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Breaking news tonight involving another n. F. L. Star. Minnesota vikings running back Adrian Peterson has been indicted in texas on charging of injury to a child. A warrant is out for his arrest. Vladimir duthiers is following this for us. Reporter the child is petersons 4yearold son who was visiting the n. F. L. Star in his home in texas last may. Tonight petersons attorney rusty hardin says peterson admits to spanking his son. According to our cbs affiliate wcco, these are photos of the boys injuries, several cuts and bruises over various parts of his body. After visiting peterson, the boy returned to his mother in minnesota, she said she noticed the injuries and took him to the doctor. After the doctor examined the child, the doctor contacted authorities in texas. Peterson said he whipped the child with a switch, a branch from a tree. Peterson didnt practice with the team yesterday but was backon the field today. Petersons Attorney Says adrian is a loving father who used his jumentd to discipline his son. Adrian has never hidden from what happened, has fully cooperated with the authorities. Never intended to harm his son and regrets the injury. Pelley today, the Nfl Players Association received official confirmation today that former Baltimore Ravens running back ray rice is suspended indefinitely for punching his thenfiancee in an Atlantic City hotel. Rice was initially suspended for two games, but nfl commissioner Roger Goodell made it indefinite on monday after video surfaced that showed the attack. Goodell insists he did not see the video before this week. One person who did see that video months ago was the local prosecutor. And now, some are questioning his decision to let rice enter a Counseling Program instead of facing trial for assault. Elaine quijano has been looking into this. Reporter Atlantic County prosecutor jim mcclain says ray rice did not receive special treatment by avoiding jail time and probation. Despite having strong evidence that rice assaulted his then fiancee, janay palmer, inside a casino elevator, prosecutor mclain signed off on an agreement which allowed rice to enter a pretrial intervention program, often called p. T. I. Rice could have his record wiped clean if he completes anger management counseling. Former bergin county, new jersey, prosecutor ray flood says it was the right call. I dont in any way fault the judgment made by the Atlantic County prosecutor to admit him into the program. Reporter she was knocked unconscious. But when i talk about, you know, the Legal Definition of serious Bodily Injury in new jersey, which is what you would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt for an aggravated assault, that means there would have to be the a substantial risk of death. Reporter but former Atlantic County prosecutor David Glassman says rice got off too easy. I dont think p. T. I. Was intended for these types of cases. Theres no question that what you saw on that video could have easily been a death blow. Reporter the debate is now about the law. In the last year, 7,082 cases were resolved through new jerseys p. T. I. Program. Those eligible generally have no criminal record in the prior five years. The prosecutor then has the discretion to look at the circumstances surrounding the crime and to consider a victims wishes. New Jersey Senate president Stephen Sweeney the thing that troubles me the most here is we watched a woman be savagely beaten and a slap on the wrist, and if there nts no special treatment and this was the routine process, we in new jersey and i dont know about other states we in new jersey have to relook at our laws on Domestic Violence because its not acceptable. Reporter prosecutor mclain declined our repeated requests for an interview, but earlier this week, he told a local newspaper, i just want people to know the decision was made after careful consideration of the law, careful consideration of the facts, hearing the voice of the victim. Janay palmer did support ray rices application to enter the p. T. I. Program. As for law, scott, senator sweeney says he has asked the state attorney general to review the prosecutors decision. Pelley elaine, thanks very much. A worldfamous athlete shoots his girlfriend to death. He claims it was an accident, but hes prosecuted for murder in a dramatic trial that holds the attention of millions around the globe for months. Today, the verdict in the case of oscar pistorius, the disabled olympian known as the blade runner. Debora patta is in south africa. Reporter the celebrated track star stood passively as the judge read out her verdict. Guilty of culpable homicide. Reporter guilty of manslaughter, but cleared of murder. Judge Thokozile Masipa said she believed pistorius shot his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, by accident, mistaking her for a burglar. It cannot be said that the accused did not entertain a genuine belief that there was an intruder in the toilet who posed a threat to him. Reporter pistorius was also found guilty of negligence when his gun accidentally went off in a crowded restaurant. In a country still struggling with issues of race and violence, reaction to the verdict was swift. T. Rensic scientist dr. David klatzow told us he was astounded at the decision and he believed lde judges interpretation of the law was wrong. Was justice served . He i dont think so. I think that theres a problem, and i think that it is a step backwards for a Violent Society pere there are a lot of people out there with guns. It sends a very negative message out to the country. Reporter klatzow said he couldnt understand how the judge came to the conclusion that pistorius didnt intend to kill steenkamp after he fired not one but four shots through the bathroom door. But masipa said pistorius tried to resuscitate an unconscious steenkamp, which was inconsistent with someone who wanted to commit murder. The Steenkamp Family sat stone faced, but her friends could not hold back their tears. Pistorius and his family looked relieved. Sam taylor, a former girlfriend who testified in the