Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Early Edition 20130123 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Early Edition 20130123

support that policy. mayor quan's office sent out a letter this morning saying the aclu down in los angeles reported a dramatic drop in police-related complaints during his tenure as the chief of the lapd. live in the newsroom, anne makovec, cbs 5. >> thank you. five men under arrest this morning for the shooting of an oakland police officer. the undercover cop was at an stakeout in east oakland on monday when a group of men approached his car and shot him in the arm. the manhunt for suspects also uncovered several weapons. officers say two of the suspects are known gang members. >> i think anytime we have subjects who are willing to confront the police and pull the trigger on an officer, i think we have to take that very seriously. >> well, police are not releasing the names of the men arrested. they say they are still following up on search warrants and looking for additional suspects a bay area director's feature film about oscar grant has become the breakout hit of the sundance film festival. the movie "fruitvale" is a drama about the days leading up to the deadly 2009 shooting at the fruitvale bart station. it was so popular, it sparked a bidding war at sundance to distribute the film. the winner was an independent powerhouse harvey weinstein who distributed last year's oscar winner the artist. a fire in a chicago warehouse. fire crews are still on the scene as of an hour ago. you can see the flames rising from the top of the building as plumas of smoke roll into the sky. a massive fire -- told us it is so cold right now in chicago, the water they are spraying on the structure is actually freezing as it hits. among republicans. 53 percent in the g-o-p now support citizenship. that's up from 31 percent in the 2010 survey. sex abuse victims in the ocese of los angeles are making a renewed call for criminal prosecutions. re sexual abuse victims in the archdiocese of los angeles documents show the church protected molester priests. about 30- thousand pages were made public in a 660-million dollar settlement. files show... now retired los angeles archdiocese cardinal.... roger mahony....was involved in the cover-up. there are more than 500 victims and many say.... the church was looking out for itself. "sot: manny vega, victim/ conscious, clear decisions were made to hide these priests and move them around and never, never did they consider the well-being of the children that they destroyed and left behind." it's unclear what kinds of charges can be brought against >> conscious clear decisions were made to hide these priests move them around and never, never did they consider the well-being of the children that they destroyed and left behind. >> it's unclear what kind of charges can be brought up against church officials since the statute of limitations has expired. more documents implicating other priests are expected to be released in the coming weeks. 4:35 now. a congressional hearing is set for today in another sexual abuse scandal this one involving the air force. 32 instructors face allegations of rape and other assaults involving 59 trainees at the lackland air base in texas. officials and victims are expected to testify. jackie speier was the first to call for such a hearing. classes will resume today at a community college in texas. three people are recovering from a shooting at lone star college near houston yesterday. witnesses say two men were arguing in a courtyard outside the library. one of them pulled a gun and shot the other. that sent everyone in the area diving for cover. >> we couldn't actually hear what they were arguing about, but we could hear them arguing. the shooter actually, you know, wanted, you know, he said, uhm, i don't want to fight you. i'm not trying to go to jail. and he actually turned away from the situation. but whatever ticked him off, whatever they said, turned around, got it out of his backpack and just started shooting. >> a maintenance man was also hit. the target of the shooting is in critical condition now. police say the accused gunman accidentally shot himself in the leg and is under arrest. a north bay congressman holds a hearing on gun violence in washington this an. democrat mike thompson chairing the congressional gun violence prevention task force. the hearing today is to consider possible options for reducing gun violence while respecting the second amendment rights of law-abiding americans. why don't we check the weather? >> it's about to change. we have nice weather and now a little bit of rain. >> dusting off that doppler. haven't been able to do that in a while. looks like we have some changes coming our way. some showers beginning to pop up outside at least in the north bay right now, check out the doppler radar and you can see some of that moisture headed in that direction. looks like things will slowly slide across the rest of the bay area today. i think even a better chance toward the afternoon. you can see all the clouds moving in across our skies. they have kept the temperatures fairly mild outside but we're waiting for the back side of the system when it moves through later today. that's when i think the rain will pick up. right now temperatures mild compared to what it's been. mostly cloudy skies no freezing temperatures this morning. 