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Well be reporting in the cover story. And then a salute to a queen. A seagoing queen with a rich history, and place in many grateful heart as tracey submit of show us. Reporter it was the biggest thing out of scotland, and j n on the day the queen m was launched, people stood in awe. 80 years later, they still do. Today you say queen mary and people think tourist attraction. Why does it matter . Shes hallowed ground. Later on sunday morning, more than just a ship. Charles who would have thought they heard the names lady gaga and tony bennett in the same sentence, much less singing together . But you will hear that later this morning in a story by anthony mason. The first thing i said is lets do an album together and she said okay that quick. Reporter the album brought together tony bennett and lady gaga at a moment when her career was in crisis. I crashed. You crashed . I didnt want to make music anymore. But what happened in the studio changed all of that. Gaga and bennett, ahead on sunday morning. Charles po box 1142 was the cryptic address of a world war ii installation that a u. S. Governmentu[ kept secret for many years. This morning with seth. My job was to get as much useful information as possible. Reporter he found himself face to face with the enemy. What did the nazi, and hitler do to your family . Destroyed it, humiliated it. Reporter now that 94 years old, rudy is sharing the secret of a lifetime. Ahead on sunday morning. Charles this morning, a young man with strong ideas. Jane pauley will introduce us. When protests rocked ferguson last month, one voice stood out. I would just like to say that the people of ferguson, i believe dont need tear gas on them. I believe they need jobs. Reporter meet evenyearold. Are you a politician . No. Reporter aheada sunday morning, a young mans big plans. Charles award winner shares his words and muc. Steve hafrt ma hartman offers a. And a drink thats all the buzz. First, the headlines for sunday morning. The 21st of september 2014. The secret service boosted security around the white house after two incident this is week end. Friday night, a man scaled a fence and got inside the doors of the executive mansion. o and then yesterday afternoon, another man was arrested after driving up to the gates and refusing to leave. The first family is at camp david there was an overnight launch at the Kennedy Space center. And we have lift off charles the cargo ship is carrying supplies for the International Space station, including the first thre 3d pripter in space. Firefighters are battling a large expanded fire in the sierra mouptains. It has forced the evacuation of 3,000 people. Today is the last day of a nationwide lockdown inm÷ sierra leone. They are going house to house with information how to prevent ebola. The epidemic has now killed more than 600 people in sierra leone. 2600 people altogether in west africa. Emmy winning actress Polley Bergan has died at home in connecticut. She played in the movie cape fear and was a regular on the game show, to tell the truth, and she ran her own successful cosmetics company. Bergan once said, i didnt want to be a singer. I didnt want to be an actress. I wanted to be a star. Polley bergan had emphysema. Heavy rain in the northeast and the midatlantic states. More storms move over the southwest and into northern california. It would be nice in the northwest. And the week ahead looks like fall is falling into place. Tony bennett and lady gaga together for the first time. It was a ship, and it was so thrilling. It was a ship, and it was so thrilling. Charles we set s charles the Core Education in the school year revolves around the common core. The prescription for what to teach and how it grade students. Its been a spirited debate across the country. The story is reported by jan crawford. Reporter its that familiar time again. Back to school. But something unfamiliar is happening in this fifth grade florida classroom. School is ready to stand up as a team and defend their case . Reporter its a whole new approachu to education. 2 plus 50 is 50 plus 2, and the sum is the same. The strategy is to have students talk about things with other students in the classroom. Thats what happened in really life. Mary immaculatellen elia is the principal in tampa where theyre transformed by a new set of high academic standards called the common core. The common core raises the bar for students performance. We have to challenge our students and have them entered and more active in learning reporter florida is one of 45 states in washington, d. C. That initially adopted the common core which outlines what students must know at every grade level launched by state officials. The core is backed by the federal government offering grant money to states signing on. How would you define common core . It focuses on Critical Thinking skills and making sure kids graduate from high school truly ready for college. Reporter we set arnie duncan in nashville, tennessee. He was on a back to School Bus Tour spreading the word about education reform. How can students have potential who dont have High Expectations . Reporter why the need . So many states have tdo selo worked hard and played by the rules, huge percentages of them wont be ready to be successful reporter or the world, the latest results in mat math, science and reading show that American Kids are below average or middle of the pack. I want to keep high wage jobs in this country. The business goes where the most educated workforce is. I want that in the united states. Reporter the goal is to learn more in the classroom. Its something everyone agrees on, but its a hard lesson. Its not so