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On the eve of her 22nd birthday, a great celebration was planned. phone rings woman mollys machine. Speak your piece. beep woman oh, birthday girl, pick up, pick up, pick up. Huey and i are just sitting here waiting. You better be on your way, molly. Man money down shes still asleep. Molly, wake up click, phone rings mollys machine. Speak your piece. Man hey, molly, its justin here. Callin from the studio to wish you a happy birthday. Give me five more minutes, baby, and ill rock your world. Love ya alarm rings gasps its a charmed life innocence wild crayola skies for a thousand miles its a charmed life unexplainable grace stumble and you fall right into place its a childlike world and you can feel the magic thats the beauty of a charmed life who needs to know when it all comes and where it all goes who needs to know just where fate will take you there its a charmed life innocence wild crayola skies for a thousand miles. You cant turn the hallway into a greenhouse, miss gunn. Good evening, mr. Mcconkey. Please say hello to your wife for me. Bye. Have a nice night ive alerted the Management Company about this. Oh, my. I put the flowers upstairs for you, molly, but this is out of hand. Got a girl, tony . Not one could fit into this dental floss. Be a darling and send all this stuff to the Salvation Army youre the greatest, tony horns honk, tires screech molly whistles its a charmed life innocence wild crayola skies for a thousand miles. cell phone rings molly . Hey, ingrid, its me. Where the hell are you . Im sorry, i passed out. I was watching tv that was a premeditated nap. You did this to me on purpose. Youre my best friend in the whole universe. How could you possibly think a thing like this . Its like stabbing me in the heart. I didnt want to tell you this, but our little night out has grown a bit. Huey and i are here with a few of your closest friends waiting to wish you a happy birthday . Happy birthday all happy birthday i thought you were calling from home the girly to end all girlies is in the house. Happy birthday, molly. We got you, didnt we . Yes, you did. I thought it was gonna be just us guys. What kind of friends you think we are . Look at this right here. This here is a party, right . all cheer youre 22 . I just turned 19 and i thought id kill myself. You look good, man. Buy you a drink . No, thanks. Huey i wanna connect the dots, baby. Look at the babes, molly. Theres, like, beautiful and natural and sexy, right . Beauty like that is universal. They really do look young, huh . The thing i love about women is that you are willing to accept each other for who you are there you are, sweetie. You remember julie and holly from the m. O. M. A. Junior committee . Happy birthday i love your solid hair scrunchy. Issey miyake . Home depot. You know, you can get botox injections for that forehead wrinkle. Face factory. No appointment necessary. Why would i have a worry wrinkle . Girl why would you think anyone would care . Excuse me . I had shoes like yours once. When i was five. toilet flushes and that was what, like three days ago . Try three years. Excuse me, thumbelina, but youre still a little underage to be going out clubbing, arent you . Youre a little overage to be wearing a lampshade in your hair. Bright idea . You brought your own personal soap . Hey, you want to pick up bacterial meningitis or polio, you go ahead and be my guest. Whatever diseases youre already carrying probably make those sound like a joke. Huey there you are. Finally found your little monster butt. Come here i know you have trouble reading something as simple as a sign on the door, gooey huey, so let me help you. This is the ladies room. Really . Whats your excuse . Give me my purse its my bosss kid. They cant keep a nanny. They fired their third one this month today. She had dirty fingernails. It was her or me. Ow that hurts wheres my purse . its in my hand ing, am i hideous . What . As my best friend, it is your duty not to lie to me. Please tell me am i turning into a hideous hag . You can have any guy here with the snap of a finger. Whats gotten into you . electric guitar feeds back strums chords oh. My. God. Huey molly, let me show you something. Cmere. Sit down, sit down. Oh, great. You again. Guitarist i want to thank you all for having me here. Ive heard theres a birthday here tonight. Wheres the birthday girl . cheers and applause all right. This ones for you. The lights beam down from the stars and it takes my breath away and the tears of glee in my heart end up voicing