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This is the cbs evening news with jeff glor. Glor this is our western edition. Good evening. The federal government is reopening tonight. Nearly three days after a dispute over immigration led to a closure. Senate democrats and republicans reached a deal today to fund the government for a few more weeks and put off a potential daca fix until next month. We begin tonight with chief Congressional Correspondent nancy cordes on capitol hill. The republican leader and i have come to an arrangement. Reporter it took 60 hours of strange negotiations and shuttle diplomacy just to get the government reopened. The yeas are 81. The nays are 18. Reporter the grand bargain a bill to fund the government for two and a half weeks and a firsttime promise from g. O. P. Leader Mitch Mcconnell that thereafter he would put a bill protecting socalled dreamers up for debate and a vote. So im glad weve gotten past that. Reporter 16 progressive senators, including several president ial hopefuls, wanted to hold out for more. California democrat Kamala Harris said mcconnells vow fell far short of an ironclad guarantee. To my mind they got nothing to show for that. Closed due to government shut down. Reporter but with many landmarks shuttered and hundreds of thousands of workers furloughed, most Lawmakers Said the offer was good enough. Theres no way the democrats caved. I think democrats got a better deal than people expected. Reporter four congressional leaders will now have 17 days to craft a plan providing legal status for nearly 700,000 immigrants. Lets get the Government Back up and get it solved. Reporter House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy is one of the four. Weve been in a meeting every single day. Were working towards it. Were making progress. Reporter but success on this issue is far from certain. Theres a history around here of people screwing up immigration on both sides. Reporter and the shutdown left a lot of lawmakers feeling down themselves. Everybody else in america is kind of wondering how some folks up here made it through the birth canal. Reporter in an attempt to get back on americas good side, congress did authorize back pay for all those furloughed workers. And the funding bill that passed today also reinstated the Childrens Health Insurance Program for six years, a big democratic priority, jeff. Glor nancy cordes, thank you very much. White house correspondent Major Garrett is at the other end of pennsylvania avenue. Major, is there an indication we know what the president is looking for now in an immigration bill . Reporter well get to that in a minute, jeff. One of the reasons the nation didnt see the president this weekend is because the white house strategy was not to have the president appear to own any part of this shutdown. And the president s lack of engagement, not a single phone call over the weekend with democrats, led to a victory largely on his terms, as the press secretary said, this afternoon what the president did clearly worked. Now, the big question, as you indicated, what will the white house demand in exchange for providing protection from deportation for the socalled dreamers . Well, there are concerns here at the white house that in the process mr. Trump could be accused by the hard right of granting amnesty, and so there will come a request for billions of dollars for the boarder wall and significant changes to the visa lottery system and Legal Immigration through family ties. No specifics yet from the white house, no sense of what the president s bottom line actually is, but the top advisers say this shutdown victory might give the president more flexibility because hes proven to his Political Base he can and will drive a hard immigration bargain. Jeff . Glor our chief white house correspondent, Major Garrett. Major, thank you. The president delivers his first state of the Union Address next tuesday evening. Cbs news live coverage of his speech and the democratic response begins at 9 00 eastern time. That is 8 00 central and 6 00 in the west. An explosion ripped through a drilling rig in eastern oklahoma this morning. One official on the scene said pretty much everything that is on location is on fire. Demarco morgan is there. Reporter just before 9 00 a. M. Central time, an explosion at a gas well just west of quinton, oklahoma, sent workers running for their lives. This is the rig. Its obviously been blown off the top of the platform. Reporter 17 people managed to escape. Five are still unaccounted for. Pittsburgh county sheriff chris morris. Theyre all pretty shook up from what ive seen, which is expected. Its a pretty traumatic deal to go through. Reporter Authorities Say they dont know what caused the explosion, and the company does not have a history of incidents. Kevin enloe is the pittsburgh county Emergency Management director. What do we know about five still unaccounted for . We dont. All we know is they are missing at this point. Reporter at this moment are you fearing the worst . Im staying hopeful. I want to stay optimistic, but, you know, it was a very intense fire. Reporter authorities are not letting anyone get close to the site of the explosion. The fire is still burning. Searchers have not been able to get closer than 100 feet to the rig to search for the five missing workers. Jeff . Glor all right, demarco, thank you very much. Thick smoke