Transcripts For KPIX CBS News The Inauguration Of Donald Trump 20170120

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Trump is now president of the United States, our 45th president. Ut has been for about 90 minutes now. And mike pence, of course, is Vice President. In his inaugural address President Trump lashed out at inshington establishments saying for too long a small group in our nations capitol has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. You are looking at pictures now of the congressional luncheon stat the new president and first lady will be attending with members of the house and the senate on both sides of the aisle. Red this is joint base andrews on the right side of the screen, what used to be called Andrews Air Force base. And you see the outgoing president , mr. Obama saying goodbye to the wellwishers there. He just spoke to a large crowd at andrews. And he will be getting on a plane with his family and inading to palm springs, california, and a nice vacation. He said during his News Conference a few days ago that he was looking forward to a time when he didnt have to hear himself talk so much. Its a split screen kind of day with the incoming president on dee left, the outgoing president on the right, and we have our Major Garrett who has been covering these events all ngrning long. Major . Scott, lets talk about what we just saw at the capitol before this luncheon. President trump signing the official paperwork submitting the nominations of his cabinet nominees to the United States senate. In that, you can see the outlines, i would say, the rodest outlines of a compromise between President Trumps inclinations and working something out with congress. And what do i mean by that . As we discussed this morning, originally President Trump thdnt even want to go to the luncheon, he wanted to get to ngrk to do something. Prat do we see, a compromise where he does something. It it was formulaic paperwork to be sure, could have been filled dut before but he attend ited the luncheon, something he wasnt inclined to do as an act of difference and respect to the legislative branch of our government but also he gets to do something. Alth this paperwork formally nafore the United States senate, showing his respect for t but also projecting to the country that he is president , hes in charge, and hes moving ahead. Ll this in a very, very small way, in a picture way to be sure, illustrates the ability to work out a compromise. Now im not suggesting, nor should we interpret that as a path wide open to future compromise with congress. But it does give you an insight about his inclinations at putting together something that he is comfortable with in the end. Ttd let me, if i can, scott, offer a couple of observations ssout the inaugural address. Seeing as i attended more than 75 rallies for donald trump the candidate. That speech is entirely consistent with the message that he gave to those who supported him and came to his rallies by the thousands and thousands throughout the campaign. And i guarantee you, if we were to ask him right now, President Trump would say what do you expect me to say. I told the people i would carry this message to washington. What better opportunity to carry it it on my first day as president , to carry their voice and not the voice of washington. Pelley and major, lets have a look at the president , former president and first lady as they wave goodbye. Tormer president obama on what might be his last flight on the 747, that is usually known as. Ir force one. When the president is on board. But now that he is the former president , the air force will call this a sam mission, standing for special air mission. It was at noon today that the uth president of the United States was sworn in by the chief justice of the United States. And right after that, President Trump made his first speech as president. This is the president and first lady, of course, arriving at the , pitol luncheon now, walking you through the rotunda to statuary hall. Lets look back now on what happened at noon today when mr. Trump addressed the nation sir the first time as president. For too long a small group in per nations capitol has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. We assembled here today are dssuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capitol, and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward its going to be only america first, america first. I will fight for you with every breathe in my body. And i will never, ever let you down. America will start winning again, winning like never before. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. H. Will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams. Together we will make america strong again. We will make america wealthy again. De will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. And yes, together, we will make America Great again. Thank you, god bless you. And god bless america. Thank you. God bless america. Pelley excerpts from the reesidents inaugural address as we watch the president being seated at the congressional luncheon with the first lady. Now lets bring in two of americas preeminent political writers. We have the chief Political Correspondent of slate magazine and. So it was an interesting conversation within trumps advisors about the nature of the speech, was it going to be dryer, was it going to have a lot of policy, or was it going fe be something very different. He clearly chose to come not with peace but the sword. This was a speech that was entirely consistent with the message that he had to his people and spoke directly to those supporters that he had here in washington today. Especially saying to them, im not going to be changed by this place. Im going to come here and wreck the political establishment of noth parties that have i been railing against on the national station. And i think it was a message to those around him on stage that he is not going to be changed by them o or manipulated by them. I thought the first half of the tpeech in particular sent that message. Ine speech was interesting in part, because as you said earlier, it wasnt necessarily a republican speech. Could you have seen the first rertion being given by Andrew Jackson and the latter portion given by fdr, someone like that, with the sheer elements of rnaims that he wanted government to achieve. I think this was the first speech of the trump Era Republican Party, the reagan Era Republican Party that endured for almost 20 years may be coming to an end. This one is much more populist, much more nationalist, much more theicated, as he said, the concept of america first. Pelley jamel, what did you see in the speech. I saw a lot of what ben saw. I saw interesting spengs tension there. The line that people, there is a cabal basically in washington what that has been enriching itself over the people is funny pven what we know about trumps cabinet. What we foa about trumps on ernflicts of interest. That right now as owner of the Trump International hotel, given what we know about his business relationships, in the position w act in ways that would directly enrich him, his company and his family. Which would fit that description of a cabal of people in washington benefiting over the people at large. Likewise trumps language in that regard, his intention with the fact that looking at his treasury nominee, looking at commerce nominee, people with ties to wall street, these are billionaires, these are people whom you would describe in those terms. Eo it will be interesting to see Going Forward how trump talks about his administration, how trump talk bses his plan, the actual plan at hand given the actual people in the administration. These inaugural addresses are almost always about binding the wounds from the election and bringing the nation together. But donald trump was speaking to his voters and only his voters. Well, i think he was. He did sound the note that we can find unity in our nktriotism, we all i do think that was you have to keep in mind hes speaking in a context where a third of the democrats in the congress are boycotting this inauguration. Is he very well aware of how divided the nation is at this moment. I think that is why he chose to speak to those supporting him. Nkthink theyre worried frankly about bringing others along later with the success of his policies, whether theyre successful or not. That i really think is how he is assessed as a president if his economic policy, the policy as he described as being formed and shaped by a lot of people who have been outside washington who have not been part of this town or this world at all, really, in some respects is really going to be the test of whether he can unify in anyway given that he starts with the kind of popular iterating that he does. Be you know, donald trump may be y,republican in name only, a lot of what he talked about today is antithetical to republican doctrine. Is he for protectionism, against free trade, just one example. What is the Trump Administration going to look like Going Forward trying to deal with the congress. Many of whom on both sides of the aisle oppose him . Right, you know, the legislative agenda of paul ryan, the house speakers, reflects sort of traditional ideaological conservatism. That is the intention of what trump proposes. So when it comes with domestic policy im not entirely certain how theyre going to square that circle. Whether or not trump will push back on congress or whether he will simply recontext allize what congress is putting forth. And so a sort of free market n,iented healthcare plan, in trumps language becomes sort of a more populist, generous plan. But it it remains to be seen. I think where we can see the trump influence most will be in Foreign Policy and will be in Law Enforcement. Already up on the white house website is the Trump Administration sort of position on the Law Enforcement and criminal justice system. Wd its very heavy on the we will not tolerate rioters, we will not tolerate is disrupters, we are here toned an antipolice attitude in america. I think that is the kind of isetoric that both satisfies trumps base and also. One of the real things that is going to be a challenge Going Forward is to see how these people who have been very ideaological, raised in the era of reagan an kemp, the ryan agenda that januaryal speaks of are d janal speaks of are automobile to work with trump ehen they agree and bounce against him when they disagree. That is something not tested yet. The way it works out, the way they are able to deal with him will be a real test for american conservatives during the course of this speech as he was talking, a friend of mine who is a long history of conservative and republican policy work, texted me saying i feel like i have to go into exile now. I think there are a lot of seople in the conservative policy world who probably feel that way today. You know, president obama, former president obama when he was a at joint base andrews gave sort of a rebuttal speech to the inaugural address. Sewas struck by the con trases. Donald trump described what he called american carnage over these last many years and former president obama described all these Amazing Things that have happened. Janal . You know, i was struck by the american carnage line. I was struck by trumps description of American Cities as sort of dystopian mayhem scapes. Closed factories like tombstones scattered across the country. Trump seems to be describing an america that may have existed in the late 70s or 19 80s but isnt reflective of the United States that exists now where a cities like pitsberg that used to be industrial towns are finding new industry. Where inner city, while there are so many problems, they are also increasingly places for Young College educated people want to live. And so that, you know, i see why obama responded the way he did. It is, i think trumps language ejes reflejt reflect an american voter, a group of americans who are removed from cities, i think who view cities, rio view much of the american landscape in the terms that may be in the 70s, in the 8 0see given especially the demographics of trumps support. So for them, that may ring true, but it is very striking to hear an incoming president describe cee United States as a place, basically on the brink of mayhem ehere ordinary people were fighting over loaves of bread and not the country that has mp8 unemployment. And we will return where more of our daylong coverage of the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States right here on cbs. Within welcome back to cbs News Coverage of the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, donald j. Trump you can see where the festivities were held at noon today. But