trial, spoke out today against pistorius. Taylor said that twice hed been so drunk and aggressive that shed hid his gun in fear for kir life. He was kind of like, wheres my gun . I need my gun. I cant go to bed without my gun. I thought if theres a gun around, anything can go wrong, so i prevented it as much as i could. Reporter culpable homicide is a serious conviction in south africa, but sentencing is entirely at the judges discretion, and could range from a fine to 15 years behind bars. But the prosecution is bitterly disappointed with todays ruling and will consider whether it appeals the verdict once that sentence has been handed down. That will take place on october 13. Pelley debora patta outside the high court in pretoria. Debora, thanks very much. And cbs news will have more about the pistorius case on a special friday edition of 48 hours. Thats tonight at 8 00, 7 00 central time. Today, the u. S. Military told us it conducted two more air strikes in iraq to protect the mosul dam and the kurdish capital of erbil from isis fighters. Over the past month, the sunni terrorists beheaded two american journalists in retaliation, they said, for u. S. Attacks on isis targets. Tonight, david martin has new details of the attempt earlier this summer to rescue them. Reporter the attempt to rescue american hostages james foley and Steven Sotloff was larger than the raid which killed osama bin laden. Between 70 and 80 commandos took part, flying into syria aboard a small armada of helicopters. They hit two targets one, the building in which the hostages were believed held, and the other, a diversionary target. While part of the force hit the diversionary target, members of the delta Hostage Rescue Team hoarched the building where foley and sotloff were believed held. The hostages were gone, although there was evidence they had once been there. The commandos were on the ground for about an hour, and by some estimates, killed as many as 50 or 60 isis fighters, suffering one wounded when a helicopter pilot was shot through the leg. The Syrian Military turned off its air defenses during much of the raid for fear of drawing fire from drones and fighter jets circling overhead. The commandos had hit the right building, which had been identified through the f. B. I. s debriefing of freed european hostages once held with foley and sotloff. But u. S. Intelligence had not detected that they had been moved. One official blamed that failure on a decision not to put reconnaissance drones over the building between the time it was identified and the night of the raid. Other westerners, including americans, are still being held by isis, and uncertainty about their location is complicating plans for air strikes into syria. Scott. Pelley david martin at the pentagon for us tonight. David, thanks very much. The United States and the European Union hit russia with more economic sanctioned today for supporting the rebels fighting ukraines government. The american sanctions target russias largest bank, plus five defense firms and five energy companies. That could bring several offshore oil projects to a halt. Russias Foreign Ministry called the new sanctions a hostile step, and vowed to retaliate. A stormy week on the sun creating a brilliant light show here on earth. And the mayor who smoked crack makes a surprising announcement about his political future when the cbs evening news continues. You know. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. Mmmm. These are good the tasty side of fiber. From phillips when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. 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He was hiding near a church just 100 yards away. Dina parmertors son, daniel, was killed by lane at Chardon High School in 2012. What was your reaction to finding out. Learning that t. J. Lane had escaped . I was i was like, what . I really, really could not believe it. Reporter were you fearful that he might come here . I really kind of got a panic attack a little bit. And i thought, being a mother, my thoughts were, okay, hes coming here taking care of my gmily. Hes going to try to take care of the rest of my family now. Thats what i thought. Reporter the allen correctional facility in lima, ohio, is described as a medium security prison. A Union Representative says guards learned an escape was being planned. Despite warnings, security was not increased. T. J. Lane is serving three consecutive life sentences for killing three students and wounding three others. He smirked and wore a shirt with killer written on it at his sentencing. Dannys birthday was just tuesday, september 9. 19 years ago, it was one of the happiest days of my life. Now, its one of the most painful. He was. He was so bright. He could have done so many things, and all thats lost. Its so hurtful. You know, its not going to go away. Thats my son. Reporter officials here at ldardon high school decided that it would be best to cancel classes for the day, and, scott, t. J. Lane has been moved to ohios maximum security prison. Pelley Michelle Miller in chardon, ohio. Michelle, thanks very much. Te earth was zapped today by a solar storm. It was born wednesday, when the sun shot out one of its biggest flares in years. The radiation can disrupt the ofwer grid, but there are no reports of that so far. Its expected to create a dazzling display in the sky. Northern lights like these may be visible as far south as cleveland. Torontos largerthanlife mayor has been a comedy writers dream, but today he delivered some serious news. Thats next. 