easy to figure out how to improve education. Common core is now at the core of a heated national controversy. Is there anything we as parents can do . Is it up to us, up to the state . If we can have people can we drop it . Reporter at parent information meetings around tampa, Mary Ellen Elia sees the opposition face to face. Some, like this man, complain about new methods of teaching. We do not like the gyrations in math. Reporter others have a different focus. Common core has become a political agenda. Reporter political . Yes, there are factions that believe common core is trying to take over students minds and trying to influence them in one political position or another. Reporter and then the perception among some conservatives that the federal government is overreaching into state affairs. That may be one reasonmi florida renamed its starpds, the florida standards after making several changes like an addition of curseive writing. Is it to get away from a toxic common core . It probably is to an extent. Reporter other states like north carolina, south carolina, missouri, indiana and oklahoma are either rethinking the core or have already dropped it. And then, theres new york state, where our story takes an unlikely turn. A lot of people think a lot of the criticism is from the tea party groups. Reporter in new york and california, in one year the common core has gone from majority approval to majority disapproval. Reporter carol burris is the principal of South Side High School in new york, long island. One of the top rated schools in the country. Theres nothing wrong with having standards. Schools should have standards, states should have standards. But theyve got to be good standards and realistic standards. Reporter and you think these are neither one . These are neither. Reporter a selfdescribed progressive who campaigned for president obama, burris has found Common Ground on the common core with her political opposites. Thanks in part to test questions she says are too hard or just plain confusing, like this one for first graders. Which is a related subtraction sentence . But these are all adding. I have no requested. I still havent figureed it out. After raising concerns to the president , burris got a reply from president obama u5 praising her school. Reporter where are you keeping this letter now . In a closet. Reporter why in a clos etd . Why not hang it up . I cant bear to look at it. Its just too much of a reminder of hope they once had that is now gone. Reporter that hopelessness turned to anger last fall when secretary duncan made a controversial remark. Duncan stated that white suburban moms are opposing the core because it shows their child isnt as brilliant as they thought. That was the most insulting statement, i have ever heard a secretary of education make. You know he walked back a little of the remark, but not enough. Reporter you made some comments that the people upset are the white suburban moms, and the schools arent as good as they thought they were. One sentence i didnt say pfshl, and i apologize for that, but the goal is to have high standards for everyone. Reporter is that goal even possible . Do you think common core will survive . No, i dont. I think parents are going to continue to push back. Im doing my best to make what i think is inevitable happen faster. Reporter back in tampa, supporters see Something Else inevitable. Nationwide, classrooms that look like this one. I thought the standard algrythythm was the only way to go. Step outside of the box. Weve been improving standards in this country in education since 1680. I dont know of a parent that doesnt want their child to be well prepared for college or career when they walk out of idea. I added and got 120 c. Charles next, the birth of the penguin. T gave you that im 16 and just got my first car feeling. Presenting the buypower card from capital one. Redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac with no limits. So every time you use it, youre not just shopping for goods. Youre shopping for something great. Learn more at buypowercard. Com [ male announcer ] give extra. Get extra. Sir, were loaded and getting ready to go. Were going to need you on the runway. vo dont let a severe cold hold you back. Sir . vo theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. vo theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. vo theraflu. Serious power. Them3ipa sunday morning ammakna. 1902. The birthday of the penguin. Not that penguin. This penguin. The line of quality paper back booked launched by allen lane, the english publisher whos birth were marking. According to one account, lane was returning by train to visit aththat christy in 1934 and encountered a lack of decent reading material at the newsstand. Paper backs were mostly pulp fiction. Not the thing gentlemen uua be seen reading on trains. So he started the penguin. Cheap enough to be sold from a london machine called the penguincubator. Within a year allen sold 3 million books and penguin was on the way to booking a publishing institution. Not that the penguin always took the easy path. He released an edition of Lady Chatterleys lover in defiance of censorship. The penguin eventually one a trial selling 2 million copies of the book. Allen lane died in 1970, but the penguin lives o. Available at book stores virtually everwhere, including railroad stations. Coming up. 45 honey, but not sweet. Charles a toast to bees. When change is in the air you see things in a whole new way. Its in this spirit that ing u. S. Is becoming a new kind of company. One that helps you think differently about whats ahead, and whats possible when you get things organized. Ing u. S. Is now voya. Changing the way you think of retirement. 