A time. But connolly says, over a few years, n. E. C. C. Went national. He told us that quantities of drugs increased by a factor of 1,000. We became a manufacturer overnight. So we were basically trying to have the best of both worlds trying to manufacture without the oversight of a manufacturer. And there was we all got. Pelley a month before the first steroid death, connolly says he warned his supervisor. Somethings going to happen. Somethings going to get missed and were going to get shut down. Pelley what did you mean by that . That we were going to hurt a patient. We were just thinking hurt a patient. We werent compounding anymore we were manufacturing. Pelley when you went to your supervisor and told him that, he said what . Thats verbatim. He shrugged. That was his response for a lot of our questions or comments or concerns was a shrug. Pelley meaning . Just do it. Either he didnt care or he was powerless to change it. Pelley as joe connolly predicted, n. E. C. C. Was shut down by the authorities. The president of the company is barry cadden, and when subpoenaed by congress, he pleaded the fifth. Cadden declined to be interviewed for our story. Today, his lawyer told us cadden does not know how the contamination happened. The state of massachusetts examined n. E. C. C. s lab in 2011 and found it satisfactory, but tomorrow on this broadcast another Company Insider will tell us how n. E. C. C. Concealed its true operations from inspectors. Well have our full investigation for you on 60 minutes this sunday at 7 00 6 00 central time. The winter storm that hit the midwest and Midatlantic States is now bringing rain, snow, and high winds to the northeast tonight. Yesterday, parts of virginia got as much as 20 inches of snow. At last word, more than 100,000 homes and businesses were still without power. Further north, giant waves and 50mileanhour wind gusts have been battering the coast. Jim axelrod is in massachusetts. Reporter the wind and waves are battering coastal towns from rhode island to maine and pushing water into the harbors. Rick judge is the fire chief in situate. It seems with each tide is a little more intense than the previous one, because the water doesnt have a chance to recede from the previous tide. Reporter the storm grounded more than 700 flights; 160plus were canceled at new Yorks Laguardia airport. Jeff glick was trying to get back to st. Louis. I guess what are you going to do about it . We dont own a private plane, so were at the mercy of the airlines. Reporter on the jersey shore, the high surf breached sand berms, up to three feet of water poured into some towns still recovering from super storm sandy. Residents were trapped in sea bright, new jersey. Weve had, you know northeasters, but this is the most amount of water ive seen since sandy. Reporter here in situate theyre anxiously awaiting the next high tide tonight, but theyre even more concerned about the one that will roll in after that, tomorrow morning at 8 00. And scott, this storm could dump as much as eight inches of snow inland before finally heading out to sea. Pelley more weather tomorrow, jim. Thanks very much. The senate today confirmed john brennan to be the director of the c. I. A. Brennan has been president obamas top counterterrorism adviser, and earlier spent 25 years at the c. I. A. The confirmation came after senator rand paul ended a 13 hour filibuster. Hed been demanding that the administration say publicly whether the president has the authority to use a drone to kill a u. S. Citizen on american soil. In the end, both paul and the president got what they wanted. And heres nancy cordes. No president from no party gets to be judge, jury, and executioner. Reporter kentuckys junior senator was seeking a guarantee that drones would not be used to target citizens on u. S. Soil unless they were engaged in a terrorist attack. I will speak today until the president responds and says no we wont kill americans in cafes; no, we wont kill you at home in your bed at night. Reporter senator pauls monologue reflected wider confusion over the governments use of weaponized drones, a controversy which erupted in january after the president nominated his top terrorism adviser, john brennan, to head the c. I. A. Under brennan, drone strikes overseas have increased 500 . We only take such actions as a last resort to save lives when theres no other alternative to taking an action thats going to mitigate that threat. Reporter the filibuster caused a sensation online and drew some support from pauls g. O. P. Colleagues. Others, such as arizonas john mccain, called him misguided. Weve done, i think, a disservice to a lot of americans by making them believe that somehow theyre in danger from their government. Theyre not. Reporter do you really believe this administration wants to kill americans who are sitting in cafes . Not necessarily. But ill tell you why i think its an honest question and a serious question. Our drone Strike Program now currently does kill people in cafes overseas. You dont have to be holding a weapon to be killed by a drone strike overseas. So thats a standard that i dont think is acceptable here. Reporter this afternoon, the attorney general sent senator paul a terse twosentence letter assuring him that the president does not have the