44 in concord. yesterday breezing in santa rose, today 45 degrees because of the cloud cover. this afternoon some scattered showers, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. more rain on the way. we'll talk about that coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> a lot of the roadwork is wrapping up by 5:00 this morning including on the upper deck of the bay bridge. they have a couple of lanes blocked on the incline section. no wait behind the pay gates. everything is quiet so far heading into san francisco. we'll let you know when they reopen all lanes on the upper deck. elsewhere to the san mateo bridge. everything looks great in both directions. super light. 14 minutes is the drive time between the span of hayward and foster city in both directions of eastbound and westbound 92. and to our maps now, some areas of overnight roadwork still in lanes both directions of the dumbarton bridge. westbound wrapping up in the next 20 minutes, eastbound extends until 6 a.m. and up and down the nimitz southbound 880 between fruitvale and 66 various lanes blocked. again, that is supposed to wrap up here by 5 a.m. that is traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you. a dozen luxury cars nabbed during a daring east bay heist. police say the suspects drove off with the vehicles from this used car lot in hayward on monday. they included mercedes, jaguars and bmws. officers found one of the cars nearby. the suspects apparently ditched it when it ran out of gas. some of the surveillance cameras were working and caught the suspects in the act. >> seen about four or five young guys, saw them kicking the doors. it shows them running on my lot with random keys checking which cars. >> the owner estimates the damage of at least $200,000. the thieves also took all the keys so now he can't move or sell the cars he has. a woman is accusing michael crabtree of assaulting her at the "w" hotel the night after the 9ers defeated the packers in the first play-off game. according to the "chronicle" the investigators say there were two other women present at the time in question. those witnesses say crabtree did not assault anyone. now to the game. the 49ers are sure tonight highlight of super bowl xlvii. but so are the sodas, the candies and all the ads. >> we're talking about multi- million dollar ads. cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran joins with us more on how those ads are hoping to get your attention. i always look forward to the ads on super bowl sunday. >> reporter: don't we all, frank and michelle? that's something we talk about. yeah, the game is exciting but these ads are fun and now this year companies aren't making you wait to watch these commercials. in addition to that, they are letting you decide what goes on the day of the big game. now, for example, coca-cola's ad is already previewed on its website. you can watch it and tell them how the commercial should end. >> mercedes-benz already leaked its ad on facebook already and it's getting hype with comments suggested about the commercial. $4million for 30 second ads to build social buzz about the products before kickoff. companies are working to have a conversation with consumers and give them incentives to take a sneak peek. >> it's not brand-new but i think at least more contests a little bit. some of them are offering prizes if you watch the game you have a chance if you seat ads to win. >> now, experts say seeing the commercial before the game can score big points. not to mention the obvious here the companies that are using this strategy are getting this extra ad time without having to pay a time for that super price for super bowl air time. reporting live in san francisco, cate caugiran, cbs 5. >> they are getting free pub right now but i like to watch the game and when they come out, did you see that one, did you see that one? >> usually you leave the couch on commercials. >> no, record the whole thing. it is 4:41. it's been a while since the 49ers found themselves in the big game. what's changed and what's stayed the same since super bowl xxix? >> the problem, a bay area neighborhood overrun by deer. the ambitious plan to spay more than 100 deer. what that plan is, coming up. ♪ [ music ]♪ >> plus, an inaugural performance on key and perhaps prerecorded. still to come the fallout over beyonce's version of the national anthem. well, well well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv with a total home dvr included free for life. only $29 a month for six months. rethink possible. yesterday in the bitter cold. imal control wor a black and white dog took a run across an icy chicago harbor yesterday in the bitter bitter cold. animal control workers are now looking for his owner. he kept rescue crews busy for three hours yesterday. helicopters hovered overhead and rescue crews had to tranquilize the dog and then crews used ropes to finally pull him to safety. the temperatures there single digits, wind chills below zero. >> i know. so cold! >> freezing there. >> weather? >> no. this first. a south bay community is turning to surgery to solve an animal problem. the problem is deer. they have taken over the gated community known as villages in san jose. the deer population is doubling every year and now there are 170 in the villages. the big draw for the deer is the golf course that provides 1200 acres of food for them year round and