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And you could be part of it without even knowing. A 60 minutes investigation on the season premiere tonight. Charles a farewell toast to summer. Not with champagne. We are treated to a taste of honey. Reporter let us drink a toast to the bees. Observe there were vineyards, there was honey. Before there was wine. There was mead. And since mead is wine made from honey instead of grapes were dependent on the honey reporter gordon gathers honey to make a dry sparkling mead that should be mistaken for champagne. Without the bee, e were making grape vine oricidei cide Something Else. At the winery they use vats of honey to produce the wine. Its a honey for the ingredient. Honey is probably the oldest fermenting in the world. Reporter it reached popularity at the height of the middle ages and clearly making a comeback. Im very interested in history, so tasting mead is like tasting history. Reporter in sunnyvale, the tasting room at rabbits foot meadery is a place for aficionados. A Crystal Clear flavor. Just a hint of citrus, and then a toasted back note, and the honey make its last a long time on the tongue. The owners produce a startling array of alcoholic drink that is start with honey. This is the golden strong al. Its 8 alcohol by volume. Thats not working today. Ill give you a little bit. You dont have to drink it all. Thats marias favorite beefrment made with honey. Its 45 honey, butkn its not sweet. I finished it. A tough job, but somebody has to do it. Nothing was washington wildflower honey. Its like walk sbog a garden. Wildflowers in there. People are drinking it and liking it and asking how they can get more. And the next thing you know im in my garage in sunnyvale making 200 gallons a wreer and giving it all away. He quit his job in hightech betting his future on a product from the past. Starting in garages in Silicon Valley, but not making alcoholic drink. It took on a life of its own, really. So its not beer, and its not wine. Its mead. Reporter rabbits foot is an an unlikely location. A Silicon Valley office park. With daughter at the labeling machine, its one of the countrys most successful mead producers selling 45,000 gallons each year and growing. So this one youre going to get a lot of sweetness and chocolatey qualitys and raspberry qualities. Reporter it smells like a brandy. Exactly. And intended to be drink like. Reporter centuries ago, and were nowng rediscovering, that honey can produce quite a buzz. Charles ahead, anchxx voyag through time on the queen mary. The greatest ship in the world. The greatest ship in the world. It was,,, heres a good one seattle. What did geico say to the mariner . We could save you a boatload foghorn sounds loudly whats seattles favorite noise . The puget sound foghorn sounds loudly all right, never mind doesnt matter. This is a classic. What does an alien seamstress sew with . A space needle foghorn sounds loudly continuously oh come off it captain geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. An aerial view of the queen mary high and dry in england. Charles the salute to a queen was a newsreel staple. Long since retired the story still deserves a salute. Lady smith does the honors. Reporter in the depths of the great depression, she was a symbol of hope. I name the ship the queen mary. Reporter september 26, 1934, launch day for the pride of thed every week it would haul an average of 15,000 g. I. S to europe. Shoulder to shoulder . Very cramped. They were in the grand salon, and a hand slicing machine worked 24 hours a day trying to keep up with the demand for ham and eggs. Eggs were boiled in 55 gallon drums with steam from the boiler room. The passage took seven days after which the queen would head back to new york and do it all again. The nazis were not amused upon. Adolph hit her offered 250,000 to any captain who could sink her. But she outran them all. Every uboat commander in the german navy would have liked to sink the queen mary. Reporter did she ever get fired upon . Nifr. Reporter in the buildup to d day, the mary carried a half million g. I. As to great britain. Like many, boots met an english girl and promptly married her. I was 16 years old. 16 . 16. Reporter and what was it about this guy . I dont know. There was two million g. I. S station the at cheltenham here during the war. She married arnie boots shortly after he shipped out. She wouldnt see them again until after the war ended. And the u. S. Army started shipping 60,000 british war brides to their new lives in america. June and her young son came to the u. S. Aboard the queen mary. I was only 18 years old, and i had never been on a ship. Id never seen a ship that size in my life. I got out of the bus, and i looked up and up and up. It took my breath away. I couldnt believe the size of it. Well meet again. And instead of the cramped quarters their husbands endured, the war brides who came over on the mary sailed in high style. Im trying to imagine what it was like for you as an 18yearold woman walking a little scary. Youre young, and i was so excited. Going to a new country, plus being on the greatest ship in the world. It was so thrilling. Reporter for june, the voyage was an absolute dream. The reunion with her husband not so much. Id never seen him out of uniform. And i didnt know him. I said is that him. Id be marryed to the man almost three years, and i didnt recognize him. I said is that arnie . Thats what war time does. Reporter they settleed in indiana, and as you might guess, life in the u. S. Took some adjustment. It was a stranger to me when i first came over here. We were married 37 years, and like all marriages it has ups and downs. We didnt have the happiest marriage in the world. We were kind of opposites in so many ways and never got the chance to know each other that well. Reporter her late husband is now just a memory. H, so too, the golden age of ocean liners. United 210 leaving. Reporter by the 60s, jet aircraft all but replaced ships for transatlantic strafl, and in 1967 with great reluctance, the queen mary was taken to the final voyage. Its the only way of getting around the world was to go by sea, but now you have these machines and you can go anywhere in no time. The city of long beach, california bought the queen for three and a half million dollars. And on december 9th, 1967, she tied up there for good after having crossed the atlantic 100 onetimes1 times. 