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Captioning sponsored by cbs ptioning sponsored this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. With s pelley good evening. He changed the world. You cant say that about many people. But you can say that about Nelson Mandela. The man who lead south africas peaceful transition out of apartheid and became the countrys first black president. He died today at the age of 95. Mandela had been battling a lung infection for many months. Right after its official announcement tonight mourners began gathering at mandelas home in johannesburg to sing his praises. We have extensive coverage of Nelson Mandelas life and legacy. First well go to deborah in johannesburg tonight, deborah, how has this unfolded for us this evening . Reporter well, scott, for 26 weeks South Africans have lived with the knowledge that Nelson Mandela was gravely ill. First the three month hospitalization and then he was sent to his home to see out his final days because there was nothing more doctor could do for him. A few days ago his wife realized he was deteriorating even further. And actually summoned the family to his bedside. And many of them were there earlier this evening and able to say their final goodbyes to him before his death. And eventually that announcement from president jacob zuma that Nelson Mandela had died shortly before midnight South African time. Outside his home many South Africans have gathered, both black and white. Fitting that it is both black and white because they are what Nelson Mandela was all about, that both races should equally mourn this man, so loved and adored in south africa. Pelley deborah , mandela retired from public life way back in 2004. What impact will this have on the nation now . Reporter many South Africans will only wake up to the news that he has died tomorrow morning because they would have been asleep when the announcement was made. And this is going to be a call for unprecedented mourning in south africa. Its no surprise that Nelson Mandela died but that doesnt mean that the loss wont be felt. Im a journalist who has covered mandela for many, many years. Im also a South African who feels the pain that many South Africans will be feeling. How do you summarize the life of an extraordinary man in a few words. He always had a twinkle in his eye, greeted you as if you were a long lost friend. This is a man who was able to combine extraordinary generosity with power. A man adored, revered by this country. Our greatest pride. S then a brand new United States senator from illinois. Here was mr. Obamas reaction late today to the death. We have lost one of the most influential, courageous and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this earth. He no longer belongs to us, he belongs to the ages. Through his fierce dignity and unbending will to sacrifice his own freedom for the freedom of others, he transformed south africa and moved all of us. Pelley president obama used the word modiba an honorary title that translates as father. Major garrett at the white house tells us this evening mr. Obama plans to attend the state funeral in south africa. That is likely to be in about ten days. Nelson mandela will be remembered as a man who emerged from a tiny village to become a defining figure of our time. He was born on july 18th, 1918 in a village called umvezo. His mother named him holy sashava meaning troublemaker, but later a teacher renamed him nelson. He moved to johannesburg at 23, he became one of the nations first black lawyers and joined the opposition African National congress in the early 1940s, devoting himself then to peacefully ending apartheid. Then in 1960, 69 peaceful black demonstrators were killed by White South African police in the infamous sharpeville massacre. Mandela came to believe that the mandela came to believe that the only recourse then was violence. There are many people who feel that it is useless and futile for us to continue talking peace and nonviolence against a government whose reply is only savage attacks. On an unarmed and defenseless people. Pelley he was arrested in 1962 and later sentenced to life for sabotage and conspiracy. He served most of his time on robben island, the alcatraz of south africa. Fellow prisoner, mac maharaj said mandela never let his spirit die. He worked on the premise that he would live to see the victory. He accepted that he may not live to see the victory. But he did not doubt that the freedom struggle would triumph. Pelley mandela was imprisoned for 27 years. Then on february 11th, 1990 at the age of 71 he walked free. Cbs news correspondent bob simon covered his release. Reporter the mandela limousine was a beat up toyota. The motorcade had a change plans several times because the approaches to capetown were jammed. Pelley Archbishop Desmond tutu said prison made the man. Fairly robust and aggressive young, militant became a generous and upstanding person. I cherish the idea of the new south africa where all South Africans are equal. Pelley in 1993 mandela and the South African president who freed him f. W. De klerk shared the nobel peace prize. And a year after that, mandela became south africas president. Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water, and salt for all. Let freedom reign. God bless africa. I thank you. Pelley mandela chose to serve only one term. In the end, he came to personify struggle, a political prisoner who became president and saved his South African nation. I mean he could easily have lead our country down the road of retribution and revenge and we would have been up a creek. Pelley author maya angelou knew mandela since 1960. Nelson mandela represents the best any of us can hope for. He was a great man. And im grateful, the world is better for having him. Pelley mandela biographer john carlin told us this evening it tells you all you need to know that mandela will be mourned equally in south africa by blacks and whites alike. This evening. Today an American Teacher was gunned down in benghazi, libya, the city where the u. S. Ambassador was killed lastier by islamic mill fants. Heres bob orr. Reporter as he and his wife anita left texas for libya ronnie smith made this video for his austin church. He talked about his need to spread a spiritual message. Smith worried about adapting to a foreign culture but said faith would guide him. If there is any Single Person in the entire universe that you can take a chance on, its god. Reporter smith took a job teaching chemistry at the International School in benghazi. This morning as he was jogging along this street, smith was shot and killed by gunmen riding in a black jeep. No one has claimed responsibility. But suspicions are focused on islamic militants. Since u. S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other americans were killed in benghazi 15 months ago, werners have been targets. In tune the u. S. State department warned all u. S. Citizens against traveling to benghazi. And the october capture of al qaeda operative abu anas allibi in tripoli only added to the worries. In an internet posting just days ago al qaeda propagandist urged militants in libya to strike back saying rise up and take revenge from america. You go to a place like this. Reporter smith was certainly aware of potential dangers. But his message to his church said his religious conviction gave him strength. No matter what happens, im good, it gives me peace, im okay with that. Reporter now we dont know if smith was specifically targeted in a planned attack or perhaps the victim of some other type of crime but scott, u. S. Authorities tonight are pressing the police in libya for a vigorous investigation. Pelley bob orr in our washington newsroom, bob, thanks very much. Tonight Severe Weather has much of the nation in a deep freeze. First came two feet of snow in the rockies and upper midwest. Now theres an ice storm stretching from texas to tennessee, with advisories all the way up to new york and a hard freeze warning in california. Manual bojorquez is in texas. Parts of texas are already covered in ice. Roads near odessa are treacherous. Up to a half inch of ice is forecast for dallas. 300 salt and sand trucks are ready. Ryan lafontaine is with the Texas Department of transportation. This is big, you know, Winter Weather in the Dallas Fort Worth area is big. Today oklahomas governor governor declared a state of emergency. And ice is expected to bring down electric lines in arkansas. Nearly 7,000 utility workers have been put on stand by for what could be the worst storm in four years. A separate system is pushing temperatures below zero in the dakotas. And dumps three feet of snow in parts of minnesota. I think this stuff is pretty froze up. A little icy. Reporter its so cold in fargo the salt used to melt the road ice wont work. The sub zero windchills are forecast through the weekend. At least nine deaths are being blamed on the weather. The dallas area will see the worst of it overnight. And scott, another round of freezing rain is expected over the weekend. Pelley manual bojorquez in Dallas Fort Worth, thanks. A Catholic Diocese has opened its books for the first time on sexual abuse by priests. And a look at how Nelson Mandela touched america when the cbs evening news continues. Anything we purchase itry s store. For the paper cottage goes on our ink card. So you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the Game Changing app from ink. We didnt get into business to spend time managing receipts, thats why we have ink. We like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. So you have time to focus on the things you love. Ink from chase. So you can. 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Heres dean reynolds. Reporter an online apology today from the imposing cathedral of st. Paul expressed regret for the pain priests had caused. Archbishop john neinstedt. I sincerely pray that these efforts will contribute to the healing process for victims and others who have been harmed. Does it . Good question, not really. Reporter al mishod and Jamie Heutmaker say they were abused by the same catholic priest, jerome kern, first jamie in 1969 and then al eight years later, kern was removed from the ministry and was unavailable for comment today. This has gone on for so long and priests like this were shuffled around it was like a shell game. I think catholics everywhere should stand up and say enough. We want our church back. Reporter the archdiocese had refused to release the list of 34 priest accused of sexually abusing minors. Many had been named in criminal charges but some were made public for the first time. Jeff anderson represents michaud and heutmaker and has filed more than 2,000 lawsuits in connection with priest sex abuse. I wish i could say were at the end of the disclosures. I believe were at the beginning of the real disclosures. Reporter a Victims Advocate Group say more than 6,000 clerics have been accused of abuse over the past six decades but only half of their names have ever been made public. The archdiocese says it has engaged in an ongoing review of its files, scott, and will update its list when necessary, adding that the disclosures made today are not intended to be final. Pelley thank you, dean. In a moment well look at how Nelson Mandela changed the life of one american. Ife o orbiting the moon in 1971. Afghanistan in 2009. On the u. S. S. Saratoga in 1982. 