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We certainly didnt know him. Captioning funded by cbs we certainly didnt know him. Captioning funded by cbs this is the cbs morning news for friday, february 7th, 2014. Good morning. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. The opening hour for the Winter Olympics gets under way in just a few hours. There is tight security this morning in sochi, russia, amid numerous terrorist threats. About 40,000 Russian Security forces are working to protect the game. In this country, the Homeland Security department has banned all liquids from carryon luggage on all nonstop flights from u. S. To russia following the latest terrorist alert. Bob orr reports. Reporter the u. S. Government wednesday warned Airlines Worldwide that terrorists may attempt to smuggle bombs in tubes of toothpaste. They base chatter that spread thats vowed to attack the sochi olympics. The potential attack that some analysts say is unlikely would involve terrorists sneaking explosives and other bomb parts past security and them assembling explosive devices while on board. Its not clear the terror group has the expertise to do, that but in 2004 russianbased terrorists did use female bombers to take down two passenger planes. Police in france and austria picked up a small number of chechen women with ties to the organized group. So far theres no ties to any connection to the threats. Bob orr, cbs news, washington. Members of the all women punk rock band pussy riot spoke out, and theyre not pleased. Adriana diaz met with them in moscow and this morning shes at the olympic site in sochi. Adriana, good morning. Reporter good morning, annemarie. Well, pussy riot has been making headlines all week after two of the members made a visit to the u. S. We met with them for an exclusive interview in their secret meeting location in moscow. This member of russias punk protest group pussy riot wants her message heard about the most expensive olympics in history, but she wants to disguise her face and voice. She said the money should be spent on russian citizens who need it. She said they have tacks that make no sense and bad health care. The band member who asked us to call her shiba met us at a secret Meeting Place in the basement. Another was also there. She doesnt wear a mask since her identity was revealed when Police Arrested her and two others in 2012 for rushing theal tar of russias biggest orthodox cathedral. They shouted profanities and denounced president putins ties to the church. Sam see vich says she hopes the ties to the olympics will expose russias dark side. She said i would like the whole world to know about our country. You cant talk about the country in public. You could get threaten order have something to you. Officials say theyre welcome in sochi, but they just have to stay in a designated zone seven miles away. Now, that protest has been pretty empty. Seven days ago there was one protester about the political situation in ukraine, but since then no other group has even applied to demonstrate. Annemarie . Adriana diaz in sochi. Thank you, adriana. Officials in pennsylvania say the damage from this weeks ice and snowstorm may be even worse than hurricane sandy. Nearly half a people in pennsylvania and maryland spent a second day without power. Most are expected to have their heat and power restored tonight. Crews as far away as canada worked through the night to restore power, but the below freezing temperatures will be around for a while. The hardest part of it is the cold because it penetrates your bones, and you feel it from top to bottom, and youre never warm. Its colder in here than outside. Oregon got a taste of ice and snow yesterday. The hazardous driving conditions caused dozens of crashes statewide. Good news, though, for droughtplagued california. More rain is expected today. Several inches is forecasted for Northern California through the weekend. Nearly threequarters of the state is experiencing extreme drought. About 10 is seeing exceptional drought conditions, which is the worst category. Some rain fell last night, but not nearly enough to put a dent in the monthlong water shortage. And it looks like Immigration Reform is dead in the water at least until after this years elections. House Speaker John Boehner made that clear yesterday. Even last week House Republicans unveiled their plan for immigration changes. Susan mcginnis is in washington. Susan, good morning. Annemarie, good morning. You know, we have been reporting for years about this Deadlocked Congress and compromise being a dirty word here, but if there was ever an issue where it was widely believed that both sides could agree, it was Immigration Reform. That is, until now when it looks like that issue is dead in the water. Speaker of the house john boehner says the path to Immigration Reform this year is in trouble. Hes blaming president obama. Theres widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to enforce our laws. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was visibly upset by speaker boehners reasoning. Why dont we just pack up and go home. Thats not a reason not to do an immigration bill. Thats an excuse not to do it. And the white house is defending itself, saying it does enforce laws, claiming there are more Border Patrol agents than ever before. The president has an exceptional record for improving border security. Speaker boehner has talked about the need for Immigration Reform for months now. Just last week he introduced a plan to pass it in stages, but hes facing pushback from hardline conservatives who are opposed to anything who can see amnesty for illegal immigrants. Ive been deeply disappointed in this legislation. Alabama senator Jeff Sessions is leading the revolt. Thursday he told the New York Times the speaker finally recognized reality. Ive never underestimated the difficulty of moving forward this year. The white house promises to keep pushing congress to act. And perhaps ironically starting next week, a Mexican University is going to be offering the first ever College Course on how to become an american citizen. Annemarie . Very interesting. Susan mcginnis in washington. Thanks, susan. A private funeral will be held today for actor Philip Seymour hoffman. Family and friends attended a wake yesterday in new york. Hoffman was found dead in his new york city apartment sunday. Officials suspect a drug overdose. Now, coming up on the morning new, Justin Biebers brush with the law. Surveillance video is released of the pop star at the Police Station after being arrested last month in miami. And jay leno says farewell with tears and some familiar friends. This is the cbs morning news. Friends. This is the cbs morning news. With the surprise points. Im putting mine toward jewelry. Got your surprise points. Getting lingerie. Chocolate. Kmart loves its shop your way members, so were giving away surprise points. Check your account. Kmart. Get in. Get more love. So when my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis them. Was also on display, id had it. I finally had a serious talk with my dermatologist. This time, he prescribed humiraadalimumab. Humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. In clinical trials, most adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis saw 75 skin clearance. 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Need a lift . Couldve had a v8. In the juice aisle. That guy taking off his orange shoes . Why, thats pop star Justin Bieber. This is Surveillance Video of him being processed inside the miami Police Station last month. He was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence and resisting arrest. Police say a toxicology test found marijuana and xanax in his system. His trial is expected to begin march 3rd. And Justin Bieber was the butt of one of jay lenos last jokes as host of the tonight show. Thursday night was lenos last broadcast after presiding over the show for over 20 years, but when the jokes were over, leno said a tearful goodbye to his viewers. We wouldnt be on the air without you people. Secondly, this has been the greatest 22 years of my life. It was the second time leno left the tonight show desk. In 2009 he was replaced by conan obrien, but he made a controversial return six months later when the ratings sank. This time leno made it clear. Its over. Im so glad i got to be a part of it, but it really is time to go. Before the tears, leno welcomed his final guest, billy crystal. That brought the tenor of his tonight show full circle. Billy crystal was his first guest when he hosted first in 1992. Country star garth brooks saw leno off with one last song, and before that, some of jays most famous guests over the years paid a tribute to the host. You made a whole lot of jokes about me over the years but do not worry. Im not upset. On a totally unrelated note, ive decided to make you my new ambassador to antarctica. Hope youve got warm coat, funny man. He used it to look at what changed since he took over for Johnny Carson 22 years ago. When i started hosting, marijuana was illegal and you could Smoke Cigarettes anyplace you wanted. Well, over the years leno had one target he went after over more than any other. President bill clinton was the butt of more than 4,600 of his jokes. Jay says he will perform to standup comedy, but he has no plans to return to latenight tv. Jimmy fallon will take over the tonight show later this month. The late show pays tribute to the beatles. 