the National Mall has mostly e. Eared out, of course. The president and first lady are inside the capitol there where they will attempt a congressional luncheon of senators and congressman, both parties, a tradition that goes back almost a hundred years. The former president barack nbama and his wife are now on an aircraft, the former air force one. It is not called that on this moment, at this flight, because he is the former president. They are headed to california, palm springs, california, where ahey are looking forward to a nice vacation. No vacation for the Trump Administration at this point. Margaret brennan has been looking into what the administration intends to get done across these next hundred days, mark receipt . Indeed, scott. A lot of people who will have to in some of that heavy lifting are on the buses behind me. We just saw a number of cabinet members, if they are approved, luad on to these buses including nikki hailey up for u. N. Ambassador. We also saw the new directer of totional intelligence get on to these buses as they move from one point to the next for these festivities. But scott, youre right. When were talking about Donald Trumps language that he used as alesident in that inaugural address, he stressed the idea of action, promising it would be swift, it would be quick and he is bringing change. Well, hes going to tump those Bumper Sticker campaign into the legislative overhauls and that, we dont yet know what he is going to do and when except for the fact that hes promised in these first few days, first few hours to peel back a number of regulations. This morning Kelly Ann Conaway one of the senior advisors to the president said she would not be surprised to see onvironmental regulations peeled s. Ck within hours. One of those things, having to do with drilling. Hes promised to pull back some of that regulation to allow for llin oil drilling. Also the clean waters act, other mestrictions related to former president obamas Climate Action plan that was helping to cap Green House Gas emissions. Ngose are some of the things they articulated they wanted to do to really start peeling back the legacy of the obama administration. The former president , donald trump called president obama magnificent. He is focusing some of his very first few actions as commander in chief of undoing that legacy. We also know, scott, that within weeks the Trump Administration is saying they would like to take some action on the Foreign Policy front. In fact, maybe moving that aebassy from tell arrive israel to the tel aviv to the disputed area of jerusalem that in warn they are warning they could have a real domino affect Foreign Policy wise, to treat a lot of problems swiftly for the Trump Administration when it comes to mid east allies that donald trump has promised to h. Nd fences with. That were upset with the obama administrations outreach to iran, were frustratedded with some of those policies. Theyre questioning why donald trump would take action on that item up front. But its something he promised to do when he was on the campaign trail. Hes also saying he wants to miild a miss el missile shield, build up military defenses of what he has articulated to be an immediate threat from north korea. That is front and center on the white house website of the Trump Administration. These are the things they are articulating they want to do in the first few days. That big campaign promise, though, to pull back, roll back, repeal o obamacare, we dont yet know how the trump laministration will be replacing that. And 234 what form. So those are some of the megsier challenges that now as could manner in chief he is going to have to work out with republican grlies in congress. And get democratic buyin as well. And scott, maybe you can hear the marching here behind me, the. Rmy band is moving in. And you can see some of the mix of army seamen and other officers here parading through as they get ready for some of the festivities and the fun on the parade. Nn pelley Margaret Brennan there on pennsylvania avenue, in front of the white house, the Treasury Department behind her where the parades will be going on this afternoon. Margaret, thank you very much. Bob schieffer, lets talk for a gament about what margaret was getting at and that was really legislating. E tting things slew the house atd the senate. The speech today cast washington and everyone in it as corrupt, venal, an enemy of the people. And you wonder how donald trump is going to approach the kind of compromise that is required to ont legislation done. It reminded me of what Lyndon Johnson said when he said never tell anyone to go to hell unless you can make them go. T and lbj thought that was the first rule of dealing with congress. And dealing with washington. It is one thing to stand up there and read the riot act to the congress, which is basically what he did to all those people ay on the platform today. Ab is quite another to be able to get them to help you. And the way president s are able to do that is because they have the people behind them. Their popularity. Ul you have really high popular iteratings, a very high Approval Rating, that is a reason so many president s always try to get what they need to get done early on in their administration. Ircause they know their popularity, their favor ability will not remain high. It goes down as you continue to take on various issues. Pelley lets bring in. Well, let me just finish this thought. Pelley please, please. And that is that this new president enters the white house with the lowest Approval Ratings, basically, since we started polling. Pelley around the mid 30see. That is going to be his problem. Pelley Bob Schieffer, thank you very much, lets bring in ben and jamal of slate magazine. Lets pick up on that idea that he comes in to the presidency with the lowest Approval Rating that weve ever seen since we started asking that question in 1981. To be fair, i think that we actually would be saying that r,oever had won in november, i think we would be looking at the same situation with Hillary Clinton giving the way her polling closed out the campaign. Ahat being said, i think it is a major challenge. The real danger there is of course to look back at what wppened in 2008, even with a very popular president. You had barack obama coming into washington, promising great change. And then getting bogged down in lughts over the stimulus and over health care. Ultimately leading to an blministration that was not able ls achieve as many of its goals, particularly in the first four years as they had hoped to achieve. The danger for donald trump is of the same. Is he coming in here, promising ngl these different things. Promising particularly to fix health care. And hes going to have to do it in a situation where the congress has to abide by its normal procedures and lyul rules. I think the kind of confrontations that could result when donald trump runs into those barriers to achieving his agenda is really going to be a test for him on what kind of president is he going to be. Will he attempt to sweep away atose functions, will he attempt to go around the congress. It really remains to be seen. Pelley jammal, President Trump says hes in a hurry. Can he be . He has to be, right, to speak to bens point. Its not just one danger. There are several dangers, there is his unpopularity. He is the most unpopular incoming president ever. T ere is the fact that Many Americans view him, frankly, as an illegitimate president , because of the because of the questions surrounding his Campaign Connection to russia thd all of this, whether those are fair t is true in the case that Many Americans see them as suspect and see trump as such as suspect. And simply the fact that the Trump Administration doesnt seem to be, this is very kind of mechanical thing, fully staffed, right. There are hundreds of executive branch positions that arent arent yet filled. Mp is not clear that the Trump Administration has plans for replacing obama care, for doing a wide variety of things. So when you add all of those things together, you have a situation that is a problem for him. Pelley thank you very much, cbs News Coverage of the inauguration of the 45th president will continue in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,, s welcome back to cbs News Coverage coverage. Inauguration of the 45th president of the United States. Donald j. Trump. These are scenes that are unfolding nare away from the antional mall of protesters and police. A lot of people came to the city today, of course, to exercise their right to free speech. And to protest the inauguration of the new president. But it got a little bit violent ayrlier today. There were windows smashed and police were using pepper spray to disburse some of the crowd. Now, i want to emphasize this was blocks away from the National Mall and did not in any way disrupt the festivities that we saw around the p president s inauguration. The crowd on the National Mall have been oblivious to all of this. But some of our 26 cbs camera crews are over washington today caught some of these scenes several blocks away. The metropolitan police there using pepper spray to chase the crowd off. They did so after some members of the crowd debegan smashing windows and score fronts there hi part of washington. Our nancy cords has been on the ceremonial stage for us all morning long. And she has now moved over to her normal perch as our chief Congressional Correspondent there on capitol hill. Nancy . Reporter well, scott, congress is going to be actually getting back to work this afternoon, shortly after that luncheon wraps up. The senate will come back into session at 4 00. On the docket at least two confirmation votes for secretary of defense and secretary of Homeland Security we expect that both of those votes will go through. And donald trump will have the first two members of his cabin cabinet. The big question whether there will be a third tonight, democrats say they want more hours of debate on the cia director, congressman mike pompeo. That he would not get voted on until monday. Now some republicans are saying weve got no where to go, we can have a debate. We would like to get that cia director confirmed and sworn in as soon as possible because after all the current cia errector like am the other ismbers of the cabinet finished up their post at noon today so goat position technically goes unfilled. Republicans say, you are playing games with National Security if you dont fill some of these key positions. Democrats on the other hand say, these positions have been empty before, the the nation has lersevered they believe couple more days to have what they view very important debates on some of these nominees is warranted. The big question today, scott, two candidate nominees or three, still wont be anywhere near the seven that president obama had when he was sworn in, republicans are accusing democrats of dragging their heels, this is the new legislative reality. Donald trump is one of the only tactics he really has. Pelley nancy cordes, thank you very much. Si are waiting for the president and first lady to emerge from the congressional luncheon that will happen in 30 or 40 minutes from now. Then will begin the procession down pennsylvania avenue toward the white house. Youre looking at a camera way up in the top of the dome, youre looking down on the Capitol Rotunda part of the original building that George Washington laid the cornerstone for in the 18th century. The dome has just been refurbished, 98 million, it was cast out of cast iron during the civil war. And it was beginning to crack in so many places, parts of it were actually falling off so the architect of the capitol has spent the last couple of years stitching the dome back together, the old cast iron dome and it has never looked better. Row, let me introduce some of the people that were chatting ahth here this afternoon, Norah Odonnell, of course, cohost of cbs this morning is down on the national hall. Walave kim strassle of the wall street journal. Michael gary sen of the Washington Post and alex wagner of cbs this morning saturday. I want to go to you because of mpe unique nature of trumps inaugural address. You worked on both of george w. Bushs inaugural addresses when you were writing for the former president. What was your impression of what trump did today . On well, when i was working on the first one, i went back read all of the previous inaugural speeches which is a little tough in the early 19th century. There are speeches of National Purpose and unity, this was tntirely different gnre just bringing American Culture war controversial to the solemn center stage of american politics. That is was unexpected on my part and completely unique in inaugural