filled the air in north texas today. Grass fires there shut down highways for a time and forced evacuations over a wide area. More than 1,000 acres have burned with strong winds fanning those flames. No injuries have been reported. The chairman, vice chairman and treasurer of u. S. A. Gymnastics resigned today under pressure from the u. S. Olympic committee. It is the latest fallout from the larry nassar scandal. He is the former womens team doctor for u. S. A. Gymnastics and Michigan State university who has pleaded guilty to abusing young patients. Today more of his victims spoke at his sentencing hearing and dr. Jon lapook is following the case. Im possibly the last child you will ever assault. Reporter 15yearold Emma Ann Miller was one of the youngest people to read her statement. She saw nassar monthly for five years. M. S. U. Sports medicine charged me for those appointments. My mom is still getting billed for appointments where i was sexually assaulted. Reporter today a Michigan State University Spokesperson said patients of nassar will not be billed. M. S. U. Has been criticized for their handling of complaints against nassar. We sat down with four athletes treated at m. S. U. Among the survivors providing victim statements during nassars sentencing hearing. Gymnast Larissa Boyce says in 1997, when she was 16, she complained to m. S. U. Coach kathy klages that she suspected abuse. Kathy came back in the room and said, i can file something, but there will be serious consequences for you and dr. Nassar. And i said, well, i dont want to get anybody in trouble. I just felt humiliated. I felt silenced. I felt embarrassed. Reporter coach klages was suspended and then resigned from m. S. U. Last february. Her lawyers declined to comment, citing ongoing litigation. Our stories are so eerily similar, it makes my chest hurt. Tiffany thomas lopez played softball for m. S. U. She says he was abused by nassar from 1999 until 2001 following a back injury, and that she complained to an m. S. U. Athletic trainer. And she says, youre going to make a lot of people uncomfortable. You can do this, you know, she made sure to tell me, like you can do this, you can file a complaint, but this is going to be big news. Whats going to happen to him . Thats what it was all about, you know. Whats going to happen to him. Yeah. Reporter in 2017, m. S. U. Police did an investigation into nassar. In their report they say the m. S. U. Trainer has never had an athlete tell her that nassar made them uncomfortable. Back in 2014, an m. S. U. Investigation into a complaint against nassar cleared him of sexual harassment, but led to guidelines that including having someone else in the room and having little skin to skin contact. After that at least 12 assaults by nassar were reported. Glor jon lapook, thank you very much. Vice president mike pence told Israels Parliament today the u. S. Embassy will be moved to jerusalem by the end of next year. The announcement drew mostly cheer, but a group of israeli arab lawmakers tried to heckle the vice president. They were quickly removed. Supporters of a palestinian state insist jerusalem is their capital. The top u. S. General for the middle east visited raqqa in syria today as part of an effort to stabilize the city that isis controlled for many years. Among the many who escaped when isis was vanquished is a little boy with a curious story that has an american connection. Heres holly williams. Reporter when eightyearold ayham elias was reunited with his family in november, more than three years after he was kidnapped by isis, they immediately noticed a change. Hed somehow learned to speak fluent english. Reporter an American Family . Yeah. Reporter how long did you live with them for . Reporter thats right, ayham says he lived with an American Woman and her children for two years in raqqa, then the so called isis capital. He called the woman sam. Her hair is like your hair. Reporter its like the same color as mine . Yeah. Reporter its an extraordinary story but seems to be confirmed by this isis propaganda video. It shows ayham with a boy he identifies as yusuf, who is sams son. Ayham says sam treated him with kindness. We cant confirm her identity and dont know how she ended up living under isis, but ayham claims she was forced to agree to the propaganda video. They have a gun to her head. They said, you have to make it. Reporter they held a gun to her head . Yeah, they said, if you dont do it, were going to kill you. Reporter but this eight yearolds ordeal didnt end there. He was inside raqqa as it was pummeled by u. S. Coalition air strikes. All the night theyre bombing our house. Reporter ayham is now safe with his extended family, but he says he misses sam and her son yusuf. Reporter holly williams, cbs news, dohuk, in northern iraq. Glor the universal language of eight year olds. Now to other stories were following in the evening newsfeed, authorities in afghanistan say at least 22 people were killed when militants stormed a kabul hotel. The siege lasted 13 hours. Many of the victims were foreigners, including pilots for an afghan airline. No americans are believed to be among the dead. All six attackers were killed. As the worlds economic leaders gather in davos, switzerland, a study out today says 82 of all the wealth created in 2017 went to the worlds richest 1 . The bottom 50 saw no increase. It could be the dawn of a new era in shopping. Customers lined up in seattle to try amazon go. The completely selfservice store uses high tech to track purchases and bills customers later. And there is much more ahead on tonights cbs evening news. Reporter an emergency order from the t. S. A. Calls for stricter scrutiny of air cargo. It sounds like there is some reason to be concerned enough to implement new procedures. Absolutely. Reporter a husband and wife sharing an unforgettable moment nearly 3,000 miles apart. Reporter the chase for the mustang Steve Mcqueen made famous is over. This is the family secret that finally comes into public. 