1001 times. Today its a floating museum. For a ship that hasnt been to sea in 50 years, she still has the power to move. Its getting old. J reporter and to others who sailed to her or wish they had, the queen mary is not so much a ship asmopg a shrine. The queen mary is like any small town or city. Children were born on board sxwand people passed away, especially during the second world war. So its hallowed ground. It truly is hallowed ground. She is. Are you a politician . No. Charles next. ®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® is now available in flextouch® the only prefilled insulin pen with no pushbutton extension. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. Today, im asking about levemir® flextouch. female announcer levemir® is a longacting insulin, used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar levels. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. male announcer todays the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. Covered by nearly all Health Insurance and medicare plans. We think theyre the bestfitting pants in fashion. With technology that slims and shapes and fivepocket styling. Theyll be the star of your wardrobe. Chicos so slimming peyton pants. Were famous for our legs. At chicos and chicos. Com. Charles youre about to meet an Outstanding Young man in a town in the news this summer. Jane paul seour guide. Jane pauley is our guide. Disperse immediately. This is no longer a legal protest. Reporter in ferguson, missouri last month after police shot and killed an unarmed young man, michael brown, amid all the anger and shouting on the street, a boy approached the microphone at a meeting of the st. Louis county council. I would just like to say that the people of ferguson i believe dont need tear gas thrown at them. I believe they need jobs. Reporter meet 11yearold Marquis Govan. The Police Officers in our community. Reporter in two minutes time he tackled fergusons problems with unemployment, diversity and housing. Turn attention to looting when the issues arent solved. Theres a reason the people are out there. Reporter council chair, hazel erby. I thought he was right on. Hes exactly right. The jobs. And theres things to do in ferguson. What i saw on television was basically your backyard. What did it feel like to watch those protests, and the escalation of trouble that inspired you to write that speech . Theres had always been a problem, even when ferguson never happened. Its a community he need more africanamerican Police Officers. Are you inspireed to grow up and be a cop . Ill tell you why. From the beginning we felt abused by these people. Why would you grow up to serve among the abusers . It doesnt make any sense. Reporter if you think hes a man with a future, and he does, it didnt always seem that way. Didnt have an easy life. No. A young child grows up in america and has two lovely parents and a family of four. That didnt happen. Thats a regular thats a regular American Family. But especially in the minority communities, its totally different. I department grow up under good conditions. As soon as i came out of my mothers stomach, i wasnt with her anymore. I was completely under foster care, and then with my great grandmother. Thats how it happened from the beginning. Reporter his great grandmother and guardian, jenny first brought a nineyearold marquis along when she went to vote. He said, were voting for this person, this person and that person. We are voting . We are voting. He said put your check there. He said okay, you want me to hit confirm. Boom. Did you trust him . Yes, i do. Reporter there is a certain magic to knowing in sixth grade what the rest of your life is going to be about. Are you a politician . Are you currently a politician . No. No. I wouldnt call myself that. Reporter what do you call yourself if not a politician . I call myself a missourian, a true missourian. You are such a politician. I am a missourian. I do believe in ideas. I have ideals, and i know missourians. Reporter while other kids are playing video games at home. Marquis is watching cable news nonstop. Hes reading president obamas book, the audacity of hope, and hopes to be a senator or president one day. Why do people want to be president . It looks like a hard job. It is. But look, im not there for it is title. I would be there to do a job. Reporter Marquis Govan will be old enough to run for president in 2040. Make a note. Charles still to come, in combat could have killed me. A visit to p. O. Box 1142, where history was made. Does that mean i can get that new laptop . How about a shake instead . [bell rings] waitress welcome to dennys take your time. No rcome on. Y. With the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time. From transferring funds wait a minute. Youve got to be kidding. Did you guys see that . That ball was out. To paying your coach for adding five Miles Per Hour to your serve. That ball wasnt in. Get your