Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 11 20121206 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 11 20121206

tonight. a california couple missing for days has just been found. good evening i'm ken bastida. does and i'm dana king. the couple have been missing since last week's storm. they were found in the snow. roderick and his girlfriend paula lain were last seen at this 7-eleven before leaving for nevada. 15 minutes ago we learned that a relative who was looking for the couple found paula. she was found crawling in the snow. tonight she is in the hospital. the condition of her boyfriend is not yet known. it appears the couple got snuck in the snow and roderick throat get help. he never returned to the car. investigators spoke just a few minutes ago. >> they may have been sightseeing and got stuck in the snow. reports are that they may have stayed in the vehicle for at least one night. roderick left the vehicle to seek help. when he did not return paula left to seek help. >> paula is in stable condition with mild frostbite. no official word yet about what happened to her boyfriend. >> developing news tonight. silicon valley tycoon john mcafee is under arrest. he's been on the run since early november, refusing to turn himself in to authorities in belize. that's where he is a person of interest in the shooting death of his next door neighbor. mcafee believes he is a victim of a government conspiracy. the story has to get out. i have documentation that improves the intense corruption. now that i'm in a safe place. >> mcafee was arrested for entering guatemala illegally. he is facing deportation. >> the dungeness crab season got started and already the boats are idle. crabbers are on strike. we are hearing some restaurants are running low on crab. the problem, bubbled to the surface sunday when crabbers heard that fish brokers were going to drop the price from $3 a pound to as low as $1.80. >> it's been a year since state lawmakers lost a sweet perk. their free cars. many were so fond of their rides they decided to buy them back. they made a few improvements first and guess who is paying for that. >> reporter: three days before state senator surrendered her state issued prius she got a 55 point vehicle inspection, new water pump. state tax pairs paid more than $800. then she bought the car for personal use. her staff declined comment. according to an associated press report, 47 of the 64 lawmakers bought their cars. that's after taxpayers paid for repairs and maintenance. >> unfortunately they made a mistake and i think some of them realize they made a mistake hoping it wouldn't be disclosed to the public. >> reporter: california was the only state to have a car perk for state lawmakers until a year ago. a citizens commission ended program to save $5 million a year. some of the larger bills came from senator bob dunn gone. his chevy tahoe wracked up nearly $6000 in work. he says the car was nearly 100,000-miles. he bought it weeks later. new tires and a cooling system flush as part of a $2400 taxpayer bill before he bought the car. >> it's my money going to it. it's frustrating. >> sounds like we're getting ripped off. doesn't sound fair at all. we work really hard for our money. >> reporter: an unnamed source told me when lawmakers gave up their cars they got auction to dealers. lawmakers could then buy their own cars. repairs ultimately made more money. he claims lawmakers didn't take advantage of taxpayer dollars. >> oakland police have fended off the feds. the city cut a last minute deal with civil rights attorneys to avoid a takeover. they agreed to a compliance director. cbs 5 insider says both sides can claim a partial victory. >> reporter: the plaintiffs will have someone within the department to make sure that changes are made. and if they aren't made they can go to the court and ask for changes in the police chief and command staff. the city on the other hand gets to hold on to its popular police chief and gets another shot at making things good with the plaintiffs. what they avoid is a complete federal takeover. something that would be an embarrassment for the city and could lead to a judge telling them they don't have enough cops. >> crime was the subject of a neighborhood meeting in oakland just a few hours ago. the mayor was there. so was the police chief. neighbors tell cbs 5 recorder linda yee it seems to them that it was more talk and few real promises of any action. >> reporter: the mayor and police brass admitted up front violent crime is on the rise. specifically robberies. >> i feel your pain. >> reporter: deputy chief, captains, lieutenants talked about programs they're using. there the focus of this town hall meeting, crime prevention. what is stunning is the multiple shootings that happened in this district less than 24 hours ago