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This is the cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. Srecasters are watching two storm systems tonight that are axpected to team up and hit the sst coast as something of a super storm. Urr storm is moving in from the west, the other is hurricane sandy, now over the bahamas and heading north, highest sustained winds, 105 miles per hour. Rhis is how the hurricane looks srom space. Here is what its doing on earth. Iti,ding streets in haiti, sending waves crashing on to the shore in cuba, and knocking down trees and buildings. Where this cuban is walking, a house once stood. Sandy is blamed for at least four deaths in the caribbean. Blamrologist David Bernard is our cbs news hurricane ernaultant. And, david, where is sandy headed . Reporter thats a Million Dollar question right now, eport, that everybody wants to w, sco as you mentioned, lets look at aere sandy is right now. Its in the bahamas. Its a powerful category 2 storms with 105mileperhour winds and the thinking is, its going to kind of scoot parallel hr the east coast through sunday and be east of the outer banks ff North Carolina by then. But the real key is when does this forecast turn back to the forecaappen . That could be monday or tuesday. Anywhere from the midatlantic anyw to southern new england. So what does that mean for us . S . At means theres the ofssibility of stormforce winds, major coastal flooding, onwer outages, and in inland areas in the higher terrain regions, say western pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, and west virginia, we could be looking at some significant snows. How bad that coastal flooding is will depend exactly how strong the storm is, and the exact location where it makes landfall. On pelley david, why does it make that left turn youre talking about . Reporter thats the real tricky part of this and the very rusual aspect of this storm. What we have across the atlantic right now, we looking at what we kill a big block, and basically its a road block. Its preventing anything from turning back out to sea. Even irene moved up along the coast and parallel but scooted on. N out. That central atlantic block is probably going to force the iorm westward. The cold pool over the eastern united states, thats the winter storm you were referring to you. , thaake all the tropical energy, all the heat from the tropics, you combine it with winter cold, thats an explosive ingredient in the atmosphere and thats why we think this storm has so much potential. I encourage everybody to Pay Attention to what their local Emergency Management personnel tell them. Pelley the last major hurricane to hit the u. S. This late in the season, was wilma, sven years ago today. Maat was a category three storm. It killed five people in florida that and caused more than 20 billion in damage. Its the third costliest hurricane in the u. S. After andrew and katrina. We are down to the last 12 days of campaign 2012. That mpoll out tonight suggests that mitt romney has closedly the gender gap. Last month, president obama led poig women by 16 points, but rew, theyre dead even. 47 to 47. On the other hand, governor romneys lead among men has been cut from 13 points last month to just five now. 7 to 42. Most polls show the president ahead in ohio, and it may be ohio that tips the balance on election night. Both men were there today, and so is our campaign 2012 team. First, jan crawford with governor romney in defiance, ohio. Con. Reporter well, scott, romney was in four different tossup states yesterday. Today, hes spending every minute in one, ohio. He doesnt have to win this state to win the election, but do its going to be hard for him to do it without it. On november 6, im counting or bhio to vote for big change. Reporter hes hoping to see a change here in ohio, a state ifficur. Obama won by four points in 2008, and one thats proven difficult for romney to crack. The latest cbs news poll has him ton by five points, 50 to 45 , perhaps because hes been hit since the spring by a flood of vegative advertising in the oppe, because of his opposition to the auto bailout. But crossing ohio today, the Romney Campaign claimed it has amentum, the same poll shows romney has a strong edge in voter enthusiasm, which is a factor in turnout. Pod hes leading among independents, up by seven points in the cbs poll, 49 to 42 . In 2008, mr. Obama won that group by eight over john mccain. At a rally near columbus, romney wede a direct appeal to pedependents, hitting mr. Obama for failing to solve americas problem problems. They have not been able to define an agenda to get this economy going, to defend an agenda, in fact, the president s out of ideas, and hes hes ses,of excuses, and thats why in november youre gonna make sure and vote him out of office. Reporter now, romney wont be gone from ohio for long. Hes got Campaign Stops tomorrow in iowa, then hell be back here tomorrow night. The campaign knows its still got work to do to win over those independents and democrats who voted for the president four years ago but may not now. Scott. Pelley jan, one prominent republican who voted for mr. Obama four years ago endorsed him again today. Colin powell, the former ingretary of state, made the announcement on cbs this morning. I think this is an exciting race between two very, very capable men, and i signed on for a long patrol with president thin, and i dont think this is the time to make such a sudden change. And not only am i not nmfortable with what governor romney is proposing for his fconomic plan. I have concerns about his his views on foreign policy. Pelley and after that, mr. Obama telephoned secretary powell to thank him for his endorsement. Rdes icordes is with the president in cleveland tonight. Nancy. Reporter scott, the president is in the 35th hour of a marathon eightstate Campaign Swing that culminates tonight here in cleveland. Hes losing his voice, and thats kind of the point, to show that hes willing to go the les,a mile, or in this case, 7300 extra miles, to earn a second