Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20140805 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20140805

mudslides in southern california, other parts of the southwest are swamped by flash floods. >> get out! hurry! >> this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, august 5th, >> this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, august 5th, 2014. captioning funded by cbs good morning, good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. an american aid worker infected with the ebola virus is on her way back to the united states for treatment this morning. nancy writebol boarded a specially equipped plane last night in liberia and is being flown to emory university hospital in atlanta. that is where another american patient, dr. kent brantly is also being treated for the potentially deadly disease. the two americans were infected in liberia, one of four african nations dealing with the worst ebola outbreak in history. more than 1600 people have been infected and nearly 900 have died. here in new york city, doctors are awaiting test results on a man exhibiting symptoms of ebola. ko im is at the mt. sinai medical center with details. >> reporter: good morning, causing doctors to act with an abut dance of caution but doctors here are optimistic that this particular patient does not have ebola. >> the first thing we'd like to stress is it's not ebola. it's much more likely that it's a much more common condition. >> reporter: doctors say the patient came to the hospital early monday morning with a high fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. the man had recently traveled to west africa where the virus had sickened hundreds of people in the last few weeks. he was immediately isolated after arriving. but doctors say he did not put anyone in the hospital at risk. >> if this were a case of ebola which we do not know that it is not transmitted by casual contact. and everything that happened in mt. sinai happened at a rapid fashion such that we were certain that the patient did not pose any risks to other patients or to our staff or to visits at mt. sinai. >> reporter: hospital workers are told to keep an eye out for symptoms including fever and headache, vomiting and diarrhea. on monday, dozens arrived in washington, d.c. for a summit where president obama is screened for the disease. ebola is spread through direct contact with bodily fluid from an infected individual. but experts say the risk of it spreading in the united states is low. >> there will not, hear me, there will not be spread to the community. >> reporter: meanwhile, doctors are trying out a brand-new approach to fighting the disease. the national institutes of health revealed that both dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol are being treated with an experimental serum. until now it had only been tested in monkeys. it prevents the virus from entering cells in the body. >> unfortunately by the time we used the serum most of the virus is already inside the cells of the patient. and so we have to prevent new infection but the old infection just has to run its course. >> reporter: both nancy writebol and kent brantly are said to be improving. as far as the patient here at mt. sinai doctors will see his test results in the next day or so, but again, anne-marie, they do not expect him to be infected with ebola. >> all right. ko im here in new york. thank you, ko. now, to the middle east where we're just hours into another try at peace. a new cease-fire agreement is in place between israel and hamas. the temporary peace deal may be a sign of something long term. but both sides remain ready to fight. susan mcginnis is in washington. susan, good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. yes, another truce is under way and appears to be holding. at least this one was agreed to by both sides and along with this one comes israel withdrawing all of its ground forces from gaza and talks scheduled from cairo with an aim at ending the bloodshed. >> reporter: the skies are clear over gaza as the newest cease-fire between israelis and hamas militants is now under way. the latest halt to fighting is set to last 72 hours. >> for israel, the most important thing we shouldn't have to revisit this sort of crisis in half a year or a year. we've got to make sure that the peace is sustainable. and lasting. >> reporter: israel pulled out all of its ground troops prior to the cease-fire but said it is ho holding positions around the border and will respond with an attack. this hamas spokesman said a delegation of palestinian officials from various factions has been negotiating with egypt and will continue to do so. less than half an hour before this latest cease-fire went into effect, smoke rose over the gaza skyline. on monday, a seven-hour pause in fighting collapsed after israel accused hamas of launching more rocket attacks. the israeli military responded with a missile strike that reportedly killed a young girl and injured more than two dozen others. egypt will host indirect talks over the next three days to work out a long-term truce. on monday, president obama signed into law a package authorizing an additional $225 million for israel's iron dome missile defense system. anne-marie. >> susan mcginnis in washington, thank you, susan. passengers on one florida flight are happy to be on firm ground this morning. an allegiant air flight from ft. lauderdale to asheville, north carolina, made an emergency landing yesterday after hitting severe turbulence. 