they were never mentioned. there were four people shot in the neighborhood. you didn't address it at all. >> there are rules that are being held where people in that particular beat can talk to the officers about specific crime problems. with i want to aggress that there. not everybody here wants to hear about that shooting. >> reporter: one resident called the safety meeting. >> the data is never really up to date. they're always playing catch up with well what happened yesterday? >> reporter: are you convinced there are solutions? >> no. how could you feel that? you have no -- >> reporter: the mayor promised change is coming. >> we have to have more police officers and have to have people with jobs and opportunity and more hope. >> reporter: katherine is not convinced safety issues are addressed. she says she'll walk home from this meeting at her own peril. >> i'm not on a suicide mission. but it's very upsetting. it's very upsetting. one ought to be able to walk to a neighborhood middle school without being so scared. >> if you've had a cell phone or laptop stone recently, take a good look at this stuff. is any of this yours? san francisco police just busted a major fencing ring and they found half a million dollars worth of laptops, cell phones and cameras. most of it stolen from cars in san francisco and oakland. three people under arrest tonight police believe they are part of a larger crime ring. >> extension to san jose has run into or rather flown into a unique problem. birds. and a lot of them. cbs 5 ann notaranelo says it is costing you a fortune. >> reporter: freemont central park, a favorite nesting spot for more than 500 species. >> during the peak of construction in 2011 i thought we were at war with birds. it was like the movie. >> reporter: bart is in the middle of building its warm springs extension. something had to give. it was not going to be the birds. one morning dove pair tried 11 times in one day to build their nest. bart tried to make the areas unappealing. >> we tried sprinklers, reflective tape, ribbons, what we call air dancers that you see at used car lots that are run on compressed air. >> reporter: once a nest had eggs in it the work crews were stopped in their tracks. bart thought it would cost about $99,000. it ended up costing them $5 million. about $17,000 a nest. >> going way beyond what you would consider a practical use of protection to the environment. >> reporter: bart says it would have cost them more if the project had been delayed or they violated wildlife protection laws. if the birds continue to pose a problem bart is going to have to continue to pay to accommodate these birds. in freemont, ann. >> talk about a wakeup call. a tree crashes through a bay area bedroom. what the ohm homeowner did just two days ago that probably saved his life. >> the grocery chain in danger of going belly up. >> and the bay area house decked out like you would not believe. it beats the world record holder. ,,,,,, at bank of america, we're continuing to lend and invest in the people, businesses, and organizations that call the bay area home. whether it's helping a nonprofit provide safe, affordable housing within the city, supporting an organization that's helping kids find jobs and stay in school, or financing the expansion of a local company that's creating healthier workplaces, what's important to the people of the bay area is important to us. and we're proud to work with all those off yet, when this happe how is this for a rude awakening? the alarm clock hadn't gone off when it happened. a huge tree came crashing down on a man's home. during this morning's storm. the hundred foot cypress broke through the roof of the master bedroom and missed the homeowner by just a few feet. >> it is weird. it is weird. thank god it didn't come into the house more than it did. >> that's because just two days ago he moved his bed from beneath the very spot where that tree landed. >> just two years after arriving in the bay area the fresh and easy market chain could be going away. the stores are designed to be convenient and feature fresh foods. gulf they're losing money. some observers say the stores were troubled from the very beginning. >> as they were rolling out their stores they rolled out in a period of time economically that was really unfavorable to anybody in the business. >> there are 19 fresh and easy markets. the british owner says it's undertaking a wide ranging review of the business. >> there are people who put up lights for the holidays. then there are people who go all out. >> one households the distinction of having the biggest light display in the entire bay area. that's where elizabeth cook is stationed tonight. >> reporter: how are you guys doing on your christmas decorations? >> good. >> reporter: yeah, got the tree and lights. take a look at this