term. Ustjust have to keep on keeping on. cheers and applause . Until every Single Person out until eedse who needs to vote is going to go vote. Bo reporter bearing a simple message vote early the nresident boarded air force one yesterday morning, bound for iowa, then colorado, california, and nevada. If youre not going to sleep, epu might as well be in vegas. A reporter he spent the night flying back across the country to start the day in tampa, florida. By the time he arrived in richmond, virginia, he could barely deliver his signature catch phrase. Are you fired up are you ready to go im sorry, are you fired up t reporter from there, it was on to his home town of chicago, where mr. Obama became the first sitting president to cast his ballot early. Im just glad i renewed my drivers license. laughter . Reporter and when he was done, he urged others to follow his example. For all of you who have not yet early voted, i just want hatrybody to see what an incredibly efficient process this was. Reporter there are two reasons the Obama Campaign is pushing early voting so hard among its supporters. Irst of all, it creates the eatee of momentum if youre aging better than your opponent. And second of all, democratic voters tend to be more sporadic, lessreliable voters and early voting gives them more opportunity to go to the poll. N pelley nancy, thereof this, the president is among an estimated 7. 2 Million People who have already voted. More than half of those early voters are in seven of the states that could swing either way. 813,000 votes have already been cast in ohio alone, where Dean Reynolds tells us, no voter is safe from the campaign stalkers. You voted . All right, make sure you get youyone you know to vote. Reporter if youre a egistered voter in youngstown, ohio, chances are youll meet dave betras. Anyone need to vote reporter as chairman of the democrats, he will personally drive you on the obama express, then guide you and even push you to the polls to vote early. You going to early vote. T yup. Reporter combing neighborhoods like a fisherman hauling in a catch. Did you vote yet haul we want to remove every impediment there is for everyone to be able to exercise their onnstitutional rights and vote. Polls are open until 7 00 now. Po reporter hes haunted by the 2000 election and wants to keep ohio from becoming the new florida. People say one vote doesnt make a difference. Dean, 537 votes, 537 votes made george bush the president. This is really the last yard, isnt it. It i is the last yard, and it is the hardest yard. Reporter what happens if romney wins . Im im afraid of that, and i dont want to think of that. Reporter miles away on a bufferent bus, Scott Jennings is working to make that happen. P we see people who sometimes electelections coming out, taking advantage of early voting, and thats helping us close the gap with democrats. What we really hope is youll show up on election day and help lecvolunteer. Reporter jennings runs mitt romneys campaign in ohio and is focused on early voting, scheduling a series of get out ehe vote rallies across the state, hoping to identify who has and has not cast a ballot. Some time this week, we will have eclipsed our 6 millionth voter contact. We have eight, nine, 10, 12,000 people at some of these rallies. Thats eight, nine, 10, 12,000 people i can talk to about voting, volunteering, donating and generally getting involved in the campaign. Reporter and, according to our survey, the latest survey of people who have already voted thee in ohio, scott, the president leads governor romney 5439 . Pelley dean, youve been watching things for us in ohio seenast month or so. What have you seen that has impressed you in the last few days . Reporter scott, whats gotten our attention here is how keger people are to take advantage of the opportunity to vote early. At this polling place behind me, people have been lining up, some of them waiting as much as an hour to vote. Pelley dean, thanks very much. Last night, david martin broke the story that u. S. Military forces were alerted when terrorists attacked the u. S. Consulate in benghazi, libbia, last month. The u. S. Ambassador and three were kilericans were killed. It was the anniversary of 9 11. Today, the speaker of the house, john boehner, asked the Obama Administration for details of military options that might have been considered that night. Is all become controversial in light of the election. snight, david has learned more about the militarys response. Reporter two and a half hours after the attack began, an unarmed predator drone was diverted from a surveillance byssion over another part of libya to the consulate in benghazi. Spat, plus a second unarmed erone dispatched four hours and aryminutes later, were the only u. S. Military forces sent to the scene of the attack. Commandos were dispatched from europe to an airfield in sigonella, sicily, but by the time they got there, the attack in benghazi was over. In defense secretary panetta today defended the u. S. Military response, saying the situation on the ground was too confusing. You dont deploy forces into harms way without knowing whats going on, without having some realtime information about whats taking place. Reporter he said senior officers, including general carter hann, the u. S. Commander for africa, and general martin dempsey, the chairman of the joint chief of staff all opposed haeral information. General hann, general dempsey t ver, felt very strongly we could not put forces at risk in rat situation. Reporter the attack occurred 9 the anniversary of 9 11. Did you have forces on any heightened alert in that area because of the approaching anniversary . T we did. And let me point out, it was it was 9 11 everywhere in the world. Orteeporter Officials Say a general alert had been issued to u. S. Forces worldwide, but no necial alert for libya because lire was no intelligence elley ting an attack. Pelley david, thank you. Two americans are dead after an another insider attack in pfghanistan. Earolhave an update on the 15 liban fo who was shot by the taliban for her campaign to get girls in school. And a giant slugger bats his way into the record books. When the cbs evening news continues. Continues. If you have high Blood Pressure and get a cold get coricidin hbp. The number one pharmacist recommended cold brand designed for people with high Blood Pressure. 