history. Pelley kim, let me ask you your impression of the speech . One thing about bushs trumps speech didnt have one theme, either. There was so many different elements in it in terms of politics. Gad some jacksonian, reagan conservatism, the forgotten man theme. I guess what comes out of it in the end, though, this is going to be not business as usual. And that americans are back in charge of their white house. They can ex expect something very different. It was darker than a lot of aleeches that you usually supposed to be times of national unity. Did he make some of that outreach it was, this was very camber scott called it american carnage that has happened to the yountry over the last many years. This was not a speech that in any way attempted to bind the wounds from election day. He was speaking to his voters. Yes, he was. Pso saying, i am the person that is going to save this country. Se really set himself up, this ends today, this begins today and in essence saying the onuntry will be entirely redone under his leadership. Pelley not just him by the way, government. That is the most government erntric speech in modern history. Its done by a republican president , that is really unique as well. Pelley perhaps republican in name only. As a trimmian president. He went after his own party in the speech, the do nothing party. Attacked mcconnell and ryan with them sitting on the stage, this is different. Pelley he cast washington not just as out of touch but as venal, corrupt, the enemy of america. I think thats true. We have had the american covenant, this is the american carnage speech. The present is really bad and our hope is in nostalgia. Instead of some future promise land thats very different as well. One of the things that was most notable about this speech is it summed up why donald trump won the election. He had always had his finger on the pulse of this feeling out in hie country that the washington has completely disregarded the itople, it worked to it own benefit, nothing that it did ever trickled down to the forgotten man. And thats what that speech was about. It was saying, you people are back in charge. The ties that donald trump shattered the mold of inaugural speeches and of what we think the american president needs to have. The language that he is supposed to use, rhetoric, all that is different. Very much a candidate insofar as he is different from anything thse that has been on the national stage, certainly in the oval office. Pelley people keep wait for him to change. It is not going to happen apparently. Pelley it is not happening. Michael, im curious about something, the last time that an american president was elected teving not won the popular vote was your guy, george bush, in 2000 when you were writing that speech, what were you trying to accomplish . The whole speech was about unity. It talked about the values that ynite americans, that really ouanscend our differences. It talked about building a single nation of justice and opportunity. That was organizing theme. Ts not new. Thomas jefferson did that at the very beginning, there have been variety of speeches of national unity, thats what you would normally do after losing the popular vote. After having 35 approval. He does break the norm, this was a different voice, having criticized all of that, this was the voice of inaugural address err america. I think theyre going to listen to it and hear something they like. But i dont think hes going to convert many people. Pelley Norah Odonnell, the cohost of cbs this morning has been down on the national erll since before dawn covering s. Ery inch of this. Norah, i wanted to bring you in ask you your thoughts about the president s inaugural address and also the days to come. Reporter closest advisors told me that this would be an eloquent speech. Fyat it would be unifying uteech, that it was a beautiful speech that he wrote himself. There was a nod to president and mrs. Obama at the very beginning, he called them magnificent in his words for how they had been gracious during nse transition. But after that, te speech then spoke to the forgotten man as he said the forget enmen and women 6 our country they will be forgotten no longer remind me of something that Speaker Paul Ryan said when donald trump went out to visit him after he had been elected and came to d,sconsin and paul ryan said, there were seven or 8,000 people, people i had never seen before. In his own district had come out to that rally. So there is this sense of that, ocether it was democrats, too reagan democrats who thought they had been forgotten, he did speak to that. Fet it was a very different inaugural address. Ri was missing the soaring rhetoric. Weve been listening to probably one of the greatest oraterrs of all time, barack obama. But words like crime, drugs, gangs are new for inaugural address. It felt more like a Campaign Speech than an inaugural address. But thats the change. Ngats the marked change. His advisors have also said that were going to witness some very dramatic change in just the first two weeks they have planned every single day of policy action in order to signal that they mean business. z that theyre going to try to deliver on this skyscraper of promises that trump talked about all throughout the campaign. Pelley one wonders, norah, whether the foundation that have skyscraper will be undermined by the president s own party, what do you think his prospects are with his own party, many of the things he talked about today are antithetical to dogma. Reporter in terms of tax reform, Speaker Paul Ryan was formerly the chairman. House ways and means committee, one advisor pointed out that george w. Bush was able to get tax reform done by june. Theyre optimistic about that. Cell see what replaces obamacare, the repeal is the easy part. But on a number much issues, other than executive orders and just the legislative stuff is hard but he is helped by having, it is rare, to have both control gr both houses of congress. So, if he can corral them, he can make a deal then there will be change, i think a lot of change in very short period of time. Pelley the elephant in the room that we havent talked about yet is his nomination of the Supreme Court which should y. Coming shortly. T . At do you know about that . That is one of the things i am told is going to happen in the first two weeks. P think the President Trump himself has said that he has narrowed down the list, they looked at that. I dont know whether he has shared or consulted yet with the senate, its my understanding he has not. But i think that they have a very, very short list, thats something they plan to do as one of the first orders of business in the next two weeks. The one concern about that is that as hes trying to push a lot of stuff, it is a choice that can set off a lot of partisan wrangling, not that he has shied away from that, but that certainly can signal a big fight is wop of your first acts as president of the United States. Pelley Norah Odonnell will come back through the day t. Well, thank you for that. And as we keep an eye on the protests that are unfolding in ioher parts of the nations capital, we will be back very shortly with more coverage on des of the 45th president of the United States and his y. Auguration today. Fotheres a seriousy boomers virus out there thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. 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But then donald trump is at least in modern times, has the lowest Approval Rating of any incoming president. Most of the major polls including the cbs news poll has him around 35 . That does that mean to the incoming president . I think theres one point that kind of gets to both the crowds and to those approval numbers which is you dont necessarily have to like the man to want his policies, or not want the alternative which was Hillary Clinton standing up there. And you can see that in some of the polls. A poll that the wall street journal had recently had him well under water in terms of personal Approval Ratings. When you broke down into the eoll it showed that people were nonetheless hugely supportive of xhat he had planned for tax reform. For his infrastructure plans, for changing health care. Donald trump is a very polarizing person, very polarizing enough that people didnt feel like making the journey to washington, d. C. To see him sworn in. But it doesnt mean that they are not necessarily somewhat approving and hopeful for the things he says hell do here. Pelley michael, ive orlked to a lot of voters before election day said, sure, i dont like donald trump, i dont like some of the things that hes done. But i Like Washington less. So therefore, i think hes a risk worth taking. Its happened again and again. I looked at the debates during the campaign thought that he lost every single one of them. But people must have liked something they were hearing. This was not a stylistic speech, it will not be carved into marble. A very effective people for the people he wants it to be effective with those are ones that carried him. They havent had ha voice in our politics, thats the truth. He is providing that. Pelley you wonder how he soverns Going Forward if hes only talking to those people who put him in office. I did interview with donald trump on 60 minutes i said, being president of the United States is not like being ceo of a company. Ahe congress is going to have a say, the Supreme Court is going to have a say, he said to me, quote, well, well see. Look, i mean, what this misses a little bit, though, people are talking about the big stuff that needs to get condon with congress in areas where there will be disagreement. There is so much lowhanging fruit out l. Reality is when you look at the first two weeks what he is going to do hes going to institute a federal hiring freeze. Going to issue executive orders byat have to do with lobbying and draining the swamp. Ueobably going to issue executive order that orders every Department Head to disclose and halt any work on Climate Change issues, for instance, until they can figure out what they want to do with it. Plstrictions on some people coming town the nation. That is a lot of stuff, this is i think Donald Trumps strategy for how he is going to try to get some favorability with people. Pelley this is donald trump where we saw him walking out to the platform there. They are should be to be leaving the congressional lunch, the next thing is going to happen is s. At he will review the troops. This is a picture of protests, some of which have broken out in various places in the city, it is a live picture of police. Some protesters have knocked out some store front windows, police have pushed them back using pepper spray. Our correspondent, harold s,rnett has been covering this, what have you seen . John, right now im speaking to you from k street. In the background you may be able to hear what mirrors to be flash bang, is that riot police are throwing in direction of protesters who have gathered there and previously caused the damage that i think you just showed our viewers. These protesters by the thousands have been marching through Washington Holding a kind of counter inauguration to donald trump. At this moment riot police are trying to get a handle on what was previously permitted protests, people had filled out the appropriate permits but at this moment it appears to have changed and become more of a demonstration of unrest. I just witnessed the police throwing one of those flash bombs devices then immediately that object was thrown back toward the police and then exploded in the officers face he had to sit down on the sidewalk. So, at this moment things have changed from being widespread stntinual protests against the policy 69 next president elect, now the 45th president and langed now to a fullon confrontation between some protesters and washington, d. C. Police. At this moment i can see those officers now running toward the protesters who are scattering out in various directions along k street and 13th street northwest here in the heart of washington. Pelley so that the audience understands, these yoash bang grenades that youre describing its a kind of hand grenade built no shrapnel of any mind, not designed to do harm built it does have a charge in dt that sets off a very loud explosion and puts smoke into the air, it is meant to be disorienting to the people who have who are on the receiving end of that. Rs any of what were seeing tear gas or is all of that the flash bang grenades . Earlier some of the protesters told me that tear gas had been used, to disburse some of the crowd but from my Vantage Point it does not appear to be tear gas right now. This seems to be an attempt by the police to get a handle on ofis specific