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the sergeant got bloodied up pretty good. she called for help on the radio and then drew her weapon and fired at least one shot killing the suspect. the sergeant went to the hospital with unknown injuries. the suspect's body is actually still on the scene here. and the suspect was a well- known transient with a long rap sheet. >> he's known in the dublin community. consider him a transient. so i don't know if he is literally a transient or if he does have someplace to stay but he has been arrested numerous times for fighting and things of that nature. >> reporter: so he had a violent history? >> he does have some violence in his past, that's correct. >> reporter: and the sheriff's office says the sergeant has been on the force for several years and is very experienced. in fact, we saw the sheriff himself show up on the scene here to check things out for himself. he just now took off to the hospital to check up on that deputy and see how she is doing. as far as traffic out here, 680, the exit off 680 southbound for dublin boulevard is going to be closed at least for a couple of hours. -- actually, it's going to open in a half hour so you can still drive up and down dublin, you can't take the exit that goes to amador plaza. >> they will have that cleared up shortly? >> reporter: yeah, just about 30 minutes or so is what we're hearing. >> very good. kiet do life in dublin this morning. thank you. the death toll keeps climbing from tornadoes that roared across several southern states. at least 178 people are dead in five states. alabama was hit the hardest with 128 killed. and check out this video. a camera rolling as a massive tornado moved across the campus at the university of alabama in tuscaloosa. national weather service had reports of 137 tornadoes in the south yesterday. here's some of the damage it left behind. pies and piles of debris, cars flipped over. the red cross tells cnn in some parts of alabama there are as many ambulances on the street as there are taxis in new york city. wow. a call for new pipeline tests and a new federal investigation following the deadly blast on the peninsula. anne makovec is in san bruno with what documents will have to be handed over. anne, good morning. reporter: good morning. this was all discussed last night at a town hall meeting into the explosion and the aftermath here in san bruno. you may not be surprised to hear that a lot of the people talking about rebuilding here were talking last night about using solar and wind power, anything to get away from the natural gas that appears to have caused this explosion. so a new investigation is about to get under way right now. a federal investigation into what happened here on september of last year when a gas transmission line blew up destroying the neighborhood. federal prosecutors are asking for thousands of pages of documents right now including pg&e's maps, reports and emergency plans. this is on top of the ongoing investigation by the national transportation safety board and the state public utilities commission. speaking of the puc, it looks like the state is going to force pg&e to do high pressure water tests on more than 700 miles of gas lines running in and around urban areas. but pg&e is still hoping to avoid those tests because they could disrupt service, cost $350 million, and take five years to complete. because pg&e doesn't have the records on hundreds of miles of lines, pg&e wants the state to allow it to use assumptions instead to qualify the pipeline status but several commission members say that is just not good enough. when it comes to assumptions, pg&e has already proven false in that. and case in point, the pipe that blew up here in this neighborhood was said to be seamless according to pg&e and it turns out it had a patchwork of seams on it. so the state is just not trusting what pg&e is offering up in terms of information on its pipelines. so investigations continue. >> a lot of trust lost there. all right, thank you, anne makovec in san bruno. bryan stow the giants fan attacked outside dodger stadium could be out of a coma this week he believed. -- out of a coma this weekend. doctors started lowering sedation tuesday afternoon. the family says four or five days to come out of his system. doctors are watching for seizure but so far there haven't been any. stow was beaten almost a month ago at the giants-dodgers season opener. if you haven't seen the forecast for the week, really, and especially the weekend, have we got a nice little surprise for you. >> lawrence karnow is a star this morning. >> has anybody ever told you to go fly a kite? today's the day because we have winds kicking up around the bay area. some of those gusts at the beaches, 30 miles per hour plus. but yeah, we are going to sneak in a lot of sunshine. some partly to mostly cloudy skies to start out along the coast and inside the bay but i think things working out toward the afternoon at least sun- wise. temperatures running not too bad. 40s and 50s so fairly mild for this time. as we look toward the afternoon, here comes that sunshine. but the winds will be kicking up. going to be blustery, especially at the beaches with those winds blowing again 30 miles per hour. maybe plus as we head into the afternoon. next couple of days, here comes