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Statues coming down crowds destroy monuments of Christopher Columbus and confederate soldiers, saying america must reckon with its past. Taking action and i need you now odonnell . Why the popular Country Music band Lady Antebellum says its time to change their name. Racing to a cure tens of thousands volunteer to get infected with the coronavirus. Could it accelerate the search for a vaccine . And the ethical concerns. And bracelets of hope now a nineyearold girl is helping the healing in minneapolis, all from her front yard. This is the cbs evening news with Norah Odonnell, reporting from the nations capital. Odonnell good evening to our viewers in the west and thank you for joining us. Were going to begin tonight with a stunning admission and apology from the countrys top military officer. General mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, now says he was wrong to join President Trump for a photoop outside of the white house grounds last week. The president led milley, along with other members of his cabinet, to st. Johns church last monday, just moments after protesters were violently cleared from Lafayette Park by riot Police Firing tear gas. But tonight, in a break with the president , milley said being there was a mistake and the military should never be involved in domestic politics. Milleys comments as a group of republican senators are also pushing back on President Trump, voting to moving forward with a plan to rename military bases cu on his way to an event in dallas today, the president lashed out leslon twier, algwith the federt on the nations economy. That forecast, along with growing concerns that coronavirus cases are spiking in parts of the country, sent Financial Markets reeling today. The dow was down more than 1,800 points, almost 7 , as all three major averages had their worst day since march 16. Well, theres a lot of news to get to tonight, and our team of correspondents is covering it all. Cbs weijia jiang is going to lead off our coverage tonight at the white house. Good evening, weijia. Reporter good evening to you, norah. Tonight, President Trump is not talking about that market tumble or the fact that another military leader is speaking out against him. Your reaction to milley . President trump ignored questions about the stunning comments from the countrys top military official as a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that i have learned from, and i sincerely hope we can all learn from it. Reporter general mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, expressed remorse for joining the president during a photoop in front of st. Johns church last monday, just moments after police used force to clear protesters nearby. I should not have been there. Mypresence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics. Reporter general mark milley and defense secretary, mark esper, had not even planned to be there. Cbs news has learned they were heading to the f. B. I. s Washington Field office when the call came from the white house to change course. The pentagon and mr. Trump are also at odds over whether to rename ten bases named after confederate figures. The president rejected the idea after esper and the secretary of the army said they were open to it. Still, the Senate Armed Services ommittee approved a measure to do so. South Dakota Republican mike rounds this is the right time for it, and i think it sends the right message. Reporter President Trump is still calling for an aggressive response to demonstrators, this time in seattle, after ridiculing washington states governor for being taunted and played by protesters. Got to have some strength. You have to have strength. You have to do what you have to do. Reporter mr. Trump made the remarks in dallas at a meeting about Race Relations and law enforcement. Notably, the citys police chief, sheriff, and district attorney, all of whom are African American, were not invited. President trump said he will sign an executive order related to the use of force, but it is far from a commitment to comprehensive police reform. He is under fire tonight for planning to hold a Campaign Rally in tulsa, oklahoma, on june 19, known as juneteenth, a holiday marking the emancipation of slaves. But the city of tulsa is the site of one of the worst race massacres in american history. Senator Kamala Harris said the rally is a Welcome Home Party for white supremacists. Norah. Odonnell weijia jiang at the white house tonight. Thank you. We turn now to breaking news in california and a dramatic gun battle between police and a suspect wanted in a shooting leaving a Police Officer seriously wounded. Jonathan vigliotti is at the scene. Jonathan. Reporter norah the Sheriffs Department announced the suspect is down after a threethundershower standoff with police that ended with heavy gunfire. We are told several Police Officers were injured during this gun fight. The extent of those injuries at this point is unclear. I can tell you several ambulances arrived here on scene. Armored Police Vehicles and choppers circling central californias wine country as local law enforcement, joined by the