Isaiah, be calm. Be calm. Be calm. Be calm. Be calm. He is dragging my son. I scant watch this. I cant. I cant watch. Others dialed 911 as they watched the 420pound gorilla drag the boy throughout the exhibit. He is dragging him from one end to the other. Oh, my god. Zookeepers killed the endangered western lowland gorilla to save the boys life. Child is safe, all right. Cbs also Learned Police are still reviewing the parents actions that led to the incident. Ultimately the decision to pursue charges is up to the local prosecutor. The family has not returned home since the incident but because of the backlash, police are offering them extra patrols. And scott, the family release aid new Statement Today saying their son has seen a second doctor and is doing okay. Jamie yuccas in cincinnati, thank you. A new report from triple a says that teenage drivers kill an average of 10 people a day in crashes during the summer. Chip reid found out why. Over the past eight years, aaa studied thousand of teen drivers using dashboard cameras and found nearly 60 of teen crashes are caused by distracted driving. Jennifer ryan is a triple a spokesperson. Early on teens were more likely to talk on their phones. Now more likely to interact with their phones, via texting or social media which is scary because theyre then looking down and taking their eyes off the road. Reporter the study found that 12 of teen driver crashes involved use of a cell phone, another 15 , of those crashes, followed being distracted by passengers. We know about teens is that when they add a passenger theyre more likely to be distracted. More likely to engage in risky behavior. Reporter 30 states and district of columbia, ban wireless devices for drivers under age 18. Triple a is urging the other 20 states to do the same. This device also could only take a moment and your life could be changed. He lost two sisters in a crash in texas in march. The driver, their teenage friend, was looking at her phone moments before hitting a truck headon. Now, woldridge spends a lot of his time talking to teenagers who some times think theyre invincible about the reality of distracted driving. Two young ladies lives were cut short in a split second the i just try to make sure that i help others so that they dont have to experience what we have experienced. Reporter most victims of teen driver crashes are not behind the wheel, scott. In fact triple a says 2 3 of the people who die in the crashes are passengers, pedestrians, or theyre in other vehicles. Chip reid reporting tonight. Thank you. Coming up next how to protect yourself from the latest protect yourself from the latest credit card scam. Thope to see you again soon. Whoa, whoa, i got this. Just gotta get the check. Almost there. I cant reach it. If you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. What . Its what you do. I got this. Thanks, dennis if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Growwwlph. Its what you do. Oh that is good crispy duck. And theres moving with thermove free ultra. It has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones. And unlike glucosamine chondroitin, its all in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. Is it keeps the food out. For me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is part of my life now. sound of music histling introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. Meta appetite control. You and temptation with. Clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Ialmost everything. You know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. But for only 7 a month, ridx helps break down waste. Avoid a septic disaster with ridx. For as long as people have been putting money in wallets, pickpockets have been stealing them. But technology has changed that game. Heres don dahler. Reporter two suspects were captured on Bank Surveillance video withdrawing money using stolen credit card information. Last month thieves at walmart used skimmers, devices over credit card readers to gather information and pin numbers and make duplicate card. A skimmer works recording Digital Information from a swiped card. Microcamera captures the pin number. Those are sent to the thief via blue tooth or removed later. In this security video, the man on the right shield his partner. Who pulls the skimmer out of his jacket and pops it in place. The whole pop racing, 2 second. They made off with as much as 20,000 from at least 38 victims. Michael ceremetas with the secret service, the agency that investigates. Download information put it on a duplicate card, gift card or credit card they have. Download information on to the magnetic strip. Then they have, credit card, able to use it for any type of fraudulent purchases. Devices are identical to the real things and have plagued gas stations and atm for years. Crooks have gone retail. Using them on self check out machines at wal marts and safe ways in california and colorado. Watch this video from a Convenience Store in miami. Takes mere second for the clerk to be distracted and skimmer placed over the credit card scanner. Bob sullivan is a security expert with credit. Com. It is remarkable how fast these things can beep put on top of a cash register. The folks who do the credit card skimming theyre basically magici magicians, use sleight of hand. In an instant they can plop one on to a terminal. Almost invisibly. Walmart requires customers to use special chip enabled cards. More secure since theyre not swiped. But 30 of credit card dont have them. And only 20 of card terminals are compatible. The secret service says you can protect yourself by always covering the key pad with your other hand when you enter the pin. Scott, they also advise you to check your accounts daily for any suspicious charges. Done da dahler. Thank you. Will Food Companies help america