words to say all i feel is invested in this. Oh, my god. Who is that . Thats my boy neal fox. I found him playing at a dive in the village. Hes smokin. Can i have him for my birthday . No, molly, i brought him here so roma could check him out. Besides, hes 100 girlyfree. Hes celibate, like morrissey. Hes all about the music. You wouldnt know real music if mozart hit you on the head. Quiet, the both of you. Quiet . This place is so loud, it is giving me a migraine. Call of love then shell rise with love. Mom no, no your moms over there talkin to my man naz. We been tryin to sign him for months. Could you please keep it down . Mom, i wanna go home now ooh, oohooh, ooh lie, lie, lie night, molls. Bye. Hey, molly, i just, um, finished my new record, and i was hoping you wanted to come back thats great, duncan. And give me your two cents where is he . Huey said this guys practically a monk. What the hell are you trying to prove . The only reason youre even looking at this guy is because you know you cant have him. Hes a rock n roll poet sex god. Youll toss him in a week. No, ing, this ones different. I can feel it. My man, that was good. Kid, i havent heard blueeyed soul like that since Jeff Buckleys record. See what im sayin . What did i tell you, roma . Hes smokin, right . You did good, huey. I need eight hours, mom. If i dont get eight hours, my immune system crashes. Record a demo, something more uptempo. Something i can get on the radio. Lets go lets go work it out with huey. Lets go go go i hate that kidsalways hogging your attention. Hi. Hi. Birthday girl. Oh yeah, yeah, happy birthday. Is this demo thing for real . Shes about to sign you i can feel it in my bones. Rocket to the moon, baby rocket to the moon oh, my. Are you really tommy gunns daughter . Seriously. Can you hold my purse, please . Yeah. Thanks. Well, i guess there is a certain family resemblance. All his guitars are in there . Yeah, you wanna come see for yourself . Yeah. Uh. Can you just wait here just one second, please . Thank you. Yeah. [ male announcer ] one pharmacist started it all charles walgreen had a mission to help people be happy and healthy. From inventing the first chocolate malt. To creating a nonprofit pharmacy for our troops. To the first child safety caps. 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Activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. Youll love your new normal. Right. Welcome to le chateau chez molly. whistles hmm. Nice. Jesus pig grunting what on gods earth is that . Mu. Dont you mean oink . No, mu means pork in thai. He was going to be my curry dinner one night in bangkok, but we fell in love. Now, if you wait here, i will fix us some bonbonnieres confiseries. Neal oh. My. God. Looks like you found it on your own. I cant believe it this is it. This is the acoustic muddy waters gave tommy gunn. He played it at budokan. Summer of 88. Daddys little girl thats you. Paints the world with her magic wand please dont sing that song. Cmon, molly smiles. He opened the show with it. For me and then he and my mom died. Listen, i didnt mean to okay. Yeah. Um. So whats next . Well, um. How about dessert . Am i gonna be able to pronounce it . I dont know. Can you say. Pez . Im just not supposed to act impulsively, you know . Part of my whole sobriety thing. Made a vow, havent broken it yet. Pez. I havent had a drink in 224 days. Im also not supposed to have romantic relationships in my first year. Pez. Its called the law of contrary behavior. If i want a drink, i dont have one. If i want to skip a gig, i force myself to go. If i meet a girl and i want her to come over. I send her home. Pez. Those are vows i havent broken. Neal ships crossing like ghosts in the night night names, unremembered faces in sight took what we can, need to survive oh, my god, i love it its the most lyrically advanced thing ive done. No, purple means rock n roll royalty, and it picks up the highlights in your eyes. Oh, wow. Baby, you are way too hot for all those earth tones youve been wearing. Yeah, but what about the song . Is it too fast, too slow, what . Its like. Kind of like the same thing, but over and over again. Is there, like, a hook or a good chorus or something . A hook . Yeah. I dont do hooks. Okay. Im not a sellout. I dont wear purple, i dont do hooks. I said okay, okay . Okay, okay. Names unremembered, faces in sight took what we can. Ingrid molly, i thought you were dead. whispers shh neals in the other room. That guy is still there . You always do this. When are you gonna grow up . Its like hes never going to leave. All