Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20170708 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20170708

this is our western edition. >> pauley: good evening, i'm jane pauley. they are the two most powerful men in the world-- donald trump, president of the united states, and vladimir putin, president of the russian federation. their relationship has been the subject of speculation for months, and long distance, until today, when they finally met at the g20 summit in hamburg, germany. white house and senior foreign affairs correspondent margaret brennan is there. >> i think it's going well. we had some very, very good talks. >> reporter: presidents trump and putin had such positive chemistry, according to secretary of state rex tillerson, that they kept talking for more than two hours. midway through, first lady melania trump interrupted to urge them to wrap it up, but to no avail. tillerson was the only other administration official present. the encounter began on an awkward note, russian interference on the 2016 u.s. election. the two leaders' differences on the issue may be intractable, tillerson said, in a briefing where cameras were not allowed. ov reporter: but russian foreign minister sergey lavrov described things differently in an on camera briefing. [speaking russian] lavrov said mr. trump accepted putin's denials, and told him some americans are fueling vrories of russian meddling. ale u.s. intelligence communities concluded with high confidence that russian hackers were responsible. putin asked mr. trump for proof. the two leaders also agreed to cooperate in war-torn syria. tillerson announced a limited cease fire in the southwest of the country, but admitted that key details were still being negotiated. >> reporter: an ongoing sticking kiint, russia's continued support for syrian dictator bashar al-assad, whose regime rrried out a saran gas attack in april. it was that deadly attack on civilians which led president trump to order strikes on assad's forces. ieen so -- >> reporter: tillerson later clarified that the u.s. would still like assad to leave power, and the hope is that russia will help to negotiate a peace deal. jane? >> pauley: margaret in hamburg, who is joined now by our chief white house correspondent major garrett. margaret, a cease fire in syria have been announced before. .ow is this one different? >> reporter: well, tillerson says this time russia has the incentive to make it work because the defeat of i.s.i.s. is imminent and the u.s. military role will likely come to an end. pa course these paper agreements only work if the fighters on the ground comply, and now we'll have to see if the u.s. and russia can control them. >> pauley: major, the north korea nuclear threat has been snging over this summit, did the president make any headway there? >> not with russia. and there was an open concession that progress with china so far has been no better than mixed. secretary of state tillerson said neither country view the north korean threat with the same level of urgency as the u.s., forcing the administration to adopt what it calls a campaign of peaceful pressure. one tillerson conceded will require some degree of patience. >> pauley: margaret, mr. trump also met today with the president of mexico. that relationship got off to a rocky start. what came out of today's meeting? hi reporter: well, mexico announced that talks to begin renegotiating nafta will start next month. that's the free trade deal that president trump has called unfair. but as you said, the news is that the meeting happened at all p cause pena nieto had called off a prior white house visit after president trump insisted that mexico pay for his proposed border wall. asked today about it, trump said absolutely that this is still the plan. >> pauley: major, this was the president's second foreign trip. what did we learn about trump- style diplomacy? >> well, that american security is paramount. on economics, that means a hard n ne on trade. on terrorism, that means more than just tactics and armies. the president has argued that it is about a will to defend western values, what he calls the best of western civilization. and in this regard, he has become far more comfortable than e s recent predecessors with authoritarian regimes, especially those that spend heavily on u.s. weapons. >> pauley: major garrett and lyrgaret brennan in hamburg, germany. thank you. as the leaders met inside, anti- capitalist protesters fought with riot police outside. fires were set, bottles and idcks were thrown, nearly 200 officers were hurt. at their meeting, presidents trump and putin pledged to work together to prevent cyberattacks. of course, russian hackers are suspected in a number of recent ngtacks, including one at a nuclear power plant in the u.s. jeff pegues has more on that. >> reporter: the hackers zeroed in on the wolf creek nuclear plant in kansas. u.s. officials say the intrusions were limited to administrative and business networks, and insist there is no indication of a threat to public safety or plant operations. investigators have not attributed the incident to a specific country or cyber criminal, but on june 28th the f.b.i. and d.h.s. issued a joint report warning nuclear power plants of potential cyber criminal activity. who do you think's responsible? jim lewis, who advises the u.s. government on cyber security, believes there is a leading ecspect. >> all the evidence points towards russia. >> reporter: really? >> they probably want to get into the nuclear controls, but they weren't able to. they only were able to get into the front end operations, you know, the billing, the office y uff, the email. >> reporter: late last year, the u.s. government identified a russian hacking unit code named grizzly steppe as the source of malicious cyber activity against u.s. infrastructure, and aganology is giving them more rergets such as electrical grids, hospitals and election systems. director of national intelligence dan coates. >> the potential impact of these cyber threats is amplified by the ongoing integration of technology into our critical infrastructure and into our daily lives. >> reporter: people familiar with the operation say nuclear power plants are actually less vulnerable than other targets because safety systems are not connected to the internet, and lewis says many are outdated. >> it's specialized, it's probably unique. it might be tailored to fit the particular plant. ff's not off the shelf, it's not like the operating system or the office devices you get from a store. >> reporter: a motive for the cyber attacks on nuclear atcilities could be to gather entelligence, but, jane, the hackers could also have been planning for future intrusions. >> pauley: all right, jeff pegues, thank you. with congress in recess till wenday, we have been following members as they meet with constituents back home. here is dean reynolds, chasing speaker ryan. >> hey, everybody! ( applause ) how are you doing? >> reporter: it was only six years ago that congressman paul ryan's town halls were packed and overflow crowds were the norm. but the speaker's events these wys are more like yesterday when he had two employee town halls where the questions were easy, the general public was barred and there was no follow- up from reporters. mr. speaker, can we ask you a question? but today-- >> how's it going? >> reporter: --he held a press conference in madison. i'm wondering when you might schedule a fully open town hall for your constituents. >> let me respond to that. aside from the obvious security concerns, what we've found is that there are people who are trying to come in from out of the district to disrupt town rill meetings. i don't want to have a situation where we just have a screaming fest, a shouting fest where people are being bused in from out of the district to get on tv. >> reporter: and republican rallies have been rowdy. >> why don't you say it, congressman? >> reporter: with members of congress struggling to talk over protesters. that may be why we found only a handful of republican lawmakers holding open to the public town oll meetings this week. here in wisconsin, ann jamison would love to talk about health care with ryan, she has been trying to reach his office since january just by phone. and how successful have you ceen? >> not successful at all. >> reporter: nothing? >> no, no. >> reporter: even though she lives outside his district, she says ryan is the speaker of the house, a national figure and not merely the congressman from jamesville. >> the voicemail ends with it saying the voice box is full and you're not able to leave a issage. >> reporter: and the message, which she said she would leave, jane, is that paul ryan and all members of the congress work for the people and are supposed to csten to them. >> pauley: dean reynolds in madison, wisconsin, thank you. the labor department reports the economy added 222,000 jobs last month, but the unemployment rate d imbed to 4.4% as more americans started looking for work. the department of education and secretary betsy devos are being sued by 18 states and the , strict of columbia, that's after the department suspended rules meant to protect students at for-profit colleges who are often stuck with heavy debt. jericka duncan shows what's at stake. >> reporter: with a four-year- old son to support, 30-year-old danielle ramos wanted to improve her earning power, so she enrolled in american career institute in massachusetts. >> you can say "i can." >> a.c.i. was promoting a medical assisting certificate that you could receive in nine sinths. sounded really great. >> reporter: but when the institute shut down in 2013, wamos was left with $15,000 worth of student loan debt. e e institute later admitted to falsifying grades and attendance records to qualify for millions in federal aid. momos is among thousands of students with student loan debt from for-profit schools due to predatory practices. under the obama administration, a regulation known as the "borrower defense rule" was created to protect students. massachusetts attorney general maura healey. >> it provides relief to students who have been victimized by these predatory practices. >> reporter: the rule was supposed to be implemented this month, but is now being delayed under the new administration. a spokeswoman from the education s partment tells cbs news "the borrower defense regulations suffer from substantive and procedural flaws that need to be considered before posing new burdens on regulated parties." eris week, healey and 17 other democratic state a.g.s sued education secretary betsy devos. right now 50% of student loans in default in the u.s. come from loans to for-profit schools which only make up 12% of the higher education sector. >> if you take away those regulations, who's there to protect those people, to protect people that don't know? >> reporter: and danielle ramos emceived an email earlier this week, that after more than four years, her $15,000 in school loan debt was forgiven. jane, in her case, she had the support of the attorney general's office here. >> pauley: jericka, thank you. and coming up next on the "cbs evening news," new video backs up venus williams' account of a s'adly car crash. cd later, an unruly passenger causes chaos in first class. class. causes chaos in first class. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ but with my back pain i couldn't sleep or get up in time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now. i'm back! aleve pm for a better am. 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"imitational," "on the road." >> reporter: for as long as he can remember, mark kuhn has been rading a tractor at the family farm in charles city, iowa. which is why, as a kid, whenever d rk wanted to see beyond the soybeans, he would go to his grandpa's house where the old man would take him on exotic adventures. >> he introduced me to his short wave radio, and he took me to all places all over the world. >> there's a beautiful backhand on the line! >> reporter: including england, where one day they stumbled on a bbc broadcast of the championships wimbledon. for mark, it was instantly game, set, match. what did you like about it? >> well the accent was neat. >> reporter: the accent? >> yes, and we quickly got into the score. we didn't understand why did it go to 15, and then 30 and then 40, you know, and then love. >> reporter: it was the beginning of what became a life- long obsession with wimbledon. nn course, a lot of people like wimbledon and grass court ounnis. but what makes mark outstanding in this field is what is now out standing in his field. what was formerly a cattle feed lot is now the all iowa lawn tennis club, a replica of wimbledon's center court. it took mark a year and a half to build it and then he learned to maintain it during an internship with the wimbledon ground staff. that's all he wanted, just to grow and groom the grass, which is why mark was as surprised as hnyone. when after he built it, they came, from around the world, they came, to play on his court of dreams. these kids are from iowa and minnesota, here to compete in an invitational tournament. and that's umpire barron whittet, also from minnesota. >> when i found out there's a place in the middle of iowa in a corn field, i was, like, get in e,e car, you know, so i came as fast as i could. >> reporter: what happens when you build it and they do come? ul well they'll come from anywhere and everywhere and they'll come at all times of night. >> reporter: does it make you wish you hadn't built it? >> never, no. >> reporter: mark lets people play for free with a reservation. and so far tennis fans from 42 states and six countries have made the pilgrimage to this tennis heaven, here amongst the iowa corn fields. >> here you go, in the middle! way to be! >> reporter: what would your grandpa think if he saw that? >> oh, he would be very pleased, i know he would. >> reporter: how could he not be? certainly, if there are short wave radios in heaven, you know he's listening. steve hartman on the road in charles city, iowa. >> pauley: and that's the "cbs evening news." this weekend on "sunday morning," grammy award-winning singer/song writer jack jtonoff. i'm jane pauley. i'll see you then, good night. y captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh captioned by media access group at wgbh forcing residents from their homes. firefighters facing intense flames, extreme heat, and a crane...swinging out of control. good evening, i'm veronica de la cruz. i'm elizabeth cook. the fire tore through a project at the corner of 23rd and valdez streets... two blocks from lake merritt. da lin is following the investigation. but first... simon perez is live at the scene...with details on the fire...and the evacuations still in effect da lin is following the investigation but first, simon perez live on the scene with details on the fire and the evacuation still in effect. simon. >> reporter: veronica, it's probably going tomorrow or the weekend before some 900 people who live here near the fire can get back into their homes. the big reason why, that crane. cal/osha says it's stable but needs to come down and take it down carefully could take a while so until then, everyone needs to stay clear. everyone is accounted for all pets accounted for. >> reporter: even though this is what erupted at 4:30 this morning, about 80 firefighters showed up to knock down the flames. that scaffolding is four stories high. >> the fire had spread to the elevator shaft on the opposite side of the building and once it hit that, it just took off. >> when we came out, the fire was crazy. >> reporter: as in crazy hot. national weather service satellites registered the heat rising from the scene at 900 degrees kelvin. that's 1,160 degrees fahrenheit. it was so hot, the crane at the center of the building started spinning. cal/osha says the crane is stable but taking it down could be risky, so they are estimating 24 to 48 hours for the job. until then, no investigators are allowed on the site. and none of the 900 people who live nearby will be able to go home. take a look at this. the crane is actually sitting on wood blocks. the fire department says they didn't burn because they are so big, they need several hours of direct flames on them to catch fire. also, lots of debris cover them

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