Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130710 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130710

good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. well, the ntsb is learning more about what happened in the cockpit right before asiana flight 214 crashed. they interviewed the pilots and say there's no indication they declared an emergency and the airlines pilots association is now lashing out at the ntsb. they say the agency is fueling speculation the pilots were at fault before all the facts are known. bigad shaban has more on the investigation. >> reporter: federal investigators are focusing on the final seconds of asiana airline flight 214. the boeing 777 apparently came in too low and too slow during landing saturday and crashed at san francisco international airport. >> there were three pilots in the cockpit at the time of the crash. >> reporter: the pilot sitting in the left seat was still in training, and it was his first landing at san francisco in a 777. next to him sat his instructor, a senior pilot, who has logged more than 3,000 hours flying that type of plane. but it was his first flight as an instructor pilot. >> this was the first time that he and the flying pilot that he was instructing had flown together. >> reporter: the senior pilot told the ntsb that as the plane approached the runway, he noticed that it was flying at a lower speed than what the pilots programmed at what was auto pilot. >> at 500 feet he realized they were flying low. he told the pilot to pull back. >> reporter: the tail struck and broke off. the survivors say they had little warning. >> the last couple of seconds the engines revved into high gear and, boom, the back end lifted up, jolted everything in their seats. >> reporter: two flight attendants were ejected from the plane. they were found injured but alive on the runway. they're now determining the manifest to determine who sat where and what injuries they sustained. bigad shaban, cbs news, san francisco. now the investigation of the deadly train crash in san francisco is calling it a criminal investigation. at least 15 people were killed on saturday when several oil tankers exploded. 35 are still missing. authorities say they have discovered something but they won't say what it is. they have ruled out terrorism. and the battle over immigration reform heats up again today. president obama will meet with the congressional hispanic caucus. and house republicans will meade today to see if they can move forward on a bill of their own. the gop said they're going to push for tougher border control. the senate version gives illegal immigrants temporary legal status and that does not sit well with many republicans. >> we have no moral obligation to do that. they came here to live in the shadows. they had to expect they were going to live in the shadows. >> democrats say they'll fight any plan that does not include a clear path to citizenship. and there's a new threat to national security. it could be the person sitting right next to you. cbs news has obtained a training video made by the cia and the fbi. >> well, it just occurred to me the number of times he would change his screen as i would walk into his office. >> it explains what to look for if a co-worker is a potential leaker or spy. earlier i spoke with senior correspondent john miller and asked why the agencies made this video. >> when they went back to the alder james case, famous spy case, turncoat sold to the russians, robert hanssen, turncoat sold to the russians, they interviewed people around them but all of them saw the signs. but they scratched their heads and said i don't want to report it. i'm probably being too suspicious. now they're saying if you see signs, report it. if nothing comes of it, so be it. but we can't afford the kind of thing where we lose valuable secrets. >> it's an expectation, pretty much a requirement now. if you see something suspicious, report it. there's even a training video, right, john? >> the cia and the fbi did a joint production. it's very slick, high production. it looks like a movie. it has real interviews. i've looked at this video a number of times. it's for internal use within the government. it's real interviews of people who sat next to robert hanssen, who worked with alder james. this is who i saw and how do you work with someone for 20 years and don't know them. but it also has dramatizations of people who are acting suspiciously and you see people coming and going from their office who aren't picking up on the -- it's basically saying if you see this kind of stuff, you've got to come forward. accused boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev will be in court today. this will be the first time the public will see the accused terrorist. he's accused of using weapons of mass destruction to kill three people and wounding more than 160. he's also charged with killing a police officer. his brother died during a shoot-out with police. tsarnaev is expected to enter a plea of not guilty. in the george zimmerman trial the judge will rule today whether trayvon martin's text messages about fighting can be entered as evidence. when