that sunshine. the weekend looking good. 70s and 80s, less wind, just some beautiful weather all the way to the coast. all right. let's check on the traffic now with elizabeth. >> let's do. we are going towards chopper 5. we have launched chopper 5 over dublin right now. at the scene of this police investigation, we also have a reporter on scene taking place at dublin boulevard and amador plaza road. there was an overnight officer- involved shooting. so there are streets blocked off in that area as well as if you are coming down southbound 680, the dublin boulevard off- ramp, remains on scene for another half hour or so. hopefully we'll get the ramp re- opened but in the meantime that investigation continues. all right. thank you chopper 5. let's go to our maps and we can talk more about other areas westbound 580. kind of starting to get sluggish out of the altamont pass a few brake lights and six minutes is your drive time between there and 680 and the dublin interchange. thank you. it's 6:07. giants fans verbally attacked at at&t park. the crude comments from a major league baseball coach. >> plus, he asked for a birth certificate. he got one. the new documents donald trump now wants from the president. and an amazing leap for congresswoman gabrielle giffords. what she has done now for the first time since that january shooting. california should be proud. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. do something for it. show it some love. chevron with techron. care for your car. responding to accusations against a coach visiting a-t and t park. back now at 6:10. baseball commissioner bud selig says he is waiting to respond to accusation against a coach. a family from fresno says atlanta braves pitching coach roger mcdowell made comments and gestures to three men next to them prior to saturday's giants-braves game. the father says when he complained, mcdowell told him, kids don't belong at a baseball park and threatened him with a baseball bat. mcdowell has sense apologized. 6:10. president obama opponents shifting the attention from his birth certificate to his school records. the white house releasing a copy of the president's original birth certificate showing he was born in honolulu. but that's not satisfying everyone. donald trump who pushed for release of the certificate now wants to see the president's university records. last night in the bay area, senator dianne feinstein took aim at trump. >> i think this is really reaching the point of ridiculousness. with all the problems in the world, and if mr. trump wants to run for president, why doesn't he talk about what he would do to solve some of these problems instead of --i think everybody that has ever heard barack obama knows he is a very smart man. >> the president himself using the issue to insist he is focused on things that matter. he says americans shouldn't be distracted by silliness and sideshows. there he is appearing on oprah. finally out of the hospital, congresswoman gabrielle giffords is in florida today spending time with her astronaut husband before his next mission, which launches tomorrow. yesterday, we see her right here in the white circle. she left the hospital for the first time since being shot in the head four months ago, walking on the flight from houston to florida. tomorrow, giffords will watch the launch of the space shuttle endeavour. her husband, mark kelly, will command the shuttle's last trip into space. coming up, the strict measure about tanning just introduced by a state lawmaker. a few last-minute rehearsals and finishing touches. the royal excitement just a day away. i'm charlie d'agata in london. we'll have the story coming up. ,,,, san francisco. a place with natural beauty and a forward-thinking spirit. at bank of america, we've been fueling economic growth here for over a century. today, we're investing in innovations that will define our future. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion. from financing a solar project for the milpitas school district to funding the institute at golden gate. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] plus we have great club card specials like refreshe water, 24 packs are only $2.99 each. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. prince william and kate exchanging vows tomorrow. charlie d'agata is live in london. as the royal' last day before welcome back. the world is watching prince william and kate middleton exchanging vows tomorrow. >> charlie d'agata is live in london as the royals prep on this the very last day before the big day. hi, charlie. >> hello to you, frank and sydnie. more activity here at westminster abbey. looks like somebody is about to go in or come out. but the excitement is building. the crowds are building. security is in place. they are going to start closing off roads tonight in preparation for tomorrow's wedding. police escorted kate middleton, her bridesmaids and best man prince harry from westminster abbey this morning after their final wedding rehearsal. with just one day to go before the real thing, the city of london is buzzing with excitement and last-minute preparations. last night, kate and prince william were all smiles after their last walk-through at the church together. today, the official royal wedding website released a souvenir program which will