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Biden can only enter the white house by proving he won. Is t house by proving he won. Is the president changing his tune one day after suggesting he would accept the Electoral Colleges decision. No proof of fraud a federal Court Deals Another Blow to the president s attempts to overturn his loss. The scathing ruling tonight from a judge the president appointed. Plus the former head of u. S. Election security talks to cbs news, his first interview since being fired by President Trump. Nuclear mastermind murdered mp. Ns Top Nuclear Scientist gunned down in an ambush thriller. Ut of a spy thriller. Was he assassinated by a u. S. Ally for developing nuclear lyapons . Tonight, iran threatens to retaliate. Ortested as coronavirus spreads, why are millions of Americans Still unable to get screened close to home. And equal play cbs Steve Hartman is on the road with a toy story about a Christmas Toy that led to fair treatment under this years Christmas Tree. This is the cbs evening news with norah odonnell, reporting from the nations capital. Brennan good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us. Norah is off. Im margaret brennan. Were going to begin tonight with breaking news. The c. D. C. Has called an emergency meeting on tuesday so an Advisory Committee can vote on which americans should get a corona vaccine first if one is approved by the f. D. A. Next month. The lastminute meeting comes as the u. S. Shatters another record tonight more than 13 million americans have now been infected by the virus as a surge of new cases nationwide shows no signs of slowing down. What is traditionally known as black friday with shoppers lining up for sales across the country is looking bleak for many tonight. More than 90,000 people are now hospitalized with covid19, with about 50 americans now dying every hour. And as we come on the air tonight, l. A. County is announcing strict new lockdowns for the 10 Million People who live there, shutting down most public and private gatherings and limiting how many people can enter businesses starting monday. We have a lot of new reporting for you and your family tonight, and our team of correspondents is standing by to cover it all. Cbs adriana diaz is going to lead off our coverage tonight from chicago. Good evening. Reporter good evening, margaret. On that l. A. News, the details are this all public and private anyone outsire now banned with anyone outside your household. There are two exceptions religious services and protests, which are protected under the constitution. They are turning up the dial to save lives and try to relieve a Healthcare System under stress. Tonight, more americans than ever are in hospitals with hovid. Covid. Giving day, thanksgiving day, hospitalizations nationwide hit a record high of more than 90,000 people. 32 states saw increases in new daily covid cases with pennsylvania, arkansas, and massachusetts breaking records. A dip in positivity rates in some states could be the result of a surge in preholiday testing, says dr. Emily landon, of the university of chicago medical center. A lot of people flooded into Testing Programs to get tested for before they traveled for thanksgiving. But they do bring the positivity rates down. By flooding the Testing Market with a number of lowrisk individuals. Reporter the c. D. C. Now says that the real total number of ess. Cases is likely eight times higher than previously thought due to underreporting, false negatives, and asymptomatic carriers who were never tested. R quarterback lamarck Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens tested positive yesterday. Hes the latest on a team grappling with an outbreak that punted their thanksgiving match up against the steelers to next week, testing the n. F. L. s protocols. On the vaccine front, tonight the c. D. C. Committee focused on distributing vaccines, announced that a vote on an emergency meeting on tuesday would lay out who gets the vaccine first. Were almost full, or full, kind of every day. Reporter and hospitals already on the brink are bracing for a new rush, given long lines on black friday, and after 6. 5 Million People flew this holiday week. Whats done is done in terms of our thanksgiving day gatherings. If you are worried someone at your thanksgiving day gathering has covid, you definitely want to quarantine. There are so many cases right now that you probably not hear from a contact tracer. Reporter in fact, dr. Landon says that here at University Dr chicago of medicine, theyre telling their healthcare workers if they had thanksgiving with more than five people from outside their households they thed to stay home for a week, then test, before coming back to work. Margaret. Brennan adriana diaz in chicago. A day after saying he would accept the Electoral College results, tonight, President Trump is falsely setting a new bar for joe biden to enter the white house, even after a deral jujudge mr. Trump appointed delivered a stinging rebuke of his latest legal challenge. Cbs ben tracy is at the white house tonight. Ben. Reporter margaret, with just 54 days left here at the white house, President Trump seems increasingly angry. Not only will he not admit that he