50 years when it began, the son of the members of one of the fab four honors his dad. Plus, let the games begin. A recap of the first day of events at the Winter Olympics. E Winter Olympics. [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains. You cant help but see the good. [ male announcer ] sponges, take your mark [ female announcer ] one drop of ultra dawn has twice the everyday greasecleaning ingredients of one drop of the leading nonconcentrated brand. [ crowd cheering ]. To clean two times more greasy dishes. Dawn does more, so its not a chore. [ male announcer ] bobs heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. If youve had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor and these Little Angels build in strength. And that little angel says, weeeeeeeee 60 more sheets than charmin. Everything you want and the value you love. Angel soft. Heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. New york will be sunny, 30 degrees. Miami sunny as well. A nice 82. Chicago, sunny, freezing rain in dallas, and mostly sunny in los angeles. Time now for a check of the national forecast. An arctic air mass covers most of the plains and the central u. S. It will be dry but with dangerous windchills. Much needed rain and snow will return to the northwest and parts of california. Several inches of rain will fall in Northern California through the weekend. In sports now, as we reported, the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics is scheduled to start a few hours from now, but on thursday the first of the competitions got under way. American skier bode miller had the best time on the training run in the alpine downhill. Hell make another run today. And two new events made their olympic debut. Team figure skating and slopestyle snowboarding. No medals have been awarded yet. And now to the nba where the injuryplagued Golden State Warriors rallied to beat the chicago bulls. The warriors were down by 16 in the first half, but guards Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson got hot. Curry ended up with 34 points and nine asates and thompson scored 22 as the warriors beat the bulls, 10287. They overcame a night to grind out a victory against oregon. T. J. Mcconnell hit a threepointer to give the wildcats a lead with 90 seconds left. Arizona beat oregon, 6765. And Baseball Hall of Famer Ralph Kiner has died. Kiner hit 56 home runs in the beginning of his career. Beginning in 1976 he had a home run or tied in each of his first seven seasons. He was a sixtime allstar and after he retired kiner became a beloved announcer for the new york mets. Ralph kiner died yesterday at his home in california. He was 91 years old. When we return, inside beatlemania. Ringo starr reveals how the beatles historic appearance at the ed sullivan theater changed everything for the fab four. Announcer this portion of cbs morning news sponsored by silk. Try silk almond milk light original with half the calories of skim milk. With half the calories of skim milk. Try our delicious new fresh mex bowls with chipotle or margarita chicken. All served with a bowl of soup, like our new southwest chicken. Chilis lunch combo starting at 6 bucks. More life happens here. And killed a woman they thought had a real gun. The credible threat coming behind bars that has offis on alert. Plus. The steps lawmakers will take today. An effort to curb smart pho thefts. And opening ceremonies begin in hours but Many Americans havent made it to sochi yet. The new security restrictions. Join us for kpix 5 news this morning. Beginning at 4 3 , heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. Washington, d. C. , will be sunny today, 41 the high. Sunny in atlanta as well and partly sunny in st. Louis. But cloudy in both denver and seattle today. The beatles arrived in america 50 years ago today, but they may never have conquered america if it hadnt been for a chance encounter a few months earlier. Anthony mason went on a magical history tour with ringo starr. Reporter ed sullivan first noticed the beatles when he saw a crowd of teenagers greeting them at london heathrow airport. He said book those boys. He didnt know us. We certainly didnt know him. Reporter sullivan would bring john, paul, george, and ringo starr to america. We were told youre four elvis presleys. Its not true, its not true. Ladies and gentlemen. Reporter an introduction that for ringo and the country it was something. It was like a magic moment. We landed. It was all perfect. We were number one, the kids loved us, and we loved the idea of being in america. I had never been to america. When i say that something i want to hold your hand reporter i want to hold your hand would spend seven weeks at number one. Onto a few months earlier the band had been unknown here. You werent really sure how you were going to be received in america. No. We felt very insecure because in the summer george came to america, george harrison, and he was going into record shops going, have you got the beatles records, and they were saying no. When he came back, he said, oh, its going to be tough, you know. They dont know us over there. Reporter but when beatlemania ignited in america, the sound was deafening. How you do play over that . You just play. As you know, later on we didnt play because we just couldnt get over it. We were in stadiums and they were really loud. But that was part of the beatles and the audience. That was just how it was. Reporter how it was a half century ago. Ringo and paul mccartney, the two surviving beatles, rarely play together, but they reunited for a concert to be broadcast on cbs this sunday to mark those 50 years. That does mean a lot, that were still out there doing what