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This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. This is our western edition. President obama said tonight russia has no excuse for massing troops on the border of ukraine, and no excuse for lending covert support to militias causing what he calls chaos there. Ukraine is trying desperately tonight to put down an uprising in the eastern parent of the country. Just weeks another russia snatched ukraines crimea peninsula. This afternoon, the president spoke to chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett at a Community College in pennsylvania, where mr. Obama had Just Announced grants for job training programs. Major. Job training programs. Major. Reporter scott, the president told me russia is operating from a position of weakness, and thats why he said it has resorted to outlandish rhetoric and propaganda the world hasnt seen since the era of the soviet union. Mr. President , on ukraine, is Vladimir Putin provoke a civil war there and will you and western leaders let him get away with that . I think what is absolutely clear is not only have russians gone into crimea and annexed it in illegal fashion, violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, but what theyve also done is supported, at minimum, nonstate militias in southern and eastern ukraine, and weve seen some of the activity thats been taking place there. Reporter theres going to be a meeting tomorrow between the russians and ukrainians and the United States and european union. Expectations could hardly be lower for the outcome. Are you prepared to say there president right here and now if that meeting fails the there will be new and harsh sanctions on the russian economy . What i have said consistently is each time russia takes these kinds of steps designed to destabilize ukraine and violate their sovereignty that there are going to be consequences, and what youve already seen is the russian economy weaker, capital fleeing out of russia. Mr. Putins decisions are not just bad for ukraine. Over the long term, theyre going to be bad for russia. Reporter what message do you think Vladimir Putin was trying to send and you the u. S. Military by having a russian fighter jet buzz a u. S. Warship in the red sea . Is he mocking you and the u. S. Military . Theyre not interested in any kind of military confrontation with understanding that our conventional forces are significantly superior to the russians. We dont need a war. What we do need is a recognition that countries like ukraine can have relationships with a whole range of their neighbors, and it is not up to anybody, whether its russia or the United States or anybody else, to make decision for them. Reporter we asked the president if there was a line in ukraine or Eastern Europe that putin must not cross. Scott, the answer was vague, but the president made clear nato nations which does not include ukraine, would be militarily defended if necessary. Pelley well have more of your interview later in the broadcast. Ukraines government is vowing to reestablish control northeast but many residents there are ethnic russians who welcome ties with russia. Holly williams is there. Reporter the streets of slavyansk are now under the control of masked, gunwielded, prorussian separatists. When they arrived this morning, some of them brought their own tanks. All of them were given a heros welcome by the local peernlg mostly russianspeaking factory workers who support militants. The Ukrainian Government said the tanks were seized from the countrys army with the help of russian agents. The masked men didnt want to tell us who they were. Are you ukrainian or russian . Im a people. Reporter youre just a person. Yes. Reporter and why are you wearing a mask . Its its im sorry but its a stupid question. Reporter 20 yards from the tanks we met ira talenko and her son. Do you feel safe with the armed men . Theyre all very nice she told us. Theyre here to protect us. But many here are fearful now that the Ukrainian Army has started to try to flush out insurgents from the towns theyve taken over. And in another show of force today, the military flew a fighter jet over slavyansk. The masked men rushed off this afternoon after hearing there was a sniper at work nearby. They tore through country lanes in their tank, only to find nothing. If the sniper existed, he was long gone. No shots were fired in slavyansk today. But its tense and unpredictable, and both sides seem ready for a fight. Pelley Holly Williams is joining us. Holly, you say both sides are ready for a fight. I wonder, how much concern is there that there could actually be a civil war in ukraine . Reporter a lot of concern, scott. Many people here are adamant that they want to live in a separate eastern ukraine, and the armed insurgents say that theyll fight for that. Meanwhile, ukraines government says it will use force to remove militants from the towns theyve occupied, and that potentially is a recipe for civil war. Pelley Holly Williams, thanks very much. Another major story breaking tonight is the search off south korea after the sinking of a ferryboat full of High School Students on a class trip. 179 people were rescued, but at least six have died, and more than 280 are missing. Seth doane is following this. Reporter divers combed the dark waters for any survivors. And those feared trapped below deck. But the south Korean Coast Guard said the divers failed to get inside the wreck because the current was too strong, and the visibility poor. The ferry sank in water over 100 feet deep. Earlier in the day, passengers were wynched to safety in helicopters. Others clung to the railings, waiting for help as the fairy slowly sank. Some jumped into the ocean and swam to nearby rescue ships. Its unclear what caused the accident, but many reported hearing a loud noise before the ship started to tilt badly. 