f. B. I. , searched for 26yearold mason james lira. Authorities say lira, seen here on surveillance video, used a handgun to fire dozens of rounds at the Police Department early wednesday morning. When Police Respond he shot 28yearold officer Nicolas Dreyfus in the side of the head. Dreyfus is now recovering in the hospital. This was absolutely an ambush and intended to kill law enforcement. Ian parkinson believes Police Brutality protests inspired lira and had this message. There are people who shouldnt be doing the job and do bad things. Were hoping the community will heal from this. Reporter the exact motive is unclear. Police say lira is a transient with a criminal record. And police have secured the scene as an investigation is now under way. The background of this suspect is unknown but he was able to evade police for nearly two days. Norah. Odonnell jonathan vigliotti, thank you. More now on covid19. 14 states have seen increases in hospital patients since memorial day. Tonight, North Carolina is rethinking plans to reopen schools and businesses. Nashville is delaying the next phase of their reopening. Confirmed cases in the u. S. Now top two million. The virus has killed more than 113,000. Cbs carter evans reports tonight from arizona, an emerging hot spot. Reporter arizona hospitals are overwhelmed, with i. C. U. Capacity near 90 in phoenix. Were going into that Surge Capacity now, and this is a problem. Please take this seriously. Reporter dr. Matt heinz is an internist in tucson. He points to scenes like this, shortly after arizona became one of the first states to lift sayathome orders. We did predict this, and we could have prevented it, if we had taken the appropriate steps. Reporter the states largest county has seen cases spike 77 in just the last 15 days. Arizonas now one of 14 states since memorial day with hospitalizations on the rise. All as states continue to reopen. West virginia is now allowing visitors again in nursing homes, and floridas governor says schools will fully reopen this fall. The risk to kids is significantly lower than it is for influenza. Reporter but for the sickest of patients, one glimmer of hope. This is a milestone. Reporter a remarkable recovery of a woman believed to be the first covid patient in the u. S. To get a doublelung transplant. She was in her 20s with no Underlying Health conditions, the virus ravaging her lungs. Yeah, you know, i can confidently say that if she didnt get the transplant, she would not be alive. Reporter doctors say hospitals will continue to be flooded if people dont take precautions, especially true in arizona, where dr. Heinz says too few are heeding the warnings. People just arent wearing masks. Theyve been warned. Theyre not taking it seriously, and at some point, youre going to have to make it compulsory. Reporter well, just a short while ago, arizonas governor said the state is not in a crisis. But the president of the arizona hospital and Healthcare Association says 11 hospitals here are now at i. C. U. Capacity. Norah. Odonnell carter evans, thank you. Lets go now to minneapolis, where the rank and file say they are open to change in the Police Department. A group of officers wrote in an open letter that they wholeheartedly condemn fired officer Derek Chauvin, and say he failed as a human. Heres cbs jeff pegues. Reporter tonight, minnesotas governor unveiled a sweeping package of Police Reforms more than two weeks after George Floyds death. It includes limiting use of force and changing the way officers are prosecuted and trained. Minnesota will change what accountability looks like. Reporter Community Activists came out today in support of the steps the Minneapolis Police chief has already taken by withdrawing from contract talks with the police union as he seeks to revamp his agency. Sources tell cbs news that investigators are looking into whether george floyd and Derek Chauvin knew each other while working at the same minneapolis nightclub. In his first interview with cbs news, david pinney, who also worked at the club, said he knew both men and watched them interact with each other. Is there any doubt in your mind that Derek Chauvin knew george floyd . No. He knew him. Reporter and that they bumped heads. How well did he know him . Id say pretty well. Reporter but days after our almosthourlong interview in which he described an emotional bond with floyd, pinney is suddenly backtracking, saying he confused floyd with a different African American coworker. We spoke with him again today. Well, im good with faces, somewhat, but im really bad with names. Its a sad thing and i have to fix what i put out there. Reporter pinney does stand by his comments about chauvin. You told us that chauvin was aggressive toward minority patrons. I stand by that. That is thats 100 accurate. Reporter it is still a mystery how pinney could mistake floyd for another coworker. Floyd stood out in part because he was 64 and over 220 pounds. Here in minneapolis, they are still protesting here behind me. This one is being led by George Floyds friend, former n. B. A. Star stephen jackson. Norah. Odonnell jeff pegues, thank you. Protesters around the country are targeting statues