group of protesters who have now fled arto franklin square. Earlier in the day one protest group was able to shut down completely one of the checkpoints toward the inauguration route. Police did that, allowed inotesters who had chained themselves to the entrance to peacefully demonstrate. They shut down that entrance allowing people to go to the inauguration to enter the 11 other entrance. Its mid day these demonstrators have continued to walk the streets of washington and rerhaps go beyond where their tormits allowed, police have to regain control. In my viewpoint here on k street i can also see one Police Officer who is being helped by some National Guardsmen and ivher officers, the individual appears to be injured. So this is a point when people tmonstration has turned in to destruction of property as you saw in the windows of bank of america and starbucks into what now could be injuries towards aglice and continued damage. The officials here are trying to get a handle on this situation, were being kept back as are demonstrators as police rhlicopters circle overhead. The hope is that they can get a handle on this right now and it doesnt deteriorate as the hour moves on. Pelley i want to emphasize again to the audience youre seeing a lot of explosions, you are seeing a lot of smoke in the air but again, those are flash bang grenades yat the police use, theyre resigned to look scary, theyre ,esigned to scare people away, they are not designed to harm anyone. In even though youre seeing a lot of explosions, it is not likely that people are being harmed in any degree by those. Though grenades have been shrapnel in them at all. Ee the left side of your screen we see someone who seems to have olen overcome, might be a Police Officer. Seems to be a Police Officer wearing gas mask. Now we see a military vehicle, thats a humvee probably National Guard they have been deployed in various places around the city to provide security today. We are seeing what appears to be n Police Officer who has been overcome being treated. Earlier we saw the police using pepper spray, spraying the pepper spray from large cans wdto the crowd. This all started when the crowd became unruly and started owashing store front windows. And the police felt that it was time to move them out of there. I want to emphasize that the people who were at the inauguration would not have seen or heard any of this. This is distant from the National Mall. Kse police have for many weeks now provided areas around the city where protests were being allowed. Now some of them, certainly not all of them, but some of them are getting a little bit out of hand. Reese are wide pictures that youre seeing there, you see the police in the back, another one of those flash grenades again not to hurt anyone but to encourage them to move back. Lets look at some of the videotape from earlier when police were using helper spray against protesters. The picture someone smashing a window with a hammer. Clearly, some of the protesters came looking for trouble. There are a lot of protesters understand city today, the vast majority of them have been respectful of the police. But some of them came looking for trouble and they found it. Washington metropolitan police pushing them back with stun per ades and with pepper spray. Were going to keep watching this, we have a number of correspondents and camera crews watching that for us as it unfolds. But as this continues, we will also talk about the business of the day. And business of the day of guurse inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, donald j. Trump, the serson that all of these protests are about. The trump is in the congressional luncheon right now, there are no cameras in there were not seeing that at the moment. He will be leaving the congressional luncheon then there at the capitol he will opview the troops. This is a symbolic reviewing of the troops. Efs now commander in chief of the u. S. Armed forces and every new president does this and then after that, will be the long nsocession down pennsylvania avenue toward the white house. We were thinking that it was going to be raining quite a bit today but really not so much. It looks like the president elect and his wife will be able to walk part of the route, we will have more of our coverage after this. Looking for balance in your digestive system . Try align probiotic. For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support, with align. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. Now in kids chewables. 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Before we took a break we were heowing you some of the protest, is that are occurring around the city. Dhere has been some violence and we are told now that the metropolitan police have made 95 arrests. But tomorrow is supposed to be the protest day that was set aside for people who wanted to come to washington to express their counter views and alex wallace has been talking to some of the organizers, what are you expecting tomorrow . So, i spoke with four cochairs of the womens march yesterday. Trying to reiterate over and over this is a peaceful march, its about solidarity, its about unity, its about catharsis to some degree. I would imagine that the backdrop of the images were seeing today with the tear gas, the rioting, shattering of the windows, it will go interesting to see how it changes the Police Presence and security orlculations for tomorrow. I wouldnt imagine this kind of backdrop is something that the march organizers for tomorrow want to see. They dont want to come in the wake of this. Nor do they want to be following the violence of friday. Pelley alex wagner i beg your partner. Pelley i have a friend named alex wallace. Cohost 6cbs saturday. Kim strassle of the wall street journal. Love been sitting here too long. I beg your pardon. Kim, let me ask you, one of the biggest things that will happen throughout the entire Trump Administration is this nominee hes about to make to the Supreme Court, going to happen in a few days. Right. That is why you see democrats moving slowly as they possibly can on the other nominations. We were talking earlier about the fact that they look as though only let two go through on day one. Theyre going to try to drag this out as long as they can because the more time committees, in particular the midiciary committee, where theyre doing the Jeff Sessions nomination, longer that they have to work on that sessions nomination, the longer it will take to have the Supreme Court nominee confirmed or having to stal with that question. Trump will make it within two weeks priority to have the name out. Pelley Michael Gerson of the Washington Post and former speech writer for george w. Bush. You were talking to me earlier ttout the cultural setting, if you will, for todays inauguration speech. A little feeling of 1968 when nixonhumphrey, in that electi election. It was deep cultural controversy. Now were debating about cultural touch stones like guns, like sexuality, like Political Correctness that seems to be one of the main things that divides the camps here. Its hard to get agreements when you have deep cultural divisions. These are not ideological arguments to some extent they are coming from different worlds. I think that that presents a real problem in a problem of owlreach of legislation. Problem of positive politics eventually. Pelley kim, when you were hearing the speech we didnt get advance copy it was new to us as we were hearing it. Nkat did you think . Of the speech. Pelley yes. As it rolled out. Ng i began with his opening lines being very gracious to president obama and michelle obama. We had heard that he was writing ehis himself, it was going to be sary up lifting message the first three lines i thought, yeah, here we go. Lyen it sort of very quickly turned into something that, again, it was i can see who he was directing it to and see why he was making the themes he was. It was not your traditional inaugural speech. Pelley we will be back very shortly with more coverage ug the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States right here on cbs. 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At this stage at least 95 people have been arrested and two Police Officers were told ic least two Police Officers have been sent to hospital with minor injuries. In the past 60 minutes we watched as police, Dc Metro Police in full riot gear, try to contain the more unruly parts of todays demonstrations. In doing that, they used these flash bang devices that were thrown back toward police, i watched one explode in front of e. Officers face. I also watched as protesters while the riot police were in sell line formation, threw loose bricks towards them, the riot police needing to use their. Hields to deflect them. After that, norah, the police then moved in and pushed prote protesters toward frank palestinian square. That is an area that is roughly three or four blocks from the white house so not too far where Donald Trump Inauguration parade is taking place. You have the streets of Downtown Washington filled with not just protesters but police who are out in full force trying to protect property from damage. Esshort time ago, a business with windows storefront was smashed bank of america and a starbucks shortly after that, protest groups started to move about the city. What is difficult for Police Officers is it was not necessarily speaking about one individual protest group, there are more than 60 separate groups mid organizations with committed protests for today and they range from the more mundane to a full Anarchist Group which said its public aim was to disrupt the inauguration of donald trump as much as possible. Oolice officers dont know who was with what group. In for them its about making sure that everyone is safe and. Hat parts of washington, d. C. Arent damaged by what should be peaceful demonstrations. Ol our nations capitol some time an area where there are protests. Errol, how far are these protesters from what will be the inaugural parade route . Reporter well, at this moment, this incident with police facing off with the demonstrateers is roughly three or four blocks from the white house which is where the inaugural parade will end. Now, just as im speaking to you it appears that police are mreparing to move us back from where were standing, a full block away from where beennstrators have been surrounded. What is interesting is the aim of one of the protest groups was to actually prevent people from being able to attend the inauguration. They wanted to shut down the checkin point. They also pledged to make their way into the inaugural route and disrupt it as much as possible. Yet to be seen if that will be successful, but far away from the inauguration route certainly keeping metropolitan police, thousands of them, out here. In fact some assistance is being brought flynn other cities for todays special event. But they are doing what they can to make this as messy as possible. As far as what their message is, d. Is varied. Ef ranges from an effort to create environmental policy change as it relates to Climate Change. Gender equality, racial equality as well. Its really an umbrella group, many different organizations that the police are having to keep a handle on right now. All right, Errol Barnett who is down at like 12th and k hereet not far from the washington mall. Also not far as he pointed out from the inaugural parade route. Were waiting to see President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump shortly. They are inside the u. S. Capitol. They will then be brought down the east steps of the capitol to begin the inaugural parade. Viey will do the pass in review, review the military units of the president ial escort. As they pay their respects to the new commander in chief, trnald trump now controls several million u. S. Armed forces. I want to bring back in our guests and michael start with you, this is going to be a much shorter parade, were told, for donald trump. 