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Rer father, by the way, saying w had been honored by the outpouring, internationally, of sympathy for his daughter but as a father now his main concern was for her welfare and thats why theyve come here. Interestingly, as well, she apparently asked that he bring hirst foooks that were not taken when she was first brought here. So her thirst for education theinues, despite it all, that, of course, being the reason the taliban shot her in the first place. U pelley sounds like a good sign, though. What do you know about her condition . Reporter the hospital puts out a daily bulletin saying shes comfortable and responding tr treatment. Staff here at the hospital say she has made, in fact, what they call a dramatic recovery, considering what shes been through. The families say, by the way, they intend to return to pakistan once the treatment here re finished, including the reconstruction surgery that shell begin soon, that they havent gone through all of this to give up now, and that theyll backck despite the talibans threats, the pakistani government says this time when it offers security to the family, as it has in the past, r anont take no for an answer. Ark, lley mark, thank you. In afghanistan, two u. S. Troops were killed today in what appears to be another insider attack. A man in an Afghan Police uniform shot americans on a morning patrol. 35 americans have been killed this year in attacks by afghan allies. Alli we heard a remarkable moment from history today. Tnder what they chose to read he make the earliest recording of an american voice . Youll hear it when we come back. Back. Athe, back. I thought those days might be over. So my doctor prescribed symbicort. 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Orey were there to honor icgoverns Heroic Service as a bomber pilot in world war ii. Inside, mourners paused to pay neeir respects. Mcgovern died sunday. He was 90. It was 134 years ago that a speaker whose identity is lost fi history made what is believed to be the first audio recording in america. What did he choose to read . Mary had a little lamb. Listen closely. The recording was created on a sheet of tinfoil and played on a phonograph invented by thomas edison. Tee stylus usually destroyed the tinfoil after a few turns, so this recording, rough as it is, is considered to be a treasure. There was another rarity last night in game one of the world blries. San franciscos Pablo Sandoval homered in the first, third, and fifth innings as the giants beat htroit 83 before a hometown crowd. Sandoval, whose nickname is kung fu panda, joins babe ruth, reggie jackson, and Albert Puljos as the only men to hit anree home runs in a world series game. 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Reporter scientists are still mystified by this fungus, which shows up as a white powdery residue and disturbs the bats natural sleeping pattern. Basically causes bats to use up their energy that they have stored to get them through the winter and they come out of hibernation early before theres any food available and while its still very cold and they dont make it through the winter. Reporter white nose was first discovered in four caves in new york back in 2006. Now its in 19 states and moving further west every year. Researchers are doing everything from tagging bats to understand migration patterns to a project at Bucknell University in pennsylvania where 200 bats have been intentionally infected with the fungus to try to develop a possible treatment. We have never seen a disease like this. Reporter Ann Froschauer is with u. S. Fish and wildlife which coordinates the patchwork of research programs. How is it to go into one of these caves where youve seen a huge dieoff of bats. Its grim. It looks like a carpet of pine needles but you know its all bones. We are going to close it off. Reporter Cory Holliday and the Nature Conservancy are so concerned about the tennessee gray bat that they are taking a dramatic 300,000 Gamble Building a firstofitskind manmade bat cave. The bats will come, hibernate in the wintertime. After they leave in the spring, we can go in and clean the fungus out of the artificial cave. Reporter scientists hope by keeping the cave clean, they will be able to slow the spread of the disease. How many bats do you hope will hibernate in here . Eventually we could easily sustain 10,000 to 20,000. Theres enough surface area really for 200,000. Reporter if it works, other artificial caves could be built elsewhere which might help save hundreds of thousands of americas most endangered bats. Seth doane, cbs news, stewart county, tennessee. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captions by caption colorado comments captioncolorado. Com your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good evening, im dana king. Im allen martin. Its been one year since Oakland Police upended the massive occupy encampment downtown sparking destructive riots and tonight protestors have returned to Frank Ogawa Plaza to mark the anniversary. They are promising to keep the peace and so far, they have. But cbs 5 reporter da lin shows us police and local businesses are not taking any chances. Da. Reporter thats right. It has been peaceful so far. The occupy protestors have moved from the front of Frank Ogawa Plaza to right now in front of city hall about 200 people there right now. They vow to take back Frank Ogawa Plaza. Lets show you footage taken exactly a year ago when protestors clashed with Oakland Police. Officers fired beanbags and rubber bullets at the protestors. They demonstrated that night because police earlier evicted them from their encampment. Some oakland occupiers say

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