for inspiration. or maybe envious. welcome to the house of the dove. this year's theme, elf land. it was selected as hd tvs top displays in the u.s. it beat out the guinness record book holder for most lights. >> this is over the top. >> reporter: for the many who come here it isn't christmas until they see this. >> it's sort of one of the first things we do every year. magical for me. >> reporter: it's a tradition that began 30 years ago. >> i wanted to do something for people of all faiths. >> reporter: he began with setting up a few lights around his home. >> probably the buildings were this big and it was a little miniature elf village along one side of the driveway. pushing at maybe 2000 nights. today 345,300. >> reporter: many children who are mesmerized. >> more spiritual than religious, programs. but definitely. >> reporter: what do the neighbors think? >> i think it's fabulous. >> reporter: she's lived across the street since 1989. she puts up a display of her own. >> we don't even try. we just do what we do. >> reporter: i got to ask you. whatst your pg&e bill. >> i can guarantee you i'm sitting down when i open the bill. however if anyone wants to pay my bill i'll be happy to pay theirs. >> reporter: seems like an even trade. >> i think so. >> reporter: pg&e has set up the only industrial transformer that's to help to keep the power on for the rest of the neighbors. they start setting up the display labor day weekend. this is a year long project. the display is open sunday through thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 and on the weekends till 10:00 p.m. it closes new year's eve at midnight. >> doing it right. >> he is. >> more lights. see if he can get to half a million next year. >> reporter: encourage him, ken. he's slacking. >> then there's that bill. >> our own little light is back. >> last night i was wrapping up the palm trees outside the house. it took me three hours. then i came outside today and they were down. so yeah. because it rained so much. it did. in fact,let fire up our live high def doppler radar. the rain has come to an end. we had copious amounts of precipitation today alone. i wanted to compare it with last year's stats at this time. percentage of normal. 172%. look at the difference in san jose. we're off to a fine start. tonight we have areas of fog. 40s and 50s with a blanket of cloud. breaking up late night overnight. plan on areas of heavy fog for your morning commute. otherwise it will pan out to be a fairly sunny day. we're entering a dry weather pattern. we have the diversion of showers. with the sunshine tomorrow, numbers very similar to what we experienced today. 50s, beaches. 60s peninsula. these numbers are pretty uniform. okayly about 64. that'll be the outside number. north of the golden gate bridge, 50s and 60s opinion extended forecast. there you have it each and every day. a full string of sunshiny days. that's your pinpoint forecast. back at the legendary dave brubeck.. and the san franco >> you don't to be a jazz fan to recognize the tune. a look back at the legendary dave brubeck and the san francisco nightclub where it all started. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. of the best-selling jazz sof all time. e have lost the that is the sound of the best selling jazz song of all time. tonight we have lost the pioneer jazz man behind it. dave brubeck found his sound at mills college in oakland and burst on to the scene at the black hawk nightclub in the tenderloin. anthony mason looks back on brubeck's work. >> reporter: dave brubeck's music was a defining sound of jazz clubs in the 50s and 60s. a time magazine cover story in 1954 described him as a wigging cat with a far out wail. >> any rules for improvisation? >> you bet your life are. the rules in jazz would scare you to death. >> reporter: the son of a california cattle rancher and a classically trained pianist, brubeck had an ear for melodies. >> it's like a baseball player or any athlete. he's only good when he's instinctively does the right thing. >> reporter: the dave brubeck quartet signature tune take 5 took part on their landmark album. it was the first jazz album to sell a million copies. the opening cut blue rondo was taken from a street rhythm in istanbul. throughout his career brubeck was an ambassador for music. in 1988 he played at the reagan summit in moscow. in 1994 president clinton awarded him the national met toe of the arts. the kennedy center honored his six decades of creation and invention. >> rhythm is an international language. >> reporter: dave brubeck spoke it fluently. anthony mason, cbs news, new york. >> can you name the five nba players with 30,000 points? look at one of the next elite players in the nba. ,,,,,, you won't take my life. you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years. aids is strong. aids is strong. but we are stronger. and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪ new head football coach at cal replacing jeff tedford who was fired last month. just his third year, the bulldogs have the top ranked offense in the country scoring 51 points per game. he's 43 years old. he takes over a cal team that finished 3-9 last year. they have brand new digs and good talent. curry is flourishing without ellis on the team. outscored detroit 49-7 tonight. warriors come out smoking. rookie harrison barnes right out of his nikes. golden state up early. game high 27. but curry is king. 22 points. 