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Very fast level. Kind of keeps our nose above water. But if we do get 2. 53 , that would be a rate that would bring the jobless figure down. Reporter when will that happen . Next year, according to a new Goldman Sachs forecast. The french bank is even more optimistic. It predicted in a report today that this will finally be the breakout year for the u. S. Economy. Pelley so anthony, why arent companies doing more hiring . Scott, the fact of the matter is during the recession, they learned to do more with less workers. And still make healthy profits. Theyre waiting until orders really pick up. They simply dont have enough orders. Workers to fill them before they start hiring again. Pelley will this hot stock market cause the Federal Reserve to rethink raising Interest Rates . I dont think so, scott. The fed has been pretty clear in many of its statements recently that its main job right now is getting the Unemployment Rate down. Its going to keep Interest Rates down until that starts to happen. Pelley Anthony Mason at the new york stock exchange. Thank you. As anthony said, the stock market has recovered from the great recession, but the job market has not. Have a look at these numbers. In october of 2007 when stocks hit their previous high, about 7 million americans were unemployed. Now its more than 12 million. Also back in october of 07, 27 million americans were on food stamps. Now its more than 47 million. It is brutal tonight in parts of 14 states where winter storm warnings are up. As a powerful storm system heads east. Tonight its dumping snow on the midwest, the mid Atlantic States get hit tomorrow, heavy snow is expected in washington d. C. , and there could be flooding along the coast. Dean reynolds is in chicago tonight. Dean . Scott, good evening. Its been snowing here in chicago for about 12 hours. Even longer up north. And as the temperature drops here, a bad situation may well get worse. In blinding snow crews worked to pull a semitractor trailer from the red cedar river. One person was killed when the rig apparently skidded past a bridge and into the water. A stark example of the storms danger. In minneapolis and st. Paul, snow emergencies were declared by midday and accumulations inched toward a foot in the midwests third snowstorm in the last two weeks. Airport delays and cancellations were happening over a sixstate region as the late winter storm arrived with heavy flakes and northerly winds gusting to 30 miles an hour. At the Illinois Department of transportation, the monitors lit up with word of stranded drivers as the snow fell at a rate of an inch an hour. On the citys west side, some of the departments 600 salt trucks were loading up and heading out. Mike claffey, a Transportation Department official, had a sense of foreboding about what was to come. As the afternoon goes on, were expecting wind, blowing snow, visibility is expected to be pretty bad. As the snow piles up and accumulates it could be very slick driving conditions. Reporter the storm will now move out over the mid Atlantic States dropping maybe six to eight inches of snow there scott, before hooking north and passing up the coast and the areas that are still trying to recover from super storm sandy. Pelley Dean Reynolds in the windy and freezing city. Thank you, dean. An announcement today from the agency that screens travelers at airports has a lot of folks scratching their heads now. The t. S. A. Says it will soon be okay to board a plane with a knife. Heres Homeland Security correspondent bob orr. Reporter its a partial roll back of one of the core Aviation Security changes triggered by the 9 11 attacks. After al qaeda terrorists used box cutters to kill flight crews and hijack four jetliners, the u. S. Government banned all knives on planes. Over the last 12 years, millions of knives have been confiscated at Airport Security check points. Now the ban is being relaxed. Effective april 25, air travelers will be permitted to carry small pocket knives, provided the blades are no longer than 2. 36 inches and no wider than half an inch. Box cutters, larger knives and those with locking blades and molded grips will still be banned. Flight attendants warn even the smaller knives present a threat inside the passenger cabin. Stacey martin represents Southwest Airlines flight attendants. Theyre allowing these items to come through, and theyre putting the responsibility of the cabin completely on us even though they know coming through security are these items. Reporter but the Transportation Security Administration argues the change brings u. S. Regulations in line with International Safety rules, permitting small knives. In recent months, the t. S. A. Has made other adjustments aimed at streamlining screening without compromising security. For example, children 12 and under and seniors 75 and older can now leave their shoes on at check points. Now in addition to the small knives, passengers soon will also be able to carry some golf clubs, lacrosse sticks and ski boards aboard planes. However, i have to say, with reinforced cockpits and on some flights air marshals and armed pilots its hard to see how any of those tools could be used to commandeer an