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Lines, frustration and fear. With more than 15 Million Students out of school, and more businesses closing as the country prepares to hunker down. Economic nightmare trillions of dollars already lost worldwide. Are layoffs looming . Major airlines say the virus could cause more cuts than after 9 11. Social distancing doctors say its the key to containing the spread, so what are the best ways to keep yourself safe . Americas former Surgeon General joins us with advice. And Steve Hartmans on the road. When a man posted a hateful message about a political candidate, the response was kindness, and you wont believe what happened next. This is the cbs evening news with Norah Odonnell, reporting from the nations capital. Odonnell good evening thank you for joining us. Were going to begin tonight with breaking news, the president declaring a National Emergency, which he says will unleash the power of the federal government to combat the coronavirus pandemic. And with frustration over who can be tested and when hitting a boiling point, the white house announced a new plan and said it is launching a new website designed to help people get checked for the virus. And for the first time, the president now says he will likely be tested himself, though he says he has no symptoms. Well, tonight, as the outbreak continues to spread, he says the next eight weeks are critical. U. S. Cases now top 2,100. At least 50 people have died. At least 50 people have died. You have seen it at home store shelves in some cities now bare, and Key Industries are taking a beating. The fallout is now hitting millions of working americans who are living paycheck to paycheck. We are covering it all tonight, but were going to start tonight with weijia jiang at the white house. And, weijia, what does this Emergency Declaration mean . Reporter well, norah, today, President Trump tried to restore confidence in his administration by announcing 50 billion of aid, and that new website, built by google, that is meant to screen potential new coronavirus victims, though, it wont be ready until sunday. The president also tried to offer calm as everyday lives are turned upside down. President Trumps National Emergency Declaration unlocks as much as 50 billion to states and municipalities to deal with coronavirus, allowing fema to assist by getting around legal barriers. The president said he would also waive some laws and regulations to expedite treatment for patients. Well remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver our people the care that they need and that theyre entitled to. Reporter mr. Trump claimed it wasnt his fault that coronavirus testing had gotten off to a slow start in the u. S. I dont take responsibility at all. Reporter he said the government will work with the private sector to make more tests available, including setting up drivethroughs at stores like walmart, and a new website designed by google, dedicated to screening people. President trump has said he hmself does not need a test because he does not have any symptoms. Doctors have said you might have it even if you dont have symptoms. Are you being selfish by not getting tested and potentially well, i didnt say i was not going to be tested. Reporter are you going to be . Most likely, yeah. Not for that reason but because i think i will do it anyway. Reporter last weekend at maralago, mr. Trump met with the president of brazil. In this video, he is seen with the brazilian president s press secretary, who has since tested positive for the virus. Two senators and the mayor of miami, who also met with the official, have selfquarantined, but the president has taken no precautionary steps, even as he urges americans to be vigilant. All americans have a role to play in defeating this virus. Reporter even as he took several executive actions and asked every hospital in the country to launch their Emergency Response plans, mr. Trump tried to reassure americans. Some of the doctors say it will wash through. It will flow through. Interesting terms. And very accurate. Odonnell and weijia joins us from the white house as this breaking news is just coming in that the speaker of the house and the white house have reached a new deal for aid. What you can tell us . Reporter thats right, norah. Just a short time ago, President Trump said they were still negotiating, but House Speaker nancy pelosi says the deal is done. It includes two weeks of paid sick leave, help feeding families, especially children, and more funding for medicaid. Norah. Odonnell all right, weijia, thank you. America woke up to a new normal today with supermarkets running out of food and parents scrambling to find day care. At least 14 states have closed all of their classrooms. Thats nearly 22,000 schools nationwide. The masters Golf Tournament was called off. And Royal Caribbean canceled all cruises for at least 30 days. Mola lenghi joins us tonight from new york citys times square. And, mola, well, its usually a lot more crowded there. Reporter well, yeah, norah. With coronavirus cases spreading by the day and the closings and cancellations mounting throughout the country, it seems Many Americans are now preparing for the worst. Grocery Stores Nationwide were flooded with anxious shoppers hoping to stock up on toilet paper, thermometers and canned goods. I knew there was going to be a line but i didnt know there was going to be a line that goes the full city block. Reporter but many left disappointed as shelves sat empty. Some are too scared to shop. In bend, oregon, one woman tweeted that she found an elderly couple in their car in tears because they were afraid to go into the store. Really just felt like a no brainer thing to do in the moment. Reporter across the country, families are preparing for weeks at home as nearly 22,000 schools are closed or scheduled to close, affecting more than 15 Million Students. Many people are struggling to get tested for the virus. Drivethrough Testing Centers like this one in new rochelle, new york, which can test 200 people a day, are now available in 17 states. In new york, which has the most number of cases than any other state, Governor Andrew Cuomo says the states are picking up where the federal government fail. The testing is not where it needs to be, right. The main way to slow the spread we know from all the other countries, is to do the