the trial started, she ruled that martin's interest in guns and fighting couldn't be used in opening statements. tuesday's testimony. the pathologist told the court >> reporter: defense witness dr. vincent dimaio says zimmerman's testimony is consistent with the story. the gun powder burns showed trayvon martin was over zimmerman when he shot and killed the teenager. inches away. it's consistent with somebody leaning over the person doing the shooting. >> reporter: that is how zimmerman describes events to the police after the shooting. >> i shot him. i didn't think i sit him. he sat up and said, oop, you got me. >> reporter: he said he could have lived three minutes after he was shot and could move his arms under his body after zimmerman had spread them out. the defense is trying to convince jurors zimmerman acted in self-defense but the prosecution says the testimony didn't prove who started the fight that led to martin's death. the state also argued the victim could have been backing up when he was shot. >> with zimmerman on the ground and he would have this same angle. he's pulling away and zimmerman's shooting him at that time. >> yes. >> the prosecution got de-mayo to admit he's being paid $400 an hour for his defense but forensic consultant michael knox said the testimony was still effective. >> what they did is brought in the forensic expert, tied it all together, and put it in one package and that's really compelling to the jury. >> reporter: the defense attorney says they could finish presenting their case on wednesday. susan mcginnis, cbs news, florida. congress is also battling over student loans. the interest rate for stafford loans doubled on july 1st but as usual neither can agree how to get it back to its original level. tara mergener is in washington. tara, good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. it's another round of gridlock. both sides agree the new rate is too high for students but can't find consensus on how to fix it, leaving millions of clnl students in the lurch. congressmen walked out of the capitol on their fourth of july break with some unfinished business. beginning july 1st, the interest rates on new student loans doubled from 3.4% to 6.8%, impacting about 7 million college students. >> i'm definitely not going to jet's pizza anymore. >> reporter: today they'll vote on a democratic proposal that keeps the rate at 3.4% next y r year. there's just one catch. >> i know it's not to simply extend it. there aren't votes to do that. >> reporter: the battle over interest stone rates pits house speaker john boehner against senate majority leader harry reid. >> the house has done its job. >> reporter: the house republicans passed a bill that ties the u.s. loan rate to the borrowing cost plus 2.5%. as the rates raise, so does the cost of education, up to a max of 8.4%. democrat senator joe manchin is working with republicans and has proposed a similar plan with one key difference. it won't use the savings to pay down the nation's debt. >> in this bipartisan group we all agree that profit should not be made on the parts of students going to school. >> but majority leader harry reid said he will not tie it to any rates on the u.s. market. the loan debt now exceeds $1 trillion which economists fear is stifling students and others as well. anne-marie? >> tara mergener in washington. thank you, tara. well, tropical storm chantal is threatening to become a hurricane. the storm is about 200 miles south of puerto rico. the sustained winds are at 60 miles an hour. chantal is expected to hit the dominican republic this afternoon. a hurricane watch has been issued for the island. the storm could hammer the bahamas tomorrow and then head up the east coast to florida. well, coming up on the "morning news," honoring the fallen. thousands attend a memorial for the 19 hotshot firefighters killed in an arizona blaze. this is the "cbs morning news." this is the "cbs morning news." honey! we're pregnant! what? we're pregnant! we're pregnant? yeah! you're going to be a mom! you're going to be a dad! there's a little baby in there? there's a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don't know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. [female announcer]g) looks like everybody's at our biggest sale of the year, the anniversary sale at petsmart. save up to 25% on all pur luv™ and other select dog treats and chews, only at petsmart®. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic! find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. supporters of deposed egyptian president mohamed morsi gathered this morning before fasting for ramadan. they're still calling for morsi to be returned to power. meanwhile the opposite pledged $8 billion in aid to the new government. and firefighters across the country gathered in arizona to pay tribute to 19 of their colleagues. thousands attended a memorial service for the granite county hotshots who were killed last month for battling a fire. vice president joe biden thanked them for their service. the lone surviving team member brian mcdonough says he misses his brothers. >> on "cbs moneywatch" they take another look at a sports car. good morning, erica. good morning, anne-marie. asian markets were mixed after a report shows china's exports fell last month. tock owe's nikkei dipped half a percent. hong kong's hang seng added 1%. wall street is enjoying another winning streak. it ended in the black for the fourth consecutive trading day. a massive five-year half-trillion dollar farm bill could be split in two. the bill would be set rated into one for food stamps and a separate for farm aid program. they hope by separating the food stamp program, they might be able to make bigger cuts and gain more conservative support. congressional republicans are trying to take reverng on the irs. the house gop proposes slashing 24% of the agencies 2014 budget to punish it for applying extra scrutiny to conservative and liberal groups seeking nonprofit status. the irs, meanwhile, is canceling bonuses for managers and is trying to cancel them for union work due to the fiscal cliff spending cuts. the nation's biggest grocery chain is getting much bigger. kroger is buying harris teeter, expending its region. they have 212 stores in eight states including delaware, florida, maryland, and washington, d.c. and chevy's newest corvette doesn't just look good. it's a sports car that's good for the planet. the 2014 corvette stingray boasted 29 miles per gallon on the highway even though it's packing a 455 horsepower, f.2 liter engine, the stingray can rocket from 0 to 60 in fewer than four seconds and've has eco mode. >> it got even sexier, who knew that could happen. erica ferrari here in new york. thank you, erica. straight ahead, your morning weather, and in sports the astros splashed some leather as they take on the division leading cardinals. splashed some leather as they take on the leading cardinals. thank you, erica. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover, and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i've been with bp for 24 years. i was part of the team that helped deliver on our commitments to the gulf - and i can tell you, safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge safety equipment and technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all our drilling activity, twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. safety is a vital part of bp's commitment to america - and to the nearly 250,000 people who work with us here. we invest more in the u.s. than anywhere else in the world. over fifty-five billion dollars here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. forecast in some cities oftened here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. expect thunderstorms in new york. miami, thunderstorms as well. chicago, thunderstorms in the morning. dallas will be partly sunny, and los angeles, morning clouds, 85 the high. and time now for a check of the national forecast. two large regions of the u.s. are at risk of severe weather today from new england west to the mississippi river valley and a second in the plains. expect scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the southeast. much of the west will be dry though. a high risk of fire stretches from southern california and arizona north to idaho. in sports the st. louis cardinals' adam wainwright picked up his lead-tying 12th win. wainwright shut out the at stroes through seven innings allowing five hits and striking out nine. matt carpenter drove in three runs for the cards who ended up beating houston, 9-5. in philadelphia cole hamels allowed just one run and six hits over the eight inning as they won washington, 8-2. philadelphia has won six of its last eight games and is now just 1 1/2 games behind the nationals in the n.l. east. in chicago 37-year-old and red-hot alfonso soriano hit two of the cubs' five home runs in an interleague game against the los angeles angels. soriano is hitting .400 with eight home runs in his last 11 games. the cubs beat the angels, 7-2. and in the american league, texas ranger adrian beltre went four for four including two home runs as the surging rangers beat the baltimore rairchs 12-4. he has six home runs in the last six games. they're now 16 games over .500 and just a half game behind the west division, leading oakland a's. when we return, another look at the top stories. a rare presidential look. new footage of fdr as few people have ever seen him. look. new footage of fdr as few people have ever seen him. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. [ male announcer ] advair diskus fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. get your first prescription free and save on refills at unharmed. new details in the crash of asiana flight 214 -- the piece of equipment that maye failed... at landing. and, an insider's take on what was happening insidr traffic control when the ple went down. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's wednesday, july 10. i'm ,,,, here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. forecast in some cities around the country. washington, d.c., thunderstorms today. atlanta, thunderstorms as well. same thing goes for st. louis. denver, afternoon thunderstorms, but seattle will be mostly sunny. and here's a look at today's top stories. the ntsb says the pilots of asiana flight 214 relied on equipment for the speed of the plane. but they realized too late it was going too low and too slow. and house republicans will meet today to discuss security and a path way to citizenship and border patrol as two key issues. a college professor discovered the eight-second clip at the national archives. it shows fdr on the "uss baltimore" in 1944 gliding past sailors on a ramp. it could be only such film in existence. he contracted polio in 1941 and was never seen in public using a wheelchair. in fact, many americans never knew the four-term president could never walk. american chris cassidy along with italian luca parmitano spent the day replacing broken gear and removing a bad camera. this is the "cbs morning news." what's your name? linda. linda obviously sacrificed a good haircut so that her daughter could have a warm coat. it's windy. yeah. now you can help people like linda stop with the sacrificing. tell them about light & fit greek nonfat yogurt twice the protein and 80 calories. thick... creamy. taste satisfying, right? eat! light and fit greek! ♪ dannon! chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. causing dark marks to become visible. dove has the effective solution. dove® cleartone™ anti-perspirant. the result? underarms with visibly reduced dark marks and an even tone. while there's evidence that the job market is improving, it hasn't helped the long-term unemployed. >> reporter: these days shaun marseau's life is pretty simple. he's either at the gym or in front of his computer looking for a job. simple but not easy. so right now in your bank account you have $170? >> yes. and i believe 93 cents in savings. >> that's all you've got. >> that's all i have to my name. >> mar sow lost his job selling insurance six months ago. last week he got his final unemployment date. >> july 1st, that was the cut-off date. that's d-day. no more. >> reporter: north carolina has the nation's fifth highest unemployment rate, 8.8%. when the recession hit, the state did not have enough money to cover all of its unemployment claims, so it borrowed $2.5 billion from the government to cover its shortfall. >> it was a loan with interest, and what i'm doing is i'm tearing up the credit card and i'm going, we're going to pay off our debt like every reasonable family has to do. >> reporter: the federal loan increases the taxes the employers pay to fund unemployment by $21 per worker per year. governor mckwor query says paying off the government loan as soon as possible is what they're trying to do. >> we're trying to free up the money. this was not an easy decision. >> reporter: to get the money to pay off the loan earlier the republican governor and legislature cut current state benefits from $535 a week to $350. the benefits now end at a maximum of 20 weeks instead of 26. >> say 70,000. >> 70,000. >> of our brothers and sisters. >> reporter: it makes north carolina ineligible for federal benefits altogether. so 70,000 unemployed whose state benefits have run out have no money coming in at all. and folks would say, i know it's a tough economy, but get out there and get a job. >> every day. looking is not a problem. it's getting hired. >> reporter: the federal money is no longer being pumped into north carolina's economy. as for marseau, he might held elsewhere to look if he can find money to fill up his gold topaz tank to leave. well coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," how to spot a spy. john miller tells us what the government is doing to crack down on government weeks. plus a dramatic day in the whitey bulger trial as his former right-hand man testifies. we'll be live at the courthouse. and we'll meet a young chef from colorado whose sushi dishes got the attention of the white house. that's the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- tac -- >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald and i'm michelle griego. tis 4:-- new this morning o flames... good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, july 10. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is 4:29. new this morning, a van burst into flames after colliding with a big rig on 80 in emeryville around 1:00 near powell street. oil spilled from the big rig. chp says both drivers were able to get out before the fire and no one was injured. and this is how things look right now. let's take a look. the right lanes of eastbound i- 80 just reopened a few minutes ago after crews cleaned up that oil spill. investigators are still looking into what caused the crash. we're going to traffic now. i think it's cleaned up but earlier it was a mess, liz. >> for nearly 4 hours they had to close some or all the freeway. it was going against the commute but traffic stacked up. again the direction was eastbound 80 by powell street. fortunately within the last couple of minutes they were able to reopen lanes clean up the oil spill. it happened just outside a construction zone. no injuries, both drivers got out. we'll have more "timesaver traffic" coming up. in the meantime, let's check >>e forecast with lawrence.