go on sale tomorrow along the procession route. it includes the full order of service, a personal thank you message from will and kate, and a never-before-seen picture of the royal couple. the temperature is really dropped in london and forecasters are calling for a chance of rain on the wedding day. still, nothing can dampen the spirits of the die-hard fans who have camped out for days. >> even a thunderstorm, i feel like it will still be fun. we'll be miserable but it will be fun. >> reporter: if wet weather moves in the couple will have to leave the abbey in this glass coach, which could make it difficult for hundreds of thousands of spectators to get a good look. >> if the couple come back from their wedding in a closed top carriage, i think they are going to go mental. we want to see the newlyweds to appreciate them and a full look at the wedding dress. >> reporter: allegedly rain on your wedding day is good luck. where will the couple spent the last night of "freedom"? kate middleton will be with her parts at the up market goring hotel less than a mile away prince william spending the night with his father and his best man, prince harry, at the clarence house at the royal palace. frank and sydnie? >> so no rehearsals dinner the night before, no bachelor party? >> they had that already, top secret. >> all right. you have your binoculars, right? >> reporter: yes. >> you can't wait to see the dress, right, charlie, that's what it's all about. >> reporter: it's all about the dress for me. it's been about the dress. i have been obsessed about the dress for month. >> right there with you, charlie. [ laughter ] >> i know we'll be joining you tomorrow, as well. have fun, charlie. how exciting. charlie d'agata live in london. >> reporter: thank you. >> waiting to see the dress, covering the royal wedding. thank you. you can see the royal wedding live on cbs 5 beginning tomorrow morning at 1:30 a.m. after the late late show. and the "early edition" will follow starting at 5:53. i think i'm more interested in the food. how about those tea and crumpets? that sounds fantastic. >> sausages! >> yeah. >> and the sausages, too, that's right. hey, the sun just coming up on the bay area folks. and looking good. we have mostly clear skies inland. we have a couple of clouds though inside the bay and out at the coastline. those are going to disappear going to see mostly sunny skies today but the big weather word today, yeah, windy. it's going to be kick up around the bay area especially out toward the coastline. just inside the bay and some of the mountain passes. should be mostly sunny. temperatures going to be cooler today. let's plan on 60s showing up in many spots inland. 50s at the coastline and in between there inside the bay. numbers right now you have 50 degrees in san jose. 48 degrees in livermore. 43 in santa rosa. 49 degrees in napa. if you plan to travel around the state you're looking for raindrops, you can find those. showers in eureka, partly cloudy skies in redding and partly cloudy and mild temperatures up in the high country. so high pressure overhead but a flat ridge and then you have the system diving over the top of it. that's going to help to ramp up the winds for today. gusting fairly strong out toward the coastline. 30 miles per hour plus at the beaches. so out there it's going to be blowing, you will probably see blowing sand out there as well and, of course, the winds working their way inside the bay. but you get some wind sheltered spots and you're looking good. 68 degrees and comfortable in morgan hill, 65 in milpitas. 60s inland, lower 60s inside the bay. and our friends in the north bay, expecting 50s with some blustery winds in the afternoon coast side. milder inland. this weekend here comes the sunshine and offshore winds and those temperatures up in the 70s and 80s. a beautiful weekend to take a trip to the napa valley, huh, elizabeth. >> that's right. i did tell you that. just has to be nice on saturday. all right. thank you, lawrence. all right. let's go out towards the bay bridge because we have two separate problems now so they have actually turned the camera around towards the incline. first a smaller fender-bender just before the pay gates. they are working to clear that off to the shoulder now and then we have a stall on the upper deck past treasure island. so as you can see, it is a slow crawl right now up the incline. i just checked and they still haven't turned on the meet me. they will likely turn them on any minute now. but for right now, no metering lights, but there is a small backup there as you approach the toll plaza. mass transit that's on time. bart is all on time. all trains as well as ace, muni metro and caltrain. let's talk quickly about roadwork. one way traffic control in effect in pacifica. highway 1 near linda mar until about 7:00 this morning. getting a check of the east bay now. highway 4 just seeing your usual slow traffic as you approach a street. the antioch bridge looks okay. again you can see the sensors slow down once you reach a street all the way towards somersville. and the altamont pass drive pretty typical stuff here, as well. a 17-minute commute from 205 out towards 680 and the dublin interchange. the situation in dublin, 680 southbound ramp they are hoping to re-open it by 6:30, possibly 7:00. again, there