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the white house. with the race heading to the wire, president obama has wound up a meeting with cong with no final agreem dayan the latest on that meeting and what the stakes are, and we begin with the ior white house correspondent bill plante. >> president obama met for a second time. with congressional leaders late sunday trying to craft a grand bargain to cut government spending. over the weekend, they had appeared to be making progress. but last night, house speaker john boehner called it quits, saying simply that he didn't have the votes to pass something that sweeping in the house. "i believe the best approach may be to focus on producing a the sp mel can sham statement. the white house responded by repeating the president's insistence that ed approach must include revenue from ending tax breaks for special interest. and today, treasury secretary tim geithner was positive a deal will get done. >> and the leadership in the congress understand that, the speaker understands that. the republicans and democrats understand that. it has to be a deal. failure is not an option. ter: republican senato jackie melksham leader mitch mcconnell blamed the breakdown on the white h insistence on new tax revenue. >> to get a big package would require big tax increases in the middle of an economic situation that's extraordinarily difficult ment. shannon box it's a terrible idea. it's a job killer. >> reporter: democratic congressman hollen said republicans were at fault for refusing to budge on new revenue. >> at the end of the day, what we're seeing is that the priority of our republican colleagues is not to get a deficit reduction deal; it's to protect special interest tax breaks for big corporations. after a meeting the leaders left the white house without appearing before waiting reporters, sources tell cbs news they will meet again tomorrow with the president as time continues to run out. >> i do believe that -- this week and certainly by the end of next week we have to have agreement on the outlines of a package. it has to be clear that the leadership has found a way to solve this and they have a path to get votes for something. >> reporter: the president went into tonight's meeting ready to push for his grand bargain, the $4 trillion of cuts. republicans don't like it because it would mean tax increases. democrats don't like it because it would trim from medicare and other social programs. >> it is going to be difficult. the white house is positioning the president as somewhat above politics here trying to do a public service. >> bill plante cbs news, the white house. >> mitchell: and as bill mentioned the president and congress are up against an obvious second deadline to raise the debt ceiling. that deadline applies as well to the treasury department officials who may have to deal with a worst-case scenario. whit johnson is covering that part of the story. >> reporter: planning for the worst case in which lawmakers fail to raise the debt limit is a scenario treasury secretary timothy geithner won't talk about. >> i can say with total confidence, we have no other option to buy more time. and we don't need more time. >> reporter: but suppose a deal cannot be reached and the government can no longer borrow money. geithner may not say it publicly, but reports have surfaced that a small team of treasury officials is working on a contingency plan. there is a plan b. >> i think there has to be. >> reporter: steve mcmillin is the former deputy director of the white house office of management and budget under george w bush. a former insider, he says there are painful decisions about who gets paid and who doesn't. >> i would say the options treasury has if the debt limit is not raised are all very ugly. >> reporter: consider a recent report from the bipartisan policy center. it says in the month of august the treasury has to make $306 billion in payments, but it will take in only $172 billion. under one scenario, that's enough to pay interest on the debt, social security, medicare and medicaid, defense contractors and unemployment benefits. but there would be no money left for active duty military, federal workers and a slew of other programs. never before has raising the debt ceiling been so difficult. congress has done it 102 times since 1917, ten times in the last decade. this time, the treasury says there is no room for a last- minute deal. as negotiations drag on, credit rating agencies have threatened to downgrade america's credit. if they do, that will increase the cost to borrow money adding even more to the federal debt. whit johnson, cbs news, washington. >> mitchell: for more perspective on the debt talks and the politics behind them, we are joined in washington by our political analyst in washington, john dickerson. good evening. >> good evening. >> mitchell: give us an idea of the dynamics of a meeting like this. >> president obama is making a last pitch for that bigger deal, something close to $4 trillion in deficit reductions, arguing to republicans that if he's willing to take heat from democrats on the idea of trimming entitlements like social security and medicare, they should be open to the idea of raising revenue through doing something in the tax code. he'll say this is a unique moment. it may not be his last shot to make this case, but if in the next day or so he can't make some progress on this bigger deal, he's going it to have to work full-time on getting any kind of deal at all. >> mitchell: as bill plante pointed out, speaker boehner backed off on that grand bargain idea. what do you see as the significance of that move? >> well, speaker boehner and the president have a good working relationship going on, but when the speaker called this as a part of that relationship to be frank, open and honest, he tried to sell this to his republicans and what speaker boehner said in that phone call is he couldn't sell the idea of a deal based on tax reform in the future. and if you can't get the votes in the house, no deal is going to work. >> mitchell: obviously at some point some compromises are going to have to be made. in your mind, is there one side that has more to lose than the other? >> the president has the most to lose because if this hurts the economy as everyone believes it will, he is the one who pays a disproportionate share of the pain if something happens. and republicans also will pay political price which is why even though a big deal may be on life-support, a smaller deal of close to $2.5 trillion is something that both sides are optimistic and hopeful about. but it shouldn't be considered he cayoung some yung some hee kyung seo some sow