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130710 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130710

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good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. well, the ntsb is learning more about what happened in the cockpit right before asiana flight 214 crashed. they interviewed the pilots and say there's no indication they declared an emergency and the airlines pilots association is now lashing out at the ntsb. they say the agency is fueling speculation the pilots were at fault before all the facts are known. bigad shaban has more on the investigation. >> reporter: federal investigators are focusing on the final seconds of asiana airline flight 214. the boeing 777 apparently came in too low and too slow during landing saturday and crashed at san francisco international airport. >> there were three pilots in the cockpit at the time of the crash. >> reporter: the pilot sitting in the left seat was still in training, and it was his first landing at san francisco in a 777. next to him sat his instructor, a senior pilot, who has logged more than 3,000 hours flying that type of plane. but it was his first flight as an instructor pilot. >> this was the first time that he and the flying pilot that he was instructing had flown together. >> reporter: the senior pilot told the ntsb that as the plane approached the runway, he noticed that it was flying at a lower speed than what the pilots programmed at what was auto pilot. >> at 500 feet he realized they were flying low. he told the pilot to pull back. >> reporter: the tail struck and broke off. the survivors say they had little warning. >> the last couple of seconds the engines revved into high gear and, boom, the back end lifted up, jolted everything in their seats. >> reporter: two flight attendants were ejected from the plane. they were found injured but alive on the runway. they're now determining the manifest to determine who sat where and what injuries they sustained. bigad shaban, cbs news, san francisco. now the investigation of the deadly train crash in san francisco is calling it a criminal investigation. at least 15 people were killed on saturday when several oil tankers exploded. 35 are still missing. authorities say they have discovered something but they won't say what it is. they have ruled out terrorism. and the battle over immigration reform heats up again today. president obama will meet with the congressional hispanic caucus. and house republicans will meade today to see if they can move forward on a bill of their own. the gop said they're going to push for tougher border control. the senate version gives illegal immigrants temporary legal status and that does not sit well with many republicans. >> we have no moral obligation to do that. they came here to live in the shadows. they had to expect they were going to live in the shadows. >> democrats say they'll fight any plan that does not include a clear path to citizenship. and there's a new threat to national security. it could be the person sitting right next to you. cbs news has obtained a training video made by the cia and the fbi. >> well, it just occurred to me the number of times he would change his screen as i would walk into his office. >> it explains what to look for if a co-worker is a potential leaker or spy. earlier i spoke with senior correspondent john miller and asked why the agencies made this video. >> when they went back to the alder james case, famous spy case, turncoat sold to the russians, robert hanssen, turncoat sold to the russians, they interviewed people around them but all of them saw the signs. but they scratched their heads and said i don't want to report it. i'm probably being too suspicious. now they're saying if you see signs, report it. if nothing comes of it, so be it. but we can't afford the kind of thing where we lose valuable secrets. >> it's an expectation, pretty much a requirement now. if you see something suspicious, report it. there's even a training video, right, john? >> the cia and the fbi did a joint production. it's very slick, high production. it looks like a movie. it has real interviews. i've looked at this video a number of times. it's for internal use within the government. it's real interviews of people who sat next to robert hanssen, who worked with alder james. this is who i saw and how do you work with someone for 20 years and don't know them. but it also has dramatizations of people who are acting suspiciously and you see people coming and going from their office who aren't picking up on the -- it's basically saying if you see this kind of stuff, you've got to come forward. accused boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev will be in court today. this will be the first time the public will see the accused terrorist. he's accused of using weapons of mass destruction to kill three people and wounding more than 160. he's also charged with killing a police officer. his brother died during a shoot-out with police. tsarnaev is expected to enter a plea of not guilty. in the george zimmerman trial the judge will rule today whether trayvon martin's text messages about fighting can be entered as evidence. when the trial started, she ruled that martin's interest in guns and fighting couldn't be used in opening statements. tuesday's testimony. the pathologist told the court >> reporter: defense witness dr. vincent dimaio says zimmerman's testimony is consistent