was an officer- involved shooting overnight so they have that southbound 680 off-ramp to dublin road, completely blocked but dublin boulevard is open. quick trip this morning between hayward and downtown. coming up, we'll take a check of the south bay and remember kcbs, our radio partners, at 740-am and 106.9-fm. that's your traffic. back to you. >> thank you. 6:22. the 49ers make a big move off the field. the megacontract for its new stadium. and arnold schwarzenegger may revisit a very familiar role. his plans for getting back on the big screen coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] who's your car's best friend? gasoline that cleans. chevron with techron. care for your car. i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. today bart's board of directors will discuss the pro good news for night owls. bart thinking about extending late-night service. today bart's board of directors will discuss the proposal to change the time on saturday mornings from 12:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. it will cost $1.5 million. a six-month trial period would start in september. no more indoor tanning for minors. a state lawmaker has introduced a bill to make it illegal for children under 18 to use tanning beds. state senator ted liu of southern california says studies show the beds cause cancer. as it stands now, minors have to get permission from parents to go tanning. he may be back. now that's out of the office, former governor arnold schwarzenegger may revisit a very familiar role. the hollywood reporter says his agent is now shopping around the rights to a new terminator sequel starring "the governator." there have been four films in the franchise. schwarzenegger didn't appear in the most recent one back in 2009 because he was a little busy in sacramento i guess, huh? it is 6:26. coming up, a disturbing discovery inside a santa cruz home. the strange smell that led to one man's arrest. plus, homes flatten neighborhoods in rubble. the death toll rising from devastating twisters in the south. a chilling look at a funnel clouds up close. and an lamb county sheriff's deputy is in the hospital recovering from head injuries after she shot and killed a suspect early this morning. i'm kiet do with a live report coming up. and a potential federal criminal investigation in san bruno as pg&e continues to hem and haw over testing regulations. we'll have the latest coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us. it is thursday, april 28. i'm sydnie kohara. >> hi, everybody. i'm frank mallicoat. it is almost 6:30. if the royal wedding isn't enough to spark up your weekend, we have great weather. >> we have lawrence, too. >> yeah. we'll get things going this morning. >> double dipping. >> that's right. hey, folks, we have a lot of sunshine come our way today. we have a few clouds inside the bay and out at the coast. but mostly clear already inland and i think by the afternoon, it's going to be nice. temperatures now 40s and 50s. the big concern today the winds. they are going to be whipping up outside. but we are going to straighten things out and get ready for the weekend coming up. and we are going to be warming up. more on that in a minute. first elizabeth has traffic. >> going out to chopper 5, they continue their journey alls across the bay area. they are live over the caldecott tunnel showing you traffic heading out of orinda towards oakland and everything is moving across just fine so far this morning. there is no delay on westbound 24. coming up, we'll update you on a couple of earlier problems at the bay bridge toll plaza and let you know metering lights just turned on. more traffic coming up. back to you. >> thank you. we begin at 6:30 with a violent confrontation in the east bay. a suspect is dead and an lamb county sheriff's deputy has a serious head injury. kiet do is in dublin where a freeway off-ramp is still closed. >> good morning. . >> reporter: we are learning details about the struggle between the deputy and the suspect the suspect tried to smash the deputy's head into a concrete curb and she fought back. she is now in the hospital with injuries and she is said to be shaken up at this hour. and the body of that suspect is still here on the property of that dodge dealership just off the freeway here. this as crime scene investigators are busy taking pictures, gathering evidence and trying to piece together what happened. they say at 1:30 this morning a female deputy came across a suspicious person at the dealership just off the dublin boulevard and 680 southbound. they got into a struggle and the suspect met the sergeant in the head --hit the sergeant in the head with an object. they did peek under the tarp that's covering the body and did see that he had a full 40- ounce can of beer so whether or not he actually used that as some sort of weapon remains unclear at this hour. the sergeant called for help on the radio, drew her weapon and shot once and killed the suspect. the sergeant was bleeding from the head and went to the hospital. her exact injuries are unknown. she has been on the force for some time. she was a sergeant so that meant she was experienced. >> she's very experienced. she has been on patrol for many, many years. very experienced. >> reporter: and the suspect was well known to the department. he was