he does is mope and play these loser songs. Quelle surprise. Ing, help me, please i dont know how to get rid of this poor guy neal molly without breaking his heart. Hold. Just a minute oh, my god, im being totally suffocated. Neal molly . Yeah . Can you take those off . Ing, ill call you. Baby, um. Im not a love machine. No, my boxers can i have them back, please . Okay. Thanks. Whats goin on . Listen, ive got to go. Go . Go where, go . Well, home, molly. The place where i live, where i have a life, where i do my laundry, get sleep, try to make music. Why cant you make music here . This is a world gone mad, like ive stepped through the lookingglass. Theres a weeks worth of leftovers, a month of laundry. Look at this place. Well call maid service. No, you can call maid service. Ive got to go rejoin the human race. No no uh. I dont understand. Listen, i just feel like im suffocating. I need some air. We can open the windows. Its not about the windows. I justi need my shirt back. Damn i forgot to get new strings. I have, like, five gigs this week and i have not done a single thing. I have got to get to work. Ill call you later, i swear. door opens and closes ingrid oh, my god. This place is beyond its normal grotesque. Its postnuclear. sniffling hes gone. I have no life. Ing. What . Of course you have a life. I dont need to tell you that. Thats what youre supposed to say to me. Sorry. As your best friend, its my duty not to lie to you. Besides, you wanted him gone, remember . I did . What are all these final notices . Im gonna call him. I think now is a good time to call him. Would you hand me the phone . Im gonna call him right now. Molly. Focus for one second. Your electric has been canceled and so has your gas. Who pays your bills . Bob. Bob who . I dont know. My parents guy bob. Ha ha ha your phones dead. These rooms. Sound so empty without the sound of his music. Bobs numbers been disconnected. Oh, god. Im sure its little consolation, but youre not the only one who got taken, miss gunn. Bob kopalski had ten clients, assets equaling over 100 million, when he disappeared. And youre telling us that none of its insured . What a disaster. Thank god for the residuals. Actually, kopalski took such heavy advances on the Royalty Income that by the time the account recoups, miss gunn will be on social security. Where does someone disappear with 100 million . The best we can guess is south america. Cant you just sue . My god, how could he do this to her . Hell be back. They always come back. If he does, hell be looking out the back of an fbi van on his way to a long prison term. Itll be years before you see a dime, if ever. Mr. Feldman, as a lawyer, may i please ask your advice as per what to do in the meantime as far as, you know, money . Get a job . Ingrid dear prospective employer, although ive had no previous employment, ever, the following is a partial but significant list of personal recommendations, including contact information. The dalai lama, tibet . 900thread count egyptian cotton. No man can resist egyptian cotton. Tibet is a country, molly, not contact information. Why not add earth while youre at it in case someone needs to know where tibet is . This is not a resume. It shows im a people person, ing. Focus on the interview. Hello. Pleasure to meet you. I will work overtime, weekends, holidays, yom kippur, christmas. You name it, i will be here. Im sure that wont be necessary. Ingrid says you guys met at darlington . I was valedictorian there two years in a row. Thats so neat tell me, what is the price on a set of these . 1,369 plus tax. Youre in denial. Youre broke, remember . Trish, hon, tell me do employees get a discount around here . Ten percent, and some of our employees are among our best customers. Ill take them. Ing, this is the greatest job ever. door buzzer neal who is it . Its molly i was just out shopping in the neighborhood. At midnight . Its the city that never sleeps. Heres a better idea. Pillsbury grands flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. Pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. Now you dont. Abreva knocks out cold sores fast. Without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. Only abreva penetrates deep to block the virus so healthy cells stay healthy, and cold sores heal fast. Guaranteed. Or your money back. Go to abreva. Com to read why 9 out of 10 users say its worth every penny. Dont tough it out. Knock it out. Fast. With abreva. [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. 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