management says the deer have caused car crashes injured dogs and done $150,000 in damage to landscaping every year so starting this weekend, workers will tranquilize the does and spay them. >> i think it's worth a try. unless that sense integrity is kept in check and patroled, i think that this will help but i don't think it's a real long- term solution. >> in addition, some deer might be moved to the hills surrounding the south bay. >> they can do a number on your yard. that is for sure. >> especially that many. >> yeah. all right. now -- >> yeah. i just can't get of lawrence. lawrence, lawrence, more lawrence all the time. [ laughter ] >> thank you very much. glad to be in here this morning. hey, folks, we have some changes finally going to see a major change in the weather pattern today. looks like showers making a return outside as finally, the storm system is beginning to develop along the coastline. our cbs 5 high-def doppler radar is picking up some of that moisture off the coast. but as we head through the day this is going to start to sag further south and east and more rain will develop. more light scattered showers especially heading into the afternoon. right now, over the bay we are looking at mostly cloudy skies. the temperatures very mild compared to the last couple of weeks. 40s and 50s. the high pressure is sliding east, the jet stream sagging far enough to the south things staying unsettled even into the weekend. if you are traveling around the state, plan on rain into sacramento. 58 there. 58 in fresno. showers in the high country. snow level very, very high. our computer models showing rain moving into the bay area this afternoon, not heavy, .10" in the wet spots and quarter inch into the santa cruz mountains. that's about it. but it will be the best soaking we have had for some time so it will open up the pattern and clear out the atmosphere. temperatures in the 50s and 60s settling down on thursday and friday, come this weekend a slight chance of showers sunday into monday morning. >> the old storm door is open now. all right, thank you, lawrence. taking you outside, dry for now and right now we have no big accidents out there, nothing blocking lanes. so it's just overnight roadwork including this stretch of the nimitz freeway. this is 880 near the oakland coliseum. southbound 880 from fruitvale towards 66 around where this camera is you will find various lanes blocked. it's scheduled to wrap up in the next 15 minutes or so by about 5:00 so not causing much of a delay. it's still early so you're cruising along that stretch if you have a flight to catch on oakland airport or towards hayward. westbound 580, 14 minutes from the altamont pass to the dublin interchange. nothing but green maybe a little bit of slowing in the eastbound direction through livermore. roadwork on the dumbarton bridge until 6:00. a blanket of arctic air is sending the thermometer to record lows in many parts of the country. more than a dozen states have winter weather advisories stretching from minnesota to florida. authorities say exposure to the cold is being blamed in at least four deaths already. and meteorologists say the bitter temperatures are expected to persist through the weekend for the midwest and the eastern portion of the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton will testify today about the terrorist attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya, four months after the attack that killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three others. clinton was scheduled to appear last month but couldn't because of health problems. the house is set to vote today to extend the nation's debt limit for three months. house republicans are giving up demands for deep spending cuts in exchange for approving an increase to how much the government can borrow. the move keeps the u.s. from defaulting on its debt for the first time in american history. if the approved, the bill would require both chambers of congress to pass a budget or the congress will not get paid. there was a time when the 49ers made a habit of play-off runs to the super bowl but it's been a while. the last trip in 1995 almost two decades ago. cbs 5 reporter mike sugerman reminds us what it was like to be a 9er fan back then. >> i just loved every minute of it. >> reporter: 9er fans celebrated super bowl xxix wearing glasses as big as this. actually they will be celebrating wearing the same big glasses. they came back over 18 years. back then we had a democratic president who enjoyed shooting guns and killing ducks. >> we all shot them with weapons, i might add. >> reporter: they showed off the latest gear at macworld 1995 which included some advanced games. yosemite sam was big. as were the computers you played it on. maybe you were typing email on aol about the big storms. >> they had a lot of rainfall in california. >> reporter: david letterman was right. big storms and floods did damage. >> today mayor rudy giuliani very compassionate man to do what he could -- he airlifted three of new york's finest squeegee guys out to los angeles. >> this case is about a rush to judgment. >> reporter: also in los angeles an obsession in 1994 around the nation a guy named o.j. simpson was accused of killing his wife. according to cochran, lopez was even interviewed by l.a. police detective mark furman. >> reporter: anybody who was anybody covered that case and a young ken bastida was developing his chops back in the day. we were all a bit younger. 