a transient described with a long rap sheet has been arrested several times and has a history of violence and fighting. right now, the earliest we are hearing that the ramp will open up, the dublin off-ramp here off of 680 southbound will open up sometime around 7:00. we have seen some activity with the cars moving out of the scene here. so who knows. it could be 7:00 or earlier or later than that. but we'll keep an eye on it for you and bring you the latest. but that's it for now. >> takes a little time. kiet do live in dublin, kiet, thank you. word is it was the smell that led santa cruz police to an apartment with a body in it. investigators believe this man johnclower was living in the apartment with a dead woman for a week. no idea what happened. some amazing video from alabama the state hit hardest by violent storms. the tornado roared across the university of alabama campus in tuscaloosa. more than 100 tornadoes were reported in several southern states yesterday. the number of known dead keeps rising now up to at least 194 in five different states. a million people in alabama are without power due to all that destruction. the damage that tornado left behind just devastating. you can see just piles and piles of debris and garbage. cars were flipped over and in some parts of alabama the red cross says there are as many ambulances on the streets as there are taxis in new york city. the state says pg&e needs to do real tests on the gas pipeline not just assume how good those lines are. anne makovec is in san bruno with how pg&e is responding. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. take a look at the scene. we have visited this site over the past few months but it's funny that it changes and stays the same at the same time. you can see the hole where the pipe blew up in the street. the hole still exists but the grass around it is growing and the area is ready to have a rebuilding stage that was talked about a lot during a town hall meeting meeting here in san bruno last night. the testing still a factor up and down california. the state public utilities commission has asked pg&e to test 700 miles of pipeline similar to the one that blew up here in san bruno. well, pg&e does not have proper records for the 700 miles and that is why they actually want to avoiding testing and instead go on assumptions of the pipeline's quality. the reason pg&e says the test could disrupt gas service, cost $350 million and take five years to complete. pg&e says the tests themselves could weaken the lines. the final decision is going to be made by the puc on whether or not they are going to be required to do all that testing. several members of the commission have already expressed the need for this stringent high pressure water testing despite the inconvenience. a federal investigation by the u.s. district attorney's office is under way. it could be a criminal investigation. that is all into what happened here on september 9 when a gas transmission line blew up destroying the neighborhood killing eight people. federal prosecutors are asking for thousands of pages of documents including pg&e's map, reports and emergency plans. this is on top of the ongoing investigation by the national transportation safety board and the state public utilities commission. geffen, more rebuilding -- again, more rebuilding is being planned in this area. so one of these months, soon, we'll be seeing a different scene here behind me. and we're look forward to that day when we see house here again, sydnie. >> thank you, anne makovec in san bruno. time now 6:36. let's get a little traffic and weather. two words i think sum up today, windy, sunshine. >> yeah. should look good but it's going to feel cool in spots. you know, that wind is going to be whipping up around the bay area and that's going to help to bring the temperatures down. we have clouds out there this morning over the bay and the coast mostly clear inland. but those clouds are going to disappear and here comes that sunshine toward the latter part of the day. so high pressure going to try to bring you some sunshine. you have that weak system over the top of the ridge cranking up winds. could see winds blowing to about 30 miles per hour towards the coastline. numbers now in the 40s and 50s. by this afternoon, yup, we are still looking at mild temperatures inland. about 68 degrees in fairfield. 65 degrees in san jose. but 50s out toward the immediate coastline. time for a traffic check with elizabeth. >> chopper 5 left walnut creek now heading up 242 towards highway 4. the only slowing we are seeing on highway 4 is through antioch from a street through sommersville, the usual stuff. so far, so good. top speeds pittsburg to concord. thank you, chopper 5. to the maps, live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. they turned the metering lights on because of two separate problems. we had a fender-bender right here just before the pay gates. and then we also had a stall on the upper deck, both of which are cleared. so all lanes once again re- opened but traffic is stacking up just beyond the first overcrossing. a new accident in the sunol grade, that's coming up. back to you. >> thank you. baseball commissioner bud selig says he is waiting for the facts before responding to accusations against a coach visiting at&t park