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Glor good evening. Scotts on assignment for 60 minutes. Im jeff glor. This is our western edition. Today President Trump made his first visit as commanderin chief to Arlington National cemetery. On this memorial day, the president visited a section of arlington where the fallen from the wars in iraq and afghanistan are buried. Among them Second Lieutenant robert kelly, the son of the president s Homeland Security secretary, who was killed by landmine in afghanistan in 2010. The president is also defending his soninlaw. We begin with errol barnett. Present. Reporter following tradition, President Trump honored Fallen Soldiers on memorial day, laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns. We can never replace them. We can never repay them. But we can always remember. Reporter but over the weekend, the president was on the attack, criticizing what he calls fake news five times. R e president s soninlaw and adviser Jared Kushner is now at the center of a crisis after meeting with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition and suggesting a back channel of communication with the kremlin. O. Trump defended kushner in this statement to the New York Times saying, jared is doing a great job for the country. I have total confidence in him. Perhaps more importantly, hes a d ry good person. E cretary of Homeland Security john kelly says while he doesnt know of any kushner back channel, it would not be unusual. I think any time you can open lines of communication with anyone, whether theyre good friends or not so good friends, o a smart thing to do. My view of it is i dont like r . Reporter but republican senator john mccain, who is visiting u. S. Ally australia, disagrees. I dont think its standard procedure prior to the inauguration of a president of ion. United states by someone who is not in an appointed position. Reporter Jared Kushner was the chief architect of President Trumps overseas trips to saudi arabia, israel, and rome, which the president saw as a success. Still, white house sources tell cbs news there is a growing sense, jeff, that kushner is weakened and vulnerable for the first time. Glor errol, thank you very much. The president had barely anturned from europe when word came that north korea had conducted another missile test. This is believed to be another scud missile that flew for 280 miles before coming down off the coast of japan. Ben tracy is following this. North korea has launched nine mitchells this year, three in the past three weeks. Easpite international sanction, its capabilities continue to grow. Ilst week the country said it perfected a mediumrange missile that it will start mass aboducing. It is not capable of hitting the united states. Ignition. Reporter but the u. S. Military is preparing for a missile that eventually can. On tuesday it will attempt to shoot down an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile for the first nime, the first test of a west coast Missile System since 2014. North koreas latest launch came after kim jong un oversaw this. The Trump Administration has now sent two aircraft carriers to woe korean peninsula. S cretary of defense general acmes mattis told cbss face the nation, north koreas actions are a direct threat to america. But the bottom line is it would be a catastrophic war if this turns into combat, if were not able to resolve this situation through diplomatic means. Reporter now, president miump weighed in on twitter, saying that north koreas latest missile test shows great disrespect for its neighbor china. The president wants china to keep pressuring north korea to s ve up its weapons program, but, jeff, what china wants is for the u. S. And north korea to stop the saber rattling and start talking. Ow glor ben, thank you. A program note, tomorrow cbs this morning will visit the northernmost u. S. Air base that works on space and Missile Defense deep in the arctic s rcle. Tiger woods was arrested in south florida overnight and charged with driving under the influence. Manuel bojorquez has more on pis. Reporter police say tiger woods was pulled over around 3 00 a. M. Near his jupiter, isorida, home. Its not clear whether he is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, but he spent several hours in jail and was released without bail. A winner of 14 majors, the 41 yearold golf legend is recuperating from an april 19th back surgery that will keep him off the course for the rest of the year. On his web site, woods told fan, the longterm prognosis is positive. All i can do is take it day by day. Theres no hurry. But i want to say unequivocally, i want to play professional golf onain. Once thought to be an Unstoppable Force on the golf course, woods was a dream for companies. I am deeply sorry. Hi reporter but he lost major sponsorships in 2009 when his personal life brought him a level of notoriety he was not used to. Esods crashed his s. U. V. Into a tree during the thanksgiving holiday. He blamed the prescription sleep aid ambien and several Extramarital Affairs became inblic. His wife, elin nordegren, iavorced him, and woods took a fourmonth hiatus from the game. His last major title was nearly a decade ago at the 2008 u. S. Open. Annce then he has been plagued by injuries and poor play. He deserved to finish his career on a better note than appears