with the story. the gun powder burns showed trayvon martin was over zimmerman when he shot and killed the teenager. inches away. it's consistent with somebody leaning over the person doing the shooting. >> reporter: that is how zimmerman describes events to the police after the shooting. >> i shot him. i didn't think i sit him. he sat up and said, oop, you got me. >> reporter: he said he could have lived three minutes after he was shot and could move his arms under his body after zimmerman had spread them out. the defense is trying to convince jurors zimmerman acted in self-defense but the prosecution says the testimony didn't prove who started the fight that led to martin's death. the state also argued the victim could have been backing up when he was shot. >> with zimmerman on the ground and he would have this same angle. he's pulling away and zimmerman's shooting him at that time. >> yes. >> the prosecution got de-mayo to admit he's being paid $400 an hour for his defense but forensic consultant michael knox said the testimony was still effective. >> what they did is brought in the forensic expert, tied it all together, and put it in one package and that's really compelling to the jury. >> reporter: the defense attorney says they could finish presenting their case on wednesday. susan mcginnis, cbs news, florida. congress is also battling over student loans. the interest rate for stafford loans doubled on july 1st but as usual neither can agree how to get it back to its original level. tara mergener is in washington. tara, good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. it's another round of gridlock. both sides agree the new rate is too high for students but can't find consensus on how to fix it, leaving millions of clnl students in the lurch. congressmen walked out of the capitol on their fourth of july break with some unfinished business. beginning july 1st, the interest rates on new student loans doubled from 3.4% to 6.8%, impacting about 7 million college students. >> i'm definitely not going to jet's pizza anymore. >> reporter: today they'll vote on a democratic proposal that keeps the rate at 3.4% next y r year. there's just one catch. >> i know it's not to simply extend it. there aren't votes to do that. >> reporter: the battle over interest stone rates pits house speaker john boehner against senate majority leader harry reid. >> the house has done its job. >> reporter: the house republicans passed a bill that ties the u.s. loan rate to the borrowing cost plus 2.5%. as the rates raise, so does the cost of education, up to a max of 8.4%. democrat senator joe manchin is working with republicans and has proposed a similar plan with one key difference. it won't use the savings to pay down the nation's debt. >> in this bipartisan group we all agree that profit should not be made on the parts of students going to school. >> but majority leader harry reid said he will not tie it to any rates on the u.s. market. the loan debt now exceeds $1 trillion which economists fear is stifling students and others as well. anne-marie? >> tara mergener in washington. thank you, tara. well, tropical storm chantal is threatening to become a hurricane. the storm is about 200 miles south of puerto rico. the sustained winds are at 60 miles an hour. chantal is expected to hit the dominican republic this afternoon. a hurricane watch has been issued for the island. the storm could hammer the bahamas tomorrow and then head up the east coast to florida. well, coming up on the "morning news," honoring the fallen. thousands attend a memorial for the 19 hotshot firefighters killed in an arizona blaze. this is the "cbs morning news." this is the "cbs morning news." honey! we're pregnant! what? we're pregnant! we're pregnant? yeah! you're going to be a mom! you're going to be a dad! there's a little baby in there? there's a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don't know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. [female announcer]g) looks like everybody's at our biggest sale of the year, the anniversary sale at petsmart. save up to 25% on all pur luv™ and other select dog treats and chews, only at petsmart®. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic! find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. supporters of deposed egyptian president mohamed morsi gathered this morning before fasting for ramadan. they're still calling for morsi to be returned to power. meanwhile the opposite pledged $8 billion in aid to the new government. and firefighters across the country gathered in arizona to pay tribute to 19 of their colleagues. thousands attended a memorial service for the granite county hotshots who were killed last month for battling a fire. vice president joe biden thanked them for their service. the lone surviving team member brian mcdonough says he misses his brothers. >> on "cbs moneywatch" they take another look at a sports car. good morning, erica. good morning, anne-marie. asian markets were mixed after a report shows china's exports fell last month. tock owe's nikkei dipped half a percent. hong kong's hang seng added 1%. wall street is enjoying another winning streak. it ended in the black for the fourth consecutive trading day. a massive five-year half-trillion dollar farm bill could be split in two. the bill would be set rated into one for food stamps and a separate for farm aid program. they hope by separating the food stamp program, they might be able to make bigger