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Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont take botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. With the botox® savings program, most people with commercial insurance pay nothing outofpocket. Talk to your doctor and visit botox®cmsavings. Com to enroll. Hey, hi. You look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amazin prunes now. Theyre delicious and help keep my body in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amazin prunes, the feel good fruit. Coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the 1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. Glor the t. S. A. Issued an emergency order today requiring additional screening of cargo on flights to the u. S. From five middle Eastern Countries egypt, jordan, saudi arabia, qatar, and the united arab emirates. Transportation correspondent kris van cleave broke the story today and has more now. Reporter the emergency order applies to nonstop car get and passenger flights to the United States by six airlines and seven airports in countries where the t. S. A. Says there has been demonstrated intent by terrorist groups to attack aviation. All cargo is screened before flight, but these airlines will now have to provide the t. S. A. And customs with additional detailed information before any shipments may be loaded on a plane bound for the u. S. Details like where a package is coming from, who sent it, how it was sent, where it has been since it was mailed, where its going, and its contents, information shipping Companies Like fedex can typically provide with ease. This order also gives t. S. A. And customs time and authority to require an airline to do further screening if something appears amiss. The goal is anomaly detection, spotting shipments that are out of the ordinary. The anomaly theyre looking for is the 100 computer printer that youll spend 500 to ship. It doesnt make sense. Reporter cbs News Senior National security analyst Fran Townsend was the Homeland Security adviser to president george w. Bush. Reading between the lines here, it sounds like there is at least some reason to be concerned enough to implement new procedures. You dont put an emergency order in unless you have real time information suggesting that there is a current threat. Reporter the order reflects continued concern about bombs hidden in large Electronic Devices that may get past some screening equipment and comes on the heels of a failed terrorist plot to bring down an australian airliner last summer. A militarygrade explosive shipped from turkey was discovered before it could be detonated. Now, the t. S. A. Says there is no new threat but amplifying information out of that australia incident when coupled with the existing threat stream intelligence prompted this emergency action. Jeff . Glor kris van cleave breaking this story. Kris, thank you. Up next here, preventing a sequel to the oscar fiasco. Sequel to the oscar fiasco. Julie is living with Metastatic Breast Cancer which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. Shes also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive her2 Metastatic Breast Cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Julie calls it her new normal. Because a lot has changed, but a lot hasnt. Ibrance, the 1 prescribed fdaapproved oral Combination Treatment for hr her2 mbc. But he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. At home. Ld generate your own energy, or to save energy, unplug unused appliances. Do your thing, with Energy Upgrade california. Glor sunday was a day to remember for many, including the ertz family. Tight end zach ertz caught eight passes to help the Philadelphia Eagles beat the Minnesota Vikings 387 in the n. F. C. Championship game. His wife didnt see it. Julie johnston ertz was 2,700 miles away in san diego, scoring the deciding goal as the u. S. Womens soccer team beat denmark 51. She didnt learn her husband was going to the super bowl until after her game. His reaction to her reaction priceless. Its emotional for me. Glor it looks like julie will get to see zack in the super bowl. The soccer team doesnt play again until march. There is a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture. Glor after the embarrassment at the oscars last year, the academy now says new safeguards will be in place this year. The two accountants involved last year are being replaced and a third accountant with a third set of envelopes is being added. He will memorize all the winners in case there is another mistake. Presenters will have to confirm they have been handed the right envelope for their category and the accountants are prohibited from using cell phones during the program. All right. Walt disney was awarded a special Academy Award in 1932 for creating mickey mouse. Today minnie mouse got a special honor 90 years after her big screen debut. She got a star on the hollywood walk of fame. Minnie called it the best day ever. Up next, whats become of the pony car that became a hollywood star. Nd healthy. Im not at risk. Even healthy adults 65 and older are at increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia. Isnt it like a bad cold or flu . Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. In some cases, part of your lung may fill with mucus, making it hard to breathe. Can i catch it from a pneumococcal vaccination . No. The vaccines do not contain live bacteria. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to help protect yourself. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist smile dad. 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The pen where you dont have to see or handle a needle. And it works 24 7. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if youre allergic to trulicity. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor if onceweekly trulicity is right for you. When you have a cold, is right for you. Stuff happens. { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast [ coughing ] with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Glor we end tonight with a return of a hollywood legend. Not seen in half a century. Mark strassmann cuts to the chase. honking reporter the hollywood car chase was born during this thrill ride on the streets of san francisco. In the 1968 classic bullitt, Steve Mcqueen chased the bad guys for almost ten minutes on screen. Man and mustang. Steve mcqueen and his classic pony car. The epitome of cool. Even faster than mcqueens car, its disappearance after the movie. Until now. It was never meant to be a secret. It was just our car. Reporter Robbie Kiernan and her son sean shared the family secret. In 1974, robbies late husband robert saw this ad, the bullitt mustang listed for sale in road and track magazine. He bought it for 6,000. It was unbelievable. We had seen the movie, and then to see the car. Reporter it still had the movie camera mounts, a huge hole cut in the trunk for the smoke machine, and the bray of a 390 horsepower v8 engine. I taught at catholic school. The nuns heard the car and said, well, theres robby. Reporter at one point Steve Mcqueen tracked them down and asked to buy back what he called my car. It was part of our family at that point. It had too many memories. Reporter and you werent giving it up . No. Reporter the family retired their car in 1980. They garaged it out of sight. This is the most personal thing that we have. engine revving reporter sean restored it top to bottom, a tribute to more than Steve Mcqueen. I see the car, i see my father. Reporter the kiernans were ready to let everyone see the car, too, and turned to fords chief mustang designer Darrell Behmer for help. This is the best part in my mind, seeing the rearview mirror. Reporter behmer still admires the movie star he fell in love with as a teenager, the bullitt mustang. At the carmakers auto show earlier this month, it revealed the original bullitt car restored to its former glory. Its emotional for me. It was like a Family Member leaving the house. To see it in real life in its unrestored authentic condition was just phenomenal. Reporter star power has staying power, just Like Old School cool. Mark strassmann, cbs news, dearborn, michigan. Glor makes you want to watch the movie again, doesnt it . Like now. That is the cbs evening news tonight. Im jeff glor. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org most of the water is going toward the wine kpix5 news begins with a heated battle in the north bay. Neighbors say most of the water is going toward the Wine Industry and theyre tired of footing the bill. Good evening. Im veronica de la cruz. Im allen martin. Homeowners in st. Helena are demanding answers about water rate hikes. They claim that big wineries arent paying their fair share. Kpix5s emily turner in st. Helena where a Public Meeting is just getting started. Emily . Reporter its a quaint town in wine country that even according to its own website says its main goal is to maintain that small town atmosphere and provide Quality Services to its citizens and yet most of the people who are here for this meeting tonight feel that that is not the case and that theyve been sold out to big business. Take sot we jus t. The topic water all we want is answers to the questions of why youre screwing the citizens of st. Helena. Reporter thats a question anthony mckayla has been asking the city for months. The topic, water woes. A group of locals has banded together against rate hikes and accused the utility of a lack of transparency. Tonight they hope to hold city hall accountable. Since 2000, if you were to compound the rates together, our rates have gone up 739 . Reporter meanwhile the rates of big users like wineries, tom belt says, are still a secret. They use hundreds of millions of gallons of water making wine, but belt says they are paying a fraction of what local homeowners do. The buck stops with the city who runs the utility, but the mayor refused an interview with us ahead of tonights meeting. Residents are subsidizing other customers and according to proposition 218, its against the law now. Its not fair what theyve done with this new rate hike. They have pu

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