lost, hes now demanding that president elect joe biden prove that he won. Before hitting the golf course for the second day in a row, President Trump was already teed off, bizarrely declaring that joe biden can only enter the white house as president only if he can prove his ridiculous 80 million votes were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. Twitter immediately flagged the tweet because there is no evidence of widespread fraud. Im the president of the United States. Dont ever talk to the president that way. Reporter during the president s combative thanksgiving News Conference, he again refused to concede, warning the Electoral College not to certify mr. Biden the winner. If they do, they made a mistake, because this election was a fraud. Reporter but today, the president s campaign was hit with another stinging legal defeat in one of its last attempts to overturn bidens win in pennsylvania. In a scathing ruling, a trump appointed federal judge says calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here. The campaign plans to appeal to the u. S. Supreme court, even as the trump administrations transition to president elect biden is well underway. Thanksgiving has always been a special time for the biden family. Reporter mr. Biden, who is spending the Holiday Weekend at his delaware beach house, is expected to receive his first president ial daily intelligence briefing monday. Certainly i will. Certainly i will, and you know that. Reporter while President Trump says he will leave the white house on january 20 if he isnt declared the winner, he wont say if he will attend no. Bidens inauguration. I mean, i know the answer ill be honest, i know the answer, but i just dont want to say it yet. Reporter President Trump iaans to campaign in georgia next weekend for two republicans running in Senate Runoff races there, but the president has sent some mixed messages because hes called his own loss in georgia fraudulent. He tried to clean that up a bit today on twitter, reminding his followers not to boycott that runoff election. Margaret. Brennan ben tracy at the d of the nat thank you. The former head of the nations cyber and Election Security agency is rejecting claims of forign interference in this months vote. Christopher krebs, who was fired by President Trump after the election, calls the allegations farcical. Scott pelley sat down with krebs for 60 minutes, his first interview since being forced out. Reporter let me ask for your reaction to some of the vote fraud that the president and his team have been alleging. Votes tabulated in foreign countries. So, all votes in the United States of america are counted in the United States of america. I dont i dont understand this claim. All votes in the United States america. A are counted in the United States of america. Period. Reporter Voting Machines corrupted by mysterious actors in venezuela. So, again, theres no evidence that any machine that im aware of has been manipulated by a foreign power. Period. Reporter communist money from china and cuba used to influence the election. Look, i think these we can go on and on with all the farcical claims that alleging interference in the 2020 election. But the proof is in the ballots. The recounts are consistent with the initial count. And to me, thats further evidence, thats confirmation that the systems used in the 2020 election performed as expected and the American People should have 100 confidence in their vote. Brennan you can see Scott Pelleys full interview with Christopher Krebs sunday on 60 minutes. Tonight, iran is vowing revenge an and accusing israel of playing a role in an ambush that left a prominent scientist dead. The mastermind behind Irans Nuclear program was gunned down in an apparent assassination today. No one is claiming responsibility. Cbs imtiaz tyab reports. Reporter the bloody aftermath of a brazen assassination. Irans Top Nuclear Scientist, mohsen fakhrizadeh, killed in broad daylight while traveling near the capital, tehran. Irans defense minister said the car carrying the scientist was shot at, then a truck bomb y. Ploded nearby. Fakhrizadeh was celebrated at home while irans enemies allege he led a military Nuclear Program in the early 2000s. Irans outraged foreign minister terad zarif tweeted the attack javad zarif tweeted the attack was an act of state ter was an act of state terror and saying there are serious indications of israeli involvement. And while he offered no evidence, israel has long been suspected in the assassinations of other Iranian Nuclear scientists. The Israeli Government has yet to respond, but in april, 2018, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mentioned fakhrizadeh in a News Conference accusing iran of lying about its nuclear ambitions. Remember that name fakhrizadeh. Reporter whoever killed the scientist, its likely to escalate tensions between tehran and washington. Earlier this month, President Trump apparently asked military aides about possible options against Irans Nuclear program, but is said to have decided against it at the time. The concern now is this situation could escalate, with iranian leadership vowing to retaliate. Now tz tyab, cbs news, london. Brennan now to the Holiday Shopping season