cuts and gain more conservative support. congressional republicans are trying to take reverng on the irs. the house gop proposes slashing 24% of the agencies 2014 budget to punish it for applying extra scrutiny to conservative and liberal groups seeking nonprofit status. the irs, meanwhile, is canceling bonuses for managers and is trying to cancel them for union work due to the fiscal cliff spending cuts. the nation's biggest grocery chain is getting much bigger. kroger is buying harris teeter, expending its region. they have 212 stores in eight states including delaware, florida, maryland, and washington, d.c. and chevy's newest corvette doesn't just look good. it's a sports car that's good for the planet. the 2014 corvette stingray boasted 29 miles per gallon on the highway even though it's packing a 455 horsepower, f.2 liter engine, the stingray can rocket from 0 to 60 in fewer than four seconds and've has eco mode. >> it got even sexier, who knew that could happen. erica ferrari here in new york. thank you, erica. straight ahead, your morning weather, and in sports the astros splashed some leather as they take on the division leading cardinals. splashed some leather as they take on the leading cardinals. thank you, erica. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover, and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i've been with bp for 24 years. i was part of the team that helped deliver on our commitments to the gulf - and i can tell you, safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge safety equipment and technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all our drilling activity, twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. safety is a vital part of bp's commitment to america - and to the nearly 250,000 people who work with us here. we invest more in the u.s. than anywhere else in the world. over fifty-five billion dollars here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. forecast in some cities oftened here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. expect thunderstorms in new york. miami, thunderstorms as well. chicago, thunderstorms in the morning. dallas will be partly sunny, and los angeles, morning clouds, 85 the high. and time now for a check of the national forecast. two large regions of the u.s. are at risk of severe weather today from new england west to the mississippi river valley and a second in the plains. expect scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the southeast. much of the west will be dry though. a high risk of fire stretches from southern california and arizona north to idaho. in sports the st. louis cardinals' adam wainwright picked up his lead-tying 12th win. wainwright shut out the at stroes through seven innings allowing five hits and striking out nine. matt carpenter drove in three runs for the cards who ended up beating houston, 9-5. in philadelphia cole hamels allowed just one run and six hits over the eight inning as they won washington, 8-2. philadelphia has won six of its last eight games and is now just 1 1/2 games behind the nationals in the n.l. east. in chicago 37-year-old and red-hot alfonso soriano hit two of the cubs' five home runs in an interleague game against the los angeles angels. soriano is hitting .400 with eight home runs in his last 11 games. the cubs beat the angels, 7-2. and in the american league, texas ranger adrian beltre went four for four including two home runs as the surging rangers beat the baltimore rairchs 12-4. he has six home runs in the last six games. they're now 16 games over .500 and just a half game behind the west division, leading oakland a's. when we return, another look at the top stories. a rare presidential look. new footage of fdr as few people have ever seen him. look. new footage of fdr as few people have ever seen him. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. [ male announcer ] advair diskus fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. get your first prescription free and save on refills at unharmed. new details in the crash of asiana flight 214 -- the piece of equipment that maye failed... at landing. and, an insider's take on what was happening insidr traffic control when the ple went down. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's wednesday, july 10. i'm ,,,, here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. forecast in some cities around the country. washington, d.c., thunderstorms today. atlanta, thunderstorms as well. same thing goes for st. louis. denver, afternoon thunderstorms, but seattle will be mostly sunny. and here's a look at today's top stories. the ntsb says the pilots of asiana flight 214 relied on equipment for the speed of the plane. but they realized too late it was going too low and too slow. and house republicans will meet today to discuss security and a path way to citizenship and border patrol as two key issues. a college professor discovered the eight-second clip at the national archives. it shows fdr on the "uss baltimore" in 1944 gliding past sailors on a ramp. it could be only such film in existence. he contracted polio in 1941 and was never seen in public using a wheelchair. in fact, many americans never knew the four-term president could never walk. american chris cassidy along with italian luca parmitano spent the day replacing broken gear and removing a bad camera. this is the "cbs morning news." what's your name? 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