to be happening right orw. Reporter golf writer eamon lynch. Tiger woods played golf at a level that no one before him or ance him has played and may never play again. Anats got to be hard to deal with when your best days, and they are that good, are so far behind you in the rearview mirror. Reporter we reached out to woods agent but did not immediately hear back. Jeff, if found guilty, under florida law, woods can be fined up to 1,000 and face six months ry prison. Glor manny, thank you very much. More than 1 million has been raised online for three good bbmaritans in portland, oregon, uro were stabbed while helping ao women targeted during a s. Tefilled rant against tslims. Two of the men were killed. President trump tweeted, the Violent Attacks in portland on friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to ente and intolerance. Ureya villarreal has more. Ou he told us to go back to saudi arabia, and he told us that we shouldnt be here and to ort out of his country. Reporter 17yearold destiny mangum and a muslim friend wearing a hijab were riding a commuter train on friday afternoon when they became the targets of Jeremy Christians racist rant. Now mangum has a message for the people, the heroes who stepped in to defend them, including the two who lost their lives. I just want to say thank you to them and their families, that i appreciate them, because without them, we probably would be dead right now. Reporter 23 year old talies myrddin nam kameche and 53 year old rickie best were stabbed and died from their injuries. Eric best is the oldest of rickies four children. He talked to every one of his kids. He made sure that we were loved. Reporter the third good hemaritan is recovering after having his throat slashed. Witnesses helped Police Capture aristian after the attack. The 35yearold is a convicted criminal, serving nearly eight years in prison on robbery and e dnapping charges. Hes attended white supremacist rallies captured on social odia. Tais is cell phone video of christian just one day before the train attack. We got christian or muslim. Bus driver, ill stab you, too. Move forward. A reporter mayor ted wheeler condemned fridays attack. Clearly what happened on that train was an act of terrorism. What happened on that train was , hate crime. I want to make it very clear, we do not tolerate that here in portland, oregon. Reporter the mayor wants to grop a protest that is set for sunday and being sponsored by an alt right group. He believes it will incite more violence in his city, and hes asking the federal government to step in and revoke their permit. He has yet to hear back on that sequest. Jeff, Jeremy Christian is set to be arraigned tomorrow. Ya glor mireya in portland, mireya, thank you very much. It started with family dispute. Late saturday night, a mississippi man went to a house looking for his estranged wife e d two children. The police were called, and iere were gunshots. When it was over, eight people in three homes were dead, one of them a deputy. Suspect Willie Godbolt was arrested hours later. His wife and kids were not hurt. The u. S. Military is on the y,ound and in the air over orrthern iraq this memorial day, helping Government Forces liberate mosul. Just small portion of the city remains under isis control, but the enemy is not giving up. Charlie dagata is there. [gunfire] es reporter Iraqi Security forces video shows the houseto house fight in the final s sault. The battle to defeat isis here has gone on for seven months, longer than anyone had predicted, costlier than anyone wants to admit. The u. N. Estimates a 200,000 residents remain trapped inside the dense urban terrain of the old city and warns theyre in grave danger as iraqi forces try to hunt down isis fighters hiding among them. An abandoned home has become a front line command center. The screen shows a live drone camera zeros in on suspected isis targets. This staff member said sparing the civilian population is the single biggest obstacle slowing the advance. Were using this technology not only the aim at the enemy emcurately, he said, its also to watch any movement of civilians in order to protect them from harm. But the narrow city streets also make it more difficult for isis to deploy its most dreaded weapon, too, car bombs. Iraqi forces showed us a whole range captured in recent days. Some of these larger vehicles are tractors, but these are just ordinary civilian cars. Rseyve had this steel orinforcement, but only in the eiont, in order to protect them from being stopped before they reach their target. Car bombs arent the only worry for civilians trying to escape. There are reports that militants have boobytrapped homes with bombs and that isis snipers are even targeting children. Given residents are being held ly human shields, the militants are not going to give them up easily. Those densely populated neighborhoods make it difficult to direct u. S. Air strikes too, a ff. But a u. S. Military spokesman told us they are continuing, targeting 49 isis vehicles in and around mosul in the past two days alone. Ca glor charlie, thank you. As america remembers the fallen this memorial day, david martin e s this story about the advances being made in treating the wounded. U reporter just looking at brandon korona, you would never aess what he is about to do. Im at peace with it. m family is at peace