getting underway tonight. The pandemic has made this black thiday unlike any other, with a surge of shopping from home, while millions of outofwork inericans are struggling to pay bills. Heres cbs nikki battiste. Reporter this year, black friday looks different. Its great because its not very crowded. A lot of people are not here. Reporter with covid19 cases on the rise, retailers arent encouraging those packed stores of the past, but that isnt stopping some people from spending. Were expecting another recordsetting year for holiday sales. Reporter how is that tossible . Increasing consumer confidence, Unemployment Rate is thtting lower each month. Consumer spending remains strong, buoyed by recordhigh savings accounts. Reporter with the projected 35 to 40 of sales online, it seems many shoppers will skip the stores entirely. Still, the merry Sales Forecast is tempered by millions who are struggling financially due to the pandemic, like 27yearold jessica mendez. She says shes down to her last 40 and worries about making Christmas Special for her boys. Its different this year, so santa is struggling. Reporter but with a touch of magic from the Christmas Tree project. Re you got a Christmas Tree reporter they got a surprise delivery. What is that . Reporter are you still excited for this holiday . Does it still feel joyful, given the circumstances youre in . It does. We received love by getting that tree, you know. Thats a wonderful blessing. And were all going to be together as a family. Hats a is coming to town thats what christmas is about. Reporter the Salvation Army told cbs news it expects to help about 155 more people with christmas costs this year if the resources are available. But the charity says it could see up to a 50 decline in donations due to the pandemic. Margaret. Brennan nikki battiste,. Hank you. Across the country tonight, mobile labs are being dispatched to parts of Rural America that still dont have covid testing sites. These socalled testing deserts have seen higher rates of covid deaths as the virus spreads undetected. Heres cbs mark strassmann. Lean your head back just a tad. There you go. Reporter lisa wright wanted a covid test. Ile tet this mobile testing lab, the 70yearold retired nurse would have to drive an hour to get one. I want to know whether, you know, i have it or not. Reporter set your mind at ease. Yes. Reporter roughly 13,000 people live in Sumter County, the poorest pocket of alabama. They learn to do without. But marcus campbell, a county commissioner here, drew the line at covid testing. We were a testing desert, and people would always ask when they heard about testing going no in other areas, why not in Sumter County . Reporter according to research by johns hopkins, communities of color often have ngss access to covid testing. In alabama, majorityblack counties tend to have fewer tests available than majority white counties. There are similar trends in oregon, delaware, new mexico, and south dakota, in predominantly hispanic and indigenous american counties. I lost two cousins and it was heartbreaking to me. We buried two family members on the same day. Reporter did it motivate you to get testing to folks who need it . Absolutely. Reporter campbell coordinated with Whatley Health services to set up drivethrough testing in west alabama. Since march, more than 4,000 people have been tested. 10 tested positive. It is rewarding to know that they can get it done. Make sure you continue to wear your mask. Reporter these mobile labs test two to three times a week in west alabama, a testing desert no more. Mark strassmann, cbs news,. Umter county, alabama. Brennan there brennan there is much more news ahead. Well be right back. K. Right down santa claus lane hes got a bag thats filled with toys for boys and girls again so jump in bed, and cover your head, cause santa claus comes tonight santa knows a gift when he sees one. Ford. Built for the holidays. Its just a cold. If you have high blood pressure, a cold is not just a cold. Most cold medicines may raise blood pressure. Choose coricidin hbp. The brand with a heart. For powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. New aveeno® restorative skin therapy. With our highest concentration of prebiotic oat intensely moisturizes over time to improve skins resilience. Aveeno® healthy. Its our nature™. Well, audreys expecting. Twins grandparents we want to put money aside for them, so. Change in plans. Alright, lets see what we can adjust. Wed be closer to the twins. Change in plans. Okay. Mom, are you painting again . You could sell these. Lemme guess, change in plans . At fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. Brennan tonight, a convicted felon with antigovernment beliefs is in custody after he was found with a loaded firearm and a bulletproof vest. Pepo herd el was arrested at a train station in boston and charged with illegally carrying a loaded pistol. El, also, allegedly obtained chemicals used to make explosives. He had been under surveillance. Archbishop Wilton Gregory of washington, d. C. , will make history saturday when pope francis formally elevates him to cardinal, the first African American to hold that rank. Gregory has been a leader in calling for a crackdown on