over the weekend. a family from fresno says atlanta pitching coach roger mcdowell made homophobic comments and sexual gestures to the three men next to then prior to a game saturday. the father says when he complained, mcdowell told him kids don't belong in a baseball park and threatened him allegedly with a baseball bat. mcdowell has since apologized. the giants fan attacked outside dodger stadium could be out of a coma by the weekend. bryan stow's family says doctors started lowering his sedation some two days ago. stow was beaten into a coma nearly a month ago. the 49ers hope to score a naming rights deal for a stadium in santa clara. caa sports negotiates big contracts for prominent athletes and also brokers corporate partners for stadiums and now the 49ers and the city of santa clara want to find a sponsor to help fund the stadium there, which is expected to cost more than $900 million. and we just got a new name for the oakland-alameda county coliseum. >> it doesn't roll off your tonight. >> stadium. >> the nfl draft is tonight. >> is it really? >> and they have a lockout. >> so many questions surrounding that, too figuring out whether they are even going to play. >> like to have a season in the fall. we sal see. and there is a little wedding to talk about, too. we are less than 24 hours away from the big day in great britain. >> we'll go back live to london for the final rehearsal and the backup plan if it rains and how you can toast william and kate in parties around the bay area. >> the market just opened 10 minutes ago. a quick check of the early numbers, so far not so good but it just opened. we feel get a full update from kcbs moneywatch reporter jason brooks. stay with us. ,, ,,,, better than any other luxury brand. ♪ intellichoice proclaims that lexus has the best overall value of any brand. ♪ and j.d. power and associates ranks lexus the highest in customer satisfaction. no wonder more people have chosen lexus over any other luxury brand 11 years in a row. see your lexus dealer. until prince william and kate tie the knot. good morning. if you're just getting up, joining us, we have some clouds making their way across parts of the bay area right now. chopper 5 up near walnut creek. got a lot of sunshine coming our way today as, well, we are going to see some windy conditions. but i think we are going to see mostly sunny skies as we head in toward the afternoon. so with that in mind, yeah, a little cool out toward the coast. those winds blowing talking about 30 miles per hour some blowing through the gaps so watch out for that. mostly clear inside the bay and breezy and mostly sunny and mild temperatures well inland. starting out in the 40s and 50s so not too cold. temperatures comfortable, cooler winds this afternoon. rain towards eureka, 54 degrees. high country looking good 54 also in lake tahoe with partly cloudy skies. we have the next system diving into california. the difference between two systems will crank up the winds in the afternoon. that will be the major weather concern for today are the windy conditions developing at the coast and in through the bay and mountain gaps. so expected that today and tomorrow. after that things settle down. we are going to strengthen out nicely. 68 degrees in morgan hill. 65 milpitas. 66 redwood city. plan on upper 60s near 70 in many spots inland. it looks like the weather is looking good interior. cooler at the coast. weekend looking good. 70s and 80s in many spots inland. that's the latest. here's elizabeth with traffic. they are live over concord showing us traffic on highway 4 looks okay through this stretch closer to antioch where we are seeing our usual brake lights from hillcrest and then we are seeing speeds i am prove past railroad avenue. so thank you for those live traffic shots. to our picture of the bay bridge toll plaza now. delays are growing. it is not too bad. it looks like it's not quite the 880 overcrossing yet. we had two separate problems at the bay bridge both heading towards the upper deck. there was a fender-bender at the pay gates and a stall on the upper deck as well. everything is cleared, all lanes re-opened now. but took a little while, metering lights were turned on. better news now for this accident in the sunol grade. southbound 680 at sheridan road. one lane was blocked, they were able to clear it quickly to the right shoulder. police activity is keeping this off-ramp closed southbound 680 to dublin boulevard. dublin boulevard remains open. but they are hoping to get that off-ramp open by about 7:00 this morning. we have a reporter kiet do on the scene. it was an earlier overnight officer-involved shooting. to the peninsula let's check the ride on 101. looks okay right now heading into downtown san francisco and we are seeing top speeds through san mateo county. that's your traffic. back to you. >> thank you. the countdown is on about 18 hours until prince william and kate tie the knot. >> and charlie d'agata is live in london and charlie, we spoke with you a little bit ago but how's the atmosphere there? are they getting ready? >> frank, to say they are excited would be an understatement especially now because the crowd was treated to another appearance from kate middleton and prince harry and the bridesmaids. they were here for their last rehearsal at westminster abbey. kate