shake its addict tugs salt . Today the food and Drug Administration launched an assault on salt. It put out new guidelines aimed at cutting salt in food by a third over the next decade. In order to reduce heart attacks and strokes. Dr. Jon lapook is here. Whats behind recommendations . Scott, we know eating too much salt increases high Blood Pressure the leading cause of death from heart attack and stroke. Now, 90 of americans eat too much sodium. More than 75 of the salt comes from processed food in restaurants. Not from people adding it with a salt shaker. Right now the average daily sodium intake is 3400 mg, well above the recommended total of 2300 mg. Thats just one teaspoon of salt, scott. The fda is suggesting food scum pa companies reduce sodium levels in food over ten years. Dr. Jon lapook. Thank you, doc. Coming up. Fans on phones. Performers call them out. ,,,,,,, one of the greatest conveniences ever invented can also be one of greatest annoyances ever imagined. Adele is just the latest performer to tell her fans sheep has had enough of their cell phones. Heres anthony mason. Hello from the other side reporter adele made it clear she doesnt want her audiences to say hello from the other side of a cell phone. Can you stop filming me. Im really here in real life. You can enjoy it in real life. Reporter fellow artists are applauding. I appreciate she did it. If it gives it more attention it is a good thing. Wesley schultz, lead singer of the lumineers says he often interrupts the concert in the midst of the bands most famous song. Usually stopped between, during ho, hey, thats when most come out. Would you mind putting away all your cell phones. Willing to spoil half a song just to let you know its that important. Im pash leent waiting. Broadway stars are fighting back. Creator of the smash hit hamilton, Lin Manuel Miranda tweeted you dont pick up a phone when you are caught in a moment. You stay in the moment. In 2009, broadway legend, patti lupone halted her moment in gip gypsy when she saw a camera. Stop taking pictures right now. You heard the announcement. Who do you think you are . It is enraging. Lupone is still fighting the cell phone craze. Do you think this is a battle you can win . I will die trying. I will give up the stage before i give up allowing phones in the theater. Reporter last year at lincoln center, lupone reenacted how she snatched the phone from a texting audience member. Right here. This lady right here. I just it has to do with concentration, respect, focus and why you are there. Reporter more and more fans feel like they havent been there unless they have the photo to prove it. Anthony mason, cbs news, new york. Thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news. And, cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the cbs overnight news, im don dahler. Next step on the road to the white house comes tuesday. Six states including new jersey and california will hold primaries and caucuses for the republicans donald trump is already wrapped up the nomination. For the democrats, Bernie Sanders is vowing to battle Hillary Clinton all the way to the convention. A National Poll shows clinton leading trump by 4 points in a headtohead match up. But when the race is broken down by gender, its trump by 16 points among men. Clinton up by 24 points among women. And if sanders, some how wins the nomination, polls show he is beating trump by nine points. All has clinton taking a new interest in california. Nancy cordes reports. She collected an endorsement no one saw coming. Burying a 24yearold hatchet once and for all. Clinton is hoping for a decisive win in california against a long shot opponent who vows not to back down. So she is eliminating events in new jersey, so she can get back there tonight. Clinton is swapping the garden state for the golden state. Where her opponent, Bernie Sanders has practically taken up residency. He has held 13 big ralies there just in the past week. 11,000 in oakland. 5,000 in santa cruz. Theyre going to say the nominating process is over, secretary clinton has won. That is factually incorrect. Reporter californias two term governor jerry brown stepped in tuesday handing clinton a key endorsement. The long time liberal said he was deeply impressed with how well Bernie Sanders has done. But that clinton has the tenacity and skill to advance the democratic agenda. He is funneling money to his wifes law firm for state business. It is high praise from the man who famously called bill clinton the prince of sleaze when both were running for president in 1992. But you ought to be ashamed of yourself for jumping on my wife. You are not worth being on the same platform as my wife. Taking a page from Donald Trumps book Hillary Clinton has begun calling into cable news shows weighing in on her likely opponent. He bragged for months about raising 6 million for veterans and donating 1 million himself. But it took a reporter to shame him into actually making his contribution. One day after his dustup with the media over donations to veterans groups, donald trump was at the center of another firestorm. This time, its the now defunct Trump University. New yorks attorney general calls trump u a fraud and some former students brought a Class Action Lawsuit claiming they were robbed the a federal judge released 400 pages of the schools socalled play books. They gave employees detailed instructions on the High Pressure tactics they should use to get people to take expensive real estate seminars even if they couldnt afford it. Jan crawford records. Trumps lawyers argue these playbooks contain trade secrets. They fought to keep them under seal. The judge disagreed. He said there was no compelling reason to keep these documents away from the public. Judge has been very unfair. Has the not done a good job. Been a very bad judge. Reporter