On glor good evening, everyone, scotts on assignment. President obama defended the Surveillance Program but he promised some changes say the American People need to have confidence in those programs. At a News Conference, the president pledged more openness about surveillance operations, including ones that collect phone records and watch internet traffic. He said hell work with congress to reform the part of the patriot act that geneva it is collection of socalled meta data but he gave no specifics. He wants a privacy advocate to weigh in when the government asked the fisa court to improve a surveillance request and hes calling for a panel of outside experts to review the governments programs. Major garrett was there. He is at the white house tonight. Good evening, major. Reporter good evening, jeff. The president said the nations vast Surveillance Network is vital to National Security and better kept secret but now that classified details have been leaked about government internet and phone snooping, mr. Obama is pulling back the curtain on some longprotected spy secrets. Given the history of abuse by governments, its right to ask questions about surveillance. Particularly as technology is reshaping every aspect of our lives. Its not enough for me as president to have confidence in these programs. O haAmerican People need to have confidence in them as well. Reporter the president said Edward Snowdens unauthorized disclosure of Surveillance Programs have depleted public trust. But he said snowdens leaks and those that may still come reveal only part of the story. Rather than have a trunk come out here and a leg come out there and a tail come out there lets put the whole elephant out there so people know exactly what theyre looking at. Lets examine what is working, whats not, are there additional protections that can be put in place and lets move forward. Reporter mr. Obama questioned snowdens motives and methods. I dont think mr. Snowden was a patriot. There were other valves available for somebody whose conscience was stirred and thought that they needed to question government actions. Reporter snowdens asylum in russia further strained helations between russia and the United States. Mr. Obama canceled a summit with mr. Putin and said this. I dont have a bad relationship with mr. Putin. When we have conversations theyre candid, theyre blunt. Um often times theyre constructive. I know the press likes to focus on body language and hes got that kind of slouch looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom, but the truth is that when were in conversations together often times its very productive. Reporter putin has signed legislation criminalizing public displays of homosexuality in russia. The president condemned that law but says he opposes a u. S. Boycott of the upcoming Winter Olympics next february in russia. The president said he hoped american gay athletes would i can make a point that the athletically inclined putin would not forget by winning gold, silver or bronze. Glor why isnt s the president proposing this opposing court on the fisa courts. Reporter well, the court often renders onesided statistics. In twelve, 1,488 cases were in 2012, 1,788 cases were brought before the court, every one was approved. 212 cases were brought before the court seeking business record, all of them were approved as well. Glor Major Garrett at the white house, major, thank you. We have breaking news now this evening. Cbs news has learned that 18 of 19 u. S. Diplomatic posts that were closed last week because of a Terror Threat will now reopen on sunday. The embassy in yemen will remain closed. Also at his News Conference today, the president said some republicans are fixated on stopping his Health Care Reform law even if it takes shutting l to the government this fall to do it. The idea that you would shut down the government unless you prevent 30 Million People from atting health care is a bad idea. Glor Bob Schieffer is our chief washington correspondent and anchor of face the nation. Bob, were you surprised at the president s tone . D a little bit surprised at the tone but not at what he said. Jeff, this idea of shutting down the government to block health sare is an idea thats being goveed by some of the younger tea partybacked republicans like texas senator ted cruz, floridas marco rubio. Oe irony here is the president s reaction today puts him on exactly same pace with mitt romney and paul ryan and scores of republicans who think its not just a bad idea but a really dumb one as the very conservative South Carolina vanator richard burr put it. Sensing the expected backlash, some republicans have even called it suicidal. As romney said, after shutting down the government, what would come next when soldiers arent paid, when seniors fear for endicare and Social Security and then the f. B. I. Goes off duty. The people of the nation would not be happy, unquote. Cruz and rubio may actually press on this with this plan. Not many around here think they can possibly succeed but the siesident obviously saw this as an opportunity to give the opposition a good swift kick and as he headed off on vacation, he seemed just delighted to do just that. Glor Bob Schieffer, well see you on sunday. And on sunday on face the nation bobs guest include peter king from the House Intelligence Committee as well as former n. S. A. Director michael hayden. A wildfire in the mountains east of los angeles continues to burn out of control tonight. Firefighters were very surprised at how quickly it spread in just two days. Theyre attacking it from the ground and the air tonight but its still just 25 contained. 