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Pelley good evening. This is our western edition. The mystery of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is about more than a missing jet liner. Its about 239 missing people. Today, distraught, angry relatives showed up at a press briefing in malaysia and demanded more information. Two thirds of the passengers were from china, three were american. 12 days after the boeing triple 7 vanished on a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing, president obama called the investigation a top property. Cbs news has learned f. B. I. Has taken a role. They will be analyzing the personal computers of the officer, and the Flight Simulator found in the captains home. Seth doane is in kuala lumpur for us tonight. Seth. Reporter good evening to you, scott. Malaysian authorities are hoping that the f. B. I. Will be able to help them recover computer files erased from that Flight Simulator, about a month before that illfated flight. Senior captain zaharie ahmed senior captain Zaharie Ahmed Shah had a custombuilt Flight Simulator in his home. Hoping they provide new includes clues or the flight path was reversed. Its being flown to a lab in the u. S. For analysis. For the families of the missing, it has the pain of an agonizing 12day wait boiled over today. Its been 12 days, where is my son, this woman wailed. Why are you not giving me any answers. Relatives of chinese passengers unfurled a banner, accusing the malaysian authorities of hiding the truth. Security dragged them out kicking and screaming. They were swarmed by media before being shut behind closed doors. Earlier in the day, we tried to talk with some of the families of the crew members, but were stopped by someone who identified himself as Malaysia Airline security. We just want to give these passengers and the crew members families a chance to say something. But they dont want to say something. Reporter that clearly was not true. Malaysian Authorities Say theyve ordered an inquiry into what exactly happened inside that press Briefing Room today. Scott, it clearly underlines the desperate need for answers here. Derlines the desperate need for answers here. Pelley seth, thank you very much. More than a hundred ships and aircraft are searching, including the u. S. Navys grand new p8 poseidon. The plane is designed to hunt enemy submarines. It is searching west of perth, australia. With so many conflicting reports about flight 370 we asked our transportation correspondent jeff pegues to put together a timeline. It all began Early Saturday Morning march 8. Reporter sometime after taking off at 12 41 a. M. Investigators believe someone reprogrammed the planes flight Management System to turn away from its original flight plan. Then 26 minutes after take off the plane sent its last automatic Data Transmission to the airline. At 1 19 a. M. The copilot told air Traffic Controllers in malaysia, all right, good night, as the plane moved towards Vietnamese Air space. They were the last words heard from the cockpit. Two minutes later at 35,000 feet the transponder was turned off. The plane went dark on civilian radar and then made a left turn back toward malaysia. Sources say it followed an established aviation corridor over several navigation away points. The malaysian military tracked an unidentified object on their radar traveling west towards the strait of malacca. They believe it was flight 370. At 2 15am it disappeared from military radar about 200 miles northwest of panang. Investigators also say the planes antenna signaled to a satellite multiple times over the next certain hours. The last signal came at 8 11 a. M. At the time the plane would have run out of fuel. It was that last satellite contact that led investigators to dramatically expand the search area. Now theres a lot of focus on the south indian sea. Scott the National Transportation safety board is helping Australian Authorities pinpoint locations to search. Pelley jeff, thanks very much. Mark rosenker is the former chairman of the Transportation Safety board and is now an analyst for cbs news. Mark what do we make as the plane turning to the left and passing of those way points as it went off course . Reporter after this turn and validated the radar tracks that weve gotten the investigators are not very much closer to understanding why this was done. Certainly the turn could have been done by using the flight Management System which means they programmed these way points in it. Or they could have been flown using the heading select switch on the auto pilot. Or it could have actually been done by using the stick and flying it manually. Pelley what would that suggest to you about the person making that turn . Reporter i would believe that anybody who was able to make those kinds of turns and following those way points clearly had great knowledge about the systems and aviation. Pelley mark rosenker, thanks very much. Toyota today was hit with a 1. 2 billion fine. The automaker admitted that it lied to customers and u. S. Regulators about problems with toyota and lexus vehicles that caused the vehicles to accelerate wildly, leading to accidents and deaths. The head of the f. B. I. s new york office said today, quote, toyota put sales over safety and profits over principle. Heres jim axelrod. Reporter it is the largest penalty ever imposed on an automobile company. U. S. Attorney Preet Bharara oversaw the case. It cared more about savings then safety, and its more brand and bottom line the truth. Our accelerator stuck. Reporter it was this harrowing 911 call that focused attention on toyotas problem with acceleration in camrys and other models. He and his family was killed in san diego when he could not stop his lexus. Were in trouble, theres no brakes. Were approaching the intersection. Hold on. Reporter but toyota now admits it knew two years before that accident that the floor mat could trap the accelerator. Toyota also did not tell safety regulators about another problem in 2009. A sticky accelerator pedal that also caused accidents. At one point, government lawyers