325 High School Students were on board. They described a chaotic scene as passengers tripped over each other trying to escape. I almost got trapped, this girl said. I was told to go outside but i couldnt. There were lots of students who did not get out of the ship, he said. The wet and stunned survivors were treated for broken bones and hypothermia. Parents frantically checked a list to see if their kids were on the boat. As emotions spilled over about how this could happen. shouting in korean some passengers were told that crew members asked them to wait. Others said that they just tried to escape but were caught behind heavy windows that were hard to break. Scott, the u. S. Navy is standing by ready to help. Pelley seth, thank you. Tonight, a new video appears to feature a rogues gallery of al qaeda terrorists in yemen. The leader vowed to attack the United States. Several plots fancy against the u. S. Originated in yemen, including the failed attempt to blow up a jetliner on Christmas Day in 2009. Homeland security correspondent bob orr has more about the video. Reporter intelligence analysts believe the video was recorded recently since it shows al qaeda celebrating the homecoming of operatives freed in a february breakout from this prison iniemep. About 100 heavily armed members of al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are shown on the tape, embracing their leader, nasir alwuhayshi. His message is a familiar pledge to strike america. Analysts are surprised that al qaedas second most powerful leader would stage such a brazen really in a region watched by intelligence agencies and frequently hit by u. S. Drone strikes. While the tape does not openly suggest an imminent attack, some of the militants faces have been blurred. The worry is those anonymous terrorists they have some particular value in a future plot. A. Q. A. P. Continues to be al qaedas most dangerous and capable franchise. The yemenbased group was behind two underwear bomb plots, a foiled attack in 2010 to bomb two cargo planes with explosives concealed in computer printers. U. S. Intelligence first became aware of this new video a couple of weeks ago when it was posted on jihadi web sites, but, scott, the c. I. A. Will not tell us if it knew of the meeting when it happened. Pelley bob orr in our washington newsroom. Bob, thanks very much. Today, students returned to Franklin Regional High School outside pittsburgh for the First Time Since 21 were stabbed or slashed last week by a classmate. Students and their families gathered before dawn for a service on the football field, and folks from town saluted them on their way to class. Four students remain in the hospital tonight. The suspect, 16yearold alex hribal, is charged with attempted homicide and aggravated assault. In addition to the students, a Security Guard was stabbed. A lot of schools these days are arming their guards, some of them with tasers and anna werner has been looking into this. Reporter this security video from Cedar Creek High School in texas captured what happened when an officer shot 17yearold noe nino de rivera with a taser. Hed come to break up a fight. Instead, he was knocked to the concrete floor. Police said he disobeyed their orders. His head hit so hard he required emergency surgery for a severe brain hemorrhage then spent 52 days in a medically induced coma. Jesus is his brother. What are the things he cannot do now . He cannot talk the way he used to talk. He cannot walk the way he use to walk. He cannot think the way he used to think. Reporter officers from at least 5,000 Law Enforcement agencies carry tasers in schools. No one tracks how often they are used on students but we found 20 reported examples since 2012. Tasers and pepper spray are being used to break up School Fights or to deescalate School Fights. Reporter Deborah Fowler is with texas appleseed. Her Legal Aid Group supported a texas bill that would have banned the use of tasers in schools. There are other opportunities to deescalate that dont pose the same dangers that certainly tasers pose. Reporter she points to confrontations like this in which officers stepped in to fights and used tasers on students. Get down on the ground now reporter since 2005, legislators in at least four states have proposed banning taser use in schools. In texas, the states Largest Police union opposed any ban. Charlie wilkision is the unions executive director. Did your group study the potential hazards of tasers or stun guns on adolescents and their bodies before opposing this legislation . No, we study what would happen to cops if you had open season on them without all their weapons. Reporter so the answer is no, you didnt study the effects on adolescents . Were not advocating on behalf of children. Were advocating on behalf of real, live, licensetrained peace officers who risk their lives every day. Reporter we found a half dozen reports of officer injuries in schools since 2012. But knowing noe nino de riveras family believes students face a greater risk. The teen is now in a Brain Rehabilitation center where hes expected to stay another six months. Anna werner, cbs news, texas. Pelley dont, lachrymose. There are no more obscure Vocabulary Words in the revamped s. A. T. And two boys take a ride theyll never forget when the cbs evening news continues. Jake and i have been best friends for years. One of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. Sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. So my doctor prescribed symbicort. 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Its the nexium you know, now delivered. Pelley the s. A. T. College pelley the s. A. T. College Entrance Test is changing and today we got a first look at some of the new questions. Heres ben tracy. Reporter the s. A. T. Is considered a Necessary Evil by many collegebound students. True or false . The College Board, which administers the test, apparently believes its true. It posted on its web site today that no longer will students use flashcards to memorize obscure words only to forget them the minute they put their test pencils down. Students and parent were querulous, or complaining about the vocabulary on the test. So the new s. A. T. Takes more relevant words such as intense and makes students know their meaning in the context of a sentence. Christine brown is with Kaplan Test Prep which prepares students for the s. A. T. There are some questions where it feels like it may be a little more straight forward. I wouldnt necessarily use the term easier. And there are other sample questions that are, frankly, quite challenging. Reporter the test will also focus on math that matters, such as figuring out ratios and percentages. When College Board president David Coleman announced these changes were coming last month, he acknowledged that standardized tests are failing students. It is time to admit that the s. A. T. And a. C. T. Have become far too disconnected from the work of our high schools. Reporter but the s. A. T. And changing in part because the a. C. T. , its main rifle, is now more popular. Last year, 1. 