0ts only going to be about 90 innutes because according according to his advisors they want it to be workmanlike and he says he has work to do. Ut he talked in his speech about ioe hour of action. Ivat was a promise of activity and energy, i think he wants to create that impression. Hes using these events which usually go longer, as if to convey a sense of urgency about his agenda. And moving forward. As the former host of Celebrity Apprentice a showman in some ways, less showy in the past, less celebrities, he will only attend three inaugural balls tonight. Enll clinton i believe attended 14, barack obama 10 inaugural balls, kim, its noteworthy, once again a sign that trump plans to do things very differently. Yeah, again, this is part of what michael was saying is that this is his entire intent here is to have a workmanlike approach to this. For instance, we know that his Transition Team has put together some 200 different executive orders for him to reviewness, to look through, decide whether or not we dont know which ones hes going to put out yet. Hes been working with the senate and house on any number of obama regulations that have been issued over the last legislative days that theyre now going to instantly try to overturn with a piece of legislation called the congressional review act. And hes getting his nominees in place. Everyone of those nominees has dramatic plans for the department that they are about to go run. So, the intention here, as he said in his address, im here to work for you, the people now are controlling washington, watch me get things done. We are waiting for the pass and review, 9 inaugural parade h begin well be back with Bob Schieffer right after this. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. 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I wonder what his ideas and thoughts were. The challenges he had at that time were the greatest our constitution ever in the histo history. Challenges today are different, but we still have big challeng challenges. Toe today we have a gift for leu, mr. President , while you gere being sworn in the flag that was flown over the u. S. Capitol. Mr. Link conhad very inspiring errds, times were different but in his annual message to congress i thought these words meant the most. The dogmas of quiet path are adequate to the stormy present. The occasion is high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new we must act anew and think anew. We must disentrail ourselves then save our country. Mr. President , i wish you the best of luck. [ applause ] mr. President , madam first lady congratulations on the inauguration, the American People pray for your family. Pelley nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house, now raader of the democrats in congress. The luncheon for the president and Vice President will go on for another several minutes and then the president will have the ceremonial review of the troops at the capitol then begin the long procession which we will be following for you. Down to the white house. Lets listen to nancy pelosi just for a moment. Mr. President , right up there above that door the news of history cleo for almost two centuries, cleo and her clock have reminded men and women of these hallowed hall, is that we are part of history, that our words and actions will face the judgment of history that we are orrt of the long and honorable heritage of our democracy, that is cleos advice. We come to this sacred inauguration day, united and respect for our democracy and making a difference in the lives of hard working americans. I have the privilege of presen vesenting the flag to mr. Vice president of the United States, mike pence. One of the house of representatives own, right, mr. Speaker . [ applause ] si know that Vice President pence is strengthened by his faith, his family, by the foundation of experience here in this hall, i told, he knows the territory. He knows the territory. Se is now my honor to present one of the flags that flew above the capitol today to the Vice President of the United States, mike pence. We pray for you for your beloved wife, karen, for michael, charlotte, audrey, all of your vmily, god bless you, mr. Vice president. Remembering that this flag that we pledge to every day for liberty and justice for all is our calling. I look forward to working with you. Now my honor to present you with this flag. [ applause ] ve those of us who served in the house or still serve in the house thank the senate is never quite as quick as the house. But maybe when it comes to photographs we are, my good friend Chuck Schumer going to make that presentation. Well thank you, first lets have a hand for roy did he a great job, he and his staff on atis inauguration. [ applause ] now, mr. President , earlier this year iris and i were truly blessed we watched our older daughter, jessica, marry the boy of her dreams. We are so happy. Thats when i learned, though, ilthing is official until theres ha photo of it. Mr. President , now its official. I present to you the photograph of your inauguration. [ applause ] ce. President , mr. Vice president , and mrs. Trump and mrs. Pence, a gift that youre going to have a done that look e more later and a lot more pelley this is the time in washington that we call everything has been said but not everyone has said it. As the speeches go on and on. The president elect shy call him the president , of course, as he actually asked his staff if he could skip the lunch and go right to work. They said, well, they have been doing this about a hundred years, perhaps, boss, we ought. O sit down for this one. Ioey are presenting various gifts to the president and Vice President. Kib schieffer, we were looking tarlier at the protests that have begun to unfold around the city, some of them violent. You covered the inauguration in 1968, i wonder, as you see these protests how you reflect on that. Schieffer this is not the first time weve had protests at an inauguration, in the nixon inaugural in 19 69d we had just come to very Divisive Campaign that was 1968 was the year that rte Democratic Party came apart in chicago. ,ut my assignment that day, called the yippies led by someone named abby hoffman they inaugurated a pig down at the monument. It started rain knowledge, the pig got out, we were chasing it around. And then finally we got that done and we went up to pennsylvania avenue and as president nixons limosine came by they actually threw rocks at him. There were no injuries, fortunately. But the thing is is the Washington Police are very good at what they do. The main reason being that they dld so much experience handling demonstrations and so forth. We hope what were seeing out there doesnt get any worse, but its not the first time its happened. Pelley in 68 the president s limosine was literally within a stones throw of the protesters. Schieffer yes. You could hear the rocks hitting. Pelley today the erotesters have been several blocks away. And i suspect that no one who is on the National Mall today probably saw or heard any of the protests that were happening. Michael gerson, Washington Post, you were telling me that one of the things that struck you about the speeches, what it means for Foreign Policy. I dont think that was given much attention as other parts of the speech. But he really was it was protectionist, isolationists, impose our way of life on other people. Which is attack on democracy, talked how protection leads to glosperity, not a single republican in that agenda who would agree with that statement. E. s been held for a long time. Its a real question of the whole international orthodoxy of postwar american president. It was ambitious in that way. Pelley kim of the wall street journal. When you were hearing the speech and thinking about Foreign Policy what struck you . Well, what struck me is that this is potentially the area where Donald Trumps off the cuff remarks have sort of opened now anything come out. Pelley his ideas of otential to really cause harm. For instance about comments he made recently, Angela Merkel and germany. Vladimir putin loves it when donald trump does Something Like this. His ambitions, putins ambitio g pelley donald trump going to get anything done in washington he needs this man, speakers of the house, paul ryan of wisconsin. My dear friend and former colleague, Vice President mike pence. [ applause ] t. Just really enjoy saying that. I think about the times that weve walked back and forth just down this hall on the way to a vote, if memory serves more often than not we walked that led because we were being hauled into the Speakers Office for being admonished for being rabblerousers. Weve had so many great memories here. I know this job makes you an atficer of the senate. But you, mike pence, will always be a part of the peoples house. [ applause ] ie talk about our two bodies quite a bit, if i had to use a sports analogy i would say, we play rugby they play golf. Just sayin. Im reminded of something that i think is pretty profound that makes me think of mike pence. Reminded of the word of mikes favorite author, mark helprin. As long as you have life and breath, believe. As long as you have life and breath, believe. Ladies and gentlemen, there was ho one that i have served with who brings more belief to his work than mike pence. No one believes more deeply in our country and her people. No one believes more deeply in our capacity to do great things. He is a happy warrior. The president could not have chosen a better partner for this work than mike pence. So, mr. President , mr. Vice president , we raise our glasses to you, to karen and to your beautiful family. Iny you have every blessing and h ccess as the 48th Vice President of the United States of america. Well the theme of todays inauguration is uniquely america. There are some words that come to mind when you hear that phrase. Big, bold, energetic. Enterprising and resilient. Tlways looking to the next horizon. Sure sounds like our country and it sure sounds like donald trump. [ applause ] our president has has surmounteo this moment. Hes been under estimated often but he never let it stop him from succeeding wishing him nsmilar success as he turns to the charge of governing. We face many challenges, but weve been challenged before and emerged stronger. We live in changing times, yes, but some things endure and we celebrate one of them today. Ders inauguration is a reminder of our common story, as americans, and on this most uniquely american of occasions, i ask you to stand and join me in raising a glass. Mr. President , may you find every success in the years ahead, may unite our country behind a common vision and renew the promise that makes our country so great. Hearhear. Thank you very much, mitch, and paul and our great Vice President. I dont think anybody wants to hear me speak anymore today, right. So well cut it short. But we have so many of our cabinet members here. I see my generals, generals are going to keep us so safe. Theyre going to have a lot of problems the other side. Theyre going to look, theyre going to look at least a central casting, if im doing a movie i pick you general, general mad es who is doing very well. Even chuck likes general maddous and general kelly. Typically i thinks were doing great at the cabinet level but e. re going to do just fine. But you know, ill tell you, there is something that i wanted to say because i was very honored, very very honored when i heard president bill clinton and secretary Hillary Clinton was coming today i think its appropriate to say. I would like you to stand up. I would like you to stand up. [applause] honestly, theres nothing more i ofn say because i have a lot of respect for those two people so thank you all for being here. Were going to have four great years hopefully of peace and prosperity. Well be working very very hard. Our cabinets lined up and ready. I know eventually chucks going to approve of them, im sure. I really believe that. And were all dealing together, we all want the same thing, were all good people, whether youre republican or democrat, doesnt make any difference, ngre going to get along. H. Ain, thank you very much. Its an honor and roy, you have done a spectacular job. You and tom i want to thank you. [applause] thank you everybody. Thank you. Thank you very much. Donald trump wrapping up the congressional luncheon and making a special point to recognize Hillary Clinton. And led the applause. Mr. Trump saying i have a lot of respect for those two people referring to Hillary Clinton and her husband. Quickly two thing. We need one just to mention the gifts, the mean mememtos the president and Vice President will head out to the steps of the capitol where there will be a ceremonial review of the troops and then we are going to see the new president and first lady in procession to the whitehouse down pennsylvania avenue. We were thinking it was going to rain quite a bit today but not so much. Its about 45 degrees right now and the rain has held off so it may be that mr. Trump and his wife will walk part of the way to the whitehouse. That is traditional. Jimmy carter walked all the way from the capital to the whitehouse down pennsylvania avenue. But most president s take the car part of the way, step out, walk a couple blocks and take the car the rest of the way. Former chief of staff to president george w. Bush. Im dying to hear your reaction to the speech. Your guy president bush was the last president who won the presidency but lost the popular