16,000 acres have burned. Ben tracy is in twin pines, california. Ben . Reporter jeff, nearly 450 homes have been threatened by this fire. This is one of the 26 that burned down. Its hard to believe this was ever really a house or that this perhaps was the family car. Now, these massive wildfires are happening more often out here in the west and when they do theyre more destructive than ever. The silver fire is still lurking in the mountains near palm springs. 1, 600 firefighters are working the fire lines. Its not over. Its going to be a very long, hot summer. Reporter Julie Hutchinson is a cal fire battalion chief. This year has been amazing. Since may first we have been fighting fire all the time, fires in areas that we normally would have a few but theyre growing so rapidly. Reporter 90,000 acres of state land have burned so far this year in california compared to 40,000 at this time last year. Prolonged drought is the main cause. Its turned hillside and forests into tinderboxes. Rob belfour is a meteorologist with the National Weather service. The fuel moistures were at 3 and when you get kiln dried lumber if a lumber store thats at 15 . So its critically dry. Reporter the vegetation on these hillsides, these mountain passes, are drier than you would buy wood on a shelf at a store . Thats correct. Reporter the head of the u. S. Forest service told congress in june that wildfires now burn twice as many acres each year as they did 40 years ago. The fire season is also two months longer than it was inform the 1970s. And more people are living closer to the wilderness. In 1940, 484,000 homes were within half a mile of National Forest land. By 2000, it was 1. 8 million. Much of the Forest Services firefighting budget is used to protect homes rather than thinning and managing the forest. If theres any Silver Lining to these wildfires happening earlier in the season is that they create massive fire breaks and some fire Officials Say when those infamous santa ana winds show up this fall, the fires may not be as destructive because of what has already burned. Glor ben tracy, thank you very much. From the west we turn to the nations midsection which is soaked right now. Parts of the Central Plains have gotten more than a foot of rain in the past week. Tonight that storm system and all that rain is heading east. Tennessee has seen some of the worst flooding. Adam ghassemi is a reporter for our nationville affiliate wtvf. Whats the latest tonight . Just sun and humidity today, no rain in nashville, very different from what we saw yesterday. Up to seven inches up to seven inches in a very short period of time that caused massive flash flooding all over the city. Today we were at one church where workers were ripped out debris from the basement. Leaders estimated an underground creek was overwhelmed by floodwater and the pressure built up so much it pushed roughly five feet of raw sewage and storm water into the building. The chesthigh water busted down walls and destroyed nearly everything inside. Cleanup alone there is estimated at half a million dollars. That comes after a number of water rescues here yesterday. Some people are out of their homes tonight and staying in shelters. The problem is, this could only be a break in the weather. A storm system moving east could bring one to three inches to the nashville area and up to eight inches in certain areas so a lot of people tonight are cleaning up while watching the radar. Glor adam ghassemi, thank you. Tonight, mexicos most notorious drug lord has been release from prison on a technicality. He had been convict more than a quarter century ago of the kidnapping and murder of a u. S. Drug enforcement agent. Sharyl attkisson has more. Reporter 64yearold Rafael Caro Quintero shown here in 2005 apparently walked out of a mexican prison a free man in the middle of the night with no cameras present. A court overturned his conviction saying he was tried in the wrong court back in 1985 federal instead of state for the murder of u. S. Drug enforcement agent enrique camarena. The release caught u. S. Officials by surprise. They heard about it from the mexican media. Chief of operations for the Drug Enforcement administration, james capra. How could this drug lord be released from prison without the United States knowing . We are extremely disappointed and more than that, we are angry. We are mad. This is personal. Never did we think that this was going to happen. Reporter known as the godfather of mexican drug cartels, Caro Quintero is on d. E. A. s mostwanted list. The agency says while in prison he continued to work with the Sinaloa Cartel the largest in mexico and laundered drug money. Agent camarena was working undercover when he exposed Caro Quinteros massive marijuana operation. The bust is said to have cost Caro Quintero and his associates 8 billion in lost sales. Caro quintero ordered camarenas kidnapping. His body, showing evidence of torture, was found a month later in a shallow grave. We want him caught now. Right now we want him caught. He has no right to be walking free anywhere, not in mexico, not in any place in the United States. Reporter one u. S. Official told me federal authorities in mexico may not have known about dhe state courts release and when someone like Caro Quintero walks free it usually means millions of dollars in bribe money has changed hands somewhere. Jeff . Glor sharyl