most defendants shy away from criticizing judges presiding over their cases, but not donald trump. Last week, in another tirade, the republican president ial pcuriel, a hater and even brougt up his ethnicity. The judge who happens to be, we believe, mexican which is great. I think thats fine. Reporter in ordering the 2009 2010 playbooks released judge curiel didnt avoid trumps personal attacks noting the billionaire placed the integrity of these Court Proceedings at issue. Potential students were invited to free workshops, where they were offered additional courses. One package costing almost 35,000. To those worried about the costs, salesmen were told to say, most students invited into this program use established lines of credit to handle tuition. Former student gary smith told cbss Julianna Goldman he spent thousand on Trump University. They said call the credit card companies. Make a request. And you know, try not to take no as an answer. Before closing in 2010, Trump University promised to teach students the real estate tycoons investment techniques. The manuals gave Trump University employees tips on the psychology of the sale, noting that clients must apply and be accepted to our program. Those with incomes more than 90,000 a year and net worths over 200,000 were prime targets. Thats what it is all about, success. It is going to happen to you. Reporter according to tthe Washington Post which sued to release the documents. Trump University Former president testified trump was protective of his brand. Personally signing off on Trump University marketing and promo videos. I think one of the things his opponents and particularly Hillary Clinton campaign have tried to tar him with is that he is sort of an untrustworthy businessman type. A sales technique he used and he was effective at it. The trump camp insisted complaints about the university came from a small number of former students. The new York Attorney general, eric snyderman, a democrat says otherwise. He is suing Trump University, he told cbs this morning, the playbooks tell us what our investigation uncovered and what we allege in our lawsuit. Trump university was a fraud. That harmed thousand of individua individuals. Police in cincinnati say they have no intention of identifying the parents of the 3yearold boy who made his way into a gorilla exhibit. Minutes later the gorilla, harambe, was shot and killed. In a statement the parents say the child is fine. And they wont be doing interviews. But they could still face criminal charges. Jamie yuccas reports. Reporter investigators are trying to figure out how a young boy ended up in the grasp. Of a more than 420pound gorilla. The encounter which resulted in zoo officials killing harambe is igniting a discussion over zoo security. Ed hanson the ceo of American Association of zookeepers. Safety protocols for zoos are vetted. Reporter according to association of zoos and aquariums, exhibits where animals and visitors are not supposed to come in contact need to have one substantial barrier such as a guardrail or fence in place. Second ear barriers, guardrails and things like that are covered with vegetation. The barriers are constructed of wire or piping or similar material. In this case, those barriers look like a climbing apparatus or jungle gym to a child. Reporter saturday the child made his way past a 3 foot fence, through several feet of bushes and down a 15 foot mote. The exhibit is safe. The barrier is safe. Reporter the zoo repeatedly defended their security. They need to make that place safe. Reporter critics such as michael budkey cofounder of stop animal exploitation now disagrees. Clearly there are issues with this enclosure. Federal regulations require enclosures within facilities like zoos have both perimeter fences and physical barriers which are designed not only to keep the animals in, butty to keep the public out. Reporter the group filed a complaint with usda monday claiming the cincinnati zoo violated the Animal Welfare act. They point out that the zoo has the had incidents in the past. Including one in march when two polar bears opioid addiction one of the Biggest Health threats facing the country. Take more than 80 lives a day. West virginia lead the nation in overdose deaths. Now the state is fighting back. Suing six National Companies that distribute painkillers. Jim axelrod continues his investigation. Reporter this is what the Opioid Crisis looks like in West Virginia. People addicted to pain pills, lining up on foot and in cars at a small town drugstore to get their prescriptions filled. In 2014, almost 19,000 people died from opioid overdose. Not talking heroin. With the dea for 29 years, he says, wholesale drug distributors play a huge part in the epidemic. If a pharmacy was ordering 5,000 tablets per month over series of months, thats not a big deal. But one month he orders 30,000 tablets. And then the following month he orders 60 tablets. Now up to 100,000 tablets. Well, the wholesalers were seeing this and no one was filing suspicious orders. They have a legal obligation to report the suspicious patterns to the dea . Yes. They werent doing that. During the last ten years, the dea has brought 12 civil suits against drug wholesalers for breaking that law. Mckesson, the nations largest distributor at the top of the list. The dea with six states sued mckesson for supplying hundreds of suspicious hydrocodone orders. Mckesson settled paying more than 13 million in fines and agra agreeing to closely monitor their pill supply. Even after we charged them civilly and took civil fines after them. After memorandum of understanding they knew what to do now. Three years later, they started violating the law again. Reporter this time the wholesaler paid 150 million in fines and had Distribution Centers suspend operations in four states. In your view, was the pursuit of profits outwaying compliance with the law . Yes. A civil penalty, you know, a few Million Dollars, tens of Million Dollars Means Nothing when you are making, you know, potentially billions of dollars. Now, in a potentially precedent setting suit, West Virginia is suing mckesson. Record reveal in a fiveyear period, the wholesaler delivered nearly 100 million opiates to a state with 1. 