18 years to be exact. >> steve young and jerry rice, you have just won the super bowl! what are you going to do next? >> i'm going to disneyland! >> i'm going to disneyworld! >> reporter: we hope colin kaepernick gets a chance to enjoy the magic kingdoms too. mike sugerman, cbs 5. >> ken had a moustache, mike had some hair. >> funny. >> and we are sending a team of reporters to cover super bowl xlvii in the big easy. our coverage will including dennis o'donnell, vern glenn and michelle griego and mike sugerman and you take off on saturday? >> on saturday, yeah. should be fun. time now 4:52. all eyes on beyonce performing on inauguration day. >> now we're learning how the pop singer's catching flak for her lip sync performance coming up. >> facebook is in many senses the new water cooler. >> new water cooler, new rules. what you need to know before you start venting about your job or your boss online. finally the storm clouds rolling back into the bay area. not biggest storm we have ever seen but a chance of showers outside today. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and we are looking good so far this morning. not quite 5:00 and we have nice road conditions on the golden gate, bay bridge and the milpitas cam through 880/237. much more "timesaver traffic" coming up. so you had a bad day at work and need to vent? are there times trashing your boss online is okay? and the answer is, yes! with limits, though. labor regulators now say the same freedoms that workers have to criticize their boss or companies at the water cooler also extend to social media like twitter and facebook. >> it may not be flattering for an employee to say, gosh, there are unsafe working conditions here, i'm worried about this, of the safety of myself and my fellow coworkers. that casts the company in a bad light but that's also protected speech. >> but the national labor relations board warns that discussing company trade secrets publicly or belittling your coworkers could be a firing offense because that type of speech is not aimed at improving wages or working conditions. singer beyonce is getting attention for her performance of the national anthem at the inauguration because of her lack of singing. [ lip syncing the national anthem ] >> sounds good except a spokesman for the marine corps band said yesterday the singer used a prerecorded voice track instead of singing live. no word from camp beyonce but you can bet all eyes will be on her as she performs at the super bowl. and they did say that sometimes they prerecord these just in case weather or they have technical issues and she is still singing. >> it's still her. and it was cold there, too. james taylor said he nearly did the same thing and he had to play guitar. >> who cares. she sounds good. >> looked great, too. former governor of california arnold schwarzenegger hitting the red carpet with a new movie for the german premier of "the last stand" his first starring role since being governor and his co- stars say he was physically ready to jump back in. >> he's in great shape. i mean, as soon as we land somewhere he goes to the gym. it's crazy. i go to the bar, he goes to the gym. [ laughter ] >> the lion gate film took tenth place at the box office in its weekend debut. a church sexual abuse scandal in southern california. we have new details on the leaders that were involved in the cover-up. >> plus, people up past midnight sounding off on a plan to hire guy known as the super cop. the controversial vote before the oakland city council. and super bowl sunday is about the love of the game and the commercials. we'll tell you the new strategy that companies are using to try to get your attention before kickoff. dreamliners. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. don't blame it on the batteries. an update on the investigation that grounded the boeing dreamliners. >> the super cop vote in oakland. the emotional debate that had city leaders and community members up past midnight. >> after a long period of dry weather, looks like the rain is coming back. how long will it stick around? we'll talk about that coming up. roadwork this morning on both directions of the dumbarton bridge. is it slow? we'll let you know coming up. good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, january 23rd. i'm michelle griego. >> ncc. it 1 5:00. >> the debate in oakland ended three hours ago. >> the so-called super cop is going to be consulted now for the police department there and cbs 5 reporter anne makovec is in the newsroom with details on the debate that went half into the night. good morning. >> reporter: it was a nine-hour meeting, you guys. the council approved that contract with bill bratton 7-1 including a provision emphasizing that whatever policies come from the consulting won't permit any racial profiling. bill bratton has been nicknamed the super cop. he is the former police chief of new york and l.a. now charged with advising the opd

