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Rivers are on the rise. Ive never seen it that high even during the spring. Reporter a storm drain near sacramento wasnt cleared fast enough to save the home of michael jimenez. In californias wine country, when the water gets this high along the Russian River, people get worried. Its happened so many timeses and it does come, like, clockwork. Reporter victoria daly and her family know how dangerous this water can be. The Russian River has seen severe flooding in the past. The worst in 1986, when the entire town was under several feet of water. Daly said her home is always one of the first to flood. Weve done it so many times, were prepared. You know, were ready for it. Reporter forecasters say the Russian River valley could see up to seven inches of rain over the weekend. And, rebec,a theres certain guerneville could be under water again by monday morning. For more on the intense series of storms we turn to our chief meteorologist at our San Francisco station kpix, good evening, paul. Good evening to you, rebecca. This system is being described as a fire hose pointed straight at the west coast. What can you tell us about it . Well, if Mother Nature did have a fire hose this certainly would be it. This is tropical moisture that begins west of hawaii, some 3,000, 4,000 miles away from the west coast but it makes this journey all the way from there all the way to the west coast. This tropical moisture can even be an old hurricane from 10 days ago somewhere out in the eastern pacific ocean. It slams into the west coast and everybody gets a ton of rainfall. And in this case, just tonight and tomorrow were looking at widespread rainfall totals of two inches or more from seattle in western washington all the way down to San Francisco, the bay area, even Southern California will get heavy rain from the system. I understand theres also snow to expect. Theres a lot of snow to expect. Not in california, because Pineapple Express is this tropical moisture can sometimes move up the coast and give us a high snow level. But if youre talking oregon, and washington and idaho and montana, its snowing lightly this evening but that snow is really going to pick up later on tonight and especially on sunday. And check out all the winter storm warnings and Winter Weather advisers. Portions of western montana and Northern Idaho may see two or three feet of snow as soon as tomorrow night. Thats not good news for travelers but skiers are going to love a pattern like this. Paul, thank you. On the other side of the pacific, more saber rattling by north korea. The secretive regime announced today it will pry again to test launch a new longrange rocket. Anna werner is in washington tonight. Reporter president kim jongun said his country will test another longrange rocket this month. North korea describes it as an observe space satellite, but south korean and washington officials said it is anything but. South korea charged its really a longrange missile in disguise, and here in washington, asia expert victor cha agrees. There should be no doubt in anybodys mind even though they call should a civilian launch it is a Ballistic Missile test. Satellite activity shows an increase activity. North korea may be trying to prove that kim jong ils son, one year into his presidency has muscle. Any missile test will increase tensions between north korea and the united states. Today, the state department called the move a highly provocative act that threatens peace and security in the region. Cha says for good reason. If this missile test is successful, it can be the most proximate Security Threat for the Obama Administration as they begin their second term. Reporter cha says this is a problem president obama cannot afford to ignore. A test could send a missile over u. S. Allies, including japan and those in southeast asia, creating a major Security Risk drawing them and the u. S. Into a potential conflict. Rebecca. Anna werner, thank you. Now to egypt. President Mohamed Morsi said tonight the country will vote december 15 on a new constitution. The draft document and the president s new powers brought egyptians back to the streets today. Holly williams is in cairo tonight, and good evening to you, holly. Reporter good evening. Well, tens of thousands of president morsis supporters took to the streets today, but it follows days of protests by his opponents, who accuse mr. Morsi of behaving like a dictator. Last week, the president gave himself broad new powers that he says he needs until egypt has a new democratic constitution. The panel writing that constitution rushed to finish a final draft on friday working through the night. But the panel is dominated by mr. Morsis islamist allies. And the final draft includes a bigger role for islamic sharia law and empowers the state to protect morals. But theres no specific guarantee of equality for women, and all of those things have angered many egyptian liberals. Nevertheless, mr. Morsi said this evening that he will put that draft constitution to a referendum, a popular vote, in just 15 days time. Holly, what can the opposition do . Reporter well, president morsis opponents are in a difficult situation because he has played a very clever hand. Theres a good chance that the constitution will pass at the referendum, because some egyptians like it and other egyptians feel that any constitution is better than no constitution when egypt desperately needs stability. And