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This is the cbs morning news for wednesday, october 2nd, 2013. Good morning. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. Well, as the federal Government Shutdown enters its second day, theres no progress toward a resolution to report. Democrats and republicans are blaming each other. Party leaders on both sides of the aisle warn the budget battle could last for weeks and could morph into an even larger battle over the debt ceiling. Susan mcginnis is in washington. Susan, good morning. Good morning, annemarie. There was some back and forth here on capitol hill, some billed proposed that take sort of a piecemeal approach to reopening the government, but most of it was finger pointing here at congress and the white house as americans across the country begin to feel the impact. Day two of the first Government Shutdown begins and theres no resolution in sight. One leading republican says the shutdown alone may not bring democrats and republicans together. Most budget agreements in the past have always involved debt limit increases. Thats what we think will be the force in action to bring the two parties together. But a group of moderate republicans say its time to pass a funding bill even if its without proposals from the more conservative members of the party to weaken the Affordable Care act. Its not clear yet which of those factions is going to win out. Last night the house tried to pass three bills to fund parts of the government. Democrats stand firm and say its all or nothing. Now theyre focusing trying to cherrypick some of the few parts of government that they like. As lawmakers debate, americans across the country are feeling the impact of the shutdown from closed museums and parks to federal workers forced off the job. This is not how you run a country. If thats what theyre in there, then they need to be removed themselves. Then theyll understand how it feels to go without money, without a paycheck. Joe brought his family to the air force museum in dayton, ohio. The plane he flew was inside behind a locked gate. That was very, very important to see where he sat, what he did. Im sorry. I simply cant say anymore. The u. S. Economy is losing 33 million each day the government remains closed. Now, those three bills could come up again today here in congress. Also there might be another that would reopen the National Institutes of health hospital. Thats after word that hundreds of patients are not going to be accepted, included children with cancer who go there to seek experimental treatment. Annemarie . Wow. And its only just begun, susan. Susan mcginnis in washington, thank you. The main budget holdup is the battle over president obamas formal health care law. Open enrollment in the Affordable Care act started yesterday, and as predicted there were technical glitches including stalled websites and error messages among others. President obama said the demand exceeded expectations. There were five times more users in the marketplace this morning than have ever been on medicare. Gov at one time. That gives you a sense of how important this is to millions of americans around the country. Wyatt andrews takes a closer look at obama cares first day of business. Reporter as millions of people flooded the website, the website temporarily broke under the strain. The main page went from aplow now to please wait. Then the website went down. Several States Running their own exchanges also had delays. In washington state, the website closed down. Administration officials said the federal site was overwhelmed by 2. 8 million visitors, a number they never expected. White house Senior Adviser david simas said the problems drew an all out response. We expected a slow rampup and what we saw today was an overwhelming response that exceeded even what weve seen in medicare on any given day. So it was a good start. We identified problems. Tomorrows going to be better. Reporter despite the delays and inconvenience, the white house argued the high numbers were a sign of intense interest in obama care. California alone saw 1. 7 million hits on its website in the first hour. Connecticut reported 130,000 hits. Maryland, 87,000. What the administration is not reporting is how many people actually enrolled on tuesday. Some of thats because officials wont know until people sign a contract with an Insurance Company and make a down payment. But we also know these firstday problems are what stopped many people from signing up. Wyatt andrews, cbs news, washington. Police removed what they describe as a destructive device from Jacksonville International airport in florida. The airport is open for business this morning. It was shut down and evacuated for nearly five hours yesterday when two suspicious packages were discovered. Incoming passengers were stranded on the tarmac, and Outgoing Flights were delayed. One was found in a terminal. The other in parking garage. Police wouldnt say which one was the destructive one. Its estimated that the terrorist attack on the mall in nairobi will cost the economy 250 million in lost tourism revenue. The Westgate Mall was open to shoppers yesterday. The investigators are still searching for evidence. 