vote. And his inaugural speech was all ntout bringing the country together. And healing most wounds. What did you think of todays speech. Ists disappointed in the speech. It was a speech that was to the people got donald trump the opportunity to take the oath of office. It was the really designed to be d the people who need to be part of the solution with donald trump. And so i thought it started off a little dark. It wasnt a city on a shining hill or wasnt the dpleer of america glory of america. The world is watching and the world paid attention to that speech. I wanted the world to see america for what it was not for what donald trump portrayed it. And i thought he portrayed it a little more darkly. I liked that he was calling for change. He was elected to bring change and i think the republicans were victorious in their elections because people wanted change, a change in policy. Donald trump has to lead that change in policy and hes now the president who will need to govern. And i also thought that his speech didnt invite others to govern with him the way it could have. So i was disappointed in his speech. Edat having been said, i loved the celebration of inauguration. Its a celebration for the people that helped donald trump get here. Its a celebration for the team thats leaving. They can celebrate the last eight years they had. Theres only a hint of people who are denied Constitutional Rights now. There are people who served two terms as president. They cant run again for president. So the barack obama team can omlebrate that they accomplished the entire constitutional opportunity for barack obama to be president of the United States and they did a phenomenal job. I happen to disagree with a lot of what they did but they did a phenomenal job. I find this is a day of celebration. I really want the world to see how we do celebrate the transfer of power in this country. And let the did he baitable policy take place the day after the inauguration. There were no olive branches in the inaugust recall speech but we just heard a couple at upis luncheon when he stood up and praised Hillary Clinton ofying that he has a lot of respect for her and then reaching out to democrats and saying were going to do a lot of good work together. I wish that had been in his inaugural address but i agree, he did do it at the luncheon. Of course the luncheon is hosted by congress. Se he is a guest in their house. Thats one of our houses. Thats article 1 in the constitution. They are our representatives so i think it should have been an inclusive environment and he was inclusive and im grateful for that. E let me bring into the characterization, your former colleague in the george w. Bush administration fran towns end from the Homeland Security council in the administration. Your specialty of course is security. Mp let me ask you the trump inansition teams to be behind the clock in filling very important National Security jobs. Gid i wonder whether that gives you pause. So, yes, of course you have some pause. I will tell you many of the key ones, especially in the whitehouse and some in the cabinet have already been filled, right. So my replacement is tom bassert was in the bush administration. Hes very experienced. Hes at the job as we speak. Ugs not attending the inaugural festivities because hes working w. Ght now. Once the president took the oath of office he has a job to do. The most critical period of that job when you first start is that nulk down pennsylvania avenue. Once the president has taken the oath of office and leaves the confines of the capitol which kse very secure and he walks that path weve seen riots here in washington. Whether its the threat of storm or the disruption of potential riots, you really sort of feel vulnerable if youre in the whitehouse and you watch and take that walk so i know efmething of a sigh of relief when he makes it to the whitehouse. Well that has to be the most heavily guarded, heavily covered walk in the world. Thats right. You can imagine for any in team not just this new team, if somebody were to happen during that walk, the ability to communicate effectively with the president , for him to get the information he needs to make decisions, its always a worry. That machine will be better old six weeks, six months from now for any president than it is when he takes that walk. Bob schieffer, i wonder basically what weve seen today, do you think donald trump fully dsderstands how much he needs the congress . No. No. Its not. Because he has no experience in politics. Thats not saying it cant be learned. But i think at this point, he doesnt, in my view, its my view, he doesnt understand how much that the presidency is a place where you have to persuade. I think one of the mistakes that barack obama made, he would lay out these programs but he didnt inally have the zest for making a deal, for asking the congressmen, what do you need. How can we do something together here that will be good for both of us. And i think if hes going to be successful, he would have to do this. Could i just ask, i would like to ask both of you, you talked about presenting the view of america. Inw does this speech play in other capitols among our old allies, among our nato members. When you hear donald trump say weve defended your borders. Hile we didnt defend our own. Thats kind of going to stop. I think its an invitation to angst in alstonia, latvia, lithuania, in taiwan. We have treaty obligations. And those obligations mean an awful lot not so much to america but an awful lot to the countries for which we have pledged our support. But i think thats something toat donald trump will come to recognize. Im confident that his National Security team understands it. And their testimony in the confirmation process was reassuring to me and i think every one of them has the courage to speak truth to power so im confident that President Trump will have i think thats right andy. I think what youre finding is our allies are listening to the confirmation hearings and mheyre taking some comfort from etose hearings where cabinet lecretaries like Rex Tillerson are reassuring them on historical alliance. When you hear things like were going to protect ourselves first, i think our allies are feeling a little anxious. Rex tillerson who has been teminated secretary of state former ceo of exxon mobile. Were watching Hillary Clinton who donald trump just praised at the luncheon. Hes on her way out. Everyone following out of the luncheon and the next thing that will happen is a ceremonial review of the troops. Asnald trumps first act as commander in chief. Now Norah Odonnell is down on the mall. She has been covering this story for us all day long. And i would like to bring you into the conversation as well, norah. It was a striking moment when donald trump reached out and said to the congress, were going to work together, were going to do great things. And a striking moment when he meknowledged his former opponent, Hillary Clinton, who was there as many thought he might do that in the inaugural address. He did not shake her hand when he walked into the front of the topitol but there was a nod to her inside and i thought that was a gracious moment by the president. Im fascinated by the discussion that you all are having about how this inaugural address plays overseas. And i know fran, that youve just come back from the middle east and that you travel there frequently. There was a line in President Trumps inaugural address when he says we will reunite the civilized world against islamic lerrorism which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth. How, i know there are many National Security types like yourself who are concerned about that type of rhetoric. Well, norah, its a very bold statement. Its one thing to say youre going to eradicate a group and weve seen president obama make bold statements about eradicating alqaeda and then having to dial back saying that isis was the jv team and then having to dial back when they got increasingly lethal. When a president of the United States makes such a bold Statement Like that, hes not talking about eradicating a single group but an entire ideology thats killed thousands around the world, its a very bold statement. I think when he makes this and seats in the seat behind the big desk in the oval office, hes going to find just like president obama found closing bantanamo very hard but keeping that kind of a promise is more difficult than he may think right now. Were going to watch President Trump right now do the pass and review of our Armed Services. And as commander in chief and they will salute him as their new commander in chief. One question is, lee use the arme will he use the armed ses and help eradicate islamic terrorism from the face of the art. I think its a question how he would use them. Yes of course hes going to use them and president bush 43 and president obama have all used them to a greater or lesser extend. I dont think theres any question hes going to use them. The question is is he willing to deploy more Ground Troops to a iaace like syria. Meet other middle Eastern Countries to contribute to the ground force. Nd that remains to be seen. Thats a coalition hes going to have to build. And as we watch hillary ominton in her automobile leaving the scene of the luncheon, were going to take a kreak but we will be right back with our coverage of the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States right here on cbs. The and were back now to the cbf the inaugust reagan of the 45th teesident of the United States, mpnald j. Trump. Joining me right here is Bob Schieffer. We also have andy card of the george w. Bush administration, the chief of staff under george w. Bush. Urd fran towns end the security expert the Homeland Security Council Chairman under george w. L. Sh as well. Thd of course we have another dropped down at the National Mall thats been covering this story with us all day look. , dy let me start with you, if i may. En chief of staff to president bush, we now have with donald trump, the first president in American History who has no experience as a politician and erieilitary experience. What is not obvious that he needs to know about being president of the United States. Un as president of the United States, he should be making president ial decisions not necessarily government decisions. Other people in government can make government decisions. He should be making the toughest yecisions, and never making easy decision, those are president ial decisions. And they require lots of advice and council and a process that guarantees there will be lots of advice and council. Because more people that are involved in the process of getting two recommendations to the president and by the way he should never receive one recommendation. Its many recommendations. You are more likely to learn of the unintended consequences of his decision. And there are always unintended consequences and you want to minimize the number of unintended consequences rather than maximize them. The second thing is that time is so valuable that you should not waste your time on trivia or yeapeasiesteasy decisions or acg others just to be nice. You got to be efficient with your time. You probably dont have the discipline to do that so you probably have to respect a chief ef staff as they help you manage your time. Fran foun townsend, this may seange but donald trump in these weeks leading up to the inauguration declined the daily reiefing which is the top secret reports thats delivered to him that explains to him all the security threats around the world. He says i dont need to hear that every day. What do you think of that. Well scott, part of that is the decision on the new president s part. As andy says, to manage his time. Recovery president ievery presi. We in washington understand the daily brief are the crown jewels. Everybody wants it, how could you not take it. I think the reality is we have de remember that the president is not the only one who gets it, e,ght, the secretary of state, ene dni, secretary of defense. All of the people around him who are serving up the very option that andy card has just articulated, they are all seeing that. So hes going to get it in s. Rious ways. T may not get it the way the last president got it. Some president s want it orally, tome president s want it to writing. Some president s want it on paper, president obama liked it d. An ipad. Every president awk serves and accepts information differently. I think we have to accept this president s going to do it his way. Let me bring up a famous photograph of American History. 