eyes checked. Help me out here. Download the best mobile app today. So you can always have the advantage. Chase. So you can. Charles p. O. Box 1142 was an ordinary address for a place to play an extraordinary role during the second world war. Digging into its past. If may seem marred to believe, and this open field 13 miles from wash d. C. Was once a top military site. Its remarkable that all this was happening here, and now all you have is stories and old pieces of cinder block. It was intentionally wiped clean and gotten rid of. This is where every morning brandon bies, a history buff and ranger with the National Park service has spent the last eight years trying to uncover the Hidden History of this place. Its a journey that led him into the past, and to 94yearold rudy. How is it to live with a secret . Well, you get use to it. Youre sworn to the secret. Today penn is finally free to talk about his tim as an u. S. Army Intelligence Officer at this prisoner of war camp during world war ii. The interrogation of p. O. W. S, japanese, italian and german, but mainly german. Reporter had you ever heard about this secret camp before . No. Did you know they exist . I had no idea. Reporter everywhere few knew of the classified camp located in alexandria, virginia, even though 3400 high ranking prisoners of war were interrogated here between 1942 and 1945. After the war, buildings were bulldozed, records were sealed and those who knew anything about p. O. Box 1142 were sworn to secrecy, including the german born jewish rudy penns. What did hitler do to destroyed it. Reporter his parents were executed in the holocaust. Did you ever see your brother again . On his balcony overlooking honolulu, penn showed me. It was sad, i didnt have a full grasp and meaning of it. And maybe that was good. Reporter his firsthand knowledge of germany and its language made him an ideal recruit for u. S. Army intelligence. At age 24 he started interrogating german p. O. W. S at the camp. A secret part of fort hunt. I sat across from soldiers who in combat would have killed me, and i would have killed them. My job was to get as much useful information as possible. Reporter you were face to face with the forces that destroyed your family . They were the enemy. They were treated as the enemy. You cant let your emotions get away from you. You also have a job to do. Its an amazing story to think about what was going through the minds of these german born Jewish American interrogators as they were sitting face to face with someone who may have been responsible for interning relatives of theirs in a concentration camp. By quest to uncover what happened here, all started with a chance encounter in 2006. A ranger given a tour of the old military base, fort hunt, in reference to some sort of secret activity. At the park service thought happened on these grounds. Somebody raised their hand and said my next door neighbor was an interrogator at fort hunt, and im sure hed love to talk to you. Reporter but thez veteran wouldnt reveal anything until the pentagon gave him clearance to talk about what he learned. Stories of top secret items i thought we would never hear about. Rocket programs, atomic bombs. Things that seemed straight out of a movie or a scifi novel, if you will. Interrogations revealed details about the then superior german uboat technology. That helped the u. S. Navy effectively target the subs and neutralize the uboat threat. The u. S. Also learned about the construction of german v1 and v2 rockets that rained down on london. Information gathered her helped air strikes on those. You dont get information water boarding. Did you ever use coarseive measures. Never physical. Psychological, yes. If a p. O. W. Wouldnt talk, he would be taken to an old Ammunition Depot where he would face a soldier dressed up as a world war ii german officer. The american interrogator would say, this is your last chance. You can tell me what the information is were looking for, or were going to send you off with russian officers. Those stories were never written down. The ones that were, and have since been declassified are housed at the national archives. Rudy pins. r june, 1944. Amid the reams of typewriter smudged documents are photographs. Secrecy agreements, and original interrogation notes. Is it a question that rude seasking. An attitude toward hitler in regime. Reporter those questions at po box 1142 included high ranking generals and a hundred german scientists. In one of these notes you wrote, so and so is a very stupid nazi. He probably was. Reporter do you think the information you got at po box 1142 helped turn the tide of the war . Did it make a difference . I would hope so. But you know, its like a jig saw puzzle. You need all the pieces to get the picture, and we got some of the pieces. Reporter bies and the National Park service are still trying to piece together the history. A store room tolds what one day could fit in a museum. Pictures of high level p. O. W. S, or this charred book rescue friday a burning uboat. The documents are fantastic, unless you have the history and the voices behind the documents and so much that isnt written down, that the Human Element to talk to the actual veterans is the only reason we know what we know. Reporter three quarters of the veterans bies interviewed have since died. If he hadnt uncovered their stories, they could have stayed hidden forever. Dont you have a dictionary thing on there. They were worse than any other kid in the city of pittsburgh. Charles the taste of detective. , iwith something terrible to admit. I treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. I was an addict. Im recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. Police, airline pilots, bus drivers. Theyre randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. But not us doctors. You can change that vote yes on proposition 46. Your lives are in our hands. It makes me happy to i like feeling smart. Internet essentials from comcast has brought lowcost Internet Access to over 1. 