say a toyota employee told coworkers thats exactly what david cafua would like to see. It definitely should be heading to some sort of jail. Reporter his mother maria was killed in massachusetts, he says, when her camry shot camry shot across three lanes of traffic. But nobody will go to jail for it. Reporter if toyota allows an independent monitor to review its safety practices. Essentially toyota will be on probation for three years. There will be no criminal charges if it implements safety reforms. The company put out on statement saying quote we have made a fundamental changes to be a more responsive and customerfocused organization. Pelley jim, thanks very much. We heard today about osama bin ladens reaction to 911. His soninlaw is in jail on charges aiding alqaeda. He said bin laden asked him after the attack what do you expect to happen. Abu ghaith said he said that osama played youre being too pessimimstic. He could face life if convicted. In the east west standoff over ukraine president obama said the u. S. Will not get involved militarily in russias annexation of the crimea peninsula. The head of Ukraines National Security counsel said ukrainian troops will be evacuated from the crimean basis. Which are surrounded by russian forces. Elizabeth palmer saw the start of that. Reporter by late morning the sign of victory, russia was flying over the ukrainian anyway owe headquarters as russian soldiers started moving in. They had no identifying patches on their uniforms. Part of president putins pre tense that his military didnt orchestrate the seizure of crimea. But that charade is over. That is an official staff car of the black fleet one of russias biggest and more powerful military. A few at a time ukrainian servicemen trickled out of the base where they had been barricaded in for three long weeks. They were reluctant to talk but one cornered by the media seemed to be in shock. How do i feel, he said. I dont know what to say. Its just so unexpected. Thousands of crimean soldiers dug in on their bases across this peninsula are now hoping the government in kiev can organize a safe and orderly evacuation for them before they too are ousted by force. Irina volkova is a military nurse who watched this mornings takeover. Nobody wanted to defend the base with weapons. No. She said when the final attack began the commander didnt give orders to shoot in order to save lives. No one wanted violence. But they didnt want this kind of humiliation either. Military families having to help carry away their mens possessions off the base into an uncertain and dangerous future. Scott, inspite of Vladimir Putin saying he had no intention of an exing more Ukrainian Land the Russian Military has been building up brigades, tanks and artillery on the russian ukrainian bored. Pelley liz palmer in crimea for us tonight. Liz, thank you. Today the new chair and Federal Reserve said that Interest Rates will remain near zero. Janet yellen also revealed that the fed wont rely so much on the Unemployment Rate when deciding when those rates should rise again. Wall street reaction, the dow was down 114 points. Wyatt andrews has more. Reporter according to the fed, the economy is sending mixed signals. The fed says unemployment could drop this year to 6. 1 but that Economic Growth might not exceed 3 . The new fed chair janet yellen said one reason is the severity of the winter. Certainly winter has played an Important Role in weakening Economic Activity in q1. Reporter yellen says the feds response will be to keep Interest Rates near zero at least into 2015, and if needed, even longer. We know were not close to full employment. And in this inflation, we wouldnt dream of raising the federal funds rate target. Reporter the low Interest Rate policy is designed to encourage bank lending and to keep Mortgage Rates low. But its also driven investors to the stock market. 100 put in the market in november of 2008 would be worth 246 today. 100 put in a Bank Savings Account would not have earned even 1 more. Elizabeth saunders a Small Business owner in michigan who keeps money in bank savings says after inflation she has lost money. Everything in you feels frustrated when were putting in more money into these accounts and instead of seeing an increase in return, seeing your money actually decrease during this time. Reporter strong Economic Growth is still years away but scott, the quickest use of the economy should come with warmer temperatures and more consumer spending. Pelley Wyatt Andrews in washington. Thank you very much. There is a new test now for colon cancer. And what made the blade runner cover his ears at his murder trial, when the cbs evening news continues. Continues. Ortho weed b gon ma. Get order. ngngld syms plus has a fastacting antihistamine. Oh, what a relief it is man pelley this week, we told you about a 30 drop in colon cancer among Older Americans because more people are getting colonoscopies. Tonight theres more good news in the battle against the second leading cancer killer. The new england journal of medicine is reporting on an alternative to the colonoscopy. Here is dr. Jon lapook. Reporter colon cancer is a preventable and treatable cancer. Yet an estimated 23 million americans did not get the recommended screening. Unlike a colon always copy this new test is not invasive. It screens for cancer by looking for abnormal dna and minute traces blood in stool. Patients send in samples without needing to visit a doctor. The test found 92 of all cancers. Thats similar to the detection rate of colonoscopies. Hes the study author and helped developed the test. The hospital has a financial stake in the company that would develop it commercially. The biggest advantage of this test is it offers a noninvasive approach that delivers very high accuracy. Its our hope that a test like this will increase screening participation. Reporter but its far less sensitive than colonoscopy for picking up polyps. Colonoscopy detects 90 . Pelley not so good about finding polyps, good at finding cancer but is it already too late finding cancer. No thats the beauty of screening. Even