even if the draft doesnt pass the popular vote, mr. Morsi will still have his expanded new powers. His opponents are talking about disrupting the referendum. Theyre talking about civil disobedience, and beyond that, there may be very little they can do. Meanwhile, the military, which has repeatedly interfered in pol tibs during egypts democratic transition is so far silent. Holly williams in cairo, thank you. Its Inauguration Day in mexico today. Enrique pena took power as the countrys new president. He won a sixyear term in july, vowing to reduce violence linked to drug gangs. The 46yearold is the new face of the Institutional Revolutionary Party or p. R. I. It ruled mexico for most of the 20th searchry. Developing a reputation for corruption. Outside, protesters opposed to the p. R. I. s return, clashed with police, who used tear gas to disburse the demonstrations. Later air, female rapper braving Death Threats in afghanistan. Should players with flawed reputations be voted into baseballbaseballs hall of fam . And b is for bonus. How one bigcity School System tries to motivate its teachers. Those stories when the cbs evening news continues. Fiscal cliff of tax increases and sharp spending cuts is now exactly one month away. In his weekly media address today, president obama again pushed his partys tax plan. Of course, utah senator orrin hatch rejected in the republican response. Both parties say we should keep middle class taxes low. The senates already passed a bill to keep income taxes from going up on middle class families. Democrats in the house are ready to do the same thing. If we can just get a few House Republicans on board, ill sign this bill as soon as Congress Send it my way. What he proposed this week was a classic bait and switch on the american people. A tax increase double the size of what he campaigned on. Billions of dollars in new stimulus spending, and an unlimited, Unchecked Authority tow borrow from the chinese. Maybe i missed it, but i dont recall him scwg for any of that during the president ial campaign. Jarvis parents and School Boards across the country are debating whether to offer bonuses to teachers whose student do well on standardized tests. Sharyl attkisson check out how the bonus is working in the first city to try the idea reporter tenth grader lennard long attends a Public High School in washington, d. C. , where his mom, leticia, used to be frustrated there were no teacher involveses. Parents would say this teacher they didnt think there was a good teacher but you didnt have an idea why. They werent evaluated and there wasnt anything for to us determine why. Reporter test scores here ranked among the worst in the nation, even though the district was spending more per pupil than large u. S. Cities, almost 13,000 per student. But in 2009, washington, d. C. Became first in the nation to tie teacher salaries to student test scores under a program called impact. Teachers rated highly effective can get annual bonuses up to 25,000 if they stay at that Achievement Level for two straight years, they can also get a base Salary Increase of 20,000. A highly effective teacher can earn 76,000, the first year, and reach 131,000 in just nine years. Less effective teachers earn 51,000 to start and are fired if they get poor involveses for two straight years. This year, 98 teachers were fired for poor performance. But nathan saunders, president of the washington teachers union, says the system is unfair to teachers when many of their student have barriers to learning, such as poverty. The penalties are so immediate and so painful, not just immediate in terms of their paycheck, but also immediate in terms of their careers. Reporter in washington, test scores are still among the lowest in the nation, but improved slightly, up 2. 8 in math, 5. 3 in science, and a half percent in reading. Leticia long attributes improvements in her sons school to the teacher involveses. It seems like classes are more consistent, that theyre all kind of operating towards the same kind of core curriculum standards which creates, i think, a better experience for the kids. Reporter this fall, 988 teachers, about a quarter of the total staff, received a top rating, making them eligible for the highest bonus. Thats about 300 more than last year. Sharyl attkisson, cbs news, washington. Jarvis as of today, a new law protects North Carolina teachers from cyberbullying by student who use the internet to intimidate or torment school employees. The a. C. L. U. Plans to challenge the law saying school kids have been making nasty remarks about teachers since the beginning of time. And after five decades of service, a legendary american warship leaves the fleet. Thats next. Chiefs Football Player shot and killed his girlfriend today. Then he drove to the teams stadium and committed suicide in front of his coach and general manager. Joe von belcher was a starting linebacker for the team, and police say the pair who had a child together had been arguing. Two passengers were killed after a tour bus lost its way at miami airport today. The vehicle was too tall to clear the arrival lanes and crashed into a concrete overpass. More than two dozen other passengers were injured, three of them critically. Police say the driver was unfamiliar with the area and hadnt intended to go to the airport. This is world aids day, a giant red ribbon was displayed at the white house to show support for the 34 Million People worldwide afflicted with hiv and aids. In the philippines they lit candles. Students in taiwan formed a ribbon on a playground. Aidss first diagnosed 31 years ago, and the u. N. Says aids claimed 1. 