Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 2015

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20150521

but with 33 million americans set to hit the highway for the memorial day weekend, many drivers are wondering what they should do. a record of nearly 34 million vehicles are being recalled for defective air bags blamed for five deaths and more than 100 injuries. we have more now from jeff glor. >> reporter: consumers have now been warned that many takata air bags are defective and may deploy with excessive force, rupturing a metal inflater sending shrapnel flying through the vehicle. but today car owners are confused because it's still not known exactly which vehicles are recalled. 11 car manufacturers are involved and the companies say they're waiting for details from takata in order to determine the models of the cars which may have the defective air bags. >> this is certainly approaching the worst recall situation ever. >> reporter: sean kane is the president of the company safety research and strategies. >> you're between a rock and a hard place with as a consumer. you have a safety defect that if it manifests itself can cause a severe injury and yet you can't do anything about it short of parking your car and waiting for parts availability. >> reporter: takata said new air bags will eventually be available but the wait could be long because of a shortages of replacement bags and it could take years to replace all the defective units. so who's getting priority? people living in humid states first because the company believes the problem is causes by moisture leaking into the sealed canister. the national highway the national highway traffic safety administration told car owners to regularly check the web site for updates but since the announcement yesterday no new information is available. many are wondering whether they should drive their cars or disable the air bags. jake fisher is the director of auto testing at "consumer reports." >> this is a small occurrence. tens of thousands of these vehicles have saved lives. >> reporter: takata says it's tested 31,000 air bags and 265 have ruptured. none of the auto experts spoke with today recommend disabling air bags, scott, they're still more likely to save your life than take it. >> pelley: jeff, thank you. so, while we wait for the manufacturers to identify all of the models being recalled, we do have a list of what we know so far and you will find it on our web site a beautiful stretch of california coast is coated in oil tonight after a pipeline break near santa barbara. ben tracy is there. >> reporter: the oil slick now stretches for nine miles. containment vessels are trying to stop it from spreading while dozens of hand crews work the beaches bagging up oil- contaminated sand. >> you can see where it came out of the ground right there? >> reporter: the onshore oil pipeline ruptured tuesday afternoon possibly leaking 105,000 gallons of crude according to plains all american pipeline. darren palmer is district manager. >> we are sorry this accidental release has happened and we're bringing in all our resources to respond. >> reporter: but you can already see the impact. this bird was coated with oil. >> two of them. >> reporter: these two whales nearly swam into contaminated waters. santa barbara county district attorney joyce dudley is considering criminal and civil charges against the pipeline company. ook across this ocean and i see >> i don't know if this is a crime scene yet, but as i look across this ocean and i see these rocks covered with tar and oil, it almost feels like blood. >> reporter: now back in 2010, plains all american pipeline was forced to pay $44 million after ten oil spills in several different states. and scott, as for the cleanup on these beaches, they say it could take weeks. to give you a sense of what they're dealing with, this is what your hand looks like today if you touch a rock. >> pelley: and we want to point out the broken pipeline has been shut off. ben, thank you very much. there was more violent weather overnight and vicente arenas is traveling tornado alley. >> reporter: more than two dozen tornadoes were reported ripping through parts of oklahoma and texas overnight, sending people running for cover. one twister touched down near the north texas town of runaway bay destroying homes. brad snodgrass saw a funnel cloud heading straight for him. >> i actually stepped outside and listened to it and could hear it swirling. like a real deep whistle when it starts swirling in the funnel. it's crazy, crazy loud. >> reporter: snodgrass and his wife brandy hid in his neighbor's hallway downstairs. >> it was insane, like all of the windows came crashing in. >> reporter: the tornado ripped a roof off their building and another nearby. luckily no one was injured. >> wow, look at that rain cloud. >> reporter: the tornadoes are suspected of striking a small resort town of mineral wells the city's main street was blocked by debris. the cluster of storms also flooded homes in the town of bridgeport. near san angelo, the concho river crested at its highest level in 40 years. this area in runaway bay was one of the hardest hit. and scott, the concern now turns to flooding. there are more thunderstorms in the forecast all the way through memorial day. >> pelley: vicente, thank you very much. today, five of the world's biggest banks agreed to plead guilty to felonies and will pay more than $5 billion in fines. federal prosecutors call their crimes breathtaking. they include a price fixing scheme to manipulate foreign currency exchanges and a plot to fix interest rates. the fines are among the largest ever. jeff pegues is following this. >> reporter: they called themselves the cartel. prosecutors say a group of traders at the banks discussed fixing the prices of u.s. dollars and euros in secret online chatrooms. assistant attorney general