we love to do, and thats play. And it gives me an opportunity to play with paul. There are places i remember reporter who knew 50 years ago how much it would mean just to see two beatles come together again. Anthony mason cbs news. Cbs news, los angeles. And that special Anthony Mason mentioned is called the beatles the night that changed america. Fwramy salute. You can see it right here on sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Central time on cbs. He tapes his show in the ed sullivan theater and he taped the marquis. This is how it looked the night the beatles played in 1964. In case you were wondering, Georgia Brown was a broadway star and tessie oshea was a singer from england. And last night the flaming lips and john lennons son sean continued lenos weeklong tribute to the beatles. They performed lucy in the sky with diamonds. Lucy in the sky with diamonds lucy in the sky with diamonds [ female announcer ] yoplait greek 100. 100 greek. 100 mmm. So mmm, you might not believe its 100 calories. Yoplait greek 100. There are hundreds of reasons to love it. Surveillance video out of england catches a man spraying a flammable liquid on a van this week, but he accidentally sets himself on fire, races down the street desperately trying to put the flames out. He got into a car and drove off. The police are still looking for him. The fire he set damaged the vehicle and a home, but no one else was hurt. And heres another look at this mornings top stories. Security will be extremely tight for this mornings Winter Olympics opening ceremonies in sochi, russia. Homeland security banned all liquids in carryon bags on nonstop flights from u. S. To russia. And nearly half a Million People from pennsylvania to maryland are still without power. They say this weeks storm could be worse than superstorm sandy. Police arrested three people this week in the case of a stolen stradivarius violin. One of the men is expected to be charged today with robbery. As reported, the rare instrument was traced to a local thief. This is milwaukee symphony con seventy master frank almond playing a 1750 stradivarius. Its appraised for 5 million. Obviously theyre very prized and very rare and im lucky to play it every single day. Reporter he was unlucky when three thieves stole it from him after a performance last month. The musician was also assaulted in the process. Two individuals used an electronic controlled device commonly referred to as a taser to rob concert master frank almond. Reporter thursday Milwaukee Police announced the instrument was recovered. One of the suspects stashed the violent in a suitcase at a friends home where it was found wednesday night. The owner of the residence was unaware of the contents of the suitcase that a friend was asked to leave there. Reporter theyre glad to have the rare violin back in safe hands. It looks the way its supposed to look. The bridge is intact, the sound post is up and all the strings are still there. Reporter two are under arrest along with a woman. Charges against at least one of the suspects are expected friday. Omar villafranca, cbs news. Pope franciss motorcycle nicknamed the holy hog fetched a heavenly price. Harleydavidson donated the bike last june. It was auctioned off in paris thursday and expected to bring in about 16,000, but it sold for 327,000. The money will go to a soup kitchen for the homeless. Holy hog. Coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, well be live from sochi, russia, ahead of today eetodayg ceremony at the olympics. Plus infrastructure problems a one of the busiest airports. Well show you the latest upgrade at laguardia. And well show you an app, keeping anonymous online. Thats the cbs morning news for this friday. Thanks for watching. Im annemarie green. Have a great day. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com griego. Mrs. Linda Marie Macdonald is your realtime captioner. Good morning, everyone. Its friday, february 7. Im michelle griego. Hi, everyone. Im frank mallicoat. Thank god its friday we love the weekend. Im sure you do, too. How about the weather on the weekend . Its nice out there now. But its about to change. A lot of clouds and scattered showers now but this weekend could be something embassy. We have heavy rain coming our way and the storm system just setting up. A lot of clouds streaming across our skies, some scattered showers. We are going to talk more about some impressive rainfall totals this weekend in a few minutes. Lawrence and i were chatting before the show. The roads are still slick so we are still seeing a couple of spinouts out there, this was just cleared northbound 101 at fair oaks avenue but again, be extra careful this morning as you head out. Thank you. Some east Bay Police Officers are watching their backs after they shot and killed a woman who was described as depressed and suicidal. Andria borba reports. Reporter this messy officer involved shooting scene in hayward has a back story just as messy. Police shot the woman in the chest an

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