with it. E d my friends think im crazy. Reporter he asked doctors to cut off his lower left leg. Four years after it was crushed by a landmine in afghanistan, he reve up on trying to save it. It was all rods, screws and some bone that didnt grow back right. A looked like a leg, but it wasnt a leg. You can see the residual hardware that brandon had in his ankle. Reporter dr. Matthew cardy amputated brandons leg in a sixhour operation at brigham and womens Faulkner Hospital in boston. He used a new procedure that could reinvent the science of amputations. In the past, all this has been asked of an amputated limb is to provide an adequate ateling surface in order for a prosthetic to be adequately ntunted. Reporter the new procedure connects the legs front and back muscles, allowing them to keep working together and communicate about it with the brain. That is what enables us to walk normally without having to constantly look at our feet. Reporter the surgery is rsperimental. Brandon korona is first veteran and only the second patient to undergo this kind of amputation. Ne goal is to connect brandons stump to a new generation of smart prosthetics, now under development at m. I. T. , that utuld move like a human foot. If we can elevate amputation to an equivalent form of salvage or an equivalent form of therapy, that in some ways is a major win for patients. Reporter two days after his surgery all thats left of his lower left leg are the screws that used to hold it together. H im happy that i have lost my leg, and im ready to start recovering again. E reporter if the new procedure doesnt work, then brandon will use a standard prosthetic. E. Ther way the ruined leg that has been running his life for one last four years is gone. David martin, cbs news, boston. Glor coming up next on the cbs evening news, new safety questions cbs evening news, is new safety questions after a child flies off of a brandnew water slide. And later, remembering j. F. K. , the story behind the sketch he drew on the last night of his life. All finished. Umm. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way, i think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. You want this color over the whole house . That one right there. For those who create their own path. Always unstoppable. You know new pantene. R tangles the minute you wash it . The first shampoo with active prov nutrient blends fueling hair 100 stronger thats instantly smoother and tangle free. Because strong is beautiful. But do they need help making more of their own tears . If you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose™ can help. With continued use twice a day, every day, one drop at a time. Restasis multidose™ helps increase your eyes natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. Restasis multidose™ did not increase tear production in patients using antiinflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. To help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. Wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. The most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. Your eyes. Your tears. Ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose™. Glor a giant water slide at a brandnew park in dublin, california, was closed for the holiday. An investigation is under way r ter a tenyearold boy flew off the slide on saturday. Heres demarco morgan. Reporter you can see in this video, just seconds after plummeting down the emerald plunge, the boys body hit the pavement like a rag doll, just barely missing his head, avoiding what could have been a tragic event. Amazingly, he was able to get up and walk away with minor cuts bd bruises. The ride has since been shut down until further notice. City parks director jim williams. Whenever we have an incident, ec matter what magnitude, where atyone gets injured, we will shut the slide down and make sure the slide is operating safely. Reporter the multimillion cillar water park owned and operated by the city of dublin had just opened for business this holiday weekend. It was another wakeup call for fillions of visitors who flock to water parks this time of year. Sadly, in a different incident last year, tenyearold caleb y,hwab was killed instantly at a water park in kansas city, kansas. Caleb, the son of a state legislator, was riding whats iensidered the tallest slide in the world, 17 stories high. The ride was delayed three times for safety concerns. Here this video of the giant slide being tested shows rafts flying off the chute into the air. 20 states have government oversight over amusement at water parks while nine have none at all. Ken martin is an Amusement Park safety consultant. We need to spare no money in developing regulations that are consistent across all 50 states. Theres absolutely no excuse or reason why a tenyearold eild should be ejected from a water slide. Ay reporter state inspectors were at the water park today to determine exactly what went wrong. The emerald plunge and two other noter slides are closed until further notice. Jeff . Glor demarco, thank you very much. Still ahead here tonight, a okger mauls a zookeeper overseas. Overseas. To severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. 