10 assists. four straight games with at least 10 assists. warriors win. jim harbaugh has decided to stick with colin kaepernick. it was this fumble that was so decisive. i'm guessing that play will not get called again. rams head coach thought the play call was questionable. it's still tucking at jim harbaugh. here's the top five. >> i don't know what they were trying to accomplish there. you learn from it. feels like somebody took the reached into your chest and stomach and started pulling the innards out. >> number four kobe bryant joined to score 30,000 points. number three. showing moves that ought to be illegal. jordan for the alley-oop. clips meet the mavs. i wonder if rajon rondo moon nights as a magician. celtics win with an impossible move like that. cubs manager went on a quail hunting trip with hall of famer and had a dick cheney moment. >> all of a sudden the shotgun goes off and i take a pellet in my ear. i got to take this out with pliers. i'm out hunting. it was interesting day. >> he got shot and he says oh that happens all the time. if i were him i'd go get a new hunting partner. >> yeah. >> i think that's fair. >> we'll be right back. >> thanks for that. david is coming up. >> albert brooks the guest tonight. our next newscast tomorrow morning at 4:30. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from new york, the greatest city in the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Nevada , Istanbul , Turkey , Nigeria , Oakland , California , Dungeness , Kent , United Kingdom , Town Hall , Guatemala , Belize , Jordan , San Francisco , America , British , Jim Harbaugh , David Letterman , John Mcafee , Harrison Barnes , Anthony Mason , Dick Cheney , Dave Brubeck , Bob Dunn , Paul Shaffer , Dana King ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 11 20121206 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 11 20121206

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tonight. a california couple missing for days has just been found. good evening i'm ken bastida. does and i'm dana king. the couple have been missing since last week's storm. they were found in the snow. roderick and his girlfriend paula lain were last seen at this 7-eleven before leaving for nevada. 15 minutes ago we learned that a relative who was looking for the couple found paula. she was found crawling in the snow. tonight she is in the hospital. the condition of her boyfriend is not yet known. it appears the couple got snuck in the snow and roderick throat get help. he never returned to the car. investigators spoke just a few minutes ago. >> they may have been sightseeing and got stuck in the snow. reports are that they may have stayed in the vehicle for at least one night. roderick left the vehicle to seek help. when he did not return paula left to seek help. >> paula is in stable condition with mild frostbite. no official word yet about what happened to her boyfriend. >> developing news tonight. silicon valley tycoon john mcafee is under arrest. he's been on the run since early november, refusing to turn himself in to authorities in belize. that's where he is a person of interest in the shooting death of his next door neighbor. mcafee believes he is a victim of a government conspiracy. the story has to get out. i have documentation that improves the intense corruption. now that i'm in a safe place. >> mcafee was arrested for entering guatemala illegally. he is facing deportation. >> the dungeness crab season got started and already the boats are idle. crabbers are on strike. we are hearing some restaurants are running low on crab. the problem, bubbled to the surface sunday when crabbers heard that fish brokers were going to drop the price from $3 a pound to as low as $1.80. >> it's been a year since state lawmakers lost a sweet perk. their free cars. many were so fond of their rides they decided to buy them back. they made a few improvements first and guess who is paying for that. >> reporter: three days before state senator surrendered her state issued prius she got a 55 point vehicle inspection, new water pump. state tax pairs paid more than $800. then she bought the car for personal use. her staff declined comment. according to an associated press