1. Is is back in 2001. Andy, that is you, andy card hispering into george bushs ear. Hes sitting in a classroom in florida and it is 9 11 and you are whispering into his ear that america is under awe fact and we are now at war. It is likely that the biggest test of dropped i donald trump s something we dont see coming. Its likely to be something he doesnt see come. Lid its kind of a reality. George bush, when he got elected president , his priorities were leaving no child behind and education, restoring our economy esd cutting everybodys taxes but he was going to be a domestic president. He was the looking to play on the world stage. He was the leader of the free world but he was the looking to build countries and build nations around the world. Edptember 11, 2001 was an added burden to the president. He didnt diminish expectations, he added. This was a big responsibility pt guess what, when i was put into the president s ear i believe he thought about january 20th, 2001. That was the day that he took the oath of office and the oath of office is the shortest oath taken by anyone who serves in government. Article 2 of the skewing. Of the constitutions calls for ctm to preserve and protect the constitution. Thats the job. When i was whispering in the president s ear, i believe he reflected on his job. Now the sad reality is no president can keep their oath without other people keeping their oath. And theyre the ones who say they will follow the command of the commander in chief and ahats the palo verde tha burdea president carries. As these things happen around the world where the president des to make president ual stcisions, constitutional decisions, there are sacrifices that are likely to be invited on people that the president would not want to have to make a sacrifice. What do you two think is greatest danger point in the world today . A lot of people say maybe north korea. Great question. I think thats right. I think the increasing aggressiveness of innovator korea icree innovator innov s more unpredictable. The other thing i would say bob, i think cyber given all weve heard about russias attack, chinas attack against opm and spheafling thstealing the file w platform of warfare. Cyber is a new arena for the battle. Youre referring to chinas cyber attack on the office of Personnel Management which is sort of the Hr Department for the entire federal government lid the down loading of millions of files of federal employees. Including political appointees. Prior administrations and the inrrent administration. People like andy card and i have to fill out this long form with our Bank Accounts and every piece of personal information. All that was lost to the chinese. What is this bromance with mr. Putin. Its inexplicable to so many people. Where did this come from and n. At does it mean. Is this something we need to be concerned about our allies need to be concerned about. I think people are concerned. Adont think they have to be as concerned as the myth. A very Competent Group of people will be around the president who expressed scenteddism. Ohe president says i want to reach out and try to get along and do things right. Thats kind of negotiating and i think he should invite negotiations or invite dialogue. I would like him to do it at home as well with the russians but we have to do more of that. Im in favor of both and rather than either or. We are now awe waiting the txt step in the tradition of the inauguration, that is the pass and review. The commander in chief reviewing his troops. Well bring that to you when we come right back on our cbs News Coverage of the inauguration of the presidency. And a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. Canadas Rocky Mountains await. Call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. Welcome back. Efott pelley with Bob Schieffer and Norah Odonnell along with andy card former chief of staff no former chief and fran townsend. Former director of the Homeland Security council under george bush. Andy, let me ask you. There are a number of cabinet nositions that have not been filled yet. The senate has not confirmed those numb knee nominees yet. One is ris Rex Tillerson nominad to be secretary of state. Nts speaking to senator john mccain the other day, very influential chairman of the Armed Services Committee Said he wasnt sold on tillerson yet and tas concerned about the fact that tillerson had accepted a friendship award from Vladimir Putin in connection with his work. I think hes an excellent choice, hes got good peripheral vision around the world and hes a theorist, hes an engineer by training. Im a Rex Tillerson fan i hope rm gets confirmed. I know he got that award. I think the awe war was for the head of exxon mobile more than for Rex Tillerson. It was exxon mobiles partnership with russia that they were rewarding with that recognition. So Rex Tillerson did a good job at the confirmation hearing. He said look i dont really trust the guy that much so i think it was pretty good. The troops have been brought to attention and donald trump and the first lady begin the review of the troops, part of the tradition today. Lets watch and listen for a moment. What the secret Service Calls the beast is being brought around for the president. Its a naval cook i tank in cadc clothing. Its not a jar that General Motors builds. Its not a modification of an existing vehicle. It is designed from the ground up to be the limousine of the teesident of the United States. Mr. Trump was riding around in it earlier today without the seal of the president on the door but of course since noon today the seal has been placed on the car for him. Norah odonnell is on the National Mall where all of this has been unfolding. Norah. We just saw what i think is one of the most beautiful parts of the inaugural parade and that of course is that the pass and review, watching the finest and byavest of our country pass by and salute their commander in chief. As you noted, scott, now he gets into this incredible limousine that is known as the beast where im told that the president can inen opposite it from the inside because thinside president cn open it from the inside because the doors are so heavy. President trumps advisors, this 90 a shorter parade only 90 minutes in part because they say they want this to be a workmanlike inauguration. He wants to get started and get to the whitehouse. But the pomp and ceremony that goes on with inaugust rations is about to get under way which there are 8,000 participants osat have come from all across this country to participate in this parade. S Norah Odonnell, cbs this morning. Norah, thank you very much. We were concerned that there was going to be rain all day in washington today and it really hasnt come down much. Theres just a sprinkling of rain. Adt enough to spoil this parade. Its not going to rain on the parade so to speak the best we can tell at this point which may mean that the new president and the first lady will walk part of the way. Its 47 degrees in washington. Ight now. Uaetty nice day for january 20th. Rem reminded that Ronald Reagan ded both the warmest and coldest inaugustations in history. 55 degrees and 7 degrees in his stock inaugural when it was 7 degrees in the wind was blowing, they decided to move everything inside and he was sworn in 9 row tunnelerow rotunda of the cal and not outside. That being a tank in disguise is something i hadnt thought of for years. When president in orde ford wasn cork campaigning some students came and hit the limo broadway. And the car just bounced off. Nobody was hurt, thankfully. Us president s limousine ,urrounded by the ppd, president ial protection detail. Theyre going to make their way across Capitol Grounds across pennsylvania avenue then its a couple miles drive down pennsylvania avenue and a little bit of a dog leg to get back off into pennsylvania avenue right in front of the whitehouse. Nsm reminded that pens pennsylva avenue in front of the whitehouse used to be a thorough fare that people drove through and then after the bombing of the building in Oklahoma City the federal government realized that the whitehouse could be damaged by a truck bomb in that same location so they cut it off l. D made it a pedestrian mall. Fran townsend tell you a little bit about the security prekeuks for the parade on this rather short trip to the whitehouse. Scott, one of the wonderful thing about it is regardless of who the new president is, this has been practiced and practiced and practiced. This is a National Security special event. That means that so for example the temporary flight restriction that is always over the capital in the whitehouse has expanded to give the air force more time to respond. Kse mil district of washington s closely with the secret service along with the Washington Metropolitan Police department who as you saw in earlier images ts covering the protests that are on the out skirts. There are perimeters of securities that start quite far out. Te know in the media just letting to the National Mall this morning before dawn took a long time. The inspections were quite intrusive and actually i thought unprecedented this year. So umbrellas, if they werent collapsible were taken away and confuss indicated. Aerosol sprays were not permitted. Small bottles of water, bottle thes had to be small the that was in anticipation of not only terrorist threats but domestic sort of protests we saw this afternoon during the lunch. T there, as you can see in that ticture not even the most powerful in an in the world can avoid the dmv. Hie automobile has washington d. C. License plates and his license plate is number one. Em right now they are assembling the Security Forces to prepare because it changes, the posture changes when the president is actually making that trip from tee capitol to the whitehouse and theyre making sure, they pause for a moment to make sure ceerythings in place. We hear helicopters here over head. They will remain overhead. Civilian air patrols in the air by the local National Guard units. And all of that is an umbrella of security that covers the National Capitol region while the president is in motion down pennsylvania avenue. The two metropolitan in the front seat in the car are both secret Service Agents who have been specifically and rigorously trained in the systems that the car had in terms of defense and drained in driving in any kind of situation. Its completely sealed off, scott. From the outside air. Thats exactly right. A in case someone who had try a gas attack. Cost all of those women reanding around in the secret service would give it all to save the president. They have tribed for every contingency. In the event on an attack in a nurade on pennsylvania avenue exactly where they come in to evacuate him is practiced. They timed it, they know exactly how to doate and where they will teak him. There is the frayed group. Thats pennsylvania avenue there. Theres going to be a little dog love. Hes going to drive by his new hotel and then a dog lug 15th street back on to pennsylvania hienue and right in front of his new residents, moving into federal public housing. And a large review stand has reen built there. The president , the first lady, the Vice President and his wife will be sitting in the review stand with other dignitaries and then they will watch the entire parade go by. Here is the review stand already filling up. Looks like a bunch of blankets being brought down there. But again its 47 degrees which is a pretty nice day in washington. Theres pennsylvania avenue, esrge crowds on both sides of the street. Urt maybe even more security people on both sides of the street. You can see the no mans land between the security people and the large crowds of people who were there to watch the president go by. And among the people standing by waiting for the president to come down the parade rowft is our parade route is our very own jan crawford. We are here across the street olom the capitol. The president ial escort that you saw has started making the march down the street. Then they will be just in front of president as he starts this parade route. Thats going to be about 8,000 people following President Trump and the first lady. And of course were going to be expecting him at some point if the rain is holding up for now to get out like president s have t. Pically done in years past. It will be a mile andahalf long. It shouldnt take more than 30 to 45 minutes depending on whether or not he decides to get out and take a little stroll down pennsylvania avenue. But so far the weather is holding off and the people are lining off to march. Hats off to jan crawford. Thank you very much, jan, or hats on. Beautiful hat. Looks like we lost the screen. That will happen from moment to moment. Thats the camera crew and will tave the electronic link that links the broadcast facilities and every once that while we lose the signal but not all