153 people were on board. and witnesses say a flight attendant hit the ceiling. three passengers were hurt. the plane made a descent of 11,000 feet in just minutes before landing at florida's st. pete-clearwater international. >> it was just it dropped. everyone flew up for a few seconds. and, you know, everyone sat down and said what just happened? >> it felt like a bad roller coaster ride when you see those people flying up and down in a movie, that's basically what happened. >> reporter: the passengers have been offered another flight to asheville later this morning. and water woes in one ohio city are over this morning after a two-day ban of using the tap. more than 400,000 people in ohio and michigan can drink the water once again. high levels of an algae-induced toxin from lake erie forced toledo to issue a warning last weekend. now, the levels have returned to normal. ohio's governor is promising a review. and coming up on the "morning news," digging out, people in southern california clean up after a wall of mud slams into the area. this is the "cbs morning news." you've become deaf to the sound of your own sniffling. your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you can clear a table without lifting a finger... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... 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southern california people are cleaning up after sunday's torrential rains turned small streams into rivers of mud. danielle nottingham has the latest on the recovery. >> reporter: crews quickly cleared streets of massive boulders and a thick blanket of mud that stranded 2500 people around the town. veronica cafaro and her family barely made it to safety after being trapped on top of a boulder. >> we literally opened the suburban doors and all of the mud and boulders started coming towards our car. >> reporter: others stranded at a nearby community center were able to drive away after the main road reopened. officials say the storm destroyed up to eight homes in the area. it will take days for residents to dig out. lauren mccormack and her sons say they ran for their lives as a river of water swept through their home in mt. baldy. >> at first, we thought we were going to die. we really did. we were looking at each other saying what do we do? what do we do? >> reporter: officials say the storm claimed at least one victim, 48-year-old juwan lee. and this man was lucky he wasn't inside his car when an eight-foot wall of water washed away along with other vehicles. >> i watched it like a toy, like a toy car. >> reporter: fire officials say everyone is accounted for. danielle, nottingham, cbs news, mt. baldy, california. also in california this morning, more than a dozen wildfires are raging. the worst fire has burned 800 homes and threatened several hundred mores. residents in the town of burney are facing possible evag wages. meanwhile in oregon a major wildfire still jeopardizes 270 residents after burning six homes. and this morning, we have tropical weather systems developing in both the atlantic and pacific including one that could hit hawaii for the first time in 20 years. eric fisher, chief meteorologist of our boston station wbzz has the details. >> the tropical storm as it heads up with bertha off the east coast the good news with bertha it will not be making landfall. shooting that gap between bermuda and the east coast, it will stay a category 1 hurricane and curve off to the north. the only issue for the east coast of the united states some rip currents and some bidding surfs so be careful in the water. we switch over to the pacific. this is interesting. three storms we're watching. genevieve became a tropical depression monday morning. a hurricane, a strong hurricane at that. and a cell which is about 1100 miles away from hawaii, you notice, it's a perfectly formed hurricane. and right behind that is julio and will be taking very similar paths. in terms of a cell, as this works off the cooler waters to go from a powerhouse hurricane to perhaps a tropical storm just before making land fall very near the big island and that would be happening on thursday. crossing the hawaiian island chain thursday into friday. if it stays a hurricane it will be the first one to make landfall in hawaii since iniki in 1992. an they ever farther west, even to the east, we have a typhoon halong making its way up to japan. this will past to the east of okinawa and approach the southern tip of japan as we head into late thursday and friday morning, likely as an equivalent category 1 hurricane. so very busy time right now all across the global tropics. i'm meteorologist eric fisher. cbs news. straight ahead. airfires on the rise. break out the keg, we'll reveal the country's number one party school. 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[ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer has an active naturals® total soy formula... one of nature's most effective skin tone correctors. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. and for stubborn spots, there's new aveeno® targeted tone corrector, with vitamin a added for faster results. [ jennifer aniston ] aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. and the only way out is thr the wildfire.. we go inside california firefighters' dangerous escape. a san jose family catches ts burglar in the act.. but t's still no arrest. the problem with the investigat an american doctor with the ebola virus gets a second ce at life.. the experimental keeping him alive. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's tuesday, august 5th i'm michelle griego. ,,,, here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. in sports, after a controversial conclusion to 16 years in a packers uniform, brett favre is ready to return to green bay. the packers announcing yesterday he'll be inducted into the team's hall of fame and have his number 4 retired. favre led the team to a super bowl victory, but he frayed his relationship with the organization and the fans in 2008 when he retired. and then unretired and continued his career elsewhere. favre says he'll be able to patch things up with green bay fans. >> i'm not concerned about it one bit because i know the true packers fans, and what their heart is about. and that's what -- that's what i am, is a packer. will always be remembered as that. and that's the way i want to be remembered. >> favre will be eligible for the pro football hall of fame in 2016. normally, they wait to get into the ring before they start throwing punching, ufc fighters john jones and daniel cormier brawled with each other during a prefight media conference in las vegas