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Down at a golf course near the Santa Monica Airport after this distress call from pilot Harrison Ford. 53178. May day. Witnesses say ford appeared to navigate away from homes before crash landing. Golfers immediately went over and helped the 72yearold actor out of the plane. Emergency responders arrived shortly afterward. Assistant l. A. Fire chief patrick butler. They found a singleengine plane aircraft that had had a medium to high impact on the ground with one male victim who at the time was conscious and breathing. Reporter witnesses said ford was bleeding from the head was alert and talking. He suffered basically some moderate trauma, and he was alert and conscious. Reporter ford started his movie career as a swashbuckling space pilot but began Flight Training in earnest in the 1990s nch hes been collecting and flying modern and vintage airplanes ever since. Cbs news aviation and Safety Consultant Sully Sullenberger has flown with ford. Im sure hes flun out of that particular airport many times and knows where the open areas are. There was a golf course, so he would have had that already in mind. When the mead arose, he made use of it. Reporter Harrison Ford flies helicopters as well as fixedwinged aircraft. In 1999 he was flying a helicopter in Southern California when the aircraft had a mechanical failure and crashed. He noted after that accident that he quickly returned to flying. In todays crash, harrison was the only person on the plane. No one on the ground was injured. And harrisons condition right now is reported as fair. John blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. Rose in todays other big stories, some forecast, say the massive storm that hit much of the country today could be winters last hurrah. This delta jetliner, looking like a wounded bird, became a symbol of the danger facing travelers. It skidded off a new york runway, stopping just short of flushing bay. In a state known more for blue grass than white roads, hundreds of drivers were stranded in snow for hours. We begin tonight with my co anchor Norah Odonnell at laguardia airport. Norah was on another plane on a nearby runway when the accident happened. Charlie, good evening. This could have been a real catastrophe. We were on plane preparing for takeoff when the pilot said that they were shutting down this airport to deal with this emergency. I talked to passengers all day. One College Student telling me that their plane was going so fast they were worried it wasnt going to stop. This is how flight 1086 ended this morning, just a few feet are all that separated its 132 passengers and crew from the icyge waters of flushing bay. It broke through the fence, and we were literally five, six feet away from the water. Reporter Jared Faelacci took this photo from his seat in first class. Did you realize how close you were to this being a real tragedy . When i got out of the plane it didnt really hit me. When i looked at it, i started to just cry, tears of joy, tears of gratefulness, gratitude for being alive because i was that close to going into the water. Reporter it was snowingil heavily when the md88 approached from the northwest. Crossing over the bay before landing hard onto runway 13. About threequarters down theru runway, it veered to the left, hitting an embankment and crashing through the fence. The wheels did not grab. They didnt take, and immediately you heard the spinning. We felt like we skid probably for 20 seconds. I grabbed the seat in front of me. D i started to pray. We have an aircraft off the service road. Please advise crash rescue. Reporter passengers told us once the plane skidded to a stop, within minutes emergency crews arrived. Hes leaking fuel on the left side of his aircraft heavily. You said leaking fuel . Affirm. His wing is ruptured. Reporter the evacuation was delayed by poor conditions outside. The emergency slides did not deploy. Passengers eventually slid down the wings. I guess it was too frozen. The back door was too frozen. They had to unfreeze it with water. Reporter two passengers were injured. Im thankful to the pilots who maneuvered the plane, and kept us out of that water. Reporter airport Officials Say the runway was plowed and that two pilots reported good conditions minutes before flight 1086 skidded out of control. Charlie, good to see you in the evening. Rose next time dinner and a warm fire, norah. Thank you so much. Over the past 24 hours this storm has forced the airlines to cancel more than 6,400 flights. The governor of kentucky declared a state of emergency today. Parts of the commonwealth got as much as two feet of snow bringing highway traffic to a. Stop. More on that now from chris conte of our cbs nashville affiliate wtvf. He reporter the line of stranded tractortrailers stretched down the highway for 40 miles. Icy roads caused several accidents that shut down twon major highways in kentucky stranding more than 600 vehiclesov overnight. Heavy snow added to the misery on i65 and traffic on i24 was disrupted from the Illinois State line to the tennessee border. Governor Steve Beshear