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Pelley this is our western edition. Today, in one of the most momentous civil rights decisions in its history, the Supreme Court of the United States found that gay and lesbian americans have a constitutional right to marry. Cheers shook the courthouse steps. Licenses were issued and weddings performed in states where such marriages were outlawed. The vote in obergefell v. Hodges was 54. The dissents were vehement, led by chief Justice John Roberts. But the majority, led by Justice Anthony kennedy, found its justification in the 14th amendment, written after the civil war to extend equal protection under law to freed slaves. This court decided equal protection and due process also include samesex couples. Heres our chief legal correspondent, jan crawford. Reporter it was a ruling decades in the making, a hard fought victory for the right to marry, guaranteed in a landmark decision that emphasized equality for gays and lesbians and the full promise of liberty. Writing for the court, Justice Anthony kennedy said the court said laws that ban samesex marriage impose stigma and injury, no different from the hurt that resulted from laws the court said laws that ban samesex marriage impose stigma and injury, no different from the hurt that resulted from laws barring interracial unions. President obama, who had opposed samesex marriage until just three years ago, hailed the decision as a victory for america. When all americans are treated as equal, we are all more free. Reporter the president called the man at the center of the case, jim obergefell, who fought ohios refusal to recognize his outofstate marriage to his longtime partner, and was in the courtroom when kennedy announced the decision. And he started reading, and i started crying. And i cried throughout almost his entire ruling. Reporter kennedy acknowledged the historical definition as between a man and a woman, but wrote of, changed understandings of marriage, saying, new dimensions of freedom become apparent to new generations. In a scathing dissent, Justice Scalia said the, opinions showy profundities are often profoundly incoherent. All four of the courts conservatives wrote dissents saying the issue should be left to the states. Scalia said todays decision ignores the will of the voters to impose the judgment of an elite few, a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine. And chief Justice John Roberts encouraged samesex marriage supporters to celebrate todays decision, celebrate the achievement of a desired goal, but do not celebrate the constitution. It had nothing to do with it. But its Justice Kennedy who has been the decisive voice, affirming gay rights under the constitution in four separate major opinions over the past 20 years. Those cases will be his legacy scott, putting gays and lesbians on equal ground. Pelley jan crawford on the steps of the court for us this evening. Jan, thank you. So, june 26, 2015, will be remembered as the day samesex marriage began to disappear from our national conversation. From now on, its likely to be known just as marriage. Carter evans is following the reaction. Reporter outside San Francisco city hall, supporters waited anxiously for the decision to come down. cheers kate kendall is with the National Center for lesbian rights. Its a hell of a day today, america walks the talk of equal justice under law. Would you please join hands . Reporter inside city hall, mark streeter and hai nguyen exchanged vows. I now pronounce you spouses for life. Congratulations. Reporter samesex marriage was already legal in california, but it was also a long road to get there with voters, legislators and courts go back and forth on the issue for nine years. California Lieutenant Governor gavin newsom was mayor of San Francisco and first opened city hall to samesex marriage in 2004. This is now the law of the land. Yeah, its incredible. Who would have imagined . Reporter in new york hundreds marched in victory through the streets. And there were long lines for marriage licenses in dallas, texas. In ohio, two men finally tied the knot after being together for 20 years. Matthew mansell and john espejo were plaintiffs in one of the cases before the Supreme Court. Theyre now celebrating their new right. We shouldnt have to say, its a gay marriage or its a regular marriage. Its just marriage. Reporter Lieutenant Governor newsom says todays ruling is just another step. People still have strong bigotry. People dont always share it. There are still laws on the books that allow you to be fired if youre gay. There are still laws on the book that deny you to get a table in a restaurant in this country. Reporter in california where samesex marriage has been legal since 2013, gay couples are still feeling a sense of relief today. Scott, they tell me they can now go anywhere in the country and enjoy the same rights they have here. Pelley carter, thank you very much. Now, the ruling does not take effect for three weeks, and three states mississippi louisiana, and north dakota said they wont issue licenses yet. But others complied immediately, and in texas, George Harris and jack evans became the first to be married in dallas county. They have been together for 54 years. Still, many in the nation were dismayed by the ruling including alabama governor robert bentley. I, like 81 of the people of alabama, believe that marriage is, at least on the biblical sense, is defined between one man and one woman. We have to go, obviously, by what the courts say, but i certainly can disagree with them and i do. Pelley but with todays ruling, alabama and these 13 additional states will join the rest of the union, making same sex unions the law of the land. Theres breaking news tonight in the hunt for two killers who broke out of maximum security. Anna werner has the latest. Reporter scott, thats right. This a dramatic turn late this afternoon, state Police Confirmed that one of the two escape ease, richard matt, has been shot and killed, and they are still on the hunt for the second escapee, david sweat. Now, heres a look at how all this came about. Earlier today at a news conference, state police said they had found a second cabin where the two had apparently broken in and they had found evidence from the two escape ease. That second cabin was located in this area, which