8 million people. The suit alleges while West Virginia was drowning in painkillers, mckesson continued to incentivize sales. We found tug valley farm see which until january was supplied by mckesson. Are you mr. Ballinger, im jim axelrod. We discovered the pharmacist is facing several lawsuits for negligence admitting to filling 150 pain pill prescriptions daily for one clinic alone. You are namtd in a lawsuit, alleging substandard care, you have nothing to say to me directly . Mckesson term nated the contract with tug valley after learning about the charges from our cbs news investigation, raising the question, why havent the Company Discovered that on its own . They see the tragedy that is happening with these drugs. Why wont you be a good Corporate Citizen and pull back . One day could be one of your neighbors . Or god forbid one of your kids. Why wouldnt you do that . As for mckesson, the companier ud this statement. While we dont comment on pending litigation, we share the view that the Substance Abuse epidemic is a serious problem and we will continue to work with our supply chain partners in support of prevention efforts. Jim axelrod, cbs i dont think thats how theyre made. Klondike hooks up with tasty flavors. The best ice cream bars ever conceived. And theres moving with thermove free ultra. It has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones. And unlike glucosamine chondroitin, its all in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. How are you doing . Nne. Hi, evelyn. I know its been a difficult time since your mom passed away. Yeah. I miss her a lot, but im okay. Wow. That was fast. This is the check ive been waiting for. Mom had a guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance policy through the Colonial Penn program, and this will really help with the cost of her final expenses. Is it affordable . It costs less than 35 cents a day thats pretty affordable, huh . Thats less than the cost of a postage stamp. So, you said it was guaranteed acceptance . Yes. Its for people ages 50 to 85. Theres no medical exam or Health Questions. You cant be turned down because of your health. It fit right into moms budget and gave her added peace of mind. You should give them a call man are you between the ages of 50 and 85 . For less than 35 cents a day, you can get guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. You cannot be turned down because of your health. There are no Health Questions or medical exam. Your rate will never go up and your benefit will never go down due to age guaranteed these days, the average cost of a funeral is over 7300, and Social Security pays a death benefit of just 255. Dont leave a burden for yoloved ones. Call about the Colonial Penn program now. Our bacteria familys been on this alright kiddos erations. Everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. I like to watch them clean, but theyll never get me on the mattress finally theres a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. Introducing new lysol max cover. Its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Max cover is another great way to lysol that. People of a certain age will remember a. Band called the monkees. They burst on the scene with happy songs and nutty television show. Well the monkees are back with a new album and concert tour. Here is anthony mason. Here we come reporter in the fall of 1966, four mad capped musicians, a mix of the beatles and the Marx Brothers made their debut on american television. Hey hey were the monkees people say we monkey around reporter for the next 58 episode the monkees would turn pop culture upside down. Dont you want to be famous . Idol of millions . No, revered by a small minority. Small minority. Small minority. Look a tribe of african pig mes, get . Half a century later. Does the big 50 mean anything to you guys . No. Well, you have to ask mike, mickey, and peter are still monkeeing around. Then i saw her face now im a believer reporter the monkees would outsell the beatles and the stones in 1967. Their first four albums went to number one. Im not your steppingstone reporter a made for tv band assembled by the shows producers, burt snyder and bob rathussen who put this ad in variety seeking four insane boys. Mike nesmith was playing at the troubadour when a friend. Came in and said i saw this ad in variety. Go down and try out for it. I did. I got the job. He went to the audition in the same knit cap he would wear for the show. I dont think. I think i am out of work. I hope i get the series. But, a goof, no, im not. I didnt go to the cattle call. I had always had a series. I see you are fixing to be a musician. Mickey dolens had a lead in circus boy. Peter torque, a folk singer heard about the auditions from his friend, steven stills. Who had been passioned over. So, steve had to settle for crosby, stills, nash and young. Never forgiven me. What did you do . Little quick thing. Davey jones, british actor who had broadway experience completed the cast. Did the four of you connect pretty quickly . Instantly. It was scary. There were no duds among us. And i wasnt really a dud. I played one on television. Cuff link contained a miniaturized tape recorder. If i wear two can i record in stereo. Bob said to me. Well, we could have hired any four guys. Yeah, but you didnt. You hired us four. Well, but any four guys could do what you are doing . No they couldnt have. Because what we are, we