4 million lowincome people at home. Internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. It helped my grades move higher. Today its the largest Broadband Adoption program in america. It helped me a lot. Comcast. Helping to bridge the digital divide. Charles to get kids out of the box theyre in, you have to think out of it is box. Doing just that. General speaking if youre a kid growing up in pittsburgh like jessy and josh lyle, the last place you want to be is in a courtroom across the table from detective jack mook. Mook is a by the books no nonsense chew them up, spit them out 22 year veteran of the force. Outside of work, hes a committed man, who never led a vidalia see his soft side. For fun, he hits people. And volunteers at the steel city boxing gym and teaching the sport to underprivileged kids. Most of the kids that come in this gym are straight kids. Many have been born into pofsht. Reporter kids like 11yearold jesse and his 15yearold brother, josh. Jack had been working with them. He really liked these kids and knew the feeling was mutual. So when they stopped showing up at the gym one day, jack went out and found the older boy. He looked terrible. Bags under his eyes and 12 years old. He was asking me about it. And then i just cried. Reporter what jack doont know, and no one knew until that moment was just how bad these kids had it. They were in a foster home with Foster Parent who is jack says were extremely abusive and neglectful. They have had it worsesa any kids who fsh liveed in the city of pittsburgh, living conditionswise, and that just i had enough of it. Reporter so jack mook took matter sbos his own hands, and got the kids placeed in a new home. I slept the best i ever did that night. Reporter jack has been their Foster Parent for two years now. This tough guy detective, its m quite a transition. He says the homework alone is brutal. Learning prepositions and declarative statements, and this is right up your alley. I have no idea what it kid is talking about. Dont you have a dictionary thing on there . Reporter the homework is just the beginning thf bachelor. Reporter i get the sense you love it. Its awesome. Its the best thing i ever did in my life. Reporter at least it was the best thing. Until this past week when we went to court and did one better. Adopted the boys. Come on, boys. And made them mooks. Youre a mook, right . You happy . Good. Now youre going to get out and cut my grass. Reporter safe to say the thought of chores has never been more welcomed. What was it like performing with him. Intimidating . Well, he asked me questions. Charles gaga, bennett, mason. Something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. [ female announcer ] most of the time its easy to know which option is better. Other times, not so much. So its good to know that Mazola Corn Oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. And a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. Take care of those you love and cook deliciously. Mazola makes it better. Take care of those you love and cook deliciously. The all new, head turning cadillac ats coupe. Its irresistible. When we perform anything goes. Its sunday morning on cbc, and heres charles osgood. Charles thats lady gaga with tony bennett. How that came about is the story we hear now. Dont need a thing if it aint got that swing. Reporter an unlikely couple. Its awesome. Thank you. You too. You are like a freak of nature. Reporter the gentleman m jazz singer. Ive got rhythm, ive got music. Reporter and the flamboyant pop star. When i met her, the first thing i said is, lets do an album together. She said okay. It was that quick. I knew since i was a little girl, and nobody picked up when tony asked i got really excited. I cant give you anything but love, baby. Reporter shes 28. Hes 88, but tony bennett and lady gaga like making music together. What was it like performing with him . It must have been a little intimidating. He asked me the questions. Reporter they met at a Charity Event a few years ago and hit it off when bennett went to one of gagas concerts this year, she climbed a ladder to the balcontow serenade him. When you started climbing up the ladder, i said whats going on . I had to get closer to you. I like to be cheek to cheek when youre in the room. Heaven. Im in heaven. Reporter there may be6qn years between them, but theyre both singers, both new yorkers. You can see my place from her . You can . Yeah. Reporter live just a block apart. We sing all the time duets right over sixth avenue, but nobody knows its us. Reporter theyre both art lovers. Bennett studied the masters at the metropolitan museum. And both Italian Americans. She was american stephanie germanata, and he anthony benadeto. I wonder if the italian connection between you and lady gaga was important . It me it is. She understands me, and i understand her. This is your mom over mere . This is my mom. I grew up, and she was working on a penny a dress to feed three children, and my father died when i was very young. What a beautiful father. And she was a wonderful person. You are similar to her. Thank you. I know i go from rags to riches. Reporter bennett grew up in astoria, queens. You started singing in restaurants . Yes, i was a singing waiter. I loved doing it, and im still doing it. Reporter at first he performed under the name joe barry. And then one night, bob