they see as historic symbols of injustice. In the last week, three monuments have been pulled down in richmond, once the capital of the confederacy. Cbs chip reid reports tonight from richmon reporter late last night, richmond, virginia, protesters brought down a statue of jefferson davis, the president of the confederacy. On tuesday in richmond, one the of Christopher Columbus was toppled and dragged into a lake. Another columbus statue met a similar fate in minnesota. Jefferson davis, just down the street, the president of the confederacy, thats down. Could robert e. Lee be next . Hes on borrowed time. Reporter Julian Hayter is a professor at the university of richmond. Whenever there are moments of social unrest and racial upheaval, the monuments are in the proverbial crosshairs. Reporter its part of a Nation Movement against what many see as symbols of white supremacy. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is urging congress to lead by example and remove 11 confederate statues from the capitol. This is a perfect time for us to move those statues. Reporter and nascar has sparked controversy banning the Confederate Flag at events. Bubba wallace, nascars only fulltime African American driver, said it was long overdue. Its not that were saying no other lives matter. Its more were trying to say that black lives matter, too. Reporter but driver Ray Ciccarelli called the change political b. S. And said hes done with nascar at the end of the season. Here in richmond, virginia, the statue of robert e. Lee has become a peaceful, multiracial gathering place. We talked to a lot of the people over there, and most of them said they want that tatue to go, but they want the graffiti to stay, with many of them saying they believe the graffiti is a work of protest art. Norah. Odonnell chip reid in richmond, thank you. Tonight, moderna plans to begin its final stage of vaccine testing next month. There is a quicker way to prove if a vaccine works, and that involves exposing someone to the virus. Cbs Elizabeth Palmer looks at the ethical concerns in our series, racing to a cure. Reporter jason crowell, an American Lawyer living in london, is in the pink of health. Tats why he wants to get infected with coronavirus. Did you lose any sleep over making your decision . No, not at all. Reporter crowell is one of thousands who have signed up with a Group Pushing for socalled challenge trials, to test covid vaccines. They are in development, but testing them is getting harder. Right now, volunteers get a shot of vaccine, and then go back to their lives and just wait to be exposed to other people who have coronavirus. But as the pandemic in most developed countries eases, there are fewer and fewer with the virus. So results could take months, or even years. Enter the challenge trial, a fast track where volunteers will be deliberately infected with the live virus. Certainly efficient, but it poses serious ethical problems. Because even a weak dose of live virus could make the volunteers really sick, and theres no drug to cure them. But there is an equally serious up side, and that is proof the vaccine works could come in as little as two months. Thats convinced crowell, who believes economic damage from the pandemic threatens his and his childrens future. That, to my mind, is a bigger risk to them than what i think is a relatively small risk of losing a parent. Reporter its a brave, personal gamble for the greater good. Elizabeth palmer, cbs news, london. Odonnell and there is still much more news ahead on tonights cbs evening news. A famous band. That famous band, and alist brands, all making big changes after the killing of george floyd. Later, how a little girls big idea is helping her city recover. Farxiga does. More than help. Lower a1c. If you have type 2 diabetes. And risks for heart disease,. 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Farxiga when this crisis is dongoing to be overp. And we dont know exactly when the stock market will reach its bottom, weve got to be prepared for this to last a long time. If you assume that youre out of work for nine months but you end up only being out of work for. So heres to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, longlasting protection. Because your strength is supported by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Youre not welcome here get out of my face hpv can cause certain cancers when your child grows up. Get in its way. Hpv can affect males and females. And theres no way to predict who will or wont clear the virus. But you can help protect your child by taking a first step. The cdc recommends hpv vaccination at age 11 or 12 to help protect against certain cancers. Hey cancer not. My. Child. Dont wait. Talk to your childs doctor about hpv vaccination today. Is joining amazon and i. B. M. In refusing to sell its facial Recognition Software to police until the controversial tracking technology is regulated. The tech giants are among a growing number of American Companies facing a racial reckoning in the aftermath of George Floyds killing. Heres cbs adriana diaz. Reporter in nikes new ad, the shoemaker is using its just do it brand to say what not to do dont turn your back on racism. Dont accept innocent lives being taken from us. Its a quarter after one today, Country Music band Lady Antebellum changed its name to lady a, saying it recognizes the dark history behind the name, and didnt take into account its connection to slavery. Lost all control and i need you now reporter theyre examples of a cultural shifts and racial sensitivities after more than two weeks of mass protests, from ben jerrys to bandaid. So far, companies have pledged more than 1. 