if a person has colon cancer if you find it early theres more than a 90 cure rate by senior. The person who has a positive stool test they need a colonoscopy where exactly in the colon is the polyp or the cancer. The problem is theres a 10 false positive rate. You can imagine the anxiety in a patient and someone like myself looking for a lesion thats not there. Pelley thank you very much, jon. Some antique collectors are calling this a holy grail. Where it turned out when we co back. Urned out when we come back. So you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. So you can finish the Great American novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. So you can a prominent democratic of both parties died today. Robert strauss served as chairman of the Democratic National committee in the 1970s, then in 1991 republican president george h. W. Bush appointed him ambassador to moscow. Robert strauss was 95. Robert, the os star pistorius, the blade runner could not. He stuck his fingers his ears as a ballistic expert said the track stars girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp was shot first in the hip and then in the arm and the head as she tried to defend herself. He says he mistook her as a burglar. This could be the bargain of the century. A scrap metal dealer in the midwest bought this gold egg at antique fair for 14,000. Remember that number. He figured thats what the gold was worth. Turns out its a faberge egg made for the wife of a russian tzar. Its one of eight that went missing in the communist revolution. A london dealer recently bought it for a private collector. Theres no word on the price but a faberge egg sold seven years ago for 18. 5 million. The head of starbucks is enlisting in the battle to help war veterans and hes bringing heavy fire power. His storys next. , hundreds of thousands of po are being dumped. Next weather talent appears at wx center with generic pinpoint pelley pelley 11 years ago today, u. S. Forces thundered into iraq. Tonight, the chairman of starbucks, Howard Schultz said with the wiped down in afghanistan some americans may forget too quickly about the needs of the two andahalf million who helped served. Tell me one thing that the 30 million is going to go to that you think is really important. I think one thing thats necessary is a comprehensive mechanism for job training. But another is the fact that depending who you are talking to, 20 , 30 , 40 of the two Million People who served are coming back with some kind of brain trauma or pts. Were going to fund the opportunity for Significant Research and for medical practitioners and science to understand the disease and ultimately hopefully come up with some level of remedy. Pelley more research for post Traumatic Stress syndrome. Yes. Pelley and more research for traumatic brain injury. Thats correct. The truth of the matter is and i say this with respect, more often than not the government does a much better job of sending people to war than they do bringing them home. These young men and women who are coming home from multiple deployments, are not coming home to a parade. Theyre not coming home to a celebration. Theyre coming home to an American Public that really doesnt understand and never embraced what these people have done. Pelley what theyve done schultz says is incredibly valuable to american business. These returning troops had management skills that you cant get any other way. No. Pelley no Harvard Business school is ever going to teach you how to lead people into combat. This is something very, very different. And these life skills cant be taught. What im saying is theyre extraordinarily valuable to any business, any institution, any enterprise. Pelley you were recently at Walter Reed Army hospital. What did you see there . What was that experience like . What did you learn . I was not mentally prepared or emotionally prepared for what we saw at walter reed. In a young 21yearold warrior who had lost both his legs was being wheeled around by his mother. And you ask yourself if that was my son or my daughter, how would we respond . And i think my responsibility now is i had seen things and ive heard things and ive met these people and their families, and you just cant be a bystander, you have to do everything you can to tell their story and help them. Pelley in addition to his charitable gift, Howard Schultz told us that starbucks will hire 10,000 vets or their spouses over the next five years. The pentagon reminded us at 6,801 americans have lost their lives in iraq and afghanistan. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. Behind the glitz of the bay areas newest casino some dark consequences for the competition. Workers leaving in droves and flocking to the enemy. Good evening, im ken bastida. Im elizabeth cook. Breaking news out of Mendocino County where a sheriffs deputy has been shot and killed in the line of duty. It follows an allday manhunt for the gunman which closed parts of highway 1 near fort bragg. At one point a helicopter and chp plane were involved in the search. According to the Sheriffs Office the shooting happened around noon in cleone. It was a shootout between the deputy and a gunman from oregon. He was reportedly wanted for a carjacking near eugene. The deputy has been identified as ricky dell [ indiscernible ] he has 16 years with the Mendocino County sheriffs department. The suspect was found dead of suicide. News tonight in the bay area casino wars. River rock is running dry as many gamblers are opting for the new graton resort 30 minutes to the south. Thats where da lin is standing by tonight. Graton seems to be holding all the cards here. No pun intended. Reporter yeah, ken. Well, if there is a casino war graton is winning the battle ever since it opened last year. The small casinos around here have been feeling the effects. Reporter in a game of poker Graton Casino is holding the better hand a newer facility chipping away at its rival River Rock Casino just 30 miles north. When we arrived, it was almost like we had

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