brought, the force of our character to it. The boys would butt heads with the music producer, who used outside session musicians to make the monkees first records. No no no i thought they wanted me to play for them. No. I was mistaken. How did you feel about that . It was mortified. They were doing and i wrote a counter point. I studied music. I brought tight them. No, no, you dont understand. This is the record. Its all done. We dont need you. The fictional band became a phenomenon. Fans wanted to see them live. Its like, well, now what . So the producers finally allowed them to play. And their third album, headquarters was entirely their own. But critics had already branded the monkees the prefab four. It was a kind of you guys arent real. It was like define your terms. You were a fake band that became a real band that wasnt really real. Well, see now you are off in the weed with me. Because i dont know the answer to that question. Mick doesnt know. If peter says he does, he is lying. Reporter so you felt like a band . You know, its no, yes. Maybe. Its like len aonard nimor really becoming a vulcan. Reporter the series ended after two seasons. Cross at the green not in between. Out in the sun too long. Reporter and the monkees eventually went their separate ways. Always feel blessed. Dolan, a tv producer and director in england. Nesmith started a band. So did torque who settled in connecticut. Who is here . The monkees. Reruns kept reintroducing the monkees to new audiences. Another Pleasant Valley sunday sunday reporter to mark their 50th anniversary, dolans and torque have headed out on tour again. And the kids just dont understand and the monkees recorded a new album. Produced by fountains of wayne front man adam schlessinger, a longtime fan. Schlessinger, reached out to rock stars, that loved the band, britains paul weller and Noel Gallagher ands weers river cuomo written songs for the record good times. Pretty impressive list . Great list isnt it . And again, me, lucky they say you need love to love reporter they also unearthed an unreleased vintage monkees track that features the late davey jenz wones who died of a attack in 2012. Davey was something. His loss was completely unexpected to you guys . Uhhuh. Reporter when you first had to go out there without davey, how did that feel . Mickey said, well how am i going to sing daydream believer. I said well you cant. It doesnt belong to us anymore. It belongs to them. Sing along with davey. Cheer up sleepy jean oh what can it mean to a daydream believer and a homecoming queen do you think this could be your last tour . No. We are going to retour again next year . You are. Huh. Absolutely. Well tour until one of us drops. Then the other will go on as the monkee. [ laughter ] hey, hey, its the monkee, and people say i monkey around. So you better get,,,,,,, adele is feeling the heat after she scolded a fan who was taping one of her live shows. In adeles defense the fan did have a camera and tripod. Other musicians stop the show if they see so much as a cell phone pointed their way. Here is anthony mason. Cameras are part of the Job Description for us, of course, not for adele, not the own one irritated by audience members who seem to be more interested in a good photo than a good live performance. For better or worse we live in the world of the smartphone. Hello from the outside this is an authorized recording of adele in concert with tickets in high demand one audience member was hoping to create a lasting memory. When adele spotted her camera and tripod she called her out. Can you stop filming me with the video camera. I am really here in real life. You can enjoy it in real life. [ applause ] adeles plea was music to the ears of Wesley Schultz who performed last night in portland. I applaud adele. I appreciate she did it. If it gives it more attention, its a good thing. Reporter he says the cell phones come out in force when the band plays its hit ho, hey. I belong to you. Reporter so he interrupts the song to make this announcement. Would you mind putting away all your cell phones. We have been doing it for a while to let you know it is that important that we connect with you. Because thats why we all came here, you know. Reporter a quick search brings a chorus of agreement from other well known artists. Beyonce. You cant sing because you are too busy taping. Put the phone in your pocket. Adam levine. Reporter for the eagles recordings by the audience just didnt fly as don henley told charlie rose last year. We asked them to please forego the phones and to be there with us in the moment and to enjoy the concert with their eyeballs instead of through a view finder. Reporter a 2015 harris poll found that 31 of attendees of live events between the ages of 18 to 34 use their phones during half of the show or longer. Its tough to complain about the free publicity fan videos and live streams can generate, but billboard magazines jem aswad says that exposure can actually cost an artist. It is taking money away from the artist, most of the videos do not generate any revenue for the artist and take away from the videos on youtube that will generate revenue for them. Thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a wsttle later for the morning captioning funded by cbs captioning funded by cbs its thursday, june 2nd, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. She has no natural talents to be president. With Hillary Clinton set to rip apart his foreign policy, donald trump fires first. Remember the famous phone call . At 3 00 in the morning, shell answer the call. Guess what, she was sleeping. She was sleeping like a baby. Dont wake me up. Ucla heads back to class this morning a day after a student shot an engineering professor and then turned the gun on himself

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