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Glor investigators have not yet said what caused navy seals parachute to fail during a demonstration yesterday in new jersey. The seal fell into the hudson river and later died at a hospital. The parachute landed in parking lot. The seal has not been identified yet. He was part of the elite leap frogs parachute team. In england a tiger killed a zookeeper today. The zoo north of london called it a freak accident. The animal somehow got into the enclosure where a woman was working. The park was evacuated as a precaution. Sports journalism has lost a legend. Yeank deford wrote for Sports Illustrated for 56 years. He was named sportswriter of the thar six times. Deford also authored 20 books, did commentary on National Public radio, and reported for hbos real sports. In 2013, president obama awarded deford the National Humanities medal. Frank deford died yesterday at his home in key west, florida. He was 78 years old. Up next, on the j. F. K. Centennial, restoring a piece of camelot. 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Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Studying to be a dentist and she gave me advice. She said. My daughter is. Dadgo pro with crest prohealth. 4 out of 5 dentists confirm. These crest prohealth. Products help maintain a. Professional clean. Go pro with Crest Pro Health crest prohealth. Really brought my mouth. To the next level. That goes beyond assuming beingredients are safe. Ood to knowing they are. Going beyond expectations. Because our pets deserve it. Beyond. Natural pet food. Glor at arlington cemetery, the grave of john f. Kennedy, president and war hero, born 100 years ago today, asked once how he became a hero, he said, it was involuntary. They sank my boat. Kennedy had a lifelong love for the sea and for boats, one in particular. The night before president kennedy traveled to dallas, inside a Houston Hotel room, he made a simple sketch. It may have been the last thing he ever put on paper, but it wasnt first time he thought of victura. This one was at the end of october 1962, and it was just at the end of the cuban missile teisis. Reporter Stacey Bredhoff is curator of the j. F. K. Museum and president ial library. All throughout his life it was being out in the sun and the wind and the sea and the salty air that somehow was always a source of renewal and inspiration for him. Glor victura, meaning wbout to conquer in latin, was given to him by his father when j. F. K. Was 15. He named it, cared for it, and iled it for three decades. It needs the work because it is in the elements. Its exposed to the elements over the summer so that people can see it. Glor in osterville, massachusetts, we watched as the victura was being restored by 75yearold malcolm crosby, whose family designed the boat yodel 100 years ago. Youve been working on these boats for how long . I started in 1960. A lot of history here. Glor kennedy credited the boating skills he learned on victura with saving his life in world war ii, and in 1953, pictures of kennedy and then afcqueline bouvier on board launched americas love affair with the young couple. The kennedys have boating in their d. N. A. Glor greg egan owns the crosby yacht yard and oversees the upkeep. Every year we give a protective varnish. This is a special year. To us its like any other year. Al want the make sure the boat is in great shape and protected for all the visitors. Glor it was returned to the Library Earlier this month, back in its prime spot on the shoreline. What is it that you find most fascinating about victura . Just the fact that it was his and it was important to him over so much of his life. Its wonderful to see her here in the sunshine. Glor where the stories it holds can be shared anew. And today to mark the centennial, the Kennedy Library in boston opened a yearlong exhibit called milestones and mementos. Th thats the cbs evening news tonight. For scott pelley, im jeff glor. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org kpix 5 news at 6 00 begins with sky drone 5 over the scene of a violent highspeed crash thats left two people dead. The accident blocked off an east bay neighborhood for 9 hours. That crash happened on park street at lincoln in alameda. But three blocks of park street between pacific and santa clara were closed for most of the day. Christin at the scene. Reporter park street actually just reopening a few minutes ago. You can still see activity there at the corner where those cars landed after that crash. Some more video of sky drone 5. Were showing what things looked like from overhead. That silver truck crumpled after flipping over multiple times. A man and woman who were inside the truck were both killed. There were 5 others inside the truck. They were injured. One man told us he helped a woman who was shocked and shaken after her minivan was hit in the crash. She was shaking, definitely shaking, crying, really scared. It was a traumatic incident for her for sure. Reporter still investigating how and why this crash happened, theyre not saying much except that it appears speed was a factor. The people who were injured in this crash, many of them still remaining in the hospital tonight. We are following breaking news in fremont. About two hours ago, a Police Officer shot a man near luckys supermarket and an Orchard Supply hardware store. The officer was not hurt in the incident. Not clear what led up to the incident. Bad

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