7 billion to advance racial justice. How does america know that these messages of solidarity arent Just Lip Service . Cursory actions that have been taken in the first five days of this new movement are not sufficient to be able to tell whos serious and whos just talking. Reporter fashion entrepreneur aurora james wants more companies to put their words into investment. Thats why she launched the 15 pledge, calling on retailers to commit 15 of their shelf space to blackowned companies. Sephora has signed on. We need actionable change, long term. And we need investment into black people in this country in a really real way. Reporter adriana diaz, cbs news, chicago. Odonnell and coming up next, how a young girl and her friends are helping minneapolis heal from her own front lawn. Youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. Even in early stages. Tell me more. 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Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. The past few weeks have left Many Americans wondering how they can channel their grief and anger into something positive. Cbs jamie yuccas reports a young girl and her friends are leading the way. Reporter when nineyearold Kamryn Johnson saw the protests over the death of george floyd, who was killed while in Police Custody about 20 minutes from her home in minnesota, she wanted to help. I wish people would treat us the same as they treat other people. Reporter she and her friends like to make colorful string bracelets, so they decided to sell them to help local blackowned businesses that burned during the protest. I just felt really sad what happened, so. And i was fine if i didnt earn any money, and i just wanted it to go to the people in minneapolis. Reporter kamryn and her friends have raised an incredible amount 80,000 so far. Ron johnson is kamryns dad. For a nineyearold to do this, you know, i know anybody can. What can you do to make it better, you know . Its not sit around and wonder and worry. Its, you know, lets make a change. I like making other people happy. Reporter why does it feel good to make other people happy . Because thats what god wants you to do. Thank you reporter proving even doing something small can make a big difference. Jamie yuccas, cbs news, chanhassen, minnesota. Odonnell first of all, did you notice kamryns shirt says, smart girls rock . Also, kamryn told us she wants to be a nurse when she grows up so she can help people even more. Well be right back. 2 diabetes . Audreys on it. Eating right. And staying active . On it audrey thinks shes doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk . Maybe not. Jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. So it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. And it lowers a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening bacterial infection. In the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection,. Ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction and dont take it if youre on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack . On it with jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. You turn 40 and everything goes. Tell me about it. You know, its made me think, im closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. Hm. Im thinking. Will i have enough . Should i change something . Well, youre asking the right questions. I just want to know, am i gonna be okay . I know people who specialize in am i going to be okay. I like that. You may need glasses though. Yeah. Guidance to help you stay on track, no matter what comes next. So heres to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, longlasting protection. Because your strength is supported by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Evening news, cbs Steve Hartman goes on the road witho without baseball. The unexpected results when he reaches out to none other than babe ruth. And if you cant watch us live, dont forget to set your dvr, so you can watch us later. Thats tonights cbs evening news. Im Norah Odonnell in our nations capital. Well see you right back here tomorrow, and good night. Right now at 7 00. Breaking news. A day long manhunt coming to an end in dramatic fashion. A shoot out in San Luis Obispo county just a short time ago. Plus were live with the new plan that could dramatically change chaps what happens when you call 911. I believe at this point in time theres an appetite. And a group of teens swept away in a rip current at ocean beach. Why it could have ended much differently. If it werent for the 2 surfers, this could have had a much different outcome. Right now on kpix 5, streaming an sn

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