wanted to make sure she gets those 104 steps to the altar exactly right before tomorrow's wedding. >> reporter: police escorted kate middleton, her bridesmaids and best man prince harry from westminster abbey this morning after their final wedding rehearsal. with just one day to go before the real thing the city of london is buzzing with excitement and last-minute preparations. last night, kate and prince william were all smiles after their last walk-through at the church together. today, the official royal wedding website released a souvenir program which will go on sale tomorrow along the procession route. it includes the full order of service, a personal thank you message from will and kate, and a never-before-seen picture of the royal couple. the temperature has really dropped in london and forecasters are calling for a chance of rain on the wedding day. still, nothing can dampen the spirits of the die-hard fans who camped out for days. >> even a thunderstorm i feel like it will still be fun. we'll be miserable but it will be fun. >> reporter: if wet weather moves in, the couple will have to leave the abbey in this glass coach, which could make it difficult for hundreds of thousands of spectators to get a good look. >> if the couple come back from their wedding in a closed top carriage i think they are going it go mental. so we willly want to see the newlyweds. we want to appreciate them. we want a full look at the dress. >> reporter: there would be one upside to the bad weather: tradition has it that rain on your wedding day is good luck. >> reporter: just to give you an idea of this military precision and the timing, they have given them nine minutes for kate middleton and her father to go from the goring hotel to westminster abbey, not 8, not 10. 9 minutes to get through. ought roads will be closed. you would never be able to do that in normal times. frank and sydnie? >> charlie, you mentioned, talk about the detail and you mentioned she has to take 104 steps exactly in the church? >> reporter: yup. not 103, not 105. and that's why there have been so many rehearsals. at least three that we know of. and then of course, she is going to be walking with this long train behind her. she has had one rehearsal with prince william here. the rest have been with prince harry. you have to be thinking he is probably standing in for his brother while these rehearsals have been taking place. >> there must be a royal counter or something. we are going to see kate going one, two, three... ha. >> wow. >> reporter: you know, i just heard from my friend here, it's interesting because she is actually only got six words to say in tomorrow's ceremony. she has the four names of prince william, don't ask me what they are, i can't tell you and then i do. so not that much pressure. >> princess diana sort of mixed up the how the names came for prince charles. so i bet that kate gets it right. >> reporter: yup. >> so charges we'll be waiting and you will be there for us. charlie d'agata live in london covering the royal wedding. >> thanks. you can watch the royal wedding right here on cbs 5. our coverage will begin tomorrow at 1:30 a.m. after the late late show. the "early edition" will follow at 5:53 a.m. and in just a minute we'll chat with liam mayclem standing 20 feet away from us. he is ready to rock and roll and talk about all the big parties right here in the bay area. >> yes, the foodie chap cooking his scones and getting his clotted cream ready. here's jason brooks with kcbs and with our financial report this morning. >> reporter: good morning. some economic information out that's not very good. seeing the second big jump in first-time weekly jobless claims in the past three weeks up 25,000 to 429,000. the four-week average pushing higher to 408,000, that is now leaving an area which suggested job growth which key to an economic recovery sustaining itself. the first look at gross domestic product in the 1st quarter the economy grew at a clip of 1.8% much slower than 39.1% in the 4th quarter, rising commodity prices making it harder for consumers. we saw a cut back in consumer spending in that quarter. ebay saw lots of spending in the 1st quarter. the san jose company's were up 20%, profit up to $476 million, revenue up 16% to 2.$5 billion. lots of changes in marketplace really helped out. bay including lowering the listing prices for sellers. and also saw a continued strong growth from paypal. stock market a little flat right now off of those economic numbers. some more solid earnings and some other companies like exxonmobil, dow chemical providing a little lift. right now the dow is up by 8 points. nasdaq is down by 6 after nearing a ten-year high yesterday and the s&p right now is lower by 1. >> thank you, jason brooks with kcbs and back to what the world is talking about the royal wedding of course. >> the bay area even hosting several viewing parties. people got to get up early and, of course, "eye on the bay's" liam mayclem is here because you are going to be up eating your gangers and mash and bubble and squeak and toad in a hole. >> exactly. >> i like the cufflinks. >> royal cufflinks indeed. it is going to be a royal event like none other, folks. the wedding of prince william, kate middleton, alarm bells will be sounding around the globe because people have to get out of bed early for the big day. starting at 3 a.m., our time, that is 11 a.m. greenwich mean time in britain, and, of course, the royal nuptials being broadcast live on a television set near you or at one of many bay area venues. this is just going to be massive. >> a lot of places are opening up very early? >> pubs, tea houses, i have to mention first of all a royal tea time. >> they are never going to close. just stay open. >> i think they will. the pubs will for sure. this royal tea party is going to be cool on friday. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in ghirardelli square. a royal pub party down south at cameron's pub. this is the quintessential british pub. the double-decker outside, british beer on tap not serving booze that early in the morning. cameron's pub will be open all night. >> are you down there? >> no. i'm going to be somewhere. we'll find out where. >> if you want to celebrate at the palace like the royals, go to the palace hotel. they do a tea party every saturday like no one else on the planet. but they are doing a special royal breakfast. the british consul-general will be there julian evans a grand man and their party starts at 8 a.m. friday morning. so a lot of people are going to crash at the palace hotel tomorrow night, or sleep there i should say, and wake up and have their own little party. >> where were you when princess diana was married? >> i was in london. it was unlike anything i had ever seen before. i was an 11-year-old boy. giving my age away. the royals do this like no one else. they have been doing it for centuries. the entire country and half of america came to britain for that wedding and again for this one. another royal note, the 2011 decorator showcase is under way. this is a showcase that transforms a mansion ones' year. it's now through may 30th. top designers transforming grooms in one of the rooms, there is the house on vallejo street. one of the rooms is a bridle sweet inspired by the royal wedding. it's cool. it is the decorator showcase event on the west coast. and that benefits san francisco university education. there is the address. vallejo street. now through may 30th. i went yesterday for the preview. it was amazing. one last thing a nonroyal event. "eye on the bay" monday we launch our new series, brian, thuy and myself. we went on a five-day desert adventure, five days in the desert. imagine them being stuck with me for five days? we go to palm springs, we meet up with hank plante down there, salton sea, it's an amazing road trip starts monday at 7 p.m. on "eye on the bay." >> i followed you on facebook and i saw some of the photos. it was a good road trip. >> finally if you're having a party in the early hours of the morning, you want to tell us where it is or send us some photos, >> just invite us, though. >> well, invite me because i want to go somewhere tomorrow morning. >> we don't know where you're going. >> we'll find out. >> thank you very much, liam mayclem from "eye on the bay." >> a right royal treat. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [ male announcer ] everyday, your car does a lot for you. do something for it. show it some love. chevron with techron. care for your car. kiet do is in dublin with the latest on this morning's incident. a violent confrontation in dublin leaves a suspect dead and injures a deputy. kiet do has more. >> reporter: good morning. all the deputies and the police officers involved have been pushed back now. they are doing some sort of sweep of this crime scene so it is empty but still very active at this time. another point of clarification that the officer involved in this was a police sergeant with dublin police and the it turns out that the dublin police reports to the alameda county sheriff's office. this started at 1:30 when a female sergeant came across a suspicious person at the dodge dealership at dublin boulevard and 680 southbound. they got into a struggle. the suspect hit the sergeant in the head and tried to smash her head on the concrete curb. she had bloody injuries to her head. she pulled her gun, fired one shot and killed the suspect. then she called for help. she went to the hospital with unknown injuries and the suspect's body is still on the scene. he is a well-known transient with a long rap sheet and history of violence and fighting. and again, we are hearing out here that the now the exit is opening up around 9:00. we did say 7:00 but it's looking more like 9:00. >> thank you, kiet do in dublin. one last check of traffic and weather. this is the best forecast this year. >> yes. that you have ever seen since you have been here. >> that i have ever seen in my life! >> lots of sunshine coming our way. winds are going to be whipping up today even through tomorrow. we are going to see some gusty winds. the weekend 70s and out. but sunshine all the way through the next 7. let's check traffic with elizabeth. >> we are going to take a last look with chopper 5 live over the carquinez bridge where traffic is free-flowing this morning. it looks good down the eastshore freeway if you are heading into richmond down into berkeley. at the bay bridge toll plaza it is backed up almost to the macarthu maze. mass transit is on time. >> thanks for watching the cbs 5 "early edition." we'll

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