provide nonlethal aid to military partners. partners. has the pace picked up in terms of sending supplies in? >> reporter: absolutely. >> o'donnell: we met coleen denny in poland. >> the needs are endless. it's thousands and thousands of people that are asking, all the civilians that have joined the fighting, you know, become soldiers overnight. >> o'donnell: what's the number one need for ukrainians? >> body armor and helmets is the thing that keeps getting identified. >> we see the photos of the 18-year-olds who have their skateboarding knee pads and elbow pads on, and they're volunteering to go. >> hand the helmets to the tall people. >> o'donnell: much of the gear is stored here in a virginia beach warehouse. first aid kits... >> this is for any crest wounds. > o'donnell: protective body armor and other items are packed up. and sent to poland, filling every seat of this 767. >> you'll probably not find anybody else where an aircraft leaves the united states and the warriors have that equipment on their body in the same day.