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Mayor rob fords statement from his hospital bed said, my heart is heavy when i tell you that im unable to continue my campaign for reelection. Since taking office in 2010, the mayors wellchronicled history of Substance Abuse has drawn international attention. One blearyeyed session was captured on a cell phone camera. Yes, i have smoked crack cocaine, but, no, do i . Am i an addict . No. Have i tried it . Probably in one of my drunken stupors. Reporter intemperate behavior came along with it, whether it was ford bullrushing a city councilwoman or wrestling reporters outside his house. Can you get off my driveway, please. Reporter he became the perfect latenight punch line but there was nothing funny about ford going into rehab earlier this year, or his abject apology when he got out. Im embarrassed and humiliated. Reporter but thats not the end of this story. Fords older brother, doug, is taking his place on the ballot as a candidate for mayor, and the mayor himself may now seek a City Council Seat in the toronto election next month. I will feel all right reporter o, canada. Dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. Pelley we got a look today at some remarkable surgery in israel. For 20 years, this professional violinist suffered from tremors. Well, this week, to try to stop the tremors, surgeons implanted an Electronic Device in her brain. Since that part of the brain does not feel pain, the doctors were able to keep her awake and playing the violin during the surgery, so they would know exactly where to position the device. She signaled them when the tremors eased, perhaps saving her musical career. In a moment, people who are hething alike find they have something in common. Steve hartman on the road is next. Just the tip of the iceberg. Now feds go after other agencies with missing gear. Next weather talent appears at wx center with generic pinpoint filling monitor then we take special sponsored 7day y y pelley finally tonight, you cant judge a book by its co pelley finally tonight, you cant judge a book by its cover, or, we might add, a Football Player by his jersey. Heres Steve Hartman on the road. Reporter in athens, georgia, in the bestseller section of this barnes noble, Kathy Rackley found a novel story of her own. I mean, a chance encounter in a bookstore. How wonderful is that . Reporter did you have any idea at all who he was . None. Reporter and you didnt tell her . I didnt. But i knew they were going to find out. Reporter yeah. But i wasnt going to say it. Reporter the fact is, kathy may have been the only one in athens who didnt know the name malcolm mitchel. Number 26 for the university of georgia bulldogs was one of the top recruits in the country a few years ago. Hes georgia royalty, and presumably, if kathy had known that, she wouldnt have stood in that barnes noble talking his ear off about the book club shed just joined. I mean, he like stepped back and said, you did . Can i join your book club . I said, i dont know if you want to join mine. Were all 40, 50, and 60year old women. Reporter but malcolm was undeterred. So now, one of the top Wide Receivers in the country meets monthly with his book club lady friends. Oh, yeah. And then he went to the wedding . I loved that part. laughter reporter hes the only man and the youngest by a generation. But malcolm doesnt care, nor does he care what anyone thinks. Somebody called me a nerd. Its not a word im used to hearing. Reporter is it okay, though . Are you okay with the label . I was proud of it. Right. Its like a badge of honor to me. Knowing where i came from. Reporter malcolm confessed to me that when he started college, he could only read at about a junior high level and it bothered him. So he started putting as much g fort into his reading game as his football game. Every free moment, he had a book in his hand. Hes now reading things he never dreamed he could, and although some of the Book Club Selections he would never pick himself, malcolm seems to enjoy them all. Yeah. The ending was great. Reporter looking at your life now, all youve accomplished, what are you most proud of . I finished the hunger games series in two days. Reporter have you seen any of the footage . Have you scored touchdowns . Thats not your most proud moment . That came natural. Thats a gift. I had to work to read. Reporter but his greatest talent may lie in his ability to step so outside his comfort zone, to be able to meet people end focus so sincerely on what they have in common instead of their trivial differences. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Reporter sometimes, football makes great men, and sometimes great men just happen to play football. Steve hartman, on the road, in athens, georgia. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley. Ill see you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Another star in legal troub. This time child abuse. Involving a tree branch. Good evening, im ken bastida. Just what the in fact did not need right now another star in legal trouble this time allegations of child abuse involving a tree branch. Good evening, im ken bastida. Im veronica de la cruz. Elizabeth cook is following this developing news about vikings runningback Adrian Peterson. Liz . Veronica, a texas grand jury has indicted Adrian Peterson and were now learning he will not play this sunday. The vikings are deactivating him for the game. Peterson is charged with beating his 4yearold son with a tree branch during a visit to his houston home back in may. Peterson seen in an Unrelated Court appearance here is expected to turn himself in. His Attorney Says peterson regrets the incident and didnt intend to harm the boy. Peterson has cooperated with the investigation from the start and, quote, used his judgment as a parents to discipline his son parent to discipline his son. The nfl is still in the middle of the Domestic Violence case against former ravens runningback ray rice. New reports say he was up front with the nfl about the details allegedly telling the leagues commissioner Roger Goodell in june that he hit his wife in an elevator. Goodell told cbss Norah Odonnell he didnt know about the punch until seeing it on video this week. Ray rice was cut from the team anzus expended indefinitely by the nfl. The fbi is part of the investigation. Now, closer to home, an update today on the legal troubles facing 49ers player ray mcdonnell. A Court Hearing on his Domestic Violence case has been postponed. Mcdonald was arrested on suspicion of beating his pregnant girlfriend. He was set to be arraigned on monday but prosecutors havent filed ar

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