testing, isolate the positives. Reporter 74yearold judy lapar has been in quarantine at an airbase in georgia for three days. We have not even been asked to be tested. Reporter and spent over a week stranded on the grand princess off the california coast. We have our temperatures taken in the morning and the evening, and probably if anybody has a high fever, they probably make them go to the hospital. But everybody ive talked to are still here. Reporter well, as we mentioned, here in new york, there are more confirmed cases than any other state, topping 400 at this point. And Governor Cuomo guessed today that there are still thousands and thousands of cases that we dont yet know about, norah. Odonnell all right, mola, thank you so much. The stock markets ended a brutal week on a positive note. The dow rallied almost 2,000 points today, about half of that coming as the president spoke in the final hour of trading. By the closing bell, it was up more than 9 . But millions of americans are starting to feel the pinch of lost work hours, declining sales, and slumping consumer confidence. Here is cbs News Business analyst jill schlesinger. Reporter the market rebounded, but it may take more than the president declaring a National Emergency to calm nerves. Stocks were down nearly 10 on the week, as investors remain on guard. The reason is we just dont have a handle on the shape of the economy. New unemployment claims were down from a week ago, but theyre expected to jump when fresh numbers come out next week. Hardest hit the airline industry, where layoffs are likely, due to the unprecedented falloff in demand. Hotel occupancy in touristrich San Francisco is off by as much as 60 this month, but its millions of workers in the service industry, like waiters and hotel staff, that could be hit the hardest. Recent losses on wall street could spread fear into the there is a very tight link between whats happening in the markets and what happens in the economy. People look at their 401 k statements. They spend less, they save more, and theres less demand in the economy. Reporter and thats what worries smallbusiness owners and lower wage workers who are going to need the details of that Financial Assistance from the government to weather whats likely to be a pretty tough few months ahead. Norah. Odonnell jill, thank you. We want to bring in dr. Vivek murthy. He served as Surgeon General in the obama administration. Doctor, thank you so much for being here. Im really glad to be with you, norah. Odonnell there are so many questions people have, our viewers have, about social distancing. Can people spend time with small groups of friends . If youre thinking about getting together with a small group of friends, you know, four, five, six friends, you have to be thoughtful about what contact those friends have with other people. And, you know, if they are in contact with folks who may be at risk or if you are living at home with somebody who is in a higher risk group, somebody who might be older, above the age of 60, or somebody who has other conditions, like Heart Disease or diabetes, i would be cautious about even those gatherings. Odonnell is it okay to go to the grocery store, basic things like that, go to restaurants . Well, i think that its inevitable that we have to go out a little bit. We have to go get food. I would be conscious of what surfaces i was touching. I would not touch my face. I would wash my hands certainly after i got back from the grocery store. But we just have to realize that everything we touch potential source of risk. So we should be careful about washing regularly and avoiding touching our face. Odonnell you know, a lot of times when i open up a doorknob i go like this and i open it like that. Is that okay . Well, its certainly better than using your bare hand, but since youre still carrying your sleeve with you and you may touch your sleeve with your other hand, its ideal if you had some wipes with you and if you could actually reach for that doorknob with a wipe. Odonnell you have written extensively about loneliness as a Public Health concern. How about that now with this social distancing . Well, i think we have both a risk and an opportunity here. The risk is that as we distance ourselves socially from other people, we run the risk of being increasingly lonely. If we are conscious of the fact that our social connections may take a hit here, what we need to do is compensate for that. It turns out that compassion and care for others are one of our greatest weapons. Odonnell be kind to one another. Check in on one another. Dr. Vivek murthy, thank you so much. Thank you, norah. Odonnell and now to that question about testing. Today, the president said repeatedly it would soon be widely available. But the u. S. Has fallen short. Fewer than 17,000 people have been tested since the first case was detected here nearly two months ago. But tonight, there are some encouraging signs. Walmart, walgreens, and cvs say theyll open up their parking lots for that drivethrough testing. Jamie yuccas reports tonight from the mayo clinic in rochester, minnesota. I hear on the news, test, test, test. And i figured that id be able to get one. Reporter joseph lanza has a sore throat and fever. He owns a Manufacturing Company near new rochelle, new york, a hot spot of coronavirus. Hes frustrated he cant get tested. And i might put people at risk. Its not fair to them. So its very challenging for lots of us. Not knowing is horrendous, and without testing i cant go to work, i cant make decisions and it will impact my company dramatically. Reporter hundreds of thousands across the country are also asking, where are the millions of tests that the government promised . At the white house today, President Trump said they were coming soon. This will start very quickly, and we well have the ability to do in the millions over a very, very quick period of time. Reporter Health Officials say a delay in testing is slowing the ability to contain the virus, so commercial labs have stepped in, like the mayo clinic, where they developed their test in three weeks. It typically takes six months. We realized that the Public Health infrastructure wasnt going to be able to accommodate all the testing that was going to be needed, and that Clinical Laboratories would need to step up and participate. Reporter matthew viniker runs the team of 15 who worked around