clergy guilty of sexual abuse. A player on Vanderbilt Universitys womens soccer team is bringing her kicking game to the gridiron this weekend. Sarah fuller will be in a football uniform and ready to kick against missouri tomorrow. No woman has ever played in an s. E. C. Football game. Look for the message play like a girl, on her helmet. Theres more news ahead when we come back. Shes so beautiful. Janie, come here. Check this out. Let me see. She looks. Kind of like me. Yeah. Thats because its your grandma when she was your age. Oh wow. Thats. Thats amazing. Oh and she was on the debate team. Yeah, thats probably why youre the debate queen. Mmhmm. Ill take that. Look at that smile. I have the same dimples as her. Yeah. The same placements and everything. Unbelievable. The same placements and everything. Twto treat acute, nonlow back stmuscle and joint pain doctors with topical nsaids first. A formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. A formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. Brennan tonight, a major item is being checked off a little girls wish list after a toy maker followed her marching orders. Heres cbs Steve Hartman on the road. Reporter its already the best christmas ever for seven yearold vivian lord of little rock, arkansas. Look at this reporter but why such glee . So excited. Reporter over plastic toy soldiers . To understand, you have to go back to the summer of 2019. Im coming in for another shot. Reporter it was during one ds thatbrothers air raids that vivian was struck, struck by the vivian was struck, struck by the fact that her army men were all just that men. I noticed that there was no girl army men. Reporter no girls. They dont make em. Reporter my interview from e you dis. And were you disappointed when you found out there werent any . Very i dont know why anybody has not thought of that. Reporter so vivian wrote a letter that read in part, please, can you make army girls that look like women . She sent copies to several army men manufacturers, including jeff imel, owner of b. M. C. Toys in scranton, pennsylvania. I had never gotten a letter from a child like that before, but every now and then somebody asks, do you have any female toy soldiers . Reporter the answer has always been no, although jeff told me it was on a list of potential future projects. He even had concept drawings. They were doing sketches, but they were busy making boy army men. Reporter vivian just couldnt understand the injustice. And when poor jeff was faced with those puppy dog eyes. So. Reporter he surrendered. Im going to do it. Reporter youre gonna do it. Im going to do it. Reporter vivian put this to the top of the list. She put it to the top of the list easily. Reporter shortly after receiving vivians letter, jeff stedsted the first woman into the vintage plastic military. To today, there are 22 figures in all, and this holiday, the all, and this holiday, they will be taking up positions under Christmas Trees across the country. And that makes me super happy. I want to play with them every day. Reporter every day. A decisive victory in the battle for equality. Steve hartman, on the road, in lettle rock, arkansas. Brennan how cute is that . Well be right back. Well be right back. Asy. I can file and manage my claim, all on the geico app. Its not just easy. Its givingyourdog yourfitnesstracker easy. Oh, good boy. Yes, you got it woo already got my 40,000 steps today. Can i get a what what no pain, no gain haha. Its geico easy. With fast and convenient claims service. Look how fast im running good boy, chester. If you have postmenopausal and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong . life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. 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It wasnt a thing of great meaning but a thing of quality and purpose. This gift was used well. Over 40 years this thing of quality of purpose. Became a thing of the heart. A thing of a son. Skip to cold relief fast. Alkaseltzer plus power max gels. With 25 more concentrated power. Oh, what a relief it is so fast so this aveeno® moisturizer goes beyond just soothing sensitive skin . Exactly jen calm restore oat gel is formulated with prebiotic oat. And strengthens skins moisture barrier. Uh i love it aveeno® healthy. Its our nature. ™ brennan sunday on face the nation, ill talk to White House Coronavirus response coordinator dr. Deborah birx. And thats tonights cbs evening news. Im margaret brennan. Norah will be back monday and ill see you sunday morning. Good night. Right now at seven. Will a new strategy for Contact Tracing help tame a post thanksgivings urge . Were live the optimism. I think that is a much easier way to get a hold of people and get responses, definitely. I agree. I would respond to that for sure. It is really busy out here, there is a long line, and i have to park on the other side. Crazy black friday crowds in some parts of the bay area. Hardly any shoppers and others. A lot more mellow than i anticipated, traditionally. But you feel everybody is taking precautions. I guess. It could be better. The thrilling big game finish between cal and stanford that only a few fans could see

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