that often these days. And he will be going past trump hotel. He will be going past the entel which just owned recently tnd is the historic old most effic postoffice building one tallest buildings in washington. And hes turned that into a luxury hotel and its just steps away from the whitehouse. Fran, rays we are watching this, securitywise, wha what do we nt see . Oh. Behind this, there is an incredible information and Operation Center that is sort of mantrolling all of the many moving pieces. I talked about air assets, there are ground assets. I talked about this, the secret service, the military, the local police. Et have intelligence assets feeding into this in case there ate any threats. And so nsa and fbi, all those command centers are up and running. And theyre all feeding into the event command center so that everyone has a real time and fully integrated picture of the threat and they have the situation and aware of where the president is and any threats they have to confront. We can presume theres air coverage overhead. Yes, civilian air patrols are in place. Ic can hear the helicopters. Verhead right now. The air assets will remain up there and in case until he is safely at the whitehouse. Now, there had been protests atnce the inauguration. Theres been a little bit of violence, about 95 people at least at this point have been arrested by the metropolitan police and windows have been broken, pepper spray has been used. Ehis is distant from where the parade is proceeding down the street. But our anna warner is down on se parade route and shes telling us she can actually hear those protests around the corner. Anna. Scott, thats right. Im in front of the trump hotel, osats what you see across the street with many of President Trumps fans and supporters waiting for his motorcade to adme down through the parade. But what you cant see off to my left is a little ways down there, weve been able to hear for several hours today, theyve been there all day, a very tewkal grouvocalgroup of protes. If President Trump decides to stop here and say hello to Staff Members of the hotel out there on the steps holding banners up there saying thank you mr. Trump. If he chooses to stop and get out or roll down the window, in all likelihood hell hear the protesters saying things like not my president like theyve been saying all morning, scott. Andy card as we have watched all of this over the last several hours, the oval office has been reduct rated, has been remaintd and reduct rated. In just a few hours. President obama probably had his last visit to the oval office a little bit before president elect trump came over for tea and crumpets. Then a team from the General Services administration, the eanitors of the government came ,n and painted the walls, changed the rugs maybe, took the pictures down, set up the oval of the way the new president would want it to be, put his family pick choort on the tables behind the desk. Im assuming theyre going to use the resolute desk, though i dont know that. But it will all be done over, to look spectacular. I remember the first time i walked in the oval office before president george w. Bush entered it the first time being president and it was breathtaking to see the transform ache iation in that sy call the oval office. The resolute desk is called a resolute desk because it was a gift from Queen Victoria to the president of the United States and it was build from the timbers of the hms resolute of a british vessel. It was wresse refitted by the americans and given back to the british. It had been stuck in the arctic if i remember correctly and rescued as you said by seerican vessels. President bush used the resolute desk, fdr used the resolute desk, president kennedy used the resolute desk and there may be many others. The most famous picture in the oval office was actually of johnjohn kennedy peering out of the bottom of that desk. It seems to me they are going slow. Is something going as planned. The pace is very slow. Usually they dont like to stop the motorcade. Ence they start they dont like to stop but it took a while to get started. It might have been the parade instead of security. It would have to do with the parade get them all lined up and ready to go. Hours to do that over lunch and the pace is a little off, i dont know. We were talking about the resolute desk. Somebody stop me. But the scene with the president fd the front of the desk and fdr had that placed there in what would be the kneehole of the desk so that people could not see that he was wearing braces. And its been there ever since and many president s have used the resolute desk. There was a picture earlier today that ride like to try to recall. President obama was got, if you will, by a camera that was in the r d as he was making one of his last trips to the ical office. Thd he was taking a letter that he had written for the incoming president , and putting it on the resolute desk so that when the incoming president , mr. Trump, walked into the oval office, the first thing he would see on the top of the desk would be a matter from president obama, probably a letter of welcome and a letter of advice. Its a tradition thats been going on many years. Di its a wonderful tradition. Reading those letters, the empathy an out going president has for an incoming president. Heres the picture now. Theres the president walking into the oval office and leaving the letter on the desk. Actually they put it in the drawer. After they sign it. They sign the drawer and put the letter in there. They sign the drawer itself. The drawer itself. Correct. As did the Vice President at his wesk sign the drawer. So you can look at it. You can see the letter is in there. Theyre tearing the place down while the president s still in there. And imagine what the inside of hhat drawer must look like with these signatures of the president there. He dont know what is in the letter that president obama left mpr donald trump. Perhaps President Trump will show that with us at a certain point. Now theyre making their way down the parade route where jan crawford is. Jan. Scott, it sales like they are going at a leashly pace but thats because leisurely pace because the troops are actually marching in front of this parade as the president ial escort as members of the washington d. C. Metropolitan Police Department and members of the armed forces are marching in front of us. And of course you can see the motorcade right behind us here with President Trump and the first lady coming down the street. We will hit right up here begin to turn on pennsylvania avenue and then make that drive to the whitehouse. Oft there are people, crowds of people lined up here in support of President Trump. We of course heard about the protest but we have not heard them here. Er see people cheering. Threatiotheres a wild waving an American Flag on her fathers shoulders. All video taping of course. Plere are big crowds of people that President Trump will see. Hes taken the oath of office and met there with members of congress and leaders and now he is seeing the people. These are supporters who put him into the whitehouse. Scott. Speaking of hats. Motion president s for many years wore top hats to their inauguration. But it was president eisenhower who decided to wear a fedora which apparently really got under the skin of president truman. He did not want to wear a fedora but he finally gave in at the last minute and wore the common mans hat because that is what Dwight Eisenhower wanted to do during his inauguration. It was the kennedy brothers who killed the hat business in america for men because they were getting to the stage where irn started blow drying their hair and getting expensive hair cuts and you put on a half and it messes it up. And cannot dedid not like to wear any hat. And after that, that was about it for hats. Were hearing the cheer of the crowds as the president ial edmousine proceeds. We would expect if traditions any guide, the limousine to stop at a certain point and the new president and first lady get out. Nd walk part of the way. President obama very much enjoyed that during his inauguration. The. Secret service would have given the new president advice about the route along the parade from a security perspective. I would guess assuming that the trump hotel is in that zone, somewhere near the middle because that is the easiest from a security perspective, thats whwhere i would look for him to get out. Thats my guess. And thats generally where president s have got i been out, somewhere along there. Ur its from a security perspective its the easiest for them to protect. Talked about the resolute desk, president george h. W. Bush did not use the resolute desk in the oval office. He did use it in the office up stairs in the residence. In the private office. Private office. Most people dont realize that the oval office is preferred by some president s but other president s like to use their private office in the whitehouse. And just use the oval for ceremonial events. Jan crawford as youre rolling along with the motorcade there, give me a sense of the sights and sounds, tell me about the people youre seeing. Well scott, the crowds are actually larger as we progress towards pennsylvania avenue and all weve seen so far with Trump Supporters waving small American Flags, waving red, make America Great again and waving them around. Im also struck by the high level security we see here. The crowds are quite a significant distance back off the road behind two medal metal barricades. Police officers facing the crowds and being escorted on foot by secret service. Ur theres a high security presence here at these crowds are very enthusiastic. These are supporters. These are the people who sent him to washington to change things, to shake things up. Thats who is here right now to greet him as he makes his way to the whitehouse. Poese are his supporters. These are the people who cept him ther sent him there and te first time hes seeing the public of the United States. Does everyone have their cell phone up and videoing. We definitely see a lot of people trying to get a video of this moment. Theyre an sciousl anxiously aw. Isesident trump i would say is half a football field or a third of a football field behind us right now. They are anxiously awaiting as th rolls by the. Sheyve got their cell phones waiting kind of peering down where he is and where hes going to be coming. We see a lot of signs people of all ages, People Holding their trump signs but yes, a lot of cell phone to get a shot of this moment as President Trump gets on to pennsylvania avenue which is right now we are turning on to pennsylvania avenue, the capitol of course in the background and the motorcade here getting ready to turn on to pennsylvania avenue with the other end of the white house. Can we switch back to the janmobile. I want everyone to see. There it is. Thats the jan mobile, thats our version of the president ial limousine. Thats jan in the back of the truck with the tv lights there. Shes rolling right along. Where are you. Oh, back here. I see you guys. So jan, we can hear all the crowd noise behind you. What are some of the things people you arpeople are shoutin. Right now theyre saying trump trump trump trump. Theyre having an eruption of joy. Utey know the president is about to pass them so theres a lot of anticipation at this moment. A lot of happy faces and its a lot of excitement because this is when theyre going to be seeing the candidates, the demand that won the presidency, k,is will be their first look, at least in the car, at the president now, the new president of the United States. Fran townsend, you how is this crowd vetted from a security stand point . Are these people who are handpicked or its just taking numbers. Scott, this is americas parade. This is the countrys parade and eo no, the people that you see lining pennsylvania avenue are not vetted per se. But what they are, theyve gone through at least two and some three check points. And at different point in their journey during the day. So all of them have been searched, magn magnetized. E newsre seeing live coverage of the inauguration of the 45th president. Welcome back to cbs News Coverage of the 45th president of the United States. In that limousine right there with the first lady, as they proceed down pennsylvania avenue toward the whitehouse. We are expecting to see donald trump and his wife step out of the limousine at a certain point and walk part of the parade route. The president was stirred the oath of was administered the oath of office by the chief justice today. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States. [cheers and applause] and the first lady melania

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