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , New York , Germany , Fresno , Oakland , Texas , Florida , Chicago Harbor , Illinois , Dublin , Ireland , Washington , District Of Columbia , Plumas , San Francisco , Fruitvale , Milpitas , Sacramento , Libya , Santa Cruz Mountains , Houston , Los Angeles , Chicago , Americans , German , American , David Letterman , Harvey Weinstein , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Michael Crabtree , Michelle Griego , Manny Vega , James Taylor , Chris Stevens , Jackie Speier , Rudy Giuliani , Roger Mahony , Linda Marie Macdonald , Hillary Clinton , Mike Thompson , Vern Glenn ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Early Edition 20130123 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Early Edition 20130123

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support that policy. mayor quan's office sent out a letter this morning saying the aclu down in los angeles reported a dramatic drop in police-related complaints during his tenure as the chief of the lapd. live in the newsroom, anne makovec, cbs 5. >> thank you. five men under arrest this morning for the shooting of an oakland police officer. the undercover cop was at an stakeout in east oakland on monday when a group of men approached his car and shot him in the arm. the manhunt for suspects also uncovered several weapons. officers say two of the suspects are known gang members. >> i think anytime we have subjects who are willing to confront the police and pull the trigger on an officer, i think we have to take that very seriously. >> well, police are not releasing the names of the men arrested. they say they are still following up on search warrants and looking for additional suspects a bay area director's feature film about oscar grant has become the breakout hit of the sundance film festival. the movie "fruitvale" is a drama about the days leading up to the deadly 2009 shooting at the fruitvale bart station. it was so popular, it sparked a bidding war at sundance to distribute the film. the winner was an independent powerhouse harvey weinstein who distributed last year's oscar winner the artist. a fire in a chicago warehouse. fire crews are still on the scene as of an hour ago. you can see the flames rising from the top of the building as plumas of smoke roll into the sky. a massive fire -- told us it is so cold right now in chicago, the water they are spraying on the structure is actually freezing as it hits. among republicans. 53 percent in the g-o-p now support citizenship. that's up from 31 percent in the 2010 survey. sex abuse victims in the ocese of los angeles are making a renewed call for criminal prosecutions. re sexual abuse victims in the archdiocese of los angeles documents show the church protected molester priests. about 30- thousand pages were made public in a 660-million dollar settlement. files show... now retired los angeles archdiocese cardinal.... roger mahony....was involved in the cover-up. there are more than 500 victims and many say.... the church was looking out for itself. "sot: manny vega, victim/ conscious, clear decisions were made to hide these priests and move them around and never, never did they consider the well-being of the children that they destroyed and left behind." it's unclear what kinds of charges can be brought against >> conscious clear decisions were made to hide these priests move them around and never, never did they consider the well-being of the children that they destroyed and left behind. >> it's unclear what kind of charges can be brought up against church officials since the statute of limitations has expired. more documents implicating other priests are expected to be released in the coming weeks. 4:35 now. a congressional hearing is set for today in another sexual abuse scandal this one involving the air force. 32 instructors face allegations of rape and other assaults involving 59 trainees at the lackland air base in texas. officials and victims are expected to testify. jackie speier was the first to call for such a hearing. classes will resume today at a community college in texas. three people are recovering from a shooting at lone star college near houston yesterday. witnesses say two men were arguing in a courtyard outside the library. one of them pulled a gun and shot the other. that sent everyone in the area diving for cover. >> we couldn't actually hear what they were arguing about, but we could hear them arguing. the shooter actually, you know, wanted, you know, he said, uhm, i don't want to fight you. i'm not trying to go to jail. and he actually turned away from the situation. but whatever ticked him off, whatever they said, turned around, got it out of his backpack and just started shooting. >> a maintenance man was also hit. the target of the shooting is in critical condition now. police say the accused gunman accidentally shot himself in the leg and is under arrest. a north bay congressman holds a hearing on gun violence in washington this an. democrat mike thompson chairing the congressional gun violence prevention task force. the hearing today is to consider possible options for reducing gun violence while respecting the second amendment rights of law-abiding americans. why don't we check the weather? >> it's about to change. we have nice weather and now a little bit of rain. >> dusting off that doppler. haven't been able to do that in a while. looks like we have some changes coming our way. some showers beginning to pop up outside at least in the north bay right now, check out the doppler radar and you can see some of that moisture headed in that direction. looks like things will slowly slide across the rest of the bay area today. i think even a better chance toward the afternoon. you can see all the clouds moving in across our skies. they have kept the temperatures fairly mild outside but we're waiting for the back side of the system when it moves through later today. that's when i think the rain will pick up. right now temperatures mild compared to what it's been. mostly cloudy skies no freezing temperatures this morning. 