hope gave him advice. U he said whats your real name. I said anthony benadat a. He said call you tony bennett, so bob hope gave me my name. He signed, and went to number one in 1951. It was reporter he scored 20 top 40 hits in the decade. That old black magic. Reporter and just as it Living Legend supported the younger gaga, an older Italian American singer supported him. In 1965, in a life magazine interview,0ain sinatra said for money, tony betet. He changed my career. All the fans wanted to know what he was talking about. Hes going to tear the seats out of the place for you. Hes my man. Mr. Tony bennett. Thank you very much. [ reporter the man who sprintedzd on stage at londons i tunes festival is in his seventh decade of performing and had a few lessons to share with lady gaga. 45,000 people a night in a big stadium you become very famous over anybody else. Then something comes up, and starts taking it away from you. This album will prove to her that through the years, youll always be around. It proves that shes a great performer. Reporter do you think she was worried about that . No, i was worried about it. Because i like her a lot. As a person, and shes a great performer. And i know that eventually by doing what she was doing, just that one thing, sooner or later, someone is going to come and top her. Reporter youve seen that happen . Many times. Many times. [ applause ] reporter gagas rise was meteoric. Her first two singles went to number one in 2009. But her last album, art pop released last year. It failed to be the blockbuster the industry expected. You were reported saying people think im finished. Do you feel people thought you were finished. I feel liketpb1n people were some people were holding me to a very high standard. Everybody is hooting and hollering because i didnt sell 20 million records this time. What they did with me in the first album. You know, its not easye to replicate that. You just i dont have a formula. Reporter after six years of working nonstop, gaga says she was exhausted. You know, its one thing to put a train on the tracks, but its another thing to keep the train on the tracks. You cant just let the train while out on the tracks and run. I crashed. Reporter you crashed . Sure. Reporter when did you crash . Well, id say sometime in the middle of last year. With everything happening, i didnt even want to make music anymore. Reporter performing on the you tube music awards last november, she nearly broke down. What happened that night that you got so emotional . You know, im not allowed to say exactly what happened that day. But you know, my partner left me. He told the whole world i left you. Youre talking about the split with your manager . Yes. Reporter thats where all that emotion came from . That was very hard. Reporter the news which broke just days before her album was to be released shock the the world. Troy carter nurtured her career for seven years. But gaga felt her managers were taking her for granted. I think i felt like they o werent proud. Reporter why werent they proud . They had moveed on to other things, other business ventures. I felt abandoned. But you know, thats my own issue. Every artist needs reporter youve got so much. What do you want now . I just want to be happy, and i cant tell you how happy singing this makes me. You know, excuse me. Reporter let me ask you this, why didnt the other stuff make you happy . If did. It does. It made me so happy. I loved every song, every performance, every moment that we had, because i stuck to my guns. Its just that i got tired fighting to keep it my way. You know, tony thats one of the first things he said to me. He said dont you ever, ever, ever again or in the future, let anybody take down the quality or the intelligence of what you do. You know, i just wanted to give this to you, tony. Reporter the day we visited the studio where bennett still paints every day. I paint when im sad. Reporter gaga brought him a gift. Let me see that. I was really sad, and i wat to put all thaf feeling somewhere else. And i made this. Thats the demon. Yeah. And i wanted to give it to you, because you have so much to do with it being gone. I see the intensity, and the feeling of it. I can see that. Youre welcomed. Thank you. I left my heart reporter in San Francisco last month when tony bennett celebrated his 88th birthday, he looked out his hotel window that morning. ipx9q g was this plane, and big letters saying happy birthday, tony, love lady gaga. It went around San Francisco. Reporter what did you think when you saw that . She has just taste in making wonderful things happen. Reporter what do you think you brought to tony . Tips. Im just kidding. You cant style tony. I like that about him. But i hope when ive given tony is a moment for him to really bask in peoples lives changed. That would be its beautiful. I know. . 