has declared a state of emergency and deployed the National Guard to help stranded drivers. Were going to try to get them straightened out and get g him where he can get up his ramp here. Reporter rick tatum started towing vehicles off i24 at 4 00 this morning. This is probably the 14th one for the day. Reporter 14th youve pulled out . Yeah. Reporter travelers, some stuck for more than 12 hoursou used social media to ask for help or air their frustration. Mark mitchell was stranded on i 65 for 19 hours. It made for a very long night. Some of the Truck Drivers haveuc been actively walking up and h down the highway handing out water and food. It was a very, very cold night. Reporter this tour bus carrying a christian Musical Group was headed to missouri for a performance when they got stuck. M i am almost up to my knees in snow right now. Reporter jonathan chu, a violinist in the group documented the ordeal. We had a plow come through here just a minute ago. Were all kind of just waiting for the next steps. Reporter i24 in the distance back there is open,te but, charlie, the temperature here in kentucky is supposed to dip below zero tonight, meaning that crews will have to be out salting the roads so they dont ice back over. Rose chris conte, thank you. The jury in the Boston Marathon bombing trial was shown new images today of the attacks that left three people dead and well over 200 injured. Elaine quijano is at the courthouse. Reporter if we needed any more proof of Dzhokhar Tsarnaevs involvement, this is it, images shown publicly for the first time in court today revealed the moment the younger tsarnaev dropped his backpack right behind bill richard and his family. The blast maimed his sixyear old daughter jane and killed his eightyearold son martin. Richard took the stand today and calmly testified about the first moments after the explosions. He told the jury, i was blown into the street. He then walked to his daughter jane. He said he noticed her leg. She didnt have it. He then turned his attention to martin. W i knew he wasnt going to make it. I i saw my son barely alive for the last time. En no parent should have to live through that agony. For jeff bauman, agony also came in an instant. In he lost both legs in the bombing. His was one of the enduring images of the tragedy. Bauman recalled a guy bumpingha into him that day. It was tamerlan tsarnaev. I looked at him. He wasnt having fun. Bauman then noticed a bag on hisnd street and told his friend maybe we should get out of here. Two seconds later he saw a flash and was on the ground. Bauman looked at his own leg and could see bone. He told the court, this is how its going to end. Th testimony for the victims has, been difficult, but for some like rebekah gregory, its been cathartic. She posted a letter to tsarnaev on facebook. I have been truly scared of you but today that changed. I looked at you right in the face and realized i wasnt afraid anymore. You are a coward. Today tsarnaevs defense team objected to the victims testimony saying it should be reserved for the second phase of the trial, the sentencing phase. The judge did not agree. Charlie, tsarnaevs defense lawyers have already acknowledged their clientsim guilt but say he was simply following his older brother tamerlan. Rose elaine, thank you. Today a lawyer for Michael Browns parents say theyll file a wrongful death civil suit against former Police Officerso Darren Wilson and the city of ferguson, missouri. Last night protesters took to the streets of ferguson after the Justice Department announced it will not prosecute wilson on criminal charges in the Fatal Shooting of brown because there was no evidence to contradict wilsons claim that he acted in selfdefense. Today the u. S. Ambassador topect south korea said he expects to w be back at work as soon as possible. Mark lippert survived a knife attack yesterday in seoul, butre state Department Correspondent Margaret Brennan says this raises serious questions aboutom security for american diplomats. I need an ambulance fast. Get me to the hospital. Reporter it was a close call for mark lippert, the u. S. Io ambassador was viciously attacked from behind by a man seoul Police Identified as korean nationalist kim kijong. Kim screamed about reunifying north and south korea and demanded the halt of ongoing u. S. And south Korean Military exercises. Police say he used this teninch blade to slash the envoys arm and slice a fourinch gash in his face. After surgery and 80 stitches,er lippert tweeted today, doing well and in great spirits. But the incident raises questions about why there were no u. S. Security agents on site and just one unarmed south korean guard to defend him. Kim was known to authorities. He had staged a similar attack on the japanese ambassador five years earlier and had recently been protesting outside the u. S. Embassy. Former Diplomatic Security agenton bruce tully said considering the high tensions between the u. S. And north korea, there should have been tighter security. How is it possible that the u. S. Ambassador didnt have protection with him . Its a mystery to me, as well. If i were at