airplane. Pelley venezuelas president hugo chavez died today after fighting cancer for the last two years. He was 58. Chavez was a hero to venezuelas poor, but he crusaded against american influence while at the same time selling the United States nearly a Million Barrels of oil every day. Heres jim axelrod. Reporter beloved and despised, hugo chavez may go down in history as one of latin americas most polarizing leaders, something even he acknowledged when he spoke to steve kroft in 2002. I have been compared to hitler, the devil himself, diablo and what i do is struggle for the people. I am a true democrat. Reporter he also became an outspoken critic of the u. S. Government. He accused president george w. Bush of acting like he owned the world. Adding to the tension was chavezs long list of dubious friends, a whos who of american enemies from Mahmood Ahmadinejad in iran, moammar qaddafi in libya and iraqs saddam hussein. There are people who have suggested that you are somewhat loco . I am aware that people say that about me. But i think that there are other people far crazier than i am. Pelley chavez handpicked his successor. Vice president nicholas madoro said late today that he is going to be taking over venezuela according to the law there, and the military chiefs in venezuela went on tv to pledge their loyalty to him. The new u. S. Secretary of state sat down with our Margaret Brennan today during a stop in the arabian gulf. John kerry said the u. S. Will send food and medicine to the rebels in syria who are trying to overthrow the assad dictatorship. But brennan pressed kerry on whether america will send weapons. The president is now ratcheted up the kind of aid that he is giving and who hes giving it to. Now directly to the Syrian Opposition and to the syrian military. But they say they have one tenth the amount of ammunition that they need. They need missiles. They need to be able to battle a professional military. Why not help them to speed up the process . There are a lot of countries doing a lot of Different Things right now. And i will go back and report to the president and the president obviously always has additional options on the table. But right now he and i think we feel that this step hopefully will send the right message. Pelley secretary of state john kerry. A star dancer at the bolshoi is arrested for an acid attack on his boss. And a beautiful look at where the new pope will be elected when the cbs evening news continues. T continues. Read an article about a study that looked at the Long Term Health benefits of taking multivitamins. They used centrum silver for the study. So i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. Always your most complete. Both tylenol and bayer advanced aspirin are proven to be effective pain relievers. Tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. Bayer advanced aspirin blocks pain at the site. Try the power of bayer advanced aspirin. Shes still the one for you you know it even after all these years. But your erectile dysfunction you know,that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. 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In a cbs News New York times poll out tonight, 71 of american catholics told us the next pope should favor artificial methods of birth control. 69 said he should favor letting priests get married. The same number said the new pope should favor letting women become priests. And more than half, 53 , told us that the church is out of touch with the needs of catholics. The cardinals have not set a date for the election, but today alan pizzey tells us the Sistine Chapel was closed to visitors to get it ready. Reporter it is the most beautiful polling station in the world, for the worlds most secret vote. But before the Sistine Chapel is used to elect the next pope, it must undergo a transformation. Tourists who pour in to gaze at michelangelos famous ceiling are banned. Chairs and long tables are added for the 115 voting cardinals who will elect the new pope. Retired Cardinal James stafford of baltimore took part in the last conclave in 2005. I was overwhelmed with the profound history that is everywhere present to us. The creation of the human race above us. Reporter to keep the princes of the church from modern temptations, cell phones and computers are forbidden. The frescoes and even the floors are swept for bugging devices lest anyone listen in on secret conversations. On the end wall, michelangelos last judgment looms as cardinals place their vote in urns in front of the painting. The new pope must be elected by a twothirds majority. A special stove is used to burn the ballots after each vote. If theres no winner, a chemical is added to produce black smoke. White Smoke Signals that a pope has been chosen. In the early days cardinals slept in the chapel in make shift huts which sparked unholy rivalry according to vatican art expert arnold nesselrath. Everybody had his little hut. And there was even competition because three times in a row the cardinal was elected who slept underneath the hanging over. Handing over of the keys to peter. Reporter after hes elected the new pope goes to what is called the room of tears to be dressed for his first appearance, often a deeply emotional