bill baer. >> the dollar-euro spot market is as big as it gets. every day about $500 billion worth of dollars and euros are traded in this market. >> reporter: according to the justice department the collusion started in 2007 and lasted five years. attorney general loretta lynch says the traders increased their commissions and the bank's bottom line. >> their actions inflated the banks' profits while harming countless consumers, investors and institutions around the globe. from pension funds to major corporations and including the banks' own customers. >> reporter: court documents showed a brazenness of the traders at barclay's bank. in 2011, one trader wrote we're trying to manipulate it a bit more in new york now. another said, "if you ain't cheatin', you ain't trying." four of the banks pleaded guilty to antitrust violations. in a written statement, barclays c.e.o. antony jenkins said the people involved have once more brought our company and industry into disrepute and j.p. morgan chase ceo jamie dimon called it "a great disappointment." more than a dozen bank employees have been fired but the justice department has been criticized for not charging individuals in major financial cases including this one. prosecutors touted the fact the banks themselves were charged rather than subsidiaries. but scott, because of agreements made with regulators all of the banks will continue to operate normally despite their guilty pleas. >> pelley: more felonies on the rap sheet of wall street. jeff, thanks very much. there is a serious threat to the world's heritage tonight. i.s.i.s. has taken the famed syrian city of palmyra. the city mentioned in the old testament is the home of priceless ruins. the extremists of isis have destroyed monuments elsewhere, declaring them un-islamic. the fall of palmyra comes days after i.s.i.s. overran the strategic iraqi city of ramadi the capital of a province that more than a thousand americans died to secure during the u.s. occupation. today, we got some fascinating insight into osama bin laden. secret documents seized at his home by seal team 6 were declassified. and here's mark phillips. >> reporter: osama bin laden may not have had a real bookshelf in the pakistani hideout where he was killed but he did have an extensive library. he had digitized copies of books, many of them in english on computer drives along with thousands of internal al qaeda memos, all taking a dark view and many showing a hostile intent toward his sworn american enemy. some of what he read you might expect to find. the "9/11 commission final report," whose accuracy he would have been able to judge. among the files, memos to his followers saying "the focus should be on killing and fighting the american people not attacking arab regimes." but bin laden's choice in books was like a window into his world view. books like "american strategic blunders." the hint is in the title. a catalog of where the author thought u.s. policy went wrong from pearl harbor through the cold war. or, "bloodlines of the illuminati," a conspiratorial bible which claims a secret american elite controls everything from finance to war. and "imperial hubris," which argues that bin laden was misunderstood, he didn't hate the u.s. for what it is, but for what he thought it had done to the islamic world. bin laden reading about bin laden. and, scott, also among the files was an al qaeda job application. among the questions: "do you wish to execute a suicide operation and who shall we contact in case you become a martyr, write clearly and legibly," it says. >> pelley: mark phillips reporting tonight from the london news room. mark, thank you. today an important clue emerged in a horrifying murder case in washington, d.c. last thursday, a multi-million- dollar house was set on fire. later, four bodies were found inside, three of the victims had been beaten or stabbed. wyatt andrews reports police are now zeroing in on a motive. >> reporter: sources say, last thursday, an assistant to washington businessman sawas savopoulous delivered a package of $40,000 in cash to his home instructions to leave the package outside. investigators are looking into the possibility the money was an extortion payment savopoulous had to pay to stop the physical abuse of his family including the torture of his young son. just hours later after the house was set on fire, police found the bodies of savopoulous, well- known wife amy, ten-year-old son phillip and housekeeper vera figeroa. police chief cathy lanier says the crime is the detectives highest priority. >> one of the horrible things we have to deal with and anytime there's a child involved it's one of the things that shakes all of us. >> reporter: police believe the crime began last wednesday evening. they're investigating whether the assailants while terrorizing the family inside ordered a domino's pizza with an instruction to leave it outside. savopoulous and wife amy took steps through voicemail and text messages to warn a second housekeeper nelizta gutierez not to come to work thursday. >> sometimes you never understand, you know, all these things happen. but i'm lucky that i'm still here. >> reporter: savopoulous was the respected c.e.o. of a high-tech steel corporation who also had business interests in puerto rico and the u.s. virgin islands. but scott, so far the f.b.i. has not been asked for help and this remains a tragic unsettling d.c. investigation. >> pelley: wyatt andrews at the crime scene this evening, wyatt thanks. why are so many cars flying off the track at the indy 500? and on a clear day you can see new jersey. the view from the top of one world trade center when the "cbs evening news" continues. the "cbs evening news" continues. turn any hose connection into a clever feeding system for a well-fed garden. miracle-gro. life starts here. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid... plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. be a morning person again with aleve pm. my constipation and belly pain have my stomach feeling all 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the brick yard to find out why. >> reporter: it's been a rough week at the indianapolis motor speedway. four spectacular accidents during practice runs. >> oh, and hard contact! >> reporter: three saw cars go airborne and flip. >> three of us have gotten upside down. and so i was the third. >> reporter: driver ed carpenter lost control of his car sunday. >> under this carbon shell there's a reinforced steel well in there. >> reporter: he credits his car's design for walking away without a scratch. you can be going 230 miles an hour, flip upside down, drag along the track and the way this is constructed, you're going to be fine. >> i think i'm proof of that right here. >> reporter: but a new design feature is raising concerns for those searching for why the cars went flying at all. something called an aero kit. basically the car's body and aerodynamic wings. indy carmakers started designing them so fans can tell the cars apart. >> you know, for years you had 33 identical cars. >> reporter: bobby rahall won in 1986 and owns the car his son graham will race sunday. >> frankly, when you have one car take off, then another, you go, holy smokes, and no one wants the risk of somebody else doing that. >> reporter: do you know why it happened? >> i don't. is there a solution by sunday? probably not. >> reporter: immediately after the crashes, race officials sat down with the car makers and they all agreed to lower the engine's horsepower, change the aerodynamics and slow the cars down. >> pelley: and we got word driver james hinchcliffe got out of the i.c.u. today. jim axelrod at the raceway. thanks very much. in a moment, another indiana institution, david letterman's final show before a star-studded audience. that's next. star-studded audience. next. we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of 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"late show with david letterman". he steps down tonight as the all-time king of late-night comedy. a record 33 years, 6,028 shows and 19,932 guests. >> and, joaquin, i'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight. (laughter) >> can you take the pepperoni off the pizza and leave it on the sidewalk? >> pelley: letterman's comedy routines became part of the culture. moses may have introduced the world to the top ten list, but letterman made it funny. >> and the number one sleep recommendation from the national sleep foundation, when all else fails, watch letterman. >> pelley: truth is millions lost sleep to catch his monologue, which often delivered the punchline to an evening news headline. did the new england patriots cheat their way into super bowl by deflating game balls? >> there apparently are incriminating texts and e-mails about what they call deflategate. earlier today, hillary announced she would be happy to delete them. (laughter) >> pelley: and what's next for david letterman, he told jane pauley on "sunday morning." >> i doubt anybody will ever see me again. (laughter) >> pelley: you can watch david letterman's "last show" after your late local news tonight right here on cbs. dave, congratulations. we will miss you. in a moment, a rising star in the night sky, one of the tallest buildings in the world. r dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. and the needle is thin. victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face lips, tongue or throat fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. allergies distracting you? 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yes, sir. >> reporter: guides will help tourists learn about the city's attractions. >> what's going on in the world of sports and athletics. >> reporter: and remember the elevators? the ride down feels more like a flight simulation. as passengers are sent on an aerial tour around the building. and it's just as stunning at night. here, more than 1,200 feet up, the world trade center likes to say you can see forever. when the observatory opens a week from friday to the public they're expecting between 3 million and 4 million visitors a year. scott? >> pelley: anthony mason on top of the world for us tonight. thanks, anthony. and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, goodnight. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. oakland, i have not heard directly from. >> the nfl waiting on oakland as other cities try to keep their teams. the home of the raiders has been practically silent. tonight the nfl commissioner himself is blasting oakland for dragging its feet when it comes to helping the team build a new stadium. kpix 5's ryan takeo is live with more. >> reporter: the commissioner spoke in between meetings with nfl owners in san francisco and after he gushed about stadium plans in other markets he then called out oakland for not having a finalized plan and not keeping in touch with his office. he cited significant progress in l.a., st. louis and san diego but in oakland -- >> oakland, i have not heard directly from. so i do not know -- i do not have an update on that. um, it's something that we have not seen anything to my knowledge of a specific proposal. >> reporter: and asked if that's led to frustration -- >> i don't know if it's a point of frustration. but it's certainly a point of information. [ laughter ] >> how many times can i tell you that we're trying to stay in oakland? >> reporter: oakland and alameda county have not submitted a formal plan. >> we share the nfl and the raiders' frustration that things are not moving more quickly. >> reporter: oakland mayor libby schaaf said she just talked to the nfl john edwards and the new coliseum city developers -- the nfl yesterday and the

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