that post, i would have had our adequate securityct there to protect him, whether it be an american agent itself or aes heightened response from the local security force. Reporter since the attack, t the u. S. Has asked the korean government to increase security, and an american agent will protect the ambassador around the clock. Charlie, north koreas staterunme media called it a deserved punishment. Rose thank you. Margaret brennan at the state department. Former secretary of statefi Hillary Clinton has finally responded to the controversy surrounding her exclusive use of private emails for state department business. Nancy cordes reports clintons brief comment came hours after she was served with a congressional subpoena. Reporter clinton hasnter answered any questions about her emails yet, but in a latenight tweet, she wrote, i want the public to see my email. I asked the state to release them. They said they will review them s for release as soon as possible. Time is of the essence. Reporter that prompted aic scathing response from the office of republican trey gowdy, who is leading the latest house2 investigation into the 2012 benghazi terror attacks. The former secretarys tweet does not answer questions about why this was not done when she left office, the gowdy statementme said, accusing clinton of a scheme to conceal them. Clinton gave the state department 55,000 pages of her private emails in december. 900 of those pages were then sent to the benghazi committee. There is no reason to believe we havent gotten all that we should get, so unfortunately were just in the realm of president ial politics. Reporter californias adam schiff is one of five democrats on the benghazi committee. Did she wait too long to hande those emails over to the state department . She was asked in october. I think she produced 55,000 pages within a month. Thats a pretty quick turnaround. Reporter still, democrats worry this controversy will give republicans even more ammunition against their top and possibly only major president ial contender. In fact, just today, charlie the campaign arm of the Republican Party sent a letter to the state department urging them to open an internal investigation into whether clinton violated any policies there. Rose thanks, nancy. Cbs news has learned the f. B. I. And the department of Homeland Security are very concerned that the message of isis may be resonating with young americans. This week the agency put an all out alert that the Islamic Terrorist Group is using social media to coax young people to join their war in syria. They asked local Law Enforcement in the United States to share any information they have. Ringling brothers circus elephants will soon be packing their trunks. And a lioness learns a dangerous new trick when the cbs evening news continues. The cbs evening news continues. Lthy. 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Circus owners say theyre responding to customers and the growing cost of fighting anti circus and antielephant laws across the country. Kenneth feld is the ceo of feldti entertainment. We felt this was the best thing and this was the right time to do it. Reporter allegations of elephant abuse have plagued the circus the for years. This 2009 video taken by people for the ethical treatment of animals or peta allegedly shows elephants being beaten and prodded backstage prior to their performance. Animal Rights Groups are taking credit for todays action. Ingrid newkirk is petas president. Its been a lonely and miserable time for them in captivity. It never should have happened. It should stop now, not three years from now. It should stop now. Reporter in 2011, Feld Entertainment paid a 270,000 fine for alleged violations of the Animal Welfare act. But lawsuits brought by others animal Rights Groups alleging elephant abuse never succeeded. In fact, after a 14year battle, those groups were forced to pay the circus 25 million for legal fees. These animal rightsth organizations will say whatever they want. En they have their own agenda. All i know is that every time theyve taken us to court, we have prevailed. Reporter and ringling brothers said today its other Exotic Animal shows will co continue, but, charlie, thoseto elephants will be taken to ate Conservation Center near orlando where theyll participate in a Breeding Program designed toed protect the endangered species. Rose vicente, thanks. I canadas central bank weighs in on the spocking of its. Currency. Next. Next. To relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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Rose it is rare for a superstar athlete to volunteer to take a pay cut, but today Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning signed a revisedor contract for 15 million that is 4 million less than last year. He did it to help the team meet the nfls salary cap. Lm manning is almost 39. This will be his 18th season. Is a canadas central bank is asking people to stop spocking the countrys 5 bills, paying tribute to the actor leonard nimoy, who died last week. Canadians have been drawing pointy ears and other vulcan features on their former Prime Minister sir Wilfrid Laurier to make him look like mr. Spock. Bank Officials Say it isnt illegal, just as spock would say, illogical. A close call in south africa has gone viral. The Sutherland Family had an encounter with lions while driving through a safari park. When a lioness became interested in their car and then this. Lock the door oh, my gosh, i didnt know they could do that. Rose they survived and you can bet theyll lock the door from now on. In a moment, images of selma and the teenager who stood up to a0 governor 50 years ago. Rs ago. Alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are ya . Good. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Edward jones. This is shirley speaking. How may i help you . Oh hey, neill, how are you . How was the trip . With nearly 7 million investors hes right here. Hold on one sec. Youd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. Kevin, neill holleys on line one. Ok, great. And we do. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. When the moments spontaneous, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Rose we end tonight with a new perspective on a milestone in the civil rights moment. S it was 50 years ago that protesters marched from selma to montgomery to demand the right to vote. The first attempt ended with a confrontation with police and that is where jim axelrod begins our story. This march will not continue. Reporter among the many being beaten in selma on that bloody sunday on the Edmund Pettus bridge was linda lowery a 14yearold girl in the 19th row. He hit me two times that i co could remember. Reporter a Police Officer . It was a sheriffs deputy. I received seven stitches over. My right eye. And 28 stitches in the back of my head. T reporter the images of that day shocked the country, including a 24yearold College Student in new york named steve somerstein. When linda is being beaten, you saw that. We saw that. H i thought, is that happening here in america . Reporter so he grabbed his camera and one of the seats on the buses heading south to join the march to montgomery two weeks later. A cbs news camera caught him as he captured one of his most memorable photos on the steps of th the alabama statehouse. Mo its among many of his never beforepublished images now onew display at the New York Historical society. But to see it life size like this brings me so much closer to the image. He captured the marchers and those watching them with hope, his sharp eye catching the irony beneath a billboard. I just see so many multi generations of people. Reporter this woman couldnt know anything about the kind of life these people are living. Right. Reporter he also focused on those who taunted and threatened them every step of the way. They didnt know they were making us so strong. Reporter after five days and 50 miles, linda lowery made it to the state house with a message for the governor f watching a few floors up. Im here, governor wallace. Im here. See me. See me. Reporter for a woman who made one of our most important marches forward, linda lowery isf ti spending a lot of time these days looking back. I have learned over the years that every day in your life is a journey and you have the ability to make history every day. Reporter only, she says, if you are willing to take the first step. Jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. Rose recording courage. That is the cbs evening news. For scott pelley, im charlie rose. Ill see you tomorrow on cbs this morning. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org now at 6 00, she is the new face of the bay area housing crisis. A woman raising her two young kids in a tiny garage. Only on 5, she fires back at critics who say she is putting them in danger. Good evening, im ken bastida. Im veronica de la cruz. She says she was left with no choice when looking for a place to live. Our andria borba caught up with her today. Reporter a stuffed animal here a mobile there and a garage door at the end. My sweet little home. Reporter nicole jones tiny converted garage made famous by cnn now has an extra occupant a threeweekold baby. The mother of two was profiled over the holidays though the story only aired yesterday. The 250squarefoot 1,000 a month garage has Hardwood Floors and granite steps and according to nicole, is a perfectly fine place to raise two children. I live in a garage and its probably more sanitized than most peoples bottoms. Reporter they moved in after a time at a womens shelter. She said since the cnn story aired she received lots of attention and nasty emails about her way of dealing with the bay areas lack of affordable housing. I like it here, for people that dont like it count yourself lucky that youre not in this garage with me. I just, um, i think that its a home. Reporter the bartender says she makes good money but not enough for a bigger place in a market with a lot of competition. I have done a lot of searching probably spent over 750 doing application fees trying to get into an apartment. Nobody wanted to rent to me. So this was the last resort

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