7 million lives last year. The ussenterprise sailed through many historic moments, but today the nations first nuclearpowered Aircraft Carrier was taken out of active service. Some 12,000 people turned out in norfolk, virginia, to say farewell. The 51yearold warship, also known as the big e. Served in every major conflict since the cuban missile crise. Straight ahead, controversy in cooperstown. Baseballs steroid era comes under scrutiny. Jarvis theye biggest names in baseball bonds, clemens, and sosa. This year all three former players are eligible for entry to the hall of fame in cooperstown, new york, but as tony guida tells us, controversy over steroids is in play. And bonds hits one high. Reporter no one in baseball history hit more home runs than barry bonds. He struck him out no one in baseball history racked up more pitching honors than roger clemens. The two stars headline this years ballot for the hall of fame. Neither is likely to be elected, says Danny Knobler, a writer for cbssports. Com. I think the overwhelming evidence is these guys cheated the game. Reporter bonds, clemens and sammy sosa who joins them on the ballot are the poster children of the baseball steroid era. Bonds admitted he took substances but said his trainer described them as linseed oil. Clemens was linked to performanceenhancing drugs. And sosa failed a drug test in 2003, according to lawyers familiar with the results. With all three on the ballot for the first time, this years vote becomes a referendum on baseballs age of steroids. Theres more to hall of fame than just what your numbers are. Reporter the 600 or so baseball writers who elect hall of famers are instructed to consider a players record, sportsmanship, integrity, and character. Those last two standardses are causing heated debate this year. The hall of fame, i mean, give me a break. Man, you youve got bigots, racists, rapists in the hall of fame. Reporter New York Times sports Columnist Bill rhoden on cbs this morning said possible steroid use is not reason to disqualify bonds or clemens. Some of the vigilante voters are going to do what they felt the courts couldnt do. It really is ridiculous. Reporter Danny Knobler admits its a tough call. Were asked to make a decision. Should these guys be in the hall of fame right now . There may be a time were ready to do it. Reporter those elected and those deneed will be announced january 9. Jarvis coming up, shes a rapper in afghanistan. And a target for the taliban. Jarvis stage performances by women are definitely not appreciated in afghanistan where the Group Human Rights watch said last week that advances for women are at risk as the drawdown of International Troops continues. Kelly cobiella has the story of one young woman who supports her family by challenging social convention at great personal risk. Reporter by day, in her familys modest mud home, sosan firooz is a typical young afghan woman, but by night, this 23yearold is busy making history as afghanistans first female rapper performing in front of men in western clothes, without a head scarf. In this conservative country, its not just unusual. Its revolutionary. Do you think youre a rebel . translated Everyone Wants to be unique to do something no one else has done before. Her song isnt about broken heart or flashy cars. Its about the painful years she and her family spent as refugees in iran after fleeing their warravaged country in 1990. They called us dogs. They turned afghans into addicts and terrorists, goes one line. And she sings about the problems in her own country. We want to end cruelty against women and children, she chants. Its still a difficult life here for you. Yes, of course, its difficult, she tells me, but its easier than being a refugee. 11 years after the fall of the taliban, some women still wear berkas. Some are sent to prison or stoned to death for daltrey. Even singing on stage isnt completely safe. Producer fared rastagar recorded sosans song. U sing version stopped singing because of threat from the taliban. Some have left the country, he tells me. Sosans song has been played on youtube more than 75,000 times. Shes won praisebut shes also been warned to stop with threatening Text Messages and recently an anonymous phone call to her mother. They told her if your daughter appears on tv again, we will cut off your head do you think youve chosen a dangerous profession for women in your country . Why do do you it . How long should we keep this silence . Theres a need for people to rise up, and others should follow. Despite so many risks, firooz is working on a new song about what its like to be a young woman in afghanistan. Kelly cobiella, cbs news, kabul. Jarvis and that is is the cbs evening news. Later on cbs, 48 hours. Im rebecca jarvis, cbs news in new york. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org wave of rain. Where the its here, a third round of heavy reign rainfall. When is it going to move out and the sun comes back. The threat of damaging floods is most severe. And lost to cancer just 22, how a a friend is helping keep her memory alive for 3000 miles. Cbs 5 Eyewitness News is next. ,, car horn paying with your smartphone instead of cash. phone rings thats a step forward. With chase quickpay, you can send money

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