monday. the fighters knocked down a backdrop and were eventually separated by security guards at the mgm grand casino. jones and cormier are scheduled to fight in the ring september 27th. and a new jersey teenager is one step away from completing a swimming feat. last night charlotte samuels swam from california's catalina island to ranchos palos verdes. it took her 16 hours. she swam all around the manhattan island. if she can cross the english channel she will be the youngest person to pull off what's known as the open swimming triple crown. this is the "cbs morning news." (singing) snack time and lunch. (singing) snack time and lunch. gogurt because lunch needs some fun. with roc multi correxion 5 in 1. hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness, lift sagging, diminish the look of dark spots, and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. roc® multi correxion 5 in 1. high performance skincare™. now for a flawless look, roc perfecting cream. the only bb cream with the wrinkle fighting power of roc retinol. new from roc. a former white house press secretary james brady died monday. he was 73. in 2000, the white house press briefing room was renamed after brady. he spent the past 33 years battling back from a near fatal gunshot wound and battling against gun violence. bill plante covered the reagan administration and remembers brady. >> reporter: he was a rotund, gregarious washington insider known as "the bear." possessed with a sharp wit, a love of the political game and a taste for good food and wine. but just ten weeks after starting this dream job, as ronald reagan's white house press secretary, jim brady took a bullet to the brain in the assassination attempt on the president. his wounds were so severe that staff members on the scene assumed the worst. national security adviser richard allen recorded the scene in the white house situation room. >> we better just have a moment of prayer and silence for jim brady who died. >> reporter: after nine months and many surgeries, brady left the hospital. flashing his signature thumbs up, determined to recover. it was a rocky road. >> how would you say you're doing? how are you coming along? >> i think from an ambulatory standpoint, i'm coming along fine. my cane and i can get just about anywhere. >> reporter: the president turned brady's wife sarah and brady himself into advocates for gun control. they lobbied hard for a federal background check and waiting periods for gun purchases. president clinton signed the brady handgun protection act into law in 1993 with jim brady at his side. in the years that followed, brady remained an invalid, but never lost his wit. we spoke in 2006. are you still bitter, or no? >> well, it's not classy to be bitter, and i try to be classy, as you know. >> reporter: i do know. is it very much of an effort? >> yes. >> reporter: it may have been an effort, but jim brady made that effort with courage for 33 years. bill plante, cbs news, washington. >> on monday, former first lady nancy reagan said brady was the personification of perseverance and courage. quote, thinking of him brings back so many memories, happy and sad, of a time in our lives when we learned what it means to play the hand we're dealt. and president obama said in a statement, since 1993, the law that bears jim's name has kept guns out of the hands of danger individuals. an untold number of people are alive today who otherwise wouldn't be, thanks to jim." well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on the second american with the ebola virus returning to the united states. we'll hear from bun of the doctors treating her. and what the state of maine is doing to save its vanishing bat population. that's the "cbs morning news" for this tuesday. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. these people all love their dentist. they also have one other thing in common... we helped them find that dentist. because finding a dentist that you'll be comfortable going to, that you trust, is hard. at 1-800-dentist, we've helped over 8 million people find that right dentist and we can do the same for you. so don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ icoat good morning everyone, it is tuesday, august 5th. i'm michelle griego. >> hi en, i'm frank mallicoat. -- everyone, i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 4:30. ain and traffic -- >>lot of showers coming up in the bay area and maybe some isolated thunderstorming coming our way too. could be a very interesting day. we'll talk about it coming up. also means more accidents on roads. in fact we already have one. it's coming and into daly city. two left lanes are blocked and we are seeing a backup already. >> the roads are slick too. >> a little bit. >> you have to be careful out there. all right liz thank you. an american doctor thought he was going to die but an experiment that will see rum inconvenient -- serum may be keeping him alive. now a second american infected with ebola is flying back to the united states for treatment. and cbs reporter ko im reports a new york man is now under quarantine after complaining of ebola-like symptoms. >> reporter: he left liberia for the u.s. and join her colleague dr. brantly for treatments allotmentry university hospital in -- at em

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New York , United States , Japan , Ohio City , Ohio , Nevada , North Carolina , Asheville , Florida , California , Virginia , Liberia , Oregon , Syracuse , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Egypt , Daly City , Maine , New Jersey , Israel , Manhattan Island , Gaza , Israel General , University Hospital , Utah , Lake Erie , Hawaii , Bermuda , Americans , Israelis , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Brett Favre , Eric Fisher , Michelle Griego , Ronald Reagan , John Jones , Charlotte Samuels , Jennifer Aniston , Lauren Mccormack , Danielle Nottingham , Las Vegas , James Brady , Susan Mcginnis , Daniel Cormier , Jim Brady , Palos Verdes , Richard Allen , Nancy Reagan ,

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