8 Million Students took the a. C. T. About 140,000 more than took the s. A. T. A lot of changes the s. A. T. Is making do put it more closely in line with what the a. C. T. S have been doing for decades. Reporter now this is the first redesign of the s. A. T. Since 2005, and the new test will go into effect in 2016. That should give nervous High School Students everywhere plenty of time to find their equanimity, and, scott, you may know that is defined as steadiness under stress. Pelley ben tracy with the answers in our los angeles newsroom. Thanks very much. In what may be the final chapter of the Corruption Scandal in bell, california, the former city manager was sentenced today to 12 years in prison for, among other things, misappropriating public funds. Robert rizzo was also ordered to pay back nearly ninemillion dollars. As city manager, rizzo paid himself 1. 5 milion dollars a year, throwing bell into massive debt. In a moment, president obama on the number one issue in america. You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition in charge™. Smoke . Nah, im good. 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I need the bosss signature for this. Im the boss. Honestly i wanna see you be brave pelley we mentioned a moment ago president obama was in pennsylvania today to announce 600 million in grants for job training. He talked in an interview with Major Garrett. What the a Smart Business driven jobtraining Program Gives us the capacity to do is to not just have folks train for the sake of training but rather have them train with a specific job in mind. When you combine it with apprenticeships and other opportunities to partner between the private and public sector, what you end up seeing is not only folks getting jobs when they dont have work, but, also, people inside their own companies who want to advance suddenly seeing careers open up to them and thats good for the entire economy. Reporter it sounds like youre saying it might not be a bad idea for the federal government to get out of the working training process entirely. Is that what youre saying . Its not a matter of the federal government getting out of business training. Its doing it smatter. What we have not utilized as good as we should have is the crowned jewel, and that is the Community College system which when done right can provide a very efficient, costeffective meaningful way for folks to be trained for future careers. Pelley there will be more on the interview on cbs this morning and here on the cbs evening news. Francis offered a couple of 11 yearolds a ride in the pope mobile. The pope took the boys for a spin around st. Peters square. Coming up next, the art of deception. Deception. Apples may fall, but the apples of your cheeks dont have to. Defy gravity with juvederm voluma®. The first and only injectable gel approved by the fda to instantly add volume to your cheek area. As you age, its not just about lines and wrinkles your cheeks lose volume and can sag. 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Just because its a fake doesnt mean its not valuable. Socially and culturally its very valuable. Reporter van meegeran sold a fake vermeer to nazi leader herman gary during world war ii. Convicted of forgery, he became a folk hero. He was one of the first great forgers that ho was really romanticized by the media. This fooled all of the great vermeer scholars. Reporter loll, an art fraud expert, said the exhibition intent to deceive is all about masterpieces of deception. This is a fake. Thats a fake. Reporter and this is a fake. Well, this is a forgery. Reporter a forgery, meaning not an exact copy by a painting in the style of the french master modigliani, actually painted by the forger elmyr dehory. I dont feelll bad modigliani. I feel good for me. Reporter dehoary, who had trouble selling his own works, slipped hundreds of forgeries on to the art market in the 1950s and 60s. I never offered a painting or a drawing to a museum who didnt buy it, they never refused one, never. Reporter is there a common personality among these forgers . Some of them were incredible artists but all were really good con men. Reporter their forgeries raised uncomfortable questions about what really is art and the experts ability to judge the con artist. I mean, they all developed their own sort of fame, havent they . They have, yes, and their own notoriety, and with notoriety comes value. Some of his modigliani portraits would fetch 30,000 on an open market. Thats an expensive forgery. Reporter as a forger once said if my work hangs in a museum long enough, it becomes real. Anthony mason, cbs news, springfield, massachusetts. Pelley and thats the real cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. Tonight, kpix 5 uncovers wh s really after some of the bay areas biggest protests all tied to one powerful political group. Tonight, kpix 5 uncovers what its really after. New at 6 00, kpix 5s phil matier is live in San Francisco where a powerful union is flexing its political muscle. Phil. Reporter thats right. The stories and demonstrations we have seen have gone around the world and point to the tech twitter and other companies down here as the target but as we found out there is a script behind this play that you havent seen before. Heres the story. [ chanting ] reporter whether its protesting against google buses or fights over high rents or tax breaks for twitter and other techies, San Francisco has become ground zero in the new war between the haves and the have nots. No contract, no peace. Reporter as it turns out many of the fights are actually being stoked by the politically powerful seiu, the union that represents thousands of city nurses, janitors, clerks, also in the middle of negotiations for a new contract with the city. We want a program that makes the city a place not just for the wealthy to thrive but where low, mo and middle income people can also thrive. Reporter that proposed contract includes a 15 pay raise over the next three years plus the city to pay 85 to 100 of the workers medical coverage, plus a 21 an hour minimum wage for all full and parttime workers. The city says it cant afford it. Why are they

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