attkisson, thank you. The government lowers the Interest Rates on federal College Loans. For the first time, states are graded on the care they give at Nursing Homes. And a Small Plane Crashes into two homes, when the cbs evening news continues. Glor a small plane crashed into two homes in east haven, oh this is soft. This is so so soft. Hey hun, remember you only need a few sheets. Hmph [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft youll have to remind your family they can use less. Charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. Plus you can use four times less. Hope you saved some for me. Mhmm you and the kids. We all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. You and the kids. Fby eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief . Try dulcolax laxative tablets. Dulcolax is comfortcoated for gentle, overnight relief. Dulcolax. Predictable overnight relief you can count on. Hands, for holding. Feet, kicking. 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Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. Taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. Ask if xeljanz is right for you. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains so dentures are cleaner, fresher, and brighter. [ male announcer ] polident. Ra glor a small plane crashed into two homes in east haven, connecticut, today. Both houses went up in flames. As many as four people were killed. Two of the victims may have been children who lived in one of the homes. The plane went down while trying to land at an airport a few blocks away. More than one and a half million americans live in Nursing Homes and the quality of care varies widely. A report out today shows states where Nursing Homes do a good job of caring for seniors and states where they do not. Heres manuel bojorquez. Give minnie a bite. Reporter Minnie Graham was a great grandmother. At 97, she suffered the dementia. She was a fine christian woman and very loving. She would do anything for anybody. Reporter graham lived in a nursing home outside dallas for about a year when her family noticed bruises on her. They said she feel out of her wheelchair. Reporter do you believe thats what happened . Absolutely not. Reporter so grahams family placed this clock equipped with a hidden camera in her bedroom. Graham resisted being changed. A nursing aide mocked her. Pulled, pushed, then what sounds like a slap. The video also caught another aide shoving her in the back and face. That should never happen to people. Ever. In Nursing Homes, anywhere. Reporter brian lee is executive director of families for better care. His nonprofit Elder Advocacy Group released what it says is the First Comprehensive state bystate review of nursing home care. It ranks and grades states based on twelve federal data combining staffing, inspections, deficiencies and complaints. Alaska, rhode island, new hampshire, and hawaii got as. Getting fs texas, louisiana, indiana and oklahoma where this hidden video caught a nursing assistant shoving a glove in a womans mouth. In ohio, which lacks staff, video caught a fair giver fling ago senior on to her bed. State officials need to hold Nursing Homes accountable and Nursing Homes need to hold themselves accountable and step up and start providing better care. Reporter according to the report, just seven state provided nursing home residents with more than one hour of professional nursing care daily. States that did the best had larger and more experienced staff. I was wondering if you could explain your actions on that videotape. Reporter we tried to speak to Minnie Grahams nursing aides, they declined. Both were fired and arrested. Their cases are still spending. Ed for Minnie Graham, she died within weeks of this video. She just gave up on life. She didnt want to live anymore. And then to be treated like that in her last days, you know reporter advocates for the elderly say improvements must be made soon. The nursing home population is expected to increase 40 over the next decade. Manuel bojorquez, cbs news, dallas. Glor scientists go deep into a tomb to solve a 500yearold mystery. When we come back. Would you take it . [ male announcer ] its called ocuvite. A vitamin dedicated to your eyes, from bausch lomb. As you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite is uniquely formulated to help protect your eye health. Now thats a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. 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My feet and exactly where i needed more support. I had tired, achy feet. Until i got my number. My dr. Scholls custom fit orthotics number. Now im a believer. Youll be a believer, too. Learn where to find your number at drscholls. Com. Fby eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief . Try dulcolax laxative tablets. Dulcolax is comfortcoated for gentle, overnight relief. Dulcolax. Predictable overnight relief you can count on. Glor it is not a common sight in washington these days bipartisanship. Democrats and republicans gathered around the president today as he signed a bill lowering the Interest Rate on federal College Loans for the coming school year. It will be 3. 9 . The rate is tied to Financial Markets but cannot go above 8. 