the clock to develop tests for mayo. Should we have been prepared for Something Like this . Its always easy in hindsight to think about what we could do better and how do we Work Together to end this outbreak. Reporter who can get a test has become confusing. The c. D. C. s guidelines now say that anyone with a doctors referral can get their cheek swabbed, while here at the mayo clinics drivethrough, where 300 people a day can be tested, they first have to call a hot line and have the nurse determine if their symptoms warrant coming here. Norah. Odonnell and, jamie, are they hoping that they can test more people . Reporter well, as i said, its 300 people a day right now. The doctor told me that later this month, they hope to get that number up to 1,000 a day. Odonnell well, people are clamoring for it. Jamie, t. And there is still much more news ahead right here on tonights cbs evening news. Are americas 6,000 hospitals ready to treat a flood of coronavirus patients . What weve learned about the shortage of hospital beds. Later on the road how a candidates startling decision to open his heart opened a mans mind. Mans mans mind. Oriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated. With an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Well. You said you wanted a new chair. Earn unlimited 5 back on everything you buy at walmart online, including things for your new puppy. No no no no. 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Researchers at Johns Hopkins university used government projections for a flu pandemic as a guide, and estimate that 200,000 to 2. 9 Million People could need intensive care depending on the outbreak severity, but the u. S. Only has 65,000 i. C. U. Beds currently available. Can we go inside . Sure. Reporter like this isolation room at chicagos Rush University medical center, where a coronavirus patient was recently treated. Dr. Brian stein says they could scale up to 100 isolation rooms in hours. We have the ability to double up on beds which could double our ability to take care of coronavirus patients. Reporter across the country, some hospitals are preparing outdoor facilities, like these processing plants just for coronavirus patients, all in an effort to keep medical staff healthy and working. Adriana diaz, cbs news, chicago. Odonnell were going to continue to follow this story very closely. Coming up next, Steve Hartman with a politicians unexpected response to a message of hate. Hate. Its tough to quit smoking cold turkey. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. 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We still have 12 hours to australia. Mucinex lasts 12 hours, so im good. Now move kim nooooo mucinex has a patented tablet that lasts 3x longer, for 12 hours. Odonnell well, theres no denying it politics can get ugly in this country. The question is how can we change that . Steve hartman may have found an answer on tonights on the road. Reporter when youre muslim and running for u. S. Congress as qasim rashid is in virginias first, you expect vitriol. Just some of the most grotesque things that you could ever say to anybody. Reporter heres the latest who sends Something Like that . I didnt believe that there was a place for them in our government. Reporter oz dillon was hoping to rile a response with his comment, and, boy, did he get one. I stared at the screen, just reading it over and over and over. He reached across that gap and took my hand. Reporter when quasim looked at this guys old facebook posts he found lots of offensive comments, but he also learned he had crushing medical debt to the point where he even set up a gofundme account. And thats when quasim knew how he had to respond. He posted this note to his 400,000 followers and people did, paying off every penny of his debt, more than 20,000 total. And my mind was just a whirlwind a tornado of of, you know, what in the heck have i done . He asked forgiveness, which i said absolutely. Theres nothing to forgive. Youre my brother in humanity. And then he asked me to come visit him. Reporter quasim obliged, and this week they saw each other again at a local coffee shop. How are you, my brother . Reporter debating issues . An undocumented immigrants. Can we say illegal . No. Reporter and dispelling misconceptions. Theres nothing wrong with dogs in islam. Really . No. Reporter oz said he learned a lot from quasim. But that doesnt necessarily mean youre going to vote for him. Exactly. Thats not what its all about. The first thing i said to him was im not doing this for any favor. And he responded and said, thats fine, but i need you to put your yard signs for your campaign on my lawn so everybody can see it. Reporter today that sign went up, a huge four by six message to the community, that we need to return to civility, now more than ever. If we can do that our prayers will be blessed and our actions will be blessed. And our lives and children will be blessed. Amen to that, amen. Reporter Steve Hartman on the road in stafford, virginia. Odonnell now more than ever is right. Ending hate with humanity. Amen to that. Well be right back. Well be right back. Right back. Well be right back. Stretched days for it. Juggled life for it. Took charge for it. So care for it. Look after it. Invest with the expertise of j. P. Morgan, either with an advisor. After all, its yours. Chase. 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Hope you have if i could do one thing, id make sure there were more textbooks in schools. Im a teacher. Ive seen the need, but my girlfriend here likes to say. Dont just talk about it, be about it. And were about the 2020 census. Because when everyone gets counted on the census, it helps inform public funding in our neighborhood for the next ten years dont just talk about it be about it complete the census online, by phone or by mail. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov. There is a lot of people panic buying for sure. The rush to stock up tonight and it is not just cleaners and sanitizes anymore. Shoppers are reporting shortages on food. They areawide. Why the demand for day care is about to go way up. Moore moves at local School Districts including the bay areas largest ones. It will be a hardship on families. Im not sure. We will be able to supply about 400,000 test on average a week. Pe1 2 million tests

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