report, 47 of the 64 lawmakers bought their cars. that's after taxpayers paid for repairs and maintenance. >> unfortunately they made a mistake and i think some of them realize they made a mistake hoping it wouldn't be disclosed to the public. >> reporter: california was the only state to have a car perk for state lawmakers until a year ago. a citizens commission ended program to save $5 million a year. some of the larger bills came from senator bob dunn gone. his chevy tahoe wracked up nearly $6000 in work. he says the car was nearly 100,000-miles. he bought it weeks later. new tires and a cooling system flush as part of a $2400 taxpayer bill before he bought the car. >> it's my money going to it. it's frustrating. >> sounds like we're getting ripped off. doesn't sound fair at all. we work really hard for our money. >> reporter: an unnamed source told me when lawmakers gave up their cars they got auction to dealers. lawmakers could then buy their own cars. repairs ultimately made more money. he claims lawmakers didn't take advantage of taxpayer dollars. >> oakland police have fended off the feds. the city cut a last minute deal with civil rights attorneys to avoid a takeover. they agreed to a compliance director. cbs 5 insider says both sides can claim a partial victory. >> reporter: the plaintiffs will have someone within the department to make sure that changes are made. and if they aren't made they can go to the court and ask for changes in the police chief and command staff. the city on the other hand gets to hold on to its popular police chief and gets another shot at making things good with the plaintiffs. what they avoid is a complete federal takeover. something that would be an embarrassment for the city and could lead to a judge telling them they don't have enough cops. >> crime was the subject of a neighborhood meeting in oakland just a few hours ago. the mayor was there. so was the police chief. neighbors tell cbs 5 recorder linda yee it seems to them that it was more talk and few real promises of any action. >> reporter: the mayor and police brass admitted up front violent crime is on the rise. specifically robberies. >> i feel your pain. >> reporter: deputy chief, captains, lieutenants talked about programs they're using. there the focus of this town hall meeting, crime prevention. what is stunning is the multiple shootings that happened in this district less than 24 hours ago they were never mentioned. there were four people shot in the neighborhood. you didn't address it at all. >> there are rules that are being held where people in that particular beat can talk to the officers about specific crime problems. with i want to aggress that there. not everybody here wants to hear about that shooting. >> reporter: one resident called the safety meeting. >> the data is never really up to date. they're always playing catch up with well what happened yesterday? >> reporter: are you convinced there are solutions? >> no. how could you feel that? you have no -- >> reporter: the mayor promised change is coming. >> we have to have more police officers and have to have people with jobs and opportunity and more hope. >> reporter: katherine is not convinced safety issues are addressed. she says she'll walk home from this meeting at her own peril. >> i'm not on a suicide mission. but it's very upsetting. it's very upsetting. one ought to be able to walk to a neighborhood middle school without being so scared. >> if you've had a cell phone or laptop stone recently, take a good look at this stuff. is any of this yours? san francisco police just busted a major fencing ring and they found half a million dollars worth of laptops, cell phones and cameras. most of it stolen from cars in san francisco and oakland. three people under arrest tonight police believe they are part of a larger crime ring. >> extension to san jose has run into or rather flown into a unique problem. birds. and a lot of them. cbs 5 ann notaranelo says it is costing you a fortune. >> reporter: freemont central park, a favorite nesting spot for more than 500 species. >> during the peak of construction in 2011 i thought we were at war with birds. it was like the movie. >> reporter: bart is in the middle of building its warm springs extension. something had to give. it was not going to be the birds. one morning dove pair tried 11 times in one day to build their nest. bart tried to make the areas unappealing. >> we tried sprinklers, reflective tape, ribbons, what we call air dancers that you see at used car lots that are run on compressed air. >> reporter: once a nest had eggs in it the work crews were stopped in their tracks. bart thought it would cost about $99,000. it ended up costing them $5 million. about $17,000 a nest. >> going way beyond what you would consider a practical use of protection to the environment. >> reporter: bart says it would have cost them more if the project had been delayed or they violated wildlife protection laws. if the birds continue to pose a problem bart is going to have to continue to pay to accommodate these birds. in freemont, ann. >> talk about a wakeup call. a tree crashes through a bay area bedroom. what the ohm homeowner did just two days ago that probably saved his life. >> the grocery chain in danger of going belly up. >> and the bay area house decked out like you would not believe. it beats the world record holder. ,,,,,, at bank of america, we're continuing to lend and invest in the people, businesses, and organizations that call the bay area home. whether it's helping a nonprofit provide safe, affordable housing within the city, supporting an organization that's helping kids find jobs and stay in school, or financing the expansion of a local company that's creating healthier workplaces, what's important to the people of the bay area is important to us. and we're proud to work with all those off yet, when this happe how is this for a rude awakening? the alarm clock hadn't gone off when it happened. a huge tree came crashing down on a man's home. during this morning's storm. the hundred foot cypress broke through the roof of the master bedroom and missed the homeowner by just a few feet. >> it is weird. it is weird. thank god it didn't come into the house more than it did. >> that's because just two days ago he moved his bed from beneath the very spot where that tree landed. >> just two years after arriving in the bay area the fresh and easy market chain could be going away. the stores are designed to be convenient and feature fresh foods. gulf they're losing money. some observers say the stores were troubled from the very beginning. >> as they were rolling out their stores they rolled out in a period of time economically that was really unfavorable to anybody in the business. >> there are 19 fresh and easy markets. the british owner says it's undertaking a wide ranging review of the business. >> there are people who put up lights for the holidays. then there are people who go all out. >> one households the distinction of having the biggest light display in the entire bay area. that's where elizabeth cook is stationed tonight. >> reporter: how are you guys doing on your christmas decorations? >> good. >> reporter: yeah, got the tree and lights. take a look at this for inspiration. or maybe envious. welcome to the house of the dove. this year's theme, elf land. it was selected as hd tvs top displays in the u.s. it beat out the guinness record book holder for most lights. >> this is over the top. >> reporter: for the many who come here it isn't christmas until they see this. >> it's sort of one of the first things we do every year. magical for me. >> reporter: it's a tradition that began 30 years ago. >> i wanted to do something for people of all faiths. >> reporter: he began with setting up a few lights around his home. >> probably the buildings were this big and it was a little miniature elf village along one side of the driveway. pushing at maybe 2000 nights. today 345,300. >> reporter: many children who are mesmerized. >> more spiritual than religious, programs. but definitely. >> reporter: what do the neighbors think? >> i think it's fabulous. >> reporter: she's lived across the street since 1989. she puts up a display of her own. >> we don't even try. we just do what we do. >> reporter: i got to ask you. whatst your pg&e bill. >> i can guarantee you i'm sitting down when i open the bill. however if anyone wants to pay my bill i'll be happy to pay theirs. >> reporter: seems like an even trade. >> i think so. >> reporter: pg&e has set up the only industrial transformer that's to help to keep the power on for the rest of the neighbors. they start setting up the display labor day weekend. this is a year long project. the display is open sunday through thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 and on the weekends till 10:00 p.m. it closes new year's eve at midnight. >> doing it right. >> he is. >> more lights. see if he can get to half a million next year. >> reporter: encourage him, ken. he's slacking. >> then there's that bill. >> our own little light is back. >> last night i was wrapping up the palm trees outside the house. it took me three hours. then i came outside today and they were down. so yeah. because it rained so much. it did. in fact,let fire up our live high def doppler radar. the rain has come to an end. we had copious amounts of precipitation today alone. i wanted to compare it with last year's stats at this time. percentage of normal. 