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An emotional tribute to a Fallen California Police officer. Thousands of people attending lhe funeral for natalie corona. You were once an angel amongst humans. Now you are an angel amongst sigels. President trump will meet for a second time with north Korean Leader kim jongun. The next summit will happen near the end of february. The 46th annual march for life. 100,000 people gathering at the National Mall to peacefully tiotest abortion. We stand for life. A new star rising in womens tennis. American amanda anisimova, pulled off a stunning upset at the australian open. The unranked 17yearold beat her 11thseeded opponent. I cant believe that this is happening. Glor good evening. Im jeff glor. And this is our western edition. Were going to begin here tonight with the fallout from an explosive report about the president and the investigation swirling around him. An article in buzzfeed says the president ordered exlawyer Michael Cohen to perjure himself before congress. House democrats are vowing a new investigation. The president and his advisers responded saying cohen, who was sentenced to three years in toson in part for lying to congress, is lying again. Heres paula reid. Reporter its the most dmaging legal allegation against the president to date. Buzzfeed news reports that President Trump directed his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to lie to congress. Mr. Trump has previously denied ordering cohen to commit wrongdoing. Ea reporter at issue a real estate deal to build a trump tower in moscow that Michael Cohen was negotiating during the 2016 campaign. The deal never went through, and cohen told Congress Talks ended 2 january 2016, shortly before hee iowa caucuses. He has since admitted that was a lie and that negotiations continued until mid2016. In november, he pleaded guilty to lying to congress. According to buzzfeed, special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence it was President Trump who told cohen to lie about the timeline. The article cites two unnamed federal Law Enforcement officials involved in the nyvestigation who say there are company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents that show mr. Trumps involvement. Last year, the f. B. I. Raided cohens home and office, removing reams of evidence. In a statement, the president s lawyer, rudy giuliani, said of the buzzfeed article, if you believe cohen, i can get you a great deal on the brooklyn bridge. And the president tweeted, cohen is lying to reduce his jail time. Cbs news legal analyst Rikki Klieman if the special prosecutor onally has evidence, in addition to Michael Cohen, that shows that the president told Michael Cohen to lie to congress, President Trump is in some serious jeopardy. You may not be able to indict a scesident, say some legal scholars, but it certainly means that this is exactly the type of crime that would go forward toward an impeachment proceeding. I do. Reporter at his confirmation hearing this week, senators questioned attorney general nominee william barr about whether asking a witness to lie would be considered obstruction of justice. You also said that a president or any person convincing a witness to change testimony would be obstruction. Is that right . Yes. Reporter late this evening, the special counsel released this statement in response to buzzfeeds reporting loff. Glor paula, thank you very much. Tonight, a major winter storm is moving across the midwest it toward the northeast. Effects of the storm will touch 30 states with snow, ice, and rain, at times very heavy. Then temperatures plummet. Haactor trailers piled up on an interstate in minnesota today. Orvid begnaud has more on a rough winter weekend. D reporter tonight, over 100 Million People are bracing for the Winter Weather wallop. The best we can do is prep, go out there, put the plows, do the best job we can. Reporter the major winter storm is barreling across the country, bringing heavy snow, ice, and wind. Its already targeted the sierra nevada, the plains, and the midwest, where a plane slid off yhe runway at omahas airport after landing in icy conditions. No one was injured. Now the storm is heading east. The governors of pennsylvania and new jersey have already ryclared states of emergency. T this storm has the potential to deliver every Winter Weather tetion that Mother Nature has. G reporter crews are getting ready to hit the roads to plow, lolt, and sand. But officials are telling people sust stay home. If there is ever a weekend to stay in and binge watch ormething, this may be it. Reporter here in new york city, they have 270,000 tons of nalt, just like the salt in your kitchen. But heres the catch tomorrow theyre going to add calcium chloride to that. Hee combination of the two really help to melt the snow and the ice. But, jeff, as one official told us, you can add whatever ingredient you want, when we hit , deep freeze near zero, theres no ingredient that will stop the ice from forming, so it sounds like an indoor weekend. Glor yes, indeed, good. Thats a lot of salt. David begnaud, thank you very much here. Lonnie quinn is here now. Lonnie, yes, storms do come in winter, but this one could be dangerous. You betcha, and i think its that ice element that could end up being the most dangerous part of this storm. Now, the storm is getting onronger right now. The center of circulation is around the panhandle of ullahoma. But