44 in concord. yesterday breezing in santa rose, today 45 degrees because of the cloud cover. this afternoon some scattered showers, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. more rain on the way. we'll talk about that coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> a lot of the roadwork is wrapping up by 5:00 this morning including on the upper deck of the bay bridge. they have a couple of lanes blocked on the incline section. no wait behind the pay gates. everything is quiet so far heading into san francisco. we'll let you know when they reopen all lanes on the upper deck. elsewhere to the san mateo bridge. everything looks great in both directions. super light. 14 minutes is the drive time between the span of hayward and foster city in both directions of eastbound and westbound 92. and to our maps now, some areas of overnight roadwork still in lanes both directions of the dumbarton bridge. westbound wrapping up in the next 20 minutes, eastbound extends until 6 a.m. and up and down the nimitz southbound 880 between fruitvale and 66 various lanes blocked. again, that is supposed to wrap up here by 5 a.m. that is traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you. a dozen luxury cars nabbed during a daring east bay heist. police say the suspects drove off with the vehicles from this used car lot in hayward on monday. they included mercedes, jaguars and bmws. officers found one of the cars nearby. the suspects apparently ditched it when it ran out of gas. some of the surveillance cameras were working and caught the suspects in the act. >> seen about four or five young guys, saw them kicking the doors. it shows them running on my lot with random keys checking which cars. >> the owner estimates the damage of at least $200,000. the thieves also took all the keys so now he can't move or sell the cars he has. a woman is accusing michael crabtree of assaulting her at the "w" hotel the night after the 9ers defeated the packers in the first play-off game. according to the "chronicle" the investigators say there were two other women present at the time in question. those witnesses say crabtree did not assault anyone. now to the game. the 49ers are sure tonight highlight of super bowl xlvii. but so are the sodas, the candies and all the ads. >> we're talking about multi- million dollar ads. cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran joins with us more on how those ads are hoping to get your attention. i always look forward to the ads on super bowl sunday. >> reporter: don't we all, frank and michelle? that's something we talk about. yeah, the game is exciting but these ads are fun and now this year companies aren't making you wait to watch these commercials. in addition to that, they are letting you decide what goes on the day of the big game. now, for example, coca-cola's ad is already previewed on its website. you can watch it and tell them how the commercial should end. >> mercedes-benz already leaked its ad on facebook already and it's getting hype with comments suggested about the commercial. $4million for 30 second ads to build social buzz about the products before kickoff. companies are working to have a conversation with consumers and give them incentives to take a sneak peek. >> it's not brand-new but i think at least more contests a little bit. some of them are offering prizes if you watch the game you have a chance if you seat ads to win. >> now, experts say seeing the commercial before the game can score big points. not to mention the obvious here the companies that are using this strategy are getting this extra ad time without having to pay a time for that super price for super bowl air time. reporting live in san francisco, cate caugiran, cbs 5. >> they are getting free pub right now but i like to watch the game and when they come out, did you see that one, did you see that one? >> usually you leave the couch on commercials. >> no, record the whole thing. it is 4:41. it's been a while since the 49ers found themselves in the big game. what's changed and what's stayed the same since super bowl xxix? >> the problem, a bay area neighborhood overrun by deer. the ambitious plan to spay more than 100 deer. what that plan is, coming up. ♪ [ music ]♪ >> plus, an inaugural performance on key and perhaps prerecorded. still to come the fallout over beyonce's version of the national anthem. well, well well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv with a total home dvr included free for life. only $29 a month for six months. rethink possible. yesterday in the bitter cold. imal control wor a black and white dog took a run across an icy chicago harbor yesterday in the bitter bitter cold. animal control workers are now looking for his owner. he kept rescue crews busy for three hours yesterday. helicopters hovered overhead and rescue crews had to tranquilize the dog and then crews used ropes to finally pull him to safety. the temperatures there single digits, wind chills below zero. >> i know. so cold! >> freezing there. >> weather? >> no. this first. a south bay community is turning