67 people were killed by the militants during the fourday siege. And shopkeepers say there is widespread evidence of looting. Many are blaming Kenyan Security forces. Its unclear if the mall will reopen. At united nations, israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced irans efforts to ease tensions with the u. S. He called irans president Hasan Rouhani a wolf in sheeps clothing. Last week he said he was willing to discuss the Nuclear Program but netanyahu speaking yesterday said the iranian president was not to be trusted. I wish we could believe rouhanis words, but we must focus on irans actions. And its the brazen contrast, the extraordinary contradiction between rouhanis words and irans actions that is so startling. Netanyahu said israel will act alone if need be to prevent iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Well, coming up on the morning news, the search for suspects. New York City Police make some progress in the investigation into a motorcycle mob attack on an suv. This is the cbs morning news. ] ive got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. Its time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that wont relieve all your symptoms. New alka seltzer plusd relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. Oh what a relief it is. Weapons. Still running in the morning . Yeah. Getting your vegetables every day . When i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] couldve had a v8. Two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. Your first smile. We were there. Your first roll, your first friend, we were there too. And swaddlers blanketlike softness, that youve loved since day one, is now available through size 5, for many more firsts to come. Wishing you love, sleep play. Pampers. Is that true . Says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and thats heart healthy. [ dad ] jan . Police in new york city arrested one biker and the second turned himself in following that extreme case of road rage that played out in new york city sunday. As Michelle Miller reports, police are searching for even more suspects in the roadway attack. Reporter the incident was recorded by a helmet camera by one of the riders trailing the suv. Police dont know what started the confrontation. The suv was forced to a stop when one of the bikers slowed down and was rear ended. New York City Police commissioner ray kelly. We had over 200 calls just on sunday about this particular Group Operating in a reckless manner. Reporter inside the suv was alexian lien and his wife and infant daughter. Police say he became frightened when approached by the bikers. He ran over two people while trying to flee. A twomile chase followed. At one point a biker tried to open up his door. When they finally caught up to him, they smashed his window. They say he was pulled from the car and beaten. Police blame the bikers and have not charged the driver. Its believed the bikers were holding whats called a stunt ride where they slow traffic to do tricks on the highway. Often bikers videotape their antics. This video is from southern california. New York Police Say they were aware the riders planned an event on sunday. We had checkpoints. We had inspections done of the motorcyclists. We had 15 arrest, confiscated 55 motorcycles, we issued 68 summons. Lien was treated and released from the hospital but one of the bikers he ran over is in a coma. His wife diana said he was just trying to help. He paralyzed my husband on the way. He paralyzed my husband on the way, which when you look at the video, you can see hes running over something. Its not just a motorcycle. Its a human being under there. Reporter investigators are studied that videotape looking for even more suspects. Michelle miller, cbs news, new york. Straight ahead, a look at this mornings business headlines. And in sports, 21 years of waiting over. The Pittsburgh Pirates celebrate their first playoff win since 1992. First playoff win since 1992. Ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable theyre approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. Serious eye problems may occur. Ask your doctor and visit airoptix. Com for Safety Information and a free onemonth trial. [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum tums i need you. I feel so alone. But youre not alone. I knew youd come. Like i could stay away. You know i cant do this without you. Youll never have to. Youre always there for me. Shh ill get you a rental car. I could also use an umbrella. Fall in love with progressives claims service. Heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. New york city, mostly sunny with a high of 85. But thunderstorms in miami. Sunshine in chicago. Dallas, morning clouds, and sunshine in los angeles today. On the cbs moneywatch now, carl icahn wants apple to dig a little deeper, and putting the brakes on car sales. Gigi stone is here with that and more. Good morning, gigi. Good morning, annemarie. Asian markets were mixed amid concerns the u. S. Government shutdown will lead to standoff in debt ceiling negotiations. Tokyos nikkei fell 2 . Hong kongs hang seng added half a percent. But the first day of the Government Shutdown didnt seem to impact investors on wall street. The dow finish the day at 62 points. The nasdaq climbed 46. It was Technology Stocks that lifted the nasdaq to reaching a milestone in a recovery from the recession. Usa today reports its the first of the big indices to triple in value from its march 2009 low. The techheavy exchange received much of its gains from surging pharmaceutical