moment. For example, pope pious the 10th, cardinal sarto went in 1983. Reporter is it clear they were weeping from joy or fear or penitentence . Basically tears of fear. Unworthiness. Its too much. Reporter the sistines glorious art work serves as a reminder of just how challenging the job will be. Alan pizzey, cbs news, rome. Pelley art history and intrigue go handinhand at russias bolshoi ballet. Today three men were arrested for an acid attack on the artistic director there. This is sergei filene before he was attacked in january. And this is after. He is still undergoing treatment. One of those arrested is a star dancer. The red cape on stage. His girlfriend is also a dancer and pavel dmitri chenko. He is in the red cape on stage. His girlfriend is also a dancer and is said to be feuding with filene. Mental Health Facilities have been closing all over america. Well show you where people who need help are ending up next. Next. Designed for Womens Health concerns as we age. It has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. One a day 50 . I remember the day my doctor said i had diabetes. Theres a lot i had to do. Watch my diet. Stay active. Start insulin. Today, i learned theres something i dont have to do anymore. My doctor said that with novolog® flexpen® i dont have to use a syringe and a vial or carry a cooler. Flexpen® comes prefilled with fastacting insulin used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. Dial the exact dose. Inject by pushing a button. No drawing from a vial. You should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injecting novolog® insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection . Do not use if your blood sugar is too low or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar which may cause symptoms such as sweating shakiness confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your Health Care Provider about alcohol use operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions and low potassium in your blood. Tell your Health Care Provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. Flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. Covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. Find your copay cost at myflexpen. Com. Ask your Health Care Provider about novolog® flexpen® today pelley Congress Today heard from parents of mentally ill children describing long waits for Mental Health care and a shortage of psychiatrists. The problems have become urgent in the wake of mass killings including those in newtown connecticut and aurora colorado. With a shortage of mental facilities jails have become the new asylums. We asked john miller to show us what that means. Reporter here at chicagos biggest jail, this mentally ill inmate did a front flip on her bed and refused her medications. Come on. Lay down on the bed. Reporter correction and medical staff moved in. They restrained her and gave her an injection. This is something that happens all the time here. The heart of it is were not a Mental Health facility. These people should not be here. Reporter Cook County Sheriff tom dart says its just another day at his jail. This inmate burst out of his cell and somersaulted over the balcony. He hit the ground below and tried to break out of a secure area. This man attempted to break his bed. These people by and large are not criminals. Theyre people with Mental Illness but when they act out they end up in the jails because its the only place that will take them. Reporter cbs news obtained records from Police Departments across the country many in states that have budget cuts to Mental Health care. Police logs in 12 cities reveal that Mental Health crisis calls have increased an average of 37. 5 over the last four years. Los angeles county sheriff lee bacca says more mentally ill people end up in jail when theyre not getting the medications they need. Is is that why the increase suddenly . I believe it is. I think that medication is the stabilizer for most mentally ill people. The money for that dried up with our california economy going south. And when they go off their meds, then they go back to the behavior that leads to a Law Enforcement solution. That was not the place for him to get the help he needed. Reporter Catherine Wooten of los angeles called 911 for help from her 23yearold son terrence suffered a mental breakdown in october of 2011. The police came and i thought that they were going to take him to the hospital but he wound up in county jail. Reporter police tell us with few Mental Health beds available at state facilities, they have no choice but to leave the fate of people like Terrence Wooten to the criminal justice system. They have a mental ward in county but he wasnt really getting the counseling and the therapy that he needed. Reporter youre not a psychiatrist and that jail isnt a hospital. Im not a psychiatrist. The jail has become a hospital and a defacto way for the mentally ill. They do commit serious crimes. We dont deny that. What is the remedy . Is it purely a criminal justice remedy . I dont think so. Reporter the department of justice says up to 64 of inmates at local jails have some Mental Health problem. Using that statistic, the two largest jails in the United States, cook county and l. A. County, would become two of the largest mental institutions in the country defacto. Pelley important story john. Thanks very much. The c. D. C. Is warning tonight of a serious and growing health risk inside hospitals. Newly discovered super bugs that resist even the strongest antibiotics. Half the patients infected through their bloodstreams die. These, quote, nightmare bacteria, end quote, as one official calls them, have turned up in 200 u. S. Hospitals. This is the night that san franciscos other bridge gets a chance to shine. Well show you next. Next. Male announcer ] thats why theres ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. I have low testosterone. There, i said it. How did i know . Well, i didnt really. 