now it starts to pull in some of this gulf coast moisture. So as it pushes to the east, its going to pack a good punch here. Ouw, as it moves through chicago, tomorrow morning, its snow in chicago. St. Louis, youre right on the ainsnow line, and then pushes into the northeast cities. So by saturday evening, new york, boston, youre starting off as snow. But it will change over, it changes over to rain. Look at this big swath of pink. Thats sleet, thats freezing rain. Freezing rain is the most dangerous element of this storm. It then pushes out, maybe a little trailing snow afterwards. But take a look at the amount of snow that were talking about. The biggest members will still be found i think from albany, new york; all the way to bangor, maine. And thats one, two feet of snow, maybe more at the higher elevated spots. But you also heard about the this really freezing cold air behind it. Its going to crash those temperatures. We are talking by the time you get to, say, monday morning, look at this. Its going to be feeling like 30, 35 below for burlington. 20 below, harrisburg. Dayton, 20 below. One place that actually has a forecasted temperature warmer than we thought two days ago. We thought for the Football Game would be 0 degrees at kickoff. Now we believe its going to be 28 degrees as the patriots and chiefs battle it out at arrowhead in kansas city. So thats the way we see it, jeff. Glor feels like 21 degrees, so warm. All right. This is balmy for them. Glor all right, lonnie, thank you very much. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today officially called off her congressional trip to afghanistan. The president had canceled a military plane yesterday, citing the government shutdown, now in day 28. The speaker said she then planned to fly commercial, but accused the white house of a security breach. The fact that they would leak the commercial that we were flying commercial is a danger, not only to us, but to other people flying commercially. Reporter do you view this as retaliation for your letter about the state of the union . I would hope not. I dont think the president would be that petty, do you . Glor the white house denied leaking any sensitive information. President trump says hell make a major announcement tomorrow. We are learning he will propose a deal to end the shutdown. But no further details are available right now. A standoff has put on hold dozens of investigations by the National Transportation safety board, including that of a terrible crash this month on i75 in gainesville, florida, that killed seven. Kris van cleave reports nearly the entire n. T. S. B. Staff is on furlough. Reporter cbs news obtained documents showing the shutdown has prevented the n. T. S. B. From igunching 74 accident investigations, including probes of 12 plane crashes that killed 18 people. Like this Small Plane Crash in n,aver island, michigan, where the pilot died. N. T. S. B. , we contacted, they are not coming. T reporter and this one in sioux falls, south dakota, that killed two. Were waiting until the n. T. S. B. Gives us further direction. Its really in their hands. Reporter of the 397 employees at the n. T. S. B, just 26 were deemed essential to manage the shutdown. In order to recall more investigators there has to be a reasonable likelihood of an imminent, lifethreatening safety issue. Of the 74 missed investigations, at least 20 were deadly, dvolving 35 deaths and 18 injuries in the air, on the water, and on the roads. The gainesville, florida, crash this month was the deadliest not to be investigated. Ne n. T. S. B. Also did not gather evidence after this december n cident in new jersey that killed four, including two brothers. Just five investigators have oeen recalled, four to work on re voice recorder of the 737 7at crashed in the java sea last year. Sources worry the shutdown is causing the board to miss fuportunities to prevent future accidents that will ultimately cost more lives. Jeff. Glor kris van cleave, thanks. The white house today announced a second summit with north korea. The president and kim jongun are aiming to meet at the end of february. At the first summit last june, kim made a vague promise to denuclearize, but little has been done since then. Margaret brennan has more on ceis. Reporter north koreas top nuclear negotiator, kim yongchol, spent 90 minutes with President Trump at the white couse this afternoon and persuaded him to hold a second summit with kim jongun, now scheduled for late february in either vietnam or thailand. The promise of a february meeting is considered progress, and the Trump Administration is eager to jump start the stalled diplomatic talks. Ed the United States is going to continue to keep pressure and sanctions on north korea until we see fully and verified denuclearization. Reporter since the president and kim jongun met in singapore tast june, the north koreans have not delivered on what mr. Trump said was an agreement to get rid of their nuclear program. Their missile bases remain operational, and they continue to improve their weapons capabilities. Sst yesterday, the pentagon warned that north korea still poses an extraordinary threat. That raises the stakes for next hnths summit. Vice president mike pence indicated wednesday that the crministration is not satisfied. We still await concrete steps by north korea to dismantle the Nuclear Weapons that threaten our people and our allies in the region. Reporter