172%. look at the difference in san jose. we're off to a fine start. tonight we have areas of fog. 40s and 50s with a blanket of cloud. breaking up late night overnight. plan on areas of heavy fog for your morning commute. otherwise it will pan out to be a fairly sunny day. we're entering a dry weather pattern. we have the diversion of showers. with the sunshine tomorrow, numbers very similar to what we experienced today. 50s, beaches. 60s peninsula. these numbers are pretty uniform. okayly about 64. that'll be the outside number. north of the golden gate bridge, 50s and 60s opinion extended forecast. there you have it each and every day. a full string of sunshiny days. that's your pinpoint forecast. back at the legendary dave brubeck.. and the san franco >> you don't to be a jazz fan to recognize the tune. a look back at the legendary dave brubeck and the san francisco nightclub where it all started. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. of the best-selling jazz sof all time. e have lost the that is the sound of the best selling jazz song of all time. tonight we have lost the pioneer jazz man behind it. dave brubeck found his sound at mills college in oakland and burst on to the scene at the black hawk nightclub in the tenderloin. anthony mason looks back on brubeck's work. >> reporter: dave brubeck's music was a defining sound of jazz clubs in the 50s and 60s. a time magazine cover story in 1954 described him as a wigging cat with a far out wail. >> any rules for improvisation? >> you bet your life are. the rules in jazz would scare you to death. >> reporter: the son of a california cattle rancher and a classically trained pianist, brubeck had an ear for melodies. >> it's like a baseball player or any athlete. he's only good when he's instinctively does the right thing. >> reporter: the dave brubeck quartet signature tune take 5 took part on their landmark album. it was the first jazz album to sell a million copies. the opening cut blue rondo was taken from a street rhythm in istanbul. throughout his career brubeck was an ambassador for music. in 1988 he played at the reagan summit in moscow. in 1994 president clinton awarded him the national met toe of the arts. the kennedy center honored his six decades of creation and invention. >> rhythm is an international language. >> reporter: dave brubeck spoke it fluently. anthony mason, cbs news, new york. >> can you name the five nba players with 30,000 points? look at one of the next elite players in the nba. ,,,,,, you won't take my life. you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years. aids is strong. aids is strong. but we are stronger. and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪ new head football coach at cal replacing jeff tedford who was fired last month. just his third year, the bulldogs have the top ranked offense in the country scoring 51 points per game. he's 43 years old. he takes over a cal team that finished 3-9 last year. they have brand new digs and good talent. curry is flourishing without ellis on the team. outscored detroit 49-7 tonight. warriors come out smoking. rookie harrison barnes right out of his nikes. golden state up early. game high 27. but curry is king. 22 points. 10 assists. four straight games with at least 10 assists. warriors win. jim harbaugh has decided to stick with colin kaepernick. it was this fumble that was so decisive. i'm guessing that play will not get called again. rams head coach thought the play call was questionable. it's still tucking at jim harbaugh. here's the top five. >> i don't know what they were trying to accomplish there. you learn from it. feels like somebody took the reached into your chest and stomach and started pulling the innards out. >> number four kobe bryant joined to score 30,000 points. number three. showing moves that ought to be illegal. jordan for the alley-oop. clips meet the mavs. i wonder if rajon rondo moon nights as a magician. celtics win with an impossible move like that. cubs manager went on a quail hunting trip with hall of famer and had a dick cheney moment. >> all of a sudden the shotgun goes off and i take a pellet in my ear. i got to take this out with pliers. i'm out hunting. it was interesting day. >> he got shot and he says oh that happens all the time. if i were him i'd go get a new hunting partner. >> yeah. >> i think that's fair. >> we'll be right back. >> thanks for that. david is coming up. >> albert brooks the guest tonight. our next newscast tomorrow morning at 4:30. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from new york, the greatest city in the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Nevada , Istanbul , Turkey , Nigeria , Oakland , California , Dungeness , Kent , United Kingdom , Town Hall , Guatemala , Belize , Jordan , San Francisco , America , British , Jim Harbaugh , David Letterman , John Mcafee , Harrison Barnes , Anthony Mason , Dick Cheney , Dave Brubeck , Bob Dunn , Paul Shaffer , Dana King ,

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