and Retail Stocks as well as new companies such as facebook, linked in, and yelp. Icahn says he wants to buy back apple stock. He believes the company is undervalued, with the stock price down 30 at its peak, turning it into a bargain. It comes following a dinner meeting with ceo tim cook just weeks after icahn said he invested 2 billion in apple. Experts blame an earlier labor day this year for a dip in total auto sales for september. It means cars sold during the holiday counted in august numbers. Overall sales fell 4 . Among u. S. Automakers, gm posted an 11 decline compared to september of last year. Ford, however, saw a 6 rise. Chrysler squeezed out a 1 gain. And the famed new york city opera is shutting down. After missinging a fundraising goal to keep the institute afloat. The opera announced on tuesday its filing for bankruptcy after raising about 2 million of the 7 million needed to keep its lights on. The Company Performed its first opera in 1944. At the new york stock exchange, im gigi stone with the moneywatch report. Back to you. Gigi, thank you very much. Well, in sports, a Party Atmosphere as the pirates host their first playoff game since 1992. Pirates fans charged up for the wildcard matchup in cincinnati, and they cant have to wait long to cheer. Marlon byrd homers in the second inning to start the scoring. Two batters later it sounds like pirates fans get to reds pitcher johnny cueto. That balls hit well to left center field. Back toward the front. And that ball is gone Russell Martin makes it 20. Pirates with that home run. He would add another homer in the seventh as pittsburgh surges to a 62 win. Manager clint hurdle says the fans were instrumental in his teams victory. This is the newest biggest buzz. This ones still ringing in my ears. When we took the field for the announcements, the opening announcements, they let it rip. The park showed up tonight. Check out the Postgame Party in the pirates clubhouse. Hurdle gets drenched in celebratory champagne. The National Hockey league raised the curtain on a brandnew season last night. The defending stanley cup champion Chicago Blackhawks hoisting their championship banner to the rafters. But the blackhawks score three straight goals to win, 64. When we return, veterans versus the shutdown. Well show you how a group of war veterans didnt let the government closure stop them from visiting memorials that actually paid tribute to them. Memls that actually paid tribute to them. S. Guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. Why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back . Thats how it works. You take some tums®. If heartburn comes back, you take some more. That doesnt make any sense. It makes plenty of sense if you dont think about it really, honey, why cant you just deal with it like everybody else . Because i took a pepcid®. Fine. Debbie, youre my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete. It works fast and lasts. Get relief from your heartburn relief with pepcid® complete. A new offer was made late yesterday but will it be enough to keep the trains running and avoid a strike . No end in sight for the Government Shutdown. The s that ended with no winners capitol hill. And so busy it broke down. E glitches thousands of californians are encounteri when they try to sign up for healthcare. Join us for kpix 5 news this morning. Beginning at 4 3 good morning. Its wednesday, october 2nd. Im michelle wednesday, october 2nd. Im pinks favorite. I love pink. Our favorite. We race for pink. Introducing new raspberry 5hour energy. From now until the end of the year, a portion of each sale benefits living beyond breast cancer, to empower women affected by breast cancer. Raspberry 5hour energy is available for a limited time, so get yours now. I ski with pink. I cant get enough pink. Come on, everyone. Buy raspberry 5hour energy benefitting living beyond breast cancer. Come on, lets support pink. Looks good, doesnt it . Heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. Washington, d. C. , mostly sunny today. Mostly sunny in atlanta as well. Morning fog in st. Louis. Sunshine in denver. And cloudy in seattle today. Well, they fought a war. So some barrier put in place wasnt going to stop a group of world war ii veterans from visiting a memorial built in their honor. Jeff pegues has their story. Reporter benjamin joiner came to washington, d. C. To mark his place in history. One day i sad two torpedos coming at my feet and thanks to the good lord, they missed me. Reporter the 89yearold world war ii veteran from mississippi served in the pacific and later pledged to see the world war ii memorial before he died. Were you going to see it one way or the other . Yes, indeed. Thank you for your service and welcome to your memorial. Reporter but the barricades that came the Government Shutdown got there first. I just wonder what we fought for. Back then i had a very good idea, but now i just wonder the way that things are going. Theyre not working together. Theyre working against this country. Theyre trying to destroy it. Reporter he arrived with a group of 90 other veterans on an honor flight. Many of them were in wheelchairs with medical supplies in toe, but they would not be deterred. A group of congressmen eventually moved the barricades. The memorial is dedicated to the 16 million americans who served in the armed forces and the more than 400,000 who