authority to order drone strikes on u. S. Citizens here at home unless they are engaged in combat against the u. S. Senator paul said hes satisfied, scott, but still has concerns about the program. Pelley nancy, thank you. Tonight, a man who was once osama bin ladens righthand man is in the hands of the United States. Sulaiman abu ghaith was flown to new york to face trial for conspiring to kill americans. And we asked bob orr to tell us more about him. Reporter Sulaiman Abu Ghaith is one of the last remaining members of osama bin ladens inner circle. Abu ghaith, who married one of bin ladens daughters, was a chief spokesman for al qaeda, a leading propagandist in the months surrounding 9 11. On september 12, one day after the attacks, abu ghaith appeared next to bin laden in this al qaeda video, warning america to brace for followup blows from the terror group. But when the u. S. Military launched its war in afghanistan in late 2001, abu ghaith dropped out of sight. In early 2002, counterterrorism officials say, abu ghaith, and a handful of other al qaeda fugitives fled to iran where they spent several years under house arrest. He resurfaced some time last month in turkey. U. S. Intelligence was tipped off, and sources say abu ghaith was arrested by the fbi last thursday, february 28, and then secretly flown to new york. On monday, a federal grand jury in new york indicted abu ghaith on a charge to conspiracy to kill United States nationals. The capture of abu ghaith further thins the ranks of a badly depleted al qaeda. Only a few top operatives remain around the leader ayman al zawahiri. Among them are two terrorists with u. S. Connections, californiaborn adam gadahn, and onetime florida resident adnan shuknjumah. Sulaiman abu ghaith will make his First Court Appearance tomorrow morning in new york. Critics say he should actually face military charges at guantanamo bay, and theyre accusing the administration of quietly sneaking him into the civilian court system. Pelley north korea appears to have angered its best friend in the world. Today, china joined with the United States and voted at the u. N. To increase economic sanctions against north korea. Recently, the youthful new dictator there, kim jong un, tested a Nuclear Weapon and a ballistic missile. Earlier today, the North Koreans staged a massive rally and threatened a Preemptive Nuclear strike against the u. S. But their missile isnt that good and the white house wasnt impressed. Hugo chavez never missed a chance to demonize the United States when he was president of venezuela. Today, his countrymen said good bye. Some waited ten hours to file past his casket. Chavez died of cancer on tuesday. The funeral is tomorrow. Will the nations toughest restrictions on abortion survive a legal challenge . Why did a bolshoi ballet star order an attack on his boss . And from the looks of it, it was a good day to stay out of the water. When the cbs evening news continues. Remember when you said men are superior drivers . Yeah. Yeah. Then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Allstate safe driving bonus check . What is that . [ normal voice ] so weird, right . My agent, tom, said. 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We asked our chief Legal Correspondent jan crawford to tell us what this will mean. Reporter support for the law in arkansas was so solid, the Republicanled Legislature managed to override a veto by the democratic governor who said it was flatly unconstitutional. Called the human heartbeat protection act, its the only law in the country to ban almost all abortions after 12 weeks the point when a fetal heartbeat can be detected by an abdominal ultrasound. The laws sponsor, jason rapert, said it wont be the last. I believe that you will see many states take the legislation thats been filed here in the state of arkansas and file that in their own legislatures. Reporter but critics say its the latest frontal assault on roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision guaranteeing a womans right to abortion. Seven states, including arkansas earlier passed laws banning most abortions after 20 weeks. Those laws also will face legal challenge. Lawmakers at the state level are sensing an opportunity at the Supreme Court. Reporter donna crane is the National Policy director for the Abortion Rights Group naral. Antichoice lawmakers in the state think theres an opportunity to get the Supreme Court to reopen the row v. Wade decision and make abortion illegal in some and maybe all cases. Reporter senator rapert called the law an opportunity for the courts to develop a more humane abortion policy. When there is a heartbeat there is life, and an innocent life is something that should be protected. Reporter opponents are preparing legal challenges to block this law from taking effect, but rapert insists its constitutional. He points out, scott, that the law has exceptions for rape, incest, if the mother has a medical emergency, or if prenatal testing after 12 weeks reveals the fetus has a lethal disorder. Pelley but a long way to go to the Supreme Court. Jan, thank you very much. On wall street, its getting to sound like a broken record. And it is. The dow gained 33 points today to close at 14,329, the Third Straight record high. The Federal Reserve