to surgery to solve an animal problem. the problem is deer. they have taken over the gated community known as villages in san jose. the deer population is doubling every year and now there are 170 in the villages. the big draw for the deer is the golf course that provides 1200 acres of food for them year round and management says the deer have caused car crashes injured dogs and done $150,000 in damage to landscaping every year so starting this weekend, workers will tranquilize the does and spay them. >> i think it's worth a try. unless that sense integrity is kept in check and patroled, i think that this will help but i don't think it's a real long- term solution. >> in addition, some deer might be moved to the hills surrounding the south bay. >> they can do a number on your yard. that is for sure. >> especially that many. >> yeah. all right. now -- >> yeah. i just can't get of lawrence. lawrence, lawrence, more lawrence all the time. [ laughter ] >> thank you very much. glad to be in here this morning. hey, folks, we have some changes finally going to see a major change in the weather pattern today. looks like showers making a return outside as finally, the storm system is beginning to develop along the coastline. our cbs 5 high-def doppler radar is picking up some of that moisture off the coast. but as we head through the day this is going to start to sag further south and east and more rain will develop. more light scattered showers especially heading into the afternoon. right now, over the bay we are looking at mostly cloudy skies. the temperatures very mild compared to the last couple of weeks. 40s and 50s. the high pressure is sliding east, the jet stream sagging far enough to the south things staying unsettled even into the weekend. if you are traveling around the state, plan on rain into sacramento. 58 there. 58 in fresno. showers in the high country. snow level very, very high. our computer models showing rain moving into the bay area this afternoon, not heavy, .10" in the wet spots and quarter inch into the santa cruz mountains. that's about it. but it will be the best soaking we have had for some time so it will open up the pattern and clear out the atmosphere. temperatures in the 50s and 60s settling down on thursday and friday, come this weekend a slight chance of showers sunday into monday morning. >> the old storm door is open now. all right, thank you, lawrence. taking you outside, dry for now and right now we have no big accidents out there, nothing blocking lanes. so it's just overnight roadwork including this stretch of the nimitz freeway. this is 880 near the oakland coliseum. southbound 880 from fruitvale towards 66 around where this camera is you will find various lanes blocked. it's scheduled to wrap up in the next 15 minutes or so by about 5:00 so not causing much of a delay. it's still early so you're cruising along that stretch if you have a flight to catch on oakland airport or towards hayward. westbound 580, 14 minutes from the altamont pass to the dublin interchange. nothing but green maybe a little bit of slowing in the eastbound direction through livermore. roadwork on the dumbarton bridge until 6:00. a blanket of arctic air is sending the thermometer to record lows in many parts of the country. more than a dozen states have winter weather advisories stretching from minnesota to florida. authorities say exposure to the cold is being blamed in at least four deaths already. and meteorologists say the bitter temperatures are expected to persist through the weekend for the midwest and the eastern portion of the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton will testify today about the terrorist attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya, four months after the attack that killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three others. clinton was scheduled to appear last month but couldn't because of health problems. the house is set to vote today to extend the nation's debt limit for three months. house republicans are giving up demands for deep spending cuts in exchange for approving an increase to how much the government can borrow. the move keeps the u.s. from defaulting on its debt for the first time in american history. if the approved, the bill would require both chambers of congress to pass a budget or the congress will not get paid. there was a time when the 49ers made a habit of play-off runs to the super bowl but it's been a while. the last trip in 1995 almost two decades ago. cbs 5 reporter mike sugerman reminds us what it was like to be a 9er fan back then. >> i just loved every minute of it. >> reporter: 9er fans celebrated super bowl xxix wearing glasses as big as this. actually they will be celebrating wearing the same big glasses. they came back over 18 years. back then we had a democratic president who enjoyed shooting guns and killing ducks. >> we all shot them with weapons, i might add. >> reporter: they showed off the latest gear at macworld 1995 which included some advanced games. yosemite sam was big. as were the computers you played it on. maybe you were typing email on aol about the big storms. >> they had a lot of rainfall in california. >> reporter: david letterman was right. big storms and floods did damage. >> today mayor rudy giuliani very compassionate man to do what he could -- he airlifted three of new york's finest squeegee guys out to los angeles. >> this case is about a rush to judgment. >> reporter: also in los angeles an obsession in 1994 around the nation a guy named o.j. simpson was accused of killing his wife. according to cochran, lopez was even interviewed by l.a. police detective mark furman. >> reporter: anybody who was anybody covered that case and a young ken bastida was developing his chops back in the day. we were all a bit younger. 