is about 15 miles away from that first cabin they found evidence in over last weekend. Then, late this afternoon, there was an apparent carjacking attempt. A man in a camper said that he was driving on the road. He heard shots. He did not realize his camper was hit until he got out of the camper and looked and saw the bullet holes. In the meantime, he had called 911. Police responded, and then later this afternoon, we found out that members, according to our sources, members of an elite National Border patrol unit had shot and killed richard matt, but, again, they are still searching at this hour for the other escapee, david sweat. Into the. Pelley anna werner on the breaking news tonight. Anna, thank you very much. Today, president obama told 6,000 mourners that the nine victims of last weeks Church Massacre were living by faith when they died. In an emotional, inspirational eulogy, mr. Obama praised Clementa Pinckney, the slain pastor of the emanuel a. M. E. Church in charleston, South Carolina. And jeff pegues was there. What a good man. A preacher by 13. Pastor by 18. Public servant by 23. What a life Clementa Pinckney lived. To the families of the fallen, the nation shares in your grief. Our pain cuts that much deeper because it happened in a church. The church is and always has been the center of African American life. applause thats right. A place to call our own in a toooften hostile world, a sanctuary from so many hardships. Reporter the president said the killer knew the meaning of attacking a church. It was an act that drew on a long history of bombs and arson and shots fired at churches. Amen. Not random. But as a means of control. Amen. A way to terrorize and oppress. Reporter that oppression mr. Obama said, persists today. Maybe we now realize the way racial bias can infect us, even when we dont realize it. So that were guarding against not just racial slurs, but were also guarding against the subtle impulse to call johnny back for a Job Interview but not jamal. Reporter the shooting has already sparked change in South Carolina. The confederate battle flag that flies on the state capital grounds could be gone within weeks. For too long, we were blind to the pain that the Confederate Flag stirred in too many of our citizens. applause it would not be an insult to the valor of confederate soldiers. It would simply be an acknowledgment that the cause for which they fought, the cause of slavery, was wrong. applause reporter the president said change must not stop there. Whatever solutions we find will necessarily be incomplete. But it would be a betrayal of everything reverend pinckney stood for, i believe, if we allowed ourselves to slip into a comfortable silence again. Reporter the president spoke of the grace of the victims families for offering forgiveness to the shooter, and of the Amazing Grace of reverend pinckney. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost. Pelley that was jeff pegues reporting. The funeral was in a basketball arena, but that wasnt nearly big enough. Michelle miller spoke to some of the mourners. This is the day that the lord has made. Reporter the spirit of the church spilled onto the streets of charleston today. For some, it brought back memories of Martin Luther king. Pinckney was like a modern day m. L. K. He was all about doing the right thing. If you knew him, he was a real nice person. Reporter patrick emerson, a charleston resident for more than a decade, thought it was important to bring his 14year old son. The grief that everybody has felt has been a unifying factor. Please, back up. Reporter by midmorning, the 5,000plusseat arena was at capacity. Deidre weymer never believed she would be turned away after waiting since 6 00 a. M. I guess were just fighting tears back because we cant believe were actually not going to get in. Kind of heartbroken. Reporter blacks and whites stood shoulder to shoulder to pay tribute. Some fainted waiting in the high heat and humidity. Reverend noah nyamaropa was grateful to have the chance to mourn his friend. It has healed my wounds, and i feel happy that he died for a good cause. Reporter and the goodbyes are not over yet, scott. There are two wakes here tonight at emanuel a. M. E. , with six more funerals through tuesday. Pelley Michelle Miller outside the Historic Church for us tonight. Michelle, thank you. In another big story today, more than 60 people were killed in three terror attacks. In france, an islamist tried to blow up a gas plant. A decapitated body was found. In kuwait, at least 27 were murdered and more than 200 injured in the bombing of a mosque. And in tunisia, a gunman at a beach resort killed at least 39, most of them western tourists. Charlie dagata in tunis. Reporter the attack turned a sunny beach resort into a scene of carnage. A Tunisian Security official said the gunman hid a kalashnikov rifle in an umbrella until he reached the beach where he opened fire. He found more victims at the hotel pool. Survivors were rushed to the hospital. I heard someone firing a gun, and then i looked to my wife and she got up and ran, and as i turned, the bullet just hit me in my arm. And i just saw the gunman firing shots randomly at people lying on the sun beds on the beach. Reporter many tried to run for safety, barricading themselves in their hotel rooms. The resort is a popular destination for europeans. Among the dead were german british, and belgian tourists. The gunman, in shorts and a t shirt, was killed by Tunisian Security forces. Police are still looking for accomplices. Todays attack comes just four months after islamic militants struck a museum in tunis killing 22 people, mostly foreign tourists. Tunisia has been troubled by terrorism since the overthrow of the countrys dictator in 2011 at the start of the arab spring. Police have identified the shooter as a young tunisian student who is not on any terror watch list. It is the kind of attack that isis encourages and inspires but, scott, at this point, no group has come forward to claim responsibility. Pelley charlie, thanks very much. In a moment, Steve Hartman looks at how far america has come. And the search for an olympic sailor missing off florida when the cbs evening news continues. You do all this research on the perfect car. Gas mileage , horse power. Torque ratios. Three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. Then smash it into a tree. Your insurance companys all too happy to raise your rates. Maybe you shouldve done a little more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Bennys the oldest dog in the shelter. He needed help all day so i adopted him. When my back pain flared up, we both felt it. I tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. With aleve its just two pills, all day. 