died. When you saw it today, what was running through your mind . [ inaudible ] i had to see it. Reporter what are your thoughts as you come to washington on the day the government is shut down . Well, thats just their way of doing things, i guess, and i think its silly, but i think they with all these educated people, theyre up there doing these jobs, that they should have sense enough to work together. Reporter a world war ii veteran in the nations capitol on the day parts of the country he fought for stopped working. Jeff pegues, cbs news, washington. Well, coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, an update from capitol hill on the Government Shutdown standoff, plus an upclose look at the sport of extreme kayaking. Im annemarie green. This is the cbs morning news. Annemarie green. This is the cbs morning news. [ woman ] my family already thinks pillsbury grands are amazing. But press them flat, add sauce. And some pepperoni and cheese. And School Nights turn into grands mini pizza nights. Pillsbury grands biscuits. Make dinner pop and sso, if youre sleeping gin your contact lenses,. What you wear to bed is your business. Ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable theyre approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. Serious eye problems may occur. Ask your doctor and visit airoptix. Com for Safety Information and a free onemonth trial. Take look at this chilling Surveillance Video of a Home Invasion last monday. Three masked men burst into a home in rural north texas in the middle of the night. They head to a bedroom where they attack the sleeping victim, but he fights back and chases the men out of the house. The homeowner actually installed the night vision cameras earlier when he rented out rooms to deter theft. Suspects are still being sought. And a Memorial Service is planned thursday for a family killed in a rock slide in colorado. Last night hundreds of people attended a candlelight vigil to remember the five people who died monday. As Manuel Bojorquez reports, they were killed by rocks the size of cars. Reporter search teams reached the site where 100ton boulders fell on a hiking trail. They recovered all five bodies despite the unstable ground and the threat of more falling rocks. Chafee county sheriff steve palmer. You see the steepness of the slope and the size of the boulders. This was a risky, risky operation carried out by all volunteers, members of this community. Dwayne and Donna Johnson and their 18yearold daughter kiowa died in the monday morning collapse along with two cousins visiting from missouri. Only 13yearold Gracie Johnson survived with a broken leg. She told rescuers her father died trying to shield her. Jennifer eggleston is a family friend. We may never get over this. They were so much a part of every single thing that we ever did. You wont be able to find one person in this town that they did not touch. They were a big part of everything. Reporter the loss in this town of 2,000 is felt deeply at buena vista high school. The johnsons both coached here. Their daughters were students. Classmates mourned near a rock near campus that has become a memorial. Brian yates is the principal. We all loved them. I love the kids here. We know that right now the kids are our focus. Take care of them and take care of the staff. Thats our job. Reporter the principal said it was students who came up with the idea for a vigil here at the school tuesday night. The trail where the rock slide happened remains closed. A county official said recent heavy rains in colorado may have played a role in the collapse and more rocks could give way. Manuel bojorquez, cbs news, buena vista, colorado. Well, coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, day two of the partial Government Shutdown. Well go to capitol hill and get reaction from the white house. Plus, former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice weighs in on u. S. Relations with iran. And louisville head basketball coach rick pitino joins us in the studio. Thats the cbs morning news for this wednesday. Thanks for watching. Im annemarie green. Have a great day. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com your realtime captioner is mrs. Linda m. Macdonald good morning, everyone. Its wednesday, october 2. Im michelle griego. Hi, everyone. Im frank mallicoat. Its hump day. Nearly 4 30. Time for a little weather and traffic. Liz wenger is going to be a star today because she is going to be doing both. Should i do a little hump day im filling in for lawrence. Thats my best effort. Out live taking a check of the temperatures outside right now. Its chilly. Partly cloudy skies, mostly in the 50s upper 50s out the door right now. Well check the sevenday forecast coming up. In the meantime, at the bay bridge toll plaza, no metering lights and no big delays so far coming into san francisco. Thank you. It is 4 30. Right nore entering day 2 of the Government Shutdown in washington. A few hours ago the white house announced president obama is shortening his trip to asia. Stops in malaysia and the philippines have been canceled to deal with the closure now and as cbs news Susan Mcginnis reports, Senate Democrats and House Republicans appear to be prepared for a long fight over healthcare reforms. Reporter day 2 of the first Government Shutdown in 17 years begins and

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