details of kim yongchols washington visit were closely held, and he cmains under u. S. Sanctions. Greeted by u. S. Diplomats after arriving, kim yongchol was taken to this washington hotel, becoming the first north korean official to overnight in the Nations Capital in nearly 20 years. Over the past year, kim jongun has sent six letters to President Trump in an effort to build a personal relationship, and another was expected today. Fhen it comes to the date and details of the february summit, those still havent been finalized, which gives both sides flexibility to delay, if necessary. Jeff. Glor okay, margaret, thanks lor that report. We will see you on sunday. Margarets guests on face the nation this sunday will include democratic senator and president ial candidate Kirsten Gillibrand and republican senator john kennedy. There is news just coming in from chicago tonight. Former Police Officer Jason Van Dyke has been sentenced to 81 months thats nearly seven years in prison for the 2014 murder of laquan mcdonald. Van dyke, now 40 years old, eauld have been sent away for secades. The video of the white officer firing 16 shots at the africanamerican teenager inflamed the city and brought dyke said, i will have to live with this for the rest of my life. The family of an american man killed in a terrorist attack in kenya have traveled for 38 hours from houston to nairobi to bring their son home. Jason spindler was a 9 11 survivor who had made a new life overseas. Debora patta spoke to his parents today. We knew, once we heard from ome embassy, there was no question that we were going to come here and bring him home. Excuse me. We also wanted to meet with all r s friends and thank them. Reporter when news broke that armed gunmen had attacked an upmarket complex in nairobi, jason spindlers parents, joseph and sarah, said it felt like 9 11 all over again. He would have rushed in and lpied to help people. Thats just the type of individual reporter so maybe you thought thats what he was doing in all that time . I did. I just i who imagines that their child is killed in a terrorist attack . Reporter but the unimaginable had happened. You were able to visit him today and pay tribute to him. T we did. We went to see him. And as you would expect for any parent, it was it was so cold. As devastating. Reporter after 9 11, spindler gave up his highpowered wall street job to tvest in developing countries, believing it was the best way to reduce terrorism. Jason made an impression on anybody that he was energetic. He was handsome. Et was thoughtful. He was an athlete. You know, we say he was the allamerican boy. Reporter debora patta, cbs news, nairobi, kenya. Glor coming up next here on tonights cbs evening news, we have some new details on an avalanche in new mexico that turned deadly. Il. Unpredictable crohns symptoms following you . For adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease, stelara® works differently. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. 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Move free ultra. Movement keeps us connected. Glo glor we showed you the tscue yesterday of two skiers buried alive in an avalanche in new mexico. One later died. Carter evans says the young man had traveled a long way to ski in taos. Reporter more than 100 emergency workers and volunteers formed lines, frantically searching for skiers buried in the deep snow pack. Among the missing, 26yearold matthew zonghetti, an expert skier from massachusetts. His family says he was on an annual fatherson ski trip. The trail was open, and he went down. My husband went down a different one because hes not as good a skier, and then the avalanche happened. Reporter zonghetti had been trapped in the hardpacked snow for 22 minutes before he was finally pulled out. He died a short time later. We were best friends. He was my world. I love him. Reporter as a second rescued skier recovers from his injuries, there are mounting questions about why a ski lift providing easy access to the expert trails was open that day. Taos ski valley c. E. O. David eorden. Avwe did thorough avalanche control work, even in the area where the slide took place. We felt that the conditions were fine. T reporter authorities are still trying to determine what triggered thursdays avalanche. Carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. Ni glor up next here tonight, the super blood wolf moon. I dont keep track of regrets. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins andals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. I take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It works 24 7. 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Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. This is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12hour. And this is charlie still not coughing while getting a little too into nanas party. Surprise delsym 12hour. Nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. But in my mind im still 35. Thats why i take osteo biflex to keep me moving the way i was made to. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the longterm. Osteo biflex because im made to move. Glor it is the super blood wolf moon. Theres a Lunar Eclipse coming cote sunday night. We earth will pass in front of the moon, blocking the sunlight making the surface appear bright red. The moon is closer than normal, and its january hence, the oper blood wolf moon. Today, we learned the names of the four americans killed wednesday in an isis suicide bombing in northern syria. Army chief warrant officer jonathan farmer of boynton beach, florida, leaves a wife and four children. He was 37. Navy chief cryptological technician, shannon kent, from pine plains, new york was 35, ofth two kids. Scott wirtz of st. Louis was a former navy seal working for the hefense department. Ghadir taher, a syrian immigrant who lived in georgia, was an interpreter. She was 27. We also learned today that Sergeant Cameron meddock, an army ranger, has died after geing wounded in afghanistan last week. He was 26 years old. On the road with Steve Hartman is coming up next. Great news, Liberty Mutual customizes uh uh i deliver the news around here. Sources say Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Over to you, logo. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Our grandparents checked zero times a day. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why theres ocuvite. Screen light. Sunlight. Longer hours. Eyes today are stressed. But ocuvite has vital nutrients. To help protect them. Ocuvite. Eye nutrition for today. 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Thats why i choose miralax. Look for the pink cap. Thanks to move free ultra 2in1. I keep up with this little one. See the world with this guy. And hit the town with these girls. In a clinical study, 4 out of 5 users felt better joint comfort. Move free ultra. Movement keeps us connected. Starts with looking buiat something old,nk and saying, really . So capital one is building something completely new. Capital one cafes. Inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. And savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. Because thats how it should be. You can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. Seriously, 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Glor Vince Lombardi famously sid winning isnt everything. Hes the only thing. Er never met marek bush. But Steve Hartman did on the road. Get a piece of him get a piece of him reporter as a state champion wrestler, marek bush has very few real competitors. But the sophomore from Central Valley academy near utica, new york, does have at least one rival a junior from indian river named logan patterson. Marek met him on the mat earlier this month. I practiced hard that entire eeek, and i wanted to beat him. Reporter Terry Kavanaugh was the referee. Ive been in sports a long ime, and ive never seen anything like it. Reporter as expected, it was a great match, until, with just about 30 seconds left, logan twisted his elbow. whistle oh, my god t reporter up to that point, marek had been losing, but logans arm was now so badly injured there was almost no way marek couldnt win, so he told his coach, i got this, and went back in to do what he says he had to do. Thats marek in the blue. Again, all he had to do was stand up and pin his hobbled opponent, but instead, marek did lathing. applause he just told logan he was sorry about his arm and surrendered. Gan couldnt believe it. He just sat there. He didnt move. I think it was the goodness out of his heart. Hes a great person. I dont know if it makes me look kind of like a weakling. Reporter no. Thats all right. Reporter no, it doesnt. No, hes no weakling at all. E mean, state championships come and go, but that, you cant take hhat away from a kid. E applause reporter the crowd watched on their feet and through blurry eyes as marek lost the tournament but won the admiration of everyone in the gym. Most especially his dad, bob. Yup. Im very proud. Its not about winning all the time. Its about doing whats right, and he did. Reporter more importantly, karek thought doing the right thing would make him look like a weakling, but he did it anyway. Now, thats a powerful kid. Steve hartman, on the road, near utica, new york. Glor that ts evening news for tonight. Im jeff glor. Have a great weekend. See you on monday. Good night. Announcer its time to play family feud give it up for steve harvey [captioning made possible by fremantle media] [cheering and applause] steve appreciate that. Thank yall very much. Appreciate you. Thank yall. Ahia it. Thank yall. Well, welcome to family feud, everybody. Im your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] got another good one today. Returning for their third day, with a total of 20,450 bucks, from right here in l. A. , california, its the champs, its the robinson family. [cheering and applause] and from san diego, california, its the zhang family. [cheering and applause] everybodys here trying to win theyself a lot of cash, and somebody got a shot driving out of here in that brandnew car. [cheering and applause] lets go meet the zhang family. [cheering and applause] hi, sara. How are you . Sara im well. How are you . Steve good, good. All right, sara, introduce, everybody. Sara well, this is my radical cousin rachel, my beautiful cousin brittany, my talented cousin tiffany, and my terrific cousin tina. Steve all right, good. [cheering and applause] welcome to the show. Im assuming you came here to win some money. Sara yes, we did. Steve well, lets get it on. Lets play feud. Give me jonathan. Give me sara. Top 7 answers on the board. We asked 100 single women. Youre talking to a cute guy at a party. What does he tell you about himself that causes you to lose interest

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