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Reporter this was 1967, and whoever named the program cut straight to the chase. Cbs reports the homosexuals will continue in a moment. Reporter the show was so controversial, not one sponsor would touch it. In fact, the very notion of gay rights was brand new. Im a country boy, i guess, because i couldnt believe this. I mean, i didnt know this was a problem over here, or at least i didnt think anybody would have a sign out about it. Reporter but for me, theman shrouded by a house plant. I dont go looking for homosexual relationships. Reporter apparently back then, just admitting you were gay required some fairly dense foliage. You are now husband and husband. Reporter now, of course, gay couples can show their love without so much as a ficus. On the steps of city hall, with every network watching. I know that still makes some people uncomfortable, but theyll get used to. In 2000, i was best man at one of the very first gay civil unions in the country. My best friend, nicholas dambra, and his now husband jim baklayan, went to vermont for the ceremony. 15 years later, they are happily married with two great kids. And when i look at this family all i see is love. We end, as we began, with a homosexual. Reporter so much has changed in the last 50 years, but one thing hasnt at the end of the show, the guy behind the plantve said something that could have just as easily come off todays satellite feed. It was a wish. A family, a home, someplace where you belong, a place where youre loved, where you can love somebody, and god knows, i need to love somebody. Reporter love never was just a straight thing, as the court has now confirmed. Its a human thing. Steve hartman, cbs news. Pelley a sightseeing tour has ended in tragedy. Well have that just ahead. N, four hundred thirtyfour thousand three hundred eleven people in this city. And only one me. Ill take those odds. Be unstoppable. The allnew 2015 ford edge. Americans. 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You should not receive prevnar 13 ® if youve had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. Common side effects were pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. Limited arm movement, fatigue, head ache muscle or joint pain less appetite, chills, or rash. Even if youve already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. Get this one done. Ask your healthcare professional about prevnar 13® today. Pelley nine people were killed yesterday when a sightseeing plane crashed in alaska. The wreckage is at the base of an 800foot cliff in a National Park near ketchikan. They were from a cruise ship that left seattle. No word on the cause. Rescuers are searching a harbor in miami for a u. S. Olympic team sailor who vanished yesterday. Trevor moores 15foot dinghy was found with his lifejacket and some personal belongings. When we come back, reflections on an extraordinary week. Ugh heartburn no one burns on my watch try alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Headache . Motrin helps you be an unstoppable, letsrockthisconcert likeits1999 kind of mom. When pain tries to stop you, theres motrin. Motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. Make it happen with new motrin liquid gels. My constipation and belly pain have my stomach feeling all knotted up. Ive tried laxatives. But my symptoms keep returning. My constipation feels like a pile of bricks. That keeps coming back. Linzess can help. Oncedaily linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. Linzess is thought to help calm painsensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. Linzess helps you proactively manage your symptoms. 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And so the struggle for progress has been the inheritance of every american since. Pressure for equality builds and once in a great while, like a tectonic fault, there is a sudden lurch forward. Thats the quake we felt this week. On monday, South Carolina moved to strike the confederate battle flag. Overnight, there was a National Rush to obliterate relics of oppression. Shopkeepers and state houses couldnt remove them fast enough, as if theyd been noticed for the first time. Today, the tremor moved the stone at the court, shifting the words carved there nearer to the truth. Millions of americans, for the first time in our history, achieved their equal justice under law. The africanamerican poet Langston Hughes wrote, let america be america again. It never was america to me. The truths, selfevident at our founding, are not self fulfilling. We, the people, are founding today the america that was promised. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley, and ill see you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Celebrations all over the bay area tonight over a landmark ruling. The Supreme Court legalizing samesex marriage nationwide. I believe it was the scales of justice tipping. We are here. Its happening. Its realities. And tonight, we sit down with the judge who played a pivotal role in the samesex marriage fight years ago. Got the news and started reading the decision. Ever since the ruling came down, its been a day of celebration throughout San Francisco starting at city hall the pride flag unfurled and in the castro crowds have been gathering all day. We have Team Coverage marking the day. Cate caugiran reports. Reporter what better place to celebrate than San Francisco. Theres a good crowd here. This is where it all began 11 years ago what he gavin newsom allowed the city issue samesex marriage licenses. [ signal breakup ] the entire state of california made it legal before prop 8 stopped that. Two years ago i was here in the same place probably with the same people reporting on the Supreme Courts decision to claim prop 8 unconstitutional. So its been quite the roller coaster. With the laughters came the

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