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Last night, he put the finishing touches on the Software Program that transforms the bridge into this light sculpture. This is a unique opportunity. 50 Million People will see this piece over two years. So thats a tremendous audience. And its something that anyone can see and engage with. Reporter electricians spent four months in the wind and the cold installing 25,000 l. E. D. Lights, each individually programmed to a fiberoptic network. Villareal then began sculpting the light into patterns he says will never look exactly the same. It changes constantly. How do you do that . Well, using software, there are sequences which will be displayed in a random order and for a random amount of time. One might recognize a certain passage but never in the same order for the same amount of time. Reporter youre inspired by the traffic that goes across here . All the motion, that factors into my inspiration for creating the pattern. So water, birds, its abstract and openended, but you can see what the roots of the inspiration are in the sequences. Reporter for 75 years, the bay bridge has been san franciscos other bridge, always in the shadow of its famous and elegant neighbor, the golden gate. Villareals job was to make people notice a bridge that has long been ignored. Its not a rivalry. I just think san franciscos so beautiful and, you know, this adds a little weight to this side of the equation. Reporter the project cost 8 million to create; but the l. E. D. S are so efficient, it costs just 15 a night to turn a workaday bridge into a work of art. John blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captions by caption colorado comments captioncolorado. Com your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good evening, im elizabeth cook. Im allen martin. The Oakland Police department has a new babysitter. A federal judge has appointed a former Baltimore Police commissioner to oversee the embattled opd and among his authorities, the power to get rid of the police chief. Kpix 5 reporter linda yee with the latest voice who will be weighing in on how to run a troubled department. Linda. Reporter well, liz, the city of oakland will now be spending more than a half Million Dollars for two police consultants. The first one started last month. He is advising police on how to better fight crime. This latest Court Ordered consultant now will be Monitoring Police behavior and is no stranger to that task. Compliance director Thomas Frazier already criticized how Oakland Police handled the early occupy demonstrations. The cops were outnumbered, he reported, and there was no stable department leadership. Now a federal judge wants frazier to make sure the city complies with courtordered police reforms. Does he have a lot of power . Yeah. But theres also a process. Reporter the reforms were ordered after four oakland cops who called themselves the riders were accused of beating and framing suspects back in 2000. The officers were never convicted. Fraziers Consulting Company has worked with los angeles and detroit on other Court Decrees but comes a month after bill brattons Company Started working to help cure the citys skyrocketing crime rate. They are going to do a short term plan to deal with meet quality of life crimes like how we better can deploy around robberies and burglaries, around car thefts. Reporter but who is really running the department . Its a confusing flow chart with police chief Howard Jordan in the middle. He answers directly to the city manager, the mayor and city council. Then chief jordan is getting advice on how to fight crime from bratton. At the same time, he will have to follow fraziers guidelines on how to reduce Police Misconduct complaints racial profiling and excess every use of force. Is chief jordans authority being diminished, mr. Frazier . No questions. Reporter the chief wouldnt talk about, the mayor tried to clarify. Frazier an bratton. Super cop talking about stop frisk and frazier saying you have to be careful about how you stop people. You have to be careful how you phrase it. The chief asked for some additional help. Reporter and she is not worried about the chief and frazier butting heads. Just a disagreement and if the city administrator and i agree with the chief, we have the right to go to the judge but i actually dont see that. Reporter frazier will start work sometime next week. Now, his appearance here, liz,

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