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Charles the Macarthur Foundation announced genius awards to all sorts of people in human endeavors. The first person account now is one of the 21 winners. Genius at play. Do i feel like a genius . No. When i got a call from the Macarthur Foundation, i was like, who is this. I thought it was a joke. This grant is for 625,000. I was like, whoa. My name is steve coleman, and ike a saxaphoneist, and composer. I grew up in chicago ask started violin around the age of 14. About a year and a half after that, i started playing saxaphone. My father played a lot of records at home. Charlie parker, ray charles, billy holiday. I just refer to it as old peoples music when i was younger. But as i got older, and i started learning how to play, i wouldsu go to a club, and i found it, and said i know this song. I heard it before, and i played it, and it would just come out. After i got out of college, i hitchhikeed to new york because of all the creative music coming out of new york, and i knew that was the place to be. A stayed at the ymca and mostly played on the street for a living, right on 50th and broadway. I joined an orchestra. Our first tour was 10 weeks in europe. It was amazing occur considering i had been playing on the streets a few months before that. As i was learning this music, i would listen to srp things that would have a transformative effect on me. Certain types of music would just open me up. And i thought from that point, thats what i wanted to do. I wanted to play music that had that kind of effect on people that tronz formed them and opened them up. This is my opportunity to do that. I died philo nd ancient civilization. I didnt justment to study the history of music i played, but all music. When i started composing the first thing that happens is theres a story. And its just talking to somebody. Its like having a conversation, and the art and how it keblgts to the brain. Connects to the brain. And how that makes a difference. I notice a lot of things we do comes from this internal rhythm. Not everyone would get our music. But upon repeated listening, i guarantee you something is there. Bring music to a lot of different musicians. When i was2 very young. A great saxaphoneist told me if you take care of that horn, it will take care of you. I didnt believe him, but i believe him now. Charles still to come. Good sports, and bad sports. 8e÷t ys nexium 24 hour, ffers new protection Strong Enough for whatever your day dishes out. Walgreens makes it easy to treat frequent heartburn. With new nexium 24 hour, now get nexium level protection without a prescription. At the corner of happy and healthy. Charles heres a look at the week ahead. On monday morning, tom hank and wife will host simply shakespeare with paul simon, the Shakespeare Center of los angeles. Tuesday is the 65th anniversary of the day bruce spring teesteen was born in the usa in new jersey. On wednesday, the 15th latin grammy award nominations will be announced, and presentsed in las vegas. Thursday, sees the start of the annual james dean festival in his home town of fairmont, indiana including the james dean look alike contest. The actor dieed in a car accident in 1955 at the age of 24. On friday, Time Magazine covers from the 1960 x ss go on view. And sunday, an italian newspaper says George Clooney will be married in venice. The couple has rented two luxury hoemgtss for the vacation. Els for the vacation. Many are looking forward to a sunday full of nfl football oh games today. The league has been troubled by off the field domestic violence. Nancy childs on that. Full disclosure. I love football. I will yell and scream and pound when my guy sacks their quarterback, or another guy makes the hit and stops the play at the line of scrimmage, or a different guy fakes his way around a defensive dude and gets off a glorious pass. But if a player limps off the field or is carried off on a stretcher, i whince. I dont want anyoneu,p,uoue hurt, really, and that doesnt make sense. The game is violent. Having said that, lets go to the videotape. It started with this. A hit that eclipsed any of ray rices accomplishments as a running back. A knock out punch to the face of janapalmer, the woman he would marry. Ti. Sparked a necessary dialogue. This time about domestic violence, and the outrage generated boo that shamed the nfl and the commissioner Roger Goodell into a series of weak responses, double talk, and finally penalties and indefinite suspension for rice and other players arrested for domestic violence. And on friday, goodell admitted to blowing it. I got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. Im sorry for that. Reporter many people questioned her judgment, janapalmer rights, shining a light on the complicated issues of why people stay in abusive relationships. The twitter hash b tag, why i stayed drew an outpouring of responses from women, sharing their stories. Their reasons are truly eye opening to anyone who might think walking away is the obvious solution. Its not. Its complicatesed. But the hits keep coming. Last week, minnesota vibings running back, Adrian Peterson was indicted for felony child abuse, injuring his son with a tree branch after the boy pushed his brother. Peterson is 61 and weighs 217. His son is four years old. Football, hockey, boxing. These are Contact Sports that involve a kind of handtohand combat. The best players are awarded with fame, championships, and big paychecks, sometimes baseed on the pain and injuries they inflict on opponents. Thats the job. But you know what, guys . You have the money and the means to sit down with a shrink or a pastor or a 1212 group and establish some boundaries. Your job is to hit someone . Fine. Do your job. But when youre off the field, be honorable. Fans look up to you, teams and sponsors pay you. So your behavior off75 the fiel counts. You dont hit your partner. You dont hit your kids. It doesnt matter how you were raised. If you cant control your impulse, get help. Hows that . Charles and now Bob Schieffer for whats ahead on face the nation. Reporter good morning, charles. Well add the latest on the nfl crisis, and talk to james brown about that, and have the two chairs of the intelligence committees in congress, california democrat, diane feinstein, and michigan republican, mike waters. Charles thank you, well be watching. And next week on sunday morning. Every night. Charles closeup on televisions most important night. That can absorb stains. 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