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Jim axelrod found that message changed the hearts of some american students. Reporter when Nelson Mandela visited Madison Park High School in roxbury, massachusetts, in 1990 the crowd went wild. Eager to hear his words of wisdom. The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Reporter a 16yearold sophomore in the gymnasium that day. The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. And at the time that was one of the things that really stuck to my head. So this day i try to instill the same concept in my students. Reporter mandelas speech was a turning point in dipinas young life. He decided he too wanted to lead from the classroom as a teacher. Okay. The word freedom, but freedom is not free. Reporter now hes a history teacher at Brighton High School in boston, hoping to a model in a school where more than one in ten students drop out. Born to poor immigrant parents in the west african nation of cape verde, dipina knows well the barriers to a childs success. I used my as a motivation. Today as an education educator i tell my students dont use your personal issues as an impediment, to come to school. Sues it as a motivation. Because it will pay off. Reporter he says the words in life of one of africas greatest elders will long inspire. And this is the person i was talking about, Nelson Mandela. He paved the way for others. And i think that cycle should only continue, if you want to have a better world. Reporter many will remember how Nelson Mandela changed the world, including one kid in the bleachers who was moved to try to do the same one classroom at a time. There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere. Reporter jim axelrod, cbs news, boston. Pelley in a moment, bill clintons very personal remembrance of Nelson Mandela. Mandela. O cold liast thds. Asthma doesnt affect my job. You missed the meeting again last week it doesnt affect my family. Your coughing woke me up again. I wish youd take me to the park. I dont use my rescue inhaler a lot. 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Clinton got caught up in scandal mandela visiting the white house stood by him saying our morality does not allow us to desert our friends. Recently we asked mr. Clinton about their special bond. You met with Nelson Mandela more than any president. And i wonder what was your relationship in those days . Well, we became good friends. I met him, ironically in 1992 i met him at the Democratic Convention in new york when i was being nominated for president. We had business to do. They were one of the countries that voluntarily gave up their nuclear arsenal. And in the process of that we became good personal friends. We used to do business together on the phone where their time difference was so great i would take the call at night. And it wasnt too late mandela would make me go get chelsea every time he called and he would talk to her and ask her if she was doing her homework. He was an enormous help to me during every difficult time i had as president. And he did it all, interestingly enough while he never stopped being president of south africa. So if his country had a position that disagreed with ours, we would have our argument and he would be very firm. But when we werent working, he was my friend. I wonder why you clicked, the two of you . Why the friendship . Oh, he gets most of the credit for that, you know. He was the most widely admired man in the world. He didnt need this. He just was kind to me. And he, i guess he thought i had potential to do a thing or two. And he went out of his way just to be my friend, talk to me about life, raising kids, dealing with disappointment, managing anger. He was he is an astonishing human being. Managing anger. Yeah, i asked him once. I said mandela, you are a great man but you are a wily politician. It was good politics to put your jarls in your inauguration and put the heads of the parties that imprisoned you in the government but tell me the truth, didnt you hate them. He said yes. Briefly i did. I hated them and i was afraid i hadnt had freedom for so long. But then i realized if i still hated them after i left, they would still have me. I wanted to be free. And so i let it go. He said thats what you have to do. Is what we all have to do. We have to let it go. That is the kind of thing you say to me, just an ordinary conversation. What was mandelas achievement . He built a genuine multiracial democracy in south africa. When he could have had a one party state and shut everybody else out, when he could have had the politics of resentment, he chose the politics of inclusion. It is the only thing that works it is the only thing that is working in American Communities today. Pelley bill clinton remembering Nelson Mandela who died today at the age of 95. Thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Were going to leave you with the scene outside mandelas home tonight in johannesburg. For all of us at cbs news, all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access gro life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. The day he was freed was a lifedefying moment we will never forget. The bay area is remembering the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. Good evening im elizabeth cook. And im ken bastida. California encouraged people not to invest in south africa during the time of mandela. President kennedy was assassinned. Any of the other great people we have honored by their contributions. My guess is each one of them by this moment are welcoming the real leader, Nelson Mandela. Billy brown considers him one of his biggest influences, placing him among some of the biggest civil right ises advocates. Brown hosted him in his civil rights tour after he got out of prison. Mandela came here in 1990, and 70,000 packed into the coliseum to see their hero and receive thanks for his activism. It is you, the people of the bay area, who have given me and my dedication hopes to continue to prosper. The bay area choir who performed for him in south africa

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