said today that the stock markets recovery, along with rising home prices, have now pushed Household Wealth back to where it was before the recession. There are more twists in the drama involving the worlds most famous Ballet Company and thats next. ] include headache abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Call your doctor right away if you have persistent diarrhea. Other serious stomach conditions may exist. Dont take nexium if you take clopidogrel. Ask your doctor if nexium is right for you. Find out how you may be able to get nexium for just 18 a month at purplepill. Com pelley there were more pelley there were more plot twists today in the acid attack on the artistic director of the bolshoi ballet. The performer accused of planning the attack told his side of the story in court. Heres elizabeth palmer. Reporter the bolshoi theater, the most glamorous in russia, and home to one of the most prestigious Ballet Companies in the world. But behind the scenes, an ugly drama of jealousy and violence is playing out. Pavel dmitrichenko made a name for himself playing villains on stage, but today, he was led handcuffed into a moscow court accused of a reallife crime. I didnt order anyone, he said, to splash sergei filin with acid. Sergei filin was the glamorous artistic director of the bolshoi, but in midjanuary, outside his Apartment Building a masked man threw a jar of acid in his face. Surgeons are still fighting to save his eyesight. Dmitrichenko did admit to police that he had masterminded the attack, but he said he thought it would be a simple beating. The acid, he said, was the idea of the hit man, yuri zarutsky. Irina noikova runs the bolshoi press office. This particular thing, apart from being simply horrible, its also disgusting. But they want to try to destroy the face of one of the most handsome men in the company, surely, one of the greatest artists of this company . Reporter no one knows for sure why dmitrichenko ordered the attack, but backstage speculation puts a woman spurned at the center of the scandal. Anzhelina vorontsova, a talented ballerina, was passed over for the lead role in swan lake by sergei filin. The word is he said she was too fat, and that her boyfriend, dmitrichenko, was simply seeking revenge. Elizabeth palmer, cbs news london. Pelley israel tonight is fighting an invasion of biblical proportions. Locusts have crossed the border from egypt, threatening to destroy israeli crops. According to the bible, of course, locusts were one of the ten plagues inflicted on egypt to force the pharaoh to release the israelites from slavery. Beaches along Floridas Atlantic coast were closed today after thousands of blacktipped and spinner sharks were spotted along the shore. Were told this is part of the sharks annual migration north. Every American School kid learns about the u. S. S. Monitor, the civil war battleship. Up next, a fascinating postscript to her story. I remember the day my doctor said i had diabetes. Theres a lot i had to do. Watch my diet. Stay active. Start insulin. Today, i learned theres something i dont have to do anymore. My doctor said that with novolog® flexpen® i dont have to use a syringe and a vial or carry a cooler. Flexpen® comes prefilled with fastacting insulin used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. Dial the exact dose. Inject by pushing a button. No drawing from a vial. You should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injecting novolog® insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection . Do not use if your blood sugar is too low or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. 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[ male announcer ] thats handy. What developers have the greenlight to build. How their vision, goes up from there. Next. regular live pelley finally tonight finally tonight, america is about to pay final respects to two of its Fallen Heroes more than a century after they lost their lives. But we cant tell you who they were, and david martin tells us we may never know. Reporter its a solemn fact that the remains of americans killed in conflicts dating back to world war ii keep coming home from distant battlefields. Today was different. Those flagdraped caskets held unidentified sailors from the civil war. Two human beings buried under there for 140 years or so. Reporter joe hoyt was one of the divers who discovered their remains in 240 feet of water off cape hatteras, north carolina, when they had gone down with one of the navys most famous ships, the uss monitor. Arguably more significant than almost any shipwreck certainly in u. S. History. And to get down there and actually see it, theres really nothing else like it. Reporter the hull of the monitor still lies where it sank, designated a marine sanctuary. But its gun turret with the remains still inside was raised from the bottom in 2002 and brought to the Mariners Museum in newport news, virginia, where Anna Holloway is head curator. This is the ship you read about in fifth grade, the monitor and the merrimack. Reporter the pride of the union navy earned its place in history on the day it fought the confederate ship merrimack to a draw. This was the first battle of ironclad warships ever in history, and thats really what makes the battle of