sow sow sow seo paper. th d to the cameras as he headed out for dinner with rebekah brookes, his embattled british c.e.o. this is damage control by a man who shows well how to manage his message. but the phone hacking scandal has already cost him one of his most profitable papers. yesterday evening, staff leaving the "news of the world" for the last time put a brave face on the murdoch decision to shut it down. the "news of the world" was the best selling newspaper in britain. a cheeky blend of skin, scandal and gotcha journalism squarely aimed at british working people who enjoyed seeing the rich and the powerful taken down a peg or two. but not families touched by grief. the "news of the world" is under police investigation for hacking into voicemails belonging to relatives of fallen soldiers and a murdered teenager. journalists also hacked into the phones of celebrities who found out and sued. it was james, rupert murdoch's son and heir apparent, who authorized a reported million dollar out-of-court settlement to at least one of the hacking victims. this week, he admitted it was a mistake. >> i acted on the advice of executives and lawyers, with incomplete investigation and that's a matter of real regret for me personally. >> reporter: in fact, it raises some very dangerous questions for the murdoch empire, which includes fox news, the "wall street journal," and the "new york post." murdoch biographer michael wolff: >> james murdoch wrote the initial checks to the people who were suing the company. and the question that investigators are asking now, are they settlement checks or are they hush money checks? >> reporter: only a week ago, rupert murdoch and his powerful family business looked unassailable. not any more. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, london. >> mitchell: in news above the alexander vin oh company rvo world, the shuttle "atlantis" docked with the international space station today, 240 miles above the pacific. nasa officials are watching a piece of space junk that might come close to the shuttle tuesday just as the astronauts are scheduled to make a space walk. later, too many distractions. a boss says enough to texting and e-mailing on the job. jobless teens are finding profit in their own start-up businesses. and the growing famine in africa that's putting millions of lives at risk. those stories and more when the "cbs evening news" continues. seo and this is my cvs. we look out for patients by offering care 1 on 1. we help them save money with generic prescriptions. we talk to them about prescription safety and -- help them save money. plus we discuss possible side effects and -- help them save money! we help them save money. get care 1 on 1 and talk savings, safety, and side effects when you transfer or fill a new ongoing prescription. i'm carla, and this is my cvs. and his, too. control your budget? yes. our "name your 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mitchell: funeral plans have been announced for former first lady betty ford who died friday at the average the 3 -- 93. aye tribute service will be held tuesday on palm desert california. on wednesday her body will be flown to the ger ald r ford museum in grand rapids, michigan, where she will be intered next to her husband. the united states canceled or suspended $800 million in military aid to pakistan, about one-third the annual total according to administration officials. relations between the two countries have been strained especially after the u.s. raid that kill add bin laden. only a short distance from pakistan's leading military academy. the might of those trying to survive the drought hit horn of africa is far outstripping the ability of anyone to help. u.n.'s chief refugee official said today the crisis in somalia alone is the worst humanitarian disaster in the world. to give an idea of the scale he was visiting a refugee camp the size of cleveland. tony guida has more. >> reporter: look into this child's eyes. he knows something you and i will never know, how it feels to be desperately hungry. there are many children like him in this hospital in mogadishu, malnourished children, some close to death, all refugees from the drought and violence destroying somalia. >> if you are a hungry person, somebody once told me it feels as if there is bleach in your belly. it hurts so much. >> bettina luescher speaks for the world food program, the oortion will feed 6 million people in the horn of africa this year. but that's not nearly enough. >> we are in the middle of a perfect storm. >> the horn of africa is choking on the dust of the worst drought in 60 years. combine that with a massacre by islamic militants in southern somial -- somalia and rocketing food prices across account region and the u.n. says someplaces are close to famine. >> all of this together has created a huge and urgent humanitarian crisis. >> thousands are fleeing in search of food and water. >> maryann abdullah a bab dawned somalia with her six children, their cat kel died, they had no food. a grueling seven day trek brought them to this refugee camp in kenya can. the u.n. estimates a thousand somalies arrive here every day. >> we have the poorest of the poor, the most vulnerable of the vulnerable in the world. >> like other aid organizations the world food program has suffered cutbacks in government and private contributions. it needs 200 million dollars just to meet this year's needs. >> when people go hungry they have got three options. they can migrate. they can revolt or they can die. >> in the horn of africa they're doing all three. honey guida, cbs news, new york. osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or 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>> me too. >> michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> and that is the "cbs evening news." later on cbs, "60 minutes." thanks for joining us this sunday evening. i'm russ mitchell. cbs news in new york. scott pelley will be here tomorrow. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh for the families of seven missing fishermen. seven days and not a single sighting. the painful weekends desperate hopes for seven missing fishermen. >> i think he certainly should have first shot. he has done a lot for the community. >> the star power still shines for joe montana, but is it enough to win a sweet heart deal as part of the new 49er stadium. and the shuttle missed its connections, worried about the coming days in orbit for nasa. cbs5 news is next. d get you . i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there every step of the way. call or come in and talk with us today.

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