18 years to be exact. >> steve young and jerry rice, you have just won the super bowl! what are you going to do next? >> i'm going to disneyland! >> i'm going to disneyworld! >> reporter: we hope colin kaepernick gets a chance to enjoy the magic kingdoms too. mike sugerman, cbs 5. >> ken had a moustache, mike had some hair. >> funny. >> and we are sending a team of reporters to cover super bowl xlvii in the big easy. our coverage will including dennis o'donnell, vern glenn and michelle griego and mike sugerman and you take off on saturday? >> on saturday, yeah. should be fun. time now 4:52. all eyes on beyonce performing on inauguration day. >> now we're learning how the pop singer's catching flak for her lip sync performance coming up. >> facebook is in many senses the new water cooler. >> new water cooler, new rules. what you need to know before you start venting about your job or your boss online. finally the storm clouds rolling back into the bay area. not biggest storm we have ever seen but a chance of showers outside today. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and we are looking good so far this morning. not quite 5:00 and we have nice road conditions on the golden gate, bay bridge and the milpitas cam through 880/237. much more "timesaver traffic" coming up. so you had a bad day at work and need to vent? are there times trashing your boss online is okay? and the answer is, yes! with limits, though. labor regulators now say the same freedoms that workers have to criticize their boss or companies at the water cooler also extend to social media like twitter and facebook. >> it may not be flattering for an employee to say, gosh, there are unsafe working conditions here, i'm worried about this, of the safety of myself and my fellow coworkers. that casts the company in a bad light but that's also protected speech. >> but the national labor relations board warns that discussing company trade secrets publicly or belittling your coworkers could be a firing offense because that type of speech is not aimed at improving wages or working conditions. singer beyonce is getting attention for her performance of the national anthem at the inauguration because of her lack of singing. [ lip syncing the national anthem ] >> sounds good except a spokesman for the marine corps band said yesterday the singer used a prerecorded voice track instead of singing live. no word from camp beyonce but you can bet all eyes will be on her as she performs at the super bowl. and they did say that sometimes they prerecord these just in case weather or they have technical issues and she is still singing. >> it's still her. and it was cold there, too. james taylor said he nearly did the same thing and he had to play guitar. >> who cares. she sounds good. >> looked great, too. former governor of california arnold schwarzenegger hitting the red carpet with a new movie for the german premier of "the last stand" his first starring role since being governor and his co- stars say he was physically ready to jump back in. >> he's in great shape. i mean, as soon as we land somewhere he goes to the gym. it's crazy. i go to the bar, he goes to the gym. [ laughter ] >> the lion gate film took tenth place at the box office in its weekend debut. a church sexual abuse scandal in southern california. we have new details on the leaders that were involved in the cover-up. >> plus, people up past midnight sounding off on a plan to hire guy known as the super cop. the controversial vote before the oakland city council. and super bowl sunday is about the love of the game and the commercials. we'll tell you the new strategy that companies are using to try to get your attention before kickoff. dreamliners. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. don't blame it on the batteries. an update on the investigation that grounded the boeing dreamliners. >> the super cop vote in oakland. the emotional debate that had city leaders and community members up past midnight. >> after a long period of dry weather, looks like the rain is coming back. how long will it stick around? we'll talk about that coming up. roadwork this morning on both directions of the dumbarton bridge. is it slow? we'll let you know coming up. good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, january 23rd. i'm michelle griego. >> ncc. it 1 5:00. >> the debate in oakland ended three hours ago. >> the so-called super cop is going to be consulted now for the police department there and cbs 5 reporter anne makovec is in the newsroom with details on the debate that went half into the night. good morning. >> reporter: it was a nine-hour meeting, you guys. the council approved that contract with bill bratton 7-1 including a provision emphasizing that whatever policies come from the consulting won't permit any racial profiling. bill bratton has been nicknamed the super cop. he is the former police chief of new york and l.a. now charged with advising the opd

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