25 . Brian banks has gotten the Second Chance hed been seeking for a decade. Wearing number 53 for the Atlanta Falcons last night, banks made one tack until a preseason game against the cincinnati bengals. Banks, who is 28, was sent to prison while he was in high school for a rape he did not commit. The conviction was overturned last year. Banks does still have to make the final roster but says the game was a dream come true. Scientists may be closer to solving one of the worlds most enduring mysteries who was the woman depicted in the mona lisa . Today they opened a tomb in florence, italy, to search for remains that could help confirm what many believe that the model for da vincis masterpiece was a woman named lisa gherardini. Eventually they hope to use a skeleton to reconstruct her face. We have to think da vinci would admire the masterpiece that frank kovac created in his backyard. Steve hartman is on the road with him coming up next. If youre looking for help relieving heartburn, caused by acid reflux disease, relief is at hand. For many, nexium provides 24hour heartburn relief about the man last seen with sandra coke. Next weather talent appears at wx center with generic pinpoint filling monitor then we take glor finally tonight, if you look up with wonder at the stars, you are not alone. But if you try to recreate everything you see in your own backyard, youve done something unique. Steve hartman stopped by for a look on the road. Reporter here in the north woods of wisconsin a john at a paper mill is about as good as it gets. But for 47yearold frank kovac, that was his second choice. As a kid he dreamed of exploring outer space which is why frank has spent pretty much his entire adult life charting his own course for the stars. The neighbors thought id lost my mind. There was a huge sphere covered up by a tarp. Day and night he was working on it all the time. Just unbelievable, you know . Reporter Robert Briggs is town chairman of monico, wisconsin, the town where frank launched his space program. Monico has a three pump gas station, a twobit bar and now, thanks to frank, one remote planetarium. This is the most remote planetarium in the world. Reporter frank basically built it in his backyard. To be a planetarium director you need college, but if you build your own, you can run it. Hs pelley laughs using the money he made at the paper mill, frank opened to the public in 2007, although when we first visited a few years ago business was far from stellar. How long since somebodys been here . Its been about three days. Reporter needless to say, visitors can get right in. Id like to welcome you to the kovac planetarium. Reporter well, its just me, you dont have to say all of you. Well, my name is frank kovac and i built the largest planetarium. Reporter because he couldnt afford a Projection System to mimic the revolution system of our planet, he came up with a way to move the heavens instead. And as for the individual stars i took luminous paint and painted every single star that you would see in the night sky. Reporter wait, wait, you painted every star . Like a friend told me he would have just took the paint and threw it up there and hope they hit the right area. Reporter there are 5,000 each in its proper location and brightness. I never knew it would look this neat. Reporter heres the best news. Since we first told his story, the stars have really aligned for frank. He now gets about 3,500 visitors a summer. Enough to not have to work in the paper mill anymore. And as for where business goes from here, he says the skys not the limit. This is going to get noticed and its going to just take off like a rocket to the stars. Reporter steve hartman, on the road, in monico, wisconsin. Glor that is the cbs evening news tonight. Scott will be along sunday on n60 minutes and back here on monday. Im jeff glor, have a good weekend. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org roup at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald breaking news tonight about the bart labor dispute. What it means for your monday morning commute. Good evening, im allen martin. Im elizabeth cook. Lets get right to ryan takeo who is live in oakland with how bart was betting big that there would be no strike. Ryan. Reporter high, elizabeth. Good evening to you, hi, elizabeth. Its going to be a crucial next two days. Well break down the next 48 hours for you now. Now, tonight, both sides can continue to negotiate. And all day tomorrow with no limitations. But if they dont reach an agreement by sunday morning at 9 a. M. , the governor is going to court in San Francisco to request a 60day coolingoff period. He can issue an order barring a strike if he decides that it will disrupt Public Transportation and endanger the publics health, safety or welfare. But this was not news the unions wanted to hear. We wish that the governor had not made an announcement that he was going to go seek for a coolingoff period because it would have been better if both parties felt the kind of pressure necessary to arrive at a deal. So were hoping that in spite of both parties knowing that the governor will seek this injunction potentially on sunday morning, that both parties continue to be motivated to achieve an agreement so that there is no threat of a strike in october. Reporter what is the 60 days really going to do . The big fear when it comes to the 60day coolingoff period which is why we try to prevent it for as long as possible is because everyone is afraid it will slow things down but no one wants to slow talks downright now. Everyone wants to continue to be at the table as long as possible negotiating. What is the 60 days really going to do . The big fear when it comes to the 60day coolingoff period which iwh

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